Resolution 06-013 Adopting 2007-2012 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 06-013 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2007-2012 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. WHEREAS, to provide for the proper and necessary development of the street system within the City of Spokane Valley, the City shall, as required by State law, develop and adopt annually a Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ("TIP") with such program acting as a guide for the coordinated development of the City's transportation system; WHEREAS, the TIP of the City shall specifically set forth those projects and programs of both City and regional significance that benefit the transportation system and promote public safety and efficient vehicle movements; WHEREAS, the TIP shall be consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan and be adopted following one or more public hearings before the City Council; WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on May 23, 2006 for the purpose of inviting and receiving public comment on the proposed TIP; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act, the adoption of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program is a nonproject action which has received proper and timely environmental review by the City. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: The City Council hereby adopts the attached TIP for the City of Spokane Valley for the purpose of guiding the design, development and construction of local and regional transportation improvements for the years 2007 through 2012. The City Clerk is directed to file the 2007-2012 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program with the Washington State Secretary of Transportation not later than June 30. The TIP shall be reviewed at least annually for the purpose of determining the work to be accomplished under the program and the City transportation requirements. Adopted this 13th day of June, 2006. City of Spokane Valley 4 ` W- it0 , �JY�,t� Diana Wilhite, Mayor A1'T- 'S"' C/-"1-1 stine Bainbridge, ity Clerk Approved as to form: leaa.,., .. 2..,' '.2--s-e_ 4, Office of the City Attorney Resolution 06.013 adopting 2007-2019 Page 1 of 1 Spokane ,Valley City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Adopted 2007 — 2012 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2007 Annual Construction Program • GLOSSARY AND ABBREVIATIONS Functional Classification: Rural: Funding Sources: 7 Major Collector 8 Minor Collector Federal assistance:These funds are authorized under the 9 Access Safe,Accountable,Flexible,Efficient,Transportation Equity Urban: Act A Legacy for Users(SAFETEA-LU)and are administered 14 Principal by the Federal Highway Administration through the 16 Minor Washington State Department of Transportation and the 17 Collector Spokane Regional Transportation Council(SRTC). 19 Local Access BR-Bridge Replacement projects CMAO-Congestion Management/Air Quality Other Fed-Other federal funds. STP-Surface Transportation Program.Individual funds are designated by the letters in parenthesis that follow the initials °STP°: STP(U) Urban improvements STP(R) Rural improvements STP(C) Competitive funding STP(E) Enhancement improvement STP(S) Safety improvements State assistance:UCP,UAP,and SP are administered by i the Transportation Improvement Board. U_QP_-Urban Corridor Program (Formerly Transportation Partnership Program(TPP)) UAP-Urban Arterial Program (Formerly Arterial Improvement Program(All") SP-Sidewalk Program (Formerly Pedestrian Safety Mobility Program (PSMP) CERB—Community Economic Revitalization Board Qitter State-Other state funds Local Assistance: CDBG—Community Development Block Grant • Adopted 2007- 2012 Hearing Onto: 6113/1006 Adoption Dahr: 61132006 S""ol�ane 10111.1111°111144411411 01114%. Erw,Assess,Date 5/112006 Resolution No.: 06013 iii� Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Valley Dollars in thousands J Funding Project/Road Names/Description!Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 1 Appleway Blvd. 0 0 777 777 City 105 195 Apptevray Blvd. TscNrley Road Hodges Road 1.26 STP(U) 672 672 Reconstruct to a five-lane urban arterial Designing&will purchase right-of.way Project Total 777 777 2 Barker Road Bridge 493 45 7,152 7,690 BR 538 4,291 2,861 7,690 Barker Road @ Spokane River #5503 0.10 Replace bridge over the Spokane River, Designing&will purchase right-of-way Pro(ect Total 538 4,291 2,861 7,690 3 Pines/Mansfield 0 0 1,018 1,018 City 29 29 Mansfield Ave Wilbur Road Pines Road 0.39 CMAQ 341 341 Pines Rd Pines&Indiana West bound on ramp t Other 434 434 This project will reconfigure the WFt ramps of 1-90 at SR27. It will also Otter Siete 14 14 widen and reconstruct Mansfield Ave.from Wilbur Rd.to SR27 to a 3-lane UCP 200 200 roadway with curb.gutter and sidewalk, Designing Pre)ect Total 1,018 1,018 Protects and timcframes identified In the TIP are to be cortsidorad estimates only that may change due to a variety or circumstances, and am not intended by the City to be relied upon by properly owners or developers In making development decisions. 