Petitions 2005Memo SCl'l Y (f p6d ,;o*Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: 509 -688 -0180 Fax 509 -688 -0194 To: Mayor Diana Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Rich Munson, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Gary Schimmels, Steve Taylor, Mike DeVleming, City Manager Dave Mercier, Deputy City Manager Nina, City Attorney Mike Connelly, Deputy City Attorney Cary Driskell, Community Development Director Manna Sukup, Public Works Director, City Clerk Chris Bainbridge From: Sue Golman, Administrative Assistant CC: Date: September 22, 2005 Re: The Ponderosa Find attached a petition from Janet and Robert Rands, 9520 East Holman Road, dated September 13, 2005 and received at City Hall September 22, 2005. Chris Bainbridge has the original copies. Mayor Diana Wilhite and City Council R City of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague, Suite 106 RECEIVED Spokane Valley WA 99206 September 13, 2005 Mayor Wilhite and City Council, 04 Of Spokane Valley We residents of Ponderosa are dismayed by the City of Spokane Valley's decision not to appeal the Hearing Examiner's decision for the proposed Ponderosa Ridge development. In its legal decision, the City of Spokane Valley totally ignored the most critical issue: the development's impact on the safety of its citizens. The issue was never even mentioned in the City's decision. The proposed development is in violation of Road Standard 1.03(8) which requires at least TWO access roads when the "cumulative effect" is 20 to 50 homes (depending on density) on a single access road. This code requires at least two access roads "to serve fire district vehicles" and for safety — which is especially important in this high- fire -risk neighborhood. The proposed development involves 100 homes and only ONE access road, 44th Ave. -- TWICE the maximum number of homes. The number of existing homes already exceeds the maximum number of homes allowed per code on that same ONE access road: 41 homes west of Farr Rd. and hundreds more that exit via 44th to Schafer. The., -. are just TIA1� � eSs entire ^ a � neighborhood 00 ,,,;, ,,,, �,,j � : y�.. �.^- :,,,�� roads in the :ia�rE i•'onc:..,ivSa nC�t�'iii�f7r��00d to serve Over iiiVu homes, an elementary school, a church, a mini -mart, a fire station, a land fill, and Iller Creek Conservation Area. If subdivisions of only 20 to 50 homes can require three access roads, shouldn't our neighborhood have at least three or more before 100 or more new homes are approved? This petition is to request that the City of Spokane Valley fulfill its responsibility to protect the safety of its citizens in Ponderosa by participating as a party in the appeal to the Superior Court (in support of the Ponderosa Neighborhood Association's appeal) and by not asking to be dismissed from the cGiii. The ni:'y i t fas already Sttatteu 'thall a 'the road avcCSS iSSue requires an cs v3rCnm ii Lal, study; Y that study should be done now for this 100+ home development. This is a critical decision which impacts other proposed developments in Ponderosa and other City neighborhoods. We are counting on you to best serve your citizens. Thank you. Name Signature Address a,Ke�t ands �S-5 qS? -&C. fzldl"X Pj, J -L MAh 1-1 16,0 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: 509 -688 -0180 Fax 509 -688 -0194 To: Mayor Diana Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Rich Munson, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Gary Schimmels, Steve Taylor, Mike DeVleming, City Manager Dave Mercier, Deputy City Manager Nina, City Attorney Mike Connelly, Deputy City Attorney Cary Driskell, Community Development Director Marina Sukup, City Clerk Chris: From: Sue Golman, Administrative Assistant K631 Date: September 21, 2005 Re: The Ponderosa Find attached a letter from Gail Stiltner, 10119 East 44th Avenue, dated September 21, 2005 and received at City Hall September 21, 2005. Also attached, are four (4) pages of petitions regarding the Ponderosa dated September 13, 2005 and received at City Hall September 21, 2005. Chris Bainbridge has the original copies. Mayor Diana Wilhite and City Council City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 September 21, 2005 Dear Mayor and Council Members: RECEIVED SEP 1 12005 City of Spokane Valley I live in the Ponderosa area and have been trying very hard to fulfill my responsibility as a citizen of this new city. The hours spent studying the changes that are occurring in the area have made me very concerned that there are significant facts being overlooked by those paid to protect my interests. It seems apparent that the area I live in is basically an island with very limited entrances and exits. Yet, we continue to see developments proposed and approved without due consideration for the safety of the residents. The infrastructure of this area will not support the addition of so many homes with their traffic patterns. For practical purposes, Schaffer is the entrance and exit that most will use. How far up Schaffer can traffic back up and still be considered an acceptable situation? I have lived on the corner of 44`h and Schaffer for 30 years. I know what the current road structure bears- pedestrians, bicyclists, horses, cars, school buses, etc. It is not comparable to an urban setting. This has been a rather unique area with a semi -rural setting. No reasonable citizen would object to development in keeping with the area but I strongly object to our losing a lifestyle for which we have worked and saved in order to put money into developers' pockets. It is often assumed that additional homes bring more income to a city. If the facts are studied, it costs much more in terms of infrastructure and supporting services than it gains. The one who gains is the developer and than walks away from the results of the project. It is very difficult for us, the citizens, to wage a campaign on an equal footing with developers. They have the funds and stand to gain— whereas, we have many other responsibilities and only stand to lose. Because we see this erosion of lifestyles occurring in many areas of our city, we feel a stand must be taken. That is why we ask that you reconsider joining with us in appealing the Hearing Examiner's decision. If citizens are encouraged to participate in government, they must be given equal voice when their factual evidence is presented. Thank you for considering this matter. I would be happy to respond to any comments or questions. Gail G. Stiltner 10119 E. 44th Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 928 -6243 September 13, 2005 Mayor Wilhite and City Council, RECEIVED SEP t ? } We residents of Ponderosa are dismayed by the City of Spokane v�, stQ}lp!,t ape�al the Hearing Examiner's decision for the proposed Ponderosa Ridge development. ��� �"�'' �% 'L j:;y In its legal decision, the City of Spokane Valley totally ignored the most critical issue: the development's impact on the safetv of its citizens. The issue was never even mentioned in the City's decision. The proposed development is in violation of Road Standard 1.03(8) which requires at least TWO access roads when the "cumulative effect" is 20 to 50 homes (depending on density) on a single access road. This code requires at least two access roads "to serve fire district vehicles" and for safety — which is especially important in this high -fire -risk neighborhood.. • The proposed development involves 100 homes and only ONE access road, 440' Ave. -- TWICE the maximum number of homes. • The number of existing homes already exceeds the maximum number of homes allowed per code on that same ONE access road: 41 homes west of Farr Rd. and hundreds more that exit via 44`h to Schafer. • There are just TWO access roads in the entire Ponderosa neighborhood to serve over 1000 homes, an elementary school, a church, a mini -mart, a fire station, a land fill, and Iller Creek Conservation Area. If subdivisions of only 20 to 50 homes can require three access roads, shouldn't our neighborhood have at least three or more before 100 or more new homes are approved? This petition is to request that the City of Spokane Valley fulfill its responsibility to protect the safety of its citizens in Ponderosa by participating as a party in the appeal to the Superior Court (in support of the Ponderosa Neighborhood Association's appeal) and by not asking to be dismissed from the action. The City has already stated that the road access issue requires an environmental study; that study should be done now for this 100+ home development. This is a critical decision which impacts other proposed developments in Ponderosa and other City neighborhoods. We are counting on you to best serve your citizens. Thank you. Name Address 315 91 0 11 2 51 . 