Resolution 05-022 Adopting National Incident Management System , • CITY O F SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 054122 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (NIMS) FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. WHEREAS, the President in Homeland Security Directive (HSPD)-5, directed the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to develop and administer a National incident Management System (NIMS), which would provide a consistent nationwide approach for Federal, State, local, and tribal governments to work together more effectively and efficiently to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from domestic incidents, regardless of cause, size or complexity; and WHEREAS, the collective input and guidance from all Federal, State, local, and tribal homeland security partners has been, and will continue to be, vital to the development, effective implementation and utilization of a comprehensive NIMS; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable that all Federal, State, local and tribal emergency agencies and personnel coordinate their efforts to effectively and efficiently provide the highest Levels of incident management; and WHEREAS, to facilitate the most efficient and effective incident management it is critical that Federal, State, local, and tribal organizations utilize standardized terminology, standardized organizational structures, interoperablc communications, consolidated action plans, unified command structures, uniform personnel qualification standards, uniform standards for planning, training, and exercising, comprehensive resource management, and designated incident facilities during emergencies or disasters; and WHEREAS, the NIMS standardized procedures for managing personnel, communications, facilities.and resources will improve the cities ability to utilize federal funding to enhance local and state agency readiness, maintain first responder safety, and streamline incident management processes; and WHEREAS, the Incident Command System components of NIMS are already an integral part of various incident management activities throughout the city, including current emergency management. training programs; and WHEREAS, the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks 09-1 I Commission) recommended adoption of a standardized Incident Command System. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the Cily of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: The City Council does hereby adopt the 'National Interagency 'Incident Management System (NIMS) as the city standard for incident management. • Resolution 05-022 Adopting N[MS Page 1 oft Adopted this 13t day of September, 2005. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Mayor Diana Wilhite ATTEST: ty—derk, Christine Bainbridge Approved as to form: Office of c City Attorn / • Resolution 05-022 Adopting NIMS Page 2 of 2 NO: • 5 0780 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF ADOPTING THE • NATIONAL]NCIDENT MANAGEMENT ) R E S O L J T I 0 N SYSTEM ( l5)FOR SPOKANE CITY/ ) COUNTY D.EM ) • • • WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36,32.120 (6), the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County (hereinafter referred to as the "Board" or "COUNTY" has the care of County property and the management of County funds and business; and W.REREAS, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 39.34 RCW, local governments may jointly perform functions which each may individually perform; and • • WHEREAS,, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 38.52.070, two or more political • subdivisions may join in the establishment and operation of a local organization for emergency management services. The City of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley, City of Medical Lake, Town of Millwood, Town of Fairfield, Town of Latah, City of Liberty Lake, Town of Roe ford, - Town of Spangle, City of Cheney, City of Airway Heights, City of Deer Park, Town of Waverly, - and Spokane County are authorized and directed to establish local organizations for emergency management services in accordance with the Washington State comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane and Spokane County entered into a joint Resolution on or about June 25, 1979 under Spokane Resolution No. 79-0873, establishing a joint Spokane City/County Department of Emergency Services. Additionally, the entities on or about August 10, 2004 adopted Spokane County Resolution :rho. 04-0689, which carried out the functions for both entities as called for pursuant to chapter 38-52 RCW. The City of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley, City of Medical Lake, Town of Millwood, Town of Fairfield; Town of Latah, City of Liberty Lake, Town of Rockford, Town of Spangle, City of Cheney, City of Airway Heights, City of Deer Park, and Tows of