2006 Accomplishments Presentation City of Spokane Valley 2006 Accomplishments MiI1ey 2006 Budget Goals • Draft a well-defined Street Master Plan, with funding options, that identifies the current condition of city streets and recommends appropriate improvements and maintenance that preserve the value and structural integrity of the local transportation system. • Initiate the First Phase of the Sprague/Appleway Corridor Revitalization Planning between University and the freeway by contracting with a consultant to design a strategy that would strengthen the economic viability of the corridor. • Continue Monitoring Significant Wastewater Issues including governance of wastewater facilities, enhanced citizen awareness of options for the future and pursuit of the most efficient and economical use of allowed wastewater discharges. • Maintain a Strong Emphasis on Internal and External Communication utilizing the Public Information Officer and departmental head positions to enhance the quality, timeliness, and accuracy of internal dialogue and the information provided to citizens about city issues, initiatives and work plans. • Explore and Implement a Records Management System, including document archiving, document imaging, and all necessary components which will encompass and manage the entire City's records. GOAL : Street Master Plan • am'' Public Works • Completed evaluation of the current condition of all City streets and began development of pavement management software system • Presentation to Council on December 19 , 2006 providing an update , overview, and examples of the final plan poxane GOAL : First Phase of the Sprague Corridor Revitalization Plan J EDD RpJtaI izatiori Spolra JY e • Mi11ey Community Development • 2006 Milestones Secured Consulting Services Involved Spokane Valley community through series of workshops and presentations • Over 300 residents and business representatives participated in workshops held in September, October, and November • Mayor, Councilmembers, and Planning Staff made presentations to community-based organizations Explored Design Alternatives e ..•••*Valleym GOAL : Continue Monitoring Significant Wastewater Issues Public Works • 2006 Milestones — Council approved Resolution 06-018 on September 5, 2006 accepting and supporting implementation of foundational concepts for the TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) for the Spokane River Continued involvement in the County's development of the new wastewater treatment facility Sficolcan .0.00Va Hey Goal : Strong Emphasis on Internal & External Communication 1 IEV CityView City o polane valley Employee=Neat VWrmee 1 Inoue 12 CityView 4kAme T 170611e H CltlI Beat 711,3 ypwrnv.� IIGA Hot To a lc In Au. Cats-Service ...bk.. pent rlry revel.1/1 if•wv. Cuclomer Zlrrloe 101, Item B. 1 par 774140.71,1 11E be:Ino troub e mpl e-: o o ty emote MMMEC:0 Win C1tt Beat owe more nts Puffin Works ;Mr Sent. Coffee House chaser Oinnels nd home who sWho Calendar And morel Coffee House Chatter While having a cup of coffee recently,one of our coworkers was Introduced to citizen as en employee of Spokane Valey. The citizen immediately said-I have a compliment for you, for lbe City the explained that he had called City Hall about removing a bee io font of IMPORTANT'NOTE 1 NereII weeklies tetr mtie.�•nl [ly of Vitae%fey .lea: R ten' eu ml tet. nos m septettes avow ravine Ire oy of senate ‘007.7 ogantra, ay dry e 6.:richer pnewt 12ilM.ake Public Works 2007 Constrit Wish the weather turning nstrucbao season warding d for Pablo Works to relax construction seam. eel already warming up for 2007 The Pmes0.4ansteld pro, lamest for next year and is months to complete_ improve more vainly and make M much safer for the Flom vein While toe project is ea delays during construction o of Spu1.1lr V.11''1 l jimmgnift iprdlitg ceitilAtring IAMB Gra. Arsa4 14021g open House•5,10 w4:96 pr. 'aR P..11111701.6 , 4 you 1411 -wQ1.. Tens feel If an par! of M Ire Ifs an To us,It e0saary rmrk Ft can be En mom n14' bneatrc Signals a Doyen in Spokane Valley signal in late November when Installs new"raging yellow a and west-0owC traffic at PNe Evergreen. The FYA Signals the Broadway resorfaong pro Tow through the mtersaffmn. At some Intenecaons In ettre L ilo might eahe woes keno o n br10 .00 f4 m 04- e been Hold Th LICLiYx3=[ tatt 00 CM Of bo Citywide • Employees attended a two-day communication/conflict resolution/ customer service training provided by nationally-known communications experts • Established schedule for regular updates to website on City topics of community interest • Public Information Officer provided a "point of contact" for the media to interact with and collect accurate information about city activities, services, and complaint resolution efforts — 307 media contacts recorded — 56 media releases resulted in 68+ media stories — Established regular traffic updates during road construction season • Developed style, standards, & authorization process for use of City logo • Developed & implemented public information campaign for Sprague/Appleway Corridor Revitalization Plan • Created