10SO8 C...A 99-2,06 September 13, 2005 Mayor Wilhite and City Council, We residents of Ponderosa are dismayed by the City of Spokane Valley's decision not to appeal the Hearing Examiner's decision for the proposed Ponderosa Ridge development. In its legal decision, the City of Spokane Valley totally ignored the most critical issue: the development's impact on the safety of its citizens. The issue was never even mentioned in the City's decision. The proposed development is in violation of Road Standard 1.03(8) which requires at least TWO access roads when the "cumulative effect" is 20 to 50 homes (depending on density) on a single access road. This code requires at least two access roads "to serve fire district vehicles" and for safety — which is especially important in this high -fire -risk neighborhood.. • The proposed development involves 100 homes and only ONE access road, 44th Ave. -- TWICE the maximum number of homes. • The number of existing homes already exceeds the maximum number of homes allowed per code on that same ONE access road: 41 homes west of Farr Rd. and hundreds more that exit via 44th to Schafer. • There are just TWO access roads in the entire Ponderosa neighborhood to serve over 1000 homes, an elementary school, a church, a mini -mart, a fire station, a land fill, and Iller Creek Conservation Area. If subdivisions of only 20 to 50 homes can require three access roads, shouldn't our neighborhood have at least three or more before 100 or more new homes are approved? This petition is to request that the City of Spokane Valley fulfill its responsibility to protect the safety of its citizens in Ponderosa by participating as a party in the appeal to the Superior Court (in support of the Ponderosa Neighborhood Association's appeal) and by not asking to be dismissed from the action. The City has already stated that the road access issue requires an environmental study; that study should be done now for this 100+ home development. This is a critical decision which impacts other proposed developments in Ponderosa and other City neighborhoods. We are counting on you to best serve your citizens. Thank you. Name Address 10 411 T. S. 4703 9mix, Y Scc� S. 2zz-, c:t-Z2_PC 44-g t -2- 2 Scli C41 �r �AA9)- September 13, 2005 Mayor Wilhite and City Council, We residents of Ponderosa are dismayed by the City of Spokane Valley's decision not to appeal the Hearing Examiner's decision for the proposed Ponderosa Ridge development. In its legal decision, the City of Spokane Valley totally ignored the most critical issue: the development's impact on the safety of its citizens. The issue was never even mentioned in the City's decision. The proposed development is in violation of Road Standard 1.03(8) which requires at least TWO access roads when the "cumulative effect" is 20 to 50 homes (depending on density) on a single access road. This code requires at least two access roads "to serve fire district vehicles" and for safety — which is especially important in this high -fire -risk neighborhood.. • The proposed development involves 100 homes and only ONE access road, 44,' Ave. -- TWICE the maximum number of homes. • The number of existing homes already exceeds the maximum number of homes allowed per code on that same ONE access road: 41 homes west of Farr Rd. and hundreds more that exit via 40 to Schafer. • There are just TWO access roads in the entire Ponderosa neighborhood to serve over 1000 homes, an elementary school, a church, a mini -mart, a fire station, a land fill, and Iller Creek Conservation Area. If subdivisions of only 20 to 50 homes can require three access roads, shouldn't our neighborhood have at least three or more before 100 or more new homes are approved? This petition is to request that the City of Spokane Valley fulfill its responsibility to protect the safety of its citizens in Ponderosa by participating as a party in the appeal to the Superior Court (in support of the Ponderosa Neighborhood Association's appeal) and by not asking to be dismissed from the action. The City has already stated that the road access issue requires an environmental study; that study should be done now for this 100+ home development. This is a critical decision which impacts other proposed developments in Ponderosa and other City neighborhoods. We are counting on you to best serve your citizens. Thank you. Name Address 10 r September 13, 2005 Mayor Wilhite and City Council, We residents of Ponderosa are dismayed by the City of Spokane Valley's decision not to appeal the Hearing Examiner's decision for the proposed Ponderosa Ridge development. In its legal decision, the City of Spokane Valley totally ignored the most critical issue: the development's impact on the safety of its citizens. The issue was never even mentioned in the City's decision. The proposed development is in violation of Road Standard 1.03(8) which requires at least TWO access roads when the "cumulative effect" is 20 to 50 homes (depending on density) on a single access road. This code requires at least two access roads "to serve fire district vehicles" and for safety — which is especially important in this high- fire -risk neighborhood.. • The proposed development involves 100 homes and only ONE access road, 40 Ave. -- TWICE the maximum number of homes. • The number of existing homes already exceeds the maximum number of homes allowed per code on that same ONE access road: 41 homes west of Farr Rd. and hundreds more that exit via 44th to Schafer. • There are just TWO access roads in the entire Ponderosa neighborhood to serve over 1000 homes, an elementary school, a church, a mini -mart, a fire station, a land fill, and Iller Creek Conservation Area. If subdivisions of only 20 to 50 homes can require three access roads, shouldn't our neighborhood have at least three or more before 100 or more new homes are approved? This petition is to request that the City of Spokane Valley fulfill its responsibility to protect the safety of its citizens in Ponderosa by participating as a parry in the appeal to the Superior Court (in support of the Ponderosa Neighborhood Association's appeal) and by not asking to be dismissed from the action. The City has already stated that the road access issue requires an environmental study; that study should be done now for this 100+ home development. This is a critical decision which impacts other proposed developments in Ponderosa and other City neighborhoods. We are counting on you to best serve your citizens. Thank you. Name Address 6 g c1 D 10 MIME • • IWA _ y 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: 509 -688 -0180 Fax 509 -688 -0194 Memo To: Mayor Diana Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Rich Munson, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Gary Schimmels, Steve Taylor, Mike DeVleming, City Manager Dave Mercier, Deputy City Manager Nina, City Attorney Mike Connelly, Deputy City Attorney Cary Driskell, Community Development Director Marina Sukup, Public Works Director Neil Kersten, City Clerk Chris Bainbridge From: Sue Golman, Administrative Assistant CC: Date: September 27, 2005 Re: The Ponderosa Find attached a letter /petition from: • Ann Foster at 4510 South Pierce Court, Spokane Valley, WA 99206. dated September 