Waverly likewise entered into this joint venture; and WHEREAS, the Department of Homeland Security has developed the National Incident Management System (NI M for the purpose of unifying ALL responders' efforts daring disasters; and • WHEREAS, the Department of Homeland Security has directed all Federal, State, Territorial, Tribal and local entities involved in emergency response to adopt Nl IS;,and WHEREAS, Spokane City/County Department of Emergency Management recognizes the need for a single Incident Management System to be used by all agencies and disciplines. Page 1 of 2 • • • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, that either the Chairman of the Board, or a majority of the Board, be and is hereby authorized to execute that document entitled "THE NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM," which document will be used at all incidents and drills, taught in all Spokane County DEM training courses, and reflected in all DEM emergency mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery plans and programs. PASSED AND ADOPTED this6`H7day of4 /fl `1, , 2005 —�oY coAtif fss�'1, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 13-o .•a'4:1'1'�'cO�- /9.1. 1'+, OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON m .t'; to // / • // • •fr'+u� sEA,,_ •is �' �'j���' . HARRIS, Chair ATTEST: �� z trunk, _s - •e MIELKE, ' - BY• �►_� Daniela Erickson MAr' i C • '& .omm. -'oner Clerk of the Board • • Page2of2 • . ..RECEIVED- . SEP 3 0 2005 Adoption of the National Incident Management System • 'COUNTY COM141)S51ONERS Signature Page - In Witness Whereof,The parties have caused this Amended and Restated Agreement to be executed on date and year opposite their respective signatures. DATED: el u� ,r 12,7c05- TOWN OF SPANGLE: • By: - Ike' • Attes 4 i.1 1 aL Its: 24,r . • • City Clerk (Title • • Approved : to fo' ;* S By: • 't ' ey • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Adoption of the National Incident Management System Signature Page In Witness Whereof, The parties have caused this Amended and Restated Agreement to be executed on date and year opposite their respective signatures. DATED: yr 2 605-- CITY O • LAKE: By: /lOW�� r. • Attest: ' Its: City Clerk (Ti le Approved as to form: By Wity Att• CITY OF MEDICAL LAKE RESOLUTION NO.410 • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF MEDICAL LAKE, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (NIMS) FOR THE GUY OF MEDICAL LAKE, WASHINGTON. WHEREAS, the Medical Lake City Council has the care of City property and the management of City funds and business; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 39.34 RCW, local governments may jointly exercise their powers, privileges and authorities through the execution of Interlocal Cooperation Agreements in order to make the most efficient use of their powers by enabling them to cooperate with other localities on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby provide services and facilities in a manner and pursuant to forms of governmental origination that will accord best with geographical, economic, population,or other factors influencing the needs and development of the local community; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 38.52.070, two or more political subdivisions may join in the establishment and operation of a local organization for emergency management services; • and WHEREAS, the City of Medical Lake has previously entered into an agreement entitled "2004 Amended lnterlocal Agreement for Emergency Management services" under which the County of Spokane and the several municipalities within the County of Spokane reduced to writing their respective obligations concerning the maintenance of the Department of Emergency Services. The parties to said agreement now desire to modify and restate that agreement; and WHEREAS, the President of the -United States, in Homeland Security Directive (HSPD) —5, directed the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to develop and administer a National Incident Management System (NIMS) which would provide a consistent nationwide approach for Federal, State, local and tribal governments to work together more efficiently and effectively to prevent, prepare for and respond to and recover from domestic incidents, regardless of cause, size or complexity; and WHEREAS, the Governor of the state of Washington has similarly endorsed NIMS by proclaiming it the official basis for management of incident response in Washington State; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable that all Federal, State, local and tribal emergency agencies and personnel coordinate their efforts to effectively and efficiently provide the highest levels of incident management; and WHEREAS, HSPD-5 requires Federal departments and agencies to make adoption of the NIMS by State, tribal, and local organizations a condition for Federal