Resolution 04-019 Approving 2005-2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program • CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 04-019 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2005-2010 SLX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. WHEREAS, to provide for the proper and necessary development of the street system within the City of Spokane Valley, the City shall, as required by State law, develop and adopt annually a Six Year Transportation Improvement Program ("TIP") with such program acting as a guide for the coordinated development of the City's transportation system; • WHEREAS, the TIP of the City shall specifically set forth those projects and programs of both City and regional significance that benefit the transportation system and promote public safety and efficient vehicle movements; WHEREAS, the TIP shall be consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan and be adopted following one or more public hearings before the City Council; WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on June 22, 2004 for the purpose of inviting and receiving public comment on the proposed TIP; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act, the adoption of the Six Year Street Plan is a nonproject action which has received proper and timely environmental review by the City. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington,as follows: The City Council hereby adopts the attached TIP for the City of Spokane Valley for the purpose of guiding the design, development and construction of local and regional transportation improvements for the years 2005 through 2010. The City Clerk is directed to file the 2005-2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program with the Washington State Secretary of Transportation not later than June 30. The TIP shall be reviewed at least annually for the purpose of determining the work to be accomplished under the program and the City transportation requirements. Adopted this 22nd day of June,2004. City of Spokane Valley ....____a Cb Michael DeVleming, Mayor AI' , Si _ . Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk App ved a, N AAAAA - II! �, Cary P riskell, Dg : City Attorney Resolution 04.019 Adopting Six-Year'Transportation Program Page 1 of I s okane Valley City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Adopted 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2005 Annual Construction Program GLOSSARY AND ABBREVIATIONS Functional Classification: Bridge Program Special 14 STP-Surface Transportation Program. Individual funds Rural: Transit Capital Project 21 are designated by the letters in parenthesis that follow 7 Major Collector Transit Operational Project 22 the initials"STP": 8 Minor Collector Transit Planning 23 (U) Urban improvements 9 Access Transit training/Admin 24 (R) Rural improvements Urban: (C) Competitive funding 14 Principal Non-Capital Improve. 31 (E) Enhancement improvement 16 Minor Non Motor Vehicle 32 (S) Safety improvements 17 Collector 19 Access CO: Box is checked if the project lies within the Carbon State assistance: TPP, AIP, and PSMP are Program Item Number: A number assigned for Monoxide non-attainment area administered by the Transportation Improvement Board. tracking purposes TPP-Transportation Partnership Program AIP-Arterial Improvement Program Fund Status: PSMP: Pedestrian Safety Mobility Program Work Method: S- Project is subject to funding selection Other State-Other state funds C- Indicates work is to be done by contract P- Project is listed for planning purposes only D- Indicates work to be done by City forces. N- Indicates a non-capital project. Util Code: Utilities that would be impacted by the project Environmental: C Cable TV S-Significant Impacts under SEPA anticipated G Gas