Resolution 12-002 Governance Manual CITY OF SPOI{ANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON 1t�SOLUTION NO. 12-002 A R�SOLUTION Oi' TH� CiTY OT SPOKAN� VALLEY, SPOKANE C�UNTY, WASHINGTON, Tt�PEALING AND R�PLACII`r'G CITY Or SPOKANE VALLEY RESOLUTION 1U-020 WITH ATTACHM�NT A `G�VERNANCE COORDINATION MANUAL' COMPRISING TH� CITY COUNC�L'S COMPREH�NSIV� COLL�CTION OF ME�TING RULES AND PROCEDUI�S,AND OTHER MATT�RS R�LATING TH�RET(}. WH�REAS, ��vi•itten rules of procedt�re regar•ding ho�v ttie Cl� COII[lCl� coitcii�cts its policy- making business for the Ciry best �ssu��e an atE��ospl�ew•e coi�ducive to ef�c3eMtcy, unifo�•mity and consiste►�cy; and WHEREAS, tt�e ri�les and procedures adopted by the Council by wlticl�they cot�duct the policy- rnaki��g business of the City neeci to b0 a�nended fi•om tima to timE to reflect changes in the �a�v a�id practice af the Council. NOW TI�REFORE, be it i•eso�ved by tl�e Ciky Couticil of t��e City of Spokane Valley, Spok�ne Coiinty, Wasl�ington, as foEfo�vs; Section 1: �n December 28, 2010, Couucil adopted Resohitioi� 10-020 repealing and replacing t}ie pre�iously adopted City of Sp6ka�ie Valiey ResoIution Q9-Q12 �vith Attachtnent A Goveritance Coordination Man�cal. Seetion 2. Tlie Coii��cil he��eby repeals Resolution 10-020 �vith Attaehment A Gavernance Coordination Man�ial, and i•eplaces it �vitti "City of Spoka�ae Valley Gove�•��a��ce Maclual," ��vhicla contains Ap�endiees to t�iak Man��al, i��cluding but not limiteei to, the formez•ly adapted "Ge��eral Policy Resolution of Core Beliefs," as ���ell as "Councilir�embers' Stateinent of Ethics," all of rvhich is attached hereka and i��cor}�orateci herein. Sectiou 3. Effective Date, Tliis Resolution shall be in fizll force anc�effective u�oi�adoption, Adopted this 10"' day of April,2012. ATT�ST;r',� � ( �/ .� ;� . �.: � < - t- - -- � ti, " Tfto���as E,Totvey�Mayor - Christiiie Bainbridge, Ci� Clerk -- `� Ap �•ovec� s to �oS�� ,� - O fic f tll� Ci Aitar�iey I / ` �\ CITY Or � ��� � � � +��ve�n an ce 1Vl�an u al R��oiut�o�, � 2-002 A C'omprehensive Collec�i�n �f Rules and Procedures Adopted April 1(}, 2012 Resalutio�i 03-02$ ac�opted 5-13-2003, re�laced by Resolutiori 04-013 acfoptec� 5-25-2004, replaced by Resoii�tion OS-021 adopted 9-13-2405, z�e�laced by Resolutioti QG-022 adnpted 11-14�2006,replacect by Resolution 07-020, adopted 12-�1-2007, �•eplaced by Resol«tion 09-012, adopted 09-08-2004, replaced by Resolutian 10�020, ado�ted 12-28-2010, i•eplaced by Resolution 12-002, ado��ted 04-10-2012 l TABLE QF CONTENTS CHAPT�R 1: Cauncil Meetings ...................................................................... 4 A, Ge�ieral ............................................................ .................................... 5 1. Time and Location .................................................................................... 5 2. O�en to ttie Public .................................................................................... 5 3. Presiding Officer ..............�........,,,.,.,.............................,...................,.... 5 B. Ty�es of Meetiags ..................................................................................... 6 1. RegularMeetings .................................................................................... 6 a, Formal Forii�at .................................................................................. 6 b. Study Session Foi•mat ........................................................................... 8 c. �aecutive Sessions ............................................................................. d0 2, Speeial Meeting �................................................................................... 11 3. Pre-Age��da 1Vleeti�ig ................................................................................. 12 C. Meeting Rules a�icl Procec�ures ........................................................................ 12 1. Council Rules of Orde�. ............................................................................. 12 2. Quorurn ...................................................................�.,,.,,,,,.,..,,............. 12 3. Attendatice, Excused Abseitices ................................................................... I2 4. Respect aud Decorum .............................................................................. 13 5. SeatiugArrangement ................................................................................. 13 b. Dissents a��d Pi•otests ................................................................................ 13 7. Councilmember Meeting Particip�tion by Tele�l�o��eNideo Co��fere��ce .................. 13 8.Adjourntnent Due to Emerg�ney or Disr���tion ................................................. 13 9. Permissio�.Required to Address the CauEfcil .................................................... 13 ]0. Approaching the Dais .............................................................................. 14 11. Out of Ord�r Requests ............................................................................. 1� 12. Photograp�is, etc. Requiring A��tificial Illumi�3at�on Prior Pei•missio�i Rec�uired ...,„.... 14 13. Voting ................................................................................................ 1� 14. Motions ancf Discussio�i ........................................................................... 14 Table of Pariiam�ntary P�•ocedu�•e at a Glance ........................................... 1 b 15. Ordinauces ........................................................................................... 17 16. Resol�itions ........................................................................................... 17 17. Reconsideration ..................................................................................... 17 18. Cot�ticil mat��•ials/packeks .......................................................................... 18 19. Three Touch Principle .............................................................................. 18 CHAPT�R 2: Legisiative Processes and�'roceclures .............................................. 2Q A. Election afCot�ncil Officers ............................................................................ 21 B. Filling Co�izzcil Vacanc�es ............................................�................,................ 21 C. Legislati�fe Agendas ...................................................................................... 21 D. Cou��cilTi�a�elPravisio»s ............................................................................. 21 CHAPT�R 3t Council Co�itacts ......................................................................... 23 A. Citi zen Contacts anci Intei•aetions .................................................................... 24 1. Mayoi•/Co��ncii Correspot�d�iice ............................................................. 2� 2. Citizeii Conee��ns, �'t�mplaints aiid Suggestions to Council .............................. 24 3. Administrative Complaints to Inc�ividual CouiiciltYie�nbei�s ............................. 24 4. SocialMedia .................................................................................... 24 B. Staff Contacts ai�d Interactions ....................................................................... 25 l. Role af tlie City Managei• ..................................................................... 25 2. City staff Aktendanee at Meetings ........................................................... 25 3. CityClerk—Minutes ............................................................................ 25 4. Administrative Interference by C�uncil�netnbers ........................................ 25 2; S. Informal Co�nmunications Eticouraged .................................................... 26 CHAPT�R 4: Heaa�ia�gs .................................................................................. 27 A. Gene�•al Pl�bl ic Hearings ............................................................................... 28 1. Purpose ..............................�,,............................................,............. 28 2. Legislati�e Hearings ............................................................................ 2$ B. Quasi-Judicial ........................................................................................... 29 1. Purpose ........................................................................................... 29 2. Sp�cific Stahrtoty ProvisioYis .................................................................. 29 3. Actioris/Proceclures for a Ql�asi-Judiciaf Public Heat�i��g ................................ 29 4.Ap�earance ofFairness Doct�•ine ........................................................... 31 CHAPT�R 5: Committees,BoaiY�S}Carnmissions ................................................. 33 A, Regional ...............................................................................................�,. 34 �. �OIIlil11tte85 ...................................................................................... 34 2. COLIiICl�RBI�t10riS�V1�I1 BO�1'(�S, Coinmissio�is,Advisoty Bodies ...................... 34 B. IIl-IlO1158 ...........................................................�...,.....,............................ 34 1. Standing Commit�ees ........................................................................... 34 a. Plaauiing Com�nissio�� ............�..................................................... 34 b, Lodging Tax Advisory Com�»itkee ................................................. 35 c. Finance Convnittee .................................................................. 35 C. Frivate Committees, Boards, Commissions ......................................................... 36 CHA�T�R 6: D'rsclai�ner ................................................................................. 3 7 A. Pui•pose ................................................................................................... 37 B. Use ........................................................�,,,,,,..,...............,..............,........ 37 C. Reliance ...............�,,...�.....................................................,,........,.,........... 37 A���en�lfces: A. DefinifiQ7is ............................................................................................�.. 38 B. Freque��tly Used Ac�•onyms ............................................................................ 39 C. Optional Comn�ittee Re�ort Forij� ................................................................... 42 D. Palicy Resolution af Co�•e Bel iefs .................................................................. 43 E Statement of Ethics ...................................................................................... 45 F. Inciex ...................................................................................................... �1G �ndnotes ....................................................................................................... 48 3 CHAPTER 1 Council Meetings ;,. �� ��: . ., , .�, ; � �;rc;;� ��, i, ���,� ,i �r�t' - �a . �, '�, i .� r 1.�]. Y„i_ Rl�f�iff a �.� �,xw � � �� � � 1 u�,;'�' f..�1 t'711 ��� f 1 !��.. r� ��v:31� k� �r�.r ' 4 ��l au,51 u� ° � e��-i.' lil� ��� �' __- . � 1 �' , . �,,�, .�.� �: � . ����4r �� -� � � 1( ` y1�1�! N r f�-., 4 ( a t _� i � �` *t,�� ���� � ;� � ��� ������• � �', �,� i + � , 1 ' �� ,1M' ! ',�13 t��"'�`���' � ',t;r, � ) !� i r�_� 1 �r.`' � I� ,� , . I ,. ,• �� � � ,� ,� � i �. � ,, �-i i .�t i< <.��,�i�w�.j�!' .� f.'�' �I' i `� I, . "�i 'f s' ;�� � ' { � ! ���; �.� � � ! i �� ;�a' �i�' �� ��'� � ' _ , • � f i��� t��, �`� �!�� ��}i;, �� ;� � S F; i, „� ,,,f�' �'���� %�� � I �'� � '�� 'y�I{t t �' .�4._t �, , ' �! ,rr�l�t J, i . `�,� �y ✓ �� +�� �, 1:nr ��ilr�+� a �� '` � ' 1 ��� E �'i f'�� `SJ; r ',�1 Yf � / �`y F� ' � f r '� i, '.°I ai >4�> � ls,� �4 � / C, '� �� t y, �� � s 1 (� '����` t�' - h ;;f �' _' } :''�". ��J ���� �� 1� ';"� (�' �jf}� � �} �1� a�` r"'' � . J�"� r r^ i I`� ,r. `( 1 . �1� a`°�.:yt �°'.�'�{�:ff•4tS{K1��. . '1�.,�6ti1°e..:�'wA: �Y� ��� (Mf�;�j;f��.� `E � � �, 3 t� 1 h�j �. f ak i A \ � p p . 1,�: �f . �.`+' .'�..__ �a�US%f;. .���{� t1Ri7���/ ''1. � f��,�� �.1 w`� � � i� .' -���.d t� ',`,'�[.� �] � J} �';�� '���. ,`�. 1� _ �:- .��. .. �p}{ .. i., '�_.� ! '' . E '� i ' -- - :':ss ] ' ;-x :.:ss ` � I _ . . ,. -R.-�,.� _ : .1 .1r ���. � � .... _� � e�*�; +jq�)��;�',, �.wy�� ,.r _ �- �. I�+ �Y� . , ,� �:�i� t�� ° i. � , " +s y� . �.��� , },� ,wu _ - ' - �•`t �N ' ,c•Y,Lw Ts�s :t F. I_ i t s .ls�r� ` ..�k _ ., .,..,.��� _ . ..�m�,. _ _.. _ �_ �_ � A. Ger�e�•al 1. Coiu�cil Meetii�es-Time and Locatio�i Unless other�vise specifed in a meeting itotice, regular tlieetirigs of tlte City Cou��cil shall be f�eld at SpQka��e Valley City Hall Cou��cil Chambers on Tuesdays begiu�sing at b:00 p.m, 2. Coiu�cil Meetings-Onen to the PuUlic All meetings of tl�e City Couucil a9id of committees thereof shall be o�eti to the public, except as pz•ovided far in RCW 42.30.110' {Ex�cutive Sessions), or RCW 42.30,140 2 (Open P�iblic Meeti�igs Act). Cou3�cilmembe��s SviIl natify a�pi•opriate staff of Councilmember's plans to attend any of the va�•ious outside pt�blic m�etings liasted by other organizations or �gencies, or City meetings liosked by va►•ious City Depa�•tmel�ts, so that notice may be �ublished eo�icerning such atken�iance in orclet• �tot to risk atiy z•eal ox�percei�ved violation of t�ie O��n Public Meetiti�s Act. 3. PZ�esicling Officer The Mayor sl�all pi•eside at meetit�gs of tife Cotuacil and be �•ecogi�ized as tl�e liead of tfle City for all ca�•atnoitial puiposes. The Mayor shall l�ave iio �-eg�ilar administrative or exect�tive duties unless s�ecif�cally set forth herein, In case of tl�e Mayor's absence o�• teriipo�•ary disaUility, tl�e Depury Mayor shall act as Mayor dt�ri�7g the continua�ice of the a6se�ice. Iii c�se of the abse�ice oi•temporaiy inability of the Mayor anc� Deputy Mayor, a�i acting Mayor Pi•o Tempore se�ected by majarity vota of fhe remaiuing ill�Il"l�l�I'S Of tI18 COl1I1C1I, shall act as Mayor duriitg t�ie colituivatice of the absences [RCW 35A,13,0353�. The Mayor, Deputy 1'vlayor (i�i the Mayor's abseric�} or Mayor Pi•o Tetn a�•e r�ferred to as "Presiding Officer" fi•om time to time in these Rules of Procedui�e. 5 B. Tvpes of Mee�in�s 1. Re ular Meetix� Any Coiuicil meeting tl�at ineets iii t�ie Spokane Valley Ciry Col�iicil Cha�t�bers on Tues�ay at G:O� p.a��. shall be c�eexned a"�•eg��lar meeting," �. ray'It1RI FOrinat 1. IVor��7a[ly heltl 2°a and 4t'`Tuesdays. Tlae City Clerk, under the dii•ect�an of the City Matiagei• it� co�isulkakio�i ti��iklY the Mayor, shall a►•range a list of propased matteis accorcii�ag to tlie order of busin�ss a�id pre�aare a�f agenda for the Council. Oti or before close of Uusi�tess on a Fi•iday preceding a Ttiesday Co�EZ�cal zneetiiig, or at the close of bi�siness at le�st 24 hours preceding a s��ecial Council meeting, a copy af the �genda and supportitig ii�aterials shall be prepared for Councilmembers, tl�e Cii3� Managee, a,�propri�te staff, at�d the �uedia �vho have filed a natificatian rec�uest. Agendas inay Ue aniended as i•equirec3, anc�expeditiously distribizted to Council at7d ap�z�opriate staff. 2. Rec�riests foi•presentations to be scl3eda�led ott any Cotmcil age�ida icnply thaf the pi-esentatioti is tile official busitiess af tlie City, and such �•equests sliould be subEnifited �a tlte City Clerk at least te�i days}�c�ior to the ap��i•opriate Couficil meeting, Tlie City Clei•k will consult�vitit ti�e City Ma��agei•and tlie Mayor for a determination of�vhether the matter is an admi�iistrative issue, atid whethex• at sliould be placeci on an i�pcomi�zg Council agenda, Playi��g of vic�eo tapes, DVD's, Po«erPoints, or other electranic presentatious shall be pre-sereetied by tl�e City Manager or desigilee �vlto shall dete��t7�ine the a�����opriatez�ess of the i��ate1•ial. In the evej�t the presenter iias no Po�verPoi��t oc• otklet• material to submit prio7• to fhe meeting, the presenter shall ba requestec� to provida a brief�vritten suan�nary� of the topic and items to be c�iscusseci. All ��ritten inatet�i�ls, includ�ng the tivritten sut�i�Y�ai°y, ���ust be submitted to the City Clerk at least ten days priar to the appropriate Couticil �neeting. 