2007 Accomplishments Presentation , swalley. 2007 Accomplishments of\ri j�ley% 2007 Budget Goals Continue Monitoring Significant Wastewater Issues, including governance of wastewater facilities, enhanced citizen awareness of options for the future and pursuit of the most efficient and economical use of allowed wastewater discharges. Explore the available telecommunications infrastructure along the Sprague/Appleway Corridor that may be accessed by public institutions, residents, and businesses within Spokane Valley. Adopt a sub-area plan for the Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan and initiate the implementation of achievable recommendations. Amend the Comprehensive Plan to reflect accommodation of Spokane Valley population projections within and adjacent to city limits, and to outline annexation policies. Adopt a Street Master Plan and draft a financial strategy to implement the plan. Establish departmental priorities and incorporation them into a six-year business plan for each department that includes forward looking budget and funding implications. Adopt a Uniform Development Code that implements the Comprehensive Plan. , swalley ACCOMPLISHMENTS BY DEPARTMENTS ca� Executive & Legislative Support .•••0 ‘411eyi Executive & Legislative Support Legislative Support Provided support to Council at over 50 regular & special meetings, and study sessions • Regular Council Meetings 22 • Resolutions enacted 22 • Study Sessions 17 • Ordinances enacted 27 • Special Meetings 17 • Contracts signed 113 • Total Meetings 56 Spukar►``ems" 4000i Ualley. Executive & Legislative Support Records Records Management Increasing Demand Responded to 358 Public Record Requests • About 7 requests per week • An increase of 131 from 2006 Records Management • Several departments have begun the process of archiving paper documents Spukar►``ems" 4000i Ualley. Executive & Legislative Support Employee Safety Committee Committee made significant progress during 2007 . Plans and Procedures • Accident Prevention Program • Facility Security/Panic Protocol • Personal Protective Equipment needs • Evacuation Plans Training • New Legislation: Heat Stress Rule • Addressed Safety Concerns of City Hall and Parking Lot Acquired First Aid Kits for CenterPlace, Senior Area, Permit Center, and City Hall ZEE ik Operations and Administrative Services Operations & Administrative Services 2007 BUDGET GOAL: Establish Departmental Priorities and Incorporate them into a Six-Year Business Plan for each Department • Developed first draft of six- year business plan — SWOT Analysis — Mission Statement — Description of Programs — 6 Year Timeline — 6 Year Budget and Staffing Impact Summary glpulia nen!". .0.00 Val ley Operations & Administrative Services • Assisted with re-engineering of the development process and other customer service improvements • Finalized citywide policies and procedures — General — Human Resources — Operations and Administrative Services — Community Development — Parks and Recreations ..•vvaller Operations & Administrative Services Human Resources • Personnel Policies and Procedures — Incorporated into New Employee Manuals • Managed recruitment process for 34 new positions and 25 replacement positions — Installed and utilized Applicant Tracking module in Eden • Conducted employee wellness campaigns — HealthCheck Plus Voluntary health screeni for employees — Walktober Fall Fitness campaign • Conducted city-wide trainings — Anti-Harassment — Personnel Policies and Procedures — Anti-Retaliation for Supervisors and Managers Sin fil ley. 4011.011° Val Operations & Administrative Services Contract Administration Efficiency and Cost Control • Participated in the development of a regional animal control system that will help control animal control costs and sustain a high level of service • Identified and duplicated contract charges for public safety and worked with County to correct • Helped facilitate the completion of the City's first Business Plan • Provided support in developing proposal for early payoff of the Police Precinct Building • Took over administration of maintenance of the Police Precinct Building from the County • Assisted with the review, editing and presentation of the City's new Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Plan incorporating the requirements of the state's new CTR Efficiency Act ca�46•1•10 ‘411ey% Operations & Administrative Services Public Information Provide Public Information