2005 Accomplishments Presentation Spokane 2005 Annual Accomplishments Report Spokane Valley 2005 Budget Goals GOAL: Adopt Spokane Valley's First Comprehensive Plan GOAL: Enact a Uniform Development Code Kecom pose the Five-Year Financial Forecast into a Six- Year Strategic Financial Plan Spokane Vaile Goals (continued) GOAL: Advance the Interests of Spokane Valley through Effective External Relations GOAL: Collaborate with Wastewater Dischargers and Regulatory Agencies in Analyzing Data Related to System Acquisition Options GOAL: Establish a formal city-wide customer service program SOkane Valley GOAL : Effective External Relations SOkane Valley Association of Washington Cities International Trade Alliance Spokane County Emergency Communications 911 Board Spokane County Tourism Promotion Area Hotel Advisory Commission Spokane Regional Solid Waste System Spokane Valley Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Councilmember Participation Central Valley School District Ad Hoc Committee Friends of the Centennial Trail Mayors Association of Spokane Area Economic NE Washington Development Council Spokane County Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee Spokane Regional Convention and Visitors Bureau Spokane Regional Transportation Council Growth Management Steering Committee of Elected Officials Spokane Home Ownership Resource Center Spokane County Regional Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Service Wastewater Treatment Governance Committee Spokane Regional Health Spokane Regional Light District Rail Citizen Advisory Board Spokane Transit Authority Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce Spokane Valley i Operations and Administrative Services Val - Contract Administration Analysis, resulting in May 2005 vote to annex to Spokane County Library District • Finalized Library Services Analysis, resulting in May 2005 vote to annex to Spokane County Library District • Re-worked law enforcement, district court, and animal control contracts usage and cost methodologies — More accurately reflects the cost of providing services Spokane Valley Library hhhauti,uulwrI0ruawrcu44uppnrl. Photo courtesy of SCLD Sp"„Ukane VaIiey Commute Trip Reduction • Added Guaranteed Ride Home program • 19 current participants (35% of employees) • Fourth quarter results from Oct 1 - Dec 14: — Eliminated 3300 single occupant vehicle miles — Reduced carbon monoxide emissions by 182 pounds — Saved city employee commuters $1877 Mike Basinger recognized as Most Valuable Commuter 4th quarter of 2005 Sp"„akane Valley General Operations • Refined a "One Stop Shop" for Business License Registrations — Worked with Department of Licensing to streamline process to provide business licenses to local business owners. — Created tracking system to coordinate registration applications in a timely and efficient manner •01\01. SOkane Valley Human Resources Conducted 25 employee recruitments Reviewed and revised the Building Division organizational structure • Conducted city-wide training — Computer — Safe driving — Concurrency — SEPA Sp"„okane Valley GOAL : Customer Service • Outlined customer service program emphasizing — Timely response — User-friendly atmosphere • Established time frame for customer service training SOokane "ftioN — Val ley Public Information • Expanded channels for communicating city information — Media — Email/mail lists — Community organizations • Updated and began revamping website • Provided communications support — Comprehensive Plan — Valley Corridor Project — Code Enforcement Poi Gym„ • "i! eft p. 4«:4""C3 wx Spokane Valley Finance Department Sp"„Ukane Valley Completed City ' s First Cost Allocation Plan • Provides information to help set charges for our services • Allows some overhead cost recovery through grants I • Allows some overhead cost recovery from City funds j�lley • GOAL: Changed five-year financial forecast to six-year to more closely align with the Capital Improvements Plan and Comprehensive Plan • Expecting clean audit report for 2004 Spokane Valley • Modified financial management policies for efficiency and accuracy Sets maximum investment amounts for a single