13, 2005 and received at City Hall September 27, 2005 City Clerk, Chris Bainbridge has the original copies. Mzyyor Diana Wilhite and City Council i City of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 September 13, 2005 Mayor Wilhite and City Council, RECEIVED City Of Spokane Valley We residents of Ponderosa are dismayed by the City of Spokane Valley's decision not to appeal the Hearing Examiner's decision for the proposed Ponderosa Ridge development. In its legal decision, the City of Spokane Valley totally ignored the most critical issue: the development's impact on the safety of its citizens. The issue was never even mentioned in the City's decision. The proposed development is in violation of Road Standard 1.03(8) which requires at least TWO access roads when the "cumulative effect" is 20 to 50 homes (depending on density) on a single access road. This code requires at least two access roads "to serve fire district vehicles" and for safety — which is especially important in this high- fire -risk neighborhood. The proposed development involves 100 homes and only ONE access road, 44th Ave. -- TWICE the maximum number of homes. The number of existing homes already exceeds the maximum number of homes allowed per code on that same ONE access road: 41 homes west of Farr Rd. and hundreds more that exit via 44th to Schafer. There are just TWO access roads in the entire Ponderosa neighborhood to serve over 1000 homes, an elementary school, a church, a mini -mart, a fire station, a land fill, and Iller Creek Conservation Area. If subdivisions of only 20 to 50 homes can require three access roads, shouldn't our neighborhood have at least three or more before 100 or more new homes are approved? This petition is to request that the City of Spokane Valley fulfill its responsibility to protect the safety of its citizens in Ponderosa by participating as a party in the appeal to the Superior Court (in support of the Ponderosa Neighborhood Association's appeal) and by not asking to be dismissed from the action. The City has already stated that the road access issue requires an environmental study; that study should be done now for this 100+ home development. This is a critical decision which impacts other proposed developments in Ponderosa and other City neighborhoods. We are counting on you to best serve your citizens. Thank you. Name Fa-_�s ye Signature Address ti Me-K-11-10 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: 509 -688 -0180 Fax 509 -688 -0194 To: Mayor Diana Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Rich Munson, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Gary Schimmels, Steve Taylor, Mike DeVleming, City Manager Dave Mercier, Deputy City Manager Nina, City Attorney Mike Connelly, Deputy City Attorney Cary Driskell, Community Development Director Marina Sukup, Public Works Director Neil Kersten, City Clerk Chris Bainbridge From: Sue Golman, Administrative Assistant CC: Date: September 30, 2005 Re: The Ponderosa Find attached a petition from Janet and Byran Thompson, 3922 South Sunderland Dr., dated September 13, 2005 and received at City Hall September 30, 2005. Chris Bainbridge has the original copies. Mayor Diana Wilhite and City Council City of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 September 13, 2005 Mayor Wilhite and City Council, RECEIVED SEP 3 0 2005 City of Spokane /alley We residents of Ponderosa are dismayed by the City of Spokane Valley's decision not to appeal the Hearing Examiner's decision for the proposed Ponderosa Ridge development. In its legal decision, the City of Spokane Valley totally ignored the most critical issue: t� development's impact on the safety of its citizens. The issue was never even mentioned in the City's decision. The proposed development is in violation of Road Standard 1.03(8) which requires at least TWO access roads when the cumulative effect" is 20 to 50 homes (depending on density) on a single access road. This code requires at least two access roads "to serve fire district vehicles" and for safety — which is especially important in this high -fire -risk neighborhood. The proposed development involves 100 homes and only ONE access road, 44th Ave. -- TWICE the maximum number of homes. The number of existing homes already exceeds the maximum number of homes allowed per code on that same ONE access road: 41 homes west of Farr Rd. and hundreds more that exit via 44th to Schafer. There are just TWO access roads in the entire Ponderosa neighborhood to serve over 1000 homes, an elementary school, a church, a mini -mart, a fire station, a land fill, and Ilier Creek Conservation Area. If subdivisions of only 20 to 50 homes can require three access roads, shouldn't our neighborhood have at least three or more before 100 or more new homes are approved? This petition is to request that the City of Spokane Valley fulfill its responsibility to protect the safety of its citizens in Ponderosa by participating as a party in the appeal to the Superior Court (in support of the Ponderosa Neighborhood Association's appeal) and by not asking to be dismissed from the action. The City has already stated that the road access issue requires an environmental study; that study should be done now for this 100+ home development. This is a critical decision which impacts other proposed developments in Ponderosa and other City neighborhoods. We are counting on you to best serve your citizens. Thank you. Name Signature Address VIN '39 ZZ Me-Elio 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: 509 -688 -0180 Fax 509 -688 -0194 To: Mayor Diana Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Rich Munson, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Gary Schimmels, Steve Taylor, Mike DeVleming, City Manager Dave Mercier, Deputy City Manager Nina, City Attorney Mike Connelly, Deputy City Attorney Cary Driskell, Community Development Director Marina Sukup, Public Works Director, Cit,.Clefk Chris Bainbridge From: Sue Golman, Administrative Assistant CC: Date: September 28, 2005 Re: The Ponderosa Find attached three (3) petitions dated September 13, 2005 and date stamped received at City Hall September 27, 2005- A letter from Ger FitzGerald, 9520 East 44th, Spokane Valley, WA 99206, date stamped received September 27t ,, is also attached. Chris Bainbridge has the original copies. The Hearing Aid Center 916 Ironwood Drive ■ Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Fax 208 -292 -5802 208 - 665 -5555 ■ 1- 800 - 359 -0698 9 -23_05 Mayor Diana Wihite and City Council City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprage, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, Wa. 99206 RE: Ponderosa Dear Mayor and City Council: RECEIVED SEP 2 7 2005 City of Spokane Valley It is never an easy task when one is in a decision making position. Not everyone is going to be happy. And I do empathize with you regarding the Poderosa development proposal. I am certain that you are aware that the development as it is proposed, will end the Ponderosa as we know it and possibly that is how it should be. However, Turning the Ponderose into a housing development nightmare is possibly a little over the edge. Surrounding the housing development on all sides with the exception of a relitively narrow escape are one acre plots with a single house. I would suggest that in order to maintain the integrity of the ponderosa that the home owners surrounding the development also build six plus houses per acre, this would assure uniformity throughout the area. A little satire, but rings of some truth. The developer may be within his legal right to do whatever with the Ponderosa, but I think we all agree it is somewhat of a mess. Let's not turn a beautiful part of our city into a logistical quagmire, and you know that is exactly what will happen by looking at the numbers. Just one fire, one nasty winter, and we can look back and say... whoops. Sincerely, Gerry FitzGerald 9520 E. 44th - Spokane Valley 99206 Mayor Diana Wilhite and City