2008 Accomplishments Presentation 4000 Valley 2008 Accomplishments *le� Valley 2008 Budget Goals • Continue monitoring wastewater issues, including governance of wastewater facilities, and pursuit of the most efficient and economical methods to ensure the continuation of wastewater discharge licenses. • Refine initial departmental six-year business plans in order to identify and incorporate fiscal impacts into a strategic financial plan. • Formulate a Six-Year Strategic Financial Plan by July 2008 that forecasts expected revenues and expenses; incorporates the cost elements of departmental business plans; identifies fiscal constraints; and, proposes formulas for Council consideration that institute sustainable budget-balancing approaches and itemizes necessary service reductions or revenue increases or combinations thereof. • Initiate implementation of the sub-area plan for the Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan. • Adopt area-wide rezoning proposals consistent with the comprehensive plan that reflect appropriate adjustments in zoning designations. • Perform an analysis of land owner initiated request for annexation. ....01v Valley ACCOMPLISHMENTS BY DEPARTMENTS Silio" kane .0,00 Valley Executive & Legislative Support Mil 11111 .0•00 Valley Regional Representation •Spokane Regional Cable Advisory Board •Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce Board •Spokane Regional Convention & Visitor Bureau Board of Directors •Emergency Communications Board 911 •Greater Spokane Incorporated •Growth Management Steering Committee of Elected Officials •Spokane Regional Health District Board •Spokane County Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee •International Trade Alliance •Mayors' Association of Northeast Washington •SCRAPS •Solid Waste Liaison Board •Spokane County Affordable Housing Task Force •Northeast Housing Solutions •Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency •Spokane Regional Transportation Council •Spokane Solid Waste Advisory Board •Spokane Transit Authority •Tourism Promotion Area Tax Advisory Committee 4000 Valley Emergency Declarations Valley View Fire July 11 , 2008 Winter Snowstorm December 23 , 2008 • 1..., 1 4000 Valley Executive & Legislative Support Legislative Support Provided support to Council at over 50 regular and special meetings, and study sessions • Regular Council Meetings • Study Sessions • Special Meetings • Total Meetings 20 • Resolutions enacted 24 23 • Ordinances enacted 29 12 • Contracts signed 166 55 .000 Valley Executive & Legislative Support Records Responded to 347 Public Record Requests A decrease of 17 from 2007 Records Management • Implemented Laserfiche Document Imaging System • Hired two temporary computer scanner operators • Scanned/uploaded Most City Clerk's Documents: — Ordinances, resolutions, council minutes, council packets, contracts, pre-incorporation documents, transition team reports, franchise agreements • Scanned current and past budgets • Working on scanning documents from basement • Archiving documents in tandem with scanning 4000 Valley Executive & Legislative Support Employee Safety Committee Committee progress during 2008 Monthly Meetings as per WAC 296-800 Meeting Topics • Draft Accident Prevention Program • Personal Protective Equipment needs • Heat Exposure Rule • Evacuation Plans • First Aid Supplies Training • Fire Extinguisher Training • Addressed Safety Concerns of City Hall Parking Lot • Research future training opportunities 4000 Valley Finance HR DCM Operations and A dministrative Services *dime 40"1, Operations & Administrative Services .0,00 Valley 2008 Budget Goal: Refine initial departmental six-year business plans in order to identify and incorporate fiscal impacts into a strategic financial plan. valley do' Operations & Administrative Services Business Plan Process City Foundation Internal Input Lunch w•City Manner Employee Focus Groups Commute Trip Reduction Surv°e.. Resource Analysis Comprehensive Plan 6-Yea.T Transportation Improvement Plan (-Year Financial.Plan CenterPlace Marketing Platy Parks Master Plan Audits Performance Analysis City Council BtIdgL l Goals Strategic Service-Delivery Areas Departmental Business Plans Mission Statemera Goals Strategies *Workload Indicators *Performance Measurements 1 City irie Business Flan Encompasses A]1 items Above External Input Citizen P irticipaIion Citizen Survey Comment Cards Focus Groups Customer Correspondence Nen plain components • %is., .000•0 Valley Workload Indicators: [ ells}swales cleaned Drywells/swales repaired Operations & Administrative Services Business Plan Excerpts 2008 2009 Drywellslswales constructed Citizen