I-Insignificant Environmental Impact anticipated 0 Other P Power S Sewer Work Types: T Telephone New construction 01 W Water Relocation 02 Reconstruction 03 Major Widening 04 Funding Sources: Minor W 05 Federal assistance: These funds are authorized under Mi Mnor Widening Enhancements 05 the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century(TEA- 21)and are administered by the Federal Highway New Bridge Const 08 Administration through the Washington State Bridge Replacement 09 Department of Transportation and the Metropolitan Bridge Rehabilitation 10 Planning Organization (SRTC). Minor Bridge Rehab 11 BR- Bridge replacement projects Safety/Traffic Oper/TSM 12 CMAQ-Congestion Management and Air Quality Environmentally Related 13 Other Fed-Other federal funds. City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: 6/22/2004 Adoption Date: 6!22/2004 Env,Assess. Date 614/2004 Resolution No, 04-019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2005 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len(mi) Type O Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total Street Improvements . 1 Pines/Mansfield I 03 Q P 09 Mansfield Ave Wilbur Road Pines Road 02964 0,00 14 Pines Rd Pines&Indiana West bound on ramp 0.00 C City 27 15 12 0 27 C TPP 1,060 95 260 705 1,060 C STP(U) 499 0 0 499 499 C Other Sta 28 25 3 0 28 C Other 238 0 0 238 238 This project will reconfigure the WB ramps of 1-90 at SR27. It will also widen and 135 275 1,442 1,852 reconstruct Mansfield Ave.from Wilbur Rd.to SR27 to a 3-lane roadway with curb,gutter Prelim.Engineering,Right-of-Way,Construction 2 Barker Rd Reconstruct-Boone to Spokane River I 03 U P 14 Barker Road Boone Spokane River Bridg 00230 0.69 C City 215 0 130 85 215 C AIP 891 0 520 371 891 C Other 8 0 0 8 8 _ Reconstruct to a four-lane curbed arterial with center turn lane, 0 650 464 1,114 Right-of-Way,Construction 4 Appleway Road S 03 Li P CPT 14 Appleway Road Tschirley Road Hodges Road 00031 1.26 C City 30 14 16 0 30 C STP(U) 186 86 100 0 186 Reconstruct to a five-lane urban arterial - 100 116 0 216 Prelim.Engineering,Right-of-Way Printed: 6/25/2004 1 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: 6!2212004 Adoption Date: 6/22/2004 Env.Assess.Date 6/4/2004 Resolution No. 04-019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2005 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj#1 Len(mi) Type O Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total 5 8th Avenue Reconstruction I 03 0 S CTPGSW 16 8th Avenue Havana Street Park Road 0.00 C City 153 39 114 0 153 C STP(U) 983 252 731 0 983 Reconstruct 8th Ave.to a three lane section with curb,gutter,sidewalks and bike lanes. 291 845 0 1,136 Prelim.Engineering,Right-of-Way 6 Sullivan Road North Extension(Bigelow Gulch) S 03 iJ P TGP 08 Bigelow Gulch Road Forker Road 8 Progress Wellesley Road 03788 0.91 C City 5 4 1 0 5 C TPP 196 173 23 0 196 C County 44 6 0 50 C STP(U) 76 67 9 0 76 Rewconstruct and widen the Sullivan Road extension north also known as Bigelow Gulch 288 39 0 327 Road to a 4-lane roadway with 8-foot shoulders and a 12-foot two way left turn lane. Prelim.Engineering,Right-of-Way _ 7 Broadway Avenue Rehabilitation I 06 U S 14 Broadway Avenue Bates Road Sullivan Road 0324 2A7 • C City 110 11 0 99 110 ; C STP(U) 702 70 0 632 702 • - Grind and overlay 2.46 miles,50"wide,4 lanes to a depth of 2"from mile marker 4.58 to 81 0 731 812 Sullivan Road. Prelim,Engineering,Construction 8 Wellesley Avenue Rehabilitation I 06 ,J S 16 Wellesley Avenue Sunnyvale Road Flora Road 05249 0.27 C City 47 5 0 42 47 C STP(U) 297 30 0 267 297 Remove,replace and widen 0.33 miles of roadway. 