Resolution 12-003 and TIP CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPQKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 12-�03 A RESOLUTION OF THE C�TY OF SPQI{��TE VALLEY, SFQKAN� COUNTY, WASHINGT{)N, ADOPTING THE 2013-2Q18 SIX Y�AR TRANSPORTATION IMPROV�MGNT PROGRAM F(aR TH� CITY aF SFOI�ANE VALLEY, A1�TD OTHER MATTEI�S 1�LATED TH�R�TO. WIIEREAS, to provide foi•the �ropez• a�zcl necessa�y developrneM�t of tl�e street system �vithin tl�e City af Spokane Va11ey, the City shall, as required by State 1a�v, develop and adopt anm�ally a Six-Year Tra��spor-�ation I�nprovement Program {"TIP") jvith sucli pragra��i acting as a g��ide foz• the coordinated develapment of the City's transpoi-tation systeni; a�id 'WIIEREAS, tlte TIP of the City sltall specifcaliy set forth those pi•ojects and p��og,�•ams of botl� City and re�ional signi£'icance ttiat be��efit tlie fransportation systetn and pi•omate public safety aiid efficient vehicle ztioven�ents; �a�id WHEREAS, the Six Yeae TIP shall be consistent �vith the City Comprehensive Plan and be adopted follo�vi�Yg one ot•�nore public lfea��ings before tl�e City Catmcil; and WHEREAS, a ciraft copy af the Sia Year TIP tivas submitted to the Washing#on 5tate I�epac-tment of Commei°ce sixty days p��ior to the scheduled adoption in accordance�vitl�RCW 36.70A.106; and WHEREAS, tlie City Council conducteci a p�iblic hearii�g on June 12, 2�12, f�r the purpose of inviting aitd receiving public con�menf on the proposed Six Year TII'. N�W THEREFORE, be it resolveci by tl�e City Cot�ncil of the City af Spokane Valley, Spokane Coui�ty, Wasl�ington, as follo�vs: The City CoL�ncil ]aez•eby adopts the attached Six Year TIP for the City of Spokane Vailey fa�•the puz•pose of guic�i��g tlfe design, deveIapmej�t a�fd constrtiction of local anc� regional t�•anspo��tation i�nprove►nents for tl�e years 2013 through 201 S. The Gity Clerk is directed to �le ftfe 2013-201 S Six-Yea�• Tr�nspoi�tation Improvement Program witl� the Wasl�ington State Seereta�y of T��anspo��tatioi� not latet• tilan Ji�tle 3Q. The TIP shall be i•evae`ved at least anm►al6y fQr the pi�rpose of deteriniuing tlie rvork to be accamplished u�tde�•the pc•ogram a�ici the City transpot-�ation rec�ui�•e�nen�s. Adopted tl�is 26t1a day ofJune, 2012. City o p9ka�ae Valley�,� � � l 'j. .�- � � � T amas E. Torvey,Mayor - A.T�E • � .� �� Christijie ainbridge, City ler t�.ppro�+ed as to Foi : .� C�?,• �.� , L.�.�` .�/i Office of ti e City Attorr�ey R250IUtlOri IZ-OO�, Adopting six-yeac TIP City vf Spokane Val �ey Publi�c Vlla�l�s Department 2013 — 2�1 S Six Year �pok�ne Valley� Transportat�vn Irnprovement Program Resolution 12-003, dat+ed June 26, 2012 FundinA Sources: • ARRA • BR • City • CDBG • CMAQ • Developers • EECBG • FHWA • FMSIB • HU� • REET • O#'�er Fed • O��er RR • Other State • SP • SRTS • SW - STA • STP{E) • STP(U) • T[B • UAP • UCP • WSQOT • WTSG • WUTC City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2013 — 2018 Six-Year Transportation Impro�ement Pragram (TIP) Glo�sary & Abbrewiations American Reca�ery & Rein�estment Act Bridge Replacement Program City Funds Cammunity Devefopmen# Black Grant Congestion Management/Air Qualify Private De�eloper Funds Energy Efficiency and Conser�a#ion Bloek Grant Federal Highway Administration Freight Mobility Strategic Investrt�ent P'rogram Housing & Urban De�elapment Real Esfate Excise Tax Misc. Federal Funding Sources Railroad Funding Misc. State Funding Sources 7fB Sidewalk Program Safe Roufes to Sehool City Stormwafer Funds Spokane 7ransit Authority SurFace Transportation Program (�nhanc�me�nt} Surface T�anspork�tion Pragram (Urban) Transportation Improvement Board TIB Urban Arierial Program TB Urban Corridor Program Washingtan Department af Transportatian Washington TrafFi� 5afety Gommission Washington Utilities &Transportation Commission Spo`�kane �Va11ey Fundinq S#ai�as: • S Project Funding is 5ecured • P Project Funding is Planned. �The Most Prabable Funding Sources ha�e been Identified. Projec# Phases: • P� Preliminary Engineering • RW Right-af-Way - CN Construction • VE Value Engineering Construetion Tvpe: • PCC Portland Cement Concrete • HMA Hot Mix Asphalt • 17S Intelligent Transportation System (Integrafed TrafFic Signal Gontrol Systems) • STEP Septic Tan'k Elimination Program Streei FUncfiivnal Classifications: • Urban: • 14 Principal Ar�eriaf • 16 Minor Arterial • 17 Collecior Arterial • 19 Local Access S`��,o�kane 2a�a - za�s � Six-Year Transpartation �mprovement Program ������� �ollars in Thousands Funciing Project!Description 1 Gurrent Status Length PE RW CN Total 5ources 2073 2014 2075 2016 24�17 2018 Total � Argonne Road-19d to Trent a.sa 5o z5o 5s2 saz C�ry 1za S CMA@ 7fi2 Revise Signa!Phasing,Add NB Right Tum Lane at Montgomery,Intersection Impravements at Knox Funding Secured(SRTC 06-31),Cityr Project#00�0 Project Total 882 2 Mission Ave.- Flora Rd.to Barker Rof. (PEIFtW) i 259 aoo o sss c�ty ss � STP(U) 570 Reconstnrct to a 3-lane section with curb,sidewalks,bike lanes and stormwater facilities; PE�RW Funding Secured,{SRTC# } City Project#0123, � 5idewalk Infill Rrograrn S Fil1 in gaps in sid�walk system#hroughout city FuRded by CMAQ(SRTC#ZO-07),Ci#y Proj2Ct#p149 4 Sullivan Road West Bridge S Recons#ruct and widen west(southbaund)bridge Recv'd FM5lB and BR grants 0 Projeck Total 659 0 0 323 324 City 65 GI41AQ 259 Projeck Total 324 O.DS 1,068 140 16,880 18.08& BR 966 2,852 2,852 Cilly 242 213 233 FMSIB i,Q00 1,000 Other 4,375 4,375 Fe8 Pr�oject Total 1,208 8,440 8,4d0 Projects and timefrarnes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development dee"rsioas. 