security type and for single financial institution • Avoids heavy investment in single type of security or single institution • Guards against potential loss Requires use of waiver of liability forms when using individual volunteers or groups of volunteers Reduces reliance on grants for ongoing costs of services SOkane Valley Legal Department SOkane Valley Legal • Hired first in-house City Attorney, establishing the City Attorney's Office — Purpose: Advising and representing the City Manager, staff and elected officials • Finalized uniform master form contract with Spokane County • Negotiated — Inter-local agreements with Spokane County — city contracts Val lcy Legal (continued) Provided support for and/or drafted Code provisions for all ordinances and resolutions including — comprehensive plan amendments — noise controls — creating an Assessment Reimbursement Area — street vacations — stormwater controls — nuisance control — regulation of signs, pawn shops, special events — initiative and referendum powers to the citizens of Spokane Valley SANmm Volley 1luycipal Cod -21.616 Cade adOPted 6)pzo r,.ne_eaeaHnn_Ae1 nte. 1.64.777 Rctttcace aPplicsmammdmme. 1.01152 N ¢' rystmw. i.0l,pdp Record r05°1:k a m 1.61.680 Orammari140 inropny.�an. 1'61'0)0 Core adod. triied spt6;9P<vaUry y maf '7:4lry f011 edap�etl f iheo8 fik e o8ce 1c4gll�.cSPceof aOey dl 1 krk�olficeoY cli}'c ,b Codeahall hakepyj faa- 7¢y�-0�'mna- 1.d aprer 1.04 CODE ADOPTION Amv,44.;Iby Praccativn re nmaiit .� Pealing all ar a¢y.P of to n W amendment mfrant,,08 Y.anc Valley Huns andbs�o,, to thatpal Code and that m�d a;caPpe 'de,cnamer, mat uude.ro,H 1.01.030 Refese¢ceaP Wkcncr.,,a ai Cod Vrelley ManiciPal Cod v¢g,,6 aRm. �ne �ions a¢d ydtldUitW¢: 1.01.040 Cad16 igtl a4-01 f Thfr cock,: Peva1 ordi¢,. rdimn u n, (Ord,P9-017 1.01.056 her rotleeR7.rtahx �B Cp'is GassiL�as one mGR'ma 3 `aw°'°cn maw r ata i1py'c'r+Aa;vilc aa+rr2 ��dy aeeRaknP ed q' (oar 1.m.as6 Reeor'darlaa T)1eo"+ry ufakis dircoyed M fwy,yd tame Sao- a 1n 77odiBM Hwn. s dad' 'a+gdcd 20rp ACq'e;5A.02.044.NM.64-01'!§'� 4022 1.01.070 fa ah mm rhi °+ms. this section oWcsa frame Phraaea,7048 ke L°Aa¢'aed as def m ofimi od m2 d mmm•usea avd aaa, weans mc5 a 61e tonal 8�o��nncwacil•`me�allry,Waehmgmo. 11 :Valley aaama city NrmCH afore mea¢a me ro'mn'Is SFakaoc Va1Iry,Fa"ana me of WY of "Shell"'m'IWes¢g n. maodatRy.laogu�•,roust"arc is be im G. y y. +od ooepermiss170 l'4070°5 H&.;ytnttan'� y 7008 e s Iaaann. clmeagmPb or Mind. 664). .7./Pbed,(OM Oj7 f Fvntic� ".nt Pakaoe Valley cif; onkel Spukyuc I.O fal/ow,n oimatiral iotcrpremtiva. nka¢a VaOgp des cnde¢alesa8k 10 01071.ear''{caYp otlpgn ePP 1 RM ro do;t Ge¢dR.Aavgc¢dcr R. P oral oftbc admbv Wardslu s�3pu Asst y1d f5e faY¢re se of uses�d Vice plasma InR�eat I'hrascs.Nora and 8pd arrtdR.liy mcludca the oth m Ldp YY. l me 1 Spokane Valley Leg al (continued) • Created an internal file, task and computer management system , improving access to information • GOAL: Supported Community Development staff in creating a uniform development code that is simple clear and has legal integrity • GOAL: Supported Community Development staff in the creation and implementation of the comprehensive plan Spokane Valley Leg al (continued) • Assisted staff in the review and revision of all enforcement ordinances including development of policies to memorialize current best practices and resolve inconsistencies • Assisted staff in development of right-of-way policies and a policy governing the use of CenterPlace • Promoted a customer friendly, problem solving approach to land use issues Spokane Valley Public Works Spokane Valley GOAL : Wastewater Activities • Participated in the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) collaboration process • Member of the TMDL Steering Group • Member of the TMDL Non-point source group • Participated in the dischargers' settlement scenario submitted to WA State Department of Ecology in December 2005 j�lley Capital Project Planning • Completed 2006-2011 Six Year TIP • Submitted projects funding applications to TIB, SRTC and CDBG • Negotiated Pines/Mansfield Developer Agreements • Continued coordination on Bridging the Valley Projects • Began Valley Corridor Environmental Study (Stakeholder Interviews, Open House, Alternatives Development) j�lley Capital Projects Design PROJECT By COST Montgomery Avenue In-house $566,700 8th Avenue Grind/Inlay In-house $282,000 Barker Road Bridge Type, Size & Location (TS&L) Study CH2M Hill $8. 