preparedness assistance beginning in fiscal year 2005; and WHEREAS, to facilitate the most efficient and effective incident management it is critical that Federal, state, local and tribal organizations utilize standardized terminology, standardized organizational structures, interoperable communications,consolidated action plans,unified command structures,uniform personnel qualification standards, uniform standards fro planning,training, and exercising'comprehensive resource management,and designated incident facilities during emergencies or disasters; -and . WHEREAS, the NIMS standard procedures for managing personnel, communications, facilities and resources will improve the City of Medical Lake's ability to.utilize federal funding to enhance local • • and state agency readiness, maintain first responder safety, and streamline incident management processes; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MEDICAL LAKE, WASHINGTON,HEREBY RESOLVES that: I. The National Incident Management System (NT.MS) as the standard for incident management in the City of Medical Lake,Washington. 2. The Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement for Emergency Management Services, a • - copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if fully set forth, is hereby approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute said document on behalf of the City of Medical Lake. PASSED this 26 day of SEPTEMBER,2005. MAYOR DELMAR HARLAND ATTEST: filth 4-• rl - . . PAMELA MCBROOM,Finance Director • APPROVED AS TO OR, : -..� .%. : /�..�1 C:1 I JA E.MC L N, Attorney • • CITY OF DEER PARK RESOLUTION 2005-009 A RESOLUTION BY THE CrrY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEER PARK, WASHINGTON, SPOKANE COUNTY, ADOPTING THE NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM • CITY OF DEER PARK Spokane County, Washington WHEREAS, response to and recovery from major emergencies and disasters requires integrated professional management and coordination; and WHEREAS, the President directed the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to develop and administer a National Incident Management System (NIMS) to standardize and enhance incident management procedures nationwide; and WHEREAS, the National Incident Management System provides a structure and process to effectively coordinate responders from multiple disciplines and levels of government and to integrate them with resources from the private sector and non-governmental organizations; and WHEREAS, use of the National Incident Management System, which has as a key component the Incident Command System (ICS), will improve the City of Deer Park's ._ ability to manage major emergencies and disasters; and WHEREAS, failure to adopt and use the National Incident Management System may preclude the City of Deer Park from receiving federal preparedness grants or reimbursement for costs expended during major emergency and chsaster response and recovery operations; THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Deer Park hereby adopts the.National Incident Management System as the foundation for incident command, coordination and support activities. It shall further be the policy of the City of Deer Park to provide appropriate training on the National Incident Management System and its core components to personnel responsible for managing and/or supporting major emergency and disaster operations. Passed by the City. Council of the City of Deer Park at a regular meeting on the day of 13 . 2005. - fN Michael D. Wolfe, Mayor ATTEST: Debra.L. Cragun, Clerl Yeas\rer-Acting • Adoption of the National Incident Management System Signature Page In Witness Whereof,The parties have caused this Amended and Restated Agreement to be executed on date and year opposite their respective signatures. DATED: q J Z0 10 5 CITY OF MEDICAL LAKE: By: Attest: P&ni t. 411. 240- . Its: fricu p r City Clerk (Title) • Approved as to form: Attorney • • • Adoption of the National Incident Management System Signature Page In Witness Whereaf, The parties have caused this Amended and Restated Agreement to . be executed on date and year opposite their respective sigt atures, DATED: - TOWN .'.00K ORD• - • • • B . �- _ , • - Attes . � ts: City Clerk/ (Title) Approved as to form: By: • City Attorney • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Adoption of the National Incident Management System Signature Page In Witness Whereof,The parties have caused this Amended and Restated Agreement to be executed on date and year opposite their respective signatures. DATED: i G' / o TOWN OF FAIR.FIELD: By: Isl__Ka_ D Attest: %,e w,p Its: y r--. City Clerk (Title) Approved as to form: By: City Attorney • - � • • _ - ' ry=:' i ...ff TOWN OF MILL WO D WASHINGTON -• - ° "'`� RESOLUTION 05-07 - OCTOBER 2005 i ••• • . A RESOLOTEON ADOPTING NMS SYSTE: • " " ; /.. -....... • WHEREAS,. response to-and recover? from major emergencies and disasters requires . P • integrated professional management arid coordination; and • ' • WHEREAS, •the President directed the Secretary of the Depastrn'ent of Homeland - ' • Security to'develop and_administer a Nationale Incident Management System (NIMS) to ' , • standardize and enhance incident management Procedures nationwide 'and ; • .