6l28/2012 Page 9 120 762 882 89 570 659 65 259 324 6,670 65$ 2,000 8,750 18,088 nT,.f 2013 - 241� �I�aN���A7■ Six-YearTransportation Improvement Program ��Q�1�� Dollars irs Thousands Funding Project!Description!Current Status Length PE RW GN 7otal �ources 2613 2014 2015 2096 2017 2018 To#a[ 5 24th A�e Sidewalk�Adams fo Sullivan S Fil]in gaps in sidewalk Furtded,TIB#P-E-208(P02)-�;Ciry Project#0146 0.25 4 4 25$ 258 City 132 Other 126 State Project Total 258 � Mansfield A�e Connection-Pines(SR-27)to 0.21 so �ao s�i �,5a� City s� g 200-ft East of Houk Rd CMAQ 5i� UGP 792 Cans#ruct 3-lane arterial gap connection from Pines to Houk,w/sidewalk,curkr,and stormwater facilities Develop t77 �rs PE1RW f�nded by CN[AQ(SRTC#90-12),CiV Funded by T[B(#9-E-208(OQ3)-1),Ciry Project#0156 � Sidewaik&Transit Stop Accessihility Project S Sidewalk and bws stop impravements Ciry Projecl#0154 0 Project 7otal 1,541 7 3 102 111 City 22 Other- 89 FTA � Spokane Valley-Millwood Trail-SCC ta 5 559 0 0 s Evergreen Rd (PE) Ccanstruct Snared Use Pathway on abandoned Railroad Right-of-way PE Funded;SRTC#TE10-04;CiEy Projeck#0'145 Proj+ect Total 117 559 e��y STP(E) 559 '132 926 2S$ 61 511 792 177 1,541 22 89 t'!1 559 Prpject Tptal 559 559 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are ta be considered esfimates only that may change due to a uarieiy of circ�smstances,and are noi intended by the C"st}r to tse relied upon by property owners or developers in making develapmeni decisions. fi12812012 Page 2 �,T,.t 20'i 3 - 20'18 �pax�e7f� Six-Year Transporkation Improvement Program ���ll�y Dollars in Thousands Funtting Peoject!Descriptipn I Current Status Length PE RW CN Tota[ Sources 20�3 2014 2075 20'[6 20'i7 2D18 Tptal 9 Sulli�an Rd1UPRR Overpass Bridge Resurfacing o.05 P Project Res�rfacing of RR pverpass Bridge aeck �Q University Rdli-90 Overpass Study o 5 Study af feasibility and benefiYS of o�erpass at Universitylf-90 to ArgonnelSR-27 52 0 410 461 City 82 BR 369 Project Total 461 �as a o �ss c��y 2� CMAQ 162 Project iotal 188 �� Weflesley 1 Adams Sidewalk Project o.g� 3z 38 50o s�o other 568 State g Ci#y 2 Constrvet 6-ft sidewa]k on one side af Adams(Trent to Wel[esley)and north side of Wellesley(Sul[ivan fo 20D-ft East o6 Isenhart) Funded by SRTS �2 Park Road-#2-Broadway to Indiana(RW&CN) 4.�5 0 P Reconsfruct to a 3-fane section witn curb,sidewalks,bike[anes and sformwater facilitfes Prpject Total 570 i�a z,8rr 3,d27 c�ry zo �sa STP�U} 13Q 2,4$9 Project Totaf 15i} 2,877 Projetis and 5meframes identifed in the TIP are to be oonsidered estimates only that may change due ta a�ariety of circurnstanpes,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property pwners or deaelopers in making development decisions. 612812d12 Page 3 92 3&9 461 26 i62 188 568 2 570 4p8 2,619 3,027 Spo"�k�ne �o�s - 20�s �,����e� Six-YearTransp�ortatian Improvement Pragram Dollars in Thousands Funding Project 1 Description!Current 5tatus Length PE RW CN Total Sources Zd�3 2U14 2095 2096 2017 2018 Tota[ 13 Park Rvad#� 5idewalk Project-Sinto Ave.to o-� d9 25 3sa 434 c�ry p Itldian3 AVB. Other State Co�struct sidewalk along east side of Park Road from 200-ft S.of Sinto to Indiana Ave.and 165-ft gap on Mission Ave. east of Park Rd SRTS Application SUbmitted 2012 2 19 47 366 Project Total 49 14 Park Road#2 Sidewalk Project-Marietta Ave. �.�� �a 25 �oa �a3 c�ty � P to Buckeye Ave. otrzer zz Sta#e Cortstruct sidewalk along oRe side of Park Road and 160-ft gap on north side of Buckeye Ave east of Park Road SRTS Apglication submitted 2012 15 Sprague Ave Resurfacing-Fancher to Dollar P GrindlO�erlay;OGI:35.83 �s Sprague Ava Resurfacing-Havana to Fancher p (EB Lcif1�S� GrindlOverlay Eg lanes;�CI:38.53 Praject Total 23 0.4 2d 0 225 249 City 249 Project Total 249 i 5� 0 4�0 500 City 500 Project Total 506 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended hy the City ro be relied upon by property owners ar developers in making development decisions 6l2812a'I2 Page 4 3$5 s ��a 120 21 473 434 7 736 143 249 249 500 500 Sr�Ty�O�il� 2013 - 2018 p ��/T Six-Year TransportatiQn Improv�ement Program � !'(�,�1�.