Council IN City of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 September 13, 2005 Mayor Wilhite and City Council, We residents of Ponderosa are dismayed by the City of Spokane Valley's decision not to appeal the Hearing Examiner's decision for the proposed Ponderosa Ridge development. In its legal decision, the City of Spokane Valley totally ignored the most critical issue: the development's impact on the safety of its citizens. The issue was never even mentioned in the City's decision. The cr oposed development is in violation of Road Standard 1.03(8) which requires at least TWO access roads when the "cumulative effect" is 20 to 50 homes (depending on density) on a single access road. This code requires at least two access roads "to serve fire district vehicles" and for safety — which is especially important in this high- fire -risk neighborhood. The proposed development involves 100 homes and only ONE access road, 44th Ave. -- TWICE the maximum number of homes. The number of existing homes already exceeds the maximum number of homes allowed per code on that same ONE access road: 41 homes west of Farr Rd. and hundreds more that exit via 44th to Schafer. There are just TWO access roads in the entire Ponderosa neighborhood to serve over 1000 homes, an elementary school, a church, a mini -mart, a fire station, a land fill, and Iller Creek Conservation Area. If subdivisions of only 20 to 50 homes can require three access roads, shouldn't our neighborhood have at least three or more before 100 or more new homes are approved? This petition is to request that the City of Spokane Valley fulfill its responsibility to protect the safety of its citizens in Ponderosa by participating as a party in the appeal to the Superior Court (in support of the Ponderosa Neighborhood Association's appeal) and by not asking to be dismissed from the action. The City has already stated that the road access issue requires an environmental study; }hM} s }4�� e-,' �vU! rl %g .dnn.� n �.�� lL.' /� ►. J. _ s ! rd ...r� w no 10 �� �iS i 00 � of i is u�v�.iir�:;i i i:,�it. 1 i 2s i3 a critical decision which impacts other proposed developments in Ponderosa and other City neighborhoods. We are counting on you to best serve your citizens. Thank you. Name re Address t September 13, 2005 RECEIVED Mayor Wilhite and City Council, SEP 2 7 2005 We residents of Ponderosa are dismayed by the City of Spokane Valley's decision not to appeal the Hearing Examiner's decision for the proposed Ponderosa Ridge developmentoity Of Spokane Valley In its legal decision, the City of Spokane Valley totally ignored the most critical issue: the development's impact on the safety of its citizens. The issue was never even mentioned in the City's decision. The proposed development is in violation of Road Standard 1.03(8) which requires at least TWO access roads when the "cumulative effect" is 20 to 50 homes (depending on density) on a single access road. This code requires at least two access roads "to serve fire district vehicles" and for safety — which is especially important in this high -fire -risk neighborhood.. • The proposed development involves 100 homes and only ONE access road, 40 Ave. -- TWICE the maximum number of homes. • The number of existing homes already exceeds the maximum number of homes allowed per code on that same ONE access road: 41 homes west of Farr Rd. and hundreds more that exit via 44`h to Schafer. • There are just TWO access roads in the entire Ponderosa neighborhood to serve over 1000 homes, an elementary school, a church, a mini -mart, a fire station, a land fill, and Iller Creek Conservation Area. If subdivisions of only 20 to 50 homes can require three access roads, shouldn't our neighborhood have at least three or more before 100 or more new homes are approved? This petition is to request that the City of Spokane Valley fulfill its responsibility to protect the safety of its citizens in Ponderosa by participating as a party in the appeal to the Superior Court (in support of the Ponderosa Neighborhood Association's appeal) and by not asking to be dismissed from the action. The City has already stated that the road access issue requires an environmental study; that study should be done now for this 100+ home development. This is a critical decision which impacts other proposed developments in Ponderosa and other City neighborhoods. We are counting on you to best serve your citizens. Thank you. Name 7 v ��. Address 10. 0 f1 t: e, ZVo, �Y ►y 5. nr� !�n S� ®•c� Z O%' W_ i "10151 m iA"* Mayor Diana Wilhite and City Council City of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 September 13, 2005 Mayor Wilhite and City Council, RECEIVED City of Spokane 'Valley We residents of Ponderosa are dismayed by the City of Spokane Valley's decision not to appeal the Hearing Examiner's decision for the proposed Ponderosa Ridge development. In its legal decision, the City of Spokane Valley totally ignored the most critical issue: the dove opmoent's impact on the safft of its citizens. The issue was never even mentioned in the City's decision. The proposed development is in violation of Road Standard 1.03(8) which requires at least TWO access roads when the "cumulative effect" is 20 to 50 homes (depending on density) on a single access road. This code requires at least two access roads "to serve fire district vehicles" and for safety — which is especially important in this high -fire -risk neighborhood. The proposed development involves 100 homes and only ONE access road, 44th Ave. -- TWICE the maximum number of homes. The number of existing homes already exceeds the maximum number of homes allowed per code on that same ONE access road: 41 homes west of Farr Rd. and hundreds more that exit via 44th to Schafer. There are iust TWO access rcads in thle entire Porv::t usa neighborhood to serve over 1000 homes, an elementary school, a church, a mini -mart, a fire station, a land fill, and Iller Creek Conservation Area. If subdivisions of only 20 to 50 homes can require three access roads, shouldn't our neighborhood have at least three or more before 100 or more new homes are approved? This petition is to request that the City of Spokane Valley fulfill its responsibility to protect the safety of its citizens in Ponderosa by participating as a party in the appeal to the Superior Court (in support of the Ponderosa Neighborhood Association's appeal) and by not asking to be dismissed from the action. The City has already stated that the road access issue requires an environmental study; that study should be done now for this 100+ home development. This is a critical decision which impacts other proposed developments in Ponderosa and other City neighborhoods. We are counting on you to best serve your citizens. Thank you. Name jkel, % 1\ 6 AND8Ca k (g Signature t Address Kati E �AtitiE� )2 5, rAZk,, �A Memo 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: 509 -688 -0180 Fax 509 -688 -0194 To: Mayor Diana Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Rich Munson, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Gary Schimmels, Steve Taylor, Mike DeVleming, City Manager Dave Mercier, Deputy City Manager Nina, City Attorney Mike Connelly, Deputy City Attorney Cary Driskell, Community Development Director Marina Sukup, City Clerk Chris Bainbridge From: Sue Golman, Administrative Assistant CC: Date: September 23, 2005 Re: The Ponderosa Find attached a letter /petition from: • Mr. and Mr. Lyle Kerns at 4105 S. Schaffer Rd. dated September 13, 2005 and received at City Hall September 23, 2005 • Dr. and Mrs. Thom Slick dated September 20, 2005 and received at City Hall September 23, 2005. (The envelope had a return address of Inland Standard Equipment Co. Inc., 2725 East Sprague Avenue, 99202 and the e-mail sent was from George Birge • Alice and Lynn Hostetter at 4710 South Farr Rd. dated September 13, 2005 and received at City Hall September 23, 2005. City Clerk, Chris Bainbridge has the original copies. Subj: Petition /Letter