35 0 309 344 Prelim.Engineering,Construction Printed: 6!2512004 2 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: 6122/2004 Adoption Date: 6/22/2004 Env.Assess.Date 6/4/2004 Resolution No. 04019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2005 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work c Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len(mi) Type O Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total 9 Park Road Rehabilitation I 06 e2 S 16 Park Road Sprague Avenue Broadway Avenue 03714 0.50 C City 22 2 0 20 22 C STP(U) 142 14 0 128 142 Grind&overlay 0.5 miles.32'wide,2 lanes to a depth of 2 inchesfrom Sprague Avenue 16 0 148 164 to Broadway Avenue. Prelim.Engineering,Construction 10 Dishman Mica Road Rehabilitation I 06 J P Dishman-Mica Rd 1st Avenue Sprague Avenue 0.00 C STP(U) 34 3 0 31 34 Remove and replace 0.09 miles,62'wide(2 lanes)to a depth of 2" 3 0 31 34 Street Improvements Projects Total: 2,919 2,175 246 609 953 1,925 6,751 9,629 Printed: 6/2512004 3 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: 6/22/2004 Adoption Date: 6/22!2004 Env.Assess.Date 6/4/2004 Resolution No. 04-019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2005 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len(mi) Type 0 Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total Bridge Construction 3 Barker Road Bridge I 09 ❑ S T 14 Barker Road Q Spokane River #5503 0.10 C BR 47 44 3 0 47 C BR 187 175 12 0 187 Replace bridge over the Spokane River. 219 15 0 234 Prelim.Engineering,Right-of-Way Bridge Construction Projects Total: 234 219 15 0 234 Total Program for 2005 3,153 2,175 246 609 1,172 1,940 6,751 9,863 Printed: 6/25/2004 4 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: 6/22/2004 Adoption Date: 6/2212004 Env.Assess.Date 6/4/2004 Resolution No. 04-019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2006 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len(mi) Type 0 Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total Street Improvements . 1 Pines/Mansfield I 03 d P 09 Mansfield Ave Wilbur Road Pines Road 02964 0.00 14 Pines Rd Pines&Indiana West bound on ramp 0.00 C TPP 778 0 0 778 778 C STP(U) 466 0 0 466 466 C Other Sta 0 0 0 0 0 • C Other 262 0 0 262 262 This project will reconfigure the WB ramps of 1-90 at SR27. It will also widen and 0 0 1,506 1,506 reconstruct Mansfield Ave.from Wilbur Rd.to SR27 to a 3-lane roadway with curb,gutter Construction 2 Barker Rd Reconstruct-Boono to Spokane River I 03 Lt P 14 Barker Road Boone Spokane River Bridg 00230 0.69 C City 253 0 0 253 253 C AIP 1,115 0 0 1,115 1,115 C Other 26 0 0 26 26 Reconstruct to a four-lane curbed arterial with center turn lane. 0 0 1,394 1,394 Construction 4 Apploway Road S 03 Q P CPT 14 Appleway Road Tschirtey Road Hodges Road 00031 1.26 C Gity 180 13 40 127 180 C STP(U) 1,151 80 260 811 1,151 Reconstruct to a five-lane urban arterial 93 300 938 1,331 Prelim. Engineering,Right-of-Way,Construction • Printed: 6/25/2004 5 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: 6/22/2004 Adoption Date: 6/22/2004 Env.Assess.Date 6/4/2004 Resolution No. 04-019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2006 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len(mi) Type 0 Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total 5 8th Avenue Reconstruction I 03 U S CTPGSW 16 8th Avenue Havana Street Park Road 0.00 C City 245 0 0 245 245 - C STP(U) 1,575 0 0 1,575 1,575 Reconstruct 8111 Ave.to a three lane section with curb,gutter,sidewalks and bike lanes. 