+� �ollars in Thousands Funding Project 1 DescriptiQn I Current Status Length PE RW CN Total 5ourees 2013 2a14 2Q15 2076 2017 2018 Total �7 Sullivan!Euclid Cancrete Intersection (RWICNj a o 4 1,562 i,562 c;ty 21� p STP{U) 1,351 Reconsfruct intersection in concrete pavement Project Total 1,552 �$ Sullivan Road Corridor Traffic 5tudy- I-9D to 2 zoo 0 0 20o city 27 p Wellesley STP{Uj �73 Conceptual Plannirtg far Sullivan RoaB eorridor impeowements �g Argonne Road Resurfacing-Sprague to p Broadway Grind/Overlay;OCI:35.63 20 Broadway @ ArgonnelMullan Concrete P Intersections (CN Oniy) Reconstruct intersections in concret�pavemeni Project Total 200 U.5 3Q 0 265 295 City 0 Project Toka[ 0 0 2,110 2,110 Cify 5TP(Uj Project Total Pmjects and tirneframes identified in the TIP ar�to 6e considered es5mates only that may change due to a variety of circumstanc�s,�nd are not intended by the Cily to be retied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6I2812012 Page 5 295 295 285 1,825 2,170 2'17 4,351 1,552 z7 773 20U 295 295 285 '1,825 2,110 CITI'C ���� � �Q�� �pax��n/7�7■ Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program � �`�11�� Dollars in 7housands Fundng Projectl Description I Current Status �.ength PE RW CN Tata! Sources 2013 2D1d 2D15 20�f6 20'�7 2018 Total 2� Euclid Ave Reconsiruction- Flora to E City p Limits Full Road ReconstrucEion;OCI:27.3 22 �vergreen Road ResurFacing-Sprague ta p Missian Grind/Ouerlay;OCI:35.07 2� Greenacr�s Trail-Sullivan to E City Limits p (RW&CN} Construci Shared Use Pafn+way on abandoned railroad right-of-way 9.5 110 D i,500 9,640 City Project Total 0.9 45 0 95p 995 City 2.2 0 24 Mission Aue.- Flora Rd.to Barker Rd_ (CN) o o P �den 8 Overlay to a�lane section vuith curb,sidewalks,bike]anes and stormwater facilities Project Total 0 1,095 1,D95 STP(E) Project TotaE 0 3,416 3,416 City UAP Project Total Projects and timeframes iden6fied in the TIP are to he cnnsidered estimates only that may change due to a�ariety of circvmstances,and are not intended by She City to he relied upon by propertyr owners or developers in making developmeni decisions. 612 812 0 9 2 Page 6 1,610 1,690 995 99S 1,095 7,095 sas 2,733 3,416 1,610 i,61D 995 995 7,b95 1,095 683 2,733 3,416 2013 - 201$ ��ox��s�1■ Six-Year Transportatian Improvement Program ��Gl.11�� DolCars in Tltousands Funding Project l Description 1 Current S#att�s Ler�g#h PE RW CN Tptal Sources 20'13 2044 2075 201fi 2Q'17 20'[8 Tp#al 25 Mullan Road F2esurFacing- Dishman Mic�to p Broadway GrindlQveriay;0�1:35.56 d.6 26 Spokane VaHey-Millwood Trail-SCC to s.s P Evergreen Rd (RW&CM) ConsEruct Shared Use Pathway on�bandoned Railroad Right-of-way 27 Sprague Ave Resurfacing-Herald to University �•4 P GrindlO�erlay;OCI:35.Q� �8 5ullivan Road Concrete Pavement Phase 1 - P Marietta ta Euclid Concrete Paverrient;OCI:37.28(2013) 30 0 265 295 City Project Tota] d 1d0 4.280 4,380 City SiP(E) Project Total 30 0 3�5 405 City Prolect Total 0.32 314 0 2,408 2,721 STP(Uj city Project Tdtal Projecls and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates oniy lhat may change due to a variery of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to I�e refied upon by property owners or developers in making development deciSipn5. 6128I2012 Page 7 295 296 i00 2,14D 2,140 t00 2,140 ?,740 4Q5 405 2�4 2,149 32 336 236 2,4$5 295 285 4,384 4,380 405 405 2,353 3fi8 2,721 �T,., 2013 - 2418 �'��'x��'� Six-Year Transportation Improvement Pro�ram �Valle� Dollars in Thousands Funding Project!Description 1 Current Staius Ler�gYh PE RW CN Total �ources 2013 2074 2Q15 2U16 2077 20'18 Total 29 Appleway Trail- University to Evergreen 2 P Construct Shared Use PatYrway along abandoned Railroad Right-of-Way 3o Dishman Mica Resurtacing-Sands to Thorpe P GrindlOverlay;OCf:3�1.43 31 Euclid Ave Reconsiruction-W end to Sulli�an P Full Road Reconstruction:DCI:21.42 32 Flora Road Reconstructian-Euclid#0 7rent P Fufl Road Reconstruction;OCL 27.96 0.6 200 0 2,000 2,200 City STP(E) Project Tatal 25 4 328 353 City Project Tvtal D.3 40 0 515 555 City STP(l�) Project Tptal 'i 95 0 1.300 1,385 City Project Total Projects and tfinefrarnes identified in the TIP�re to be oonsidered estimates only that may change due to a variety oF circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property awners or developers in making development decisions. sr2arzo�z Page 8 100 100 1,000 1,�00 2,200 100 100 1,000 1,D00 2,200 353 353 353 555 555 1,395 1,395 353 555 555 7,395 1:395 cin'c �0�� - L��� ��a�� Six-Year Transportation Impravement Program ��(����y Dollars in 7housands Funding Project 1[3eseriptinn 1 Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2013 2094 2415 2016 2097 2Q1$ Tatal 33 Madison Road Recanstruction-4Dth�o Tharpe o.5 �oo o �,450 �.55o c;ty P Full Road Reconstr�ct;OCI:22.D6 Praject Tptal �4 Mission Ave ResurFacing-Argonne to Herald �-s 3o D 440 a7o c�ty P GrindlO�erlay;OCI:33.6$ 35 MulFan Road Resurfacing-Broadway to Mission o.5 P GrindlOverlay;OCI:33.38 3s Sprague Ave Resurfacing-Argonne to Merald P GrindlOver]ay;dCl:33.28 Projeet Total 25 0 286 311 City Pro�ect Total 4.6 30 0 f8D 710 City STP(U) Project Total ProjecLs and tfinefeames Identified in the TIP are tD be Con5sdered esiimates only that may change due to a varie^ty of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to he relied upon by property owners or developers in making develnpment decisiQns. fi128/2012 Page 9 1,554 1,550 470 47Q 311 317 96 614 770 1,550 4,550 a�o 470 311 311 96 614 710 �T,.t 2013 - 201 S �p��n�' Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program �Valley aollars in Thousands Funcfing Project!Destription I Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2013 2D1d 2015 20'16 2017 2Q18 Totai 37 Sullivan I�oad Resurfacing-Sroadway to p Mission GrindlO�rerlay;OCI:32.49 38 Appleway Blvd Resurfacing-Vista to Dishman P Mica GrindlOverlay;OCI:33.37 39 Argonne Road Concrete Pavement- I-90 to P Montgamery Reconstruct pavement in concreie;OCI:40.35(2012) O.t7 0.5 0 4o Dishman Mica Road ResurFacin�-40th to