only Date: 9/19/2005 8:45:10 PM Pacific Daylight Time From: ponderosalst @yahoo.com (Ponderosalst) To: ponderosalst @yahoo.com Mayor Diana Wilhite and City Council City of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 September 13, 2005 Mayor Wilhite and City Council, We residents of Ponderosa are dismayed by the City of Spokane Valley's decision not to appeal the Hearing Examiner's decision for the proposed Ponderosa Ridge development. In its legal decision, the City of Spokane Valley totally ignored the most critical issue: the development's impact on the safety of its citizens. The issue was never even mentioned in the City's decision. The proposed development is in violation of Road Standard 1.03(8) which requires at least TWO access roads when the "cumulative effect" is 20 to 50 homes (depending on density) on a single access road. This code requires at least two access roads "to serve fire district vehicles" and for safety — which is especially important in this high- fire -risk neighborhood. The proposed development involves 100 homes and only ONE access road, 44th Ave. — TWICE the maximum number of homes. The number of existing homes already exceeds the maximum number of homes allowed per code on that same ONE access road: 41 homes west of Farr Rd. and hundreds more that exit via 44th to Schafer. There are just TWO access roads in the entire Ponderosa neighborhood to serve over 1000 homes, an elementary school, a church, a mini -mart, a fire station, a land fill, and Iller Creek Conservation Area. If subdivisions of only 20 to 50 homes can require three access roads, shouldn't our neighborhood have at least three or more before 100 or more new homes are approved? This petition is to request that the City of Spokane Valley fulfill its responsibility to protect the safety of its citizens in Ponderosa by participating as a party in the appeal to the Superior Court (in support of the Ponderosa Neighborhood Association's appeal) and by not asking to be dismissed from the action. The City has already stated that the road RECEIVED SE i i t.Z City of Spokane Valley Tuesday, September 20, 2005 America Online: Maxkems Page: 1 M. E. KERNS L. W. KERNS 4105 S. SCHAFER RD. SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99206 access issue requires an environmental study; that study should be done now for this 100+ home development. This is a critical decision which impacts other proposed developments in Ponderosa and other City neighborhoods. We are counting on you to best serve your citizens. Thank you. �✓, Yahoo!�.ail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 http: / /mai1.yahoo.com — _---- ----- - - - -- Headers -------------------------- Return -Path: <ponderosa1st @yahoo.com> Received: from rly- ya06.mx.aol.com (rly- ya06. mail. aol.com []) by air-ya03. mail. aol. com (007.10) with ESMTP id MAILINYA33- 774432f85b5f4; Mon, 19 Sep 2005 23:45:10 -0400 Received: from web31614. mail. mud. yahoo. com (web31614. mail. mud. yahoo. com []) by rly- ya06.mx.aol.com (007.10) with ESMTP id MAILRE LAY INYA610- 774432f85b5f4; Mon, 19 Sep 2005 23:44:53 -0400 Received: (qmail 81249 invoked by uid 60001); 20 Sep 2005 03:44:53 -0000 Domain Key- Signature: a =rsa -shat; q =dns; c= nofws; s= s1024; d= yahoo.com, h= Message -ID: Received: Date: From: Subject: To: MIME - Version: Content-Ty pe:Content- Transfer - Encoding; b= bmkzlgzXZ]PuXje2Wy l7UU6M 55c7Yox5rtz H4Yr77gyxR458aOy HxlzelSOX/ 5edwyWySxdwoQZ2bkl8bJ /OUoLOjhpgyfCDgW 8licTeEWHFp/ rJWbgt6RX1z2ZyICZyD/ wWgZXpdG+ DZC1WwEbDJ9 vg80hoaDTj +Tz +6t3yB20= ; Message -ID: < 20050920034453 .81247.gmail @web31614.mail. mud. yahoo.com> Received: from [] by web31614. mail. mud. yahoo. com via HTTP; Mon, 19 Sep 2005 20:44:52 PDT Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 20:44:52 -0700 (PDT) From: Ponderosa1st <ponderosa1st @yahoo.com> Subject: Petition /Letter only To: ponderosa1st @yahoo.com MIME - Version: 1.0 Content -Type: text /plain; charset =iso- 8859 -1 Content - Transfer - Encoding: 8bit X AO L -I P : X AOL- SCOLL- SCORE: 0:2:295840152:10737418 XAOL- SCOLL -URL COUNT: 0 Tuesday, September 20, 2005 America Online: Maxkems Page: 2 1V10111 "Oki nil - msn0• �tmair r- stick @msn.com From : george birge <9eor9eblr9e0hotmatl.com> S" : Tuesday, Sept *& 20, 2005 7:37 AM To: r- slidcornsn.com S~: FW: PettRbn/ A*w From:W Ponpleros'alst <pnrnder wlst9rpaVw coa> To: po demsalstp shmcom Subject: PhOWWLedd r Date: Afton, 19 Sep 2W521:2&19 -WW (PDT) > >Mayor Diana Wllhite and City Count >Clty of Spokane Valley > 11707 E Sprague, Suite 106 > Spokane Valley WA 99206 > September 13,2W5 >Mayor WWft and City Council, > >We residents of Ponderosa are dismayed by the City of > Spokane Valley's decision not to appeal the Hearing >Examkher's decision for the proposed Ponderosa Ridge >dereiopment. >In its legal decision, the City of Spokane Valley >totally ignored the most critical Isere: the >devebpmerrt's Impact on the safety of Its citizens. >The issue was never even mentioned in the City's >deci ion. �> >The proposed deveiopment is In violation of Road >RWK$wd 1.03(8) which requires at least TWO access > roads when the - cumulat ve effi cr is 20 to 50 homes >(depending an density) on a Shgie access road. This >code requires at isast two access roads 'to serve fire I >diSlaiCt Mehl W and for safety — w old Is E >especiary kYgxwtant in this high -fire -risk I >neighborhood• >The Proposed development involves 100 homes and only >ONE access road, 44th Ave. — TWICE the mwdmurn > number of homes. The number of exiting homes already >exceeds the rrra:dmum number of homes albwed per code >on that same ONE access road: 41 homes west of Farr >Rd. and htrtdreds more that 04 via 44th to Schafer. �> >There are just TWO access roads in the entire >Porderm rreghborfrood to serve over 1000 homes, an ! >eiementary school, a church, a n**-rnart, a fire >staW a land fill, and Inter Creek Conservatbn > Area. V subdivisions of only 20 to 50 homes can ` > requre three crows roads, shouidnt our neighborhood >hove at least three or more before 100 or more new > homes are approved? > >This petition is to request that the City of Spokane Page I of 2 Printed: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 1:36 PM RECEIV ED SEP 1,f 2005 City of Spokane yaNey INLAND STANDARD EQUIPMENT CO. INC, r 2M E SPRAGUE AVENUE SPOKANE, WA 99202 httv:/! bv104fd .bav104.hotmaii.msn.comlcizi- bin/ getmsiz?curmbox=0Q004000 %2d0000 %2___ 9/20/2005 MSN Hounail - >vaney fuMilll Its responslbtlky to pr And the >sdety of Its dizeas in Ponderosa by participating >as a party In the appeal to the Supedw Coot (in >support of the Ponderosa Neighborhood Association's > appeal) and by not asking to be tic I,sed from the > m rh n . The Qty has akeady slated that the road >aocass Issue requires an ern#prn mW study; that > study should be done now for this 100+ imm >deveiopment. This Is a apical decision which kripacts >other proposed developments in Ponderosa and other >City neighbodmods. We are counting on you to best >serve your dt;ens. Thank you. >Do You Yahoo!? >Tked of spare? Yahoo! Mail has the best Spam protection around >http: / /m&Lyahw.cDm JL Page 2 of 2 r......rn...,n,rrr r.,...,ne U—+--:l --- annnmr% Money donated will continue to go to only attorney and expert expenses. All other costs (copying, gas, etc.) have been absorbed by those working directly on the effort. Questions? Call Lyndall Cook 879 -6416 (llcook24@yahoo.com) or Gail Stiltner 928 -6243 (gstiltnergmy180.net). THANK YOU! PETITION ..A/ Mayor Diana Wilhite and City Council City of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 September 13, 2005 Mayor Wilhite and City Council, We residents of Ponderosa are dismayed by the City of Spokane Valley's decision not to appeal the Hearing Examiner's decision for the proposed Ponderosa Ridge development. In its legal decision, the City of Spokane Valley totally ignored the most critical issue: the development's impact on the safety of its citizens. The issue was never even mentioned