0 0 1,820 1,820 Construction 6 Sullivan Road North Extension(Bigelow Gulch) S 03 ■ P TGP 08 Bigelow Gulch Road Forker Road&Progress Wellesley Road 03788 0.91 C City 1 0 1 0 1 C County 0 14 0 14 C TPP 58 0 58 0 58 C STP(U) 23 0 23 0 23 Rewconstruct and widen the Sullivan Road extension north also known as Bigelow Gulch 0 96 0 96 Road to a 4-lane roadway with 8-foot shoulders and a 12-foot two way left turn lane. Right-of-Way 11 Valley Couplet-Project 2 • 2883 S 01 S 14 Sprague Ave University Rd Evergreen Rd 04538 2.02 14 2nd Avenue University Rd Evergreen Rd 00001 2.02 C City 50 12 38 0 50 C TPP 480 120 360 0 480 C STP(U) 292 69 223 0 292 Construct multi-lane facility with curbs and sidewalks. Remove islands on Sprague 201 621 0 822 Avenue and restripe. Prelim.Engineering,Right-of-Way 12 Evergreen Road I 03 kJ P . 14 Evergreen Rd 32nd Avenue 16th Avenue 01170 1.00 C City 100 40 60 0 100 C AIP 400 160 240 0 400 Reconstruct and widen to three lanes 200 300 0 500 Preliminary Engineering Printed: 6/25/2004 6 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: 6/22/2004 Adoption Date: 6/22/2004 Env,Assess.Date 6/4/2004 Resolution No. 04-019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2006 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len( ) Type 0 Stet Meth Fund Source mi T Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total 13 Bridging the Valley-Park Road/BNSF Grade Sep I 03 Q S 14 Park Road Indiana Avenue Montgomery Ave. 03714 0.20 C Other Fed 2,204 944 1,260 0 2,204 C Other Sta 123 53 70 0 123 C Other 123 53 70 0 123 Reconstruct Park Road to separate the grades of Park Road and the BNSF railroad 1,050 1,400 0 2,450 tracks. Prelim.Engineering,Right-of-Way,Construction _ 14 Barker Road-Spokane River to Euclid Avenue I 03 II P 14 Barker Road Spokane River Euclid Avenue 00230 0.56 C City 18 10 8 0 18 C STP(U) 122 67 55 0 122 Reconstruct to a three-lane curbed arterial 77 63 0 140 Prelim.Engineering,Right-of-Way _ 16 Flora Rd/SR290 Minor Intersection Improvements I 12 U P 16 Flora Rd SR290 SR290 01345 0.00 C City 2 1 0 1 2 C Other Sta 11 1 0 10 11 Construct raised curb channelization on SR290 to eliminate NBL 8 SBL movements 2 0 11 13 Prelim.Engineering.Construction Street Improvements Projects Total: 5,833 2,965 411 8491,623 2,780 5,669 10,072 Printed: 6125/2004 7 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: 6/22/2004 Adoption Date: 6!22/2004 Env.Assess.Date 6/4/2004 Resolution No. 04-019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2006 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj Len(mi) Type Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total YP O Stat Meth Fund Source Bridge Construction 3 Barker Road Bridge I 09 El S T 14 Barker Road @ Spokane River #5503 0.10 C BR 47 44 3 0 47 C BR 187 175 12 0 187 Replace bridge over the Spokane River. 219 15 0 234 Prelim. Engineering,Right-of-Way __ 15 Sullivan Road West Bridge I 03 J P 14 Sullivan Road @ Spokane River #4511-S 04597 0.22 C BR 348 320 28 0 348 C BR 87 80 7 0 87 Reconstruct and widen west bridge 400 35 0 435 Prelim. Engineering, Right-of-Way _ Bridge Construction Projects Total: 669 619 50 0 669 Total Program for 2006 6,502 2,965 411 849 2,242 2,830 5,669 10,741 Printed: 6/25/2004 8 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: 6/22/2004 Adoption Date: 6/2212004 Env.Assess.Date 6/4/2004 Resotution No. 04-019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2007 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len(mi) Type 0 Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Con.st Total Street Improvements 4 Appleway Road S 03 El P CPT 14 Appleway Road Tscliirley Road Hodges Road 00031 1.26 C City 223 0 0 223 223 C STP(U) 1,427 0 0 1,427 1,427 Reconstruct to a five-lane urban arterial 0 0 1,650 1,650 Construction __ _ ___ _ 5 8th Avenue Reconstruction I 03 1g,1 S CTPGSW 16 8th Avenue Havana Street Park Road 0.00 C City 245 0 0 245 245 C STP(U) 1,575 0 0 1,575 1,575 Reconstruct 8th Ave.to a three lane section with curb,gutter,sidewalks and bike lanes. 