3, Forms of A�dress. Tlte Maya►• shall be acidressed as "Ma}r��• (su�•itame}" or "Your Honor," The Depiiry Mayor sifall be addt�essed as "Dept�ty Mayor (surname)." Membei•s af ttie Cou��cil slaall be add�•essed as"Cauneilmember(surna���e)" ut�less�vai�ed by tha Fresiciit�g Off�cer. 4. Orcie�• of Business. The busiitess of all regular fot°tnal meetiiigs of ttie Council shall be transacted as follo�vs, provic�ed, l�o��ever, that the Presiding �fficer �nay, during a Cou�icil meeting, rearrange items oii tile agencia to eond��ct Council business inore expeditiously, wvithout tk�e necessity of a formal actioi� ar motion. Ho�vever, ac�ding or t�emoving itams fi�otn tlie agencia anee a iiieeting lias beei� called to order requires Council to n�ake a x7aatiaii and vote on a��r•oviaig the"autended agetida." a. Call to Oj�rlef�by the Presrc�ifrg Offrcet�. b. I�rvac��tio�r. c. Pledge ofAllegiafrce. d. Rol�Ccrll. (See Cl3��ter 1, C3 [page 12] for proced�ire to excuse an abse��ce} e. �1��a•ovcrl of Age�rdcr. In case of a» eti7et�geticy or aii exteet�iely titne-sensitive issue tvl�icli iieitlier tlie aditiinistw•atia�i �for the entii•e Coi�ncil �vas a�vare of prior to tEie disti•ibutian of tEie agenda ancf accompanyic-�g materials, a tie�v itern tnay be introduced k�y the Presidiiig Officer, tl�ree Councilmembers, ot• the City Manager aud suggested as an atnej�decl agetxda item for tfie prese�it tneeting. If a Eie�v item(s) is adcled, Cot�i�ci[ tvi11 t1�e�t cflnsider a �7aotiori ko approve ttie amended agenda. ("Three-Touch Prieici��le"should be fallotived�vlienever�ossi�le,) £ Ijtt1•oclrrctiafl of Specicrl Grrests a�td P�•esejrtatto��s. �. Coirjrcilf��entbef�I�e�a��ts. Couiicil or governme��t-i•e[ated activities(e,g. syno�sis of committee, COi711111SS1011, task foi•ce o�•odlei•board meetings). T�iese ora] o•epoi`ts �re itzteuded to be bi•ief, ciry �vork-related i•eparks of signifie�tice i�� keeping the Coi�vcil inforiued of pertinent policy issues or eve��ts ste��uni��g from tlieir representation af the Ci�y on a regiot�al boa�•d, com3��ittee, task force 6 or com�nission, whether as a for�nal membea� or �s a liaison. Extended reports shall be placed as fut��t•e ageiic3a items foi• pi•eseiltatian oi• subrr�itted in wriki��g �s �ti ir�formational n�emo. (See Appendix D "Optional Committee Report Fortn"'} li. Pj•esic�irrg Offrcet•'s Re�oj•t. i. Ptrblrc Ca�n��teftts. Cotnments fi•oni the public on subjects ��ot on the a�enda for action (as �vell as cornmeiits coiinected �vith action items) are liinited to ttii•ee iniuutas each tr�lless ���adi#ieci by the P�•esidifig Officei•. Tlie City Council desires to allo�v a masimi►m ap�oi�tutlity far pltblic con3meilt. Ho�vever, tlta business of tha City must procaeci iti an orderly, titn�iy manner. At any tiine tl�e PresicEiiig Offce�•, ii� the Presic�icig Officei•"s sale discretion, may set s►�cli reasonable li�r�its as are necessaiy to prevent disruptioti af otlfer nece.ssaiy business, 1. Subjects Not on tlie Ciirrent Ages�da, Tfie Presidii�g Officer i7�ay invake a sign-in procedru�e for spaakers. A►iy ufember of tlie public �i1ay ree��yest tinte to add�•ess the Councif. Speakers shall state their name, address, and the subject of tlfeir comtne�tts, and spell theii• last �iaine for tfie recoi•d. The Pi•esidiug Officar may allo�v the coir�ments s��bject to sucl� time liinitations as tlie Presidii�g Officer deeilis necessaiy. Follo�vi�ig s�ich commeuts, tl�e P►�esiding Offieer may place the matter oit a fiiture agenda, or rafar f8ie tnattec•to administrakion fo�•i��vestigatio3� a�id a•eport. 2. 'Su�jects o�� the Cui•rent Age�fda. Any ��iember of the piiblic �vho �visltes to addi•ess t}ze Cou��cil azi �n actioi� iteaYl on the currerit agenda shall make sticlt req��est to the Pl�esic3ing Officer at the time�vhen co��ments fi•om the pubIic are requested duritig tiie agenda item discussion. The Couctcil m�y hear such cornments before o�• after initial Council disc�ission. As an option, the Presiding Officer may ii�voke a sigei-in procedure. The Presiciiitg Officer in co��sultatioti �vith the City Manager aiidlor City Attorney shall rule on the appropriate�iess of�ublic cai�ments as the agenda item is ceached and shall i•ule o�� a specific i��dividual or groi�p ti�a�e limit for public coinment. Tlie Presiding Of�ce�• zYaay change the oi•der of speake�•s so khat con�menk is heard iil the most logical groupi�igs. 3. Comments shall be tnac�e froyn the���icr•o�hone, first givir�g r�arne, acidi•ess arid subjeek.No camtnej�ts s�tall be jnacle from any otl�er location, a�id anyo��e making "out of ordei" comi�ients sl�all be subjeet to j•emor�al fi�om tl�e meati�ig. The public sliall be reminded that this is not an o��por-tunity for ciialo�;ue or questiolis aud ans�vers, bilt}�LlUI1C conu7�ent. Whe31 a�propri�te, stafF rvil! researcli iss��es and report back to tliose makin� the cor��cne�zt as �;�ell as to Got�iie�l. Piiblic cornme��ts ai•e o�pai�t�mities for speakers to l�riefly acldr�ess Council, a�id khose s�eaking �re to address in�mbers of Council a�fd not the audielrce. Since this is �n oppoi�uuity foi•public commeiit, in tl�e inte�•est ofti�ne and keepiEig i�i mind all daciimejits sii6tnitted d�u�ing Co�incil meetings become tl�e propez�ty of the Ciry, graphs, cttarts, posterboards, Potiv�rPoirit pi•esetitatioj�s, or oti�ei• display materials ti�ill not be allo�ved, although, �vritte�i co�nments and «,�ritten rr�ateri�ls, includiiig pliotogr°aplis and patitions, tnay be subtiiitted to Coutfcil via tEie City Clerk. 4. Tlier•e tvill be i�o demoristrations 6efoi°e, durii�g or at tlie coiicltision of anyoite's presenkation. Airy disruptive behavior, as d�termined by tite Presiciiug Officer, shall be cat�se�o�•�•emoval fi•o���the meeting i•oom. 5. Any rtiling by the Presiciing Officer relative to tlie s�ibsections 1 and 2 abov� rnay be o��ek•�•�iled by a vote of a �najoz•ity of Cotzncilme�nbers p�•eseift. 6. Catu�cil shall ��ot peia�iit public conu��ents if ti�ey relate to any matter upon �vl�icl� a c�u�si-judicial hearitig has been reqtlired, schecl�iled, or held, See Chapter � for proceciure fo�•taking pu�lic comr7�ent o�t legislative matters. 7. Wriften Public Co�ri���errts. Citizecis I�ave tl�e optio�� of suUcniiting ��ritten views, opinioi�s, comme��ts, data and aigume�tts to flie Cou�ycil a�i any topic ai�c� af aity time, not just prior to o�• dut°i��g public Council i�teetii�gs. Unless the citizec� �•eads their o«�n pi•e�jared �vritten comments, suc�i comments �irill riot be read C�lll'liig regtilai� Qr special Cou��cil rneetings. Any�vritten commeiits siibmitted to Cou�ieil via tiie City Clei•k 7 �vill be distribi�ted to Council by�I�ci►lg copies at eacti Couticilmembec's �vorkstation or city desk; or iit #he case of e-a7�ailed comments, will be for�vai�c�ed to Coitncil via e-mail. If individual Councilme��fbers r��ceive written piiblic camme��ts or rnatecials fa�• tlfe purpase of reac�ing/sliaring tl�ose M�aate�•ials dur�ng Cok�ncil meetings, tliose �tiaterials shou�d be subntitted to tlie City Clei�k prior to tlae Coiuicil �neeting so the Clerk can inake copies for later distribukion to�Yiembers of Council. (5ee also PEiblic Hearings section regarding public comments.} j. Ptrblic Henr•irrgs. (See Chaptar 4 for pi•ocedural cletails) k, Cofrse�it Age�tcla. I. Itenis �vhich may b� placed on tlte Consent Agenda are those «hich; (1) have been pi•eviously discussed by the C01191C11; (2) based on t�18 lIlf01'i17c'ttl�ll delivered to n�embers of the Cau�icii by admir7istratio�� c�n be revie�,ved by a Councilmember�vithout fiz►-�lier•explanatioii; (3} are sa rout�ne, tealfnical ai•"ho��sekee�it�g" in nah�re that passage ��ithout discussioti is likely; or(4) other�vise deezr�ed in tlie best intei•est of ttie City. 2. Tlfe p►•oper Council n7otio�i on the Cansent Agenda is: "I �nove appraval of the Consent Ageifda." This motioii�vill liave tife effect of moving to apprave all iteuts oi� the Cojfsent Agetlda. Si»ce a�proval of any item o�i the Consent Age��da implies unani�nous consent, aiiy member af tlie Colin�il sI1a11 have the �•ight to �•et��o�e auy item fl•om tlte Cow�se��t Age�fcia, Therefore, prior to tlte vote on ti�e motio�i to �pprave the Consent Agenda, tl�e Pa�esiditig Of�cer shall innuir� if any Councilufember wis�zes an iteul fo he�vitltdra�vti fi•om tlie Co�fsenk Agenda, If any inatter is�vithdraw�i,the Pres�diilg Officer shall plaee tlie item at an appl•opriate place on tiie agenda for ttie cur��etit or a fi�ture m�eting, 1, U�tft�tisltecll3t�sittess [includes inatters that tive�•e pe�iding �vhen a �revious meetiiig adjour�ied, or r��atters specifically�ostponed to the presei�t meeting.] m. Netiv Btrsittess. [Actio�i items are desig��ated as Ne�v Business] j�. Ptrblic Co�3lntertts. [Sat��e as "i" at�o�e] (Tiiree-ininute tima limit eacki) o. AcI»ait�ist�•cctnre Repo��ts. Repo��ts ot•h•acking of ai�ad�niiiistrative issue or topic. p. Ltfoa•��rcrtro�r Ojaly Items. These items�vill gene�-ally nat be disct�ssed or reported. c�. City IVlanager Coinmeitts. �•. Execrrtive Sessiorr (�rs reqirij•ecl). (See Chapter• 1, section Blc beio�v) s. Ac�jo�n•�rmeirt. No Council meeting should be pertnitteei to car�tizlue beyond approximately 9:00 p.tn. �vitliout a�p�•oval o#'a majority of the Council►n�mbers �rese»t. A new ti�ne limi# must be estabIished before taking a Council vote to extetid tlie meetittg. In the event that a j�ieetiilg has not been closeci or continuec� by Cout�cil as ��erein specified, the items qaot acted on shall be defer��ed ta tlie nexk regular foi•mal Cou»cil meeting, unless tlie Coi�ticil '�y a majoriry vote of rnembers present ctetermines other«�ise. b. St��cly Session I+oi•mat 1. Not��nally lielci lsr, 3`a and 5'� Tuesdays. The �urpose of the stiidy session format is to allo�v Council�iiembers to �e inade ativai•e af impenditig business a�fd allow i��formal discussion of issues ti�at t��ight be acteci oti at a fiittire tneeting. Study sessioiis sl�all be iii a less foi•inal settitig tl�an regular foi•mal meetings. Cotuicil may be seated other than at tlte dais, but sl�all �tot disco�u•age }�ti�l�lic obseivatioi�. Unless titiai•e are designated �etio�� items �i�l�ich perinit public comi�ie�tt, there �vill Ue �io piiblic co�nment at study sessions �lthough the Cou��cil �nay request staff o1• ofl�er partici}�atiot� ii� the same �nan�ter as a �•egular foi•rifal Council �tleeting. The Ciry Clerk, i2nder tlte directio3� of t11e City Managei•, sl�all arrange a Couticil st��dy session age�zda foi° the meeti�ig. �'or each iteitt, the agenda shall coiltaizi tl�e c�iscussiori subject, tl�e discussioti leacler, the activiry and tl�e discussion goal. A copy of the agei�da and accompaiiyiiig backgrouncf materials s�tall be prepared for Cou��cili�ienibe�•s, tha Cit�� Matiage�•, appro�ariate staff and tlte press, on o�•before 4:34 p.an., oa�e day befare tl�e iiieetiitg. Coiioicil��iembers]iave the option of accessing tlieir Couiicil packet via tlie City's �vei�site. Unless notifiecl okhei•�vise, the City Clerk �vill pre�are a hard copy aga»cla packet for itidividt�al Cflunc�htle�t�bers, During a Cow�eil meeti�ig, 8 t�ie Pi•esiding Office�• may rea��•ange itezns o�a tl�e agenda to concluct Cotineil business rYiore expeditiously tiV1t�lOUt YI1C I12C�SSIty OFa fOI'iT1�I c�CtlOTl OI'3310t10I1. HO�VEV2I'� c�C�Cjlilg �i'1'23110V111g ItBIZ1S f['Olil t}le �g03lda once a ineeting has Uee�i called to order rec�uires Gouticil to tilake a motion and v�te on approving the "atnended age�ida." c�. Y011ilg. 1. Actio�i Items on the Age�ida. Altlrougli actioii iteYils may occasio�fally be ii�clucled o�a a study sessiait agenda, it is tlia pracfice of Couiicil to keap those i��staa�ces to a mini�a�aim. Because a sttidy session is a recoguized meeting according to the "Open P�iblic Meeti�igs Acf," it is nerttiissible foi• Cot�tici� to take firial action cluring ttlese meetings. 2. Non-action Items on #he Agenc�a. Becaus� skudy sessions arc kisually unde��stooci by the p��bIic a�id j��edia �s referring to ineet�ngs at �vhicl� Coi�ncil will only cotisider aiid discuss items and tiot take final action ot•vote, it coi�ld be n�isleaditig to tlie public as to the putpose of tlie meeting if a motioii is made unexpectedly. As it is Council's �;•acfice ko invite public coin�neiit after�nost i�iotions, it tivould be ina��ara�riate to make a"si�rprise"motion unless thei•e is a ra�'e special circui�iska��ce. Votin� o�•making a motion �v��e�i i�either is i��ctuded o�i an age�ida does not violate state lativ, biit for consiste��cy s�ke ancl ta avoid any surp�•ises ta tlie �uk�lic a�ad znedia, tl�e pi•actice is discoui•aged. 2, DIS�USSi0I1 Leacier's Role. During the Cou�icil study session, the discussio�l leader should introduce the subject and give backgra�uid infarmatioti, identify ttie discussion goal, act as facilitator to kee� the discussia�� foc�isec� to�vai•cfi the goal, a�fd alert the Presidi�fg Officer tivlfen it is appropl•iate, ta schedule tOfe topic for a motion or offici�i directioj�of t�ia Cauneil. 3. Tlie role of t�ie P�•esiding Officer is to facilitate Councilmeinbers engaged in fi�ee flo«ing discussion �vithaut tt�e necessiky af eac}� Col�ncilznember being recoga�ized by the Presiding Of�ce�•. The Presiditig Officer retains t�;e o�tion of assuming ti�e fiinction of t3ie discl�ssion leader at a�3y ti�ne in oi•der to �naintain decaium atid enst�i•e all Cotmcilmembers liave the oppor•kur�ity to be he�rd, aitd to keep the discussion p��operly focused. 4. Rec�uests for presentations ta be sched��led on any Coluicil agenda imply ti�ak tlfe preserrtat�o�� is tl�e official bttsiness af the City, and such req«ests shoulc3 f�e su�mitted to the City Clei�k at least ken days pt�ior to tl�e appropriate Cou�lcil me�eting. Tlfe Ciry�C�erk�vill consult tivitlj klre Ciky Mana�er and khe Mayor for a determinatio�� af ���hetlier the ���attei• is an administrative issi�e, all� 4i'jlet�l8t' lf S}1D111C� L1e placed on a�t upcotning Coi�ncil agenda. Playiaig of video ta�,es, DVD's, Po«e�•Poitits, or othe�•elect�°oN�ic presentations sifal[ be pre-screened by tiie City Mai�ager or designee ivho shall dete�•tnine tlfe a�proprfate�iess of th� 3naterial. In ttie evetit th� prasenter lias no PativerPoint or other material to s��bmit prior to the meeting, tlle prese�tter shall be rec�uested to pr•ovide a brief�vritten summary of the topic a��d items to be disc��ssed. All �vritken materials, including tlie �vrikten sumrnaiy� I11liSt �8 Sll�ll]L��fI t0 tI10 City Clerk at least ten days prior to tl�e a�3propriate Council meeting. 5. Coi�ncil Commei��s. The pu�•pose of kl�is agenda item is ta alio�v CattiicilinemUers an o�poi�ttinity to repo��t on a�i activity oi• key issue �vl�ich eitlfer j�ist arose, needs i�tunetiiate or i���mine3�t action, or to simply repai•t on itei�IS that ti•ans�i►°eci since the last Cou�icil zneeting, and to setve as an additianal appoi�tu�iity for Councilmeml�ers to bring u� topics for cl�ri•ification, or to acidress otkier upco�i�ing concerns. Pre-sc��eclnleci materials Catu�cil «rishes to sl�are as part of tlie Gou�7cil E�acket, cotild also be iuclucEeci on shidy session agenc�as u�ider"C011l]CII COItlllle[1tS.�s [See also page 17] 6, City Manage�• Cottime��fs. Tfie ptirpose of f1�is age�ic�a item is to allotv the City Manage�• tlie opport��nity to brief Coucicil o�i aii activity oi� issue 4vhicti eittzer just arose, tieeds itniiiecliate oi• i►tlitiitieeit actian, or to sitnply infortn Council of ikei��s tli�t trans�ired since the iast Council meeting. 9 7. �'orms of Adclress. Cot��tcilcne��ibea•s at�c� staff]�ave fhe o�tio�i of addressing aach otiier on a �t•sk tfame basis during the stucly session format meetiugs. 8. Roll Call. The City Clerk sliall conduct a roll call of Couneihnem6ers, (See Chapter 1, C3 fo�� procedure to excuse�t�absef�ce} c. Executive Sessions �. If Couiieil Etolds aii execiitive session, it �vill be lielcl in accordance �vith the Ope❑ Public Meetings Act, RCW Cfiapter 42.30. The Council inay 1101CI dll �XeCU�1Ve SeSS1011 Cllll'IIlg fl I'�gUl�T OY' speeial meeting. Before conve�iing iii executive session, ti�e Presiding Of�cer shall ask for a inotion fi•o�n Connail to: puf�licly anr�ou��ce tlae pu�•pose for adjourni�ig inta execukive session; tli@ appraximate Iength of ti�ne for tl�e executi�e session; t�ie likeli�iood of Cotincil ta�Cing actio�� at the close of tlte execl�tive session; a�id �vlietl�e�• Cotmcil �vitl rehu•n to regular sassiotY at flie close of the executive sessioit or ��ill acljourn the meeting. a. At ti7e close of tlie ��ecutive session attd upon Couiicil's retur�i to chambers, ti�e P��esiding Officei•�vill decla►�e Council ouk of executive sessioN�, ajid�vill ask foi•the a��i•o�riate rnotiotf (i.e. a�� ackion motion or a niotion to adjourn). b. To protect tlte best interests of the Gity, Goiincilmembers st�all kee� coti�dential all oral a��ci �vritt�ti information �rovidec3 d�u�ing executive sessions. Confidentiality also includes infoi•mation pro�ided to Co�mciItne�nbers o��tside of e�.ecutive sessio»s �vtre�� the information is considered exem�t fi•om disclosure unc3er t�ie Code of Ethics foi•Municipal O#'�cers (RCW 42.524) and/or The Public Recor�s Act{RCW 42.565). 2. RCW 42.30.110 explains the purpose for lioldi�ig a�;executive sessioti, some of Svhic}3 include: a. RCW 42.3fl.110{1}(b), To considei• the seEectioif af a site oz• the acquisitioz� of real eskate by lease or�urchase ��he�i p��blic kifo�vlecige regarcii�ig such coiiside�°atioi� tvould caiESe a likelihood of iticreased price (pe�trlittg la�tcl accJtrisitio�t); b, RCW 42.30.1 IQ(1)(g). To evaluate tlie qi►alificakioi�s of an applicaiat for public employi��ent or to i'evie�v tlie perfortnance of a ptibIic etnployee, Ho�ve��et•, subject to RCW 42.30.140(4) (Ial�aj� �aegotiratiofrs), discussion by a governing 6oc1y of salaries, «ages, �nd other conditions of e��iployme»t to be generally applied tivithin the�ge�fcy shall accur in a meeti»g opeii to the pt�blic, a��cl �vhen a governing body elects ta take final actiou hiria�g, settiug the salaty af an individual employee o�• class of e�nployees, oz� discl�a�•giclg o�° disci�lining an eniploye�, that action sl�all be taketl in a meeting open to tlfe }��iblic; [nate that stating tl�at an executive sessiou is to discuss a "personnel �natter" is iiot st►fficiei�t becaus� only cei�tain types of persoiuiel inatters are apprQpriate for discussion in ari execu#i�e session.] (a�evie�v clualrficr�tiorls of cr public el�rplayee) c. RC1�V 42.30.110(1}(li). To evalu�te t��e qtialifications of a caitcliciate fai• a�pointme�it to elect�ve of�ce. Ho�vever, a�ty inte�`via�v of sE�e1t caudidat� and finaf action appointiiig a caiididate to electiwe office shall be in a lneeting o�en to the public {1�evielv c�rralrfrccrtrorrs of a�r electec� offrcicr�; d. RC�'V 42.30.110(1){i) To disc«ss�vi�fi le�al counsel representi�ig the agency�t�atters relating to ageticy e»foi•cejnent actions, or to discuss�vitlt le,gal counsel re�i•esenting tkie a�ency Titrgcrtfo�r or� pate�rtirrl litr'gatio�r to �vhich the age�3cy, the governitig body, oi° a metnber acting in a9� official capacity is, or is likely to becanie, a pai°ty, �v1�ea� pu�lic kciowlec�ge regarciid�g the discussion is lilcely to resu�t i�i a�i adverse legal or financial coiisequence ta tfye agency. Fo�• pt�rposes of this s��bsectio�� (1)(i), "poteiitiaUpeiiditig liti�atiou" means �natte�•s E�ratected by Rules of Professional Conduct(RPC) 1.6 or RCW S.b0.060{2)(a)conceriiing: 10 (i) Litigatioii tl�at lfas beeii snecifically tl�reater�ed to wlaicli tiie agency, the gover�ii�tg body, or a me�nber acting in aii official capacity is, or is likely to becorne, a party; (ii) Litigation tliat the agency reasonabl}� belie�es tttay be comme�iced by or agaiust �he agency, the govei•��ing ufldy, or a inember acti�ig in a�i official capacity; or (iii} Litigatio►i or legal risks of a proposed a�tiori or cu�•i•et�t practice tliat the agency lias identified �vl�ezi pu�ilic disctzssioit of tl�a litigation or legal risks is likely ta resutt in an advel•se legal or finaiicial consequence to the agency. 