Sands 0�2� P GrindlOverfay;pGl;33.87 30 4 25D 280 City STP{U) Project Total 55 0 1,104 1,�55 City Projeet Total 362 0 2,776 3,138 City Project Total 20 0 260 28d City Project Tota I Projects and fimeframes identified in the 71P are to be considered estimates only thst may ehange due to a varieiy of circumstances,and are nat intend�d by the City to be relied upon by property ownere or developers in making de�elopment decisions. siz$�zo�z P�g��o 38 242 2$0 1,155 1,155 362 2,776 362 2,776 28� 280 38 242 280 1,155 1,155 3,138 3,138 zsa 2$U �,T,., 2013 - 2U1 S �p����n/Tec�1■7■ Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program � R'LLil�y ❑oflars in Thousands Funding Qroject 1�escription 1 Current Status Lengtfi PE RW CN iotal �ources 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 41 p�shman Mica Raad ResurFa�ing-Thorpe io 5 p City Limit GrindlOverlay;OCI:32.58 4.3 42 Euclid Ave Reconstruetian-Sulli�an ta Marietta o.s P Full Road ReCOnstruction;OCL 28.41 43 Farr R+oad Reconsiruction-4th to 8ttt P Fu[I Road Reconstruction;OCL 28.93 � Progress Road Reconstruc#ion-Wellesley to p CI'OWI1 Fulf Raad Reconstruct;OCI:17.15 0.25 o.z� 20 0 19� 210 City Project Total 154 0 1,960 2,110 City STP{U) Project Yotal 25 0 SOD 525 City Project Tota[ 35 0 45U 485 City Project Total Projects and timeframes ident�ed in the 71P are to he considered estimates onFy thai may change due to a variely oi circumstances,and are not intended by tYse City to be re2isd upon by property owners or developers in making developrt¢ent decisions. 6128l2�12 Page 11 210 2'10 285 1,825 2,110 525 525 4$5 485 210 214 285 1,825 2,1a0 525 S25 485 485 �,., �0'13 - 201 S �p���� Six�-Year Transportation Improv�ement Pragram �Val�ey Dollars in 7housands Fundirag Project!Description!Gurrent Status �ength PE RW CN 7otal 5ources 2D13 2014 2015 2016 2{l�7 2p18 Total 45 gprague Ave Resuffacing-Vista to Argonne P GrindlOver[ay;OCI:34.D4 a6 Sullivan Road Resurfacing-Sprague to P Broadway GrindlOverlay;OCI:31.2 47 garker Road!BNSF Grade Separation (PE& p RW Only) Co�struct Grade Separation at BarkerlBNSF RW Trent(SR290) o.s so 0 6aa s7a c��y STP{U) Praject Tota1 0.5 40 0 $00 840 City STP(U) Project Total 0 2,250 4D0 0 2,fi49 Cilty Qther Fed Other Fed Other- RR FY09 Federa�Earmark for$72pK mi[lion,$9pM received from FMSB for CN phase 4$ Euclid Ave Reeonstruction-Marietta to Flora P Fu11 Road ReCnnstruction;QGI:29.21 Praject total 6.5 900 0 1,335 1,435 City 90 580 670 i13 727 90 ssa fi70 773 727 84U 840 101 256 357 180 180 611 1,368 1,979 38 95 733 750 7,899 2,649 1,435 7,435 Project Total 1,435 1,A35 Prajects and timtframes iden�ed in the 7Ip are io be considered estimates nnly Ehat may ehange due to a varietyr of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon hy property owners or developers in making development decisions. 612 812 0 1 2 Page 12 �,T,.� 2a�3 - 2oas �pax-��� Six-Year Transporkation Impro�ement Pragram ���''C�alley Dollars in Thousands Fundi�ng Prnject 1 Description I Current Status Length PE RW CN Tota� �ources 2U13 2Q14 2015 20'16 201T 2D18 Tatai �s Evergreen Road ResurFacing- I-90 to Indiana P GrindlOverlay;OCI:30.43 5Q Farr Road Reconstruction-Appleway to 4th P Full Road Reconstruction;OCI:29.63 �� Sprague I Fancher Concrete Intersection P ReconsYruct Intersection in concrete pavement 52 Sprague Ave Resurfacing- Flora io�orbin P Grindl�verlay;OCI:32.76 a.zs 20 o zsa zso c�ey Project Total a.zs 20 o zso 25o c��y Project Tatal 0 181 0 1,391 1,572 City 5TP(Uy Project Total 0.25 20 0 410 430 City STP(U) Project Total Projects and timeframes identified in the T[P are fo be considered estimates only that may change due ta a vaaety af circumstances,and are not intended hy the Giry fo be felied upon by property owners or developers in making de�elopment decisions. 6I28l2017 Page 13 2ao 280 250 25D 2't2 1,360 zso 280 zso 250 242 '1,360 1,572 4,572 S8 58 372 372 430 430 nT,.� 20�3 - 20�g �l�a��n�a�7■ S�x-Year Transportation Irt�provement Program ��L�11�� Dollars in Thousand5 Funding Project!Descriptian!C�rrent Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2013 20�[4 2015 2016 2p77 2048 Total s3 Sprague Ave Resurfacing-Park to Vista P GrindlOverlay;OCI:31.58 $4 5prac�ue Ave Resur-�acing-Sullivan to Canklrn P Grind/OverEay;OC�:39.46 �5 Sullivan Road Concre#e Pavement Phase 2- p Euclid to Kiernan Concrete Pavement;OCC:3�.45(20i3) 56 Sprague 1 Argonne-Mullan Concrete p Intersectians ReCOnstruCt intersec#ians in concrete pavement 0.5 30 0 565 595 City STP(U} Project Totaf 0.5 35 0 fi64 fi95 City STP(Uj Prpject Total 0.37 388 0 2,972 3,360 City STP{U) Project Total 4 270 4 2,072 2,342 City Project Total Projects and timeframes ident�ed in the TIP are to be considered estimates onEy that may change due to a�ariety ofi circumstances,and are naT intended by the Gity#o be relied upon by praperty owners or developers in making development decisions. 6128I2012 Page 14 80 515 595 94 601 80 S'15 595 94 601 695 fi95 39 414 453 252 2,655 2,907 297 3,069 3,360 2,342 2,342 2,342 2,342 ��,r,'(3(3�.