• WHEREAS,•the National Incident Management System provides a structure and process • to effectively coordinate responders-from multiple disciplines and levels of government • and to integrate them with resources from the private sector and non-governmental . organizations; and • WHEREAS, use of the National .Incident Management System,.which has as.:a key l• - • mipanerit the Incident Command Srrk '(ICS) will improve the Town of Millwood's ability yste ility to manage major•emergencies aid disasters; and - • . r•• •WI•II3REAS,-failuse to, adopt and use. the National Incident IvIanagertient System may . preclude •the Town , of Millwood •from- receiving federal • preparedness garits :or." • • reimbursement •for costs expended' during major emergency and disaster response and recovery operations; . - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE.D that the National Incident Management . System is hereby.adopted by the Town of Millwood as the ,fo undation for'incident ' ". . . command, coordination and support activities. . - • - • PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF 'THE TOWN OF MILLWOOD THIS 3R° DAY OF ' OCTOBER, 2005 ' _•. . - JEANNE BATSON, MAYOR . • Attest: = . ' •• . Eva.L. Colornb, Clerk-Treasurer. . •. . • . . - 99 • RECEIVED DEC 1001 • • COUNTY COMMISSIONERS • Adoption of the National Incident Management System Sighatare Page: - • In Witness Whereof, The parties have caused this Amended and Restated Agreement to be executed on date and year opposite their respective signatures. • DATED: ib-71015 TOWN OF WAVE Y: By Attest: City Clerk • Approved as to form: • City Attorney • • • • • • • CTI'Y OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON • . RESOLUTION NO. 05-022 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM(NIMS) FOR TIlE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. • WHEREAS, the President in Homeland Security Directive (HSPD)-5, directed the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to develop and administer a National Incident Management System (NIMS), which would provide a consistent nationwide approach for Federal, State, local, and tribal governments to work together more effectively and efficiently to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from domestic incidents, regardless of cause, size or complexity; and WHEREAS, the collective input and guidance from all Federal,•State, local, and tribal homeland security.partners has been, and will continue to be,vital to the development, effective implementation and utilization of a comprehensive NIMS; and WHEREAS,:it is necessary and desirable that all Federal, State, local and 'tribal emergency agencies and personnel coordinate their efforts to effectively and efficiently provide the highest levels of incident management; and • • WHEREAS, to facilitate the most efficient and effective incident management it is critical that • Federal, State, local, and tribal organizations utilize standardized terminology, standardized . organizational structures, interoperable communications, consolidated action plans, unified command structures, uniform personnel qualification standards, uniform standards for planning, training, and ekercising, comprehensive resource management, and designated incident facilities during emergencies or disasters;and • WHEREAS, ,the NIMS standardized procedures for managing personnel, communications, • facilities-and resources will improve the cities ability to utilize federal funding to enhance local and state agency readiness;maintainfirst responder safety,and streamline incident management processes;and • WHEREAS, the Incident Command System components of NIMS are already an integral part of • various incident management activities throughout the city,.including current emergency management training'programs;and • WHEREAS, the National Commission on Terrorist.Attacks (9-11 Commission) recommended. - adoption Of a standardized Incident Command System. . NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane - ' County, Washington; as follows: • • The City Council does hereby adopt the National Interagency Incident Management System (N1MS) as. • the city standard for incident management. • . • • • • Resolution 05-022 Adopting NIVIS • 'Page 1 of 2 • Adoption of the National Incident Management System Signature Page In Witness Whereof,The parties have caused this Amended and Restated Agreement to be executed on date and year opposite their respective signatures. DATED: !ZAP/e i TOWN OF LATAH: BY:at_) City Clerk it, Approved as to form: By: City Attorney • • • NOV. 21. 