0 0 1,820 1,820 Construction 6 Sullivan Road North Extension(Bigelow Gulch) S 03 A P TGP 08 Bigelow Gulch Road Forker Road&Progress Wellesley Road 03788 0.91 C City 36 0 0 36 36 C TPP 1,451 0 0 1,451 1,451 - - C County 0 0 366 366 C STP(U) 565 0 0 565 565 Rewconstruct and widen the Sullivan Road extension north also known as Bigelow Gulch 0 0 2,418 2,418 Road to a 4-lane roadway with 8-foot shoulders and a 12-foot two way left turn lane. Construdion Printed: 6/25/2004 9 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: 6/22/2004 Adoption Date: 6122!2004 Env.Assess.Date 6/4/2004 Resolution No. 04-019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2007 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len(mi) Type O Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total 11 Valley Couplet-Project 2 2883 S 01 J S 14 Sprague Ave University Rd Evergreen Rd 04538 2.02 14 2nd Avenue University Rd Evergreen Rd 00001 2.02 C City 50 12 38 0 50 C TPP 480 120 360 0 480 C STP(U) 292 69 223 0 292 Construct multilane facility with curbs and sidewalks. Remove islands on Sprague 201 621 0 822 Avenue and restripe. Prelim. Engineering,Right-of-Way 12 Evergreen Road I 03 L�� P 14 Evergreen Rd 32nd Avenue 16th Avenue 01170 1.00 C City 180 0 180 0 180 C AIP 720 0 720 0 720 Reconstruct and widen to three lanes 0 900 0 900 Right-of-way appraisals&acquistion 13 Bridging the Valley-Park Road/BNSF Grade Sep I 03 2 S 14 Park Road Indiana Avenue Montgomery Ave. 03714 0.20 C Other Fed 6,343 316 1,260 4,767 6,343 C Other Sta 352 17 70 265 352 _. C Other 352 17 70 265 352 Reconstruct Park Road to separate the grades of Park Road and the BNSF railroad 350 1,400 5,297 7,047 tracks. Prelim.Engineering,Right-of-Way,Construction 14 Barker Road-Spokane River to Euclid Avenue I 03 U P 14 Barker Road Spokane River Euclid Avenue 00230 0.56 C City 25 0 25 0 25 C STP(U) 163 0 163 0 163 Reconstruct to a three-lane curbed arterial 0 188 0 188 Right-of-Way _ T _ Printed: 6/2512004 10 • City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: 6122/2004 Adoption Date: 6/22/2004 Env.Assess_Date 614/2004 Resolution No. 04-019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2007 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Pro'# Len(mi) Type 0 Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Coast Total 17 Barker Road-8th to Broadway Avenue I 02 l'% P CGPT 16 Barker Road 8th Avenue Broadway Avenue 00230 1.03 C City 70 23 47 0 70 C STP(U) 447 144 303 0 447 Reconstruct to a three-lane urban arterial from 8th to Appleway. Reconstruct to a four- 167 350 0 517 lane arterial with center turn lane from Appleway to Broadway Ave. Prelim.Engineering.Right-of-Way 18 Flora Road I 03 rii P 14 Flora Rd Sprague Av Mission Av 01344 1.00 C City 27 27 0 0 27 C TPP 173 173 0 0 173 Reconstruct to a three-lane arterial. 200 0 0 200 Street Improvements Projects Total: 10,812 3,176 352 856 918 3,459 11,185 15,562 Printed: 612512004 11 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: 6/22/2004 Adoption Date: 612212004 Env.Assess. Date 6/412004 Resolution No. 04-019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2007 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len(mi) Type O Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Coast Total Bridge Construction 3 Barker Road Bridge I 09 ❑ S T • _ ' 14 Barker Road @ Spokane River #5503 0.10 C BR 730 0 0 730 730 C BR 2,919 0 0 2,919 2,919 Replace bridge over the Spokane River. 