2012, 06-12 Special Meeting - Budget RetreatAGE�NDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITYCOUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING, B UDGE'T RETREAT Tuesday,, JUD'e, '1121 2012 8 *liw(, CenterPlace, Regional Event Center.ClassrOom 42,13, 1 0 2426 N Di r scovey P'lalce, Spokane Vall e y.. Wasln ing t ' n 0 12 LUNICAIPH2AK (M)le.- CounicH & Siqff)vill inove Mci, se iwlerooln ',�bar- luncho find re ,,v.Rooni, 213at a oxl'l,,, ' i p WE =Kamm Em Nole- There will be no i 1� Wile C'10111111'enti at Council Study Sessionsor Workstiop,.s. Du,t,'Ill'iig,lnecti'1',I,9'�9, I'leld by the Clity of �pokane Vallc,v ( otinclil, the Council 'I'v"S"erves right to ta"Ice ion"on tiny item, fisted or subscquclitly added to the Ligpnda, Theterm "actlon" tnea,rls to del'i.beriltet discuss, r'ev" 'idler" ex- lua,te,, or nia-ke a collective ISIO)"I'l tew, colins I , , a .1positive: o,r negIpell dec' * NOTICE. Ind"ividuals planning to, attend thc n'icchng m,`ho require sj ,,)eciad, cissistancc to accornnioldiate pliyslcal, llcaring, or oll"'wr plevse con'lact the City Clerk tat (509) 921 -1000 as soon. as, possible So "Olat �nmy he maile, Retreat Agendii 06-12-12 "I'lage "if 04*1 I \\SV'.,F,52,\,�J'ser,s'\mc,alhOLJt)\Bu,dgets\,2�01.3'\b,,Ljdget sumpiary 2012 06 1,; C ITY 0 F IS PO KAN EVA;LLE Y WA Genoe,rall Fund #001 2013 Budget, 2,01 Bud 20,13 Budget as Reflebthg' Propossed 'p Ad-opted Futuror Amend, Bud et Inc Mecl In - ti-IIII.- _X E RECURRINGACTIVITY _ Revenues Property Tax "I 008018,P900 10,8081,900 '101,9921,000 183,1010 1,,Z9% Sates, Tax, 1411,2101,000 1402104000 15, 100, 10,001, 8901000 6, 26% Crial Justice Tax min 1,200,0100 1,2001,000 .1,280,000 804000 6,Z7% Public safety SalesI'Tax 790,000 790,1000 750,000 (4040,00) (,5.06%) Gam,bling Tax and Leasehold I Excise Tax 640,1,0100 640,000 6-12,5,010, (27 15100) (4.30%) Franchise Fees/Business RegistratiOn 1,266,1000 1,2 10'00 1 4,'l 3510,00, (131 o0,00) (10. 3 5,%)Il State Shared Revenues 1,� ,tI8341I,300 118,34,300 1, 535,7010 (29806,00) (16 .280/,o) Nanning &: Building 1,1300,000 1,13,00,000 1 1 3041000 41000 0. 31 % Fines and' Forf'O."Itures, 1,19001poo 1 11 9100 1 0 00 1 502,300 (397,,,700) (20,93%) Recreatlw Program Fees 570,1000 1, 570R0,00 5171 11500 I 110500 0.26%, Mtsceflaneous & Investment, Interest 3,05,01100 305,000 158,000 (1 477 00,10), (48,20%) Transf�,r-h - #101 (s1reetacimm) 39,1600 39,600 A7100 '100 0.25% Tra n O'er- I ic, -I # 105 (h1mtay-CP ad'verfising) 3011000 310,0100 30,000 0 0.00%, Transfer-h - #1402, (�itormadivin) '1500,00, 1500,010 1, 3 0400 (1 o, 60,0), (10-67%) Total ROCUrring Revenues, 34 91,08 8100, 34, 081800 35,024 30,01 0.33%, E,Zpgfld i tu res, C11-ty Council 3,86F249 386P249 390pill 31,862 '1 .00%, city, Manager 63,110667 6,310667 6,37F984 61,317 '1 00% Legal! 43,14,798 43411798 4391161 4,0363 1.00% Public Safely 22100,10,000, 22oOOOtOO1O 2242200000 220�000 1. Deputy City Manager 65811,8,84 658,t884 665j473 6,68,91, 1"010%, Finance "I o,,04,71"p 1, 07 '1 o 047r, 1 107 1,069,1633 42�526 41106%, Human Resources 23,Oo23,1 230,231; 2,315541 1 1, 310 0,57% Public Works ROIIII,519 901,519 8`761443 (25,076) ('278%) Community Development -Adminis,Vation 323,743 3,2311743 2570175 (661,56,B) (20.56%) COMMUnRy Development - Engineering 68,00796, 680,796 8,500845 17M49 24.9,8%, CommunRy Development -I Planning 994o2,45 994,245 8691,743 (11 24 p50 (11,52%) Community Development - BuIld'ing 1,26,00454 102 454 111,621,582, Parks &Sec I- Administration 2630128 263� 128 27017,17 7589 Z88% Parks & Rec - MaIntenance 803o7OO 803,700 7891000 Parks & Rec - Recreafion 2,29108'1 22 9181, 1 224,1999 (48 (ZO9%) Parks & Rec -Aquafics 114-4,21250 44.2j250 485,600 43X,0 9.80% ®, Parks & Rec Senior Center 920, 961 1 ,6 9291 88,143 1, (4,o 8 1, B) (5 . Parks &,'R,,ec - Centle.rPtace, 1 111, 90357 1 R 1190357 1111113,1884 (511)1 (0.49%) Geners] Government 118401500 '1 84015,00 TII850,700 1,0111200 0.55% fra n sfers o u t - #502, �" 'Osurjance premiunn) 3 "19, 000 3,19,00,00 3,19, 000 0 01.00%, Tota] Recurring Expenditures :34 6160114100 34,1660,400, 34t832 734 17211,334 0.50%, ReCLITrIng, Reventies Over, (,Under) Recurring Expenditures 2,48,400 248,j4OO 191, -3 66 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Reyg ',,, .......... n/a 0 0 0 0 #DIVY01 Total'NonIrecurring, Revenues 0 1 0, as m A Excess (Defi6o ofTotat Revenues, 34' Over (Und, r) Total E penditures (2,8711700) (2,4141,695) (2581634 Beginning fund batance 28,045 203 28.045,203 25 63016,08 Ending fund batance 271,757,503 8 25,371 t `74 yw I HI Excess (Defi6o ofTotat Revenues, 34' Over (Und, r) Total E penditures (2,8711700) (2,4141,695) (2581634 Beginning fund batance 28,045 203 28.045,203 25 63016,08 Ending fund batance 271,757,503 8 25,371 t `74 \\SV-FS2\Users\mcalhoun\Budgets\2013\budget summary 2012 06 12 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA #101 -Street Fund 2013 Budget RECURRING ACTIVITY.: : 2012..; P�dopted Budget 2013 �,udget !. BMW] Proposed Bud °' et $ - Inc (Dec - Inc (Dec RECURRING ACTIVITY.: : Revenues Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax 11897,800 11900,000 21200 0,12% Investment Interest 5, 000 4, 000 (1, 000) (20.00 %) Utility Tax 310001000 3,0001000 0 0.00% Total Recurring Revenues 4,9021800 419041000 11200 0.02% Expenditures Wages 1 Payroll Taxes 1 Benefits 522,142 5733170 511028 9.77% Supplies 721200 72,200 0 0.00% Services and charges 31299, 544 31011,152 (288, 392) (8.74 %) Intergovernmental payments 8471000 847,000 0 0.00% Transfer out - #001 General Fund 391800 391700 100 0.25% Transfer out - #501 (plow & vehicle replace.) 1101777 1801777 501000 45.14% Total Recurring Expenditures 418911263 417031999 (187,264) (3.83°1❑) Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures 111537 2001001 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY. : Revenues nla 0 0 0 #D I V/O I Total Nonrecurring Revenues 0 0 0 #DIV /OI Expenditures Transfers out w #303 (Evergreen Rol.) 5001000 0 (500,000) (1 00.00 %) Capital outlay 401000 0 (40,000) (100.00 %) Capital outlay - Street Preservation 0 2001000 2001000 #DIV /01 Capital outlay - Truck wash facility 0 1801000 1801000 #DIV /OI Total Nonrecurring Expenditures Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over (Under) Total Expenditures Beginning fund balance Ending fund balance 5401000 3801000 (1801000) (29,83°1❑) (540,000), (380;000) 62 8:4 6:�3 � 9 999 } }. :::.. ...... .::. ...:.:.:.::. .::.:... ...:::::::::::>:�:::.:::::�:::: 'n A !'1 f'l 1r% A A 0%^A ^­7A 11981,271 1,781,272 \ \SV -FS2\ Users \mcalhoun \Budgets \2013 \budget summary 2012 06 12 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA #402 - Stormwater Fund 2013 Budget RECURRING`ACTIVITY .20:1.2i Adopted budget 21382,6 0 2013 Budget Proposed�� Bud" et ' inc Dec Inc (Dec RECURRING`ACTIVITY (6:6 ;424' .... ..... ... }. 21382,6 0 211371886_ 211371886 Revenues Stormwater management fees 11750,000 118001000 501000 2.86% Investment Interest 51000 41000 (1 , 000) (20.00 %) Total Recurring Revenues 117551000 11804,000 497000 2.79% Expenditures Wages 1 Payroll Taxes 1 Benefits 4381514 4751504 35,990 8.43% Supplies 32,540 151300 (1 5,240) (49.91%) Services and charges 112441287 111311120 (1 x13, x157) (9.09°1°) Intergovernmental payments 231000 231000 0 0.00% Transfer out - #001 General Fund 1 51000 1 31400 x'1,500} (10.57 %) Total Recurring Expenditures 1,753,441 115591424 (94,017) (5.35°1°) Recurring Revenues Over (Under) Recurring Expenditures 11559... ........14.4 ,575. NONRECURRING ACTIVITY: Revenues Grant proceeds 1531557 0 (153,557) (100.00 %) Total Nonrecurring Revenues 1531667 0 (153,667) (1 00.00 ° / °} Expenditures Capital outlay 4001000 2001000 (200,000) (50.00 %) Total Nonrecurring Expenditures Nonrecurring Revenues Over (Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures Excess (Deficit) of Total Revenues Over Under Total Expenditures Beginning working capital Ending working capital 4001000 2004000 (200,000) (50,00 ° / °} (2451 333} (6:6 ;424' .... ..... ... }. 21382,6 0 211371886_ 211371886 2,082,452 01 CffY OF SPOKANE VALLEY� WA 20,13. Budget Rw"ue Assumptions Publ'_ib, agfev , gles tax 2,10 10 201111"1 2012 20,13 _750_,000 Actual, E Actu a. 1, Budget Estmate Properly tax E Gambling & Leasehold Ex6se, Tai Unused or banked 2012 Levy Annualized excise, -tax E le Vy cap a cipyis a n, E E 10,,808-,900 1,; % I n crea se 2,666 5P33-2 5"000 E additionat amount 408 100 new construdon -701000 141477 57,908 E E of S25,9 4 .4,90 7 E; .000 other 1.260 0 1 564 0 Amusement games 10,741 R306 10116811,6220 i U08F9,00 3 31 6-0,6 10,992,000 10,500 Sales tax An 5 I 60 ft "A' - - 447.7778 550,000 - JA , ,988, -A 579,952 e w[ Pfl 2012 Projction A *1 rcpts Interest on gambling tox 19 , 1033 136 10,000 14,900,000 - Grow* ? ? 