requests for dwells Performance Measurements: 2008 2009 Percentage of dry ells/swales satisfactory condition or above Dr welislswales cleaned per FTE Cost of cleaning drywells/swales per capita Percentage of citizens who rated quality of storm drainage as "good" or better (surrey) • i , .0•00 Valley Operations & Administrative Services Contract Administration • Conducted audit of Public Safety Service Contracts — Review case and usage numbers to ID fluctuations and extreme trends — Select areas for audit • Initiated research on winter street maintenance — Immediately following notification from County • Completed analysis of law enforcement billing — Contracted with Financial Forensics to complete an independent review • Identified and selected performance measures and workload indicators for Business Plan — Examples from ICMA, GASB and other cities 4000 Valley Operations & Administrative Services Human Resources Hired a HR Manager and HR Technician, establishing a HR Office • Instituted a pilot flex-time policy for non-represented employees • Filled 100% of positions, including some difficult recruitments i .e. stormwater engineer and administrative analyst — In 2008 HR received 1 ,352 applications — Conducted 154 Interviews — Filled 15 Regular Full-time positions and numerous temporary — The City of Spokane Valley currently employs 89 regular and 22 temporary employees • Completed an audit of all 1 -9s and instituted the new federal regulations on immigration and control. Revised forms and review process. dio...6v Valley Operations & Administrative Services Human Resources • Updated HR Website • Initiated Wellness prog ra m • Expanded recruitment resources to include professional organizations • Made progress on training plan for city employees Siiokane • \., .000 Valley Operations & Administrative Services Public Information Plan and Implement Community Events for City Five Year Anniversary • Community committee — Anniversary logo — Five year "Birthday Party" — Arbor Day planting of five trees in Mirabeau Meadows — St. Patrick's Day Parade and ValleyFest Parade — Booth at Interstate Fair and ValleyFest — Children's coloring contest — Five Year Anniversary Quilt L 1 FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY O>` INCORPORATION March 31 , 2003 to March 31 , 2008 Siiiikane i , • ..,•••* Valley 5 Councilmembers and 17 Staffers celebrated five-year service anniversaries Mayor Richard Munson Deputy Mayor Dick Denenny Councilmember Gary Schimmels Councilmember Steve Taylor City Manager David Mercier Deputy City Manager Mike Jackson Engineering Tech Shane Arlt City Clerk Chris Bainbridge Code Compliance Officer Chris Berg IT Specialist Bing Bingaman Deputy City Attorney Cary Driskell Associate Planner Micki Harnois Senior Engineer John Hohman Councilmember Diana Wilhite Assistant Planner Karen Kendall Public Works Director Neil Kersten Sr. Administrative Analyst Morgan Koudelka Senior Planner Scott Kuhta Planning Manager Greg McCormick Senior Center Specialist Karen Parson Finance Director Ken Thompson Senior Engineer Steve Worley FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF INCORPORATION March 31. 2003 tc March 31, 2008 kane .0,00 Valley Operations & Administrative Services Public Information Conduct Community Survey • Contracted with ICMA National Citizen SurveyTM • Survey process began January 5 , 2009 • Final report in mid -March 2009 National Citizen Survesirm i , .000 valley 1 Operations & Administrative Services Public Information • Provided general public information support to all departments Item 2006 2007 2008* Media releases 56 52 203 "Earned" media stories 68 146 243 Total number of media stories 536 598 673 Total PIO media contacts 307 260 273 *Impacted by additional traffic reports and hiring of intern Includes all PIO media activity for all departments. i , 400. valley Operations & Administrative Services Commute Trip Reduction • 25 employees participated using commute alternatives that included : • Rideshare • Transit • Bicycling Travail Grrio • Walking L rean0 • Compressed work week use a commute alternative I combine errands I red[mar id ling 1 conserve energy • 2008 results • Eliminated 16,770 single occupant vehicle miles • Reduced carbon monoxide emissions by 922 pounds • Saved city employee commuters $9,559 4000 Valley ,..