1m Barker Road Reconstruction CH2M Hill $3.Om Argonne Road Grind/Overlay In-house $316,600 Dishman-Mica Road Rehab In-house $234,600 Broadway Avenue Grind/Overlay In-house $812,700 Began Pines/Mansfield Project Spokane Cou my/WS DOT $4.Om Began Appleway Avenue Reconstruction DEA $3.2m Sp"„Ukane VaIiey Capital Projects Design 2006 Sewer Projects • Paveback $500 , 000 • Stormwater Upgrades $500,000 Veradale Heights Electric RR Vera Terrace (continued) •°.°N-fta. *Wane Valley Capital Projects Construction CenterPlace Park Rd Montgomery Ave 8th Ave $9,800,000 $ 650,000 $ 566,700 $ 282,000 CenterPlace Montgomery Avenue Rehab 8th Avenue Grind/Overlay SPoliane Valley Street Maintenance ITEM Pothole patching, crack sealing, pavement replacement De-icing, sanding, snow removal Sweeping, brushing, weed control Stormwater repair & maintenance Traffic signals, signs & striping Total (thru November 2005) AMOUNT $999,048 $166, 127 $593,793 $306,506 $482,580 $2,548,053 Sp"„akane VaIiey Pavement Replacement • Arterials — Residential full depth cut — Removed and replaced asphalt • Gravel streets paved with asphalt L •Sargent Rd •Sunderland Rd •Raymond Loop •Woodlawn Rd (8th — 10th) •Forest St (along SR 27) •West Springfield Ave •East Riverside Ave •West Riverside Ave •Willow cul-de-sac •St. Charles Rd •17th Ave (off Pines) •15th Ave (east of Pines) •8th Ave shoulders (between Bowdish & University) •South Park Rd (paved shoulders to curb) �lley Traffic SOkane Valley L Traffic (continued) Retimed signals on Sprague-Appleway couplet for all peak travel periods Completed analysis of 110 intersections for Comprehensive Plan Reviewed and approved 39 construction-related traffic control plans Investigated over 100 citizen requests/questions on signals, signing , striping , crosswalks, traffic volumes, etc. Spokane Traffic (continued) • Worked with SRTC to develop a mutually acceptable VISUM traffic forecasting model • Worked with the Sheriff's Department to scan 1500 backlogged collision reports for Public Works use • New collision reports are reviewed daily Spokane Valley Traffic (continued) • WSDOT signal techs modified Trent/Park to allow southbound left and right turns during RR preemption . • RR preemption signal modifications soon to be added at Trent/Pines and Trent/Vista. Sp"„oliane Valley Development •62 Commercial Applications •51 Residential Applications •Typical Projects: •Flora Meadows — 50 lots •Woodland Terrace — 80 lots •Itronix 120,000sf office bldg •Great Floors 46,920sf retail bldg •24-Hour Fitness 41 ,693sf bldg 24-Hour Fitness Sp"„akane VaIiey Stormwater - General • Adopted Stormwater Ordinance in March 2005 • Preparing Regional Stormwater Manual with City of Spokane and Spokane County — Expected adoption date is June 2006 • Updated 2006 tax roll and transitioned operations in house • Created GIS database and maps of City-owned stormwater facilities • Created GIS database and maps of City-owned stormwater r faci l ities • Participated in the review of stormwater permits and regulations (UIC & NPDES Phase 11 ) drafted by Ecology regulations (UIC & NPDES Phase II ) drafted by Ecology ••••.*\,„ *Wane Stormwater Maintenance & Projects Problem : Flooded garage & driveway Solution : Swale and drywell Provided flooding solutions to 12 locations, including drywell replacement and installation $77,000 Cleaned 870 drywells, 590 catch basins and 130 swales $157,000 Street sweeping $384,000 Landscape services $12,400 Problem : Flooded garage & driveway Solution : Swale and drywell Sp"„Uka�lley Stormwater Improvements •Carnahan •Parks Road •Edgerton •Orchard Avenue •Sherwood Forest • Mica Park & Johnston Sewer Projects •$320 ,000 Drainage structures Edgerton Spokane Spokane Valley Police Department ( SVPD ) Spokane Valley SVPD • Converted to automated bar-coded property and evidence management system • Implemented