2005 2 : 16PM Cl IY AIRWAY 1it1G11I6 ICU` VI4i^1) • Z. , • City of Airway Heights Spokane County, Washington RESOLUTION 2005-020 • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AIRWAY HEIGHTS, WASHINGTON ADOPTING THE NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (NIMS) AS THE BASIS FOR ALL EMERGENCY/INCIDENT RESPONSES. WHEREAS, the President, in Homeland Security Directive(HSPD)-5, directed the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to develop and administer a National Incident Management System (NIMS), which would provide a consistent nationwide approach for Federal, State, local and tribal governments to work together more efficiently and effectively to prevent,prepare for,respond to and recover from domestic incidents, regardless of cause, size or complexity; WITPREAS, the Governor of the State of Washington has similarly endorsed.NIMS by proclaiming it the official basis for management of incident response in Washington State; WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable that all Federal, State, local, and tribal emergency agencies and personnel coordinate their efforts to effectively and efficiently provide the highest levels of incident management; WHEREAS,HSPD-5 requires Federal departments and agencies to make adoption of the NIMS by State, tribal, and local organizations a condition for Federal preparedness assistance beginning in fiscal year 2005; WHEREAS, to facilitate the most efficient and effective incident management it is critical that Federal, State, local, and tribal organizations utilize standardized terminology, standardized organizational structures,interoperable communications, consolidated action plans,unified command structures,uniform personnel qualification standards,uniform standards for planning,training,and exercising,•comprehensive resource management, and designated incident facilities during emergencies or disasters; WHEREAS, the NIMS standardized procedures for managing personnel, communications, facilities and resources will improve Airway Heights's ability to utilize federal funding to enhance local and state agency readiness,maintain first responder safety, and streamline incident management processes; • NOW'1-l:LERLFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AIRWAY HEIGHTS,WASHNGTON, as follows: The City of Airway Heights hereby establishes the National Incident Management.System (N.IMS) as the standard for incident management. • • • • • Adopted this 13th day of September,2005. - • - • CITY OE SPOKANE VALLEY ff hh Mayor Diana Wilhite • ATTEST! • • Jerk, Christino Bainbridge . . Approved as to Form - • • Office ce of ie City Atto • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . Resolutior3 05-022 Adopting NINIS Page 2 of 2 . N act 03 05 10: 018 Ghon . Firee.ELLlG • City of Cheney 609 2id Street Cheney,WA 99004-1606 • CERTIFICATION OF RESOLUTION STATE OF WASHINGTON } • COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) Resolution D-042 CITY OF CHENEY } • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK } • • I, Grant D. Marie, Clerk of the City of Cheney, County of Spokane, Washington, do hereby certify that the annexed paper is a full, true, and correct copy of Resolution No. • D-042 as adopted by the City Council at the regular session of September 27th, 2005 and approved by the Mayor Pro Tern Curt Huff on the 27th day of September, 2005, the original of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Cheney, Spokane County, Washington. • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the affixed the official seal of the City of Cheney, Spokane County, Washington this 27th day September 2005. N%_1•1 of Cligl ►2, Grant D. Murie, City Clerk SEAL -== . X00 - . •J•��;sxo.,�`s,i{),%-%``�.• • • tNOY. 21: 2005 2: 16rM ci ty ulKh1Hr i1C1U1110 - INTRODUCED this 17th day of October 2005. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Coux cil.of the City of Airway Heights this 17th day of October 2005. Dale R. perry,Mayor • ATTEST: r Richard G. Cook, Clerk-Treasurer APPROVED TO FORM: y M. S '' ' z, City A orney Resolution 2005-020 • Oct 03 ns lo: ola ( !