3. CflLtI1C1I Tllc3y aC��OUt'l] into �xecutive sessiati eveti if it is ��ok listed on tlte meeting agenda. Tl�e�•e is a z•equireMtlew�t ir� RCW 35A,12,1b0�that the public be made a�vare of the}�reliminaiy agat�das of meekings in ad�ance of the meeting, but that does not �nean that an item tl�at arises after the �genda has �ee�f posted caomot be ciiscussed at tlte meetiiig, eve�� in executive session, Since final action ac� �lfe matter�vould not}�e taken at#��e e�:ecutive session, it�vould not violate a��y pravision in state la�v to hold an exect�tive session ak a reg��lai• Coufieil �neeting eve�� if the executi�e sessiou �vas not listecl an ttie ageiida. [per MRSC Ii�dex-Ge�leral Government-Exeeittive sessions.] �l. Atte�id�nce at Exec►itive Sessioris. Tiie City Attorneg�tivill �� preseoft at ex.ec��tive sessions a��d it should be noted tl�at tl�e Cify Attorney is a•equi�•ed ta attend exec��tive sessions which address litigatinii or �joteiitial litigation. The c�uestion of�vlio may atte�id an ekecutive scssion otl�et• th�r� the Cot�ncil a►id the Mayor is dete�•mined by #tie CounciL Whei�e �ppt•op�•i�te, the Cauucil may itivite oti�er city officials, employees, or individuals to atte�id executi��e sessio��s. Tf Council invites others, those i»viteci should have some relationship to the �narter beiu� addressec3, ot� they S}lOIIXC� �7� in atkendance to otlier�vise p�•ovicie assistance to tl�e Co�iricil. For example, staff may be needeci to pf�esent infor��iation or take tiotes or mimites, b��t per RCW 4232.030�, e�ecutive sessioti�nin�►tes are j�ot�•eqt�ired, 2. Snecia�Meetings Meetiugs set at days, times, a��d places other tha�i Tuesdays at 6,00 p.m. in tlie Spokane Valley City Council Cl�ambers shall be cieemed "special m��titigs," such as joitit t��eetings ��ith other jucisdictions or entities (�oarc� of County Commissiaiiers,Planning Com�nissioners), and Cai�ncil�vorkshaps or retreats. A special meeting��iay be calied by ti�e Mayo�•or any tha•ea inembers of the Col�nciL (RCW 35A,13.170$, 35A.12.11Q�). Written notice of tl�e special meeting sliall be pre�ared by the C�ry Clerk. The�iotice shall contain infarmation about the tneeting, lllClll{�l[lg C�c�t�, time, �lace, and business to be transacted. The notica s�iall be clelivered to eaclz Inembei• of Couiicil at l�east 24 haurs befnre the time specified fat• the proposed meeting(RGW 35A.12.11(}1°). The notices provided in tliis section rnay ba dispetisec� �vithiti tfia circumsta�ices provided by RCW 42.30.080", ti�at is: (a) As to any �neonbe►•�vho, at or priar ta t�ie time ttie meeting convenes, files rvitl� the City Clerk a �vritte�i �vaiver of i�otice, (b} As to any in�tnber��vho tvas ackt�a�ly preseut at t[ie i��eeti►ig at khe ti[ne it coc�vezies, a�fcl (c) In tl�e event a special meeti�fg is called to deal �vith an �meigejicy iiivolviug i�ijucy oi°dam�ge to perso»s oi°propei•ry or tlie lilceliliood of suci� iaaj�iiy or danlage, �vhen time rec�uirein�nts of suclf notice �voulc� make notice ftnpi•actical aud increase the lilcelikiood of s��ch itiji�ty �r damagey or as flthei�vise �t�ovided by la�v. Agendas sh�ll be draftecl in a form submitted by the Gity Clerk, a�pi°oved by the Ciry M�nager, and disti•ibuted iu a nl�nner similar to agenc�as For for�nal and skudy session meetings, The processes aud ililes fo�•agenda contetit apply to regulai• foi•mal, stuciy session for��lat, as rvell as special ���eeti�}gs. lI Vating; l. Action Items on tlie Agenda. Action items may be inchicied on an agenda foi• a s�ecial rxleetixig, a�id colild even be tlie reason the special meetiT�g is �allecl. It is tixe pr•actice of Couueil to allo�� ti3ne for tlie public ta cor��ment on action items acid tl�e "pi�bfic coitunent" should be sa tiotecl on f�ie agenda, As �vith otl�er�pas af ineetiyigs, Coun�il aclheres to the Open Public Meetings Act, so therefore it would be permissibla for Cou�icii to take fi��al action during these meeti��gs. Action iterns could be acicied during tl�e meeting and tt�e agencla amencleci accordingly, b�it tife preferi•ed n�etl�od is to refi•ain frorn adding action items a�tlle last minute to any age�ida, since ti�at tivoulci »ot give tl�e pi�blic, staff, atid p�•ess ac�ec���ate time to realize p�zbIic coiyizx�e�at�vonlc3 k�e permitte<l. 2. Non-a�tiou Items on the Agenda. 5pecial tneetings �re generally i��ore in the form of a �vorksltop ot•retreat, a�icl are i�sually undeistood by tl�e pub�ic at�d ���edia as tin�es when no actioii�vill be taken. Tl�erefore, it coulci be���isleadi»g to tiie public as to the purpose of the i�leeting if a motion is inade tit2eapectedly. As it is Cotincil's practice to it�vite public comtnent �fte�• rnost motio�is, it zvould be i�iappropriate to 1»ake a "sur��rise"motioii unless tl�ere is a i•are s�ecial circui7istaitce. Votiiig or�naki�ig a mation r�vhen neither is included on �n aganda does not violake state la�v, b��t far consiste��cy sake ancl to avoici any su�•�rises to the public atld media, t�ie practice is discouraged. �. Pre-A�er�da Meeten�s: The Ciry M�nagei�, City Clea•k, Mayoz• arid Depury Mayor generally meet at a fi�ed «eekly time to go over the Co��ncil age»cia of tlie u�coming �neeting, �vhich gives all i�ivalved an oppot�h�nity to as�C questio��s a«d gather a�iy additional�tiakei�ials or research neecied for ti�e itnpe►ldi�fg�neeting, T11is rneeti�ig also serves as aci op�al�ti�ite tirne ta disct�ss the Ad�ra�tce Agenda, �vl�icli is a planning dacument to aid iti scheciuling itema on firture Council agendas. C. Meetin� Rules anci Procedures 1. Council Rules of Oi•der Tlte Cit�J C1ei•k sliall seive as the �fficial parliameiita�•ian for afl Coi�ncil meetings, and�vill keep a copy of ttie most curj�ent"Robei�t's.Rrrles of Oj•c�ej�"(RONR) in Co«ncil Clia�nbers dru�ing Co��cicil meetitlgs. z. ��0�•��t� At all ��egular a�id s�eci�l uieeti«gs of tlie Council, a �7iajority of tlie Coti�iciltnembers �vho Izold office sliall coilstitute a quorum foi•tlie ti•�nsaction of busiiiess. A lesser ri��nlber may adjouc�n fl•oct�titne to time, provided tliak ��vritten �iotice of said adjouriiuient is I�osted ori tlie exterioi• Cou►icil Chatnber doors �er RC1�V 42.30.090'Z. Council �neetings adjoi�rned tinder kl�e �arevious provisian shall be considered i•egulat• meeti��gs foz•all puz�poses. (RCW 35A.13.17013, 35A,12,12014} 3. Aftendance, �xcused Af�sences RCW 35A.12.060 '$pi°ovides that a Councilrnember si�all forfeit his/her of�ce by failing ta attend tiu•ee cansecutive reg��lae �neetiiigs tif ttie Co�►ncil witlaolit being e�cused i�y tiie Council. Members of ttia Council n�ay be so excused by com�7lyin� tivith t�iis sectioi�. The membee• sl�all contact tl�e Mayor, City Glerk, ol�City Ma�fagei�pt•ior to tlie meeti�ig acid st�te the reason for liis/her i��ability to attend the nieetitlg. Following rol[call,ti�e Prasiding Officer shall inform the Gouctcil af the ���ec��Uer's absen�e, and inquire if there is a niotian to excuse tlie member, Tlfis i�lotion shall be noiidebatable. U�an passage of such rtzotion by a majority of inemhers}�resent, ttte a6sei�t Bnember shall be eonsidered exci�sed ancl the City Clet°k will make an a}�pi'opriate notatioj� in the minutes, 12 �. Res�ect And Decorum IC 1S tlle (�UI�'Of��le M�yOi'att{� e�Cll COLlT1CilItl81ride1't0 Illallltaf[l Cllgillk�//c�rif�I"25�7eCt f01`Y�1B11'Off C85, �;1�' staff and tlie ptiblic. Wliile the Coi�ncil is in session, Coi�iicil�nembers s1�all p�•eseive orcier aiid decoi•��t�� a�icl a Cotmcil�nembei•sl�ali neitl�ei•by convei•satioii or ottierwise, delay or interi�ipt t�ie proceedings of tfie Coi�ncil, nor ciisr�ipt or disparage any Councilmembei� �vhile speaking. Cot�ttci�members and the public sl�all coa��ply �vith flze directives af khe Presiding Officer. Any person making disruptive, dispa�•aging or impertiiient remarks oi• unreasonably disturbing the business of tl�e Council, either l�hile acfc��•essing tkie Couzicil or attencling its p�•oceeciings, shall be asked to cease siich disruption, or may he asked to leave, ar be ��emoved fi•o�ii the meeting. At any time during any Cot��fCil t7teekit�g, a��y Couucilmember may object to personal affi�ojlt or ottier inapp�•opi•iate COIll171e11tS5 by calling for• a "point of ardar." After the Counciltnember is recognized by tiie Presiding Officer anci the Cou�iciMrneinber explai�is tlteir povit COIICOT'Ilfilg 1'�S��C� �IlC� C�eCOI'tUll, oi• lack �hereof, the Presidi�ig Offcer shall rule on tlie remark aud may ask tlfe person makiug tlfe clisturbance to cease or leave the rootn. Contitu�ed dist`uptions may result in a recess or adjoui�nmeilt as set fo��ti� iz�#8 belo�v, 5. Seafin A� �•�,an e�g nent C01111C1I111�IIlI]�I'S shall occupy tha respective seafs iti tl�e C011llCl� C�1�IlibEP a5S1gt1eCl tfl them by t}�e Mayoa•. 6. Dissen#s and Protests Any Coienciltnembar shall have the ��iglft to ea�ress dissent fi•om or protest orally ar in `�i•iti��g, against any motio�t, ol�dinance ot•resolution of t�ie Council and have the reason therafore etitered or retaineci ii7 tiae 1111T1U��5. '7. Councilniember Meetin�Particination �v Te�ephone/4�ideo Conference Telephone/videa conference pa��ticipatio�� by Couucil�liembet•s may be ajlo�ved pz•o�ided that a yuorurn af Couucil�nembers ��ill be physically pa�ese��t for the Council meeting in c�uestion, �nd provided technical availability aeid com�ati6ility of electronic equip��tent enables the conferet�cing Counciltne�riber(s)to Itea�• the proceedings, be Izeard by tltose present, and participate in Gauncil discussio�s. (a) Requests to tise telephone/video co�ifere��ce participation sl�all be approveci by the Couircil by rnotion. Such participating Councilmetnber(s) shoulci be present and counted. So as uat to c�isrupt t}�e CouMicil zneeting, ade�uate iiotice �nust be given to allo�v f�oakup in time for d�e beginnin�;of tlfe meeting. (b} Telephaiie/video co��fere��ce paz-ticipation fo�• voting purposes shall be allo���ed for public liearirigs or aiiy quasi judicial pl•oceedings, and the requesting Couticilme��iber(s) sliall declare that (s)he has revie�ved the associated i�lateN•ial {if any) pi•ovided for tl�ose hearings and lor praceedings prior to tlie tiine ttie vote will be taken by Council. S. Adjo�r�•nnient Drre to Eme�gencv or Disr�untion I►� tkte eve»t of an ert�erger�cy sucli as a fire ar other nat�iral or catastrop�iic disasker, tiireatenec! violence, or inability to i�egaiu gaod orde�•, t��e Presidi�ig Officer shall fot�litviti� tlecla�•e a i°ecess, adjo�.�rn, or continlie th� meeting, atid the City Council as �vell as eveiyone in tlfe room st�all i�nmec�iately leave tlle: ���eeti�fg i•ooj�i. Tlie Presic3i�3g Officer may recotivetie tf�e meetitfg «�laet� it Eias been deke�•iilined by tlte appi•o�riate safety�officials ttiat it is safe to do so, 9. Perinission Renui��ecl to At�ciress the Coitneil Perso�ys ot�ier than Councilmembei�s and staff sl�all be pet°�nitted to address tiie Council upon recognition �I1C�IQI' 111tYOCl�1Ct1017 ���kl�e Presiding Officer or City Manage��. 13 10. A�n�•oacl�i��g the Dais O��ce a Council meetiiig ltas b�en ealle� to o�•de�•, steppi�ig beriveen t�ie podium arid �Itie da�s �vill tiot be allo�ved, and stepping betiind auy part of the dais, incltiding tltose pat�ts oec���ied by skaff is also not permitted. Tiiis includes, but is not limited to, vicieo recording, still pltotograplty, tape z�ecording, atici ciistrib��ting �vritte�� lianda�rts. Council rese�•ves tife riglrt to invite anyone far4vard to t}�e podium to be addressed by Co�mcil. I1. Out of Qrder Reqi�ests Occasio��ally a metnber of khe pt�blic inay tivisti to speak orti an agenda iten� b�it cannat rernain u�itil the item is reached orx the age�fda. During "Opet� CQnunents Fro�7� die Public," such person may request pertnissio�i to s�eak by explaining tlie circuttistatices. The Pt•esicling Officer in hisl�ier sole discretion shall rule on allorving o�•clisallo�ving the out of ot�der reqi�est. 12. Photogr�phs, Motion Pictures ar Video Tane Requirin� Artificial Il[ulnivatian -- Pe�ior Pe���nissio��Required No overliead �rojectiori, ��hotogra�hs, �t�otion pichires, or vicieo tapes t}iat ��equia�e tlfe use of floodlights, or similar artificial illt�minatio�i sl�all be i�sed by the �ublic at City Council tneetings ���itliouk the prior co»sent of tlte Presiding Offi�er or tl�e City Manager. 13. Votin Tlte votes duruig all meetiilgs of the Council shall l�e transactad as follo�vs: a, U�tless othercvise provided 6y stahite, ordinance, or resal�tion, all votes shall be taken by voice. At the request of aciy Councilmember, a roll call vote shall be taken by the City Clerk. Tl�e order of tlte roll �.all vote shall be deterii�iiaecl by tl�e City Clerk. b, In case of a tie�ote on a�fy�i•aposal, t�ie motto�i shall be considered losk. c. Every membe�� tiv�io �vas present �vheti the questiott �vas put, sliall give hislher vote. If any Councilinett�ber cefuses to vote "aye" or "nay,"tlieir vote shall be catinted as a "nay" vote lulless the Counciltnambei• has abst�itied ��ecused themsel�es due to actual or perceived appeaeance of a conflict of iuteresk, �vliieh sl�all l�e so staked prior to t�ie vote at ltant�. ci. The passage of an3� ordinance, geant, or revocation of fi•a�rcl�ise or license, any resolutio�� for the payment of�iioney, any a�proval of�vak•c�ants, and any �'esolution fo►• the ��emoval of the City Manager shall �•eqt�ire the affirmative vote of at least a �7�ajoriry o�the tivhole meinbersl�i� of kl�e COLII1G11. e. Tfie �assage of a�iy p�iblic eiiiergeticy ordinance (a►i orditia�ice that takas effect itn�77ediately), ex�enditures for a�iy calaiYiit��, violence of nature, t•iot, inssErrectio�a, or �var (except for the statutoiy po�vars of tkie Mayoz• izi accoi•dance ivitlt RCW 35A.13.Q3036); and provisiotis fo�• a lesser a�nergency, such as a budget ame�idment, s�7all requira the af�'irmative vote of at least a ��ia�ority pltis one of the rvhole i��embers}Zi}�of the CoiinciE. {RCW 35A.13.190"). Tlie�assage of aily IIlp�1011 Ol' 1'eSOIUt10T1 IlOf SLl��OC� t0 tE1B �1'OVIS10I1S Of Wc�511111�011 la�v, tl�e Spokane Valley Municipal Code, or a Resolution as arnended �•equit�i►�g a "su�er �uajority" for approval, shall t•equire the affirmative vote of at least a majariry oF the membership of the Cot�ncil tivho ai�e ��rese��t and eligible to vote. 14. Motions and Disci�ssion a. Order of Froceduee; 1.Mem6er of Coiir�cil anakes a rtiotion b��stating: "I move . . ." Tl�e jnation is secondec3. Staff n�akes tlieir preseiltatio��. Mayor asks Council if ttiere are atry questioiis for staff. Once all questions ha�ve been addressed, the st�ff n�ember steps a�vay fi�om the padium ta allow for the�ublic commenk opportunity. 14 2. Tffe Mayoc• ix�vites pub]ic eom���ents. P�iblic cominenks sliot�ld be limited to one com�nent per perso�i pei• tapic and limited to thl�ee miuutes. Mayor reznicids the public this is time for co���merits a�id tiot disct�ssiou; aiici if ti�e public has quastions, tiiose questions�vill be addressed by staff at another time outside the meetiug, 3, Mayor o�ae��s the floor to Council for discussion. The maker of fhe motion normally be�ii�s the disci�ssion. Tfie discussio�� must have beat•ii�g on �vhethea• tlie pending motion slioulc� be adapted (RONR§43); ai�d can he prefaced by a fe�v«ords of explanation, but must�tot become a speech (RONR §4).AIl Coiincil tem�eks sl�ould be addt•essed tlu•ouglt tlfe Mayor, 4. Whe�i discussion has ended, the Mayor re-states the n�otioii oi• asks the Clez•k to z•e-state the motion. Otice tlfe motiori is ra-stated, ttie Mayo�-calls for the vote, which is noemally taken by voice. Tl�e Mayar ar the Clerk tl�en states whether tlfe inotEOr�p�ssec� ar failed. b. I�i Genei•al: 1. Eacept in j-are circumstances, Council motions shall be in the fQr�n of an affirmative rnotion. Affirmative inoti�ns are��•eferred to��•event"approval }�}r defa�ilt"of a faileci negative motion. 2. Agenda items sclieduled for Cou�fcil action shall rec�i�il�e a jnotion by a Councilme�ii6ei°befo�•e discussion�inless flte Council suspe�tds the requii•emerit by majoi•ity vote. Upon failtn•e of�ither a prior �i�otion or ri�ie suspension, the a�;eitda itein shall be passed over and �n�,y �iot be reitztr•oducad until tha ne�t i•e�ulai•�neetin�. 