0 0 3,649 3,649 Construction 15 Sullivan Road West Bridge I 03 be.1 P 14 Sullivan Road Q Spokane River #4511-S 04597 0.22 C BR 757 0 0 757 757 C BR 3,026 0 0 3,026 3,026 Reconstruct and widen west bridge 0 0 3,783 3,783 Construction Bridge Construction Projects Total: — 7,432 0 0 7,432 7,432 Total Program for 2007 18,244 3,176 352 856 918 3,459 18,617 22,994 Printed: 6/25/2004 12 c.. City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: 6/2212004 Adoption Date: 6122/2004 Env.Assess.Date 6/4/2004 Resolution No. 04-019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2008 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# en(m) Type O Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total Street Improvements 6 Sullivan Road North Extension(Bigelow Gulch) S 032 P TGP 08 Bigelow Gulch Road Forker Road&Progress Wellesley Road 03788 0.91 C City 18 0 0 18 18 C TPP 713 0 0 713 713 C County 0 0 180 180 C STP(U) 278 0 0 278 278 Rewconstruct and widen the Sullivan Road extension north also known as Bigelow Gulch 0 0 1,189 1,189 Road to a 4-lane roadway with 8-foot shoulders and a 12-foot two way left turn lane. Construction 11 Valley Couplet-Project 2 2883 S 01 IA S 14 Sprague Ave University Rd Evergreen Rd 04538 2.02 14 2nd Avenue University Rd Evergreen Rd 00001 2.02 C City 993 0 0 993 993 C TPP 1,914 0 0 1,914 1,914 C STP(U) 850 0 0 850 850 C Other Sta 470 0 0 470 470 Construct multi-cane facility with curbs and sidewalks. Remove islands on Sprague 0 0 4,227 4,227 Avenue and restripe. Construction 12 Evergreen Road I 03 P 14 Evergreen Rd 32nd Avenue 16th Avenue 01170 1.00 C City 220 0 0 220 220 C AIP 880 0 0 880 880 Reconstruct and widen to three lanes 0 0 1,100 1,100 Construction Printed: 6/25/2004 . 13 City of Spokane Valley Hearing fate: 6!2212004 AdOption Date; 612212004 Env.Assess. Date 6!412004 ReSOlutiOn No, 04-019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2008 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road blames Pro9 ía in Func Work scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Rem Class Slalus From To f osd# Praj# Les(m1) Type 0 Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R,4n1- Consl Total 13 Bridging the Valley-Park Road!B1116 Grade Sep I 03 2 S 14 Park Road Indiana Avenue Montgomery Ave- 03714 0-20 C Other Fed 4,765 d 0 4,756 4,766 C Other Sla 265 d 0 265 265 C Other 255 0 4 265 265 • Reconstruct Park Road to separate the grades of Park Road and the BNSF railroad 0 0 5,256 5,296 Iracks- ConSUuclier1 14 Barker R ad-Spokane River to Euclid Avenue I 03 U P 14 Barker Road Spokane River Euclid Avenue 00230 0.56 C City 125 0 0 129 129 C STP{U) 530 0 0 530 R30 Reconstruct to a three-lane curbed arterial d 0 959 959 Construction 17 Barker Road-Bth toBroadwayAverwo - I 02 P CGPT 16 Barker Road 5th Avenue Broadway Avenue 00230 1.03 C City 142 0 142 0 142 C WTN(UI 908 0 909 0 90B Reconstruct ct to a three-lane urban arterial horn 5th tO Appiewey, Rebon Strutt t0 a four- 0 1,050 0 1,050 lane arterial with center turn lane from Applewray lo Broadway Ave- Right-ef-Way 15 Flora Road I 03 LJ P 14 Flora Rd Sprague Av Mission Av 01344 1.o0 C City 105 0 108 0 106 C TPP 692 0 692 0 592 Reconstruct to a Ihree-lane arterial- 0 8p13 0 840 Printed: 612512004 14 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: 6122/2004 Adoption Date: 6/22/2004 Env.Assess. Date 614/2004 Resolution No. 04-019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2008 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len(mi) Type a Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total 19 Valley Couplet-Project 3 2797 S 01 n S CGPTW 14 Valley Couplet Evergreen Road Sullivan Road 08000 1.02 C City 80 30 50 0 80 C STP(U) 194 194 0 0 194 Construct multi-tans facility with curbs and sidewalks. Remove islands on Sprague 224 50 0 274 Avenue and restripe. Right-of-Way 20 Bowdish Road I 03 I_I P CGPTW 14 Bowdish Road 32nd Avenue 8th Avenue 00297 1,52 C City 132 32 100 0 132 C AIP 527 127 400 0 527 Reconstruct and widen roadway to three lanes. 