1.0100 670,134 -5,28, r()8, 200.000 1,66.000 L 14,0971299 114v850409 14.21,0000 Crim final 'u'stice sa fes tax 1 1�241 1.9 17 1. 26 6. 8 1111, 9 1.2001000 1.2810M0 Publ'_ib, agfev , gles tax -7'111068 77 2 41219 790.00,0 _750_,000 Q1 2012 2012 Gambling & Leasehold Ex6se, Tai 'Re-ceipt. Annualized excise, -tax 4,c858 41-340, 0 2,666 5P33-2 5"000 Punch boards/pull tabs -7 1 ­7 -7 8 641310 -701000 141477 57,908 65.0-00 Bingo & r affle 825 1.260 0 1 564 .1 C)o 0 Amusement games 101,063 11 G 1 8,82, 10,000 3 31 6-0,6 13 P2_24 10,500 Car d games An 5 I 60 ft "A' - - 447.7778 550,000 - JA , ,988, -A 579,952 530"Goo Interest on gambling tox 19 , 1033 136 10,000 4-22 11688 1.0100 670,134 -5,28, r()8, 6410,000 1,66.000 658.668 151-2p,500 O= 2013 Budget Revenue Assumptions Master License a Comcast PEG Liquor board profits Wbrk study reimbursement 2 20,13 20 0 Actual Actual Budged Esiimate 89.516 901 238 90,000 K000 m 10 5.32 7 to 1 5311' AnCA000 25,000, 2- , p 3 -' nu 6i,713 0 1010 -. .: 5-88.98-0 - f 3,804 31870 3,500 4.8,37 19.343 4,800 1P 311-088 13,0.326- 130,000 32.516 F 13001,00 -- . - 2- 1 _ 8.t672 _ 74,700 - 16,503 19171 17. G-00 4,31-8 1 7,271 1 ,13 3 , ' . 451,400 - 4,39 625 -5-607000 - 2,042 .. 1 ;G 11 130 1,834,300- 1,535,700 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2013 Budget Revenue Assumptims Charges for goods and s . 2010 20,111 2012 20,13 1 tt , Actual Budget Esfimate " Service _ revenues 1 237 3300 - _ tt l 974,09-9 - e 11,04217-0 - 032 , PW�ROW 86387 10517635 1 MOW 100,000 0 51,238 _ 571,500 058 - Planning 129,212 140,7184 1 00t000 .13, 059 - Building 1,099,804 1 1_ 89� 000 g ran _;.. 491575 Dept, 12,51 Other 0 1,47OcO46 11 73861,346 1,1300*000 1,30-4,000 Charges for goods and s . 119,1293 - 8,t344, 131 111, 50 100=,000 1 732.7703 , _ 33 723,0 01 19M0 � 'sc 1 237 3300 - _ Nonrevenues 974,09-9 751,864 11,04217-0 350*,000 1 F828F ' 7 1 � - 1 Proaram Red.-Tealbon 6-8,09,2 6- 6:7 6 59,900 67t5OO Aqua bics s .591 11- 1 1151,400 01 19M0 ' rentals 28,504 37.7 . _':, s rP Cente!We `1310,500 350*,000 360 7 L 5931445 5, -11117214 000 571,500 \\��M\UserAmcallnoun\-B-uctg 1013\budget summary 2012 06 4 1-2 CITY OF SPOKANE "LLEY� WA 2013 Budget Revenue Assumptions 2010 2201,1 2012 2013 Actual Act uaf Budget Est mate Miscellaneous Investment intemst 130,196 82,691 1451000 900 oo Sales tax Interest 2031-47 10.793 503000 5' 010\0 Precinct bidg rent 34,165 34 725 36-.000 -15,000 3 Precinct bidg maint 1,91543 17T284 1- 9 DUD other 460 2 T507 0 0 016 grant 0 0 .-5 T000 0 2 0 4 51,", 1 148,000 Ad 158,000- General Govern ment-Deta"I 2,013 Proposed Buq22.t La bor & I nd u stribs se II : 50 000 Necessaty beca,use we don't, know for certain the Mal figures Recurring Cion'tingency 150,000 City Manager dire ctedfor professional setvice relate, d t�as,ks, or to ass " t' Cit D Is Mth line bm deficibn is, , i y', opt -it cie s Contingency / Emergenc r c r fi 350�000 Requires Council appro vat Employee Recogn'lition & Safety Program 510,00 ,Bike helmets, first aid'boxes ,EhWloyee r -ecognition Supplies Business Registrations 2"000 Supplies Small Tools, & Minor Equipment 11700, T related supplies - PC ca try cases, etc,.. is & Operati „p i y 510oo Paper, towels, n ap kin s, miscs'Upp Other Services & guarges, Accounfing &Audifing goloo'ci Annual audit by, State, A uditor & assistance, with techni is iss , ue -s Postage 5pOOO Misc. n7ailing, ou,tside agenc "es, toudsm apps, TelephoneIDSL Service Tblephone, DSL, tamet, CRy Wide Record's Management 70,000 Equ " andlor consultant 'IP CIty Hall Rent 4955000 3% increase each year Facifity Repairs, & Malbs ance 5 000 Minor lblprov. 7 ed space Eq u 1 p m e n t Re pai it M a initen a n ce - H a rd,wa re S u pport 38�500 Servers, fire wall, phone system, IT Support, 1050000 monthlys, ir f erver, n7aint, help desk tem 'bras,trticture, wifing Software Licenses & Maintenance 80,000 Annual maintenance fees on software Non Capital Computer Software/Hardware 82"f 100 - ,monitors, h ard drives, server upgrades, ba ckup tapes, M Co,unc,# chambler" a udiolvideo; replace digital phones Printing & Binding 51�000 Budget, anntial repotf, Miscellaneous envies ` IP costs. Merchant, Charges (Bankcard Fees) 10,000 Visa, masec ardfbes VehicI 71000 "or sp ectors ,Svinmer vehicles in f General r ating Leases- Computer' 35,1000 Lease of P'C,s used by bitystaliff Page 1 of 2 Peneral Fund General Government-Detail jl 2013 'Propbsed Bqdget j 12,000 14,000 57,000 831000 8,6010 1171, 0 GO 21X0 3,500 240400 10 0, 0 00 0 3191,000 2 '700 L61 9 001 General Fund 090 General Government ......�.1.......... 2�Y._2...... .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........1.,... `k:ual P� �..:: C.�.: ,�. ....: 000.508.10.00.00 PERSIL &I set aside 0 50,000 60,000 000.508.80.00.03 Contingency 0 134,000 150,000 000.508.80.00.04 Contingency /Emergency (1 %of recurring) 0 346,600 350,000 000.517.90.20.01 Employee Recognition & Safety Program 1,694 10,000 5,000 Supplies 000.514.81.31.02 Business Registrations 1,292 2,000 2,000 000.517.90.31.04 Employee Recognition- Operating Supplies 25 0 0 000.518.85.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 1,629 1,500 1,700 000.518.90.32.01 Gas, Oil, & Tires 763 0 0 000.519.60.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies 9,229 20,000 15,000 Other Services & Charges 000.511.60.41.01 Broadcasting Council Meeting 45,725 0 0 000.514.23.41.01 Accounting & Auditing 68,336 90,000 90,000 000.514.23.41.41 Uncollectible Accounts Expense 2,054 0 0 000.514.23.49.09 Petty Cash Reimbursement 11 0 0 000.518.10.42.01 Postage 3,626 5,000 5,000 000.518.10.42.02 Telephone /DSL Service 23,845 30,000 30,900 000.518.10.44.01 Advertising 169 0 0 000.518.10.49.00 City Wide Records Management 3,300 70,000 70,000 000.518.20.45.01 City Hall Rent 461,208 480,000 495,000 000.518.30.48.01 Facility Repairs & Maintenance 381 30,000 51000 000.518.75.48.01 Equip Repair & Maint- Hardware Support 25,680 35,000 38,500 000.518.85.41.03 IT Support 96,059 100,000 105,000 000.518.85.48.03 Software Licenses & Maintenance 681706 55,000 80,000 000.518.85.48.04 Non Capital Computer Software /Hardware 35,941 30,000 82,100 000.518.90.49.01 PEG Reimburse - CMTV 28,988 0 0 000.518.90.49.03 Printing & Binding 0 5,000 5,000 000.518.90.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 10,872 15,000 15,000 000.519.90.41.01 Merchant Charges (Bankcard Fees) 9,927 25,000 10,000 000.519.90.41.15 EECBG Utilities Partnering Program 12,947 0 0 000.548.66.45.01 Vehicle Rental 4,130 7,000 7,000 000.548.66.45.05 General Operating Leases: Computer 45,559 45,000 35,000 000.550.00.41.00 Economic Development -Site Selector 9,179 15,000 12,000 000.550.00.41.05 Professional Services - Economic Devel. 83,352 105,000 87,000 000.550.00.44.01 City Economic Development 1,375 75,000 75,000 000.558.70.41.05 Community Survey 0 0 0 000.560.10.41.05 Professional Services - Social Services 67,961 60,000 63,000 000.566.10.41.05 Alcohol Treatment: Liquor Excise Tax 8,750 25,000 7,000 000.566.10.41.06 Alcohol Treatment: Liquor Profits 12,512 0 14,000 Intergovernmental Services 000.511.70.51.01 Election Costs 50,184 80,000 57,000 000.511.70.51.02 Voter Registration 79,252 62,000 83,000 000.519.90.53.01 Taxes and assessments 81536 7,000 8,600 000.531.70.51.01 Spokane County Air Pollution Authority 114,941 117,000 117,000 Page 1 of 2 001 General Fund 090 General Government .. ...:... " i d : 7- 4 oci roY aL �3 e ram SA T �� - _ ...., Capital Outlays ....... ........: ........: .......:.. : 000.594.11.64.01 PEG COSV Broadcast - Office Furn. 13,330 0 0 000.594.11.64.02 PEG COSV Broadcast - Software /hardware 47,095 0 0= 000.594.11.64.04 PEG COSV Broadcast - Communication 5,357 000.594.18.64.00 Copy Machine 0 20,000 2,000 .0 _ ._ � _ 000.594.18.64.01 Office Furniture & Equipment 0 35,000 3,500 .. ..... d 000.594.18.64.02 Computer Software /Hardware 22,121 0 24,400 Debt Service: Principal ........ 000.592.19.82.01 Interest and Other Debt Service Costs (952) 0 :... 