3. Councilmembers sliould direct c�uestions to the City Managei°Qr tiie designaked preser�ter. 4. Main �uotions are made «hen no otliei• motio�i is pencEing (see c��ai�t belo�v}. Tlfey are debatable and �u�ject to ame►id�nent. Since seconding a motiata means "let's disctiss it," if tiiere is �io secorid but ciisci�ssion e�7sues, the Tnattei• of�iaving a seco�id to pi•oceed is moot and the motion ca�� �i•oceec�. Ho�veve�•, if there is �fo second atid �io discussioti, the motion does nat progress. Note that tite mofion cioes not "die fQr a lack of a secot�d" but it merely does not progress. 5. The maker of a motioit can��itl�dra�v their motion�vithouf the conse�rt of the seconde�•, a�ad if the mawer niodifies tl�e mation, ti�e seconder can �vithdraw the second. The �ei•son making the motioit is entitlect to s�aeak first to khe motior�. A a�iake��of tt�e rnotion ca��vote against the motiou buf cannot speak against their o�vn motion. 6. No o��e sl�ould be �sermitted to speak hvice to tite same isstr� �yntil ave�yoiia else �vishing to speak has spokeii. All remaE�ks must be dii�ecteci to t1�e Presidi��g Of�ce1•and rr►ust be courteaus in la�igtiage atici dapat�ment (Rohea�t's Rzrles of Or�cler Neti>>l�� Revtsec�`, Ai-ticle VII, Sect�on 43, Decorum in Debate)} keeping in mind it is not the Cau�icilmeinber, btit tl�e cneaszire tl�at is the sa�bject of ciebate. 7. Wl�en an ameitded motian is an tl�e floor,the vote is taken on�v}ieti�e�•to adopt t��e ai��ez�dment. If adopted,tlie next vote is oii the fully ai�iei�deci mation. 8. Motians should be reseived for items marked ozi the ageaada for action, so as to avoicl any Slll'�I'15�5 f01'COUl1C11, staff and the�ublic. 15 Parliameaitae� Procecl��re at a Glance Rak�erfs Rules of Can he Il+YOU INTERRUPT 1V'��A Aebatecl Ca�i be O�•cler§ �VAIR'T TO I'OU SAY ? 2�°? ? Amended? VOT� I 1 Postpone I move Eo postpone. inc�efivite�}'(the . . ,(an a#�irmative purpose is to vate can be pre��ent action reconsidered;a ar kill an issue.) uegativa vote cannot.}indefinitel}� No Yes Yes No Majorit}� 12 Modif}'�+'ordia�g I move to amencl the of motio�i uiotion bJ�. . . No Yes Yes Yes�* Majarity 14 Postpone to a Ex:I move to certain time postpone the molion to the next Caimcil meeting. A�o Yes Yes Yes Majorit}� IG Close debate I move the pre�ioiis c�uestion,or I call for the questio�i �o Y�s No No ivlajorit}'`` 17 To'I'able a I mave to lay on the motio�i table,ihe motion to �a y�s No I�TO Majority i 9 Complain about Point of PriviEege noise,raorn temperahires, Chatr efc. Yes Yes Yes Y�S decisian 20 Take 6reak I mo��e to recess for. . . No Yes Na Yes Majority 21 Adjo€�m I mo��e to adjoum meetiitg �TO Yes I�Ia No Majority 23 Ohject ta Paint of Order procecfure or Chair persanal a£front Yes No No No decision 25 Suspefid niles I rnove to suspend the n�les and,. . No Yes No I��o Majorin�" 34 'I"alce matter I move to take from from table the tabte the matioe� �To to... No X�s No Majorit�� 35 Reconsider I move�ve reconsider soi3iething action on... already disposed of No Yes Yes Y�$ Majori4y If shotild be notecl khat tk�e ptirpose of fabling a motio�i is noY to simQlp postpo�ie ait issue or a vote. lf the inte��decf purpose is to postpone,then the motion to postpone should be;ised. If more information is needed ar desireci in orcier to niake the mosk infonned vo3e possible, the��a�t optia�i�ti�olild be far the�iie€:er of the motion to si�n�ly��vitlidraw the motion.The conse�it of t}ie seco��der is «ot neecled to wilhdra«�a niation. �iThile a motion is still on the table,�io other mation o3t the s�rt3e subject is in arder. The motion to table enables the�ssembly^to lay the ��encling q��estion aside teEnt�orr�rily wi�er7 saiaaeti�iug else of i�annecliate urgency I►�s arise�i, 7'lie motion to "Lay o�i tl�e TnUle" is out of order if the evidenk intent is to kill or avoid dealing �ritlt a nteasw•e. (Robert's Rrales of Orrl�r Ne�t�l��Re►�ised, 1 dr'Erlifiar�J �`(Robe�•1's Rules of Order r1'e���Iy Revised stafes 2J3 ��ote requireci. Cauncil direction is to base�ro#e on n�ajority e�cept on matters«�hcre 213{or niajority�lus one)is required by skate statute, "" If the main rnotion to amend can be ai7iended. 16 15. Orciinayyces Exc�ept fOt' �lllllSllc7l cii•ct�mstances or emergeizcies, ordinauces and 1'�S�1L1t10]1S �vill CUStOIT]aCllY �J@ pre�ared, lilfTOC1l1C�i� �TlC��1'OCeeC� lri 3CC01'CI111C�\Vlt�l tf1B "Thr�e Torzclf Principle." Prior to firial �assage af all oi•ciir�artces ox•z•esali�tioj�s, sucii documents sl�ail be ciesignated as di•afts, a. A Got�ncilmembe�� may, in open session, request of tlte Presiding Officer tliat the Council consider e�facting an o�•di��a��ce foz• a specific purpase. Tlfe P�•esiding Officer then may assign the proposed a��didfa��ce to the administratio», a committee, or the Cauncil for consideration. The committee oz• administratioli slfall repoi�t its findin�s to the CounciI. The City Manager i��ay propose tlie c�rafti�ig of ardinances (RCW 35A.13' ). Citizens, Boards anci Coiifmissions jnay also}�rapose ca��sideration of o�•di�fa�fces and resolutio��s. b. Sponsorship. When a CouncilmemUer wishes to �ss��me sponsorship of �n ortlinanee o�• t°esoltitiot�,oi�ce ott the agenda, i�e oi•she sltauld so an�totuice, �nake tlie iiiitial motian �iid�rovide an intraduckion of t�ie measure. c. Ordin�nces sliall �ioi•mally ]iave t�vo separake �•ead��igs at separate Cou�icil nieetings. Unless �vaivecl by the City Cou�icil at eacii reading, tt7e title af ar► ordin�nce shall �e read by the City Clerk prior to its �assa�e. Horvaver, if a Councilmembe�• cequests thak the entiee ordiitance or eertai�i sections be i•ead, suclt request stiall be granted. Printeci copies shall l�e available upoii req«est ta any person attending a Council meeting. d, The provision reyuiring hvo separate �•eadi��gs o£an ordinance may be ti�aived at any meeting of the Cozincil by a majarity vote of all members present. e. If a motion to pass an ordinance ta a second reading fails, tlte orciiiiance stiall be considered lost,unless a suhsequent��7otioii directs its re�ision and resubrnission ta frst i°�ading. f. Any ordinat�ce �•epealing a��y poa•tion of the S�okane Valley Municipal Code shall also repeal the respective pol�tions of the uncierlying o��dinance(s). Ordi��ances repealing earlier ordin�nces shall not apply to acts, incideiits,ta�a��sactio�is or c�ecisiox�s accuri•ing befor�sucli repeal. l.G. Resolutions A resolutio2� may be approveci on tEie same day it is introduced. Wfii4e if is not necessa�y to have t��e tikle af a resolution read aloud, Cot�ncil inay invo{�e the h�ro ��eaditlg ��•ocedures descriUed abo�e to facilitate public understandit�g anci/or comme�ft on tl�e resolution. Yf Couticil invokes the h�o reading procadures, a Counciltnember may requast that fhe eiitEre resolutio�� oz• cea•tain seetions be read, a►�d s��ch i•ec�uest shall be granted and tlie City C�ei•k sliall read as t�ec�i�esteci. Printecl capies s1�a11 be made available upon request to any persan altending a Cou�icil meetirig. 17. Reconsideration A�iy action of the Council, i�icludi��g final action on applications for legislative changes in land use status, shall be subject to a mation to i•eco�fsidet•e�cept: l, ar�y action previously reconsidet�ed; 2. motiotis to adjourn or motions to si�spenc�tlie railes; 3. an affii•mative voke to lay a�i item on, o�•take an item from,tiie table; 4, a previoi�sly passed r�-�otion to suspeiicl the t•ules; or 5, a�ote electing to office one«ho is present and does not decline. Such motion for reco��sideration: 1. �mist be j•econsidered during tlie same Cou�icil meeting; 2. I11USt�l� Cc��IeiI llp\V�1017 Il0}1US111�55 15 p�IlC�lllg�I10 aCt10I1 1S p�11C�lIlg�; 3, if actio�i is penditzg, tl3e Mayai•asfcs the Clerk to nflte tlaat tlfe mation to reconsidei•kias bee�i mac�e and is ta be taken up�vhe�i a ttie�nber calls the motio3�to reconsider the vote�vti�n na otl�ei• }}I151i125S�aC�i011 � 1S p�[lCllil�; 4. i�iiESt be made by a��je�nber ti��ho voteci on tlie prevailii�g side o��kli�origiiSal triotiotl; 5. a�tiember�vho ti�akes tliis itiotion sliould state tliat he or sl�e voted on the prevailirig side; 6. iieeds a second, and can be seeonded by any me�rfbe�; 7. is debatable if the ty�e of motion it reconsiders is debatabla; l7 r 8, is riot ainendable�nd rec�uires a majority vate to a�iopt. If the motioli for reconsideratio�t is adopted, the ol•igitial motia�i is placec� before Cotuicil �s if that tnotion had not 6een voted on previously; and Council a�ain takes that motiot� under discussian, followeci by a ne«vote. Any motion fa�•reconsideratioir of a matter�vl�ich tiv�s ttie sub�ect of a reqi�ired public l�earing or�vhich is a qi�asi jiidicial riiattej�, lllc�y 1lOf be CIi5CU5S�d Ol' aCteC� Ll�l0I1 lli1L@SS aI1C� 1111k1I tlle rJc�l't3eS DY ttlell' 8kk01'I10�J8 a�td the persans testifying lia�e been given at least fi�e days advance �iotice of stich d�sctissioif ad�dloi• actioti. � 18. Cow�cil M�fez•ials a, Cauncil Material Coti��cil���ez��bei•s aaad staff siiould read t}�e agenda material anci ask clarifying questiotis of khe City Manager or ather appropriate staff prior to tlie Cotmcil meeting tivlien possibla. Council ��ecogi7izes there ai•e tii��es �vhen Cot�ncilnien�bers �nay tvisll to b►•ing additioifal docui�ient�tion to a r�eeting on a s��ecific subject,�vhetEter�l�at subject is on the agenda or not, in order to sl�are�vitEi �o�iticil an� staff. W�iei� possible, tha mate��ials sliot�ld be distributecl to Cou��cil►ne�7ik�er•s a��cl staff prior to the Cou��eil meeting, ar if diski•ibuted di�1•ing a jneeting, COUElCII[11e331�701'S S�1011�(� inciicate the it�atei•ials a��e for fut�ri�e j•eaciing, since except in ai� ernea•gency, CouncilmemE�ers �vould nori��ally not kake time a� the dais to read ntaterial ji�st received. Pl�e-sclieciuled materials Council �visl�es to siiare as part of tlte Council paeket, could also be incltided on st�rdy session agenclas u�idet•"Couxtcil Co►ntnez�ts." [See also page 9] b. Coitncil Packets Coiuicilmembers slfa�l personally pick i�p their agen�l� packets frotn their i�idivicii�al ii�t�oaes provided at eacl� Cou�icilinember's desk, ui�less atherwise arz•a�iged by the Councilanen�ber or fiirtlier directecl by Couiicil, Couticil���embers have tlte option of accessing t�ieir Council packet via tiie Ciry's�vebsite. Unless notified othei��ise, th� City Clerk tivill prepare a hard co�y age�tcl� packet for individual Councifinetnbers. e.Pacicet Materials Rec�uesk for Couucil Actio�i form {RCA): Tlfis is a c+�vei• sl�eet usec� by staff ta introciuce a�� agetida itam. It includes tiie agej�cia itetri title, citing of gove�•x�iz�g legislatiorl associated ��it�i the topic, previous Cauncil ackioif taken, and background on ttie t0�.11C. O�7t10115 for Cou��cil eonsideration are also included, as 4ve11 as a staff recommarideci action or motion. Tl�e options a�id recommei�ded action oi• motioi� should be vie��ed as aids to Cotieicil in �7i�king � mokion oi• taking actioa�, }?llt SIlOL11C� IlOt �e t�1011g�lt Of TS ObllgatOly, as Council always tias tlte optioii of inaking a motioti diffet�enk from �vhat is includeci on the form. Generally, by the tune an itein is ready for•a motio��, Council has already read, l�eard, and/or discussed tlie item at least thi•ee times (as a3� ii�for�e�fational iter7�, a►� ad�T�inist�•akive a•epoi•t, and I�st1y as an actiori item), and tlie�vording of a rnotio» �vould riot nor�nally be co��troversial, although it is important to state the motion as a i110t10T1� 5L1Ct1 c�5"I tilove ko"Ol'"I II14Ve t�lat"Ol'Ot}]01'511111Ea1'�7ri�llag�. 19. "Th��ee Touch Principle" Dec�sion makers and citizens at all �evels of the City slio�ild have adeq�iake time to ti�orauglfly coa�sidei• t�ie issues prior to final clecisions, It is the intent of the Corincil tiiat the Cotincil �tid aciministrakion stiall abide by th� "Tiu•�e Touch Principle" �vhei�avar possi'�le. These f�i•ocec�ui�a� guidelines are designed to avoid"si►►'p�•ises"ta the City Cotincil, citizetis and adminish•ati�=e�erso��nel. Aiiy 1'eC�lleSt �I' 1J2'0]JOSaI fOT' aC�OptlClg Ol' C}]c�I1�Plllg �)Ll}3I1C �)OI1C�', 01'CI1I1c311C05, I'eSO1lIt10I1S Ol' Clry COl1I1C1I c�irectives �vhich 1vi11 reqt�ire a decisio�� of the City Coiincil, oi• administration, sl�auld "taiich" the 1$ decision znakez°s tl�ree sepa��ate times. This includes ot�al or �vritten reports, "111fQI7ilc�t10t1 017�3'" agencta items, or any co���bination thereof. To facilitate the Council's strategic use of �egislative ti�ne at its meetii�g, staff tnay satisfy tjte first touclt by issuing au informatioiial metnorand�un, unless the subject mattei� is com�lex in nature. Quasi-juciicial mat#ers auci any subject discussed in exec�►tive sessions are exclucied fi•ojn application of tiie"Tlu•se Tauch Principle," It is recogciixect tliat u»expected cires�msta�ices may arisa �vhec�iu obs�rvance of flye "Tliree Toucli principle" is impractical. Haivever, �vhen utiuszial circtimstances arise �vl�ich justify a "fii�st discussion" decisio�a, the persons requestitig tl�e expadited decision sl�auld also expl�in the ti�ni��g circumstances. Tl�is priciciple exclucfes staffreports and otlier general communications not rec�i�ir•ing a Council decision. 19 1 � � � , � �. 1 � . � � � •1'�� ' �� , � � �r: �� , _ 5y r___ ',.i , � � ��.. t � . � � ; �r��,�yf '�ti . , '�! {rt � ,.�;� �. 1 � , 'e�; .Y� � 1 �`'�:eeT �f� �y�`*.,r�' � :..� �.��. �w ��{ �•' ... ' � �� ,f.h.I j ?��� ����` �4 ��� � � r , •♦. r�F, �;. i . � � i ��� � �` ,, .�: � ' i. '�r. "•i� '�* �� �� ���,* � � ;a _ , t-.°•y , „ ;} , -, . � " •t��t���i ,�'�,. ; , -. • :� .�� , `� .� ��� ,f-:. ,�M �� • �' � R' �" � � �,' �.= r�.. ' � �- t � � � '1',� , • .. �.-, �:�� 1 , ��. ,- ��. �� . .... ��4�f� ��.. ar __ � � i . � _' .. �� � .� ��� � p! _ .+'�r'�.�a . ��' � _ 1 Y �T."�i_�.°� y- '� +;r �� _ ' r. ,_;,�[�- ��' - �t�4�; ' i `j ' `�� � ��' .�' 4 1 ,.. ���� � \:" l:' �� 4't`be �. - .t �� ''�:. � A. Elecfion o�O�#icer•s Pi•oceciures for electing officers are as follo�vs; 1. Bie�mially, at fihe �rst meeti��g of the ue�v Council, tlie mernbers tlie�•eof sl�all choose a P��esiding Of�cei• fi•ou� their number• �vl�o shall liave the title of Mayor. I�� additio�� to t1�e po`vers C011f�l'1'�Cj U�}011 I]IIIlI�l@i' r�S Mc�yUl'S lie/slie sl�all continue ta hava all t�ie rights, privileges and immunities of a ix�e��ibez• of tlfe Colincil. lf a p�rmanent vacancy occurs in tlie office of Mayor, tlie members of the COL1I1C1I a� their next regular ineeting shalf select a Mayor from tttair ntuttber for tite unex�ired terin. Follo�vir�g tlae electian of the Mayor, tliere slzall be an election for a Deputy Mayor. The term of the Depi�ty Mayoi•shall ri�n cot�cu��rerftly�vith tl�at of t��e Mayor, (RCW 35A.13A30'�} 2. The election for Mayor shall be conducted by the City Clet�k. Tlie City Cle��lc sl»11 call for nonlir�ations. Eaeh mem�iei� of the Cl�✓ COUI1C11 shall be permitted to I1QIrilI1c��B ae�e person, anci a 110IZlll]c�flDil S�tc�l� ]lOt 2'�C�llll'e a SeCOC1Cj. A I1�t771110��'V�10 �V1S�1B5 f0 {1eC11112 t118 110II11T1c��1011 S�lal� 54 Stc�tQ at ttiat time. Nofnir�atiozis are tlien closecl. Tlfe election for Deputy Mayor shall be conducted 1�y the Mayor, a��ti nominations shail be made in tl�e manner pi�eviously ciesei�ibed far tfie el�ction of the Mayor. 3. Except wheji tifere �s only one nominee, election s��all be by written ballot. Each b�llot sl�all contain tf�e name of the Couticilmembar �vho cast it. Tlle City �le�•k sha11 publicly announce tlfe results of tlie election. Tliereafter, tiie City Clerk sliall recorcl the iztdividiial Coiiucilmer�iber•'s votes in tite �ninutes of tlie i�ieeting. 4, In the eveitt the Council is unable to agree aii a Mayor by ��fajority vote of ineutbers pi•eseiit, tlie offlce of Maya�•sl�all be tempo►•ari�y fillec� by an Acting Mayor. Ties shall be i•esolved i�f a contest by cha�7ce. The office of Acting Mayor shall be filled by t[�e Cou«cilmembe�• �vho just previously seived as Deputy Mayor, or if ss�ch person prefers not to serve as Mayoz•, the Councilmember�vitli the next highest seniority. The Acting Mayor and Acting Dep�ity Mayor shall coirti��ue in office and exercise such authority as is ciescribed in RCW 35A.13 20 until the �nembers of the Co�ncil agree on a Mayor, at tivhich time the role of Acting Mayor and Acting Deputy Mayor sltail cease and termin�te. B. Filling Council Vaca�uie5 If a vacanc�y occurs oi� the City Council, the �otincil �vill follo�v the procedures outlined in RCW 35A.13.02Q � and Couricil's adopted procedure in campliance tivitlf RCW 35A.13.02022. Iit di•det• ta fill the vacai�cy�r�it1�the �nost qualified persoii available u��til an elecfian is held, a notice�vill be pl�blished af tlfe vacat�cy atld tlae p�•ocedt�t•e foi• applying, An application ��rill be drafted ��hicli contains relevaut information to ans�ver set qtiast�ons posed by the Council, �vhielt cat� be t►sed in conjunctian �vikh ca;ididate intervie�vs. Staff�vill draft an additional set of questions, based an Council's prefer�ence, fo be used in tlie act►►al intecvie�v af candidates. C. Le�isla�iv� A�enda Coi�ncilmemt�ers �vow�k each year to draft a "legislative ageiida"to address Council ideas, si�ggestions and specific legislative prog��ams ii� ter�ms of upcoming or pending legislative activity in Ol��mpia thak �voulci or ca�ilci tiave a�i effect on o�ir City. Aelciitionally, Councilmembers have the option of creat�ng a si�nilar• legislative agenc3a to adciress co»ce���is on a natio��al level, �vliicli can be addressed duri��g Coiincil's ��at�icipatioii i�t t�ze aiin��al National League af Cities Conferenees l�e1d in Washing#on,D.C. D. Council TraveI Provisions Cour�cil is allocated a budget to l�andle cert�in Ciry business-relatec� tr•av�l axpet�ses, The total allocatio�� of trar�el funciii�g budgetecl fo�• the legislative �rancl� for the fiseal yeat• wiI[ be a��poi�tionect one-seventh (1/7) to eacli Cou�icilrne�nt�er. Tltese uionies may be used to defi�ay eapenses for transportafiot�, lodgitlg, meals arid incidcntal exp�tises inc��rred in the condEict o� City t�nsiness. Perioclic upeiated st�temelits of expenciituc�es will be provided to each Couiicilmember by the �'inaiice Department. Sliouici a 21 Councilme�ube�� exhaust t}�eir apporEiozlmenk of fiu�ds, thak persori�vill be �•esponsible for payment of aciy h�avel and relafec( expenses, or they may i�equest a volunta�y allocation from a�tother Councilme�nber�vho lias a bala�ice in tizeir travel apport��,�unent. D19I'lldg k}]e Ic1S� S1X IZlOIltI15 Q�c� COL1ElC1IIllelllt}81''S Clll'1'ellf �el'lil Of O�f1C�, f]]Clli'1'l]]g Clty bllSl[leSS-1'e�3f�L� travel eapenditures rec�E�ires the prior autiioeiz�tion of t�fe Fin�i�ce Cotnir�ittee, except kvhen suclf travel fiilfills tlie obl'agattons of the Coui�cil�ne���be�'s ser•vice ozi state��ide or regional boai•ds, cominissions or task forces. 