12-058-038 plats etc FILES RECEIVED FROM SPOKANE COUNTY Archive Box#12-058-038 #C3, bei�e ta�, Desmet Road Pian and Profile, 1984 #C6, bei�e ta�, 19221 E Buckeve, Draina�e and Street Pian and Profile, 1985 #C7, bei�e ta�,Valiev Library Addition and Remodei Pian and Profile, Perrine Road and Main Avenue, 1985 #C16,bei�e ta�, Mont�omery Drive West of Oberiand Street Pian, Section 8, T25N,R44E WM, 1985 #C17, bei�e ta�, Pro�ress Road Street Pian North from Spra�ue, 1985 #C25,bei�e ta�, Hutchinson Center Pian and Profile, SE 1/4 Section 7, T25N,R44E WM, 1987 #C28,bei�e ta�, 32°a Ciinton to SSH No.27 Ciinton North of 32°a Bindin� Site Pian No. 8 Spokane Co Engineering Approved: September 19, 1984 #C29,bei�e ta�, Giobai Equipment Street Pian and Profile, 10310 E Mont�omery Drive, 1989 #C30, bei�e ta�, Rov Nvhoim, 2615 S Ever�reen Road,Addition Pians, Section 27, T25N,R44E WM and Section 2 6, T25N, R44E WM, 1989 #C31,bei�e ta�, Baker Steei Street Pian and Profile, 10311 E Mont�omery Drive Spokane Co: Filed September 17, 1989 #C35, bei�e ta�, Water Main Extension Trentwood Federai Credit Union,Adams and Trent, Trentwood Irri�ation District#3, 1979 #C36,bei�e ta�, 2309 and 2403 N Universitv Road Street Pian, ZE-09-83, Section 8, T25N,R44E WM and Section 9, T25N,R25N,WM, 1990 #C37, bei�e ta�, Coca Cola Company Pian and Pro�ile, Mont�omery Dr and Woodruff Road, 1990 #C43A, bei�e ta�,Arbor Grove Mobile Home Park, Draina�e Pians Phase A& B,Lot and Swale Detaiis Spokane Co Engineering Approved: April 23, 1993 #C47,bei�e ta�, Iniand Construction Street Pian and Profile,Aiki Avenue West of Pines (16-25-44), 1994 #C49,bei�e ta�, Main, Best and 14301 E Spra�ue Street/Curb Pian Spokane Co Engineering Approved: May 30, 1995 #D5,bei�e ta�, U-Citv Arms Condominium Pian,W 78' of Lot 5 and ali of Lot 6,Biock 4, Opportunitv Piat 3, Section 17, T25N,R44E WM Auditor's Certificate: filed 30 day of June, 1971, Book 10,Pages 14 & 15,Plat#1974 (559349C) #D7,bei�e ta�, Condominium Pian of Universitv Citv Manor, Lot 7 and the N 21' of the East 182' of Lot 8, Biock 4, Opportunitv Piat 3, Section 17, T25N,R44E WM Spokane Co Engineering: Filed November 28, 1972 in Volume I of Condominiums, Pages 32 and 33,Plat#2068 (661724C) #D8,bei�e ta�, The Coachman Condominium Pian, E1/2 of Lots 2,3 and 4 in Biock 4 Auditor's Certificate: filed 12 day of January, 1973, Volume 150 of Deeds, Pages 752-766 (7301120237) Page 1 of 4 #D11,bei�e ta�, Kokomo Townsites Pierce Road Pian/Profiles: 32nd Avenue to 24th Avenue; 29th Avenue from Universitv Road to Bowdish Road; 24th Avenue from Universitv to Bowdish Road; 32nd Avenue from Universitv Road to Bowdish Road; 32nd Avenue from Bowdish Road to Pines Road; 30th Avenue from Universitv Road to Bowdish Road; 25th Avenue from Universitv Road to Bowdish Road; 26th Avenue from Universitv Road to Bowdish Road; Bowdish Road from 24th Avenue to 32nd Avenue; Gienn Road from 32nd Avenue to 24th Avenue; 31st Avenue from Universitv Road to Bowdish