Resolution 05-009 Adopting 2006-2011 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY . SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 05-009 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2006-2011 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. WHEREAS, to provide for the proper and necessary development of the street system within the City of Spokane Valley, the City shall, as required by State law, develop and adopt annually a Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ("TIP") with such program acting as a guide for the coordinated development of the City's transportation system; WHEREAS, the TIP of the City shall specifically set forth those projects and programs of both City and regional significance that benefit the transportation system and promote public safety and efficient vehicle movements; WHEREAS, the TIP shall be consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan and be adopted following one or more public hearings before the City Council; WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on June 14, 2005 for the purpose of inviting and receiving public comment on the proposed TIP; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act, the adoption of the Six-Year Street Plan is a nonproject action which has received proper and timely environmental review by the City. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: The City Council hereby adopts the attached TIP for the City of Spokane Valley for the purpose of guiding the design, development and construction of local and regional transportation improvements for the years 2006 through 2011. The City Clerk is directed to file the 2006-20I1 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program with the Washington State Secretary of Transportation not later than June 30. The TIP shall be reviewed at least annually for the purpose of determining the work to be accomplished under the program and the City transportation requirements. Adopted this 14`I'day of June, 2005. City of Spokane Valley DLWY'i kkQLc1 Diana Wilhite, Mayor A _•F.,T^'. - a ht.....—.),- _ . C ristine Bainbridge, City Clerk 1 • Resolution 05-009 Adopting TIP 2006-201 I Page I of I 2 -- Cliv OF pokane Valley City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Adopted 2006 - 2011 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2006 Annual Construction Program GLOSSARY AND ABBREVIATIONS Functional Classification: Environmentally Related 13 Other Fed-Other federal funds. Rural: Bridge Program Special 14 STP-Surface Transportation Program.Individual funds 7 Major Collector Transit Capital Project 21 are designated by the letters in parenthesis that follow 8 Minor Collector the Initials'SIP': 9 Access Transit Operational Project 22 (U) Urban improvements Urban: Transit Planning 23 (R) Rural improvements 14 Principal Transit traininglAdmin 24 (C) Competitive funding 16 Minor Non-Capital Improve. 31 (E) Enhancement improvement 17 Collector Non Motor Vehicle 32 (S) Safety improvements •- 19 Access CO: Program Item Number: A number assigned for Box is checked if the project lies within the Carbon State assistance:TPP,AIP,and PSMP are tracking purposes Monoxide non-attainment area administered by the Transportation Improvement Board. MT-Transportation Partnership Program Work Method: Fund Status: LE-Arteri al Improvement Program C-Indicates work Is to be done by contract S-Project is subject to funding selection PSMP:Pedestrian Safety Mobility Program ID-Indicates work to be done by City forces. P-Project is listed for planning purposes only Other Statq-Other state funds N-Indicates a non-capital project. Util Code: Environmental: Utilities that would be impacted by the project: S-Significant Impacts under SEPA anticipated C Cable TV I-Insignificant Environmental Impact anticipated G Gas 0 Other P Power Work Types: S Sewer New construction 01 T Telephone Relocation 02 W Water Reconstruction 03 Major Widening 04 Minor Widening 05 Funding Sources: Federal assistance:These funds are authorized under Other Enhancements 06 the Transportation Equity Act for the 21`1 Century(TEA- New Bridge Const 08 21)and are administered by the Federal Highway Bridge Replacement 09 Administration through the Washington State Bridge Rehabilitation 10 Department of Transportation and the Metropolitan Minor Bridge Rehab 11 Planning Organization(SRTC). Safety/Traffic Oper/TSM 12 BR-Bridge replacement projects CMAQ-Congestion Management and Air Quality iii • Adopted 2006 - 2011 Six Year He Die: fz114tO Adoption Date: 6/14/05 • Sbk�n Env.Assess.Date 5/17105 Resolution No.: 05-009 ....ON/Talley Transportation Improvement Program Duller,In thousands Funding • Project!Road Names/Description!Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 1 Pines/Mansfield 0 0 3,429 3,429 City 13 13 Mansfield Avo 1M1SIbur Road Pines Road 0.00 CMAO 1,160 1,180 Pines Rd Pines&Indiana West bound on ramp t 0.00 Other 1,011 1,011 This protect will reconfigure the WB ramps of 1-90 at SR27. It will also Mar State 28 28 widen and reconstruct Mansfield Ave.from Wilbur Rd.to SR27 too 3-iano TPP 1,217 1217 roadway with curb,gutter end sidewalk. Designing F Piped Total 3,429 3,429 2 Barker Road Bridge 348 45 7,350 7,743 OR 393 3,875 3,875 7,743 - Barker Road ®Spokane River #5503 0.10 Replace bridge over the Spokane River. Designing&will purchase right-of-way Project Total 393 3,075 3,875 7,743 3 Barker Rd Reconstruct-Boone to Spokane River 0 0 97 97 AIP 74 74 Barker Road Boone Spokane River Bridge 0.89 City 17 17 -. Otter 0 8 Reconstruct to a f our-lane curbed arterial with cantor-sum lane. Construct a , PCC intersection nt Mission Avenue. Designing • Project Total 97 97 projects an]tknottatnes iderttttled h the TIP are to be considered esamales only Mel may change duo to a variety of circumaIencoa, and ere not Intended by the City to bo raliod upon by property owners or developers in reeking development dodsaone. &'W2005 Al Adopted 2006 - 2011 Six Year 11str1npUAW 6/14/0 Adoption Date:6/14/05 Stokal a p Em.Anew o.Delo 5/17/05 R°' ulkin No.: 05-009 id j V'lis lley Transportation Improvement Program Meter*In thousands Funding Project/Rood Names/Description/Current Statue Length PE RW CN Total Somas 2000 2007 2003 2009 2010 2011 Total 4 Appleway Road 0 133 2,551 2,684 City 259 103 362 Apploway Road Tschirtoy Road Hodges Road 1,25 STPItJ) 1,860 862 2,322 Reconstruct to a five-lane urban arterial Designing&N91 purchase right-of-way Project Total 1,819 765 2,884 5 Valley Corridor-Projoct 2 548 1,400 8,043 9,989 City 785 640 1,825 2nd Avenue University Rd Evergreen Rd 2.02 Omer Stale 282 188 470 Sprague Ave University Rd Evorgroan Rd 2.02 STP(U) 321 2,018 1,345 3,684 Construct multi-tone facility Nith webs and sidewalks. Remove islands on TPP 2,528 1,884 4,210 Sprague Avenue and restr(pe. Doing environmental study Project Total 1,106 840 4,828 3,217 9,989 6 Sullivan Road North Extension(Bigelow Gulch) 4 2 54 80 City 5 1 54 60 Reconstruct and widen the Sullivan Road extension north also known as Bigelow Gutch Road to a 4-lane roadway with 8-toot shoulders and a 12- foot bao way loll turn lane. Seeking funding Project Total 5 1 54 00 Projects end tim:dramas iiardilod it the TIP are to be carnidered estimates only that may change duo to a variety of ctrcumstences, and we not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions, 61812005 A2 �i �� Adopted 2006 - 2011 Six Year NearingDukc srt4r�5 Adoption Imo: 6/14105 ►._7 u� e p Ervr.Auto.Data 5/17/05 Rimoution No.: 05-009 �5ValleY Transportation Improvement Program Dollies to thousands Funding Project/Road Names/Description!Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 7 University Road Inlay#1 24 0 029 053 City 585 University Rd Dishman-Mica Road 15111 Avenue 1.29 STP(U) 585 Grind and pave with 2 Inches of asphalt concrete pavement. Designing F Project Total 853 653 8 University Road Inlay#2 25 0 328 353 City 47 47 University Rd 15th Avenue 4th Avenue 0.69 SW(U) 306 308 Grind and pove with 2 inches of asphalt concrete pavomonl Designing Project Total 353 353 • 9 Broadway Avenue Inlay 12 0 157 169 City 23 23 • Broadway Avenue i•90 EB ramp Park Road 0.34 STP(U) 146 148 Grind and Inlay with 2 Inches of asphalt concrete pavement Designing Project Total 169 169 Projects and tknef ernes Wen/Sled In the TAP are to bo considered estimates only Uret may change due to a variety of cirwmstences, and are not Intended by rho City to bo rolled upon by property owners or dovobpero in making development decisions. Gra/2005 A3 • ...0°N...... Ado ted 2006 - 2011 SIx