22 CHAPTER 3 Council Contacts �' � ���t I�;i�,� �I�, ' - �_� �� t . f�,, _ ;�. ' k t,i�.-. ��;- - ��,�r� , ,, � �;; � �- 23 A. C�tizen Contacf/Interactions Outside o�a Council Meefin� 1. Mavor/Council Carresnontlence Councilme�nbers ac�io�vledge that in t�i� Co�inciVManager form af governme��t, t��e Mayor is recognizeci by co���munity inembers as a poi�2t of contact. To facilitate fuIl corn�nunicatiox�s, staff�vill tivoi•k�vith the Mayor to circulate to Councih��emUei•s, cop�es of e��iails and written co��res�o�idence directed ta the Mayor regardirig City brssiuess. Tlfis pi•ovision �vill iiot ��ply to invitatioc�s fo�� mayo�•al commei�ts at vai°ious fui�ctians, nor requests for a�pointments or ather i�acictenta] contact berivee�i citizens aiid the office of the Mayor. 2. Concerns, Complaints and Su��estions to Courici[ Wl�en citizet� co��cer�3s, CO1TI�l�a111tS OI' SL1gg�St10I1S Al`0 �11'011�tlt t0 c�11y, soi7�e, or all Councilinembers, tlte Mayoe shall, in consultation �vith t�ie City M�nagef•, frst detecmir�e �vhethe�° the isslie is legislative or ad�niz�ist��ative i�i nattu�e anci then: a. If legislative, a�id a concei�ii or conlplai��t is �bout tlie language or intent of legislative acts oi° s��ggestions for changes to stxch acts, and if sueli con��laint suggests a ciiar�ge to a�1 o�•dina►fce or resolutioit of tfie Gity, the Mayot• a�id City Manager t��ay refer dfe jtlatter to a fiat«re Council age�ida f�r Coimcil's recommendakioti in foi�vardin�the mattet•to a continittee, administ�•ation, or to tlte Cau�icil far shidy and recom�nencEation. �, If adnunistt•akive, aiid a concern or complaint reg�rc�s administrative staff performance, executio�f of legisl�tive policy oi� administrative policy within tl�e authority of tlie City Manager, flte Mayot° slto���d tlien j•efei• the complaint directly ta the City Manager for revielv, if said co�n�laint lias not been so revie�ved. The City Couitcil may direct that t}ae Ciry Manager ba�ief tlie Council ���ifen t�te �ity IVianager's res�onse is �t�ac�e. 3. Aclministrative Com�laints M�de Dx��ectiv ta �zxdividual Couneilmembers Wlien acimi�iistrative policy or aci�ninistrative performance complaints are made directly to indi�idual Councilirfembers, tlie Co�i��cilmeti�ber sltall t�ie�f refei•d�e r��atfe�• direckly to tl�e City Managei• for revie�v and/oi•actiot�. The it�dividual Coi�ncilmetnber �nay i�eqt�est to be inform�cf af the action or response niacie to the cQmplai�rt. Ho�va�ar, tl�e City Manager shall itot be requireci to divulge ia�formatio►t 1�e/s1�e deems coiifidential, i�i confarinity ivitii applicable statutes,ordiiiances, regulatio�fs, policies or pt�actices. Aiti�ot�gl�citizer�s' di�•ect access to elected offic�als is to be enco�iraged to I�elp develop public policy, City Cou►lcitrnemGers Sl1011lC� not develo� a "personal inte�vention" pattern in mitior calls for se�•vice or administrati��e a�peals �vhjch inay actt�ally delay a ti�iiely custo�ner se3•vice a•es�o�fse, Tj�e best poiicy is to get the citizen i�ito c�irect contact tivith ciistome�• se�vice unless a�i t�Eisatisfactoiy result has occur��ed i�i the past In that case,refer to the pai�agrapla above. 4. Social Media Councilmembe�•s sl�all not ��se social media as a rnechan�srn for cotidricting official City 6usir�ess, althougll it is pe�•missible to use socia� inedia to i��formally commu�ticate «ith tfie public. Examples of �vlfat �nay not be commu��icated tl�rough the use of social media include making policy decisions, of�cial �llbllC IlOtlClll�, a�zd discussing items of legal o�• fiscal significance t�iat l�ave not bee�} i°eleasecl to tiie piiblic. As with telepl�arie and e-m�ils, coma���inication �ehveen and among Councilmembers via social media coi�ld co�3stih�te a "meeti►fg" u��der tlie Open Piiblic Meetings Act, and for this reason, Councilmembers aee strongly discaurage�l fi•om "fi•ieticiing"other�Gouncilme��ik�ers. 24 B. Staff C�ntacts arad Xnte�ractions 1. Role of the Citv Mana�er The City Manager is tlte chief admiiiistrative officei•of the Ciry of Spokane Valley. Tl�a City Manager is directly aecoiu�table to the Ciry Council for the exec��tio�f of tl�e City Council's poliey directives, and far the acin�iiiistration and maaiagecne��t of all City depai�ments. The po�vers aud duties af the City Maiiager are defitied by Washington lativ RCW 35A.13A80z�. Suc�� ciuties ►nay be expanded by Ordinaiice or Resolution. B�lanced �uith t}ie City Manager's accoiintabiliry to the Ciry Counci� for ��olicy i►nplem�ntation is tl�e ueed for tha Couiicil to allotir f{�e City Manager to pe�•forrn legally defined duties and respotisibilities �vit�ioiEt inte�°ferenee by the Ciry Couiicil in tiie day-to-day managerneut decisians of tl�e City Manager. 2, Citv Staff Attend�nce �t Meetin�s Tha City Manager or his/her designee shall atte�id all meetings of the City Cou�acil, uwilass excusecl by the Fresiding Qf�cei• or Council, Tl�e Cit�r Manager s�i�ll be �•espousible to ti�e Coui7cil for the proper administration of all affairs af the City. The City Maiiage�• shall recomtne�ul for a�ioptian by the Council such measu�•es �s he/she may deem iiecessa�y or expeclieiit; prepare and si�b��iit ta the Cotu7cil s��ch reports �s may be requiE-ed by the body o�� as ttie Ciry Manager deems advisable to s�ibmit; keep the Ca��nci1 fiilly adviseci as to the t�usiness af tlie City; and shall take pat�t ui the Co��ncil's discussio�t on all �7�atters conce�•ning t}ie�velfa��e of the City. (RCW 3SA.13.0802�) It is Coi�ncii's intei�t that the City M�nage�• schedule adequate aci�ninist�'ative suppart during Council meetij��s for the business �t hand, keeping in minel tiiat the City Maa�agei•����ist also protect the pM•ocfncti�e c�pability of de�at-�ment heads and of all staff. Rec�uired attendance at meetings by City staff s17all be at the pleasure of the City Manager. 3. Citv Clerlc- Mine�tes Tlie City Clerk, oi• in the Clerk's absence the Deputy City Clet•k, stiall kee� iiyinutes as requirecl by la«�, 2IlC� SI1�I1 p�l'f01'Tll Sl1Cf1 Ot118Y' Cllttl�5 IIl YIlE 1118Et1Ilg a5 111c1� �7e 1'eC�llll'eL� by t�12 C011l]CI�, P�•esiding Of�eer, or City Manage��. Li the absence of tfie City Clerk and tl�e Deputy City Cierk, tlfe Ciry Clei•k shall appoint a replacement ta act as Clet�k dizring tiie Council ineeting, The Clerk shall keep mint�tes �vlaicti identifies tlye ge�le�•a1 clisctitssiozl of the issne atrc� coi���lete c�etail of tlte official aetion ar agreeinent rea��ied, if any. Wlten prac#ical, and �vith the exceptio�� af executive sessioi�s, tlie City Clerk sliall audio ancE/or videa i•ecorc� the �roceediugs of�I1 City Cauiicil ineetir�gs. Access to the recai•dings sl�all be n�ade i°easonably available to aliy pacty�vho so requests, aecording to City piiblic ciisclosure procedt�res, Origiiial, signed and approved minutes shall l�e ke�at on file in the City Clerk's office ancj archiveci according to State Record Retention Scheduies. Copies of tl�e approved minukes shall also be ��osted on the City's�vebsite as soon as }�ractical after sucl�miliutes ar•e a�proved anc� signed. Wften anci if practical, video recordi�fgs of Council meetings �l�all also be hoirsed oii the City's�vebsite. 4. Administrative Interference bv Cc�uncilmernbers Neither•the Cot�ncil nor arty of its committees or members sliall c�irect ar request tlie ap�ointment of any person ta, 01'�115I�1Ei'1'�Il]OVc�L fl'OItl, a�iy affice by t�le City Manager or ai�y af I�is/her stiba�•dinates. E�cept for• tlte pui•pose of iny�iiiy, tiie Co�incil aitd �ts rnembers shall cieal ��itlj the admiiiistrative branch solely theo�igh the City Ma��ager ���c� neikhez• ti�e Council nor an}� commitkee or member thereof shall give any directives, tasks, or orders to aii�� subordinate of tlie City Manager, eitlfer publicly or privately; provic�ed, lio�veve.i•, thak nothing heraiii stiall be consh��ied to prohibit tlae Cot►��cil, �vhile in opei� se�ssio�i, fi•om fiwlly� aud freely disc��ssing �vikli the City Manager a�fythi�ig pertai�iing to aJ�poii�tme�tts an�3 removals of City officers and employees and City affairs. (RCW 35A.13.120z5.) 25 5. Inforntal Cainme�nications Encourased The above RCW requirement is j�ot to be consti•ued as to prevent informal conlmunicatiotis tivikh C�ty staff that do riot inwol�e o�•dei•s, dicection, oi•are �nea��t to i�ffl�ience actions or adtnii�istrative policy. Me�tibers of the Council are encouraged to iiiteract infortnally and casually �vith City st�ff for fhe put•pase of gatheriug informatioj�, obtaa��it�g expla�aatioras of policies ancl progra��is or pro��iding incidental infoi•rnation to staff releva�it to tlfeir assignment. Sucli inforrna] contacts can setve to promote bett�r understanciing of specific City fi�nctioxas a�acl p�•oblecns. Hot�evez•, Cotincilmemt�ers must be cai�efiil ii� such intel�action to avoid giving directiori or advice to �nembers of City staff. Wf�ile mainta�nittg opetr lin�s of eotnmsmication, City staff res�jonciing to inforrnatiozl requests fi•om Cau�icilmem�ei•s �vill inform �I121Y SL1�81'VISOI' Of SLICII COI1t�Ct c�llf� �ll'OV1C�e t�le Sll]}01"V1Sfl1' �V1tIl Clle Satlle 111f011llat1011 SIlaI'EC� 1V1tY1 fLle Council�nembei•. 2b CHAPTER 4 HEARINGS .. � . -.� .�.¢ . 27 � A. General Public Heariii�s 1. Purnose Legislaki�e public Itearings ai•e he�z•ic�gs lield to obEaiu public input o�i legislakive decisions o�i matters of policy. Legislati�e pi�blic hearings are req��ired by state la�v�vhen a city ar caunty adc�resses xnafters such as comprehansive laE�d use placis, or tite a�ui�tal buc3get. They are generally less forn�al tha��quasi-�tldicial public liearings. Tifey do not i�ivolve t�ie legal rigl�ts af specific, private parties in a contesked settingr �llf rattier affeck a �vider r�nge of citizens oi• pea•1�aps t�l� eI1t1E'� �Lll'15dICf1017. T�l� �VISt�01I1 of legislative decisions ceached as a resi�lt of such heari��gs is not second-guessed by tlie courts; if clfallenged, they are revie�ved oiily to cletarrnine i�they ace co��stitutioa��l o�•violate state la�v. For ex�m}�le, a court will i�ot re�ie�v�vl�etiier the basic budgetaiy decisions made by a city�vere carreCtly made. 2, Le�islative Public HearinSs a. State statutes do not speeify tio��public hearings should be conducted. Because lagislati�e hearit�gs are gene��ally iuforuial, the main Goncern is to provide an rap�o�•tmuty for all atte�iding me�tibers of the p�2blic to speak if tliey so desii•e. Time limits s�iould he plaeeci on itidivicleial comments if matiy people a�•e intei�ding to speak, and tlie public shoulc�be advisad tliat comtnet�ts tmast�•elate to the matter at tiaiic3. Tfie "grotmd i•ules" for tl�e cootduet of the heariiig �nay be st�te�l by the Presiding official at tl�e begi��t�it�g of the hearing: 1. All public coanrn���ts sl�all be n-�ade fi•om the speaker's podium, shall be directed to the Mayor and CoEincil,and a��y individual making eominents shall first give theiY•nattte a��d ac�dress. This is rec�uired beeaus� a�i official reco��c�ecl transcript of the public hearing is being made. 2. No co�ncne3�ts shall be made fro�t� any other location, and anyoj�e n�aking "otrt of order" eotntnents sha116e subject to remowai fi•om ttie�neeti�ig. 3, Unless otlteil�is� deter�nined by tlie Fresiding Officer, all cammunts by the pi�blic sllall be limited to f1-►ree min�ites per spe�ker. 4. T1�eM•e will be►�o demonstrations, applause or other audienee participatian, before, during or at the coucl�isiou of anyo�ie's presentation. Sucl� expressions are disi•��ptive a��d take time a�vay fi•om the speakers. 5. Uii�ess l�ead a►tcUor ha3��ieci in by the individual speaker during tl�e publie l�earing, �reviously received writteu piiblic camments tvill be rea�1 by tl�e City Clerk at the pleasure of fhe M�yor. In the iuterest of time, t�ie Mayor may limit the reading of such can�ments, to the Cle�•lc reading �vhom the letter or�vritten ina�erial is fi•om, and if e�sily discerr�ible, �vhether that person is for or against tlae issue at hancl. All�eritten camnients beco�ne an official pa�-t of the record. 6. These rules are inte��cied to promote atr orderly system of ttolding a public ltearing, to give �ersons an appoi�tunity to be hea�•c3, and to PI]S1,li'P that individ��als are i14f elribaCl'aSSEC� �Iy exereisi�ig tlieic right af f�•ee s}�eecti. b. Tl�e Presiding officer declares the public lfeari�fg on (topic) opeia, notes tfie tinle for s��cli openiii�, and asks staffto make their presentation. c, After staff presentations, tlie Presidittg Officer calls for p��blic comm�nts, d. The Presiding Office��aslts if a►�S�inernbers of Couticil have questions af any of the speakers or staff. If a�fy Council�nei�iber has c�uestions,the a�}�ro��riate indi�idual rvill be recall�c3 to the podium. e. The Presidi�ig Of�cer•declares tlie�ublic Iieari�t�closed and notes the tiine fot•st�cl�clasi�tg. 28 B. Quasx-Judicial Hearin�s 1. Pur�ose Qtiasi-juclieial pl�blic heari�igs involve the legal rigtits of specific parties, anci tha decisiojtis ��aade as a result of such heat•ii�gs tnust be Uased npon and stipported by the "z•ecord" develo�ed at the hearing. Quasi-judzc�al }iearirigs are sut�ject to sti•icter pt�oceciucal requiE-eme�its th�ri legislakive heari��gs. Most c�i�asi Judicial hearings Ifeld by local gavei•itment bad€es i�ivol�e laricl use matters, iucltsding site specific ��ezoxies, pi•elic��i�ta�y plats, vat•�ances, and conditionai uses. (MRSC Ptrblic Hecrj'li1gS u�relr ancl Hoi�� ta Holr,�Tl�ent by Bol�Meirrig, MRS'C Legal Caarsrdtcr��t.4rrgust.1998) 2. Snecific Statuto��v Provisians a. Cane3ic3ates for tlie City Council may express their opiifions abouk pe�tc3ing or praposed qu�si judicial actiocis wl�ile ca�n�aigni��g, pez• RCW 42,36.0�0��, except that sit�ing Councilmembers sliall not ex�t�ess theic opi�tious on any such rnatter tivhich is or n3ay come befor�the Cauncil. b. Ea�a1•te commu�7ications should be avoided �vhenever possibl�. During tlle �e�idency of a��y c�uasi-judicial �roceeding, no Cout�cilinetnber anay e�fgage in ex paj•te ca��imuclicakions �vith proponants or o��ponel�ts a�out a pro�asal in�valved in the pending proceeding uu�ess the CouncilanemUei° (1) places on the record the substance of srzch ora[ or �vritten C�I]7iTIl1lllCa�lOriS� and (2) provides taiat a �ublic annauuceinent of the conkent of the commu��icatioti a��d of the parties' i`igitts to rebut the substance qf tl�e co�7�mu3�ication sl��ll be made at eacl� liearing tivYiere actio�t is take�i or cansidered oli the ss�bject. This ctoes ifot p�•o��i�it cor•respondence bet�veeti a citizen a�fd l�is or her elected official if the coo•res�ao�fcler�ce is �nac3e a part of tl�e record, 4�lien it pertains to tlie subject tnattec� of a quasi judicial proceeding. (RCW 42,3fi.060z') c, Public Disclosure File. �'he City Cler•k sl�all �i�aintairi a �u61ic disclos�i�•e fle, �vhici� shall be available for ins�ection by tlie piiblic. As to elected officials, the file shall coZZtaiti copies of alt disclosuce fol°ms filed«�ith the Wasl�ington State Pub�ic Disclosure Co�nmission. d. Procedure On Application. Any persaif making applicatiot� fo�� any action leadilig to a qt�asi judicial heariug before tiie Pla�miilg Coana73ission and/or City CO1111C11 sliall be provided �vifli a doct�i�iei�t co�itaiiiing tlie foliot�ing information: (�) the names and a�dress of all �rfe�7�bars of the City Couiicil, aEtd tl�e Planning C�mmissioi�, (2) a statetnent tl�at puUlic ciisclosure informatioji is a��ailaUle for public inspection regai•ding all such Coi�ticilmembers, a��d {3) a statement that if the appiicant interfds to raise any appearance of fairness issue, t��e app�icar�t sha�ild do so at least rivo �veeks prior to ai�y�ublic h�arin�, if tlie gro�inds fo�• such isst�e a►•e tl�en know�� ��id i�� all cases, rio later tha�i before tha openitfg of ttie pi�blic hearing. The applicant sliall sign a receipt for such docu�nent. 3. Actians/Procec�ures for ;� Ou�si-Judicial Pu'�lic Heai��ng 5ee the follo�vin�excerpt fro��i t�ie Spoka�3e Valley Municipal Code Ap�e�ac�ix C for City Cot�rrcil Ap�eal Hear�irt�Pt�oceclrrj•es: Appe�ic�ix C CITY COUNCIL APPEAL H�ARING PROCEDUR�S A, The Couticil sliall not conside�• ai�y ne�v facts or evidence ot►tside ttae ver�iatirn ti•anscript a»d certified record submitted by the Heai�i��g Exai3iieier, except fo��; 1. Grounds far disq��alificakion of the Hearia�g Examiner, lvl�e3f sueh grou�ic3s�vere unkno��wn by th� appella��t�t the time tife►•ecord�vas created; or 2. Mattec�s that �vere improperly �xcluded fi�oi�i the recor•<l aftei� bei��g offer•ed by a party to the I�earing before the Heacing E�aminer; or 3. Mattees ti�ak�vere outside the jnrisdiction of the Hearitig Eaatninea•. 