Resolution 04-005 Designating Bidder, Authorizing Contract for CenterPlace N N CiTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 04-005 A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON DESIGNATING THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CENTERPLACE AT MIRABEAU POINT PARK WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley is a non-charter code city of the State of Washington operating under RCW Title 35A; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35A.40.200 the City has the authority to make public improvements and to perform public.works under the authority provided for by general law, including but not limited to, the provisions of RCW Chapter 39.04 (Public Works), RCW Chapter 39.08 (Contractor Bonds), RCW Chapter 39.12 (Prevailing Wages) and RCW Chapter 60.28 relating to liens for materials and labor performed; and WHEREAS, the City through bid documents titled "CenterPlace at Mirabeau Point Park" issued on January 30, 2004 and made available for public inspection on February 4,2004 (the"Bid Documents") has received bids and desires to award a contract for the work generally described as the construction of CenterPlace at Mirabeau Point Park; and WHEREAS, Staff has evaluated the bids based, in part, upon the following criteria, where applicable: (a) The price quoted to perform the work; (b) The ability, capacity and skill of the contractor to perform the work; (c) The compliance of the contractor with the Bid Documents and the laws relating to the contract; and (d) Other information that is relevant to the award of the contract; and WHEREAS, following evaluation of the bids, the Director of Public Works finds the below- named bidder to be the lowest responsible bidder and recommends award of the work in the Bid Documents through a contract(the `Contract") ; and WHEREAS, the Council desires to proceed with the work identified in the Bid Documents and award the Contract to the lowest responsible bidder as reflected on Attachment "A" which is the Bid Tabulation Form prepared on behalf of the Director of Public Works. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County Washington as follows: The City acknowledges the lowest responsible bidder to be Mooney and Pugh Contractors,Inc. as indicated by the submitted bid (the "Bid"). The City Manager or Designee is authorized to send an award letter to the lowest responsible bidder and cause a Contract and related Contract Bonds to be executed on behalf of and for the benefit of the City. The Contract and Contract Bonds shall: (a) be in a form substantially similar to the Contract and Bond requirements contained in the Bid Documents; (b) comply with all requirements of State law, City Ordinance and the Bid Documents; (c) be signed by the City Manager and approved by the City Attorney; and (d)be filed with the City Clerk. Resolution 04-005 Accepting Centerl'lace.Bid Page 1 of 2 S 'Phis Resolution is an acknowledgement that the City has received an offer to make a contract through the Bid. Upon execution of a Contract For the work set forth in the Bid Documents, the City will be deemed to have iccept,ed the Bid and the work will proceed according to the Contract. Adop[ed this 23'd day of March, 2004. • - Attest:: City of Spokane Valley I _ I Christine Bainbridge, pity Clerk Michael De lerning, 11ayor Approved as to form: y . S . va z, City A. ,orney Rcsoltuior'04-405 Acccpting e, [ed}Iace Bid Page 2 oft Attachment A • • n BID TABULATION-Centerpiaco at Mirabeau Point Park • PROJECT NO. 04-001 Valley BID OPENING DATE March 2,2004,3:00 P.M. Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Grand Rank I Contractors Bid I Tax I Total Bid I Tax I Total Bid I Tax I Total Total Architect's Estimate $ 7,053,639 $ 571,345 S 7,624,994 $ 164,763 $ 13,346 S 178,109 $ 159,803 S 12,944 $ 172,747 $ 7,975,840 1 Mooney 8 Pugh Contractors,Inc. $ 6,793,000 $ 550,233 $ 7,343,233 $ 98,645 $ 7,990 $ 106,635 S 129,689 S 10,505 $ 140,194 $ 7,590.062 2 Associated Construction,Inc.' 5 6,690,01S $ 556,091 $ 7,448,106 $ 99,992 $ 8,099 $ 108,091 $ 119,926 $ 9,714 S 129,640 $ 7,685,838 3. Levemier Construction,Inc. $ 7,007,000 $ 567,567 $ 7,574,567 $ 70,100 S 5,679 $ 75,778 $ 129.800 $ 10,514 $ 140,314 $ 7,700,659 4 Lydig Construction,Inc. 5 6,971,700 $ 564,708 $ 7,536,408 $ 121,000 $ 9,801 $ 130,801 $ 1111719 $ 9,454 $ 126,173 $ 7,793,382 5 Northwestern Construction of WA $ 6,979,713 $ 565,357 $ 7,545,070 $ 99,611 $ 6,088 5 107,679 $ 133,468 $ 10,811 S 144,277 S 7,797,026 6 Leone&Keehle,Inc. $ 7,020,851 S 568,689 $ 7,589,540 $ 140,989 $ 11,420 $ 152,409 $ 113,480 $ 9,597 $ 128.077 $ 7,870,026 7 1W Clark Construction,LLC. $ 6.968,040 S 584,411 $ 7,532,451 $ 217,400 $ 17,609 $ 235,009 $ 124,200 $ 10,060 $ 134.260• S 7,901,721 8 Shea Graham Construction,Inc. $ 7,057,041 5 571,620 $ 7,628,661 $ 128,026 $ 10,370 S 138,396 $ 127,187 $ 10,301 $ 137,468 S 7,904,525 9 Ootrlen Construction Company $ 7.042,027 $ 570,404 S 7,612,431 $ 189,223 $ 15,327 S 204,550 $ 150,140 S 12,161 $ 162,301 S 7,979,283 10 Garcia Cor stmclion,Inc. 5 7,049,000 $ 570,963 $ 7,619,989 $ 230,000 $ 18,630 $ 248,630 S 160,000 S 12.9150 $ 172,960 $ 8,041.559 • 'Note:Calculation for sales tax on Bid Item 1 was corrected from£60,846(as indkated in their bid)to$558,091 • • • •