0 -� $° - Interfund Payments for Service :.: 000.597.63.95.63 Interfund Transfer to ST Cap 2011+ 11084,681 0 0 000.597.63.95.76 Interfund Trf to #309 -Park Capital 100,000 100,000 100,000 �A 000.597.65.94.03 Interfund Trf to #303 - Street Capita[ 551,730 89,500 0 000.597.76.96.01 Interfund Trf to #502 -Risk Management 319,000 319,000 319,000$ C Total Governmental Division 3,540,500 2,695,600 2,619,700 (2.82 %) 0.00% (2.77 %) Page 2 of 2 (5.52 %0) Reference City Council Meefingi Supplies, 11400 Retreat (2) $700,; Coffee$2,00,; Water, $50 Soda 1, 0- Misc $ 3,50, Small Tools & Minor Equipment 500 Eg: printeror new chair Professional ,Services 38oOOO �obbyist Professeional Services 42,000 Broe dbasting, �- Council Meefings, GranICUS $ 84 00; S Po ke he Co u ri e, r $10 00 Tw'I ate d Pa it rec,a'rd/'broadc st,$2.0,0/m,' 'rout e ---48 m,tg,s @ 4-5 W 5.5 hours recordilng tjhe $31,680 Postage 1 1193 New Business Letters, etc. Cell Phones 3,8001 $540/m,o X7 Travel/Milleage, ($411100011 ea x 7 posItIons - Choose from the 28,000 u etween eachother ,- f' I I owl n g a n dlo,r s; h a,, re f nds b Registration costs, addifional and note II low) National Le8,gLle of CIFtle's (DC) (Spring) 2"J'500 National League of Cifies (Fall) 5,0 01 Assoc.. Wash. Citles,Arimial Conf. 1"0100 Assim. Wash. Cities, Legislative Conf 11 1000 Mlleag,e - local average of all 5J,000 Advertising 5100 Lodi II Tax Adivisory,Notlii fi,ca tip ns, V tside Agency Funding Nofifications Coplier Maintenance 41200, Cost of copies annually Software Licenses, and Maintenance 5100 software, costs Subscriptions 100 Flor mis.c. governmen't magazines/manuals, etc 1; Membership (dues d ined eterm by population silze) 67,800 Assoc,'Wash. Cifiles - $607 601,95,81 Nafil ona.1 League ol"Cifies, 6,j,697 Printing & Rlndmg Letterhead', business cards,,, engralving ��� E M M10110" I =0 Werence - � 013- CIty Manager wcount Number & Title 20,13' Prop,osed Buda 'et' A y Manager Wanes & Wages 4081,384 )vertime 11,200 imployee Benefits 164,14 96 is &Ope ng Supplies 1,500 Paper, pe ns , f i les, fo Id e rs,,, b 1 n ders, in k, cart, clips, sticky n Ote, s etc "III blications 1 500 Books, Manuals & Reports, re: city functi,on - (InternatIonial I Cit y/Cou n ty Ma na ng ement As soc. N at h j ona I Le ag u�le C Iti es,, Assoc. Wash, Cities) Aeefing Supp[jes 18,00 )mail is & Minor Equipment 500 budgeted to repl'ace, desk printer,la,bel maker, etc. Irofessional Services f 1 Bt3164 Consultants title searches, bond counsell etc,, lostage, 1,000 Oell Phones, 1 540 Cell[ $500, Gov. Emergency Cell Card $40 ravel/Miteage 14oOOO International Cr C' ounty Management Assoc, - 2 sponsored 2,11740 events - Mileage/air, lodging, meales Assoc,,, Wash. Cities conf.; r aJs,,, fodging, err ­ 2 events 2,74 0 Was ho Municipal Clerk Ass,oc, clerk's conk, City Clerk (CC) 1 1,000' City Ok (DOC). International Instit nicipal Clerks ffight, hotel',, meals I 2,1010' fo r CC/DC,C Professional Development (Ce,rfifcation for DC,C) 10820 City Manager car, allowance, 3,600 Averfising 7 1000 Free Press Publishing, Spokesman Review,, Journal of' Bus,iniess ,quipment RentaI, Mai ntenanicie-Contracted 500 oopler Maintenance 7000 C ' r e, paper, toner,, mailing,chgs pro-rated by Dept code Cityproduced reports/brochures oftware Licenses and Maintenance 1, 3001, Adob,e Gre ative Sulte '7p�'eferenceo 013- City, R, 31 0 0110 __/ lz;a� Office& Operating 1 1200 Supplies Hanging files 30 File F0, Ide, rs 40 and folders 20 L ette rhea d 60 Envelopes - Clasp 2, boxes 510, Labels,4 rolls 90 *erylabels ,and dividers, 20 Pens, - van"ous types & Highfighters 90 Name test sines Cards, 1,00 T ape W in lip derc s 40, Pdnt Cartrid4es J 90 13fingbin derg 60 StampslReffll Ink 40 (Ind tabs , 40 ,-Legal pa d$0 po'sf�jts 5'0 steners staples 810 misc 300 Re v1s, e d Code of 'W6 shington Wrbshihgton Administrative Code Fedeira/ a,,nd State Crud Rules Supplements, and Handbooks �M eet' ng S', U Pp lies Gas, 011, &TI'res Small Tools & Minor EqWprnent Non Capital Office Furniture &, Equlipment� NM Desk, equipmenit, scanner and miscellaneous office,, tools Outside Counsel',for things such as Shoreline Act 250 70 210 170 ZI�IJ am 9M OR, de'll Phones le'age - avell M choose from." Software, Licenses and Maintenance u b *1 p tA s'cn, tolls Memberships Printing & Binding Registrations Filing & Remrdinl Fees i III M/=11,110 i I mm Washington Sfate Assoliclation of Municipal 1 2900, Attorneys Conference (2 Attomey's) mikshops ftshinglon, Citie's InsuranceAuthority 450, �Conferenfce - hoitel, mfleage,, worksh9ps, Labor ReIations Conif6rence - mileage., hotel, 750 works/79P Courthouse, metings, mcf. parking, 900 1 0500 �C *fing charges, �pro opying, paper, toner, mai i rated �by Dept code. Westlaw (Legaill Rese,arch) 19,00110 1 000 gton State Bat cia, o ($370 per, "Mshih A sso, ti' n 74,10 a Homey) Washington Sta te Assoiclation ol"Mull'icipal 60, A ttomeys ($30 per a ttom e A Spokane BarAsso Cialtion ($ 100 per a Itorney) 20110 'Labor Relations ConAgrence 270 Washington State Association of Municipal 1030 Attomeys Confe,rence (2,Attom vys, in Fall ($285 each) aind 2 attomeys in, sphng ($230 each) Washington Cities Insiurance, Atit'honty, Conference G Public Records Requests Seminar Miscellaneous Seminar -Example Shoreline issuest etc. Filing CCVInPla1'17tS and' recording,judgments as fiens (Code Enfomement i's thev,mlaf od Ofthese) as wellasi deelds, e-IC. e, al su ClIalizd tramin on topic ,*,cis such as lshoreffi7es, laborrelations, etc. 5o � 150 � 300'� 2o5OO 400 Total 4391161 Substriptims Public Info,, Officer - S nfilne, Consta,nA, Contact Memberships, Wa s h ington City ,/County Nila na g eme nt As s n IC MA , Nota ry Prinfing & Binding Ity produced reports/brochtJres,;� I letterhead'� envelopes, b usines car' s, ��M Im 350 100 500 500 ,2 Ik 0 100 580, 16P0001 1. I 100,C) 51'000 1'000'j 200 506' P. Event fee&: VaIII eyfest, bo,:,)I,,h,, Conferences- Assoc. Wash 93, Dow 100 5,500 665 473 Al Fool Health and WelIness Events 10 p er e ploye e fee to, pa rtic' a te ell s in A, WC Wnies /P Program. Estill , is, on, estimated $8', 2001, savings 11irl healthinsurance, pmmilifilmsi 1 '1'0'00 131,000 50 21500 350 350 200 2'00 350 350 700 320,, 2'00 1 0 000, 2, 0,00 3000 41900 1 1 100 700 6000 0 Moll 2013, Proposed Bud 157,296 1521865 700 loo 5011 5 '0 251, 1510, 20011 1150 1 '1'0'00 131,000 50 21500 350 350 200 2'00 350 350 700 320,, 2'00 1 0 000, 2, 0,00 3000 41900 1 1 100 700 6000 0 Moll MMURV, F Inane- Detai 1 2013 de ... �l help sk fill-in dunng annual PC lease deployment andreturn - ($15 hr x 520 17o urs), Proposed Postage Budget Wages, N, and/o0jing, tax correspondence '751,008 Overtime 11 0000 Payrolll Tax l lfifts Travel /'Mileage 30315,25 Office & Operafibg Supplies 2,j 000 3, 0`00 Hanging files 1001 5 00 File Folders 200 Governmental Finance Officers Assoc (GFOA)cIasses - 4 Expa 1d" s 100 E,,,,,n,,v - Clasp 2 bx 1 bx coin 1 300, Per, copy, fee for malntenancie& toliner Ta b t s, nvelopes 400 A ver labels and dividers, 50 (P -*Ofinger, relevantj umals '0 Pens - varilous, types 200 I.Slattenes 50 1 Tape reg/commercial 50 Priht Ca rtridges 50o 3 ting, binders, 100 Calenlda,,rs- all 2001, Vinyl Ill 50 All other 700 Publications 500 G- ovemmetifal'Aiccounting & F AuditOg 4hancial Reporting 2115 '0 (GAAFR), Update Assotted Go vemmental A ccountinq Stan da,rds, Boa rd' 250 �publlications, ProtessionalServices, de ... �l help sk fill-in dunng annual PC lease deployment andreturn - ($15 hr x 520 17o urs), Postage mailing Accoun, ts Payable checks to vendors, outside agencies N, and/o0jing, tax correspondence Cell Plh,onles One cell-phone for T after° h ours, support, Travel /'Mileage Washington Finance cos Assoc (WFOA) conferen 2,j 000 emp/dyees @ $500 ea I ITtraming-, 3 emp, loyees @ $100 lea 5 00 Eden User Group - 3 employees @ $300, ea 900 Governmental Finance Officers Assoc (GFOA)cIasses - 4 20,000, employees @ $500,ela C 0 P Ile r m a i ntena n, ce Per, copy, fee for malntenancie& toliner Subscriptions G,ovem,mend Officlers,,Finwice Assoc (GFOA newsletter 150 (P -*Ofinger, relevantj umals '0 150 9M w Finance- Detail 2013 r Proposed Budget Membership ... 1 000 ( Washington Finance Officers A ssoc (WFOA,) - 5, membershIps ! r VVHXN� H ,p!Mr r 1 ®' WA Society of - @,$225'eII -, Ioc V C sh - 7 j Registration Washington Assn contrence, 0 employees e yees , ye employees $300 ea Miscellaneous Tra'Ining i f ... AMIMME Commu,nity Developm,ent Proposed 1), C f, ai I Rudof CD/Adminishmati,on DiVision .050.558 I Director, I Adiiiinis"trative Ass lstatft�'MOV', D Office Assistatit to Salar�ies &'Wages, $1.66A,76 r 1 Platuiling DIV. ver t im administrat 1 ve staff covers off hours meetings &51�00Em'PIO)ICC Beneflit s, Employce Denetlits $56,499 Offlce& 0 peramig Supplies. � rr er-A office sujrpvfies $1,500 Publitaftolls Anierl can, Social, C NJ I Engillelers, $200 Ro berts Rules of0irder, ii it 1011 $2 5 Tafliam,ellta,ty Jo;twnal $25 Mceting, Supplics, Developer's Forum $200 $4,00 Planxiij,,ig ConxnziJ ss.iop r. $2,00' Small,, Tools, & Minor Equipmetit iTianning Comxiiission.,rh aA,- you awards x, $3,00 $170010 'Reptaccnlent chair $700' Postage V orrespondence, "Covers all j quired ajid necessaryunailed c $100 iPad comiection, for the director. New addition, to assl'st, diroctor in CCU, P11011C bcing riwre product I've Trave]/Mu leage NW Council $11�500 $113 500, Nor hives Re,;Ylonal Floodplafi.,,i, Conference 2 X 3, niglits 11500, �Continmn E. g d ucat ion Cred i ts fdr Cert i ficatican for C F M, $500 Copler Maititenatice i Based on actual chargesto repair departryient machirles, $4�POOO Software LAcens,es,& MaintenatICIC upgrade to,M],oble Creative Sulte $5110110 Subscriptions E.tiginecri(,tig,P,,rofes�siona,I Joumal, $15,0 $200 J-Cxa air atnentary Law Review Members'llips �,Axuertcan Association of CIVJI Eriginieers,(ASCE) $235, $700 Unland,"Nonhwest, Chapter of the National, Associatiori of Parli am.enfitri arts , (IN PIAJ) $25, (AIP)-Alyce ffi�ker Washington, Association, of Flood, lath Managers (WAFm') $30 �Nor,,%,v,c,st'Rlle,r)i,orial'Floo,,dpi,ai,t,,,i,,Man,ag,cr�s.Assoc"at�f3� (NORFMA.)X A 2 $50, , Associat ion, Of S t ate )Floodplafil, Managers (A S F M) X 2 $2 5 0, Inael-Tvational, Associationof Administradve Professionals $ 1. 