159 500 0 659 Preliminary Engineering Street Improvements Projects Total: 7,826 5,461 265 1,822 383 2,400 12,771 15,554 Printed: 6/2512004 15 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: 6/22/2004 Adoption Date: 6/22/2004 Env.Assess.Date 6/4/2004 Resolution No. 04-019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2008 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed Stale Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj Len(mi) Type 0 Stet Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total Bridge Construction - 3 Barker Road Bridge I 09 ❑ S T 14 Barker Road @ Spokane River #5503 0.10 C BR 2,919 0 0 2,919 2,919 C BR 730 0 0 730 730 Replace bridge over the Spokane River. 0 0 3,649 3,649 Construction 15 Sullivan Road West Bridge I 03 1J P 14 Sullivan Road @ Spokane River #4511-S 04597 0.22 C BR 3,026 0 0 3.026 3,026 C BR 757 0 0 757 757 Reconstruct and widen west bridge 0 0 3,783 3,783 Bridge Construction Projects Total: 7,432 0 0 7,432 7,432 Total Program for 2008 15,258 5,461 265 1,822 383 2,400 20,203 22,986 Printed: 6/25/2004 16 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: 6122!2004 Adoption Date: 6122/2004 Env.Assess.Date 6/4/2004 Resolution No. 04-019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2009 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len(mi) Type 0 Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds RE. R.W. Const Total Street Improvements 11 Valley Couplet-Project 2 2883 S 01 A S 14 Sprague Ave University Rd Evergreen Rd 04538 2.02 14 2nd Avenue University Rd Evergreen Rd 00001 2.02 C City 602 0 0 602 602 C TPP 1,335 0 0 1,336 1,336 C STP(U) 567 0 0 567 567 Construct multi-lane facility with curbs and sidewalks. Remove islands on Sprague 0 0 2,505 2,505 Avenue and restripe. Construction 17 Barker Road-8th to Broadway Avenue I 02 U P CGPT 16 Barker Road 8th Avenue Broadway Avenue 00230 1.03 C City 271 0 0 271 271 C STP(U) 1,732 0 0 1,732 1,732 Reconstruct to a three-lane urban arterial from 8th to Appleway. Reconstruct to a four- 0 0 2,003 2,003 lane arterial with center turn lane from Appleway to Broadway Ave. Construction 18 Flora Road I 03 [dJ P 14 Flora Rd Sprague Av Mission Av 01344 1.00 C City 203 0 0 203 203 C TPP 1,297 0 0 1,297 1,297 Reconstruct to a three-cane arterial. 0 0 1,500 1,500 19 Valley Couplet-Project 3 2797 S 01 tJ S CGP1W 14 Valley Couplet Evergreen Road Sullivan Road 08000 1.02 C City 148 0 61 87 148 C STP(U) 947 0 390 557 947 Construct multi-lane facility with curbs and sidewalks. Remove islands on Sprague 0 451 644 1,095 Avenue and restripe. Complete construction Printed: 6/25/2004 17 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: 5122!2004 Adoption Date; 6!2712004 Env-Assess, Date 5!4!2004 Resolution No. 04-019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2009 Annual Construction Program Dollars in Ihvusands Project Name Rood Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Slabs From To Road# Proj# Len(mi) Type Slat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R,W. Cons! Total 20 Bowdlsh Road I 03 ❑ P CCsP1VV 14 Bowdish Road 32nd Avenue Elh Avenue 00297 1,52 *I C City 210 0 100 110 210 - - C AIP 838 0 ..100 136 835 Reconstruct and widen roadway to three lanes- 0 500 548 1,048 Right-of--Way 21 Valley CoupEot-Project 4 $ 01 %J P CGPTW 14 Valley Couplet Sullivan Road Appleway Road 09800 1.19 C City 54 37 17 0 54 C STP(U) 350 242 108 0 350 Construct four lanes with ourbe and sidewalks, Remove islands On Sprague Avenue and 279 125 0 404 reSlripe, Preliminary Engineering 22 Park Road I 03 P 14 Park Rd BroadwayAv Indiana Av 03714 0-75 C City 73 28 45 0 73 C AIP 292 112 180 0 292 Reconstruct and widen Ia five lanes 140 225 0 366 I. Prelim-Engineering, Right-or-Ways 23 Euclid Rd!Flora Rd P 03 kilf P 17 'EuclidAv Flora Road Barker Road 01165 0-97 16 Flora Rd Euclid Road Euclid Road 01345 0-14 C City 50 50 0 ❑ 50 Reconstrur_l to provide a two lane,Shouldered arterial 50 0 0 50 Prelim- Enginearing Printed: 612512004 18 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: 6/22/2004 Adoption Date: 6/22/2004 Env.Assess.Date 6/4/2004 Resolution No. 04-019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2009 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len(mi) Type O Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total 24 32nd Avenue I 03 In P CGPTW 14 32nd Avenue SR 27 Best Road 05971 0.48 C City 29 9 20 0 29 C STP(U) 184 57 127 0 184 Reconstruct and widen to three lanes with curbs and sidewalks. 