� 2Q13 - 20'i 8 p ;% Six-Y`ear Transportation Improvement Program � y���� Dollars in 7housands Funding Fr�ject 1 Description I Current S#atus Length PE RW CN Total 5ources �d13 2D14 2f}15 20'!6 2497 2D18 Total Totals: 7,787 2,07a 68,068 77,925 9,494 22,379 18,789 8,877 7Q074 8,310 77,923 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP aYG tq t�GDnSideYed eSlimat�s only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by ihe City to be reiied upon by praperty owners or developers"rn making develapment decisions. 6128l2012 Page 15 S`�,�`Nl�ane � Va11ey � Year Federal 2073 $3,878 2074 $7,227 2U15 �7,227 241fi $0 2Q17 $4 2018 $4 Total 518,332 201� - �a�s Six-YearTransporkation Improvement Program 5ix-Year Transportation Improvement Program Totals Secured Projects 5tate Other City $1,486 $177 $759 $1,000 $0 $213 $1,400 $Q $213 �a $o $ca $o �o �o $4 $0 $0 53,486 $177 $7,18� Total $6,300 $$,440 $8,440 $0 $o $� $23,180 Federal $2.�23 $5.74 3 $5,245 $5,372 $4,711 $5.203 $28,267 Planned Projects State �th�r City iotal $69 $0 $7,i02 $3,Z94 $3,213 $0 $5,013 $�3,939 $0 $0 $5,104 $90,349 $0 $Q $3.505 $8,877 $0 $3$ $5,325 $�0,074 $0 $95 $3,012 $8,3�tD $3,282 $133 $23,061 $54,743 ProjecCS and timeframes identified in the TIP are to 6e eansidered estirt:ates only that may chas�ge due to a variery of circumstances,and are not iniended by the City to be relied upon by praperty owners ar devefopers in making devefopment decisinns. 612 812 0 1 2 Page 1 Federal $5,941 $12,940 $12,472 $5,372 $4,711 $5,203 $46,599 State $1,555 $4,213 $1,4a0 $0 $0 $0 $fi,768 Totals Qther City Total $177 $1,861 $9,494 $0 $5,226 $22,379 $0 $5,317 $�8,789 $0 $3.605 $8,877 $38 $5.325 $90.D74 $95 $3.Q'!2 $8.310 $370 $24,246 $77,923 City of Spokane Valley Department af P�blic Works Six-Year Tra�nsporta#ion Irnprovement Program Projects wl Na Currently [dentified L.oca6 Match Within �xisting Resources dollars in Thousands Project Name Description Total Cost Arterial Improvemer�t Projects Bowdish F2oad- 16ih tfl Spragu� Sprague fa Stfi�: In1ay& Enhancement; 8th to �6th: $2,851 Reconstruc#as 2-lane section wl curb,sidewaik, bike lanes and new stormwater fa�ilities; Bowdish Road-24fh to 1 Gth Reconsfr�ct Roadway as 2-9ane section wl curb, sidewalk and �a2,846 new stormwater facilities; Bowdish Road-32nd to 24th Reconstruct Roadway as 2-lane sectian wl curb, sidewalk and $2,637 new stormwater facilities; Sullivan Raad North Extensian Reconstruct and widen the Sullivan F�oad e�Ension narth also $55 {Bigelow Guich) known as Bigelow Gulci� Road to a 4-I�ne roadway with 8-foot shoulders and a 12-foot two way lefk turn lane. Wellesley Realignment @ �tealign connection of Wellesley to Barker Rd and SR290, 3- $5,187 BarkerlSR29� lane section, Part of BarkerlBNSF Grade Separation Bridge Projects Barker Roa�1 BNSF Grade Construct Grade Separation at BarkerlBNS� RR!Trent $32,flOD Separation (CN Only) (SF�29Q) Park Road 1 BNSF Grade Separation Reconstruct Park Road to separate the grades of Park Raad $16,520 and the BNSF railrnad fracks. Congestion ImproVement Projects Evergreen ITS fmprovements Traffic GontroR Systems Upgrades for Evergreen{Broadw�y to �708 96th) Pines Corridar ITS: Sprague to 16th Trafifc Signal Control System for Corridor $785 SalteselSullivan Traffic 5ignal Irnproveme�ts to Intersection, Install Traffic Stignal (In $586 caordina#ion wl Spokane County) Sprague 1 Barker Traffic Signa! Install Tra#fic Signal $594 Reconstruction Projects Sprague/Thierman Concrete Recflnstruct�ntersection in concrete pavement $1,242 Infersection Sprague 1 University Concreke Reconstruct lntersection in concrete pavement; $1,660 Intersection Sullivan 1 Kiernan Concrete Reconstruct lntersection in ccsncrete pa�ement; $1,423 Intersection 612 012 0 9 2 Page 1 oF2 Ci#y of Spokane Valley Deparfinent of Public WQrks Six-'Year Transportation Improvement Program Projects wl No Gurrently Identified Local Match Within Existing Resources Dollars in Thousands Project Name Qescription Total Cost Reconstruct�on Projects Sullivan/Marietta Cancrete Reconstruct intersection in concrete pavement �1,493 Intersection Sullivan Road Concrete Pavement Goncrete Pavement OCI: 37.28(2013) $2,933 Pi�ase 3-Inland ta Marietta Sulliva� Road Concrefe Pavement Cancrete Pavemerst; OCI: 37.28(2093) a�2,398 Phase�1-Sp�okane Rivar to Inland Sulfivan Road Concrete Pavament Concrete Pavement; OCI 37.45(2013} �2,72p {'hase 5-Kiernan to 7rent Street �reservation Projects PaWement Management Pragram- Annual streek preservation projects per PMP �3,729 2013 Pavement Management Program- Annua[street preservation projects per PMP �4,229 2014 Pavement Management Program- Annual st�eet preservation projects per PMP $3,8D6 20�5 Pavement Management Program - Annual street pres�rvation projects per PMP $3,206 20'i 6 Pavement Management Pragram - Annual street preservation projects per PMP $3,914 2017 Paverrient Management Program- Annual street preservation projects per PMP $4,200 2018 �avement Management Pragram- Annual street prese�rvation proj�cts ��2,D00 Local Access Total $913,722 612 012 0 1 2 Page 2 of 2 City of Spakane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportakion fmprav�ment Program Projec�sL�sied by Category for i�ne 2013-2018 Six-Year TIP Rollars in Thousarrds Arterial Improvements PraJect Name �ascrlptlon �tart Year Clty Cnst T�t�Cast Mission Ave.-Flora Rcl.to Barker f�econstruct to�3-lane section wi4h 2a13 S89 5659 Rd.