Support of Council Goals Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Street Master Plan Adoption of Uniform Development Code • Media coverage included: — 87 print media articles/mentions — 10 television stories/interviews — 2 radio interviews/stories — 13 Blog stories/mentions • Placed community meetings on various web community calendars and sent calendar request media releases • Video-taped two community workshops swamOperations & Administrative Services 40000° Val ley Public Information • Revised Crisis Communications Plan to incorporate communications in the event of an emergency triggering the National Incident Management System (NIMS) • Provided general public information support to all departments Includes all PIO media activity for all departments. Item 2006 2007 Media releases 56 52 "Earned" media stories 68 146 Number of media stories 536 598 Total PIO media contacts 307 260 Includes all PIO media activity for all departments. Finance SOiane Implementation and Compliance Finance • Reviewed and implemented Washington Cities Insurance Authority suggestions. • Reviewed and implemented suggestions made by the State Auditor's office. ca•fsi*, ,o•AF Wiley% Finance 2007 BUDGET GOAL: Establish Departmental Priorities and Incorporate them into a Six-Year Business Plan for each Department • Revised six-year financial forecast by incorporating priorities identified in six- year departmental business plans. , iFvalley Office of the City Attorney Ss° .•••OF N41 ley 1 Office of the City Attorney 2007 BUDGET GOAL: Explore the available telecommunications infrastructure along the Sprague/Appleway Corridor • City Attorney's office has been in contact with major fiber providers • Written correspondence • Phone calls • Completed inventory of fiber for internal use Spukar►``ems" 4000° Ualley. Office of the City Attorney Improving Regional Coordination • Finalized a Joint Planning Agreement and proposed the same to Spokane County. • Successfully renegotiated interlocal contracts with Spokane County. Legal Support for Current and Future Development • Participated in the efforts to create the new city center development and the negotiations with appropriate property owners. • Prepared and prosecuted appeal in the Appleway corridor dispute. • Finalized all outstanding street vacations. .SO‘ane r�'i ball �Y Office of the City Attorney Process Improvement • Continued to streamline procedures for enforcement actions, approximately 30 new enforcement actions were initiated and 52 enforcement actions were concluded. Training and Support • In conjunction with the City Clerk, conducted Public Records training with City staff. • Conducted training on "Imposition of Conditions on Development" with all pertinent staff. • Prepared numerous administrative reports to Council. • Provided legal support and assistance to all departments. Public Safety Spukar►``ems" .roi Ualley. Public Safety • Improved interaction with community businesses — Appointed a detective to act as liaison with Bank Security Group in Spokane Valley — Initiated more bank and other business contacts — Provided deputies with business cards for prowl check confirmations • Enhanced Spokane Valley identity with more visible vehicle and logos and ordered shoulder patches with Spokane Valley logo • Continuing research with Communications Interoperability Project to meet 2012 mandates • National Incident Management System (NIMS) compliance up to date *Wane ms" 40r00 Valley. Public Safety • Department of Emergency Management Restructured — Enhanced emergency management services within Spokane Valley — County-wide evacuation plan has been completed • Increased the amount and variety of training brought into Spokane area — In-service training opened to entire region — Established ongoing leadership training for all supervisors, including participation in the FBA National Academy • Completed department-wide training in Excited Delirium protocol , enhancing our first responder collaboration with Fire Department Personnel SOiane Public Safety • More than thirty Spokane Valley police officers were named in commendation letters from citizens and supervisors during the year • SCOPE — New director appointed with office in Spokane Valley Police Department facility — Detectives and SCOPE interaction encouraged with detectives assigned to each of the four Spokane Valley stations • Established Security/Safety Committee — Implemented improvements in front desk safety — Obtained grant funding through HLS for fortification of front desk — Evaluation/shelter-in-lace plan established for use in event of disaster Community Development Community Development BUDGET GOAL: Adopt a sub-area plan for the Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan • Completed draft Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan • Completed DRAFT City Center Plan so\, ,•••IF Wiley% Community Development Long Range Planning 2007 BUDGET GOAL: Amend the Comprehensive Plan to reflect accommodation of Spokane Valley population projections • Completed first update of the City's Comprehensive Plan , iFvalley Community Development Long Range Planning 2007 BUDGET GOAL: Adopt a Uniform Development Code that implements the Comprehensive Plan • Completed new Uniform Development Code lk Uniform Development Code 1 Community Development Long Range Planning Washington State Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development (CTED) Planning Collaborative Grant for Urban Growth Study (UGS) interlocal agreement n Community Development .0,01F Valley Development Services Process Improvements • Worked with a citizen 's permit stakeholders group to improve the permit process • Implemented an over-the-counter permit process for certain types of applications • Implemented a staff training program for the new UDC • Incorporated development engineering into Community Development process • Developed databases for project tracking and reports ca•01°\%ft., .0001F Valley% Community Development Planning Division In 2007, the Planning Department received and processed : • 56 Boundary Line Adjustments • 1 "Preliminary" Binding Site Plan • 1 Final Binding Site Plan • 41 Preliminary Short Plats • 36 Final Short Plats • 10 Preliminary Subdivisions • 5 Final Subdivisions • 23 Rezones • 2 Conditional Use Permits • 3 Temporary Use Permits • 6 Appeal Applications for a total of 184 executed land use actions. $1 60,000,000 $140,000,000 $120,000,000 $100,000,000 $80,000,000 $60,000,000 $40,000,000 $20,000,000 $0 Summary of Permit Valuation 2004-2007 2004 2006 2006 2007 ❑Commercial $55,347,467 $140,995,926 $42,005,796 $85,173,768 ❑Residential $59,331,066 $52,884,486 $79,178,514 $61,485,358 .0•011; Wiley% 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 Building Permits Summary / / 2004 2005 2006 2007 Permits Issued 3,260 4,970 3,752 3,972 • Building Permits includes new, additions, and alterations. Community Development Commercial and residential figures reflect an upturn in commercial projects and a soft housing market. ca�.•••0 ‘411eyi Community Development Building Division • The City has performed an average of 45 inspections each workday over the past 4 years ca�.000 Valley Community Development Building Division/Code Compliance Through education and enforcement, the community has become more aware of the City's role in working with landowners to provide a safe and desirable living and working environment in Spokane Valley. Code Compliance Complaints 2004 (partial) - 2007 700 600- 500—' 400 300 200 100 0 J 2004 =`' 7 / l7 2005 2006 2007 ® Environmental 106 101 29 22 O Property 128 196 169 254 O Clear View Triangle 0 92 91 39 ▪ Junk Auto 139 203 120 109 p Signs 128 0 0 0 O Solid Waste 125 213 126 153 O Complaint - No V iolation 626 290 150 81 NOTE: Sign Enforcement no longer included in complaints , iFvalley. 1 Community Development Code Compliance , iFwiley. Community Development Code Compliance , iFwiley. Community Development Code Compliance , iFwiley. Community Development Code Compliance Community Development Code Compliance galley. Community Development Code Compliance ca�.•••IF Valley% Parks & Recreation S I � \4i1 ley. Parks & Recreation Aquatics • Completed public input process, design plans and initiated bid process to renovate the three existing outdoor pools • Purchased cash registers and electronic accounting system for pools • Increase pool revenues by 27% in 5 years Pool Revenues from 2003 to 2007 60,000.00 - 50,000.00 40,000.00 30,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 - 7 General Swim Swim Team Total Admission Lessons ❑2003 ❑2004 ❑2005 ❑2006 ❑2007 ca•01°\%ft., .00 Valley% • Increased Customer Service • Added Customer Relations/ and mid-week use by 65°r Facilities Coordinator • Added additional maintenance and administrative assistant staff to improve overall customer service • Completed and received Council approval of CenterPlace Marketing Plan • Increased