1001, l r r a ion m NORFMA, (nood P I ain" con—fermice x 2, $80,10 $1,500 Parfiamen.tar L 1 y ,aw confieremice $200 'Ecolwmic Dlelvelopnient Seiriiiiar $3,100, flloodplatn, manageniem traiiiing E $200' fi Delmrttriei-vt N de customer servioe training will reducc - wt a, use the' $10 $0 'di-rector feels i1riportant, to, tisie otb,er riwthods of trainiing 'this contract covers our use ofthe PIXS�I PRISM wid PADAL- and S"Pokane Couirity Can tructs (],IcHlcal,ijlg,Exaiiii.,iiercojitraet. All Of dress syste,,,rns are tisedern a $10,0100 S I OTOOO ,'daily basis Smart,G, ov Niall"Illeti,ance maintenancebor new $51,000, $5,000 �,rr SAIP])orl- Ne��v cli'arge fromfinWICC- 11,111all, ticipatend 'Total Admin $257,175 $210 ' 1 ' 3 Pi-oposed, CD/ ngineerinDi,vistOn .055.559 'Detail, Budget, 01M, $1,01,00 $30,000 $400 $ I po tv ge ngineers I D� Sery Mana r 1 . 5 E I Ass"t., Engineer, 1.5 Engineering TecbLnicians, I Devel,o�pi i,ent,l'.,n.,sr r,, I ROW Insplectorl, 1, Office Salaries & Wages Assiistant- ADDEDROW'Inspectorin and. adding Asslist Eng"neerin order to allow more plan, review and, to allo x pee re-iiced staff to work on loing nge projects fl Construction Inspector to attendmeeti,,ngs with Overtime y ca clontractor's and emergenc, -ou�ts Emplayee'Benefits Employee Benefits Office Supplies ,standard office supplies, P U c'aat i o 11 s AAS111TO, Standards 'Meeting supplile"s Develo V er's Forums, Sia,Fety Equipment 'e,iSafety Yellow work shirts and Vests, II caution ta e niarkmg, Hi''It,hard hats for 2, fbel veb,'licIes I R O"W i nspeictor and I OiL & Ti'.res Construction. Inspector egoi-y ine udes t This cat, 'I i ernsthat are purchasedto Iasi Ion ge it periods, of t e t' a n tradilional office Im h i supplies, Exali-ilples:, tape meas,'ures,extTa liong, Small Tools ii& Minor Equipinent levels stap"fers and staples, (constialction grade fbill M' j,ti,obices), GPS unit (shared), calculators, ineasurl'tig wheels, Professi,onal Services "d E w le survey Contract. (code requirem n ir Covers a' 11 requi ed and necessary mailed Postage corresp ondence Cell Plio,nes p one and lap, top w ire less connection for 2 nspector's T ravel /Mi'leage ',"Intand Empille AIWA confi=nice 'NORFMA. Floodplain, co,nf 'erence 'Traffic Control 'GIS Tralift'ing S torintwater, - Deten't ion Pond Des L', y n g ,,C,onstru,cti.oli,ljispecti.ot Training Principals of Hot Mix Asphalt Icat* '11, i A ICP Cert, if 101, ,,Comniunicat"'o si Ti. ining Minutes and Note Takt.] Ig "Concrete Pav'ement fi-Ispecti ion, ra i n"M T I auger 'T g, T C ra -ra, raffiTic Engm*.e,e, innig, 01M, $1,01,00 $30,000 $400 $ I po Non Captal Cotripule,r Meimbv,-Ships, Ol Printing & Bindij.1"g, IT Fj,].I,ng & RecordhigFees 'Nembers of'Ameriican, Socliety of Civil Engi"n sees , $600 $ 17300 �(ASCE) A tuericarip'lan.ning, Association (APA) Ani-,.ricarl e $400 Institute of Certified'Planners (AlCp Asso ciation, o f State F lo odp laln Managers (ASFP Washington Association ofFill lolodlflain, M',.au,nagers $10, �Road,Btu"lders Association $155 Notlhwest'Regional Floodplai n,Manlagers $ 25 �Associaflion (N,,'ORF'M.A) ( .4 Int-Ing new street.standards and, standard plia:1.1 $500 II u'.es jtila,rid, Erin,P117e A.PA confereticle j $200,� $5,000 ! NORFMA Floodplaiin, c nce $400( Ira c Control $600 G IS,, Training $ 1, 0000 1� Sitc rm.water - Detentioti, Pond,, D es ign. $500, Construction, $600 Prin,,cipals of Hot, Mix Asplial $4001; ' �AICP Certification. $200' mmunic i.o,.,nsTra,.mmg, inutes, and'Note Taking $ Ll 0 Concrete Pavement ln p ectioll, $5,00 Ir �Flag,gler Traiining $40' M isc Loc "a I Tra ml In 9 $1300, Fi I L & record i ng fee s, are th e, &es charged 'by Splokaii,,,e Countytoreco:rd easeli,,icnits and $250 �requireine.,ftts for Development Etiguizering reMburse for parking, wlien goilig to, the County to reco,rd ortol attend nicetiqgs thi s contr ct covers our use o f the PLUS:, P R,, ISM tid P AL All of the systems are used on a daily basis New'Permittitig system main'tenance MEM 5 � 0110 O� $850845 Copier Maintenance Software Llcells,es & Wjinlen,ance actual charges, to, repaur copier, pl. loti'er"S, des'll< W r"n'ters, I I ite -ei 1 1 upgrade to Adobe 0 t, tive Su, Em Em S111000 $2 1013 Proposed, CDIf 'Imming Division .056.558 Detall Boudget, 1, Rlanni*ng Manager 2 Seni , or Planners, '2 Planiiers, Added 2 1 Salaries & Wages - PlanninglDiv. b n 'Code En,f meme t officers,, 10, ce Assistant - Moved, 2 $522,1708 P, lariuietis' to B614 DIN Ove,rfime coveir after hoursme, e-an, s 9 1 $11,000 Em, loyee Reneflits p Employee Benefits, $205 ,5 8 �5, Office Std p ies, p] gene I office supplies, NI $3 200 Publications S p okane C ounty Rea I "Estate F'o-1111m, �1, $751 $400 0 New Urb an News, 195 fCon -ess of'New'Ufbantsm 91 $.130� meetill,111g, Sttpplies ".,"Pianning II $500' $1 000 S horel Ille Mea se Pro grain Open, Houses Safety'Equi,pment posting stakes, cautton take, e, gloves, inhalation. filters, breathing 1. 1 $150 lasks safety Vests 5 0 Sm " 11 Tools &'Minor, Equipmen,"t. ",,-replacement I.abel rnakez- $600 $2 500 xeplacement chair $6O desk sc anner $,], 2,00 m ISC V. $100, Pro,fessional Services, -URS SM'PreIgulat'10,111S 11,1 $3 0,00 0 $50,000 0 i,,�GordonDeii,7 - SMP s, eclial counsel, P $ 201000 Postage f "led coii, spondence- Covers a 11, requ tred an d nne cess,my, mai e $310,00! $3000 11"public meeting, maillings, -has"been, charged, to, another, dIVISIon add,ed'code officers to plarm,111g, - 2, officers, phones atid laptop Cell, Pholnes It w"I ions reless connect" $1 �20o $49200 Copier Maintenance Software Llcells,es & Wjinlen,ance actual charges, to, repaur copier, pl. loti'er"S, des'll< W r"n'ters, I I ite -ei 1 1 upgrade to Adobe 0 t, tive Su, Em Em S111000 ME= PTm*ting &, Binding Regristrations, Code Enforcement A batenient Filing & Re,coj-,,d,I,.,,n,,9 FeeS Petty,Cash Reinibursenient Spokatie Cou,ln,,,�y Con'ttracts, Smar,tGov Mamitenance 'Total Planning 150: S20,0 21,2 $31,300 kt $300i , I $2,000 11 1�0 0,0 $4,000 $500' $3,50, $4,010,', $35 0 f $200, $3501 I PO $6,,000 this contract covers our use, of the ,PLUS, PIRISM''and PADAL - Mmm���� Overti"I'lle nspecrs mra r site beyond. hrs If $500 nec'ess a. Em' loyee Benefits Etii,plo fis et P yee Bien $3 1,508, Office&O' Pratt pli �:r p rat t' P I Its, ,enera,i office s,u pli $3 000 p Foin-ins, ��-,Inspe ctm 10 ii, Tags 1, 1 [Tla�. get Date. s " fleets' Perni it Pa,' er Code books ain d, tipidate public at 1 ons fior 10 ems ,p), )ogees -phis Publications isnot a, code year,,, however next year is a code year and new bo oks wi I I n e e d to be P Uschased for everyone, lisafe'ty- vests, safety glasses,hard hats, flast-ft',' igIlits, saf�ty kits Safiety Equipme,nit, i I Water " IS for the vehi"clits, yellow cau�tfon, tape, dust'inasks, JU& for vehicles, Gas, it & Tires '111bel foir inspectors tru,ck's 4 vehiieles Small Tools & Minor Equi M e nt P ',,Re pla c em en t chairs, x 2' �replacenlent labe I I Printer x. 2 caution, tape',sa,.fety ,gloves, s'hoe covers, per'mit, cover bags, ,,con, stniction grade, staplers. Credit card,fees chargedbybanks carniot calculate the Credit Card, & Ba card Fees ,,amount.,. varies by batik, by ic,ard, by chiargo,'b bank holder 'Y state,., Finance has not charged the CC fees, however have P said they wl",11 be do'ling, SO. Pro fo,' s sio n a I Se r v c e s ii ies "GPS Services, - Seattle Pubbic UA I ,'�[,,Avista "U"I"I'lities-License fees, for aerial. vilew for, S,CIMap M $5001 $3,000 $ 000 21 $7"'0'001 $ 0 l' N $1,1200" ,$600 II i , M10! MM $3,1,000 am= EM Equ,T nip nt RepaiT and Mai n'temiance repaii, - an d main'ten-eirice of I'lis'pe C, t Ors, tr Licks X, 4, a $3,0,00 Spokane County Contracts SrnaiftGov Maiin-teman,ce Computer, Softwarafflardware, 'Workslati"on. Costs Total BuIlding, malm" $3 140,,73145 �. �' T 00110,576-10.210.01 e m lr m S iii Benefits 000. .31,1,01 Office &,Operating Supplies r Items prWed & mounted 3"0 0,01 Depot anWor laplan' f Printer Cartddoes," 2@$8A 2@458 1,000 , "ill ' Ij Misc,, Supplies: t -1 Notes, 1 µ labels, er, cflpz. ,, blinder cho, Maples 4.300 paper, letlbrhead, pens, pencilsheads, sheet protectors, bindersfdders, ett. 1 000.5,76 .10 .31. I mr & Maintenance n Supplies, Items not covered in Parks MaiMenance Confract 00 0, 5,76 o 1 0.32.01 Fuel 2/�q 50 Department vehicles im^q i'AwP�0 f, ele , 1' , ler, Arse log 000.5716.10.41-0113 , .., III ° 1WII Iq' u�!WK�'' 'Maihten,iance cost gi F Boni s ry i X s ere 000, 576. 