Resolution 11-002 Adopts Comp Emergency Plan €'� , � � i CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON R��OLUTION NO. 11-002 A R�SOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPQKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE ��SPOKANE COMPREHENSIVE EM�RG�NCY MANAGEMENT PLAN(D�C�MB�R 15,2009)REVIS�D." WHEREAS, pi�r•siiant to RCW 3$,52.707, hvo ar mo�•e paliticaI st�6divisiaiis o�•Iocal governme�f#s �nay join in t.l�e establishment aE�d operation of a local orgai�ization fo�� emergeticy managetnent setvices; and WHER�AS, t�1e City of Spokat�e�tid Spokatie Couuty etitered iuto a joint ResoIution oii or a6out J�2�ie 25, 1979 under Spokane Resolutiox� No. 79-0873, establisliing a joint Spokane City/County � Depa�-tinent af Emergency Seivices;ai�d i WI�I2EAS, an Octobez• 22, 1996, tlie City of Spokane and Spoka��e Co��nty entered i�1to a�i � I�rterlocal Cooperation Ag�•eement ptt��suaait to RCW 38,52.070, to continue the joiut City/Coui�ty De}�a�•t�nent of Emei•gency Managetnetlt; at�d WH�It�AS, on o�• about August 14, 200�1, tlie City of Spokane a�id Spokaua Co�inty adopted Spokana Cou�tty Rasolutian No. 04-0689, �vhich can�ied out the fivactions foi• both entities as called for purs��ant to cl�aptei•38.52 RCW. The City of Spoka��e Valley, City of MeciicaI Lake, To�vn of MiIl��vood, Town of Fairfield, Ta�vn of Latah, City of Libei�ty Lake, To�v�� of Rockfo��d, To�vu of Spangle, City of C�ieney, City of Aii�vay Heights, City of Deer Park, a��d To��n of Waverly like�vise e�tered i�fto tfiis joint venture;aud WHEREA�, tlie Spokane Cou��ly Depa��tment of Emei•gency Mariagetnent, in coortfina#ion �vith applicable Spokaue Comn�t�nity Stakeholcie��s, re-wrote the Coi��pt•ehensi�e Ejnecgeitcy Managen�e�lt Plan aiid submitted su�h plan to tl�e Waslfington State E�nergency Mai�agemerf�Division; and WHEREAS, the Washingtotf State Emerge��cy Mat�age���ent Division i•evie�ved and reconunetided the re�ised Comprel�ensive Etne�•gency Managamei�t Plau to ensure alignment witl� State and Federal plans; and WI3EREAS, the Spokane GitylCotluty Department of E�3�ergency Manage�nent Ifas t�eqttestec� ti�at the City of Spo�Ca»e Valley adopt the i•evised Compj•ehei�sive Emerge��cy Manageinent Pla��. NOW, TH�REFORE, BE IT HER�BY R�SOLV�D by tl�e City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokaue Co�tnty, Was�ling#on as follotivs: Section L Acto��tion of�po[tatie Co�inty Plan. Based upon the recom�ne�idation of tiie Spokai�e Department of Eznez•gezicy Managetnent, tlze Gity of Spakane ValIey hereby adopts the "Spokat�e Comprehensive Emet•get�cy Mat�agettieilt Plan{December I S, 2009 Revised},"a copy of�vh€ch�vill he kept o��file�vitl�tl�e Cily CIe�•k. Resolutipn I I-002,Adopti��g tiie Spokane Camp�•ehensi�c Emergency Manageinent Pla�� Page 1 of2 E ' ( ( Section 2, Effecti�e Date. This Resahition shail be effective upon adoptian. Adopteci tEiis 22nd day of Feb��ua�y,29�fl-�a��f City of Spokane Valley � ATTE J�� T iotnas E. To��ey,Mayor .-�;� � � �� � / � � ��` l� � Cliristi�ie Bai��bx•ic�ge, City Cler �T Appe�oved as to Foran: � � � Of�'ice f tlae Attoi•ney i Resolution 11-002,Adopting t�ie Spoka�ie Contprehensive Emergency Ma��agement Plan Page 2 of 2