in the City's decision. The proposed development is in violation of Road Standard 1.03(8) which requires at least TWO access roads when the "cumulative effect" is 20 to 50 homes (depending on density) on a single access road. This code requires at least two access roads "to serve fire district vehicles" and for safety - which is especially important in this high -fire -risk neighborhood. The proposed development involves 100 homes and only Page 3 of 4 RECEIVED SEP 2 J 2005 City of Spokane Valley ll. g s% y 9/21/2005 ONE access road, 44th Ave. -- TWICE the maximum number of homes. The number of existing homes already exceeds the maximum number of homes allowed per code on that same ONE access road: 41 homes west of Farr Rd. and hundreds more that exit via 44th to Schafer. There are just TWO access roads in the entire Ponderosa neighborhood to serve over 1000 homes, an elementary school, a church, a mini -mart, a fire station, a land fill, and Iller Creek Conservation Area. If subdivisions of only 20 to 50 homes can require three access roads, shouldn't our neighborhood have at least three or more before 100 or more new homes are approved? This petition is to request that the City of Spokane Valley fulfill its responsibility to protect the safety of its citizens in Ponderosa by participating as a party in the appeal to the Superior Court (in support of the Ponderosa Neighborhood Association's appeal) and by not asking to be dismissed from the action. The City has already stated that the road access issue requires an environmental study; that study should be done now for this 100+ home development. This is a critical decision which impacts other proposed developments in Ponderosa and other City neighborhoods. We are counting on you to best serve your citizens. Thank you. Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 http://mail.vahoo.com Page 4 of 4 9/21/2005 no e■■ ■ ■ ■ M%% 08/24/2005 01:08 FAX 509 927 4281 D N FRITZ z o1 p _- -- -- S. 4621 Farr Rd. ��� Spokane, WA 99206 �v (509) 924-3502 (509) 927 -4281 FAX d TELJECJOPIyER yCOVER LJET.TEyRy 1A♦ AJ� 1 J .. :�C ��C �C :.. � �✓; �� �J���••�'•A•/��ii��)i�Jt��)G 7�C�JC i \%Y i�C�JC �(' >lI(lf�)C %����i�Z ii:Gl[SG']C'.0 JC J. J: :4 ,L J: Y. i�i�. �): i�: Date-, :rime Please deliver the following page(s) to: ame: !_ocation� C i t Y: 17AX Number: Total number of pages (including cover letter): / Re: From: Comments: — i PLEASE TELEPHONE (509) 924 -3502 IF TRANSMISSION INCOMPLETE 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: 509 -688 -0180 Fax 509 -688 -0194 Me-K-11-10 To: Mayor Diana Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Rich Munson, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Gary Schimmels, Steve Taylor, Mike DeVleming, City Manager Dave Mercier, Deputy City Manager Nina, City Attorney Mike Connelly, Deputy City Attorney Cary Driskell, Community Development Director Marina Sukup, Public Works Director Neil Kersten, City Clerk Chris Bainbridge From: Sue Golman, Administrative Assistant CC: Date: September 29, 2005 Re: The Ponderosa Find attached a letter /petition from: • Find attached petitions and letters dated September 13 & 28, 2005 and received at City Hall September 29, 2005. City Clerk, Chris Bainbridge has the original copies. RECEIVED 5EP Z 9 2005 Mayor Diana Wilhite and City Co ntYl f Spokar* City f Spokane Valle Ms. Marqare' Buckner Y P Y 8921E 44tWAve. 9206 -9286 11707 E Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane, Spokane Valley WA 99206 September , 2005 Mayor Wilhite and City Council, We residents of Ponderosa are dismayed by the City of Spokane Valley's decision not to appeal the Hearing Examiner's decision for the proposed Ponderosa Ridge development. In its legal decision, the City of Spokane Valley totally ignored the most critical issue: the development's impact on the safety of its citizens. The issue was never even mentioned in the City's decision. The proposed development is in violation of Road Standard 1.03(8) which requires at least TWO access roads when the "cumulative effect" is 20 to 50 homes (depending on density) on a single access road. This code requires at least two access roads "to serve fire district vehicles" and for safety - which is especially important in this high- fire -risk neighborhood. The proposed development involves 100 homes and only ONE access road, 44th Ave. -- TWICE the maximum number of homes. The number of existing homes already exceeds the maximum number of homes allowed per code on that same ONE access road: 41 homes west of Farr Rd. and hundreds more that exit via 44th to Schafer. There are just TWO access roads in the entire Ponderosa neighborhood to serve over 1000 homes, an elementary school, a church, a mini -mart, a fire station, a land fill, and Iller Creek Conservation Area. If subdivisions of only 20 to 50 homes can require three access roads, shouldn't our neighborhood have at least three or more before 100 or more new homes are approved? This petition is to request that the City of Spokane Valley fulfill its responsibility to protect the safety of its citizens in Ponderosa by participating as a party in the appeal to the Superior Court (in support of the Ponderosa Neighborhood Association's appeal) and by not asking to be dismissed from the action. The City has already stated that the road access issue requires an environmental study; that study should be done now for this 100+ home development. This is a critical decision which impacts other proposed developments in Ponderosa and other City neighborhoods. We are counting on you to best serve your citizens. Thank you. / - lzoiz�"&ow_ 16ze , F+_%, Mayor Diana Wilhite and City Council City of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 September 13, 2005 Mayor Wilhite and City Council, RECEIVED City of Spokane Valley We residents of Ponderosa are dismayed by the City of Spokane Valley's decision not to appeal the Hearing Examiner's decision for the proposed Ponderosa Ridge development. In its legal decision, the City of Spokane Valley totally ignored the most critical issue: the development's impact on the safety of its citizens. The issue was never even mentioned in the Vily 's decision. The proposed development is in violation of Road Standard 1.03(8) which requires at least TWO access roads when the "cumulative effect" is 20 to 50 homes (depending on density) on a single access road. This code requires at least two access roads "to serve fire district vehicles" and for safety — which is especially important in this high- fire -risk neighborhood. The proposed development involves 100 homes and only ONE access road, 44th Ave. -- TWICE the maximum number of homes. The number of existing homes already exceeds the maximum number of homes allowed per code on that same ONE access road: 41 homes west of Farr Rd. and hundreds more that exit via 44th to Schafer. There are just TWO access roads in the entire Ponderosa neighborhood to serve over 1000 homes, an elementary school, a church, a mini -mart, a fire station, a land fill, and Iller Creek Conservation Area. If subdivisions of only 20 to 50 homes can require three access roads, shouldn't our neighborhood have at least three or more before 100 or more new homes are approved? This petition is to request that the City of Spokane Valley fulfill its responsibility to protect the safety of its citizens in Ponderosa by participating as a party in the appeal to the Superior Court (in support of the Ponderosa Neighborhood Association's appeal) and by not asking to be dismissed from the action. The City has already stated that the road access issue requires an environmentai study; that study should be done now for this 100+ home development. This is a critical decision which impacts other proposed developments in Ponderosa and other City neighborhoods. We are counting on you to best serve your citizens. Thank you. Name np Signature Address �{ 2� 2 Mayor Diana Wilhite and City Council City of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 