Year HuringRatsc 6114/d5 AdptbnDale: 6/14105 S y `_v e Env.Assess.Date 5/17105 ReaoMwn No.: 05-009 1.Valley Transportation Improvement Program Collets In thousands Funding • Protect/Road Names/Description)Current Status Length PE RW CPI Total Sources 2009 2007 2008 2008 2010 2011 Total 10 Bridging the Valley-Perk Road/BNSF Grade Sop 1,400 2,600 10,593 '14,783 Other 123 352 265 740 Park Road Indiana Avenue Montgomery Ave. 0.20 Other Fed 2.204 0,343 4,768 13,313 Other Stets 123 352 265 740 Reconstruct Perk Road to separate the grades of Park Road and Ow BNSF TPP 0 0 railroad tracks. Designing Pitied Total 2,450 7,047 5.296 14,793 11 Montgomery Avenue Inlay A2 47 0 424 471 Other 471 471 Montgomery Av Argonne Road University Road 1.05 Grind and repave wIlh 2"of asphalt concrete pavement Project Total 471 471 12 Mission Avenue Sidewalk Project 20 25 372 417 City SO 58 Mission Ave Mullen Road University Road 0.94 Other 361 361 Construct curb and sidewalk on both sides of the street Designing Protect-Total 417 417 Projects and timetremes Identified In the TIP are to be considered esamatas only dud may change due to a variety of circumalancee, • end are not intended ty the City to be naiad upon by properly eenarn or devekrparrs in maim development dedskrns. 818/Z005 A4 Adopted 2006 - 2011 Six Year Huffing mac 6/1410 AdoptionDatx 6/14/05 • SP• . __ e Ern„.Aeon.Date 5/17/05 R°s°mmn"Ho.:05-009 .Valley Transportation Improvement Program Dengue In thousands Funding Project!Road Names/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2008 2007 2003 2009 2010 2011 Total 13 Evergreen Road 300 1,000 3,000 4,300 AM 200 1,240 2,000 3,440 Evergreen Rd 32nd Avenue 101h Avenue 1.00 City 50 310 500 880 Reconstruct and widen to three lanes Prefect Total 250 1,550 2.500 4.300 Soaking funding , 14 Sullivan Road West Bridge 400 35 7.588 8,001 BR 435 3,783 3,020 757 8.001 Sullivan Road Spokane River #4511-S 0.22 Reconstruct and widen west bridge • Project Total 435 3,783 3,028 757 8,001 Work planned to begin in 2008 • 15 Barker Road-8th to Broadway Avenue 187 1.400 2,003 3,570 City 70 142 271 483 Barker Reed BO Avenue Broadway Avenuo 1.03 1PP 447 908 1,732 3,087 , Reconstruct to a thrmo-land urban arterial from 8th to Appleway. Reconstruct to a lour-lane arterial with center turn lane from Appliwoy to Broadway Ave. Protect Total 517 1,050 2,003 3,570 Work planned to begin in 2007 • Projects and tlmoframoa identified kt the 11P we to bo amsidered eadmates only that may change due toe variety of circumstances. and ere not intended by the City to be retied upon by property mvncss or developers in making development decisions_ 818/2005 A5 Adopted 2006 - 2011 Six Year HestfrpM.tr 6114105 Adoption0ate: 6114/05 S _n' Em.Asses.DMe 5/17105 ROtohal o^No- 05-009 �sValley Transportation Improvement Program 0ollen In thowands Funding Protect/Rood Names!Doscriptlon/Current Slatus Length PE RIM CN Total Bourays 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total 16 Flora Road 200 800 1,500 2,500 City 27 108 203 338 .I Flora Rd Sprague Av Mission Av 1.00 TPP 173 692 1.297 2,162 Reconstruct to a three-dine arterial. Work planned to begin In 2008 Project Total 200 800 1,500 2,500 17 Barker Road-Spokane River to Euclid Avenue 77 251 959 1,287 City 18 25 129 172 Barker Road Spokane River Euclid Avenue 0.58 STP(U) 122 183 830 1,115 Reconstruct to a three-lane curbed arterial Work planned to begin in 2008 Project Total 140 188 959- 1,287 18 Valley Corridor-Project 3 503 1,001 2,576 4,080 City 60 202 312 594 Valley Couplet Evergreen Road Appteway Road 2.25 SIP(U) 194 1,287 1,995 3,486 Construct muttidane facility with nubs and sidewalks. Romovo islands on Sprague Avenue and roatripo. Work ptannod to begin In 2009 Prefect Tetel 274 1,499 2,307 4,080 Proyacta and nowt-ernes Identified in the TIP rso to bo rauidered et-Sonatas or*that may change due toe variety of dreurnotwices, and are not intended by the City to be rated upon by property owners or dovoloporn in making development decisions. 