-^-. ey Fire&BLDG 5"M-4:1171- 44 44 p• a • City of Cheney, Washington • RESOLUTION No. D-042 . A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO APPROVE AND ADMINISTER A NATIONAL INCIDENT*MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (NIMS) TO STANDARDIZE AND ENHANCE INCIDENT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES NATIONWIDE. THE CITY.COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHENEY, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, response to and recovery from major emergencies and disasters requires integrated professional management and coordination; and WHEREAS, the President directed the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to develop and administer a National Incident Management System (NIMS) to standardize and enhance incident management procedures nationwide; and WHEREAS, the National Incident Management System provides a structure and process to effectively coordinate responders from multiple disciplines and levels of government and to integrate them with resources from the private sector and non-governmental organizations; and WHEREAS, use of the National Incident Management System, which has - as a key component the Incident Command System (ICS), will improve the City of Cheney's ability to manage major emergencies and disasters; and WHEREAS, the Inland Empire Fire Chief's Association has adopted the use of NIMS ICS in the Spokane County Incident Command System Field Operations Guide and Spokane County Fire Resource Plan; and WHEREAS, the Inland,Northwest Law Enforcement Leadership Group has adopted the use of NIMS ICS in Spokane County to standardize and enhance incident management procedures county wide; and WHEREAS, failure to adopt and use the National Incident Management System may preclude the City of Cheney from receiving federal preparedness grants or reimbursement for costs expended during major emergency and disaster response and recovery operations; • • • Oct OB QS 10: 022 Che. :i Fire&BLIIG S09-498-9244 THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City of Cheney hereby adopts the National Incident Management System as the foundation for incident command, coordination and support activities. It shall further be the policy of the City of Cheney Police and Fire Departments to provide appropriate training on the National Incident Management System and its core components to personnel responsible for managing and/or supporting major emergency and disaster operations. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 27th day of septemtte3005. APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 27th day of September2005 ., Amy Jo Sooy, yo yor ATTEST: • • Grant Murie, City Clerk • • • • • • �• R EC E l V E QgSltkO&11-zone • • FNMA SHEET FON COUNCIL MEETING OF: SepteimNer 12,2O 15 SEP o 1 2a G5 l�g ; CiTY CLERK'S OFF r - Contact PerSfl Phone SPOKANE.WA N. ` '; Submitting Dept, i 7E a s a.t,',I,°.4`' Fire Department Bobby Williams b. �''')1 MUSS o Emergency Ord o communlcationa CLERKS FILE o Contract X Reso[utiat o Economic DevelODrlent RENEWS o Report CROSS REF o Final Reading Ord o Human Management ENCi o Calms n Human Services o First Reading Ord 81U STANDING COMMITTEES a Special Consideration o Neighborhoods REQUISITION (Date of tiotif�cation) o Hearin. • Public Safety NEQ o,nmittee Notified: i • o Finance o Public Safety—?-18.05 a o y Gore!Diversity o Ne nnin•Co o Pr6ic Vrtsl�+ o Racial 1Main A, Telaen o RebuAdM3intaJ�r Infras>ruciure o Plaramr•rCu • &Soon Der , AGM A resolution regarding the adoption of the Na Incident Management Systems (NIMS)for the WLM . City of Spokane and Spokane City/County Department Et Management.The Department of Homeland Security has developed the National Incident 8A�� ident Management System of•unifying all responders' efforts during disasters and had directed all (Amen � for the purpose response to adopt the sheet If necessary) federal, state, territorial. tribal and local entities involved in emergency preclude the City NIMS. Failure to adopt and use the National Incident Management Ss tem may for costs expended enCity of Spokane from receiving federal preparedness grants during Major emergency and disaster response and recovery operations. This resolution adopts the NIMS for the City of Spokane and the Spokane City/County Department of Emergency Management. The Resolution further authorizes the Deputy Mayor to execute the necessary documents regarding adoption of the NIMS and that the City shall provide the necessary training . to personnel responsible for managing and/or supporting major emergency operations. • oN1A � �� o Expenditure:$ 0 • o Revenue: $ vr - o Budget Neutral IITIfiglinn Include in Packets: QF-:.k,Lrrs to 1.4 On file for Review in Office of City Clerk: s z IP.—...- '• 1 A • Fin n A D-•artment Heald Divvi Qch••n D-.;%i • Legal /%epu- fXyo or Mayor Co ril President i . ©t1IDUT1OI Bobby.Willlams, Fire Chief Tom Mattem,DEM Mike Piccolo, Legal Dept. • COUNCIL ACuSM: ADOPTED BY , SPOKANE CITY COUNCIL: •W , •• - •-L.: iC • CITY • LERK IQ3 czi9 5. O1OG • RES 2005-0108.. • RESOLUTION NO. 05-0106 . A resolution regarding the adoption f S the kanc and Spokane Management Systems (NIMS) for the City City /County Department of Emergency Management WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36.32.120 (6), the . Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County (COUNTY) has the care of County property and the management of County funds and business; and • WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 39.34 RCW, local governments may jointly exercise their powers, privileges and authorities through the execution of Interlocal, Cooperation Agreements in order to make the most efficient use of .their powers by enabling them to • cooperate with other localities on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby provide services and facilitates in a manner and 'pursuant to forms of governmental origination that will accord best with geographical, economic, population, or other factors influencing the needs and development of local community; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 38.52.070, two or more political subdivisions may join in the establishment and operation of a local organization for emergency management services. The City of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley, City of Medical Lake, Town of Millwood, Town of Fairfield, town of Latah, City of Liberty Lake, town of Rockford, Town of Spangle, City of Cheney, City of airway Heights, City of Deer Park, town of Waverly, and Spokane County are authorized and directed . to establish local organizations for emergency management services in accordance with the Washington State comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane and Spokane County entered into a joint Resolution on or about June 25, 1979 under Spokane Resolution No. 79-0873, establishing a joint Spokane City/County Department of • Emergency Services. Additionally, the entities on or about' August 10, 2004 adopted Spokane County Resolution No. 04-0689, which carried out the functions for both entities as called for pursuant to chapter 38.52. The City of Spokane Valley, City of Medical Lake, town of Millwood, Town of Fairfield, Town of Latah, City of Liberty Lake, town of • Rockford, town of Spangle, City of Cheney, City of Airway Heights, City of Deer Park, and Town of Waverly entered into this joint venture; RES 2005_0106 WHEREAS, response to and recovery from major emergencies and disasters requires integrated professional management and coordination; and • WHEREAS, the President directed the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to develop and administer a National Incident Management System (NIMS) to standardize and enhance incident management procedures nationwide; and WHEREAS, the Department of Homeland Security has developed the National Incident Management *System (NIMS) for the purpose of unifying ALL responders'efforts during disasters WHEREAS, the Department of Homeland Security has directed all Federal, State, Territorial, Tribal and local entities involved in emergency response to adopt NIMS; and WHEREAS, the National Incident Management System provides a structure and process to effectively coordinate responders from multiple disciplines and levels of government and to integrate them with resources from the private sector and non-governmental organizations; and • WHEREAS, use of the National Incident Management System; which has as a key component the Incident Command System (ICS), will improve the City of Spokane's ability to manage major emergencies and disasters; and •- WHEREAS, the Spokane City/County Department of Emergency • Management recognizes and supports the need for a single incident management system to be used by all agencies and disciplines; and WHEREAS, the Inland Empire Fire Chiefs Association of which the Spokane Fire Department is a member, has adopted the use of NIMS ICS in the Spokane County Incident. Command System Field Operations Guide and Spokane County Fire Resource Plan; and WHEREAS, the Spokane Police Department and area Law Enforcement agencies recognize and utilize ICS for managing incidents; and _ WHEREAS, failure to adopt. and use the National Incident Management System may preclude the City of Spokane from.receiving federal preparedness giants or reimbursement for costs expended during major emergency and disaster response and recovery operations. RES 2005-01 06_ • • NOW,THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane that the City Council hereby adopts the National. Incident Management System as the foundation for incident command, coordination and support activities and authorizes the Deputy Mayor to execute the necessary documents regarding adoption of the National Incident Management System, as the system that will be used at all incidents that occur in the City of Spokane and taught in all City of Spokane as well as Spokane City/County DEM training courses/ drills, and reflected in all City of Spokane and DEM emergency mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery plans and programs. It shall further be the policy of the City of Spokane to provide appropriate training on the National Incident Management .System and its core components to personnel responsible for managing and/or supporting major emergency and disaster operations. PASSED by the City Council this la day of September, 2005. • City Clerk r Approved as to form: • • Assistant City Attorney • • • RES 2005-0106 •