29 The Council shall allo�v tlie reco�'d to be supplej�ietited if tl�e offet•itig pa��ty demonstrates grounds foi•supplementation as set fort[i in subsections (A)(1), (2)or{3) af this appendix. a. Any party 3�ec�uestiiig khat the recorci be slipplemei�ted alrall submit sucla z�equest, aloj�g�vith ti�e speci�c evide�fce to be offered to tl�e Coi�iicil, ti�itlii« 14 c��enc�ar ciays of tEse ciate ttie appeal tieai•i�ig�vas sclied�iled. U. Tlae Cout�cil t7�ay t�equit�e or pei•�itit t�ie correction of ministerial erroi�s or inadvertent a�nissions in dje preparation af the record. c. Tlte Council �vil] allo�v ti�e sti6znittal of inemoranda by tlie a,�pellant, or a �a��ty of record in opposition ta the appeal, subjeet to the follo�ving requicetnants: i. `I'he appellant jnay �le a zY�emoi•a�idum in sul�pol-� of �iia appeal. The ►nemoratidt�m must be filed no later thari i2:00 noon on tlie third Friday precedi��g tl�e date set by the Council �oz•corisicieration of tite appeal, ii. Any paz-ty af record iri opposition to ttie appeal inay subti�it a reply me�ttorand��i�� in opposition to t�te a��peal. A��y��eply menzora�tduj�i must be filed no late�� than 12:00 noon on the second Friday preceding the date set for considei�ation of the a�peal. iii. Afl ine�noranda s�iall be licxl�ted to staking ��vhy the record or• �pplicable laws oz• regulations do or do iiot sup��ort the decisican, and shall not contain aiiy ne��F facts or evideiice, or disei�ss matters outside tlie record, except as pei•n�itted a�ove, iv. The offeritig pa1-ty shall promptiy SU�1171t a COpy' Of t�le Tll@I1101'�I1CIU111 01' 1'ei]UeSf YO suppleme�tt tlte record to the Cit��Attorney, aud to opposic�g parties as pi°acticable, B, The Cotu�cil «ill allosv oral at•g�ament by tl�e appelIant, or a party of record in oppositioii ta tti� appeal, subject tca the followitig rec}uire»ients: 1. It is expected t13at alE �a�•ties cai� reaso��ak�ly be aligned as eith�r i�i support of klie appeal or oppasec�ta the appeal. Accorclingly, all parties�vl�o desire to make oral arg�unent sha11 co��7t7�unicate«�ith other pai�ties aligried on tlie same side of flfe �ppeal a�icl attempt to reach agi•ee�nent in selecti�tg a l�epresentative, or othez�vise ari•ange £o�• the allocation of time allo�ved under thasa rt�les to tfiose iti support oFor tliose o�posed to tlie ap�aeal. 2, C��•al a�•gu�nent shall be presented f�rst by tl�e appellant, fallo�ved by ttiose pat-kies of record iii opposi#ion to tl�e appeal, at�d then rehu�tal and surrebtyttal. 3. Oral argi�tnent shall be litnited to stati►zg�vl�y tlle record or applicable la�vs or regulakions do iiot su�port tlfe decisiaii, anci shall not contain any ne�v facts or evideilce unless allo�ired b}� subsectian A of tliis appe�idix. �, Oral ai•gi�me�it sliall be litnited to 20 mir�utes total fai• the ap�ellant, anc� 20 tninutes total for tfiose parties in op�osition to the a�peal,regarclless of��o�v tnany pa��ties�nake up each sicle. S. Tlie t•espective tirnes allotived for o�`al argument abowe include the co��ifiined tii�i� us�d by a side foe opening argument, rebuttal and sui�rebuttal. Th�tima take�i to respond to questions fi�oin the Cauncil is not inclt�ded in tife time allo��red foa•argu�nezrt. C. Tlte Council ntay affii•n� oi• reve��se tl�e Hea��it�g Examii�er's decisiori, or �•ecnand it foc fi�►•klier p�•oceedings. Tl�e Hea�•i�fg Exaii�ine�•'s c3ecision �vill be �resumed to be eorrect and su}�ported by the record a►id lativ. A tie vote on ai�y IliOt1011 sh�ll liave the effect of affirming the Hearing Eaa�ttitaet's ciecision. D. The Cauncil may reverse the Hearing Examinei•'s decision, or ren�and it foi• fut-�ltar �i•oceedings, if the appella��t lias carri�d tlie burdan of establishiz�g tl�at one or mare of tl�e follo�ving stai�dards are ntet; 1. The Heari�fg Exaininer engaged ii1 tinlalvfiil procedure ar faifed to folloti�� a prescribad ��roeess, imless tlie error�vas li�rmless; 2. The decision is an ei�roneous interpretation of tlie la�v, after alloiving far sucli deference as is due to coi�stt�uctio►i of la�y i�y a local jisrisdiction�vitti e�pei�tise; 3. The decision is �t4t suppoi•ked by evidence thak is sti6statitial �vIieii vie�veci in ligiit of tlie enkii•e recorc�; 4. Tl�e decisio�� is a clearly e►•a•aneous application of tlie larv to ttie facts; �. The c�ecisio�� is outside the aiitliority of tlie Hearic�g Examiner. 30 E. Tjse Calmcil m2�y also remand the decision to the Hearing Examiner if ttie app�lla�rt affers �ie�vly discovered e�idence that �vould reasonably have affect�d the decisioii l�ad it beei� admitted in t�ie proceedittgs befoz-e the Hearing Exa��liner. "Ne�vly discavered evidence" is evidence that�vith reasonable diligence could not have been discovered and prod��ced at the time the �roceedings before tlie Heaei�fg Exainii�er jvere conducted. F. The Cou��ci1 sha11 ac3opt ��ritt�n finding5 aitci conclusion in support of its decision. If the Council concludes that a finding of fact by the Hearing E�aminer, u}�oii �Vhich the decision is based, is tiot suppoi�ted by substa�ftial evidence, the Council may tnodify tl�e ��zdi►fg or subst�tute iks o�vn finding, citing stibstantial evidence in tlie record that supports tite rnodified or substihrte fmditig. In tlie event of a tie vote aii tl�e proposed �ndii�gs of fact, that vote sh�il be coiasidered a fi►�al actian, the firidings sh�li reflect tl�e same, anci the decision of the Hearing�xaminer sl�all be affi��ined, G. The Cauncil's decision sliall include a notice statiiig that tlie decisio�i can be ap}�ealed �vitifi�� 21 calendar days fro�n the date the decision «�as issuecl, by filitig a la�id use petition�vitli the Superiar Court as provided i�i Chapter 36.70C RCW 2$a►ici meeting the other provisions of sueh eliapter, anci tl�at the decisio�i stiall act as official notice l2tidei°RCW 43.21C.Q75z9. H, Tl�e ziotice ixacludeel ari tlae Gouaacil's decision shall alsa state #]lat affeeted �roperty owne�•s may request the Spokane Coutity Assessoi•for a c�iange iif valuation for�roperty tax pi�z•poses iiorivitllstancling any pa•ogranl of j•evaluation, pursi�ant fo RCW 36.70B.13030. T. Tl�e Ci#y Clerk sifail, ti��itlfin five busiuess days f1�o�n tlie date of the Cot��icil's decision on the appeal, mail a copy of the Co��ncil's dacisio�z to tlie appellan�, the applicant (if diffarent than tlte appellant), a�ay other pa��ty �}�ho testified or subi�iitted a iiiemorand�un at the closed record �ppeal hearing befare the Council, at�y person �vho req«ested notice of tlie clecision, and any �erson ��rho submifted substantiva commei�ts on tlie a}�plicakio��. The Ciky Cle�•k shail also provide notice of the decision ta the Cotu�ty Ass�ssor. J. W}tea•e tkie Hearing Exaczliner•'s clecisiori recotnmencis ap�roval of k17e p�•oposal and ►io appeal l�as been filed �vithin the titne period set fo��tli above, the City Ma�iage►• or designee shall modify tlie official zoning jifap of the City accoi•ciiiig to tha Haaritig Examiner's decisian. The inodificatio�ti of tlle zoni��g rnap completes the Hearing Examiner's decision a�id shall be eo»sidered tlie final legislati�e action of the Cify Co��ucil. Si�ch fi��al actioii, for zoniug pu�•�ases, is cotisid�red an offieial control of t��e City 6y exel•cise of its zaning and planni�fg authority pursuank to Washi�igton law, (Ord, 08-022, 2008}. 4._ A�pear•ance af Fairness Doctrine a. "Ttie test of rvhetlf�r the Appe�r�atic� of Fairnass Dactrine lias been violated is ... as fnllo�vs: Wou1c1 a disii�terested peison, having bee�f a}�prised of the totality of a boai�d membei�'s pe1•sona] interest in a mattez• being acted ��pon, be reasonably justifed in thi�sking tliat pa��tiality �nay exist? If aMis«rered i�� the affii°mative, ssich deliberations, a��d any�course of cond��ct reaehed thereon, sliould be voided." Swift vs. Isla�id Couiitv, 87 Wn.2�i 348 (1�76}, Smitl�vs. Ska�it County, 75 Wn.2d 715 (1969). b, Types of Heai�ings to Which the Doctrine Ap�lies. Tlie Appeara�fce of Fairness Doctrine shall xpply only to thase actio►is of the Col�ncil «lliic�� are qtiasi-jiidicial iri nakut�e. Quasi judicial actions �re defi�ied as actio��s of tEie City Coue�cil �v}iich detel�mi�ie tlie legal rigifts, ciuties, ar privileges of specific parties in a heari»g o�• othe�• co��tested proceeding. Qi�asi-judicial actiotis do �iot include tize legislative aetions adopti�ig, amefieliiig, oc revising co�t�prehensive, coln�n�uiity, or neighborhooci plans ar other land use �lan��it�g doct�ments or the acioption of area-���ida zoniiig ordina�tices or the adoption of a zoning amendanent tiiat is of area-zvide (ve�•si�s site-s�ecific) si�iiificance (RCW 42.36.01031). Steeet vacations aa•e typically legislative actioiis, u�fless cleat�ly tied to, and integrated ilita, a site-specific develo�ament p��oposal �v��ic�f is e�uasi-judicial in nat�u�e. c. Obligatiolis of Cotiticifinein6ers -Frocecii►re. 1. I�n�itediate selt=disclasure of i�iterests that may appear to constitute a conflict of itikei•est is het�eby enconraged. Cflu�icilmembers sl�oulcl z•ecognize that the Appearance of Fairliess Doctrine does not i�equire establisliment of a conflict of i�iterest, blot �vhetl�er tlle3�e is an appearance of eonflict af iiitarest 31 to tha avera�e �7�1'S(}Il. T�lIS may involve the COl1T1CIIIII�ITIIJ£1' fll' a COLlI1C1I111011]bBt''S bLIS111eSS associate, oi° a member of tlie Cou��cilmembez•'s immediate fa�t�ily. It could iuvolve ex per��te (outside the hearing) cammunicatiot�s, o�vnership of property in the vicinity, busiuess deali»gs «it�� the proponents oi• apponents UefoM•e ow� a�ter tlfe hea�•iifg, b��sittess deali�fgs of the Co�2nciliiiember's ettiployer �vith tlie pi•opo�ients or opponents, anttoi�ticed predis�osition, aiid the like, Prior to any c�uasi judicial heari�-�g, eac17 Councilct�etnbei• silaEilcl gi�e coafsid�ratioti to tivliatlter a potential violatioii of tlie Ap�earance af �'aii�iess Doctei��e exists. If the a�iswer is in the af�'irinative, no mafter ho�v remote, tlie Coui�cil��aernbei• sttould disclose stsch facts to tlie City�Vlaitager tivlio will seek tl�e opi��ioii ofth� City Attorney as to�viiethe�•a poteirtial vialatian of the Appe�rance of Fairness Doctrine exists. The City Mai�ager shall con�municate sucl� opinio�i ta tha Counailin�ml�er and to the Presiding Officer. 2. A�tyoiie seeki��g to disqu�lify a Go�uiciliilembet� fi•am pai-tici�ati�ig in a decisian oit the k�asis of a violation of tlie AppeaN•a�ice of Faii•jfess Doctri�ye rriusk rais� tl�a cl�allenge as soon as the 6asis fo�� disqualifieation is made kno�v►i, or re�soj�ably should ha�=e been made kuo�vn, I3riar to t�ie issuance of tlie decisio►t, U�o�� failure to cio so, the doctrine n�ay iiot be r�lied upou to i��valiclate the cEecision consiste�it �vith state la�v. The pai-ty seeki��g to disqu�lif�r ttie Coua�cilinexnbei• shall state tivith specificity ti�e basis for disqualificatioi�; for example: dej��oiistrated bias at• �rejudice fa� or agai��st a party to tlte proceedii�gs, a moiietaiy iiiterest in outcotne af the proceec�ings, prejuc�grnei�t of k17e issue pt•ior to ti�aring the facts on the record, or ex l�rn�te contact. Should such challe��ge be made prior ta the he�riiig, the Ciky Manage�• shall direct tlie Gity Attoz•ney to i�ztei•vierv tlie Co���scilmember aiici reiider a�� opinion as to the likelihoad that an Appearance of Faii•ness Doctri�ie violation �vould be sustained iii Supe3•io�•Cou�•t. St�ould such challeitge be macla in tfi� caui�se of a quasi judicial heariiig, the Council�nember stiall either recuse himlherself oi•tlie P�•esiding Officer sliall call a recess to permit the Ciry Atto�•ney to 3nake such inkeivi��v and i�ender such opiuion. 3. The Presi�ling Officer s1ia11 have authority to�-equesk a Cou��cilmeEnber to exc�ESe fiim/fierself on the 6asis of ai� Appearance of Fairness Doct�•ir�e viol�tio��. Ft�rt}le�•, if f�vo or moi•e Couiicilme�nbers betieue ttiat ati A�peai�ance of Pairness Doct��ine violation exists, such i��divicivals �nay rno�e to i�equest a CouiiciLne�nbe�• to eacuse hitn/herself on the basis of ari Appearance of Fairness Docfi�ine violation. In arrivi�ig at this decision, the I'residiug Officer or otlter Councilmembers sh�ll give due regard to ti�e opiriion of the City Attorney, d. Whan Couticil eonducts a li�aring to tivl�ich tl�e Ap�eara��ce of Faicness Doctrine appl ies,t17� pi�esidi��g Officer (or in the case of a pokential violatio�7 by that ii�dividual, the Mayoi• Pro Te�ti) �vi11 ask if a�iy Cou��eiltttembet•�to�vs of any reason�vhicl� �vauld require suclf inetnber to excuse tite�a�se�ves pursuaiit to t�te Ap�3e�rance af Fairness Dactrii�e. Tf�e for�ys of tlte aunot�iic�me�it is as follo�vs: All Cou�icili�iemUe�•s slioulc�l�a�v g�ve consideration as to rvhether they have: 1. A clemonst►�ated bias Qe prejl�dice for Qr agai��st aiiy pa��ty ta the proceedings; 2. A direck or ix�diz•ect�nonetary interest iti the oistcorna af ttie p�•oc��dii�gs; 3. A prejudgme�rt of the issue prior to hearing tlie facts on the recorc�; or 4, Had ex perr�te contact ivith a�iy inc�i�idual, eacludin� administrative staff, �vitli regard to an issue prior ta tl�e l�earing. If any Co�incilme«iber sho�ild ans�ver in t}�e �ffiret�ative, tl�e�a the Cou+�cilitiembers stiould state the reason for fiis/het�ans���er af t�fis tin�e, so that the Chair may inqt�ire of administratioji as to �whether a violation of the Appeae�nce of Fairifess Doctrii�e exists. 32 CHAPT�R 5 COMMITTEES, BQARDS, COMMISSTONS � � � � f - � i y � � , , . �. .�:�;, � ! .� � � ,q �rti I� i �: # 33 A. Regianal Co�nmittees, Boarcis, efc. 1. Comtnittees 5pakane Valley Cou��cilrnembe►•s �ncl/or resic3ei�ts �vho sesk representatio�� oti any stauding committee, board, ov� commission rec�uired by state law, shal] be ap�ointed by the Mayor �vith con�rmatioii by tl�e COLlI1C1�. 2. CoY�ncil Relations�vitfi Ba�rds, Conimissions �nd Council Citizen Atl�iso_i-v Bodies Cotmcitmembei•s are encouo•aged to share�vitl� all CaEUicil i�iembers, copies of lY�i��utes from atiy stakutozy boards, eon3missiotjs, OI' C011lf171Yt0QS 011 �VI]iCll t�10y 50i'V� �lIC� �JaCflCl�at�. COIt1tT1Ut]1C�3t10I15 fTOIIl SllC�l boards, COII11111SS10I1S a�id bodies to the Ciry Council �vlfic�i seek action or feed�ack, slfoulcl be acktio�vledged by tlie Cauricil, pr•eferaf�Iy by a lette►• from t1�e MayrOt'. Ail�' 111e171I1�1' Qf tI10 COl1IlCi� Iri�y also b��i�ig s��ch communication to fite P�•esiciiaig Of�ce�•'s atte��tioz� uM�de�� tl�e agez�da itezn "Coiiimittea, BOaI'C� c�t1C� L1c�15011 R8�10i'�S." If any member of the Cowicil rec�uests that any ss�ch ca�nnuu�ication be of�cially atis�vered by the Cou��cil, the Presiding Of�cer may plaee the matter o�f an agenda undei• Ne�v Busiitess, Infoiniation, Cou�lcil Coinments (study session foi•ma�), or ot�ier appro�t�iate pl�ce, for a specific Coii�icil meeting, or take other apprflpriate aetion. Co�tricilir�einber(s}�nay be desig�iated by the City Co��ncil to take tl�e lead on particular significant iss��es a�zd to provide appropriate feedUack of i�lforn�ation to Counci�, in order to gain coi°porate approval aeid coordination of corpor�te efforts. No Coti►�cilmember �i�ay spea�C for tlte Coi�ncil unless Cauncil lras desig��ateci t�iat�erson as the lead on tl�ak particula�• issue. $. Xn-House Committees, Boards, etc. l. Standii�g com���ittees o�• cotnx�lissions �°equiz•ed by law sl�all be appointe�i by khe Mayor for a tinie certain not to exceed the term provideci by la�v or the term of office of flfe appointing Mayor and canfii•mec3 by Couizcil. Follo�ving are established in-house committees: a. Plann'rng Commissian -- 7 n�einbers. "SVIVIC 1$.l0.QI0�stablisliment ajid purpose. There is created the City of S��okane Valley Planiii��g Conlmission (hereafter refer3�ed ta as the "Plarining Commission"). Tite purpose af the Plani�it�g Commission is to �ttzdy a��d �nake recammenclatio��s to tlie Mayor aud City Cauucil for fuhu•e plauned growth tlfrough contivued review of the City's Compre��ensive Land Use Plati, developmetit regulatians, sl�oreliue n�ax�agex�aent, enviz�ot�i��errtal p��Qtectioz�, public facilit�es, capital im��•ove�iients ai�d ot��er matte�'s as directed by tlie City Council. (Ord. 07-015 § 4,2007}. ].8.10.020 Membership. t�. Qualificatio3is. The me��ibership of t�ie Planning Commission stiall consist of inclivid4�als �vho have an int�rest iti pla�fning, land use, trat�sportatiori, capital ii�ft•asti•uct�►re �nd ba�ilcli»g a��d landscape desigu as avideiiced by training, e�.peri���ce or ielte�•est in the City, B. Appoitittnetit. Meinbei•s of tiie Planning Com�tiission s}iall be �iomi��ated by the Mayor and cot�firmed by a ulajority vote of at least four members af tl�e City Council. Pla��t�ing commissio�iers shall be selected �vithout res�ect to political affiliations arid shall serve witho«t COIIlp�IlSaf1017. Tlle Mfl�01', �V�12T1 COIlSIi��I'lIl� ���7D111tI11011t5a shall attem�t to select i•esidetits �vho represent va�•iotis iiite�•ests a��d locations��it�iin the City. C, Numbei-of Members/Tarms. Tlte Planning Cammissian shall coi�sist of seven �nembers. All members sliall �•esi�le witiiin tlie City. Te�•�ns shall be fo�• a thi•ee-yeai• pei•iod, aiid sliall expire oi� the 31st day of Deeember." 