new training for SCOPE volunteers Ten staff members from Spokane County Sheriff's Office and the Spokane Valley Police Department attended John Maxwell Leadership Training SOkane Valley SVPD (continued) • Suspect in two-year-old murder case located and arrested by West Valley School District School Resource Officer Andy Buell as a result of his close work with the community. Sergeant George Wigen recognized by East Valley School District for his efforts on behalf of the Spokane Valley Police Department's Job Shadow Program j�lley SVPD (continued) • Assisted with Community awareness and support of Special Olympics of Washington — Served meals at Red Robin restaurant and donated $90,633 earned in tips — Help run Special Olympics torch across state — Participated in other fundraisers Spokane SVPD (continued) • The greater Spokane area was awarded a grant of $4 , 000 , 000 for local law enforcement communication infrastructure Spokane SVPD (continued) • Annual SCOPE and Spokane Valley Police Department Award Banquet SCOPE volunteers and area businesses awarded SV Police Officers Glenn Hinckley, Walter Loucks, and James Reed presented Certificates of Commendation for saving the life of a woman and her unborn child Spokane SVPD (continued) Awards (continued) SV Police Officers Scott Bonney, Robert Stevens, and Peter Noetzel were also presented Certificates of Commendation for their work solving correlated cases of Oxycontin theft and a drug overdose Detective Mark Renz awarded a Certificate of Commendation , Officer Glenn Hinckley and Corporal Mike Drapeau were awarded a Medal of Merit, and Detective Roger Knight received a Medal of Valor for their roles in the attempted recovery of a drowning victim from the Spokane River Spokane #Vallcy SVPD (continued) • Your Spokane Valley Police Department is dedicated not only to providing law enforcement for our citizens and visitors, but also to contributing our time, assets, and hearts to make Spokane Valley a safe and fun community to raise our families , run our businesses, and live life to its fullest. Spokane Valley Parks & Recreation Spokane � Parks & Recreation Master PIan • Draft Plan has been completed • SEPA review currently underway • Anticipate March/April final adoption Spokane Valley CenterPlace • CenterPlace Completion Evening of Celebration September 16 • Grand Opening on September 24 • Signed 5-year lease with Community Colleges of Spokane at $8, 154.66 per month Sp"„olia�lley CenterPlace 2005 Revenues 4th Quarter 2005 $60,000 $50,000 Facility Rental $ 26, 120 $40,000 CCS Lease $ 24,464 $30,000 TOTAL $ 50,584 $20,000 $10,000 Assuming equal usage for all $0 four quarters, this is 33 percent over quarterly pro-forma projections $50,584 $38,147 D 2005 estimated revenues D Actual 4th Q facility rental & CCS lease ••••.*\,„ *Wane Valley CenterPlace Anticipated 2006 Revenues 2006 reservations to date (as of 12/13/05) $ 62,828 CCS lease $ 97,856 TOTAL $160,684 Projected annual $208,226 Needed balance $ 47,542 It appears feasible that the Pro-forma estimates will be met or exceeded. $250,000 - $208,226 $200,000 $160,684 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $o ❑ 2006 estimated annual revenues ❑ 2006 accounts receivable to date & CCS lease Val Senior Center • Completed MOU with Spokane Valley Senior Citizen Association • Senior Center moved from Mission location to CenterPlace the first week in September • Since the move, 210 new members have joined SOkane Valley Aquatics YMCA contracted to operate and maintain the City's three outdoor pools Contract amount $266,971 Total final cost $170,919 Savings $ 96,052 SOkane Valley 1 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 Pool Revenues 2003 2004 2005 ❑ Park Pool • Terrace View ❑ Valley Mission Stioliane Valley 40 35 (1) 30 25 20 0 15 w 10 5 0 Day Camp Participants 0 Year 2004 0 Year 2005 Sp"„okane VaIiey Indoor Playground Participation 30 - 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 Mondays Wednesdays Fridays ▪ Year 2004 © Year 2005 Sp"„Ukane VaIiey :7; 0 L w 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Kinder Camp Participants ;tip` <01b ; ;ti ;ti (1Y \ *\ \t\t\ t\91 (ft/ ▪ Year 2004 ▪ Year 2005 SOkane Valley Parks Maintenance • Senske Lawn and Tree Care contracted to provide park maintenance for City parks — Contract for services in 2005 was $605,796 — Prior to the contract being awarded to Senske, the budgeted amount for park maintenance was $766,000 j�lley Community Development �vauey Goal : Adopt Spokane Valley ' s First Comprehensive Plan • 9 Community Meetings as part of the visioning process • 2 Open Houses in July 2005 • 4 Public hearings before the Planning Commission , 3 before City Council • Web postings for discussion and hearing drafts :7 corn 7Pheje Zv4/u y1' it E, .QnBr°yrQi 4 ytr 7,7`- e ..p offer, nf�s Spokane Comprehensive Plan (continued) • Database of participants and interested parties • Land capacity analysis updated • Updated Traffic Analysis Zones • All GIS planning layers to correct SV data • Supplemental EIS complete SOlane Valley GOAL : Enact a Uniform Development Code • Revised Street Vacation requirements • Completed Phase 1 of Sign Regulations • Completed first draft of Airport Hazard regulations • Completed Request for proposal for Sprague/Appleway Corridor Sub-area Plan SOlane Valley GOAL : Effective External Relations • Participated with Spokane County in Shoreline Master Program Inventory and update • Participated in Local Emergency Planning Committee • Participated in Washington Association of Building Officials, Spokane Home Builders Association and Northwest HVAC/R Board of Directors • Completed evaluation of CDBG entitlement status pokane lley GOAL : Customer Service • Department participated in discussion of development permits, application of SEPA • Permit Center Survey — February through year-end • Re-vamped monthly report to measure permit turnaround time • Streamlined processes for • Permitting • Right-of-Way • Inspections 2005 TOTALS # of Projects Value Avg Days Min Days Max Days NEW CONSTRUCTION Apt 3 Story or Less 27 $29,939,706.23 39 11 106 Duplex 15 $2,348,575.56 33 7 51 Educational - Public 2 $101 ,727.28 26 8 44 Fourplex 5 $1 ,437,153.40 41 26 55 Hospital/Institution 7 $759,264.40 25 1 66 Industrial Building 21 $13,598,030.86 43 1 205 Mercantile 14 $7,521 ,884.96 35 3 98 Miscellaneous 1 $1 ,140.00 78 78 78 Office/Professional 14 $22,111 ,889.59 41 15 168 Prvt Garage/Carport 39 $6,577,891 .08 53 1 139 Recreational Building 1 $2,800,000.00 94 94 94 Repair Garage 2 $904,522.50 88 44 132 Structure 4 $139,510.72 15 3 32 •10"\is.3/4,- Stioliane Valley 2005 TOTALS (continued) # of Projects Value Avg Days Min Days Max Days REMODEL Apt 3 Story or Less 7 $37,725.00 5 5 5 Educational - Public 2 $36,196.12 5 3 6 Hospital/Institution 2 $56,500.00 5 1 8 Industrial Building 12 $210,412.00 13 2 56 Mercantile 21 $2,014,025.56 38 1 127 Office/Professional 36 $2,347,838.00 21 1 61 Structure 5 $125,000.00 16 10 35 j�lley 2005 TOTALS (continued) ADDITION Apt 3 Story or Less 2 $68,500.00 18 6 30 Educational - Public 3 $27,444,087.00 30 22 40 Industrial Building 6 $956,209.66 19 1 40 Mercantile 5 $196,076.00 30 6 47 Office/Professional 12 $872,611 .09 18 1 30 Prvt Garage/Carport 1 $7,600.00 11 11 11 Religious Building 2 $916,373.60 37 8 66 Structure 2 $262,000.00 18 4 32 Wireless Tower/ARRA 1 $80,000.00 48 48 48 CHANGE OF USE Mercantile 2 $4,000.00 132 132 132 TOTAL 273 $123,876,451 36 1 205 j�lley 2005 TOTALS (continued) Permits Issued (increase of 1 ,710 over 2004) 4,970 Permit Revenues (36.26% over budgeted amount) $2,054 852 Valuation of Construction ($67,424,924 over 2004) $197,047,224 Estimated Property Tax Revenues from increase in valuation $315,000 Inspections (978 more than 2004) 10,991 New One- and Two-family Dwellings 396 New Multi-family Dwelling Units 771 New Commercial Structures 86 Spokane Valley Achieving 2005 Budget Goals sets the stage for achieving 2006 Budget Goals •01\01. $16kane TON/Talley 2006 Budget Goals • Draft a Well-Defined Street Master Plan , with Funding Options • Initiate the First Phase of the Sprague Corridor Revitalization Planning • Continue Monitoring Significant Wastewater Issues • Maintain a Strong Emphasis on Internal and External Communication • Explore the Available Telecommunications Infrastructure