•0 Valley Finance 2008 BUDGET GOAL: Formulate a Six-Year Strategic Financial Plan by July 2008 • Forecasted expected revenues and expenses • Incorporated the cost elements of departmental business plans • Identified fiscal constraints Siliokane 4000 Valley ' Implementation and Compliance • Conducted research on new street fund revenue sources • Reviewed City center financing alternatives • Reviewed insurance recommendations suggested by Washington Cities Insurance Authority • • impiementea suggestions maae ay the State Auditor's office. Finance 4000 Valley Office of the City Attorney 4000 Valley Office of the City Attorney In Support of Council Goal to Implement SARP • Negotiations ongoing throughout 2008 with property owners. • SARP reviewed in detail with staff; numerous changes made to comply with state law. • Funding resources explored and presented to Council . cif!,6rti.�:a I.y�J.11..�.ass1 em,Nit. iax4 o�. .]UlildlUa 11 no Lax co all•narrw.vl.s.c.r1.letre dvrldhc mid urOtnelubifir kriildl ed rmdteearstiW ciao E}mare I;s4Z11.ELe.A irax 2.. . 2 . SIGN TYii , Siliokane jValleyf Business Plan Objectives — Assist in development & finalization of City Index System Office of the City Attorney • Numerous meetings with staff to identify index system and assist in creation of comprehensive systems. • Hard copy files, electronic files (including email ) , and task manager all reference the same system . • City Attorney index system is completed . Siliokane • skii... 400. Valley Office of the City Attorney Draft all pleading necessary to complete appeal of decision affecting transfer of Appleway ROW by County, according to timeline established by the courts. • Appeal is finalized . • Petition for review by Supreme Court is finalized . • Successfully solicited amicus support from Washington State Association of Municipal Attorneys and Association of Washington Cities. Siliokane • 1..., 4000 Valley Office of the City Attorney Participate in the creation or review of various City processes to ensure legal compliance [annexation process ; enforcement process ; Local Improvement Districts (LID)] • Focus during 2008 has been on planning procedures to ensure that the appropriate laws are followed and conditions imposed on development are appropriate. • Numerous code revisions drafted or revised to further this goal . ��nn•a [� .0,00 Valley ' Complete all code compliance modifications and revise the compliance policy handbook. Office of the City Attorney • Provided clear direction for code compliance staff for resolving code compliance violations. • The City Council recently passed all of the recommendations Cary drafted and took through the Planning Commission . • Cary is currently working with an intern to implement those within the policy handbook. SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE A Codification of the General Ordinances of the City of Spokane Valley,Washington CODE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 Seattle,Washington SitAiltane .0,0" lley 4000 Valley • %is, ,„00 Valley Public Safety Accomplishments at the Spokane Valley Police Department during 2008 • Spokane County Evacuation Plan was tested in a functional exercise, analyzed, modified and a pp roved. In July 2008, the plan was used successfully in Valley View Fire. • Employee evaluation process has been revised and implemented. • Security measures were implemented at Spokane Valley Police facility: installation of concrete bollards and wheel stops in front of parking lot; front desk fortification; shelter-in-place established in facility lunchroom with stored food, water, and emergency supplies. • Spokane Valley shoulder patches on officers' uniforms, visibility of SV logos on police cars improved, to continue to enhance Spokane Valley identity. • Participation in extensive gang investigation (Hybris) and high-level drug investigation (Generations) during 2008. .000 Valley • Public Safety -continued • Presentations of educational information on Communication Infrastructure; levy passed successfully for funding. • Reduction in speed limit at Mirabeau Parkway was implemented to help prevent pedestrian/auto accidents and increase public safety in that area, recommended by SVPD and S.C.O. P. E. • New LEXIPOL policy was adapted and approved. LEXIPOL complies with Washington State Police and Chiefs accreditation criteria and guidelines. • Intelligence Led Policing (proactive rather than reactive) has moved into the implementation process. • More than fifty Spokane Valley police officers were named in commendation letters from citizens and supervisors during 2008. .000 Valley Public Safety Accomplishments Directly Affecting Community / Citizens and Public Safety • Panhandling issues reviewed, SVPD assisted panhandling ad hoc committee with studies of problem. • School Resource Officers responded to several school incidents and lock- downs. • Traffic Unit worked with Public Works to prioritize top six traffic problem areas in the Spokane Valley. • Continued to encourage