multi-day use by 118% and mid-week use by 65% • 672 reservations for 2007 Parks & Recreation CenterPlace .0•01F Valley% $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $- CenterPlace Revenues 1 2006 2007 ❑Projected Revenue •Total Revenue Received CenterPlace expenses were less than projected in 2007 Parks & Recreation CenterPlace CenterPlace revenue exceeded projected revenue in 2007 $495,075 CenterPlace 2007 Expenses $108,104 41, $603,17 ❑ Budgeted Expenses ❑Total Expenses ❑ Balance .0•01F Valley% 800 - 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 CenterPlace Events 2006 vs 2007 Oa mac, ��°a C. e Oa `sae \fie°eQ Ao Q aa�c, Ae ❑2006 •2007 Parks & Recreation CenterPlace CenterPlace has increased room rental for meetings/seminars by 95% from 2006 to 2007 6% 1% CenterPlace Event Breakdown ❑Banquet •Community Event ❑Fundraiser ❑Graduation •Meeting/Seminar ❑Dance ❑Private Party ❑Wedding/Reception •Worship .•••0 ‘411eyi Parks & Recreation Parks • Purchased 8 .3 acres of property for the Greenacres Neighborhood Park • Developed a Park Ambassador program to increase customer service and representation of City presence in parks • Received an $800, 000 direct appropriation from state legislature for development of Children's Universal Park • Completed construction of Mirabeau Springs overlook • Held City's first Arbor Day celebration 40010 Wier • Developed year-round preschool , indoor gym and Counselor in Training program • Increased program participation by 105% from 2006 to 2007 • Published Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter recreation brochures Hosted a camp counselor skill- builder workshop for Washington Recreation and Park Association which had members in attendance from Cheney, Colville, Ellensburg , Ephrata, Liberty Lake, Pullman and Walla Walla Parks & Recreation Parks , iFvalley 2007 Direct Cost Recovery Summary 200.00% - 180.00% 160.00% 140.00% 120.00% 100.00% 80.00% 60.00% 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% Winter 2007 Spring 2007 Summer 2007 Fall 2007 Parks & Recreation Recreation Direct Cost Recovery for 2007 recreation programs averaged 117 . 69% for the year. 2007 Sessions Direct Cost Recovery Winter Jan. - March 135.46% Spring April - June 181 .93% Summer June — Aug. 116. 14% Fall Sept. — Dec. 90.85% * Direct Costs include: program staffing, supplies, advertising , transportation, instructor costs, field trips and training. ca�.•••0 ‘411eyi Parks & Recreation Senior Center Established a cafe atmosphere in the lounge area Monday and Wednesday mornings. Selling coffee, bagels and pastries and using funds for Senior programs Partnered with Valley HUB to offer pickleball for more active seniors Developed billiard and greenhouse policies Public Works , sFvalley Public Works BUDGET GOAL: Continue Monitoring Significant Wastewater Issues • Continued participation in DOE Spokane River Dissolved Oxygen TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) Advisory Group. • Continued involvement in the County's DBO selection process for the new wastewater treatment facility. .0001F Valley% Budget Goal : Adopt a Street Master Plan • Evaluated the current condition of all City streets. • Presentation of the Street Master Plan and funding options to Council on July 17, 2006. Public Works • Follow-up Presentation to Council on the Street Master Plan on October 16, 2007 • Council approved Contract Amendment to JUB to update the Street Master Plan in 2008 on November 7, 2007. Spukar►``ems" .r.'i Ualley. Public Works Stormwater - General • Regional Stormwater Manual with City of Spokane and Spokane County met equivalency with DOE and now will got through process for adoption • Updated 2007 tax roll • Visited 6500+ structures to update the stormwater inventory. The City owns approximately 12,700 drainage structures. Inventory is being used for UIC compliance • Registered newly constructed drywells for compliance with UIC regulations • Investigated citizen complaints • Began implementation of NPDES Phase ! ! Permit requirements • Prepared Renewal Contracts for landscape, vactoring, and drainage improvement contracts. Projects were awarded to Spokane ProCare and AAA Sweeping. Problem: Flooded roadway Solution : Pipe Sump Public Works Stormwater Maintenance & Projects Provided flooding solutions to many locations by installing 24 pipe sumps $54,999 Cleaned 149 drywells and 164 catch basins $93,403 Street sweeping $474, 177 Pump Station maintenance and