611112005 A5 • Adopted 2006 - 2011 Six Year 14ertng„ .: 14106 Add D 6/14!05 S Vkane Env. 05-009 400,01F Valley Transportation Improvement Program Uonan to thousand. Funding Projoct!Road Nemoa&Description!Current Status Length PE RW CM Total Sources 2000 T007 2000 2009 2010 2011 Total 19 Barker Road Rehabilitation 48 0 597 843 City 87 87 Barker Rd Euclid Avonuo SR290(Trent Ave.) 2,72 STP(U) 556 550 Rehabilitation project to replace tho structural section with bolo and paving. Project Total 643 643 20 Brash Road 459 1,498 4,598 6,555 A!? 484 852 1,288 2,824 Bo/Wish Road 32nd Avenue 6th Avenue 1.52 City 242 426 844 1,312 STP(UI 482 850 1,287 2.819 Rtxonstruct and widen roadway to three lanes, Work planned to begin in 2008 Protect Total 1,208 2,126 3,219 6,555 • 21 Park Road 140 750 1,825 2,715 Alf' 292 712 1,100 2,172 Park Rd Broadway Av Indiana Av 0.75 City 73 178 292 543 Reconstruct and widen to five tones Work planned to begin In 2009 Project Total 385 890 1,460 2,715 Prolocta and timefrumes ident'fred in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a vrlinty of circumstances, end are not intended by the City to be riled upon by property owners or developers in mo0cing development decisions. e111f2005 A7 • • •••°"\..... Adopted 2006 - 2011 Six Year HsarkrpDate: 811406 AdopOanosts: 8114/05 IS�b ile p Env.Amu.Wee 5117105 flead kin No.:05-009 Transportation Improvement Program � �� Others M thousands Funding Project!Road Names/Description/Currant Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2000 2007 2000 2009 2010 2011 Total 22 Euclid Rd/Flora Rd 50 0 550 600 City 50 550 600 Euclid Av Flora Road Barker Road 0.97 Flora Rd Euclid Road Euclid Road 0.14 Reconstruct to provide a two lane,shouldered arterial Work planned to begin In 2009 Prefect Total 50 554) 600 23 32nd Avenue 66 294 1,112 1,472 City 29 80 90 199 32nd Avenue SR 27 Best Road 0.46 8TP(U) 164 512 577 1,273 Reconstruct and widen to three lanes with curbs and sidewalks. Work planned to begin in 2009 Pro(sct Total 213 592 667 1,472 24 Sullivan Road 326 935 0 1,261 City 93 374 467 Sullivan Road Euclid Avenue Wellesley Avenue 1.00 TPP 233 561 794 Reconstruct to a seven-lane urban arterial, Work planned to begin in 2010 Project Total 326 935 1,261 Projects are lhnelrames identified in 0te TIP are to be considered°almnates only teal may change due to a variety eA etcumetancee, and are not Intended by the City to be relied upon by property comnrs or dovobpnrs in mekhg dovebpmont decisions. 61042005 A0 �` Adopted Ado ted 2006 - 2011 Six Year Rowing Olt": s/'�rd AdopeonDew 6/14/05 Sgr '• Me Env.A .Dies 5117105 Resolution Ho.: 05-009 Transportation Improvement Program Dann kr thousands Funding Projoctl Road Names/DoscrlpUonf Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2000 200T 2009 2009 2010 2011 Total 25 6th Avenue Reconstnxxion 291 848 3,640 4,777 City 98 57 491 644 8th Avenue Havana Strout Park Road 0.00 STP(U) 619 388 3,149 4,133 Reconstruct 8th Ave.to a three-lano suction with curb,gutter,sidewalks and bIke lanes. Pre)ad Tad 714 423 3,840 4,777 Seeking funding 28 Park Road Propoct#3 544 520 2,541 3,605 City 52 130 133 315 Pork Rood Sprague Avenue Broadway Avenue 0.50 Other 144 15 159 STP(U) 528 1,203 1,349 3,080 Reconstruct end widen to a standard three-lane arterial street with curbs and sidewalks. Sacking ktnding Paced Total 500 1,477 1,497 3,554 Total: 6,995 13,735 88,494 86,224 10,287 13,530 23,108 14,797 13,018 10,635 Proioas and timnframos identifiod in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may demon duo to a variety of circumatanaes, • and one not Wended by the City to be rated upon by property Goners ar devotiopers ii making development deadens. 8/8/2005 A9 • • Adopted 2006 - 2011 Six Year Ho nan.. 611410 Adoption Dabs: 6/14/05 Sffok ne Env.a�am.ode 5/17/05 Reach/Mon No.: 05-009 VrisLLl 1 Transportation Improvement Program � 1 Wars in thousands Funding Project/Road Names/Doacrlptlon!Currant Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2009 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Six-YoarTra portatlon ImprovementProoram Totals • Year Federal State Other City 2008 5,738 1.442 1,972 1,135 2007 11,115 999 •52 1.084 2008 16,555 5,384 265 692 • 2009 6,268 7,072 1,437 2010 0,598 3,084 944 1,902 2011 5,208 3,017 15 2,395 • • Protects and timolrmnee identified In the TIP am to be considered estimates orgy that may change due toe variety of circumstances, and aro not intended by tho City to be relied upon by property awnars or developers In making dervolopment decisions. 0(3(2005 A f 0