PC APPROVED Minutes 03-08-12.pdfSpokane Valley Planning Commission APPROVEDMinutes Council Chambers –City Hall,11707 E. Sprague Ave. March 8, 2012 I.CALL TO ORDER Chairman Batescalled the meeting to order at 6:00p.m. II.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance III.ROLL CALL Commissioners Bates, Carroll,Higgins,Neill, Sands, and Stoy were present. Commissioner Stoy made a motion to excuse Commissioner Hall from the March 8 meeting, which was approved unanimously. Staff attending the meeting:John Hohman, Community Development Director; Scott Kuhta, Planning Manager; Mike Basinger, Senior Planner, Kelly Konkright, Deputy City Attorney; Cari Hinshaw, Office Assistant;Deanna Griffith, AdministrativeAssistant. IV.APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Stoy made a motionto approve the March 8, 2012 agenda as presented. This motion was passed unanimously. V.APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Neill made a motion to approve the August 25, 2011; September 22, 2011, February 9, 2012; February 16, 2012 and February 23, 2012 minutes as presented.This motion was passed unanimously.Commissioner Higgins recused himself from voting on the minutes from 8-25-11 and 9-22-11 since he was not a commission member at that time. VI.PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII.COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Neill stated he attended the Washington State Geological Licensing Board Meeting. Commissioner Bates stated he attended City Hall at the Mall. VIII.ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Community Development Director John Hohman shared that the Shoreline Master Program would once again be moving forward through the Planning Commission and City Council. Mr. Hohman reminded the Commission the City had retained special council to assist in legal aspects of the SMP requirements. Mr. Hohman stated that if the Commissioners should have questions regarding the SMP, they should be routed through Mr. Kuhta or Ms. Barlow. Planning Manager Scott Kuhta covered the additional items which had been added to the advanced agenda, code text amendments: schedule of permitted uses, changed of use and some miscellaneous clean up items. Planning Commission MinutesPage 1of 3 IX.COMMISSION BUSINESS A.UnfinishedBusiness: Deliberations 2012 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments: Sr. Planner Mike Basinger made a short recap of the 2012 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments public hearing. Mr. Basinger reminded the Commissioners at the last meeting all of the Comprehensive Plan amendments had been approved except CPA-05-12 which had been continued for further deliberations. Mr. Basinger stated between last meeting and today the Commissioners had requested and received a copy of the recorded th Developers Agreement for the development on 4Ave., a copy of the residential development standards chart and the Type I landscaping requirements. Commissioners had questions regarding those restrictions which were incorporated into the th Developers Agreement for the 4Ave. property, setbacks, landscaping, height limits buffering. Staff stated every agreement would beunique and would not necessarilybe the same for this project, if one should be developed for this property. CommissionerStoy asked where the height is measured from,the eve of the building is where the height is measured.Planning Manger Kuhta explainedwhy thedevelopmentagreement came into th place for the Crapo Apartments on 4Ave. It was discussed how the developer met with the neighbors and worked out a solution to mitigate some of their concerns. Commissioners wanted to know how to proceed, would they make a recommendation to City Council to work with the developer. Mr. Basinger stated it would be a good idea to do just that, if the Commissioners wanted. Mr. Kuhta reminded the Commissioners if an agreement was developed the public would be allowed to comment on it at that time. Commissioner Carroll made a motion to amend the original motion which was to recommend approval of CTA-05-12 to the City Council. The amendment is to recommend approve subject to the following conditions: Parcel 45133.0109 be designated as Community Commercial; and The successfulnegotiationof a Development Agreement that includes: An expanded landscape buffer between the proposed development and the o adjacent residences on Moore, Alki and Sonora streets; and Appropriate restrictionson density and height tobetter blend the two o neighborhoods. Commissioner Higgins asked what would be the standard requirements for this development. Mr. Basinger replied a six foot high site obscuring fence, a five foot wide buffering landscaping strip, and standard five and ten foot setbacks. Commissioner Neill wondered if garages could be put along the edges of the property. Mr. Basinger explained this is one thing that typically a developer will do is put the garages or recreationrooms on the outside of a development so the bigger buildings will not be up against the fences. The difference with a development agreement is it will set in stone what they can do.the agreement will set in stone what will happen. Commissioner Bates stated Development Agreements are new but ifwe continue to use them, why don’t we just change the regulations to make sure these things are taken care of regularly. Commissioner Sands stated she felt the Development Agreements were important to be able to protect surrounding neighborhoods. Commissioner Carroll agreed Planning Commission MinutesPage 2of 3 and stated if this project were against commercial property it would not be necessary to impose extra precautions. After the discussion, Chairman Bates asked for the vote on the amendment, the vote is 6 in favor, 0 against.Motion passes Vote on the amended motion, 6 in favor, 0 against, motion passes. B.New Business: There was no new business. X.GOOD OF THE ORDER Commissioner Sands expressed her concern that people do not understandthe Open Public Meetings Act. She stated she was concerned there could be a perception of decisions being made behind closed doors.She shared shehopedthe Commission would be able to rise above the reputation and serve thecommunity withintegrity and openness. XI.ADJOURNMENT The being no other business the meeting was adjournedat 6:38p.m. SUBMITTED:APPROVED: ___________________________________________________________ Deanna Griffith, SecretaryBill Bates, Chairperson Planning Commission MinutesPage 3of 3