repair $52,436 Landscape services and weed control $59,762 Public Works Stormwater Improvement Beverly & Center Shallow, rocky, failing ditch Beverly Hills Stormwater Project Construction $354, 188 .0,001F Valley Sewer Project Design and Construction Grandview Acres Trentwood $73 , 000 Public Works Stormwater Improvement Sn" ll-oe isoio* kialley Public Works Street Maintenance ITEM County/WSDOT Private Pothole patching, crack sealing, pavement replacement $245,593 $1 ,447,242 De-icing , sanding, snow removal $752, 185 $0 Sweeping, brushing, weed control $16,429 $569,287 Stormwater repair & maintenance $3,931 $242,474 Traffic signals, signs & striping $684,555 $34,916 Total for 2007 $1 ,702,693 2,293,919 dal Appleway Avenue Shouldering Project East of Corbin Public Works Street Maintenance 8th Avenue Overlay: Carnahan to Havana Vista Road Overlay at West Valley High Schoo • Signal Coordination Projects: — Evergreen interchange during Sullivan Bridge Project — Pines interchange with Mission and Broadway. — Extended hours of Argonne coordination and added Broadway intersections. • With Community Development staff, reviewed and approved 194 traffic control plans for ROW permits. • Received over 300 citizen requests/questions on signals, signing , striping , crosswalks, traffic volumes, etc. Public Works Traffic .r0* ball eY Public Works Traffic • Spokane County installed 265 red and green LEDs at 26 intersections. • 38% of equipment cost reimbursed by Avista and Vera, for a total of $11 ,250. • Savings to date: — $427/month on electric bills — 28% reduction in electricity use valley Palennbadi dilk erf aminu Public Works Traffic • Modified Sprague/MuIIan & Sprague/Argonne signal timing to reduce collisions. Historically 12 red light running collisions/year. • Implemented fixed-time signalization at 4 intersections on Argonne & Mullan to reduce collisions. Historically 6- 10 red light running collisions/year. so\ ,•••IF Wier Public Works Traffic • Received $25, 086 grant from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission for 3 schools in 2007-2008 . • Impact of 2006 installs: — Beacon + Speed Board 85th percentile speed reduced by 26% — Beacon only 85th percentile speed reduced by 14% Ssf\%Nrib, .00 Wiley% Public Works Capital Projects Planning • Completed 2008-2013 Six Year TIP • Applied for and received approximately $8m in grant funding — TIB: Broadway Ave (Moore to Flora) - $2.4 million — STP(E): 44th Ave Pathway - $355, 000 — CDBG : Trentwood STEP - $77,700 — STA: • Sprague and Bowdish Intersection $709, 100 • Sprague and Pines Intersection - $589,900 • Indian and Sullivan Intersection - $1 , 178,300 • Sprague and Evergreen Intersection - $900,700 • Broadway and Sullivan Intersection - $977,900 • Sprague and McDonald Intersection - $849,800 • Continued coordination with Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan 1.•vvalleyi Public Works Capital Projects Design PROJECT By COST Barker Road Bridge Final Design CH2M Hill $10.0m Pines/Mansfield Project County / WSDOT $4.5m 44th Avenue Pathway In-House $222,500 Appleway Avenue Reconstruction DEA $3.5m Barker Road Bridge Rendering ca�Valley • 2007 Sewer Projects • Veradale Heights • Vera Terrace • Grandview Acres • Trentwood Public Works � Capital Projects Construction , iFvalley Achieving 2007 Budget Goals sets the stage for achieving 2008 Budget Goals Ssf\k. .•••IF Wiley% 2008 Budget Goals • Continue monitoring wastewater issues, including governance of wastewater facilities, and pursuit of the most efficient and economical methods to ensure the continuation of wastewater discharge licenses. • Refine initial departmental six-year business plans in order to identify and incorporate fiscal impacts into a strategic financial plan. • Formulate a Six-Year Strategic Financial Plan by July 2008 that forecasts expected revenues and expenses; incorporates the cost elements of departmental business plans; identifies fiscal constraints; and, proposes formulas for Council consideration that institute sustainable budget-balancing approaches and itemizes necessary service reductions or revenue increases or combinations thereof. • Initiate implementation of the sub-area plan for the Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan. • Adopt area-wide rezoning proposals consistent with the comprehensive plan that reflect appropriate adjustments in zoning designations. • Perform an analysis of land owner initiated request for annexation.