September 13, 2005 Mayor Wilhite and City Council, RECEIVED SEP 2 9 2005 City of Spokane ' /alley We residents of Ponderosa are dismayed by the City of Spokane Valley's decision not to appeal the Hearing Examiner's decision for the proposed Ponderosa Ridge development. In its legal decision, the City of Spokane Valley totally ignored the most critical issue: the development's impact on the safety of its citizens. The issue was never even mentioned in the City's decision. The proposed development is in violation of Road Standard 1.03(8) which requires at least TWO access roads when the "cumulative effect" is 20 to 50 homes (depending on density) on a single access road. This code requires at least two access roads "to serve fire district vehicles" and for safety - which is especially important in this high- fire -risk neighborhood. The proposed development involves 100 homes and only ONE access road, 44th Ave. -- TWICE the maximum number of homes. The number of existing homes already exceeds the maximum number of homes allowed per code on that same ONE access road: 41 homes west of Farr Rd. and hundreds more that exit via 44th to Schafer. There are just TWO access roads in the entire Ponderosa neighborhood to serve over 1000 homes, an elementary school, a church, a mini -mart, a fire station, a land fill, and Iller Creek Conservation Area. If subdivisions of only 20 to 50 homes can require three access roads, shouldn't our neighborhood have at least three or more before 100 or more new homes are approved? This petition is to request that the City of Spokane Valley fulfill its responsibility to protect the safety of its citizens in Ponderosa by participating as a party in the appeal to the Superior Court (in support of the Ponderosa Neighborhood Association's appeal) and by not asking to be dismissed from the action. The City has already stated that the road access issue requires an environmental study; that study should be done now for this 100+ home development. This is a critical decision which impacts other proposed developments in Ponderosa and of City neighborhoods. We are counting on you to best serve your citizens. Thank you. p Uj f / !/v 10 4 0 ( �- 6 L,v CAX - L, I�AG- �-H C-CC i A Gr SG>-r G % B a y22Z S PoAlOte, - - 7g2-Ob LI ZZZ .S Pee J r>2.4 0/1Z- I P 6 Mayor Diana Wilhite and City Council City of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 September 13, 2005 Mayor Wilhite and City Council, RECEIVED SEP 19 2005 City of Spokane Valley We residents of Ponderosa are dismayed by the City of Spokane Valley's decision not to appeal the Hearing Examiner's decision for the proposed Ponderosa Ridge development. In its legal decision, the City of Spokane Valley totally ignored the most critical issue: the development's impact on the safety of its citizens. The issue was never even mentioned in the City's decision. The proposed development is in violation of Road Standard 1.03(8) which requires at least TWO access roads when the "cumulative effect" is 20 to 50 homes (depending on density) on a single access road. This code requires at least two access roads "to serve fire district vehicles" and for safety - which is especially important in this high -fire -risk neighborhood. The proposed development involves 100 homes and only ONE access road, 44th Ave. -- TWICE the maximum number of homes. The number of existing homes already exceeds the maximum number of homes allowed per code on that same ONE access road: 41 homes west of Farr Rd. and hundreds more that exit via 44th to Schafer. There are just TWO access roads in the entire Ponderosa neighborhood to serve over 1000 homes, an elementary school, a church, a mini -mart, a fire station, a land fill, and Iller Creek Conservation Area. If subdivisions of only 20 to 50 homes can require three access roads, shouldn't our neighborhood have at least three or more before 100 or more new homes are approved? This petition is to request that the City of Spokane Valley fulfill its responsibility to protect the safety of its citizens in Ponderosa by participating as a party in the appeal to the Superior Court (in support of the Ponderosa Neighborhood Association's appeal) and by not asking to be dismissed from the action. The City has already stated that the road access issue requires an environmental study; that study should be done now for this 100+ home development. This is a critical decision which impacts other proposed developments in Ponderosa and other City neighborhoods. We are counting on you to best serve your citizens. Thank you. Mayor Diana Wilhite and City Council City of Spokane Valley RECEIVE C11707 E Sprague, Suite 106 4 03 U: ::st `:d Spokane Valley WA 99206 ettM "a 4'.a. 9920G.0 September 13, 2005 Mayor Wilhite and City Council, City of Spokane Valley We residents of Ponderosa are dismayed by the City of Spokane Valley's decision not to appeal the Hearing Examiner's decision for the proposed Ponderosa Ridge development. In its legal decision, the City of Spokane Valley totally ignored the most critical issue: the development's impact on the safety of its citizens. The issue was never even mentioned in the City's decision. The proposed development is in violation of Road Standard 1.03(8) which requires at least TWO access roads when the "cumulative effect" is 20 to 50 homes (depending on density) on a single access road. This code requires at least two access roads "to serve fire district vehicles" and for safety — which is especially important in this high -fire -risk neighborhood. The proposed development involves 100 homes and only ONE access road, 44th Ave. -- TWICE the maximum number of homes. The number of existing homes already exceeds the maximum number of homes allowed per code on that same ONE access road: 41 homes west of Farr Rd. and hundreds more that exit via 44th to Schafer. There are just TWO access roads in the entire Ponderosa neighborhood to serve over 1000 homes, an elementary school, a church, a mini -mart, a fire station, a land fill, and Iller Creek Conservation Area. If subdivisions of only 20 to 50 homes can require three access roads, shouldn't our neighborhood have at least three or more before 100 or more new homes are approved? This petition is to request that the City of Spokane Valley fulfill its responsibility to protect the safety of its citizens in Ponderosa by participating as a party in the appeal to the Superior Court (in support of the Ponderosa Neighborhood Associa ion's appeal) and by not asking to be dismissed from the action. The City has already sL 1-Cd thwt tt e road access issue requires an environmental study; that study should be done now for ;his 100+ home development. This is a critical decision which impacts other proposed developments in Ponderosa and other City neighborhoods. We are counting on you to best serve your citizens. Thank you. Name Signature Address �xrr`� ZoGVST,!'� U)AN� ZVCv Mayor Diana Wilhite and City Council City of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 September 13, 2005 Mayor Wilhite and City Council, RECEIVED City of Spokane Vallee aL We residents of Ponderosa are dismayed by the City of Spokane Valley's decision not to appeal the Hearing Examiner's decision for the proposed Ponderosa Ridge development. In its legal decision, the City of Spokane Valley totally ignored the most critical issue: the development's impact on the safety of its citizens. The issue was never even mentioned in the City's decision. The proposed development is in violation of Road Standard 1.03(8) which requires at least TWO access roads when the "cumulative effect' is 20 to 50 homes (depending on density) on a single access road. This code requires at least two access roads "to serve fire district vehicles" and for safety — which is especially important in this high- fire -risk neighborhood. The proposed development involves 100 homes and only ONE access road, 44th Ave. -- TWICE the maximum number of homes. The number of existing homes already exceeds the maximum number of homes allowed per code on that same ONE access road: 41 homes west of Farr Rd. and hundreds more that exit via 44th to Schafer. There are just TWO access roads in the entire Ponderosa neighborhood to serve over 1000 homes, an elementary school, a church, a mini -mart, a fire station, a land fill, and Iller Creek Conservation Area. If subdivisions of only 20 to 50 homes can require three access roads, shouldn't our neighborhood have at least three or more before 100 or more new homes are approved? This petition is to request that the City of Spokane Valley fulfill its responsibility to protect the safety of its citizens in Ponderosa by participating as a party in the appeal to the Superior Court (in support of the Ponderosa Neighborhood Association's appeal) and by not asking to be dismissed from the action. The City has already stated that the road access issue requires an environmental study; that t_ ud w j should be r oa n -MV for this 1l:1�3 s home <!e ve1,p !? Q � Ct. [ hL c. it �. , r i cal decision ilh!