(PEIRVI� curb,s€de�valks,bike lanes and storrnwater facilities; Park Road-#2-8roadway to Reconsiruct to a 3-lane secfion tivith 2013 S40$ S3A27 Indiana{RW&CN) curb,sidewalks,bike lanes and stormudater faciliiies 3vlission Ave.-Flora Rd.to Barker Widen�Qverlay lo a 3•lane section 2034 5683 53,416 Rd.(CN} wilh curb,sidewalks,bike fanes and storm4vaier facifilies Total: $1,18U �7,102 B�idge Projects ProJect Hame Rescrlptl� St�r Year City Cost intal Cast 5ullivan Raad Wesk Bridge Reconstruct and widen west 2013 $6&8 $18,088 (south6ound}bridge 8ulliv�n Rd1UPftR dverpass Bridge Rasurfacing of RR Overpass Bridge 2013 S92 �461 Resu�facing Project Deck Barker Road 18N5F Grade Construct Grade Separation at 2017 5357 52,649 Separation(PE&RW ONy) BarkerlBiJSF RRi Treni(SI�290} TOt�I: $1,11T $21,198 Projects and timeframes idenGfied in fhe TIP are to 6e considered estimates pnly that may change due lo a variefy of Grcumstances,and are not intended by the Gity to be relied upon by property owr�ers or developers in making deve�opment decisions. 7hursday,June 28,2012 Page 1 of 7 City of Spokane Valley Deparkment af Public Works Six Year Transportation Impravemenf Program ProjectsListed by Category ior the 2(113-2018 Six-Year iIP C]ol9ars in 1`housands Congestion Impro�ements Pro]eGt f�ame Descrfptl�n Start Year CftY Cast Total Cost Argonne Road-190 to Trent Revise Signal Phasing,Add NB 2013 5120 �882 Right Turn Lane at Monlgomery, lntersection Improvements ai Knox Mansfield Ave Connection-Pines Canatruct 3-lane arterial gap 2013 S61 51,541 (SR-27)to 200-ft East of Houk Rd connection irom Pines io Houk,wl side�valk,curb,and stormwater faciliiies University Rdll-90 Overpass Study Study of(easibility and benefits of 2013 $26 S1$$ over�ass at Universityll-90 io ArgonnelBR-27 Sulli�an Roaci Carridor Traffic Siudy- Concepival PlanniRg for Sullivan 2{}13 S27 $20D I-90 to Wellesley Road corridor improuemenis Total: �234 $2,811 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only lhat may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers ir�making development decisions. Thursday,June 28,2012 Page 2 ot 7 City of Spokane Valley �epartment of Public Worics SEx Year Transportation Improvement Pra�ram Prajects�.isted by Category for the 2013-2018 5ix-Year TiP ballars in Thousands P�destrEanlBicycle Prograrn Pro�ect�Eame Oescrlptlan 3tart Yea� Clty Cast Tat�Cost Sidevr�lk Infill Program Fill in gaps in side4velk sysRem 2013 $65 $324 tttroughaut city 24th Ave Sidewalk-Adams to Fill in gaps in sidewalk 2013 5132 S258 Sullivan Sidewalk 8�Transit Stop Ac�e&sibility Sidewalk and bus sfop improuements 2013 $22 5111 Projeck Spakane Ualley-Millwood Trail-SC� Construct Shared Use?athway on 2d13 �4 5559 ta Euergreen Rd(PE) ahandoned Raifroad Right-of-way Wellesley 1 Adams Sidawalk Project Consiruct 6-ft sideavalk on one side 2013 S2 5570 oFAdams(Trent to Wellesiey)and north side of Wellesley(Sullivan to 200-ft East of lsenharl) Park Roatl#1 Sidewalk projeet- Construct sldewalk along east side of 2013 S21 5434 Sinio Ave.to Indiana Ave. Park Road from 200-ft S.of Sinto to Indiana Ave.and 165-ft gap on Mission Ave.east crf Park Rd Park Road#2 Sidewalk Prajeci- Canstruct sidetivalk along ane side of 2013 $7 5143 Marietta Ave.to Buckeye Ave. Park Road and 16Q-ft gap on north side of 8uckeye Ave east of Park Road Greenacres Trail-Sullivan to E City Construct 5hared Use Pathway on 2014 $0 53,095 Limits(RWRC�f) abandoned railroad right-of-vray Spokane Valley-Mil6wood Trail-SCC Construct 5hared Use Paihway on 2014 $0 $4,380 to Evergreen Fid(RW&CN) abandoned Railroad Right-of-way Appleway Trail-University to Construci Shared Use Paihway 2015 S� $2,2D0 Evergreen along aGandoned Railroad Right-of- Way Tota�: $249 590,074 Projects and timeFrames identified in the TIP are to be considerecf estimates only that may change due to a vahety of eircumsiances,and are noi intended by ihe Ciiy to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making deve�opment decisions. Thursday,June 28,2012 Page 3 of 7 City of Spokane Valley aepartment of Public Works Six Year Transportatiorr Impravement Program ProjecisListed by Category for the 2013-2018 Six-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands S#reet Pre$ervation Projeets ProJe�t IYame oe�cr�utrnn St�t lfear C�ty Cost io#�Cost Sprague Ava Resurfacing-Fancher Gr�ndlOverlay;OCI:35.83 2013 �249 5249 to Dollar Sprague Ave Resurfacing-Havana GrindlOver�ay EB fanes;OCI:38.53 2073 �500 $5(?0 to Fancher(EB�anes} Argonne Road Resurfacing- Grindlpverlay;OCI:35.63 20i4 5295 S295 Sprague to Brpadtivay Evergreen Road Resurfacing- Grindl0verlay;OCI:35.07 2014 $995 5995 5prague to Missian Mullan Road Resurfacing-�Dishman �GrindlOverlay;OCI:35.56 2Q14 5295 $295 Mice to Braadway Sprague Ave Resurfacing-Herald to GrincllOverlay;OCI:35.01 2Qia $405 �405 University Dishman Mica Resurfacing-SaRds GrindlOverlay;OCF:34.43 2015 $353 5353 to Thorpe Mission Ave Resurtacing-Argonne Grindl0verlay;OCI:33.68 2015 �470 $476 io Fierald Mulian Roatl ResurFacing-Broadway GrindlOverlay;QGI:33.38 2015 5391 �311 lo N�issian 5�rague Ave Resurfacing-Argonn� Grind/Overlay;UCI:33.28 2015 $96 a710 to Herald Sullivan Road ResurFacing- Grindl�verlay;OCI:32.49 2015 �38 �280 Broadway to Mission Appleway�Ivd Resurfacirtg-Vista to GrindlOverlay;OCI:33.37 