letters/flyers/information handouts on City topics, issues, & events — Changes to permit fee schedule — Road construction projects — Open houses/community meetings & workshops GOAL : Records Management System •••• tiJey Executive & Legislative Support • 2006 Milestones — Ordered shelving system for file archiving • Records Center secured with fencing for controlled access — Created and/or ordered supplies • Archive quality storage boxes • Forms for records management — Worked with City Attorney to inventory each department's current files — Researched electronic imaging requirements and systems Milley 2006 Accomplishments • City Departments — Executive & Legislative Support — Operations & Administrative Services — Public Safety — Community Development — Parks & Recreation — Public Works Executive & Legislative Support .000 ,. Executive & Legislative Support • Administered Council Goals Draft a Well-Defined Street Master Plan Initiate the First Phase of the Sprague Corridor Revitalization Planning Continue Monitoring Significant Wastewater Issues Maintain a Strong Emphasis on Internal and External Communication Explore and Implement a Records Management System Spam' e Mi1Iey Executive & Legislative Support Provided information & support for meetings with Council and elected officials and community forums Provided support to Council at over 50 regular & special meetings, and study sessions - Regular Council Meetings 24 — Study Sessions 18 — Special Meetings 10 — Total Meetings 52 • Resolutions enacted 26 • Ordinances enacted 29 • Contracts signed 95 Responded to 227 Public Record Requests Formed Employee Safety Committee in compliance with WAC 296-800-13020 — Conducted "elections" for committee members, others appointed per WAC — Committee consists of 8 staff representing a wide range of departments — Meeting are held monthly Administered National Incident Management System (NIMS) compliance training for all required Council & Department Staff Operations and Administrative Services Siacane .000-valley. Operations & Administrative Services • Contract Administration — Developed and presented model agreement for Animal Control , Communication, District Court, Geiger, Hearing Examiner, Jail , Jury Management, Pre-Trial Services, Prosecution, Public Defender, and Precinct Maintenance — Reviewed and proposed changes to law enforcement agreement — Negotiated and prepared cable franchise agreement • Administrative Analysis — Reviewed and made recommendations to improve the right-of- way permitting process — Completed Public Safety revenue analysis Human Resources • Ratified the first Collective Bargaining Agreement which represents 67% of City employees • Managed 15 employee recruitments • Initiated employee wellness program • Conducted city-wide trainings • Anti-Harassment/Discrimination • Communication/Customer Service • Open Enrollment/Cost Sharing • Public Speaking Skills Finance Finance • Completed comparative analysis to collect information used to fine-tune the multi-year financial plan — Compared State sales tax budget projections with Spokane Transit Authority, Spokane County, City of Spokane, City of Liberty Lake, the Public Facilities District, and the State Department of Revenue — Compared gambling tax projections with the City of Airway Heights and the City of Spokane • Integrated the A-87 cost allocation calculations into the 2006 and 2007 budgets to ensure that the Street Fund and Stormwater Fund pay their fair share of City overhead costs Wit Sficolcan Milley Information Technology • Connected City Hall & CenterPlace via fiber optics cable • Wired new Permit Center for communications systems • Upgraded City server from Windows Server 2000 to Windows Server 2003, migrating all systems and data intact Office of the City Attorney Sficolca Milley Office of the City Attorney • Provided legal oversight & maintenance of all applicable development codes adopted by the City — Collected, indexed, & distributed development codes adopted by the City since incorporation • Revised procedures for enforcement actions — Brought over 50 enforcement actions in-house, ending the need for costs associated with outside counsel — Initiated and completed court approved abatement procedures — Worked with Community Development to streamline enforcement procedures, consolidate hearing and appeal process and complete court ordered abatement on several properties • Initiated lawsuit to resolve the Appleway Corridor dispute • Assisted Community Development to draft new uniform development code • Worked with Growth Management Steering Committee to successfully adopt the template for joint planning agreements • Successfully renegotiated interlocal contracts with Spokane County • Drafted ordinances necessary to maintain existing development code and adopted the comprehensive plan • Finalized outstanding street vacations • Assisted in finalizing Right-of Way obstruction ordinance • Provided legal support and assistance to all departments Public Safety Public Safety • Worked at increasing level of preparedness for many of today's hazards, including terrorism, fire, and