3� I b. Loc�giltg�'ax AdvisorV Cotnmittee -- 5 ��ie�nbers, "SVMC 3.20.040 Lflciging tax Tclvisojy conrn�iftee. Tf�e City Council shall est�blish a lodging tax advisory cominittee consistiEig of five members. Ttvo me�nbers o�tlfe cozntniktee sliall be �•ep�•esec�tati�res of busit�esses �•equired to collect the tax, and at least two members sltall be persons inWOlved in activities �uthoi•izeci to be fiuided by this cliapker. The City shall solicit recommetic�ations fi•om organizations z•ep�°esenti�ig Utisinesses t�iat collect the ta�: �n�l a•ganizations fiiat are aiithoi•ized to receive fii�ids ii�ider this ciiapter. Tite conu��iktee shall be compyise�l eq��ally of inembers �vlto represent busizlasses N•equireci to collect the tax anci membe►�s ivlio ai•e i�ivolveci i�i fundec3 activities. One member of the commi#tee s�iall be fi•orn tlie City Cou��cil. Annually, the tnernbership of the coinmittee sl�all be z•e�ie��ed. Tlfe Mayor sliall �7ami�iate persocts and ti�e Counci]��iembei• foi• the lodgi�ig tax advisa�y committee �vith Gotuicil coa��w•x�iation of t}ie nox��ir�ees. Nornit�atiox�s sl�all state tlfe ter�n of carnmittee rnembershi}�. Appoint�nents shall be for one- a��d t�vo-year terms. {Ord. 27 §4, 2043)." c. Fi�iance Cotninittee-- 3 memhers, "SVMC 2.SU.120{a) a�ul (b) �stablis�iiug travel palicies ancl �roeecltu'es. a. The responsit�ility ancl al�thoz•iry fo�• developing, a�lo�ting, moclif��ing ancl rnonitoring the travel policies anci procecit�res for reim�ua�se�nent af expenses incurred w�ii�e on official busi�tess of tlle City of Spokane Valley is c�elegate�i to tl�e Ciry Cou►icil finance caiii�niktee. It is recog�iized by tlie City Co�mcil tliat p�iblic offici�ls and emplayees tivill periadically be reqrFired to t�•avel anci iifcur �•elated expenses on bej�alf of the City. The p{�rpose of tlfe tc�avel policies �nd pi�oceduces is to provide criteria foi• payment and/or reimburseme�lt of valid expenses. The Co��ncil directs that the finance coml�iitt�e cansider the follotiving in the �ie�elopment of travel policies and p�•ocecitares: {A}, Reimbu�•semeut for tca��sportation costs �vhen tising personal automobiles incEuding rates to be estal�lis6ied a�� a mileage or other reaso�fable basis aud for airfae�e or• okliea• wnode of t�•avel; (B}. Reim}�ii►•sernent foz• IfoteUmatel accommodatiatis; (C). Reimbursement fol• me�ls eitl�er at actual cost including a per meal maxirnum a�nount or � pei• cliem allocation; (D).Reimbtirsament far incidejftal expe�fses sucl� as �arki�ig, taxis, buses, r•ental cars, etc.; ai�d (E}. Sticli ottiei•matters that are i�easonably rel�ted to travel. b. Tite finance de}�artinent, iander tlie sli�eivision of the finaeie� cotnmitte�, is directed to deve�op a fully ikernizec� travel expense form �vlrich shall 6e used to adrninistei• t�ie City travel polic}' c317C� �CCOLl17t f01' eX�.leI1C�1tU1'0S �Ila I'elIIlblll"SeTIleIlt Of OffIC1aIS Qi' �II1�7IO��ees, Clai�ns foi' reimburseznent ��tust be accor7�pa��ied by z•eceipts sl7o�ving the amount �aid and items/seivices received u►iEess othei�vise provideci i�� the policies a�id procedures. All claims for reimburse;uent shall be duly ce��tifiec�by tlie indi�ic�u�l subjtiit#ing sucli claim ori a foi•iti approved by the Fi�fance Dii•eckor iai conl�liance�vitli state regulations and guidelines establisEied by the State Auditor. For adrninistrativa staff, the City Matiage�• or desi�ne� shall approve expenses and reimbursetnent. The Cit�y Caimcil shall approve, througlf budget alfocation, travel expenses and reimbu��se�nent for Council membars. Tl�a Council resarvas the rigl�t fo revie�v tl�e h�avel policies a�id proced�ues of the City including modifyiitg arid amending tlie same fi�om tima ta tir�ie. (Ord. 29 § 1, 2003}." The Fif�ance CQmtnitkee s1ia11 Ifave na i•egularly }�i•escri6ed duties or i�ieetings except the bills/pay��oll and ��arrant procedt�res required by state ia�v, utiEess specifcally cliargeci by tlte City Couilcil. Tlte City Mac�agea•may also z•eqisest�7ieetings to discsrss matters of���a►YCia� intei•est��ith t�te Finance Conunittee. SVMC 3.35.Q10{D) Coy�t��act Aiit�ia�•ity The �nance committee of the City Cot�c�cil is atit}�orized to a�prove change ai°ciers on shart liotice tl�at ace in excess �f tlie amounts authorized iif subsectia�� C of tl�is section, i�� circu��istances �yhere such a ciaange arder is riecessary to avoid � substautial risk af ha��m ta the 35 City. In such an event, the city manager shall �rovide a�propriate info�•ftlatio��to kl�e city Council at its tiext regtilar meetir�g setti�fg fol�lf tlie factual basis far tlie action. (Orci. 07-004 §2, 2007; I o��d. o�-o��§ 2, 200�.}. 2. When required by 1a�v, committee rneetings should be open to the public, 1T1CIl1CIlIlg tll� I]1�C�la, unless discussiiig matters ��hicl� �vould qu�fify for an executive sessiou if discussed within tiie �vhole Coui�cil. All Cot�ticil committea meetings shall be for the pur��ose of considering legislative policy matters, t�ather than administrative rnatteis i�nless reqi�ested by the City Manager. Legislative pfllicy co�tsideeatEOns should be bro��ght to tlie Couticil i�nlass referred to a coYnmittee for pre-stuc�y. 3. The Mayor may ap��oiiit such otlier ad hoc advisor}� committees or liaisons from ti}e Cou��cil o�• eommeinity for the purpose of advisirig the Cat�iicil in legislative }�olicy matters. All ad lioc com�t�ittees siiall be defined by a clear task anci a method of "suiYSetting" the eotnmittee at tEie coi�clusioi� of tlae assigned task. As �vith all comi»ittee �=acai�cies, ads a��nouncing a vacancy or soliciting membership o�• participation in a task force o�- ofher coinmittee �vi11 6e placecl on the City's �vabsite, and i�i the City's official iie�vspa�ei•, 4. Cal��icil Lzaisoa�. AppointcneM�ts shall be by tiie Mayo�•a►ld con��•med Uy khe Couiieil for a time cei�tain not to exceed t17e term of the appointing Mayor. Individual �nemt�e3�s of the Couneil n�ay b0 assignecl as ]iaisons �vhose ciuties itrvolve keeping curretrt wit17 a grai►p or aetiivity by either atte�ldance ��hen the group ar activity takes place, or cortum�nicatio�i witli appr•opriate leaders so t3ie I1�i1S01] CO1111C1Itl1eI21b2Y cati keep Council inforn�ed. Liaisons may, at times, advocata Coui�cil actio�is oit beltalf of t�leir assigned group or acti�ity, Extreme cai•e inust be takeii to avaid an Appearance of Fai�•ness Doctri3�e viofation, ar conflict of interest �ossibilities �viti� �gejscies or cii�cumstauces �vliere st�ch possibilities jnay exist (i.e.: Pla��ning Cor��mission qi2asi-judicial). Liaison fiinctions an�3 dukies may be fiit�ther defined atidlor directeci t7y t�l�pl'e51f�IClg�ff1Cel'�Vltl1 COIlClll'1'eI1Ce O�COUIICL�. 5. �'c�Sl{ FOI'C0. Z'�le Cl� C011IlC1I Itic�Y CI'2at2� all(� C�IlflClTl �}le Mayor's recoinmenc3ation ta appoint memt�ers to stnaIl task force groups. A task force is a te�n�oz•a�y g��o�ip farmeti and "tasked" by Iegislative authoi•ity to study a specific suk�ject for a s��ecified period of ti�ne. 6. After cons�iitatian ��vitlf the City M�;nager, any otlter Cot2ncil co�zimittees, citize�i task forces or similai• organizecj gro�ops shall have riiles or o�erating �rocedures the��eof establislted by Council c�irective rvitif special atkention to RCW 35A.13,1203 . Stic�i committees shall be commissioned for a time certain, not to exceed t�va years or the tei�m of the a��ainting Mayor, �vliichever is less a�id be provided �v'ttlt a clear task description. Appoititment shall be t�y�tl�e M�yor. Cauncil xnay�vaive coufiemation in the instrument creating said committee ar group. Sucli committees shall be subject to review ti�fie�iever a��e��Council is saated follo�vitig elections, sa as ta c�etermine �vhether the committee and �ts fi�nctions continue to �e appropriate aud necessaiy. Members of any coinmitfee, board o1� c9�tunission �vhich l�ave been appointed or confi�•ined b�� khe Cou��cil, may be removed withoikt cause by a majo�•iiy vote oF the Coucicil. No advisoiy boaa•d, commission, committee or task fot�ce sliall take any final action ot��side of a�� open public ineeting tanless permitteci to do so �er state statutes, and tivl�en perinit��ci by state stakutes, t�o fit�al action shall be taken tvithouk the fareknotivlec�ge alici approval of majority vate of tite Council. C. Private Committees, Boarcis, Commissions Tlie Council recognizes there are vario�is othei• privata boards atid co�nmittees, sucl� as Spokane Neigl�borliood Ackiou Pa��t�fers {S1�1AP), z�vhicl� �p}�oin�mei�ts are m�de by titeie o�vn board. These baards and �ommittees �vhicli da iiot rec�uire an appoint�neiYt by oiir Mayor, �vith confii•matiocl by our Col�i�c�l, are noiieflteless import�nt aspects of our community and �ve recognize the time com���itment any Coiencilmembes• njay extenc3 as a me���ber af any of these cornmittees and/or boards. As �vell, Cottncil appi•eciates heai•iiag � pea•ioclic a�epow•t or update oa� activities and issties stii°rouiidii�g tktose boac�ds acid committees. 3G CHAPTER 6 D�,�clair�er ca -°„ , � � A. P�u•pose These City Council Rules of Pracedure are c�esigned to provicie guidance foi• tlie City Council. They are not to be considered �•estrictions or expansions of City Council authority. Thasa rules have been prepared from i•eview of many statutes, ordinances, court cases and othe�• sat�rces bt�t they are not intended to be an amend�nent oi• substih�te far those statutes, ordinances, cou�•t decisions or other a�xthority, B, Use No action taken by a Councilnle�lber or by the Cotyncil whicl� is not in com�li�nce with tllese rules, but which is atherwise la�vfi�l, shall invalidate such Councilmembe��'s ar Cauncil aetion ox� be deem�d a violatioi�af oath of off�ce, �niisfeasance o�•�nalfeasance. No atitharity otliet•tlian the City Cou�icil t��ay en�orce these rules or rely on these rules. Failure of the City Cotzncil to follow any of t�xese rules shall be considered a Couneil decision to wai�e such i•��le. No tiotice af such waivei•need be given. C. Rel�atice Prsblrc Use ar•Relicr��ce Not.Intencled. Be�a�lse these rules are designed to assist tlie City Council anc� nat to �t'o�ide substantive rules affecting coiistituents, it is expi•essly stated that these r�iles do not coz�stit«te lancl use i•egulatio�is, official conh�ols, "appearance of fairiiess �•ules," public hearu�g rules, or ot�rei•substa�itive riiles binding upon or to be used by or relied upon by rnetnbets of the public. These i•t�le:� cio not amend staTutory or other regulato��y (such as ordinance) ��equi��etnents. 37 Appendix A: De�nitions ACt16I1: A�1 tra��sactia��s of a goveining body's busittess, incl��ding receipt af �ublic testiino��y, deliberations, discussio��s, conside�•ations, re�ietivs, and evaluations, as «ell as "final" actioi�. [RCW 42.30.0103�, 42.30.020(3)3�], Codifecl: The process of for�ming a legal code (i.e., a codex or book of Ia�vs) by collecting and incluciing the 1a�vs of a jurisdictioii or znnnicipality. Consensus: A collective judgme�tt o�•belief; solidarity of opi�iion; "The co�isetistrs af tlre gt�ot�p tis>f�s tlr�rt tlrey slrarrld rlreet t�vice cr r�ro�rth, Ge��eral agreem�nt or hartnony. [Rcejtrlonr Hatrse Y�'ebster�'s ColTege Dictro�rc�jy, April 2001] [Wikipedia. explaiiss it as a group decisio�f making pracess; not necessat•ily the agreeiiient. I�i other r�voi•ds, the question to the gro�ip is: "Is ttiis soineti7ing you can live �vitli?" or, Does at�ynne objeet?] It is not unanimity, k�ut moj'e a�rocess for decidi��g tivhat is best overalL Membei•s of the geoup reae,h a ciecision to�vhich they consent because thay knorv it is tiae best a�ie overall. It differs fr•om voting ivhich is a proced��re fni•taliying prefei•ences. 5ometimes kiio�vi��g there �vill be an up-down vote at the end oftelz �olarizes the cliscussiot�. It does not require aacit metnber of the graup to ji�stify tl�eir feelings. [Taken fi�am: Co�rsef�strs Is Not Urtcrrtrt�lity: M�rkirrg Decisiojas Coo�earrtively, b}1 Rcrarr�y Sclatrtt., ] Similar to a vei•bal "sho�v of hands" o�i ���ho feels pa�-ticularly stt•ong oit tltis�" Sometimes thought of as preliminaiy appro�val �vitl�out ta�iyag final "action." A s�iow of h�nds is ��ot an action that 17as any legai effect. [See"Voting and Taking Ae#ion in Closecl Sessioiis"by Frayc�a Bt�lesteit�.] �x-paz•t�: fi�om a oiie-sided o�•paetisan point of vie�v; an tlie application of one party aloti0. An ex-pa�°te juc�ieial proceeding is cond�icted far tl�e Uenefit of oitly one pat�ty. Tx-pa�•te may alsa describe contact�vitl� a person represanted by an attorney, outside tl�e p�•eseifce of khe attorney. Mo#ion: An enacted motion is a fori3� of action taken by the Cou�icil to direct that a specific action be taken ot� behalf of the tnunicipllity. A tnotion, once approved and e�ttered itrto the record, is the eqt�ivalent of a resolntion in thnse i�istances �vhere a resol��tion is iiot i•equired by l��v, and «here suclt motion is not iti coiYflict�vith existing Stake or Federal statutes, Cfty ordinances or resolutiotis. Oedinance: A�i enacted or•dinance is a la�v passed [enacteci] by a mi�nicipal organizatioii legislat�vely prescri�ing specific rules of orgauization or conduct relatitig to t[ie corporate affait•s of tlfe numicipality and those citizens and busities�es thereid�. Counci! action shall be taken by ordinaYice �vhen �'equired by la�v, or tivhez�e pt�escribeci conduct may be enfarced by penalty. Special ordivances st�ch as adopting khe btidget, �acati��g a street, a►�iending tlte Comp��ehejfsi�e Pla» a►id/or• Map, and p�acirig a matter• on an eleetion ballot, i��clucti�lg general obligation k�onds,a1•e riot coc3ified into the City's i��u��icipal cocie. Resalution: Atf enactecl a•esolutiot� is an acimiriistrati�e aet �vhich is a farmal statement of policy concernv�g il�atters of special or temporaiy character. Council actioti shall k�e tafcen by resoli�tion tivl�e�� required by lativ and in tiiose ii�starfces «rhei•e a�i ex��ressian af polacy mai�e foi�m�l tliau a s�otion is desired. Reg��lar Meeting; Aiiy Co��Eicil ��ieeting that ineets in the Spokatte Valley Ciry Couricil Cl�a�nbei•s oi� Tuesday at 6;40 p.m. shall be de�med a "i•egula�� ineeting." Soc�al Meclia: A tei-in used to defitta tf�e r/arious activities #hat i�itag�•ate teclmology, social interaction ar�d coa�tent cre�tipn. Tlu°ougti social tneciia, i�7dividuals or collaboratioiis of itic�ividuals create on-lirie �veb content, organize content, edit oi• conunent oz� content, combine content, �rid s}ta►�e co��tent. Social tnedia uses m�ciy techaaologies a��d for•ms iiicluding syndicated �veb feeds, �veblogs (blags), �Vi�{l, plloto- sliaring, video-sharing, podcasts, a��d social nehvorking. (Frotn MItSC, anc� Social Media acid Web2.0 in Government, Wet��onteiit.go�v} 38 Appendix B: F'requentiy Usec� Acronyms AACE -American Assaciation of Code Enfoi�cement ADA- Amez•ica��s�vith Disabiiities Act ADT-Average Dai1y Traffic ATF-Bureau of Alcohol,Tobacco & Firearms AWC -Association of Wasliingto�i Cities BQG`C -Board of Gouw�ty Co�xa��iissioz�e�•s CAFR-Com�rehensive Annual Financial Report CDBG- Cotnmunity Developnlent Block Gra�lt CIP -Capital Improvemenk Plan C1VI-Ciry Manager CMIAQ -Congestion Mitigation &Air Quality Prograna CT�D - Community, Trade, &Economic Developme��t(nojv Depac-tment of Commerce) CTR- Co�nmute Trip Reductioit(lagislation} CUP -Conditional Use Perrnit D�IS-Draft Enviranmenta� I��Ipact Statei�ient IIEM- Depaifinent of Emergency Managemeut DIr1R-Depa�•tment of Nahu•al Resources DN� -Declaration of Non-Significanca DOE -Depai�t�nent of Ecoiogy; Depai�tmeYrt of E�iergy DOT-Depac�finent of Transportation E911 -Enl�a�tced 911 �A -Etiviranment Assessment EDC -Economic�]evelopment Cou9icil ���/AA-Equal Eai�ploytnent Opuortux�ityJAf�rmative�4ckion E�OC -Equal EmployiYient Op�oi�tunity Coinmission �IS -Envit�ondtiental Impact State�netit �O� -Eq«al Oppai�u�tity Ein�loyer EPA - Ez�vii•onmental Protectioii Ageucy �RU - Eqi�ivale�ft Residential U»it(for measueing�vater-sewer ca�acity and demand) ESU -Equivalent Seivice U�iit{fot•i7�easlu•ing stormlvater utility fees) r& WS - Fecieral Fish& Wile�life Service I'AA -Federal Aviation Ad�ninistratio►� TCC -Federal Comtnunications Commission 39 rEIS - Fi��al Etrviro�unental Itnpact Statejnei�t TEMA�Federal EmeM•gency Management Agency I'ICA-Fedeo•al Insurance Contributioi�Act FIRM-�'looci InstErance Rate Maps FLSA-Fair Labor Standards Act TIVILA-Family Medical Leave Act FY-Fiscal Year GAAP -Genei•ally Accepteei Accaunti��g Priiiciples GASB- Governmental Accounting Stanclarcls Board GIS -Geograpi�ic L�formatioii Systam GMA- Gro��th Management Act GPM- Gallo�is Per Miliute HOV-High-Qccti�ancy Ve1�ic�e HR-Hu���an Resoui•ces HUD -Housing&Urba��Develapment{Department of) ICMA-Interi�ational City/Co�mty Managem�nt Associ�tion L& T-Labor& ��idustries{Department ofj LID -Local Imp��oveme��t District MGD - Millioii Gallons per Day MOA - Memoranciu�n of Agreernent MOU-Memarandt�m of Understanding MPO -1VIat��opolitaii Plamiin�Oi•ganization MRSC -Miinicipai Researc�f Services Cettiter N�PA-Natiorial �nviE•oni�feilt Po�ic}T Act NIMBY -Not In My Backyard NPDES -National Polli�tant Discl�arge Eli►nination System P� -Preli�nii�a►y�»gii�ee�•i��g; Professio►zal Engineer PERC- Public Et�iplaytnent Relatioris Coinmission PM�-Pavemei�t ManageEne�ft Systern PPE-Fersonal Protective Equipinent PPM-Part�Pe�°Millioj�; Policy&�'�•ocedu��e Ma�aual PUD -Public L7tility District FW -Public Works QA - Qu�lity Ass��ra�tce RCW -Revised Code oF Washi�igto�� ao REET -Real Estate Excise Tax RONR I�obej•t's Rzrles af Of�cler�Neti4>ly Revised R�W-Right o£Way SAO - State Auditar's Offiee SBA- Sr7aall Busi��ess Adlniiliskration S�PA - State Eriviron;nental Policy Act SMA- Shot�elines Mai�agetnent Act SWAC - Salid W�sta Advisoiy Committee TIB-Transpoi�tatio�� Irr�px•ovement Board TIP -Transportatioia ltnproven�ei�t Pi�ogram TMDL-Total MaxitniEm Dai�y Load UBC -Uniform Building Code UTC -Uniform Fire Cade UGA -Urban Gro�vtll Area WAC - Was�iingtoz�Actministrative Code WACO - Washington Associakiotr af Co��nty Officials WCIA- Washington Cities Tnsura��ce Autliority WCMA- Wasl7iaagto��CitylCounty