Road; Skipworth Road from 32nd Avenue to 24th Avenue; 27th Avenue from Universitv Road to Bowdish Road; 28th Avenue from Universitv Road to Bowdish Road; Universitv Road from 32nd Avenue to 24th Avenue; and Universitv Road from 32nd Avenue to 24t�Avenue, 1968 #D12,bei�e ta�, Second Avenue Profile Pian,West of Bowdish, 214' Spokane Co Engineering Approved: May 17, 1978 #D13,bei�e ta�, Centrai Park, Sixth Avenue to Ei�hth Avenue to Eastern Street Pian Spokane Co Engineering Approved: June 11, 1980 #D16, bei�e ta�, New Curb Location and Desi�n Pian, North Side of Ei�hth Avenue Between Robin and Pines Road, 1981 #D17,bei�e ta�, Heraid Street North of Spra�ue Pian and Profile, Section 17, T25N, R44E WM, 1982 #D22, bei�e ta�, Bili Horn Draina�e and Pavin�Pian, Lot 1,Biock 1 of Broadwav View Subdivision, as recorded in Piat Book 3, Pa�e 43, 1983 #D24, bei�e ta�, Fourth Avenue Apartment Compiex Roadwav Section, 511 Suliivan Road, 1986 #D25,bei�e ta�, Pratt Elementary(�a,Fourth Avenue Site Improvements Spokane Co Engineering Approved: August 19, 1987 #D33, bei�e ta�,Asiin Finch Feed Store, 14705 E Spra�ue and Adams, Draina�e and Street Pian, NE corner Spra�ue Ave and Adams Rd Spokane Co Engineering Approved:November 15, 1989 #D40, bei�e ta�,Valiev Youn� Peopies Ciinic Sidewaik Pian, Mavhew Road Spra�ue Avenue to North, 1991 #D42,bei�e ta�, Desmet Avenue between Pines and Vercier Street Pian and Profile, 1992 #D44, bei�e ta�,VOA Livin� Center IV, 4403 E Ei�hth, Miscelianeous Pians: Pavement, 1992 #D49,bei�e ta�, St Mary's Church, 302 S Adams (a�Fourth Avenue (800+West of Adams Road) Curb Desi�n and Road Widenin� Spokane Co Engineer Approved: May 15, 1995 #D50, Fourth Avenue Road Widenin�Pian (21-25-44), 1995 #E15,bei�e ta�, Giliis Road-Fairview Avenue to Raiiroad Ri�ht of Wav Street Profile, Section 9, T25N, R44E WM, 1979 #E18,bei�e ta�, East Valiev Schooi District Elementary Schooi Buiidin� Fiora Road Improvement Pians- Curbin�, 1981 #E19,bei�e ta�, Suliivan Road Pian and Pro�ile, Section 14, T25N,R44E,WM, 1982 #E24,bei�e ta�, Curb Lavout NW Corner of Spra�ue Avenue and Ever�reen Road, 1983 Page 2 of 4 #E25,bei�e ta�,Wiibur Road Pian and Profile, Section 9, T25N, R44E,WM, 1989 #E27,bei�e ta�, Mont�omery Drive West of Shannon Street Pian Revision Spokane Co Engineer Approved: August 6, 1984 #E30,bei�e ta�, Broadwav Comfort Inn Street Pian and Profile Eastern and Malion North of Broadwav, Section 13, T25N,R43E WM, 19, 1987 Spokane Co Engineer Approved: January 13, 1988 #E31,bei�e ta�, Maxweli Avenue West of Pines, Curb Pian and Pro�ile, 1991 #E36,bei�e ta�, Romax Associates Street Pian and Profile, Mission Avenue to Maxweli Avenue, 1990 #C39,bei�e ta�, United Buv and Seli Furniture Warehouse Custer Street Pian and Profile, Section 23, T25N, R43E WM, 1991 #E41,bei�e ta�, McDonaid Apartments,Valievwav Road Street Pian, Section 15, T25N, R44E WM, 1992 #E42,bei�e ta�, Banner Fuei, 5707 E Broadwav, Howe Road Street Pian, 1992 #E43,bei�e ta�, Homestead