10 41.05 Pirofessil o nal Services ,.. j ..: Consonant v�ork,,(,ordogcark,,m,asiter pfan %.. . 576. 10. 1 Postage ; 000� 10, 42.02 lel Servicies Alami mondofihg at Mrabeau Meadows 000.576. 1 3M 0 11 Irave[IMMlea-ge WRPA Conferee Mf '1 ^&WPM- 1 AaW nco a I C n I Oct. 8-11 Houston, 0 00 Z76,10.44. 1 Advertising "Programs and 000.x" 6.1 A &G2 i Copier MaInitenance 1 Director,- WA Recrealibip and Parks s ( PA Director, u- NaO' Raicreafw, and Parks o ( R , Administrative, Staff 000. 5,76 10.4 9.03 1 Pri nti ng & Bind ing Brochures, flyers 000. 576.10.49. 04 ,Gonference Registrations . Staff Trainhig WRPA Conference April 16-19 Vancouver 000.576.10.49D6 is efl eOUIS Services 6, 1 ,5,1',! St r w t r Fees 1000,5197101. 96. 05, IF Ti'ansfer W':' ER&R Equ[pment Replacement Tot at j 2,500 2 500' 600 r 3 X 3"0 0,01 100, f 1,000 1,000 , "ill ' 41300 4.300 10,0010 1011. 1 70,10 600 GOO 100, 7610 1,350 500 5010 1 `0 2/�q 50 im^q i'AwP�0 Ate"' VO 1 „1 ,' 6-50' 50 0, 11,000, 7,000 270 0,711 3 °la . _... '�,'��. `Redu���on `'' P & R Det Worksheet 2,013 Proposed Budget 3,00 MAINTENANCE DIVISION 0.576, 0. 3 1 08, I Repair & M2int e, Supplias 259 non 'ParkSignage 16, 0,00, 'Mist,,, Repall"rs,lEqui"pment,RopfaceMOnt,$, 10, GOO 300.5,76.810.35.01; Small Tools & Mhor Equipmetit 2,500, i Items not covered under maintenance contract 300,51176.80.41.05 'Park Maintenance Services 71000100 ` Senske Contract that iocitodes: Mowing, wate. 9, filler control, vagetation, management, sheft er & restroommainlenance, s now removal, play equipmwnt repair, reservation, S, 010, 31100.576.80.47.01 Electricity 13,1000 3,00.576.80.47.02 Water 18000 " 300. " Sewer 1000 31100.51716.80.4MB Miscellaneous Services 5,500 Sufflvan, Piark - water lesfihg wo' Dept of Health - permits :3 000 Honey Buckets �,Mlrabeau, Trailheed 1,200 Spokane Regional Health - permils 3,000 Misc. services, 1.000, 300-5576.80.53.01 Taxes and Assessments 1 000 Aquifer Assesssmenfs 1,100,0, Total 001 General Fund 076 Parks & Recreation 300 Maintenance &.. _....... �.... ........_... U. :._ ... :. Supplies 300.576.80.31.08 Repair & Maintenance Supplies 27,801 40,000 25,000 300.576.80.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 65 5,500 2,500 27,866 45,500 27,500 Other Services & Charges 300.576.80.41.05 Parks Maintenance Contract 606,478 710,000 710,000 300.576.80.47.01 Electricity 11,161 12,000 13,000 300.576.80.47.02 Water 17,075 17,000 18,000 300.576.80.47.03 Sewer 13,591 14,000 14,000 300.576.80.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 3,286 2,000 5,500 300.576.80.53.01 Taxes and Assessments 0 3,200 1,000 651,591 758,200 761,500 Total Maintenance 679,457 803,700 789,000 (1.83 %) AMMEM Deb ai I Wor 013, Proposed 13,udget 30VIRECREATIONDIVISION 3,01.574.10.10.00 Salaries & Wages, 6 10, 3 16 301.5, E rnpl oyee Benefits, 31,021 3,01.574-20.10 -01 Te m po ra ry/Sea s ona I 'Wag e$ 50"000 Recreation Intems 2.000 'Rec, Temp Seasonal'Slaff 4 8,000 30 .574.20. 0.99 'Overtime 200 ;Rec Tem.p Seasonal'Staff 200, 301.5, !Temporarv/Seas,onal Benefits, 4,442 301.574,20'.20-99 Employee Beniefits 301.574,20.31 .01 � ca &0perating Supplies, 'Recreation, Pro-gram Slip 4.100 'Summer Camp'T�shirfs- 1,050, Re , C , coord OfficerSuppfes, 300 Bust'hess Cards 100' 301.574.20.31 , Safety Equipment, 250 it .r Soppye 6 2,50 301 2742 °o M Clothing & Uniforms 900, Rec, Tiem,p, Se,asona, Staff' 'Tshirts 91100 301.574.20.35,Al Small l IE quipment 30 1 i 574, , 10,49, 01 Scholarship Expense 1,001011 Recreational prograim, scholarshos "000, 301,574,20.41.05 'Professional Services 25o200 !First Student Rbld-Tfio, ",Tran° ,s,,p,odatio,n,,Foy °amps 6, 10100, In lPresenter Fees 11,200, Summor Outdoor Movios Screen & License 71115130� 3101.574.210.42.01 �Pjostage 2,400 i Recguides, flyers, brochures, refunds,, etc. 2.400' 301.574.20.42,03 'Cell Phones 8100 301.574.20A101 'Travel/Mileage 1,8010 .PRA AnnvWConference 700 NRPA Re' venue Schooll - "Year 2, 1100 301.574.20.41C01 Advertising 300 Newspaper, Advedfsenneats 3010, 301.574 , 20.4 8. 02 Copier Maintenance 1,400 301 574.20.49.02 M e m bers, h! p s 500 WRPA Annual Membersh" Ip 250 N,RPA,,Ai7,r7uaI'Membership, 2,50' 301,.574.20,49,03 Prin tj ng & Bi nd ng 11,900, Rscrea,On Brochure (26mes a year) 11,90 '0 301,574.20,49.06 Miscellaneous Servi'ces 16,00O 'Summer DaY Camp Field Tdps 9,000 Program scharships 1 "ODD, Program, Banners. 1500, ,Dog SwimlParents MOW 600, First AidlCPR,, TMinibg for Summer Staff 1,000 Family- Special Everts 1,Ooo ,Ha°ti � ,�' vent supplies, 3 "000 301.574.20.49.04 Conferenoe, Registrations 2,000 WRPA Annval Conference 400 AIRPA Revenuo School- Yeas ,2 1,600 301,586-10.01-00 StateRemit - ILHExcisetax 9,000 , For SplashDown & WesternDance HaH Tota 1 2241999 AMMEM Reducison 486lo600 P & R Detall'ftrksheet 302'AQUATIGS, DIVISION 3,021.57620311,01 Office & Operali in Sip 1pj ie s, 302.576,20.35.01 ''Small Tolols, & Minor Equipment 3 0 2.5 76. 20.41 � 0 1 Merchant Charges (Bankcard Fees) 3102.576.20.41 X6 Professional Services, 'YMCA Maintenance & Management contract 3 02.5176.20,42.02 Tee h one, Service Phone Dala fines tor three pwt5 302.5762044,01 Ad verfisi ng 30Z576,20.47.01 Electricity 302.576.21'0 47.02 W,at 3021.576,204TW Sewer 30Z,576,20,481.01 Equi pment, Repal r & M a Inte nance Repaint rrace'Wew Pool 302.576.12'049,03 �Printiing & Bin,ding 32.5 2, W I. iscellaneous Services,, 3,0,2.576,20.49.23 �Scholarshfp Expense Scholarshipsfbr swim lessons swim leam Total 486lo600 P & R Do tall Workshoet 2013 , Proposed Budget 60,324 l7o'369 1,000 1,030 500 20,000 2,0,30, 004.575 50.491!iN, Registrations AMEM 2001; 500 100001, 1,0100 III 600 1001, 450 1,0010, 6010 1AM WSASC Conference 304,Z'7550.44.01 Advertising Spokesman Review, Senlor, Directory, Dix Dit o 1,000 304.575.50.48.01 Equipment Repair& Maintenance ServieeKiIns & close or house windows 1, 0 3,04,575,50.48.02 Copier Maintenance 3,04.575.50.48.03, Software Licenses and Mal Intenance per, IT Depatfunent' 600 WC575�50,49,02 Memberships WSASC MornborshO 004.575 50.491!iN, Registrations AMEM 2001; 500 100001, 1,0100 III 600 1001, 450 1,0010, 6010 1AM 777777: NI Wages /Payroll Taxes /Benefits 304.575.50.10.00 Wages 57,408 58,843 60,324 304.575.50.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 15,109 17,477 17,369 304.575.50.10.01 Overtime 83 1,000 0 72,600 77,321 77,693 Supplies 304.575.50.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies 908 1,000 1,000 304.575.50.31.08 Repair & Maintenance Supplies 52 140 500 304.575.50.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 0 4,000 2,000 960 5,140 3,500 Other Services & Charges 304.575.50.42.01 Postage 0 250 200 304.575.50.43.01 Travel /Mileage 0 500 500 304.575.50.44.01 Advertising 463 1,000 1,000 304.575.50.48.01 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 0 1,000 1,000 304.575.50.48.02 Copier Maintenance 1,246 2,000 1,500 304.575.50.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance 600 1,000 600 304.575.50.49.02 Memberships 80 100 100 304.575.50.49.04 Conference Registrations 20 450 1,050 304.575.50.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 0 3,000 1,000 2,409 9,300 6,950 Total Senior Center 75,969 91,761 88,143 (3.94 %) p R Detall Works',heet 2,013 Proposed Budget 3,05 CENTERPLACE DIVISION 305, 57 5-2 Ol. 1, 0,,- 0 1 'Tern poira.ry/Seas,ona I Wages 46000 305 - 576.2 0.2 0. 0 1 ''Teniporary/Seasonal Benefits 4,305, 305.575i51 .10. 0 0 Salaries& Wages 244 1,332 30& �57 5.50. 1x.99° Overtime 2,5, '00 305.576.50.20.00 Employee Benefits, 109,265, 305.575.5,031.01 1 Oft e & Ople rating Su Je S,, 81,1751 Fill Folders, (20 boxes, @ $16lbox) 3,100, Hanging File Folders (2, b:ues@ $22/box) 44' Letterbead'(100, Sheels), 125, Enve1bpes,(6'boxes@ $5ftoix), 700' Pens, (24 boxes @ $6.50Xbox) Misc. office, Supplies (white out, binders, post-if notes" 9501 Kitchenwate (pumper pots, water pitchers, dish rep tac, 31000f Coffee Coffee Supillpfies (creamer," sifir stkzks, cups, s 15701 Klelienex (6pack @ $91pik) 225,I Labels, Pdoil labels, Colder labels, efq) 125 f Batteries (tor cordless microphiones) TaPe, Busi lards i Replecement AV Equipment 2001 3,05.57,5.5,0.31.04 'Operafinig Supplies - Unens 12, ON Table finens, & napkins for over 234 even, Is 305.57&50,�31 .05' ... . ........ Meelti nig S uppl ies 735 Easels, white boarrd Mplacement, 135 'Projector bulbs 6010 3105.575.5031 �06 Safety Eq u 1pment 1,10,00 Servicing fire exSri nquishers 1,000, 3O&57&50J1.07 IClio,thjng, & Uniform, Z0166 4 0 staff skids (2, per p e s i f 1,440, 15slaff z j acket or puW,ver (11pp) @ 41 o f 626, 3,0&,57&,5031.0,8 ..... . ...... Repa] r & Mail nte nian ce S,u,pp lilies, 12,0100 Filters 4,001), Light, 1,500, Mislo. (nufto boilso glue, v =d 3,335, iPainf & plippfies 2,OOD Ele fin* ifical'supplies MOD 3,05,575,501.31.0-9 Janitorials,upplies, 26o5,46 6900 Paperproducts & gar bege ba1gs 1 10"0"0, Misc., 3600 i Diswasher1cleaning suppNes 30&575.50-35.01 Small olds & Minor Equipment 6,,425 Handtools, extensi"an wrids Ch"aitreplacements (l $226ea) 5A25, 30&57511,50,41.01 Merchant Charges, (Bankca,rd � `ees f 6,000 30&5751.50.411.03 IT Support 250 305.57511. 50,. 1.. Professional Slervic-es, 11 ,945 Winddw washing 3,00D Marm (monifoldng, agreement), repair &kpys 1,050 Efeva,tor 2,= Carpet anil Floor Waxing 2,M 1 ,Misc,. services (answefingserWce) 1,410 'i ammum Detall' Worksbeet '20131 Pro Possed Budgot 305.575.50.41.06 'Janitorial services ON Contract Mth ISS Facffi(ty Services 85,000 305.575MA2.01 'Postage 5,200 'Brochures, flyers, reseevation qu-Nes, refunds, etc, �5,2010' 305-575.50.42A2 lelephone Sexrvice 9,0,00 Five amlog, phons.mvs, !or larms, fire, 911? 9,,00,0 eleva'for & credit card machine 305.5, �Cefl Phones 1,7100 4 Call phonos,(2 maim, andhos�) 1,70,0! 305.57&50,43.01 'Travel/Mileage 2,050 !A Hend NRPA, Venue Management,school 1.15,00 A Hend "PA, conmmme,in Vancouver 250 Mileage f6r, vedaus meeGhgs 3CO 3051Z,75.5,0,44.01 iAdverfisling 60,000 'Dex Adverfisiag 1,9106 Brochures & other pti'Ned" malea l 3,0,CO r k ,frog foldOrs 1,60 DelveloplPfint ads f ,000, Website update & hosfi ng renewal 6C 0 Reglanal Advarlising of CenterPlace 30,000 3,05.575.50.47,01 Efectricity 85,000 3,0,5.57,5.50,47.,02' Wate,r 1 10 0000 3,05-575,50 47.03 Sewer 100500 Ij 3,05.5,75.50,4T,04, Waste Disposal 9,735 I'Waste Disposal: 9335 i n g 31,40 3 575-50.48.00 1 Equip i , Rental M I alnt -Con tra ded 5 3015.57 5.5 0.48 0 1 iEquiprnent, Repair &, Mah 1,0010 WVAC ciontract 7,500, Misc Equipment Repair 2. 0,00 E, levafor Repairlmainteniance 500 Refrigerator repai� 305,576,50.4m,2 C,o Jer Maintenanm P, 1,500 305'',57&510,48.03 'Software Umnses and'Maintenance 1,200 305,575,,501.49.01 Substriptions 800 3,05.575.501.49.02 Membership 2J276 'Grealer Spokane Incorporated 65,0 Post Falls Chamber, of C:mnerce 225 Spokane'Valley, Chamber ofCommarce 32,0 'National I 'Park & Recreatia s i p" I 1510 Washin'gfon Recreation a Pew Associa,fion, 110 1AW 445 InPro Spokane Hotel Mblef Assodaffan 250 305.575.50A,9,03 Printing inding ,Brochures, & o1herptinted material 305.5,75.50 9. Seu rvices 318,70 Motion, Pidure License, �Bndal'Fesflval S' 01h (Jan, Sep�) lEvenlective leads forprospedive business'' 200 Chamber Bu-s,,;,r?ess Fair Booth 300 Spokane Va,110y Chiamber meefing's ISO Hole/Motelmesfings 205 Aano'Tuning 150 Elevator Permit's 110 Soffing a,n,d operalingpem, li't - LAI Sao Ser,v,ic,e,c,al)'on,,AIV'eq,uip,m'en,,t 760 3055,575,50,49.07 Training 2,855 A Hand NRPA Venue, Managem,ent School 21235, ammum �,t If 4 ^ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT-DETAILS 2013 Wages 5460222 Overtime 5 0,00 Payroll Taxes, and Benefits 1901771 Office Supplies 51000 "Includes all regular office supplies tingsupr ital p, ects, plotter paper,, engineering supplies Publications 2,000 Misc. Public Notices - A recent Examples include I ices 'Sullivan Bridge'Weight Restriction Not" Safety Equipment ��Thls includes al] safety supplies such as Safety psye protection, hea,r*ng Protection, hard hats, 'Vests I ,,,Saftey lights for vehic'l,es, temporary traffic control f�/,,,'3vehiclllies plu's 14 summer vehicles 3p003 1, es/re pairs 503 Small Tools & Minor EqWpment 6:p0001 contractors work. Non Capital C=Puter Software/Hardware 61,000, Rhones, monitors, and othermisc. supplies. Engineering & Architectural 48'p000 ,,,,,TJP Management (.5, General Funid/.6 Street Fund) 40,003 Contingency Recent exarnples, have, ricluded contracts for the Sprague-Appleway Couplet Evaluation , Survey work, 'development, of Right of,way, Polies and Procedures, planning level estimates for the new maintenance IT Supplort 23o000 Qtrix- 9 License support agreement 1,ArcVilew, 2503 'map requests would be performed by Spokane Postage 550 Expense charged to, PW,for all. outgoing mall, Cell Phones 3tOOO, 14, Phones, 2 Ipads Trawel/Mileage 6w,800, 'Car, Rental ($150 x 4) Flights ($250 x, 4) to seattle. Lodging & Meals ($300 x 4 x 2) (average of 2 nights awt, 2A,00 Copier Maintenance 4,000 aTM� PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT-DETAILS 2013 Software Licenses & Maintenance 121''000 C ulvert Flow Master, Pond Pack,SLIpport RenewaJ 1,825 'TranSoft �3 1 0 DO �,AutoCad 61000'' �!Adob�e Prof 500 SRTC Visurn 1,100 Support Renewals & other rntsc. Membersh'ips / Professional Licenses Professional Engineer (6, X $120) 600 Am e ri ca n P u bl 1 c Wo rks Associ ati o n (4 x $13 3) 532 International Munilcipa] Signal Association ($40 x 1) 40 Am e n c an So c lety of'C W1 I E ng 1 ne ers, $ 235 x 2), 470 Go n t 1 nj-q e n cy� 2o3,58 lf�lli Gonfere-noe Registrations h" 71600, Class, Registratilon 1& Webinar fees (10 staff x 2 classes,, �'x $2,50) '4 st,aff ($250 x 4),- APWA, WSDO T, Rd & St Con'fiaren,CE,': 1 10,00 Othe r M i sc Tra i n 11, 11 g Total PW,.- 8761,1443 5k 0,31 0 00. 5,42. 04 0500,542.10.32-01 000, 000.542.30.31.08 Z I a uppliq Operating Suppl- I Flual "Fill" intetfund egyMpnts forServigg *00,542.66,190.95.07 Interfund, Vehi"cle Leasie 000, 5,97 19 - 99 - 00 Transf r-to Gene, I F"Lind - OH Total Recurring Activity 32,611074 12,61,337 1511,15 0 0 46 -31M 9oO88 25,944 451868 . .... ......... 84,1185 274�953 5,14,66 ,2o424 3,1108, 0 1115 13, 732 , 0 ll'A87o133 5662089 5,83 250 213075,81 4 190 2,06 18,117 52,706 0 109,43 37o,195 0 25,023 126 1,376 44�3,84 3 l 53,18,87 "3 372 541371 1680176, 25,D00 4, A43 517' . . ....... . . ..... 377t47,1 140fi7l 4pf000 0 0 -522 m, 81000 20,000 431,000 93215,1000 6t000 21000 3,1,500 500 0 3,500 1 �71831,988 469,000 0 0 2,00,000 420,000 11: 9, 000 0 0 lo5014 0 37,480 572 12,500 4,000 300 611700 3M2951544 4,oOOO 6,32,000 1215 11 010 O 1100777 39'600 15 0,377 370,86,0- 158,361 15, 000 26111000 21,949 11,200 80000 2ol000 431000 72,2 0 0 320,0000 60000 2oOO'O 31500 0 0 300100 1,5010p000 46%000 0 0 200oOOO 4200000 19,00Q 0 0 0 0 37552 1,000 0 6,600 300 19,200 3,007 , 152 4,j000 6,32 000 "I'll WIP 116%777 39,700 4jo,31,999 NONRECLIRRING AC-oTIVITY Interfund Pa ments f 000l,597,00-00,00 Transfer out 0010.597.96,63.03 InterfUnd T'ransf6vto 30,3 -9 1,00; 0 J,p 5 50011010,0 22o205 5,00,000 0 Supplies ' 000.542.10.35.02 School Zone Beawilis 49,11,003 0 0 49t,003 0 0 C a Pita! 0 ut I ays 000,594.21 M.00 Building and Structures 4,93r237 4,0�0,00 18010,00 00,0. 594 ,2 1 � 63'. 00 Capital - Street Preservation 0 Ol 200,00100 000.594,42.64-07 Capital Equipment -, Now Truck 23,61,909 0 0 000,594.42.64.03 Transportation 16$90,0 0 0 133.595.64M.03 Traff"c controll Devices (constructio,n) 1914,556 0 0 133.595,,�64,41-05 Profess ion at Services, 1781, 19 2 0 0 133.5,95,64.44.0°1 Advertising 1 JI'll 91 0 0 '13 31,5 95,64.4 9.0 3 Printing &, Binding 540 01 0 153.541.30M,.00 Coinstructioll 2741,974 1,3961499 140,1,000 38100000 Total Nonrecurring Activity 146 T1,707 5401,000 380,00,10 t S 0 Fund al,,, "tre 5-911,224 51431 263 jillit I Unk Lino Item Detail 2013 Wages 3,7018160 Payroll Taxes and Benefits, 158, Overtime 15 000 Temp/ Seasonal - Wages 261,000 Temp[Seasonal - Payroll Tax & Benefits, 21,949 Operating Supplies" 1,200 is supplies for maintenance c�rew, inClUdIng marking nt and other, suppl'es, for makng, pat I ri job site s. I Coll t IE ng[neertng Contract, Gas,, 011, & Tires, 81000 Maintenance, (4 vehicles x $150/mo) 7,200 Mmaw ti res, & Repairs 800 Small Too1s, r , Equipment 201000 To ol s to o,utfiit a rnech a n I c: for wJ n tee ,s n ow a pe ra tibns, saws and eel e aters, fdr ci ty staff/geig er, erews , we I d" 1 n g le q u1 p me n t , etc. Repair, & Maintenance Supplies 43i'0010 Supplies incl uding coldmix for, potholes,, rertal equipment, stireet markers, we[ dung gasses, cones., safety equip 'm en t,, truck, parts, crack sea Iii Engineering & Architectural X20, 000 I Coll t IE ng[neertng Contract, 25,00,01, �TIP Managernent (5 General Fund/.5 Street Fund), 40100,011 C ontin g e n cy 5,0010 B m, e E. n g i ne e ri n g R" epaill' r K000 Street Master Plan TIP 100,000 Street" Maste r Plan Pavement Mgmt '100,000 Telephone Service, 6,1000 Columbla,'Flbems r'Traffic EngineerConnection 1 272 Air