66 147 0 213 Prelim.Engineering,Right-of-Way _ Street Improvements Projects Total: 3,780 3,763 1,640 535 1,448 7,200 9,183 Total Program for 2009 3,780 3,763 1,640 535 1,448 7,200 9,183 Printed: 6/25/2004 19 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: 6/22/2004 Adoption Date: 6/22/2004 Env.Assess.Date 6/4/2004 Resolution No. 04-019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2010 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envy Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len(m) Type 0 Slat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total Street Improvements 19 Valley Couplet-Project 3 2797 S 01 Q S CGPTW . " 14 Valley Couplet Evergreen Road Sullivan Road 08000 1.02 C City 261 0 0 261 261 C STP(U) 1,671 0 0 1,671 1,671 Construct multi-lane facility with curbs and sidewalks. Remove islands on Sprague 0 0 1,932 1,932 Avenue and restripe. Construction 20 Bowdish Road I 03 U P CGPTW 14 Bowdish Road 32nd Avenue 8th Avenue 00297 1.52 C City 256 0 0 256 256 C AIP 1,021 0 0 1,021 1,021 Reconstruct and widen roadway to three lanes. 0 0 1,277 1,277 Construction 21 Valley Couplet-Project 4 S 01 lJ P CGPTW 14 Valley Couplet Sullivan Road Appleway Road 08000 1.19 C City 51 0 51 0 51 C STP(U) 324 0 324 0 324 Construct four lanes with curbs and sidewalks. Remove islands on Sprague Avenue and 0 375 0 375 restripe_ Right-of-way 22 Park Road I 03 i j P 14 Park Rd Broadway Av Indiana Av 03714 0.75 C City 178 0 105 73 178 C AIP 712 0 420 292 712 Reconstruct and widen to five lanes 0 525 365 890 Right-of-Way,Construction Printed: 6/25/2004 20 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: 6/22/2004 Adoption Date: 6/22/2004 Env.Assess.Date 6/4/2004 Resolution No. 04019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2010 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work c Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road Proj# Len(mi) Type O Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total 23 Euclid Rd/Flora Rd I 03 51 P 17 Euclid Av Flora Road Barker Road 01166 0.97 16 Flora Rd Euclid Road Euclid Road 01345 0.14 C City 550 0 0 550 550 Reconstruct to provide a two lane,shouldered arterial 0 0 550 550 Construction 24 32nd Avenue I 03 V P CGPTW 14 32nd Avenue SR 27 Best Road 05971 0.48 C City 80 0 20 60 80 C STP(U) 512 0 127 385 512 Reconstruct and widen to three lanes with curbs and sidewalks. 0 147 445 592 Right-of-Way,Construction 25 Ferret Avenue 01 U PT 17 Ferret Avenue Ponderosa Drive Dishman Mica Road 0.00 C City 710 60 100 550 710 Construct a two-lane curbed arterial with an at-grade Railroad crossing at the UPRR. 60 100 550 710 1 26 Sullivan Road I 03 U P 14 Sullivan Road Euclid Avenue Wellesley Avenue 04597 1.00 C City 93 93 0 0 93 Reconstruct to a seven-lane urban arterial.Widen bridges at Spokane River,UPRR, 93 0 0 93 BNRR,and SR 290 Prelim. Engineering Printed: 6/25/2004 21 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Dale: 6/22/2004 Adoption Date: 6/22/2004 Env.Assess.Date 6/412004 Resolution No 04-019 Department of Public Works 2005 - 2010 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2010 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len(mi) Type 0 Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total Street Improvements Projects Total: 2,597 1,733 2,179 153 1,147 5,119 6,419 Total Program for 2010 2,507 1,733 2,179 153 1,147 5,119 6,419 Printed: 6/25/2004 22