bank visits by officers, thus providing a visible law enforcement presence to help prevent criminal activity. Note that Spokane Valley experienced fewer bank robberies than other nearby communities. • Annual Crime Prevention Conference held at CenterPlace. • Efforts to establish graffiti removal process in the City of Spokane Valley moved forward. L City of Spokane Valley position in nation's top safe cities rose from #131 to #87. kane 4000 Valley 3 Community Developmen 0 0 fl p it i * 4 IMPI j51-11 nyrm IM Lin ii=„1=1 C0 h1k:7!iftC..r. 00�74�401EQ 5 nillorTeIe atlas � 0 o t )� Slio" kane • %is, ,00v Valley Community Development Administration P rovided administrative support for Planning Commission P rovided training to staff in the following areas : • New Development Code • Leadership » Customer Service • Vesting Rules Slio" kane • %is, ,..•0 Valley Community Development 2008 BUDGET GOAL: Initiate implementation of the sub-area plan for the Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan . • Planning Commission — 11 public meetings • City Council — 14 meetings in 2008 • Anticipate completion — Spring 2009 • %is, ,„00 Valley Community Development Planning Division 2008 BUDGET GOAL: Adopt area-wide rezoning proposals consistent with the comprehensive plan that reflect appropriate adjustments in zoning designations. 2008 BUDGET GOAL: Perform an analysis of land owner initiated request for annexation . • Completed Annual Comprehensive Plan Update • Selected consultant for Planned Action Ordinance for City Center • Worked with Spokane Region on Urban Growth Areas and Annexation Agreements • Completed 6 code amendments through the Planning Commission process SOokane • %is, ...$0 valley Community Development Development Engineering • Completed the Regional Stormwater Manual by local adoption • Completed the DRAFT Street Standards • Coordinated a residential driveway approach with the Building Division kane 4000 Valley Community Development Building Division • Prepared a clearview triangle compliance prog ra m • have purchased equipment • Worked with Fire District to update the Interlocal Agreement • Developed an interagency brochure on smoking shelters • %is, doilis0 Valley Community Development Permit Process All divisions provided staff to review, approve and inspect projects like Worthy Office Building, Kohl's, Hampton Inn, Winco and Chuck E Cheese. 5000- 4500- 4000- 3500- 3000- 2500- 2000- 1500- 1000- 500- 0 land use received building permits and processed issued commercial pre- application meetings conducted Slio" kane • %is, ,00v Valley Comm nity Development Code Compliance • Responded to 639 citizen action requests • Brought 713 properties into compliance • Testified at two appeals and three court cases .000 Valley I Community Development Code Compliance .000 Valley Community Development Code Compliance 4000 Valley Community Development Personnel • Jodi Main obtained her Certified Permit Technician Certification . • Ryan Brodwater passed his EIT (Engineer in Training) exam . I • Mary Kate McGee earned her Bachelor's Degree in Leadership and Professional Studies. Valley IIIP� Parks & Recreation .000 Valley Parks Administration & Maintenance • Completed design work of Valley Mission Park improvements. • Applied for RCO grant for design & development of Greenacres Park. • Completed design process for the Children's Universal Park. • Celebrated Arbor Day with new tree plantings at Mirabeau Meadows. • Investigated accreditation of Department through National Recreation and Park Association. Siliokane .000 Valley CenterPlace • Marketing plan was implemented with increased advertising , along with the development of corporate and hotel partner brochures. • Updated and restyled website. • Janitorial services were contracted to ISS Facility Services. • Provided year-long training for seasonal staff to improve customer service. • Created Food Services RFP for non-exclusive caterer. 41011 Valley CenterPlace Reservations and revenue continue to increase. 