cards, for Mu tenance Staff' 1 P580 Fibe r connections between City hall and', the Maint, Shol' 2,736, internet at maht,, Sho,p 412 Cell P rr 2,000 14-Cell Phones + 3, wireless access point Waste Disposal 311500 Dumping fees at, the loical transfer stationsfor all garbage picked up by city crews, r average of $3,228 Travel/Mileage, 31000 'Airfare ($250 x 4) 1,0010 ntal lCar Re ($ 100, x 4) 400 Lodging &, Meals ($200 x 4 x 2 nights) 1 600 + Contracted Street MaIntenance P5001000 ,'AAA, Swee p i n g (49 019 9.94 '1908, Street and Stormwater Maintenance 1,316,16,,663 Emergency Callout - Senske (50%, Street 60% storrn) 10,000 Landscaping Right, of Ways - Ace Landscaping 20,12 190597 $178, 1 3,186 'A 25% $1 % 597 150000, DeadAnimal Removal - City, Streets i Conting � 132 Bridge/Street, Maintenance '12001000 Street Ughtingg 420,000 increase due to higher costs of electricity and added street lights due to capital projects Winter Snow Services 469,000 Poe Winter Contract 1400 DO C o n t racted se rvJ ces a n d oth e r s n ow, costs 129000 'Operafing Supplies, 20, 0000' water ,& Sprinkler 191000, ThIs is the water services for all grassy areas, that the city maintains such as sprague, appleway etcM' Unknown, need to check with IT' Membersh'lps/ Professional] Licenses 371552, VarI OUs Ecology, Chemical Handlers, Water Works 1" '0'00 Operator, ICI ing Certifications, Hazardous mern be,rs h I P's Inland Empire Utility Dues I MO Irls-fitulle of Traffic Engineers ($2,50 x 2) 5010, 'Arnedcan Society of Civil Engineers 250 S Membership 34,3001, ,2 PE Licen,ses ($136 x 2) 272 I PTOE License 300 Confrerence, Registrations 11(000 APWA Sniow Conference 5100 1 Misc.. training, in area (4 x $125) 500 RdI&St Cofference, WSDOT, Flaagglng, Chem].Cal, Sgreet Safety,etc, APWA ,Snow Conference, Z��� 2,15�1,000 01��� I "IT 'o rks Dle pa rtm e nt ..-und #402, �- Stormwater, Managemen'tFu ind NONRECURRING ACITI'Vrry "Capital Out[ U,,s,, If 'a I J 000.594,38,o63.05 Storm, ter Improve - Capital Outlay 000-597.55.44.05 1 n te rfu n d Tra n sfer to: S treet, Fu n d' u 000.597.55,95-01 1 n te rf n d Tra n ster - Stre et, C a p P roi 150.595.40.61.01 Easements, 177$700 400pol!oo 200,000 90,760 0 0 56,863 0 4f825 0 330 *8 4000000 200,000 400,000 2 95 a . . ... .... . ... Line Item Detai'll 20,13 Wages 325836 1 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 122,149 Overtime 80000, Temp/Seasonal - Wages 17'-1333 Temp/Seasonal - Payroll Tax & Benefit's 212,86 Publications 800 'I ie J I I ncludes rn"sc. 't �rns where, the pu bl*c wHI be ,notified by newspaper Operafing Supplies 31000 ,Jncludes, all te,sting equipmehrit Safety Equipment toloo 'Safe�y equipment for personell and truck - Items SCI ' u es ne,i Inlde a n y traff ic , control'devic eded and safe t,y d ev 11,ce s fo r t r uck s. Gas, Oil,, &,"Tires 615,00 Ve h ices, Ma 1 nt., ($1 50/m, o*2. 6 ve h ible s) 40500 isc. repair's & fires 2,000 Small Tools & �Minor Equipment 50000 ncl des testing equipment, spill cleanup supplies, signs u and m isc tool's IF IT SuppoIrt 6,1355 ,,2, - Citrix 8, PrIzm,, County SW Rolls, 55010 ,Trimble 5,00 "Contingency 3,55 Professional Services 680500 "Surveying 25,000 Material Testing 251 ,00o Design 181, 500 Contracted storrnwater, malintenanice 990,000 !,Street Sweeping(201 2 contract $490,19,9.94* 96%) 1 470,,592 "Poe, Asphalt Street Repatr & Maintenance ;00� 1 ,,000 IfAce Landscaping(20,12 -$178,386 58,,17190 Emergency Ca1lout (50% Street/60% stormwater) 1000 1"', Vactori ng(Draige na structure cleaning) 2001000 Contingency 1w,000 Cell Phones, 1,0440 Phones - Bra,nt,,S'W Floating date card� Travel/Mileage 3, 000 'Car Rent .al ($150 x 3) 500 Lodging and' meals ($250 x 3 x 2 nights) '7510 irfare (�,2,50 x 3) f 75,0 Waste Disposal 30,000 Disposal of sweleping and vactoring debris from the AAA Sweeping and Vectoring Contract. This, is, for dumping f6. es, associated with Graharn, Road' [andfill. Membership / Prof'essional Licenses 425 APWA (2 x $' 3 266 1 lWastewater, Operator Certificate '50 1: PE ficense, + Misc 109 1 Conference Reqistr-a,tionsi 1,300 G11S, or, I Python Rellated Training Seminars 10,00 6109�MIMI Une Item Detall 210113 �AP`W, A, CoMierence 300 IGIS or Python Related Training Seminars Blectricity - Euc,lid Factfity 61600 This, Ji s a e stil aiia te of" the cli a rg es fili e5 ectri city at the Ma 1 nte n a n ce Fad I i ty at 17002, E. E u cl 1 d 12 month average of $1100 per monthor $13,200, ,per year. TIi s pal f /2,Street and 11/2 Storm Sewer lid F,acflity 300 Sewer chargesat the Maintenance Facility Jocated at 17002 E. ELIcild., 'The, cost is , 0 per month and is, paid! for 1/2 by street and 1/2 by, r" ate Repair and Ma"Jintenianice - Eucfid Facility 19,200, IAH expenses, are shared, 5-0/50 Mth the Street Fund Bufldjng� Cleaning, 2X Moritf,ity, $300 per il"t'lionith J,, 180, oil G arbag e Se rvice 106 8, 'Industrial Park Dues 1, 110 Yearly, F'urna,ce Cleaned 500, SprltiRer System Upgrade 1500 Sate I ni prove rn e n ts, required by 'the City - Seale 10(0 0 0 Contingency 3222.'� Taxes and Assiessments, 4,,000 Ecology Permlit 23,0100 ,Yearlycost of operating under the Diepartunent of Ecology Stoirmwater, lmiprov,e � Capital Outlay 1 200,000 t This 'is the eLima e for the,, Small Works Prpjects to be completed in 2013., Thiswill repair miulfilple *ainage problems throughout the city based on 'SAREF score. I rite rfund'Transfer- General FUrild OH 13il,400 Vehicle Replacement Fug d Total Stormilwater 1859s424 930� 001 016 000.512.50.51.02 000.512.81.52.00 000.515.21.51.01 000.515.21.51.02 000.515.21.51.03 000.515.21.51.04 000.521.20.51.01 000.523.20.51.04 000.523.60.51.02 000.523.60.51.04 000.525.60.51.03 000.528.60.51.05 000.539.30.51.02 000.598.21.52.01 000.598.21.52.02 000.598.21,52.03 000.598.21.52.05 000.598.21.52.06 000.598.21.52.07 000.598.21.52.08 General Fund Public Safety Intergovernmental Services District Court Contract Intergovernmental Payments Public Defender Prosecutor Pretrail Services Prosecutor - Funded by JAG Grant Law Enforcement (Sheriff) Work Release (Geiger) Jail: Geiger County Contracted Services Jail - Geiger Corrections Center Emergency Management Communications Animal Control Nighttime Seatbelt Patrol Overtime Hwy 27 Traffic Safety Overtime X -52 DUI Overtime Drive Hammered - get nailed grant Traffic Safety Emergency Child Car Seat Overtime Slow Down or Pay Up Interfund Payments for Service 000.597.20.95.04 Building Replacement Costs 000.597.19.98.05 Interfund Transfer to 123 Total Public Safety 4 LEW .M ..:: 1,098,465 1,071,588 898$75 0 0 705,375 582,643 672,894 484,799 430,074 3931219 144,713 128,393 125,838 97 0 0 16,885,482 16,422,754 16,599,835 795,160 0 0 689,636 1,333,131 1,301,540 0 0 59,622 84,970 82,291 190,738 271,154 208,151 306,923 315,516 268,351 3,000 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,943 7,500 0 0 0 0 2,436 3,000 0 2,734 3,000 0 21,376,123 20,657,723 20,550,494 77,600 0 0 80,000 80,800 77,600 80,000 80,800 22,495,784 22,000,000 22,2201000 . 1.00 % (2.86 %) (5.72 %) (8.58 %) Page 2 of 2 Public Safety — Potential Program Changes f Cost Reductions Reduction 3% ($634,992) • Contingency reduced by $284,799. • Public Defender services reduced by $172,894 through managed competition *. • Prosecutor Services reduced $93,219 through managed competition. • Pre -Trial Services reduced $55,838 through managed competition. • Animal Control reduced $28,351 through regional partnership/managed competition. * Managed competition allows public and private service providers to compete against each other to maximize the value and efficiency of the service provided. Reduction 6% ($1,270,184) • Contingency reduced by $367,735. • Public Defender services reduced by $172,,894 through managed competition . • Prosecutor Services reduced $93,219 through managed competition. • Pre -Trial Services reduced $55,838 through managed competition. • Animal Control reduced $28,351 through regional partnership/managed competition. • Law Enforcement Services reduced $160,032 by reducing maintenance and operation costs. • Jail costs reduced $301,540 though the greater use of alternatives to incarceration such as electronic home monitoring, day reporting, out of- custody work crew and community service. • Communications costs reduced $9,775 through reduction of maintenance and operations costs. • Precinct Building replacement costs of $80,,800 are removed. Reduction 9% ($1,905,588) • Contingency reduced by $367,735. • Public Defender services reduced by $172,,894 through managed competition . • Prosecutor Services reduced $93,219 through managed competition. • Pre -Trial Services reduced $55,838 through managed competition. • Animal Control reduced $28,351 through regional partnership/managed competition. • Law Enforcement Services reduced $462,136 by reducing maintenance and operation costs and overhead costs. If further reductions are needed K9 and Marine Patrol will be examined. Patrol, Traffic and Investigative Services will remain intact. • Jail costs reduced $634,,840 though the greater use of alternatives to incarceration such as electronic home monitoring, day reporting, out of custody work crew and community service. Additional savings will be achieved by utilizing lower cost incarceration options. • Communications costs reduced $9,775 through reduction of maintenance and operations costs. • Precinct Building replacement costs of $80,800 are removed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . ..... ... . ..... W 11 W1111111-- -,'Ili Mot =11 ... ...... . . ........... .. ...... . . ..... .. ""' , '111 MUTE 1C, 90 ... . . ...... . ....... . ......... . ......... . ..... . . . . . ... . ........ . .. ....... ... .. . . ...... .. ... . . ......... N ....... .. .. . . PROJECTED GENERAL, FUND — FUND BALARCE, In the 2012 General �Fund budget we anticipate the end*ngfund, balan,ce will be $25,1640,,608,, which represents,73.98% of'recurring expenditures. und 7und balan balance ce % Endf�f Relcurring expenditures ,73,98% $25156400 608 $340660A00 gg, jgm 'Julagg g 444 W--W kVS,V-FS,21Us,ersW, iralhourA.Budg-, etsAR111nd Balanoel,001 Fund,Balbnco.dam Pa,g e 1 11, Minimum General Fund Balance Re ired to meet cash Flow Needs It is necessary to maintain a minimum fund balance to meet cash flow needs and to do so one must have a sense of the timing of cash receipts and disbursements. In General Fund operations most revenues (cash receipts) and expenditures (cash disbursements) typically take place in a relatively predictable manner with approximately 1/12 occurring each month. Two important exceptions to this rule are the timing of receipts related to A) property tax collections and B) remittances from the State of Washing on, A) Property Takes • Property taxes are collected by the County in two installments each year with deadlines that fall on April 30th and October 315t. The County then remits to the City its share of property taxes with about 30% of collections arriving in May and November and the remaining 20% of collections arriving in June and December. • The 2012 City property tax levy is $10,808,900. Because we receive this in two installments in essentially May and November we run a "cash deficit" equal to one -half of the levy amount in those months or $5,404,450. Cash deficit Annual re er tax levy 2 $5.34043450 =- $101 808, 900 2 B) Remittances from the State of Washing on • There is a time lag between when the State of Washington collects various taxes and when they remit them to the City (i.e. sales taxes, motor vehicle fuel taxes, criminal justice disbursements, liquor profits and excise tax, hotel /motel taxes, etc.). • The City accrues these revenues with a one -month time lag which means the revenue is recorded as revenue one -month earlier than when it is actually received (for example, the December 2011 revenue accrual of the January 2012 State remittance was approximately $1,600,000. Together, these two revenue sources necessitate that the City maintain a minimum General Fund fund balance of $7,004,450 or 20.21 % of recurring General Fund expenditures in order to simply meet cash flow needs. This is computed as follows: ... . .................................... ............................... Cash Flow Reauirement llSV- FS2lUserslmcalhounlBudgetslFund Balancel44I Fund Balance. docx Page 2 2) Minimum General Fund Balance Re uired for Operations This is often measured by months of operating expenses on hand. Assuming expenses are incurred evenly throughout the year and that the 2012 operating budget is $34,660,400, then: The fund balance equivalent to 1 -month of operations is: $34, 660,400 x 1 l` 1 2 $2;888.3EZ The fund balance equivalent to 2- months of operations is; $34,660,400 x 2 l 12 = $ COMBINED MINIMUM FUND BALANCE NEEDS FOR CASH FLOW AND OPERATIONS Combining the fund balance required to meet cash flow needs and operations yields the following results. Combined minimum fund balance (cash flow + 1 month operating) Cash Flow = 20.21 % $7, 004,450 1 -month of operations = 8.33%. $2,888,367 28.54 % $918921817 Combined minimum fund balance (cash flow + Cash Flow = 20.21 °Io 2 -month of operations = 16.67% 2 months operating) $7,004,450 $5)7761733 36. $12)7811183 88 °Io My recommendation would be to maintain a fund balance that is no less than the equivalent of our cash flow requirement and two months of operations, or in this case approximately 36% of our recurring expenditures or $12,800,000. Further, any discussions regarding expending any fund balance in excess of 36% should consider the City's future needs including holding onto money for economic investment opportunities, emergencies, and perhaps capital needs such as a new City Hall building or Sullivan Street Bridge replacement. IISV- FS2lUserslmealheunlBudgetslFund Balaneel001 Fund Balanee.deex Page 3 M5V-FS2\,Userskmca.thour�\Bud\g-e-ts'-,OO:L rev exp %11 history CITY OF SPOKANE VALLE� VVA Gerveral Fund SummaTy of Revenues, altnee Actual fbr the- years ended'Decelmber 31, 2W4 thmugh 2011 and, Budget fdr- 2012 DO 41%0WCIC 25oOCY0400 '2Q.000,ODD Upenditures En.dinc, fund balance 15,0M000- I Q M 0, E 220041 2OG5 2-005 2 000 7 -00 SIR 2 Source of Mone to Construct IAcquire a City Hall Buildin LTGO Bonds 83101000 General Fund cash 81890,000 15,000,000 Based upon the 2013 Budget worksheets, annual utility costs are estimated as follows; e .. ..... . "U Electricity /Gas '; $55,100 ' $85,000 Water $6,500 '' $10,000 Sewer $6,800 $10,500 Garbage $6,300 $9,700 The City would also expect to incur grounds maintenance and snow removal costs which I'll estimate at $25,000 per year. Annual maintenance costs would likely be relatively little in the early years of the structure and would of course increase as the facility ages. For the sake of this analysis I'll assume an annual cost of $25,000. All totaled, the aforementioned items would result in an annual cost of $179,800. At this early stage this is obviously a very rough estimate and could be more or less depending upon the size of any structure either built or acquired as well as the size of the parcel upon which the building rested. 11SV- FS21Userslmca1houn1City DepartmentskFinance12012 06 06 City Hall replacement memo. docx Page 2 1 2013 485,440 4,7 33600 111,840 2 201 4 497oS76 473,600 2,31,976 3 2015 510,t a15 473,600 36,415 4 20 16, 522,765 4731600 49,165 5 2011 7 5351834 473,600 6,,20234 6 2018 5491,230 473,16,00 75,630 7 2019 562,9,61 i, 73,1600 89,361 8 20,,20 577,0,35 473,600 10,30435 9 2021 5,91,461 473,600 117, 8,61 1,10 2,022,, 6061248 473,600 132o6,48 11 2,023 6,21o4 1. _ '14T804 '12 2,024 636o 939 4,73,600, 1163,339 13 2,025 6520862 473,16,00 179,262, 14, 2026 6690 184 473j600 195584 15 2027' 6 8,51,9 1 14 47,31600 212t3l,4 16 2028 703�062 4730600 229,1462, '17 21029 720,639 473,6010 247,1,039 118 2030 7,38,655 473160,0 265, 055 19 2031 7570 12 1 4,73o6O,O 283,521 20 2032 776 049 473X10 3021,1449 21, 201133 79514,60 47,3w6,00 321 1, 8 5 0, 22, 2034, 815,336 473600 341,7316 23 2035' 18315p719 473v6,00 362 J, ,24 2036 85606,12 473060,0 12, 25 2037 878oO27 473,600 4104,427 2,6 2038 89901978 473,116,00 426,378 ,27 2039, 922,477 47311�6,00 448,877 ,28 2040 94,51539 473,600 471193 9 29 2041 969,0177 473�600 495,577 30 2042 99,311,1406 473,600 519,806 2 12 11,15' 14t208tOOO 71 104111115 Presentlalue 11 412 1 9,,t 83 1 'l 00 16014,01 4,059,43t 1 2. An added benefit to ownerslliip rather than leasing is that, once the bondsare entirely repallid. we llbera,tet4eannual payment of $473,,600 for other General Fund u1ses. UP Depatin7ei7ts,,'�Finiancek2O1'2 0,6 06 City HA t�oep,la,ce,n7e/7t't-,i7e,r7i,o,.docx,, Page 3 Conclusion At least in the early years, and likely throughout the next 30 years, the annual cost of a lease payment alone would be less than the combined cost of an annual bond payment plus the annual cost of operations, cost however cannot be the only factor considered when evaluating whether it is better to lease or own. Other issues that might be considered include: Depending upon where a city ball structure was located it could serve as an investment in the community that could help to jump start economic development. Additionally, having all city departments under one roof in a facility specifically designed to serve our citizens would improve customer service and potentially lay a foundation that invites business to our city. 11SV- FS21UserslmcalhounIC ty DepartmentslFlnancel2012 06 06 City Hall replacement memo. docx Page 4