Mana�ernent Associatian WSDOT- Washingtoi� State De}�at�tiiiet�t of Trans�oi•tatiofl WSP -Washington State Patrol WUTC - Wasf�ir�gton Utili�ies &Transportation Commission WWTP - Waste�vater Tt�eatment Plaift �11 APPENDIX C: Optional Cai�imittee Repoi-t Form Meeting Date: Cot7lmittee: Councilme�ttbei•'s Coi7�tnittee 5fandi��g: (6oard member, ]iaison, etc): 1. Agencia Topic: Goals/actions discussetl or taken; Recom�ziendatiansldec�sions made: B�tdget imp�ct to Spokane Valley: Resource impaot to Spoka�ie Valiey: �'4it��re Action or follo�v-t��needed by Spokane Valley: De�d9ine: 2.Agencla Tnpic; Goals/actions discussed or taken: Reconame�zdationsldecisions made, Budget i►npact to Spoka�ie Valley: Resource i�npack to Spokane Valley: Futtu�e Act�o�f oi°follo�v-up neec�ed by Spokane Valley: Deadline; 3.Agend� Topie: Goalslactious dise�GSSed o�•taken: Recoanmendations/decisions made: Budget iinpact to Spokane V�[ley: Resoi�rce impact ta Spoka��e Valley; Futt�re Action or follo�v-up�ieeded by Spolcane ValEey; � Deadline; 42 APPEI'1DIX D: RESOLUTIpI� 07-019 CITY Or SPOI�AN�VALL�Y SPOKAN� COUNTY,WASHINGTON R�SOLUTION NO. 07-019 AM�ND�D GENERAL POLTC`Y It�SOLUTION OT CORE BELI�FS A RESOLUTI01�1 OF THE CITY OF SPOI�.ANE VALLEY AMENDR�TG RESOLUTION 03-027, �STABLISHING A GENERAL POLICY RESOLUTION EMANATING FROM THE CQRE BELIEFS OF THE �CITY COUNCIL AI�iD COMMUNITY AND SETTING FORTH DUTIES OF BOTH ELECTED AND APP�INTED OFFICIALS �F THE CITY TO HELP GUIDE LEGISLATIVE AND EXECUTIVE DECISIQNS TOWARD EFFECTNE,RESPONSIVE,AND OPEN GOVERNMENT WHER�AS, tife City Cou�icil of tl�e City of Spakane Valley, as tl�e elective legislative body, is char�ed �vith pronn�lgatiiig Ordivauces and Resolutions«hicl�become tlie la�v of tI-�e city; ancl WHEI2EAS, such Ordina�ie�s ai�d Resolukioa�s �nust provide ej�forceable provisions stibordinate to, and in hari�fony�vith, alf other applicable fec3eral a3�d state stahit�s and reg��]atioA�s; and WH�RCAS, the City Cou�fcil desii•es to provide a clea2• set of geiieral policy guadelines for the conduct of city government; 5ection 1. Mndif in Resol�itior� 03-427 as set fortl� �elow b addin netv sectio�a 7. T�l@ 1'QI11AlI1f�21• of the resoli�tioti U3-027 is uncha�igecl: NOW, TH�REFOR�, the City Council of the City of Spokaiie Valley cioes hereby affirm and resolve tltat the folla�viiig coi•e beliefs shall ser•��e as guic3elines for the conciuct of affairs by all br�ncifes of Spokane Valley City Governmerit. SeCtion 1. We believe that Spoka��e Valley shotEld be a visionai�T city ei�coui�aging its citizens antl their governmetit to look to the f��ttire beyonel the prese�3t generatian anc� to bring such ideas ta pttblic discussion a�id to e��hance a sense of co���tnunity identity. Section 2. We believe tlfat elected body decision-making is the only Ia�vft�I anci effective way ta coiiduct fl�e public's legis�at�ve bs�si��ess anci that careful obse�vauce of a clear� set o� Gaver�lance Coo�•dination rules of pi�ocedure can best enhance �uk�lic �at�ticipation and decisio�i making. Section 3. We believe i�� the Cl� COlIIICiI as policy leatle�•s of t�le City. �ne or inore City CouiicilrMember°s a�•e encoucaged ko t�ke the lead, �vhere �n•acfical, in spansoring Qrc�i�tances or Resolutions excepting quasi-juclicial oz� other public hea��ings anci #he statutoiy duties of#tie City Matiagei•as set fot�h in RCW 35A.13.02035 Sectian 4. We k�elieve iii he�ring the p��bIic vietiv, We affrm that �nembers of tlte public should be encoiu•aged to speak a�id be heaecl tltrough reasonable�•ules af procedui�e svhe�i tlfe pu6lic business is being considered, dius gi�ing elected officials flfe broaclest p�rspectives fi•om rvhic}t to��i�ke decisioits. 43 Section 5, We believe thaf the City of Spokane Valley's �;overi�ance �hpuld be knoivi7 as "i�ser friendly," and t��at governance practices and general aperarions sha�ild consider l�o�v citizens�vill�ie sez•ved in the�nost��esponsive, effective and courteous ma�nier. Sectioa� 6. We believe tl�at the eeo��otnic a��d con��nez•cial job base of t��e cofntnuraity slzauld be preseived and encouraged to gro«� as an alternative to increasing pi•operty taxes. We believe if i►�iperative to l�ave an expa�zded atici diverse econamic base, Sectioz► 7, We beiieve t��at Counci]membeR•s set tlie to�le fot• ci�i� discussio�f aud should set an eaample Uy: (a} Setting laigh stai�daz•ds of decoz���in atxd ci�iliry. (�) �ncauraging open attd �roductive con��ersation amongst t�ieitiselves and�vith the co�i���iu���ty�bo�at legislafive matters. (c) De�nonstrating respect for divergent poiiits of vie�v ex�ressed by citize��s, felloiv Cotancilmembers a�id tlie staff. {cl) Hotiori��g eac�i ot�ter and the public by debati�ig issi�es tivitltin City Hall �nc] tli� Corttinui�ity�vithoiit casting aspersioi�s on membars of Couucil,th�staff, ar th�p�►blic. {e) Accepting the principle of m�jority tule and ti�orking to advanee the si�ccess of "corporate" decisions. Section $. We solici� the City Ma�iager's suppai�t in cQnducting the affairs of t�ie city ;vitlt due regaz•d �'oi° (a) Promoting mutual respect beriveen ttie Citizens, City st�fF and t}�e City Co��ncil by creati�lg tl�e organizatioz�al te�m�vork necessary foi•effective,respo�asive a�id ope�� gover��tnent. (b} Providing the City Council and public reasonable advance notice �vhaii issuas are to be bros�ght foi��ard fot'disc��ssion. (c} Esta6lishi�ig and maintai��ing a for•mal cit�r-��ride customer seivice progi•ain tivith emphasis on �11110I�' I'e5]JOIlSe� c� L15�P-ft'1BtiClly a�[]lOS�J}leI'2� at]CI �Il c�t�ltllC�O Of faCllltc�tl0[1 c�[lC� c�CCOit1T710Cic3tlOi1 �vit��in the bo�u�ds of respo�tsik�ility, integrity, a��d �r�ancial capability of tl�e city, includiz�g organizationai and job descri�tion ciaci�ments�vliile pi�rs�iiug"best pl�actices"ir�customer service. (t�) Seekidig creati�e �vays to cotitain or impede the rising cost of go�eriiiiiental seivices, iticluding examivation of}�rivate sectoc alternatives in lie��of gove�-nme��tally provided seivices. (e) 1'rovicti►ig a data base of futui•e pi°ojects and cli•ea�ns for tl�e ne�v City of SpoEcane Valley so t1�at goocf icleas fi•om its citize�is and leaders are not lost at�d tl�e status of �roaects can be readily cietermi»eci. Approved by the City Coi�ncil this I 1��'day af De�entber, 2007, ATTEST: Isl DIANA WILHITE Diana Wilhite, Mayor Isl CHRISTINE BAINBRIDGE Christine Bainbridgc, City Clei•k Appi�o��ed as f� for�n: ISI MICHAEL F, G�NN�L�,Y Offiee of tlie City Atto���iey 44 APPENDIX E: ST.ATEMENT OF ETHICS SP(�KANC VALL�Y C�TY CUUNCILM�MBERS' STATEMENT OF ETHICS By acioption of the Resolution which adapts fhis Governauce Manual, the �pak�r�e Val[ey CiEy Councifinembers hereby agree to be }�ound by the follo�ving rules of ethics: D�CLARATION O�PURPOSE: • Pro�ide gliideliiies anci set lfigh ethical standar•ds for Counciln�embers to perform tf�eir duties in at1 opet�, honest, and unbiased manner. • Establish proceci�u•es for preventiot�aiYdlor elii��ination of�ossible confl�cts of iutei�est, + Improve a�id skrengtlien the public's perception and tcust iii their local govet•��rx�ent. D�FIN�T�ONS: Compensation: Anyt��ing of ecaa�o���ic value �•egardless of amounk, ho�vever desig��ated, �vhich is paid, loaned, advariced, granted, teansferred, or gifted, or to be paid, loaned, advailced, gratrted, fraiisfer�•ed or gifted foi• ot• iri consideration of per•sonal services to aray pe�•sa�� oi• kh�t persan's inimediate fa�r�ily as that tertn is defiued i�i RCW 42.17A.005(24)36 Cont�•act; Includes any cont�•act or a�ree�nent, sale, lease, pul�chase, or any co�nbination of the foregoing. A contractii�g p�rry is aiiy perso�i, partnarstiip, assaciation, coaperati�e, co�•poi-ation, �vliether foi• prafif or othet���ise, o�•othe�•business antity�,vhich is a party ko a contract�vith a municipality. PR�HIBTT�.D CONDUCT: {a} Acceptance of Gifts: No Councilmembe�•, �iased solely on their position �vith flze City of Spokane Valley, shall receive, accept, take, seek, or solicit, directly or indireetly, anythitig of economic value regai•dless of tkie an�ount, as a gift, gratuity, or favor fi�om any pe��son or entity outside the City orgatSizatiati. Ca��ipaign donatioiis made and reported "ui conformance �vith Wask�i�7gto�� la�v are exempt from tl�is provision, (b) Interest in Contracts, �xce�tians: No Couucilmember sltall be beneficially ii�te��estecl, di►-ectly or indii�ectly, in any contcact �vhere the City of Spokane Valley is named as a parry to the contract; and uo Councilmemb�r si�all accept, directly or indirectly, azry coznpensation, grattiity or re�vard iii coi�ciectian svith st�cli conkract, This prohibition sl�all not appiy to khe exeeJ�tiojts specifiee3 in RCW 42.23.Q30 �� �vhieh are incorporated l�e�•ein as if fiildy set foi�th. (c) Incom��atiUle Se��vice, Conficienfial L�for�nation: No Couneilmember sl�all ei�gage i» o�• accept priv�te employmer�t oa• ret�der services for any person, or eugage ii� any 6usiness or professional activity�yhe�� s�ich is incompatible tivith tlfe faid�fii] discharge of his/het•of�cia� dtaties as a Cou�tcilmcmber. No Councilrneaa�ber sitall disclose confidential i[�foc����akioa� acquir�d by i•easan of sueh official pasition, nor shall suciti iijformation be used for the Col�ncilme���bei•'s�erso��al gaii�or ben�fit. PERSONAL OR PRIVAT� �NT�R�STS,�i1BLIC DISCLOSUIZ�: Atiy Coun�.ili�ie�nber tiyi�o has a financial or ather pi•ivate or pe�•sonal interest i�� any oi�dinauce, resolutio�i, contt�act, proceedi��g, o�•ot��ei•actioif peiiding before t�7e City Coi��tcil or any of its con�jnittee:s, shall�rc�t����tly disclose sucl� inkerest at tlie fii•st public meetizig ��rlxeri such makter is being considered b}� the City Couticil, and a summary of tlie i�ahzi•e af si�ch inte�•est sliall be incoi•porated into the official minut�s of tlie City Couiicil pi•oceedings. Any Couneilmamber rvho feels disq�Galifiec� by �•e�son of s�ich iriterest in aiiy m�tter before the Ciky Ca�Eneil, shall make a public statement and disc�ose the reasons �i�hy tl�at Couucilmen-�ber feels ciisqualified, and st�te that tl�ey are recusing themselves fi�om fhe tssue, and �vitl� pea•missio�� of t��e PN•esiclicig Officer, «lill leave the Coui�cil Cha�iibers uutil such time as the isstie at liand has been eiis�osed of i�i the regular course of business. 45 i APPENDIX I`: IND�X 9 E 9:00 p.m•S �lectfon of Officers�21 emergency�6, 11,13, 14, 18 Emer�encv•13,39,40 Q emergency ordinance•34 2xcuse�6,10, 12,32 absence•5,6,10,i2,25 excused � �2,25 Adjaurnment•$,13 Executive Session•$, 10 Advance Agenda•12 Executive Sessions•2,5,iD,lI agenda �6,7,8,9,I1,12,13,14,15, 17,18, 19,21,24,34 Ex-Parte communicakions�29 amend•16,37 amended•6,14, 15,15 amended agenda•6,9 F Appearanee of Fairness Doctrine�31,32,36 Approaching the�ais• 14 Filling Cauncil Vacancies•2,21 Aktendancc�11,12,25 finance•35 Finance•21,22,35 Forr►tal Format•2,6 B Farms af Address•6, lfl board•6,31,�4,35,a2 budget•1q,21,28,35,38 �"� f�udget amendrnent� 14 hearing•7,18,28,29,30,31,32,36,37 Hearing�29 C hearing exesniner•29,34,31 Citizen Cantect•24 City Clerk•6,7,8,4, il, 12, 14, �7, 18,21,25,28,29 � �ity Manager�6,7,8,9,12,13,14, 15,�.7, 18,2A,25,32,36, 39 Interference•25 Comments•7,8,9,14 Comalaints•24 conflict of interest•1q,31,36 [ Consensus�38 contract�45 last six mflnths•22 CONTRACT�45 Leglslative Agenda•21 Contract Authority•35 Lodp,ir��Tax Advisorv Con�mittee•35 torrespondence•2,24 Council liaisvn•36 Council Packets• 18 M p material•6,9,18,28 minutes•7, il, 12,13, 15,21,25,28,3Q,3a,a5 dais�8,14, 18 Motion� 10,38 Motians� 14 denianstrations•7,28 Deputy Mayor�5,6,A2,21 display materials�7 � National League af Cities•21 new item �6 Non-action�9, 12 �� I o respect� 13,34 fio11 Ca!!•6, 10 Open Publ'sc Meetings Act•5 opinion•32,38 � opinior�s•7,29 ordinance•13, 14,17,24,37,38,45 Ordlnances• 17,18,38 Seating Arrangement� 13 show of F�ands•38 soGial meciia �2A,38 � Social Medfa�2,24,38 5PECIAL MEETINGS• 11 Study 5ession Format•2,8 pariiamentarian•12 surprise•9,12 Parfiamentary Proeedure•2,16 Photograplis• 14 Planning Commissian �29,34,36 r podiurn•14,2S point o#order�13 Table•}.6 posterboards•7 Task Force•6,35 FowerPoints•fi,9 three•6,7,8,11,12, 19,28,34 Pre-Agenda•2,12 presentations�6,7,9,28 khree Councllmembers•6 Presiding Officer�2,5,6,7,8,9,10,12, 13, �.4,x5,17,21, f�ree touch principle�17 25,2$,32,34,36 Three Touch Principle•18, 19 Public Disclosure•29 7ime•5,28 Travel ProvisEons�21 Q U qualificakions• 1D Quasl•]udicial�3,29 Unfrnished�8 Quarum�12 V R Voting•2,9,12, 14 Recansideration•2,17 recuse• �4,32 recusing�45 w regular meetings•5, 12 reintroduced•15 withdraw� 15,16 Reports•6,$,34 n�ritten finc�ings•31 Request for Council Action farm(RCA)�18 Wr�ften Public Cornments•7 Resolutians• 17,18,3$ �7 Endnotes: 1 RCW 42.30.110-Open Public Meeting Act,Executive Sessions z RCW�23q.1a0-Open Public Meeting Act, 3 RCW 35A,13.035-Optional Mu►iici�af Code(35A}-Councit-manager plan of go�ern�nent ''RCW 42.52-Et�iics ifi Publ�c Service 5 RGW 42.56-Public R�cords Act 6 RCW 35A.12.1G0 Optional Mt�ryicipal CocEe (35A) -Council manager plan of government; public notice of hearings and meeting agendas 7 RCW 42.32.030-Minutes sliall be open to public inspeetion. 8 RCW 35A.13,170 - Optional Mu�licipal Code (35A} -- Cou�icil �nanager plan of governmet�t; council meetings - quo►1am,iules -voting 9 RCW 35A.12.1 i0-Council nieeti�igs, shall meet reg�ila��ly,at]east once a month. �o RGW 35A.12.110-ibid. �`RCW 42.30.080-Open Public Meetings Act,Speciai Meetings,procedures for calling Special Meetings `2 RCW 42.30.090-Open Public Meetings Act,Adjauinnients �3 RCW 35A,13.170 - Optio��a1 Municipal Cpde (35A} - Cou��cil manager plan of go�en�nent; couT�ci! meetings - yuorum,r�iles -voti�7g 14 35A,12.120--Cou��cil���eeti�igs, shall meet regularly,at least ance�mot�tf� �s RCW 35A.12A60 -A council position shatl becoctae vacai�t if khe councilmeniber fails to �ttend tlu'ee consecuti�e regular meetings af the council without bei�ig exciised by t�te comicil. L6 RCW 35A.13A30-Mayor--election-chair to t�e�nayor-dukies: Biennially at the first rneeting of the new cotuicil mer��vers sftall cl�oase�chau'fi�a�m amang their�LUmUer; tlte ch�ii•sljall have the title of mayor aixd�resicte at�tieetu�gs.. "RCW 35A.13.i90-Ordinances, emergencies, may be effecti�e i►poii adoptioi�if pass�d Uy a majority pius o�ie of tii� �vhale 3nembership of tiie council and h�ve the ardinance designated as a�ublic e�nergency;vut such ord'uiance may izot levy taxes,grant,re�ie�v or extend a fi•a�ichise, or�uthorize ft�e borro�ving of 7t�aney, `$RCW 35A.13 -Cot�ucil-manager plan af go�ernnient. 19 RCW 35A.13.030 -Mayor-election-chau�to be mayor--ciuties; Biennially at the firs� meetin; of the new coltncil rnem�ers shall cllaose a chair fi•am amang their�iumber;t�le ck�air st�all have the title of mayor a�ld}�reside at meetufgs., 20 RCW 35A,13-Caimcil-manager plan of governr7�er�t. 21 RCW 35A.13.020--Mayor-election, chan�t4 be�nayor,d�lties 2z RCW 35A.13.020--ibici. 23 RCW 35A.t3.080- City tnanager- po�vers and duties. 2�RCW 35A.13.p80-ibid, 48 ZS RCW 35A,13.120 - City managei• — i��terferenee by cou�icilmert�bers; council shall deal �vith the adminiskeative service solely tt�roug�i the manager Z6 RCW 42.3G.Q40—Appear�nce of Fairness—�ublic discussian by candidate for pti6lic office 27 RCW 42.3�.060--Qiiasi judici�l proceec�ings,ex-parte co�nmiutications prohibited,exceptions. z$Cl�a�ter 36.70C R�W�Judicial��e�iew of laiid use decisians 2`'RCW 43,21 C.075—5tate envi�•anniental policy;Appeals, 3o RCW 36.70B.130—Loeal ProjecE Revie�v;Notice of Decision;distributian 31 RCW 42.3b.010 Appearaiice af faii�aess doch•i�te—local latid t�se decisians. 3z RCW 35A.�3.120 - City manager — i�iterference by councilmembers; council sliall d�al �vith tlie �ciniinistra#ive sei°vice salely tt�rou�h the manager 33 RCW 42,30.010 - Open Piiblic Meekings Act; legislative declaration, Tt is the intent of this chapter that their actions. be taken Qpenly a��d that tlieir deliberations be canducted o�enly. 3'�RCW 42.30,020(3)--Definitians—defines"action" 3i RCW 35A.13,02p — Electioii of cou�icilmembers — eligibility — terms — �acancies — forfeiture of office — council chair. 36 RCW 42.17A.005(24) —. °I�3�x7�eciiate fa3nily" ir�cludes the s�ouse or doitiestic pai�tner, de�enelent cltildi•en, and atltier dependent relatives, if livi��g in f}�e I�ousehold. For the purpases of tt3e defu�ition of "intern�edia�y" in this section, "imtnediate fatirily" means aii li1CI1VIC�lI�.I's spat►se or damestic par�ner, and child, stepct�ild, grandchild, parent, stepparent, grandp�rent, brather, half brother, sistez�, or half' sister of tl�e individu�l aud tl�e spouse or the domestic pai�tner of any siich person anc� a cfiild, stepchild, gra��del�ild, �areiit, ste�parent, grandparent, bi�other, half brotkiei°, sister, or ]falf sister of the uidividual's spouse or doa��estic �artner a�id the spouse or the domestie partner of aiiy such person, 3' RCW 92.23.034 - Code of Ethics for municipal officers, ca�tkract is�tez�ests, i�rterest in contract proliibited — exceptions. "No mu�iicipal officer s1ia11 be beneficially interested, di��ectly or inc�irectly, iti auy co�rtract �vhicli n�ay be made by, throiiglti or under tiie supervision of such officer, in �vhole ar i�t part, oz-���liicfi may be made for tl�e be�iefit of his or her office, or accept, d"u•ectly or inctirectly,any compensation,grahaity ar re�vard in cotmectian witii s�rch contract from any other }�ersDn ber�eficially interested tharein," Some exceptioa�s iiacluda fiirnishit�g utility services. Mast exceptions apply to entities other tiian cities, � 49