pandemic responses • Began implementing a multi-agency Interoperable Communications Equipment (ICE) grant to address the inability of first responders—police officers, fire fighters, emergency medical service personnel, public health officials, and others—to communicate effectively with one another as needed during an emergency • Worked closely with our Spokane Valley Fire partners to promote and develop more interaction and exchange of ideas between the Fire & Police Departments • Community safety & crime prevention issues were addressed throughout the year in various ways: – With DEA, U. S. Marshal's Office, and prosecutors, formed a multi-agency Gang Enforcement Team to address gang related issues, including Methamphetamine manufacture and use, and the crimes associated with it – Addressed community safety and crime prevention issues at a Firearms Safety Seminar as a part of National Self Defense Awareness month • First annual two-day Crime Prevention Conference was held in Spokane Valley, presented by Neighborhood Watch and SCOPE members • SCOPE volunteers were very active in 2006 Mlp – SCOPE stations provided free gun safety locks as one of their community safety programs – SIRT (Sheriff Incident Response Team) members responded to 45 call outs in the City, including motor vehicle accidents, house fires, downed power lines and trees, etc., giving a total of 395 hours – Volunteers with limited commissions issued 548 citations for handicap parking violations in the City & County combined – Average of 21 ,000 pawn transactions were entered monthly in a database by volunteers, making it easier & faster for law enforcement to track stolen items that may have been pawned Community Development Siniolcan j .. Community Development 1 Planning Division Completed City's first Comprehensive Plan Initiated Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Worked on land capacity analysis, used to determine how much land is needed to accommodate projected population growth Ad hoc Sign Committee completed review of sign code to be included in UDC Initiated Shoreline Master Program Milley Community Development • Planning Division — Land actions include: Subdivisions, Short Plats, Binding Site Plans, Boundary Line Adjustments, etc. Land Use Actions Processed 2004-2006 Siniolcan • am'' Community Development Spokane Valley Permit Summary 2004-2006 5,000 4,000 3,000- 2,000- 1,000- 0- 2004 2005 2006 Permits Issued 3,260 4,970 3752 Commercial figures reflect the many apartment complexes and West Valley High School built in '05. Residential has been increasing over the past 3 years. Building Permits includes new, additions, and alterations. Summary of Permit Valuation 2004-2006 $160,000,000- $140,000,000- $120,000,000- $100,000,000- $80,000,000$60,000,000$40,000,000$20,000,000- $0 2004 2005 2006 ❑ Commercial $55,347,467 $140,995,926 $42,005,796 ❑ Residential $59,331,066 $52,884,486 $79,178,514 r Sficolcan Milley Community Development • Building Division — From commercial buildings to demolitions & everything in- between, the City has performed an average of 43 inspections each workday over the past 3 years 14,000- 12,000- 10,000- 8,000- 6,000- 4,000- 2,000- 0 Building Inspection 2004-2006 / 7 2004 2005 2006 0 Inspections 10,013 10,991 12,870 Sficolcan .000,Valler Community Development • Building Division — Code Compliance — Through education and enforcement, the community has become more aware of the City's role in working with landowners to provide a safe & desirable living & working environment in Spokane Valley Code Compliance Complaints 2004 (partial) -2006 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 -� — I Environmental Property Clear View Triangle Junk Auto Signs Solid Waste Complaint No Violation ❑2004 106 128 0 139 128 125 626 Et 2005 101 196 92 203 0 213 290 ❑2006 29 169 91 120 0 126 150 NOTE: Sign Enforcement no longer included in complaints Community ...snowier if • Code Compliance Parks & Recreation .000Valley Aquatics • City Council approved renovation of three existing outdoor pools • Negotiated & renewed contract with YMCA 2006 Pool Revenues $14,000.00 - $12,000.00 $10,000.00 • Park Pool ■ Terrace View • Valley Mission $8,000.00 $6,000.00 _ — $4,000.00 $2,000.00 $- _ _ I I General Sw im Sw im Team Admission Lessons CenterPlace • Developed rental policies and procedures • Selected consultant to develop marketing plan • Developed marketing material including website, informational packet, and brochures • 494 reservations • Revenues - $381 ,795 total — $283,939 events — $ 97,856 CCS lease Parks & Recreation •Parks and Recreation Master Plan adopted • 30 new picnic tables were placed in parks • Pursued grant opportunities with Washington Interagency Committee (IAC) to purchase park property in Greenacres area ,M�F >L j'IN a 11-51tix Sfiolcan'-Fe\'- .000Valley • Offered 10 weeks of summer day camp • Expanded marketing of summer programs to newspapers , schools, and SCOPE • Developed fall , winter, and spring programs to create our year- round recreation program Recreation Senior Center • Coordinated with WSU Nursing students to offer blood