Apartments, McDonaid Road, Street Pian and Profile, Section 3, T25N, R44E WM, 1993 #E46,bei�e ta�, Haskins Company Street Pian and Profile, Howe Street and Sharp Ave #E48,bei�e ta�, Miiholiand Mobile Home Park Street Pian and Draina�e, 18717 E Boone Avenue Spokane Co Engineer Approved: April 13, 1995 #384,white ta�, Jenicke Subdivision Finai Piat, located in Tracts 211 and 212 of Opportunitv, S 1/2 of Section 21, T24N,R44E WM, 1956 Auditor's Certificate: Filed 16 day of October, 1957,remaining information not legible #403, red ta�, Finai Piat of Kin� Subdivision, a repiat of Biocks 1 and 2 and the N 132' of Biock 11 of Trentwood Orchards in Section 2, T25N, R44E WM Auditor's Certificate, Filed 31 day of July, 1957,Plat Book#5,Page 61, Plat#1532 (474724B) #430, red ta�, Finai Piat of Repiat of Part of Gravs First Addition located in NE1/4, Section 22, T25N,R44E WM Auditor's Certificate: Filed 28 February, 1958,Plat Book 5, Page 83, Plat#1554 #476, red ta�, Finai Piat of Johnson Park Subdivision, a piat in the Wl/2 of Tract 74 of Opportunitv in Section 16, T25N,R44E WM Auditor's Certificate: Filed 29 day of September, 1959,Plat Book#6,Page 54,Plat#1625 #516B,bei�e ta�, Finai Piat of Chester Terrace Second Addition, a piat of a portion of the Wl/2 of the NE1/4 of Section 29, T25N, R44E WM Auditor's Certificate: Filed 23 day of March, 1965 (936870),remaining information not legible #682,yeliow ta�, Finai Piat of South Coliins Addition,bein� a part of the NE1/4, NWl/4, SWl/4 of Section 22, T25N,R44E WM Auditor's Certificate: Filed 21 of May, 1969,Plat Book 9,Page 23, Plat#1892 (427287C) #729, �reen ta�, Finai Piat of Moore's Suburban Homes First Addition, a piat in the NE1/4, Section 22, T25N,R44E WM Auditor's Certificate: Filed 19 day of November, 1969,Plat Book 9,Page 57, Plat#1923 (459677C) Page 3 of 4 #776, �reen ta�, Finai Piat of Woifcrest Addition, located in the SE1/4 of Section 22, T25N, R44E WM Auditor's Certificate: Filed 11 day of October, 1971,Plat Book 10, Page 34, Plat#1995 #786, �reen ta�, Finai Piat of Hi�hview Acres Addition,bein� a part of the Wl/2 of Tract 46 of Opportunitv in Section 16, T25N, R44E WM, 1971 Auditor's Certificate: date not legible, Plat Book 10, Page 36, Plat#1997 799, �reen ta�, Finai Piat of Marisoi Addition (Houk Road/Sixth Avenue), the S1/2 of the E 2/5 of Tract 188 of Opportunitv, Section 22, T25N, R44E,WM Auditor's Certificate: Filed 3 day of January, 1972,Plat Book 10,Page 47, Plat#2008 #817, red ta�, Finai Piat for lOth Addition to Veradale Hei�hts, Part of NWl/4 of Section 14, T25N, R44E WM Auditor's Certificate: Filed 11 day of March, 1972,Plat Book 10,Page 70, Plat#2036 #820, red ta�, Finai Piat of Donalee Addition, Mamer Road from Main Avenue to Valievwav and Main Avenue, a piat in a portion of the SE1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 15, T25N,R44E WM Auditor's Certificate: 1974,remaining date not legible, Plat Book#11, Page 84, Plat#2180 (7404290164) Page 4 of 4