2p16 �1,155 $1,155 Qishman Mica Dishman Mica Road Resurfacing- GrindlOverlay;OCI:33.67 2016 5284 �a28D 40ih fo Sands Dishman Mica Road Rasurfacing- GrindlOverlay;OCf:32.58 2D16 5210 $210 Thorpe to S City Limit SArague Ave ResurFacing-Visia to GrindlOveriay;OCI:34.OA 2016 S90 5670 Arg an ne Projects and 6meFrames iden6fied in th�T!P are to be considered es�'mates only that may change due io a�ariety of eircumstances,and are not intanded hyihe City to be relied upon by propertyowners ordevelopers in making devefopmentdecisions Thursday,June 28,2l?12 Pa�e 4 of 7 Gity of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement I'rogram Projec�sLisied by Category for khe 20�3-2018 5ix-Year 71P �oklars in Thousands Sullivan Road Resurfacing-Sprague GrindlOverlay;OCI:31.2 2016 5113 5840 to Broadway Evergreen Road Resurfacing-I-9D to GrindlOverlay;OCI:30.43 2017 5280 5280 Indiana Sprague Ave Resurfacing-Flora to GrindlOverlay;�CI:32.76 2097 �58 S43Q Corbin S�rague Ave Resurfacing-Park to GrindlOverlay;OCI:31.58 2017 SSO 5595 Vista 5prague Ave Resurfacing-Sullivan GrindlO�erlay;OCI:31.4fi 2017 S94 5695 to Canklin Tokaf: $6,367 590,018 Projecls and timefram�s idenlified in the TIP are to t�Q eonsidered esiimates only ihat mey change due to a variety of circumsfances,and are not Intended 6y the Ciry to be relied upon hy property avmers or developers in makfr�g developmeni decisions. Thursday,June 28,2012 Page 5 of 7 City �f Spokar�e l/alley Department of Public Works S�x Year Transporkation Improvement Program ProjectsLisied by Gategory for the 2013-2018 Sax-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands Street Reconstructian Projects P�aJect Hame Uascrlptlon 3tart Yea� City Gast 1'nt�E�rst Sulfivan!Euelici Cortcrete Reeonstruci intersection in concrete 2013 �21'[ 5�,562 Intersection(RWICN} pavemeM Sroadway @ ArgonnefMullan Reconsiruci intersections in concrete 2C114 $285 52,110 Concrete Inierseclions(CN ONy) pavemer�t Euclid Ave Reconsiruct'ton-Fiora to Full Rosd Reconstruction;OGI:27.3 2014 �1,610 $i,810 E City Limits Sullivan Road Concrets Pavemeni Concrete Pavemenl;OCf:37.28 20i4 $368 52,721 Phase 1 -Marietta to Euclid (2013) Euclid Ave Reconsiruckion-W end Full Road Reconstruction;OCI:21.42 20i5 S555 $555 4o Sullivan Flora Road Reconsiruction-E�cl9d Full Road Reconstruction;QCI:27.96 2015 S1>395 51,395 to Trent Madison Raad Fteconstruction-401� Full Road Reconstruct;OCI:22.06 2015 59,55fl S1,550 to Tharpe Argonne Raad Cancrete Pavement- F2econstruct pavement In conerete; 2016 53,138 53,138 f-9q lo�vlontgomery OCk 40.35(2012} Euclid Aue Reconstruction-Sullivan Full Road Reconsiruciion;OCI:28.41 2016 5285 52,110 to Marietta Farr Road Reconsiruction-41h to 81h Fu1l Road Reconsiruciion;dCl:28.93 201& 5525 5525 Progress Road Reconsiruction- Full Road Reconsiruci;OCI: 17.15 2018 �485 5485 Wei9esley to Crown Euclid Aue Reconstruciion-Marieita Full Road Reconsiruciiorr;OCI:29.21 2d17 $1,435 51,435 to Flora Farr Road Reconstruction- Full Road Reconslruction;OC4:29.83 2D17 $250 $250 Appleway to ath Sprague 1 Fancher Concrete Reconstruci Intersection in concrete 2017 $212 $1,572 Inierseciion pavemeni Sullivan Road Concrete Pavement Concrete Pavement;OCI:37.45 2017 $453 93,360 Phese 2-Euclid to Kiernan (2013) Projects and timeframes idenGfied in the TIP ara to be considered eskimates onfy ihat may change dua to a vanety of circur�istances,and are noi intended by the City to 6e relied upon by property owners or deuelopers in makir�g development decisions, T�ursday,June 28,2012 Page 6 of 7 City of Spokar�e Valley Depar�ment of Public Works Six Year Transportat�on Impravement Program PrajectsListed by�ategory for the 2(113-2018 5ix-Year TIP Oollars in Thausands Sprague 1 Argonne-Mullan Concreie Reconstruct intersections in cancrete 2D18 52,342 52,342 Intersections pavement Total: �15,099 �26,720 U�erall Total: �24,246 $77,923 Projects and cimeframes idenc4Tled in lhe TIP are to be considered estimales only that may change due to a variely oi circumstances,and are not intended by the City to 6e relied upon by property o�,vners or developers in making development decisions. T#�ursday,June 28,2012 Page 7 of 7 City of Spakane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program �o�� - 2a� �ollars'rn Thausands 2�� ftem# P�a�ect Name P��mary 3o�rce City Amount Total Amo�nt 1 Argonne Road-190 to Trent CMAQ 120 882 2 Mission Ave. -�lora Rd. to Barker Rd. {PEIRW) STP(U) 89 659 3 Sidewalk Infill Pragram CMAQ 65 324 4 5ullivan Road West Bridg� BR 242 1,208 5 24th Ave Sidewalk-Adams to Sullivan City �32 258 6 Mansfield Ave Connectian-Pines(SR-27)to UCP 69 1,541 20Q-ft East of Houk Rd 7 Sidewalk&Transit 5top Accessibifity Project Qther-FTA 22 119 8 Spokane Valley-Millwaod Trail-SCC to STP(E) Q 559 Evergreen Rd(PE) 9 Sullivan Rd1UPRR O�erpass Bridge Resurfacing BFt 92 461 Project 14 Ur�iversity Rdll-90 C3ver�ass Study CMAQ 26 188 11 Welles#ey 1 Adams Sidewalk Project Other State 2 570 12 �ParF: R�a:i -�r1 - Fr��cl��,°iay t�Ind'��an� (Rdl�.r�� C�,'j STP(U) 20 150 13 Park Road#1 Sidewalk Pro}ect-Sinto Ave. to Other 5tate 2 49 Indiana Ave. 14 Park Road#2 5idewalk Project-Marie�ka Ave. fo Other State 1 23 B�ckeye Ave. '15 Sprague Ave Resurfacing-Fancher fo pQllar City 249 249 �6 Sprague Ave Resurfaeing-Havana�o Fancher City 500 540 �E6 Lanes} 17 SUllivan!