pressure checks, flu shots and answer general health questions • Offered new programs and activities — TAI CHI for arthritis — Received donation of two ping pong tables — groups play every Monday & Thursday mornings — Theme dances offered every Wednesday afternoon • Expanded free lending library completely stocked by donations of books, puzzles, video tapes and books on tape Public Works Milley Capital Project Planning • Completed 2007-2012 Six Year TIP • Submitted projects funding applications to TIB, SRTC and CDBG . Received approximately $ 12 Million in grant funding . • Continued Valley Corridor Environmental Study (In coordination with Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan) • Broadway Avenue Safety Improvement (3 Lane) • Milley Capital Projects Design PROJECT By COST Dishman-Mica South-Bound Lanes In-House $71 ,000 Barker Road Bridge Final Design CH2M Hill $10.0m Pines/Mansfield Project County/WSDOT $4.5m 44th Avenue Pathway In-House $222,500 Appleway Avenue Reconstruction DEA $3.5m Pines/Mansfield Project Barker Road Bridge Rendering Mi1Iey Capital Projects Construction Dishman-Mica Rd. Rehabilitation $260,000 Dishman-Mica SB Lanes $ 71 ,000 Broadway Ave. Overlay $910,000 Argonne Rd. Overlay $500,000 Barker Road $ 2.5 M Broadway Avenue Project Traffic • Reviewed and approved 86 traffic control plans for ROW permits • Received over 280 citizen requests/questions on signals, signing, striping, crosswalks, traffic volumes, etc. • Signal Retiming — Argonne from Mission to Trent — Valley Mall for holiday shopping • Worked with the Sheriffs Department to scan 1344 new collision reports for Public Works use • Worked with BNSF & Federal Railroad Administration to modify University RR Xing and make Quiet Zone permanent • Spokane County and Public Works summer interns collected: — 25 intersection counts — 196 tube counts Sinicolcan Milley Traffic & Maintenance • Received 2 grants totaling $58, 100 from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission for purchase of flashing beacon units — Beacons installed at 5 elementary schools • $50,000 contract to install Methyl Methacrylate at school crosswalks — Completed 42 crosswalks. SPEED L.rMIT 20 Street Maintenance ITEM County/WSDOT Private Pothole patching, crack sealing, pavement replacement $454,633 $430,521 De-icing, sanding , snow removal $246,084 $0 Sweeping, brushing , weed control $476,748 $194,845 Stormwater repair & maintenance $162, 113 $164,826 Traffic signals, signs, & striping $725,546 $145, 178 Total for 2006 $2,065,124 $935,370 Development • 60 Commercial Applications • 50 Residential Applications — Typical Projects: • Sonta Springs — 45 lots • Mamer Place — 12 lots • West Coast Paper 100,000sf office/warehouse bldg • Chester Creek Mini Storage 250 storage units 40041c '' Stormwater - General • Preparing Regional Stormwater Manual with City of Spokane and Spokane County — Expected adoption date - June 2007 • Updated 2006 tax roll • Updated 4000+ structures and added 870 new structures to the inventory. City owns approximately 11 ,000 structures. Inventory will be used for Underground Injection Control (UIC) compliance • Participated in the review of stormwater permits and regulations (UIC & NPDES Phase II) drafted by Ecology • Investigated citizen complaints • Prepared bid documents for landscape, vactoring, and drainage improvement contracts. Projects were awarded to Spokane ProCare, AAA Sweeping, and Cat's Eye Excavating Stormwater Maintenance & Projects Provided flooding solutions to 24 locations, including drywell replacement and installation of grassy swales $88,000 Cleaned 117 drywells, 42 catch basins and 110 curb inlets $104,000 Street sweeping $545,000 Pump Station maintenance and repair $15,000 Landscape services and weed control $32,000 Sliolcane Milley Stormwater Improvements • Sewer Project Design and Construction — Electric Railroad — Vera Terrace — Veradale Heights — Orchard Avenue — $240 , 850 Electric RR • Beverly Hills Stormwater Project Engineering and Design — $33 , 000 Achieving 2006 Budget Goals sets the stage for achieving 2007 Budget Goals *clime .000Valley 2007 Budget Goals • Continue monitoring wastewater issues, including governance of wastewater facilities, enhanced citizen awareness of options for the future and pursuit of the most efficient and economical use of allowed wastewater discharges • Explore the available telecommunications infrastructure that may be accessed by public institutions, residents, and businesses within Spokane Valley • Adopt a sub-area plan for the Sprague Corridor and initiate the implementation of achievable recommendations • Amend the comprehensive plan to reflect accommodation of Spokane Valley population projections within and adjacent to city limits and to outline annexation policies • Adopt a Street Master Plan and draft a financial strategy to implement the plan • Establish departmental priorities and incorporate them into a six-year business plan for each department that includes forward looking budget and funding implications • Adopt a Uniform Development Code that implements the Comprehensive Plan