Resolution 04-012 Designating Change Order Authority CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ..RESOLUTION NO.04-012 A.RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OIL CHANGE ORDERS AND/OR EXTRA WORK IN CONTRACTS WITH THE CITY WHEREAS, the City of Spokane 'Valley has established procedures liar the purchase of goods, supplies; materials and equipment, architectural and engineering services and the procurement ofpublic works pursuant to the general law of the State; WHEREAS, to facilitate the business of the City and provide for the convenience of persons and entities who provide goods or services to the City, the City has authorized the City Manager to execute contracts for the above matters in such amounts as established by Resolution; WHEREAS, the City Manager, as the Chief Executive Officer of the City, is authorized by state law to manage the administrative affairs of the City including the proper execution of work performed pursuant to contract with the City; WHEREAS, it is often necessary as a result of unforeseen, emergency or changed conditions to modify the scope of work performed under contract with the City in a prompt and timely matter to protect the best interest of the City; WHEREAS, it is a common business practice to execute change orders and/or requests for extra work during the course of a project; and WHEREAS, through this Resolution the City Council authorizes and grants authority to the City Manager to issue change orders and/or requests for extra work as set forth herein, NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane. Valley. Spokane County, Washington as follows: Change Orders/Extra Work_ Where the City has entered into a contract that relates to the purchase of goodi, supplies, materials or equipment, architectural and/or engineering services, or the procurement of a public work pursuant to state law, the City Manager may issue a change order or request For extra work. The City Manager may authorize changes in the work or services set forth in the contract documents where there are changed conditions, a requirement that extra work or service be performed or such other circumstances that necessitate a modification to the contract. Changed conditions shall for purposes of this Resolution be defined as the presence of unforeseeable conditions which could not have reasonably been anticipated by either party to the contract. The determination of changed conditions shall be made pursuant to the reasonable discretion of the City Manager. Where there are changed conditions; the scope of the work, procurement or service may be modified to serve the best interest of the.City. In addition, extra work, regardless of a changed condition, may be ordered by the City Manager in order to accomplish the purpose and intent of the Contract with the City, Any finding of a changed condition, authorization for extra work or other matter relating to the authority in this Resolution shall not exceed the budgeted amount(or appropriation) for the contract, Resolution 04-012 Dcsi¢nating Change Order Aulhorirr Page 1 or2 work, procurement or services to be performed for the benefit of the City. Any change order or increase in the scope of work or service that exceeds $50,000.00 per project,service or purchase shall require the approval of the City Council. . Effective Date, This Resolution shat] be in Full force and effect on the date it is adopted. • Adopted this 27'n day of-April, 2004_ Attest: City of Spokane Valley ,..ia tild , _Christine Bainbridge, pity Clerk Michael Devleming; M yor Approved as to form: Star eyM. 'cl artr, Inter'm City Attorney • Resolution 04-012 Designating Change Order Authority Page 2 of 2