�uclid Goncre#e lntersection(�W/Cf�) STP(U) 2�1 1,562 18 Sull�v��n f:o.,�l Co.,i��i:_�r 1 r:a�lic.S2�.i�iy- I-���tt� STP(U) 27 200 Wellesi2y � 2013 Totafs: $1,867 $9,A94 Pto}ects and 6meframes identifled in the TIP are to ha considered estimates only lhai��ay change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not i�lended by the City to he relied upon by property ovrners or developers in making development decisions. Added Projecls are shotivn in Greer� ,. I , , .. Funded Praects are shown ir�Blue Thursday,June 28,2012 Page 1 of 3 2�t� Item# Fro�ect l�ame F�Imar�y Snuree City Amount Total Amowt 4 Sulltvan Road West Bridge Other Fed 2�3 8,440 12 Park Rua_l���2 - E3road�,v�y io Inrila��a (f�W° CPd; STP(U) 388 2,$77 13 Park Road#1 Sidewalk Project-5into Av�.to C7ther 5tate 19 385 Incliana Ave. 'f4 Park Road#2 Sidewalk Project-Marietta Ave. to Other Stafe 6 120 BucEceye Ave. 19 Argar�ne Ftoad Resurfacing -Sprague ko City 295 295 Broad�{�ay 20 Broadway @ ArgonnelMullan Concrete STP(U) 285 2,110 Interseciions(CN Only) 21 �uelid Ave Reeonstruetion-Ffora to�Cify L'rrnits City 1,610 1,610 22 Evergreen Roaci Resurfacing -Sprague to City 995 995 Mission 23 Greenacres Trail-5ullivan to E City Limits STP(�) 0 1,095 (RW&CN) 24 is'�.::__ ��:�,�^,,,,,:�, �� ��I,��a (��I� 1�:� Ea3si'�;����r P.d. (G"tti'j UEIP 683 3,418 25 Muilan Road Resurfacing- Dishman Mica to City 295 295 Broadway 26 Spokane Valley-Millwood Trail-SCC to STP{�) 0 1Q0 Evergre�n Rd (RW8�CN} 27 5prag���Ave ResurFacing- Herald to Universiiy City 405 405 28 5ullivan Road Cancrete Paveme�k Phase 1 - STP(U) 32 236 Marietta ka Euclid 2Q14 Totals: $6,226 �22 379 2015 �tem# FraJeet f�ama PrMary Snu�ce C�ty Amaunt int�Amaunt 4 Suilivar� Road West Bridge �ther Fed �13 8,440 26 SpoS�ane Valiey-Mi[Iwood Trail-SCC to S7p(E) 0 2,140 Evergreen Rd (RV+!&CN� 28 Sul�i�an Road Concret�; Pavement Phase 1 - STP(U) 336 2,485 Marietta to Euclid 29 Appleway Trail- University fo Evergreen STP(E) Cl 900 30 Dishman Mica Resurfacing-Sands to Thorpe City 353 353 31 Euclid Ave Reconstruckion-W end to Sullivan City 555 555 32 Fl�ra Road Reconstruction- Euclid to Trenf City 1,395 'i,395 33 Madison Raa� Reconslruction-AOth to Thorpe Cify 1,550 Z,550 34 Mission Ave Resurfacing-Argann�to Herald Cify 470 470 35 Muli�n Raad Resurfacing-8raadway fo Mission Gity 31� 311 3fi Sprague Ave Resurfacing -Argonne to Herald STP(U) 96 T10 37 Sullivan Road Resurfacing- Broad4vay to Mission 5TP(U) 38 280 2495 Totals: $5,397 $18,789 Projects and timefremes iden6fied in the TIP are Lo be eonsidered esfimakes only iha4 may changa due#o a uanety of circumstances,and are not [ntended by ihe City to k�e relied upon 6y proper#y owners ar develapers in making de�elopment decisions. Added Projects are sh3,rn in Grean ��! � ,� �unded Projects are shown in Blue Thursday,June 28,2012 Page 2 of 3 20� Item# Pro�ect�lame R�I�ary Sour�e Clty Amount Totai Amount 26 Spokane Valley-Millwood 7rail-SCC to STP(E) 0 �,14Q �vergreen Rd(RW&CN) 29 Appleway Trai!- University to E�ergreen STP(�) 0 9D� 38 Appleway Blvd Resurfacing-Vista to Dishman Ci#y 1,155 'i,155 Mica 39 Argpnne Road Conerete Pavement-I-90 to City 362 362 Montgomery 40 Dlshman Mica Road Fiesurfacing -44t�to Sands City 28fl 2$� 41 Dishrnan Mica Road Resurfacing -Thorpe ta S City 21U 210 City Limit 42 Euclid Ave Reconstruction -Sullivan to Marie#ta STP(U) 285 2,114 43 Farr Road Reconstruction-4th ta Sth City 525 525 �44 Progress Roaci Reconstruction-Wellesley to City 485 485 Crown 45 Sprague Ave Resurfacing-Vista ta Argflnne STP(U) 90 670 46 Sullivan Raad Resurfacing -S,�rag��e to STP(U) 113 840 Broadway 2016 Totals: �3,505 $8,877 �ai7 Item# ProJect N�nne Prlmary Source City Amount Tatai Amaunt 29 Appleway Trail- University to Evergreen STP(E) 0 'i,p00 39 Argonne Road Concrete Pav�menk-I-90 to Gity 2,776 2,776 Montgomery 47 Bar��vr R��:i! �3f�IS� C;r�s�9e Sd,n:;ratior�(f'E �, Other Fed 1D1 750 RW C�nly) 48 �uclid Ave Reconstruction-Marietta to Flora City 1,435 1,435 49 �vergreen Raad Resurfacing-I-90 to Indiana City 280 280 50 Farr Road Reconstructior�-Appleway to 4#h City 250 250 51 Sprague 1 Fancher Concrete Intersection STP(U) 272 1,572 52 Sprague Ave Resurfacing-Ffora to Corbin S7f'(U) 58 430 53 Spra�ue Ave Resurfacing - Park to Vista STP(U} 80 595 54 Sprague Ave Resurfacing-Sullivan to Conklin STp(U) 94 696 55 Sulliva� Road Concrete Pavement Phase 2- S7P(U) 39 291 �uclid to Kiernan 2417 Totals: $5,325 $10,07A 2018 ftem# F�o]act Hame Prfmary Saurce City A�aunt Tntai Amount 29 Appletivay Trail- University to Evergreen STP(E) 0 'i,00d 47 i;�.;i:�r�;r��cl/ [3i�t;�'- Gra�i� 5�,���atior� (P�i c,. Other Fed 256 1,899 f�':'J Only) 55 Stillivan Road Concreie Pav�ment Phase 2- STP(U) 414 3,069 Euclid to Ki�ernan 56 Sprague/Argonne-Mullan CQncrete Intersecti�ns Ciky 2,342 2,342 2fl18 Totals: $3 072 �8 314 Projects and 6meframes identlfied in the TIP are tv be considered esiimates only that rr�ay change due to a variety of c�rcumstances,and are not intended by ihe Ciry to be relied upon by peoperty o�vners or developers in making devalopmenk decisions. Added Projecls are sho�rm ir3 Gr�en � � � , � �. _. _ Funded Projects are shpwn in B4ue Thursday,June 28,2012 Page 3 of 3