800 - 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2008 CenterPlace Events �e (<,;ems �5e� �`o� `ca oe �� ;��o� r�� acQ �.A a�a a)a co 0 Qe e&Q �o, C.P. �J� Goa�`ee - Q�`�e eaa`� ❑2006 •2007 ❑2008 CenterPlace Year-End Revenue & Expense Comparison $600,000.00 $500,000.00 $400,000.00 $300,000.00 $200,000.00 $100,000.00 s- 2007 ❑Revenues •Expenditures 2008 * Expenses do not include the building or workstation replacement funds. Sliokane .00•0 Valley • Implemented new cash handling plan at all pools. • Began renovation construction of our three outdoor pools. Hosted a Splashtacular water safety awareness event at Valley Mission pool . Aquatics �Siliokane .00 Valley . • Coordinated two summer outdoor movie nights in Mirabeau Meadows. Over 500 total participants attended. • Offered new classes for adults, including scrapbooking programs, infant massage, and mother-daughter safety. • Offered new programs for children, including cheer dance camps and Lego camps. • Partnered with the City of Spokane to advertise their outdoor programs in our Parks & Recreation brochure. • Partnered with the Spokane Valley Rotary Club to present Breakfast With Santa. Over 200 participants attended this successful event. Recreation • %is, Valley • 1392 Recreation Program Atten ❑ 317 dance ❑Total#of Rec. Participants in 2004 ❑Total#of Rec. Participants in 2005 ❑Total#of Rec. Participants in 2006 ❑Total#of Rec. Participants in 2007 ❑Total#of Rec. Participants in 2008 to-date General Admission Swim Lessons Swim Team Total 2003 16,913.49 23,978.50 2,287.00 43,178.99 2004 16,083.00 25,277.50 2,128.00 43,488.50 2005 18,687.20 24,237.50 1,988.00 44,912.70 2006 23,611.93 24,635.50 2,744.00 50,991.43 2007 25,984.10 25,510.00 2,576.00 54,070.10 ■2008 24,180.18 32,638.00 2,821.00 59,639.18 Recreation • Participation in Recreation programs has increased significantly. • Revenues from swim team and swim lessons continue to grow. i 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Summer Day Camp Registration Year2004 Year2005 Year2006 Years 2007 Year 2008 SOokane • ki,, Senior Center • Extended hours for the Senior Center to include evening and weekend activities. • Continued to emphasize healthcare with seminars on Medicare supplements and utilized Wellness Center for activities such as flu shots. • Encouraged retirement communities to become more interactive with the Senior Center. • Negotiated with the HUB for senior pickle ball three times a week. Public Works valley 400°' Public Works 2008 BUDGET GOAL: Continue Monitoring Wastewater Issues Worked on the County selection committee and completed the DBO selection process for the new wastewater treatment facility. Participate in stakeholder meetings regarding the EPA error in calculating phosphorus limits for Idaho discharges. *le let\''' • .00 Valley • Re-Evaluated the current condition of all City arterials and 40% of the local streets. Public Works • Updated the Pavement Management Program . • Presentation to Council on the Updated Street Master Plan on January 20, 2009. F- .0•00 Valley Public Works Stormwater - General • Regional Stormwater Manual with City of Spokane and Spokane County met equivalency with DOE and now will go through process for adoption. • Updated 2008 Stormwater Fee rolls on time. • Every public drainage structure within City limits has been visited, analyzed and entered into our GIS geodatabase. The City own 14,000 drainage structures. Inventory is being used for UIC compliance and maintenance. • Registered all newly constructed drywells to satisfy Underground Injection Control program requirements. • Investigated citizen complaints. • Continued implementation of NPDES Phase II Permit requirements. • Prepared Renewal Contracts for landscape, vactoring, and drainage improvement contracts. Projects were awarded to Spokane ProCare and AAA Sweeping. • Amended and adopted stormwater ordinance No. 08-008, which establishes our storm and surface water utility. 4000 Valley Public Works Stormwater — General -continued • Created and joined a regional stormwater coalition with the City of Spokane, Spokane County, and the Spokane Regional Heath District. The coalition discusses and resolves regional stormwater issues. (UIC and NPDES Phase II ) • Utilized a DOE Phase 11 Municipal Stormwater Grant fund to r-'' . 1 ii . • meet the requirements of the NPDES Phase II permit. , • Implemented education and outreach program which included constructing a brochure to , prevent stormwater pollution, creating a stormwater mascot, temporary ra� tattoos, and STORMDRAIN p ry nAm ongoing website revision. • 14151 4't Per the NPDES phase II permit, developed a phone 1688 4,4, hotline to manage and track questions,p omments and g q comments, citizen concerns regarding stormwater illicit discharges or illegal dumping. Thoroughly research and analyzed Home Owners Association private road/parking area parcels and concluded to discontinue the stormwater fee for them. • Finished all Treasurer's parcel segregations to update the 2008 stormwater fee charges. SikiPublic Works .000 Valley Stormwater Maintenance & Projects Problem : Flooded roadway Solution : Catchbasin to pipe sump BMP: Oil water- separator Provided stormwater drainage improvements to locations 25 $144, 141 Cleaned 317 drywells and 77 catch basins $197,043 Street sweeping $470,056 