� ^h impacts other proposed developments in Ponderosa and other City neighborhoods. We are counting on you to best serve your citizens. Thank you. Name � Signatu J Address )CL- Lik-1 R Thanks to all who joined neighbors for the Information and Fundraiser Event Tuesday night, Sept 14. It was a typical busy early fall evening, with school curriculum nights, candidate forums, and a Spokane Valley City council meeting also scheduled. In spite of that, the approximately 30 in attendance raised close to $3000! - The Ponderosa appeal of the Hearing Examiner's decision was filed in Superior Court August 29. A number of issues are being appealed, the most important one being the lack of emergency access and evacuation routes. (If you'd like a copy of the Land Use Petition (appeal), let us know and we can e-mail you a copy.) The trial will most likely be in late winter or early spring of next year. • We have a good case! Although not a 'slam dunk', we are arguing only those issues supported by laws and case law. Too much is at stake to give up at this point. If we had not appealed, the neighborhood position on the City parcel of this development and the Ponderosa North project would be significantly compromised. • The City of Spokane Valley chose not to appeal the decision. It is our understanding that because they have been wrestling with the County over joint planning issues, they believe an appeal would further hinder this relationship. However, by statute they are still a party to our appeal. They can either ask to be removed or they can stay involved (file a brief in our support; argue in our support at the trial). It would strengthen our position, as well as their position on similar land use issues, if the City stays involved. To that end, we're circulating petitions and writing letters requesting they stay involved. (See below.) - Our neighborhood needs your help! We need the same energy we experienced at the first traffic meeting at Painted Hills... the same passion that came with writing over 350 letters to the City and County... the same effort that went into the many fine presentations and letters at the June 8 -9 hearing. Consider the investment you've made in your home and in your lifestyle. YOU can � help! (1) ^the petition /letter below�sige4with your complete name (written and printed) and address. Remember to have everyone in your household over the age of 18 sign it... and take a few minutes to ask your nearby neighbors to sign, too! Mail it to the address on the petition (2) Individually written letters are even more impactful! Write to the City council members (at the address above or the a -mails below), urging them to stay involved for the safety of our neighborhood: Mayor Diana Wilhite (dwilhite @spokanevalley.org); Deputy Mayor Rich Munson _ �kanp:,all ?�g); Michael DeVleming (mdevleming @spokanevalley.org); Steve %Zt, �. ..aA,.vv . ,, ,....a....... Taylor (staylor @spokanevalley.org); Gary Schimmels (gschimmels @spokanevalley.org); Mike Flanigan (mflanigan @spokanevalley.org); Dick Denenny (ddenenny @spokanevalley.org) Send your petitions and letters as soon as possible! (4) Donate money to protect the investment in your property and lifestyle. Make checks payable to: Ponderosa Neighborhood Association (PNA) and send them to: Jeanette Ritner, Treasurer, 4417 Farr Road, Spokane 992x6. Money donated will continue to go to only attorney and expert expenses. All other costs (copying, gas, etc.) have been absorbed by those working directly on the effort. Questions? Call Lyndall Cook 879 -6416 (Ilcook24 @yahoo.com) or Gail Stiltner 928 -6243 (gstiltner @my180.net). THANK YOU! Mayor Diana Wilhite and City Council City of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Valley WA 99206 September 13, 2005 Mayor Wilhite and City Council, We residents of Ponderosa are dismayed by the City of Spokane Valley's decision not to appeal the Hearing Examiner's decision for the proposed Ponderosa Ridge development. In its legal decision, the City of Spokane Valley totally ignored the most critical issue: the development's impact on the safety of its citizens. The issue was never even mentioned in the City's decision. The proposed development is in violation of Road Standard 1.03(8) which requires at least TWO access roads when the "cumulative effect" is 20 to 50 homes (depending on density) on a single access road. This code requires at least two access roads "to serve fire district vehicles" and for safety — which is especially important in this high- fire -risk neighborhood. The proposed development involves 100 homes and only ONE access road, 44th Ave. -- TWICE the maximum number of homes. The number of existing homes already exceeds the maximum number of homes allowed per code on that same ONE access road: 41 homes west of Farr Rd. and hundreds more that exit via 44th to Schafer. There are just TWO access roads in the entire Ponderosa neighborhood to serve over 1000 homes, an elementary school, a church, a mini -mart, a fire station, a land fill, and Iller Creek Conservation Area. If subdivisions of only 20 to 50 homes can require three access roads, shouldn't our neighborhood have at least three or more before 100 or more new homes are approved? This petition is to request that the City of Spokane Valley fulfill its responsibility to protect the safety of its citizens in Ponderosa by participating as a party in the appeal to the Superior Court (in support of the Ponderosa Neighborhood Association's appeal) and by not asking to be dismissed from the action. The City has already stated that the road access issue requires an environmental study; that study should be done now for this 100+ home development. This is a critical decision which impacts other proposed developments in Ponderosa and other City neighborhoods. We are c,:',.i.ntinr, on you to best serve your citizens. Thank you. Name / Signatures Address RECEIVED City of Spokane /alley ATT: City Council Members 11707 East Sprague Avenue Suite 106 Spokane, Washington 99206 'CAVr c LL -bo-,ve- September 14, 2005 We are writing to express our disappointment with your decision not to appeal the approval of the Douglass development in the Ponderosa neighborhood with regard to the county parcel. Your decision makes it very evident the safety of your citizens is not a priority with you. "Fire Storm" is a very real memory to the people of the Ponderosa. Two access roads were not adequate then and will certainly not be adequate with the additional traffic this development will generate. In the event a disaster of this magnitude occurs in the future, evacuation will inevitably be impossible. The result, in addition to property loss, could certainly be injury and death. Are you willing to accept that responsibility? Step up to the plate as elected officials. Support The Ponderosa Neighborhood Association's appeal of this decision. Sincerely, lW Bette Harder Gene Harder 3805 South Ridgeview Drive Spokane, Washington 99206