Resolution 05-012 Delaring Intent to Adopt Initiative & Referendum CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASiTINGTON RESOLUTION 05-012 A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, DECLARING THE INTENT OF THE CiTY COUNCIL TO ADOPT THE RIGHT OF INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM FOR THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING THAT UPON THE EXPIRATION OF THE NINETIETH DAY AFTER THE DATE OF PUBLICATION THAT AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE i1STTIATiVF AND REFERENDUM PROCESS FOR THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY SHALL BE PRESENTED UNLESS A TIMELY AND SUFFICIENT REFERENDUM PETITION HAS BEEN FILED REFERRING THE . QUESTION TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF TiiE CITY FOR APPROVAL OR REJECTION. NiOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington,as follows: - Section 1. Pursuant to RCW 35A.11.080, which permits the legislative body of a non- charter code city, such as the City of Spokane Valley, to provide for the exercise in the City of the powers of initiative and referendum in accordance with the provisions of state law, set forth in RCW 35A.11.020, et seq, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, a non-charter code city hereby declares its intention to adopt for the City the powers of initiative and referendum. Section 2. Within ten (10) days following the passage of this Resolution, the City Clerk is instructed to cause this Resolution to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City. Section 3. Notice is given that upon the expiration of the ninetieth (901x') day from, but excluding the date of first publication of this Resolution, if no timely and sufficient referendum petition is filed pursuant to RCW 35A.02.035, as determined by RCW 35A.29.170, the intent expressed in this resolution shall, at the next regular meeting of the City Council, he effected by an ordinance adopting for the City the powers of initiative and referendum. Adopted this 281h day of June,2005. City of Spokane Valley A tST: D'ttAkti. UJIQk& , Adm.\ - Mayor Diane Wilhite ristine Bainbridge,City Cler Approved as orm: t 0 ' Cary P. riskell, uty City Attorney Resolution 05-012 Initiative& Referendum Powers Page 1 of 1 , SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR SPOKANE COUNTY In the Matter of RESOLUTION 05-012 ) No. City of Spokane Valley ) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLISHING ) NOTICE ) ) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. County of Spokane ) MICHAEL HUFFMAN,being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that he is the MANAGING EDITOR,of The Spokane Valley News Herald,a weekly newspaper.That said newspaper Is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the publication hereinafter referred to,published In the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Spokane County,Washington,and It is now and during all of said dine was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper,which said newspaper had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Spokane County.That the following is a true copy of a public notice as it was published in regular issues commencing on the 1st day of My. 2005„and ending the 1st day of luly, 2005 all dates Inclusive,and tha such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON // �� RESOLUTION 05-012 Ul3 RIBED • 0i ORN to before me A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL this 1st da of 2005. OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, I WASHINGTON.DECLARING THE INTENT OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO ADOPT THE State of Washington RIGHT OF INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM Coun of Spokane { FOR THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE Spokane CITY:PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION OF THIS RESOLUTION:AND PROVIDING THAT I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that UPON THE EXPIRATION OF THE NINETI- ETH DAY AFTER THE DATE OF PUSLICA- Michael Huffman is the person who appeared before TION THAT AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING me and said person acknowledged that he signed THE INITIATIVE AND REPEREND1JM PRO- r p g g CESS FOR THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF ! this instrument and acknowledged it to be his free THE TI OILY AND SUFFICIENT F CIENT REFS ENDUM w0111111114. and voluntary act for the uses and purposes men- PETIrTION HAS BEEN IF ED REFERRING �%,.• E...R.F ','� THE QUESTION TO THE QUALIFIED ELEC• �� ON;'4.5510 4....�tt 1■ tinned in t e instrument. TOES OF THE CITY FOR APPROVAL OR �:�3� P+A:y��_ REJECTION. — V NoTAAY Is.N= NOW THEREFOSRE,be it resolved by rho 7.-It PUBLfC m f A City Council of the City of Spokane Valloy, %-i1�. it. Jolene Rae VI e tz Spokane County,1YasNnpoxties follows '..Op'. ........A,e Title: Notar)k u.lic Section 1.Pursuant to RCW 35A 11.060, '',,Op'. ‘k� My appointment expires: 5-16-07 Ljv which permits oho loplslatt.e body of a non- 1. (jib). chance code city,such as ea City at SscAane Valley,to oronsde for rho ore cise In the Cty of the powers 01 fnitiativo end ratorenduril in accordance with rho p onidcitn of state law, sat torah in RCW 35.A 11.022,at sag,the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington,a no •cherter code city haraby declares C9 intention to edam for the City the powers 01 Initied•.o and referendum. I Section 2.l5 f u 410)days l np the pessepe of this R estl nix,rho C+.y Clerk — — __ T = is instructed to cause this Resotutiat to be Published at leesronco In a newspaper of portend CitcuInton in the Cety. Section 3.Notice is given that upon the cxpea:ion 01 Iho ninetieth(90th)day from,but excluding,Iho date of first publication of this Resolution.II no timely and sufficient'Worm- i dem petition Is filed pursuant to RCW i 35A.02.035. as determined by RCW 35A.2.9 170 the intent a aressod In thls reso- lution shall,at the next eQtlar mooting a the City Caunail.be affected by an ordinance adopting for the City the powom of initiative and re erendunt. Adopted this 28th day of Ju,o.2005. Cll./of Spokeno Vaeoy ATTEST: I Mayor Diane Wi5liIo L^ Chrtsyi,e Oalnbndge.City Clerk 7-I.2005