Pump Station maintenance and repair $146,907 Landscape services and weed control $109,379 Stormwater Maintenance & Projects Problem : Flooded roadway Solution : Catchbasin to pipe sump BMP: Oil water- separator • %is, ,„00 Valley Public Works Stormwater Improvement Sewer Project Stormwater Improvements • Rockwell • Summerfield • Sutters • White Birch • $ 149 , 775 SikiPublic Works .000 Valley Street Maintenance ITEM County/WSDOT Private Pothole patching, crack sealing, pavement replacement $1 ,780 $987, 141 De-icing, sanding, snow removal $1 , 133,824 $0 I Sweeping, brushing, weed control $32,047 $550,863 Stormwater repair & maintenance $5, 197 $362, 159 Traffic signals, signs & striping $638,740 $50,761 Total for 2008 $1 ,811 ,588 $1 ,950,924 ,„00 Valley Street Preservation Projects Dishman-Mica Overlay Appleway to 16th Montgomery Avenue Overlay Argonne to Dartmouth Public Works Street Maintenance 41011 Valley • Signal Coordination Projects: — Afternoon coordination for Sprague from Pines to Sullivan. — Pines corridor from 1-90 to Sprague. — Worked with WSDOT to refine Argonne interchange and move more traffic. Public Works Traffic • With Community Development staff, reviewed and approved 181 traffic control plans for ROW permits, construction projects, and oversize loads. • Received over 300 citizen requests/questions on signals, signing , striping , crosswalks, traffic volumes, etc. ��nn•a [�� � .0,00* Valley . 1 • Continued installation of red and green LEDs in traffic signals. — 2007: installed 265 at 26 intersections — 2008: installed 267 at 18 intersections • 57% of equipment cost reimbursed over 2 years by Avista and Vera , for a total of $22,951 in rebates. • Average 39% reduction in energy L use at these intersections. Public Works Traffic .000 Valley Public Works Traffic • No funding available for new beacon installs in 2008. • Received $3,078 supplemental grant from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission to add rear-facing beacons to existing installations. • Impact of 2008 installs: — Clearly marks end of school zone — Aids police in enforcement 4101°' Valley Public Works los Capital Projects Planning • Completed 2009-2014 Six Year TIP • Applied for and received approximately $2 , 000,000 in grant funding — TIB : Indiana Ave Extension (Sullivan to Flora) - $ 1 .6 million — CDBG : Clement STEP - $211 ,095 — ADA Improvements - $91 , 900 • Developed list of federal Economic Stimulus Package projects Silio" kane • Public Works 1,00 Valley Capital Projects - Construction Project Contractor Total Cost Barker Road Bridge Morgen & Oswood $11 .8m Pines/Mansfield Inland Asphalt $5.3m Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Knife River $5.0m 24th Ave Reconstruction Halme $1 .0m Silio" kane • Public Works 1,00 Valley Capital Projects - Construction Project Contractor Total Cost Broadway Ave Rehab #1 Red Diamond $550,000 Sprague/Bowdish Inters. PCC Acme Concrete $1 . 1m 41011 Valley 2008 Sewer Projects • Rockwell/Summerfield Phase 1 • Rockwell Phase 2 • Summerfield Phase 2 • Sutters • White Birch • Spaldings Public Works � Capital Projects - Construction Silio" kane • 1,00 Valley Public Works Capital Projects - Design Project Designer Cost Broadway Ave — Moore to Flora Staff $3.4m Broadway/Fancher PCC Staff $830,000 44th Ave Pathway Staff $355,000 Pines/Mansfield Roundabout Barker Road Bridge 4000 Valley Achieving 2008 Budget Goals sets the stage for achieving 2009 Budged Goals .000 Valley 2009 Budget Goals • Continue monitoring wastewater issues, including governance of wastewater facilities, and pursuit of the most efficient and economical methods to ensure the continuation of wastewater discharges licenses. • Initiate alternative analysis for services we derive under contract with Spokane County. • Identify performance measures for the Police Department and monitor progress in their attainment. • Implement and evaluate regulations specified in the Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan as adopted and amended by the City Council. • Evaluate the availability, costs and effects of private sector vendors performing winter road maintenance for the City. • Implement records indexing and phase in a document imaging system City department by City department with the goal of achieving city-wide implementation in 2010. • Explore future funding sources for City Center that builds upon the City's initial investment in a City Hall to spur further private investment in the development of a mixed used City Center. ....01v Valley Vision Statement A community of opportunity where individuals and families can grow and play , and businesses will flourish and prosper .