6119/2006 Al cm. Adopted 2007- 2012 tearing Dato: 6/1312006 Adoption Data: 61132006 Spolrane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Env.Assess.Dato 5.11112008 Resolution No.: e6-013 /al hey Collars ki thousands Funding Project!Road Names!Description!Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 4 Sullivan Road North Extension(Bigelow Gulch) 0 1 54 55 Carly 1 54 55 Sullivan Rd Wellesley City Limits 0.25 Reconstruct and widen the Sullivan Road extension north also known as Bigelow Gulch Road to a 4-lane roadway with Et-foot shoulders and a 12- foot two way left turn lane. Seeking funding Project Total 1 54 55 5 Valley Corridor-Project 2 878 3,318 9,896 14,092 City 123 321 573 1,722 2,739 2nd Avenue University Rd Evergreen Rd 2.02 Other 403 1,810 2,013 Sprague Ave University Rd Evergreen Rd 2.02 Other Slate 3 7 92 368 470 Extend Appleway Blvd.with a multi-cane facility including curbs and SIP(U) 138 547 1,519 2,468 4,670 sidewalks. Resurface Sprague Avenue and restage. UCP 840 3,360 4200 Doing emrironmental study Project Total 264 1,278 4,634 7,916 14,092 6 Broadway Avenue Inlay 65 0 594 659 City 89 89 Broadway Avenue 1-90 EB ramp Park Road 0.34 SEPT) 570 570 Grind and inlay with 2 inches of asphalt concrete pavement Designing Project Total 659 659 Projects and timoframos identified in the TIP ore to be considered estlmates only that may change due to a variety of dreumstanoes, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners ordevetopers In making development decisions. 6/19f2006 A2 gym. Adopted 2007- 2012 Heari�goate: 6/1312006 AdoptionOate: 6/132006 S'irane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program �`" ''���Da`e 6/1,2cos RasaAdiorrNO.: 06013 .valley Mears in thousands Funding ; • ProjecU Road Names!Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total • 7 Montgomery Avenue Inlay 2 50 0 447 497 C08G 497 497 Montgomery Av Argonne Road University Road 1.05 Grind and repave vdth 2"of asphalt concrete pavement Work planned to begin in 2007 Project Total 497 497 8 Broadway Avenue Safely Study 50 0 0 50 City 50 50 Broadway Av 190 Sullivan 5.37 Traffic plan to study alternatives to reduce accidents along Broadway Corridor Work planned to begin in 2007 Project Total 50 50 • 9 Park Road-Bridging the Valley/BNSF Grade Sep 902 2,001 13,622 16,525 City 32 91 287 287 697 Park Road Indiana Avenue Montgomery Ave. 0.20 Other 37 104 330 330 801 Other Slate 227 650 2,061 2,061 4,999 Reconstruct Park Road to separate the grades of Park Road end the BNSF STP 365 1,045 3,308 3,308 8,026 railroad tracks. UCP 91 261 825 825 2.002 Designing Project Total 752 2.151 6.811 6,811 16,525 Projects and tinaframcs identified in the TM are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circum.Honces, and are not intended by the City to be refed upon by property camera ar developers in making development decisions. 6/19(2006 A3 Adopted 2007- 2012 tteartrrgOate: 6n3rzoo6 AdoptianDate: 6/13/2000 Spy ane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Env.Assess.Date 5/11/2006 Resolution 06413 Valley Dollars in thousands J Funding Project/Road Names!Description!Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 10 Park Road-Project 2 267 1,000 2.391 3,658 City 113 140 478 731 Park Rd Broadway Av Indiana Av 0.75 LAP 454 560 1.913 2,927 Prof.#2-Reconstruct and widen to five lanes Work planned to begin in 2007 Project Toro! 7 700 2,391 3,658 11 Park Rd#3 PE Only 594 0 0 594 City 25 25 50 Other 15 15 30 STP(U) 257 257 514 Reconstruct and widen to a standard 3-lane arterial with curbs and sidevralks Work planned to begin In 2007 Project Total 297 297 594 12 Signal Controller Upgrades 32 0 308 400 City 54 54 CditAO 345 348 Controller Improvements to various intersections Work planned to begin in 2007 Project Total 400 400 Projects and timefnrnea Identified In the TIP am to he considered estimates only that may change duo to a variety or Gircrunstanc , and are not irrtcr>ded by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making dovelopmerd decisions. 6f19r2006 A4 Adopted 2007- 2012 Hearing Date: 6/13/2006 Adoption Date: 6/13/2006 Sp""orKkane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Env.Assess.Date 5/11/2006 Resolution No.: 06-013 .0.0-Valley Dollars In thousands Funding Project/Road Names!Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 13 Sullivan Rd 'CC 36 0 414 450 City 450 450 Sullivan Rd Mission 190 EB Ramps 0.10 Reconstruct in PCC Work planned to begin In 2007 Project Total 450 450 14 Sullivan Road West Bridge 400 35 7,566 8,001 BR 218 217 3,783 3,783 8,001 Sullivan Rd @ Spokane River 114511-S 0.00 Reconstruct and widen west bridge Work planned to begin in 2007 Project Total 210 217 3,783 3,783 8,001 _ 15 University Road Inlay 1 81 0 728 809 City 11 98 109 University Rd Dishman-Mica Road 15th Avcnua 1.29 STP(P) 70 630 700 Grind and pave with 2 inches of asphalt concrete pavement. Work planned to begin in 2007 Proioct Total 81 728 809 • Projects and timetranres Idenlifed In the TIP are to be considered eslinrates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intendect by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers In making development decisions. 6/19/2006 AS • Adopted 2007- 2012 Healing Date: 6/13/2005 Adoption Di.de: 61132006 rm rr - pokanc Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Erw•A es.Date Sd1,2aD6 Resolution No,' 06-013 Valley Dollars In thousands Funding Project!Road Names!Description!Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total - 16 University Road Inlay 2 42 0 380 422 City 6 51 57 University Rd 15th Avenue 4th Avenue 0.69 STP(P) 38 329 365 Grind and pave with 2 inches of asphalt concrete pavement. Work planned to begin in 2007 Project Total 42 380 422 17 44th Ave Pathway 0 0 209 209 City 28 28 144th Av Woodruff Sands 1.08 S7p(E) 181 181 10-ft ACP Pathway Designing Project Total 209 209 ,-- 18 8th Avenue Reconstruction 499 848 4,492 5,837 City 124 360 303 787 8th Avenue Havana Street Park Road 2.00 STP(U) 558 1,615 1,359 3,532 UAP 240 694 584 1,518 Roconstrud 8th Ave.to a three-lane section with curb,cuter,sidewalks and bike lanes. Socking funding Project Total 922 2,609 2,246 5,837 Pro(Crk:Aral tinerrames Identified in tho TIP aro to be considered estimates only that may change due to a vagary of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6119)20D6 A6 r�n,o Adopted 2007- 2012 Hearing Data: 6/138006 Adoption Date; 611312008 dSjlU e Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Env.earingData:Date 5/138006 doptionDate; C6.013 r () Dopers in thousands J Funding Project/Road Names!Description!Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 19 Argonne-Knox Intersection 40 10 386 436 City 6 52 58 Argonne Rd @ Knox 0.00 CMAO 44 334 378 Upgrade Intersection Work planned to begin In 2009 Project Total 50 386 436 20 Barker Road-Appleway 10 Brondlray Avenue 171 500 1.542 2,213 City 84 204 154 442 Barker Road Appleway Broadway Avenue 0.26 UAP 337 817 617 1,771 Reconstruct to a five-large arterial with center turn lane from Appleway to Broadway Ave. Work planned to begin In 2008 Project Total 421 1,021 771 2,213 , 21 Argonne/Mordgornery NBR Turn Lane 17 25 163 205 City 5 22 27 Argonne Rd Q Montgomery 0.00 CMAO 37 141 178 Add NB right turn lane Work planned to begin in 2008 Prated Total 42 163 205 ProOcts and time?aunes Identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change duo to a variety of cirwrretances. and aro not intended by the City to be refed upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/19/2006 A7 m� Adopted 2007- 2012 Hearing Date: 6'1312006 Adoption Date: 6J11,2038 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Emo.4ssess.Dale 5)1912006 Resolution No.: 66-013 .....*Valley Dollars In thousands J Funding ProjecU Road Names(Description)Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 22 Pines Corridor ITS 14 0 119 133 City 18 18 Pines Rd 16th Ave_ Trent Ave 0.0) CMAO 115 115 Traffic Signal Control System for Corridor Work planned to begin in 2008 ProJed Total 133 133 23 32nd Avenue 131 501 1,180 1.812 City 38 48 159 245 32nd Avenue SR 27 Best Road 0.48 STP(u) 243 303 1,021 1,567 Reconstruct and widen to three lanes with curbs and sidewalks. Work planned to begin in 2009 Pro',ect'Yatal 281 351 1,180 1,812 I 24 Barker Road-81h to Appteway 239 500 2,139 2,878 City 68 80 428 578 Barker Rd 8th Apptewsy Ave. 0.75 Other 68 80 428 576 UCP 203 240 1.283 1,72G Reconstntd to a three-lane urban arterial from 8th to Sprague. Work planned to begin in 2009 Project Total 339 400 2,139 "2.878 • Project and timetrames identified in the TIP are to be considered eslirnates only that may change duo to a variety of irmu rmtancca, and are not intended by the City to be ivied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 011912006 AS ��,.,� Adopted 2007- 2012 Hearing Oate: 0/13/2006 Adcptloe Date: 6/1312006 t5pokan.e Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Fnv.Assess.0ato E✓„/200G Resolution No.: 06-013 Valley Dollars in thousands Funding Project/Road Names!Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total • 25 Flora Road 252 300 2,268 2,820 CRY 80 257 227 564 Flora Rd Sprague Av Mission Av 1.00 UCP 322 1.027 907 2,256 Reconstruct to a three-lane arterial, Work planned to begin in 2009 Proled TOtat 402 1,284 1,134 2,820 26 Park Road-Project 3 CN 0 501 5,344 5,845 City 34 236 227 497 Park Road Sprague Avenue Broadway Avenue 0.50 Other 20 139 134 293 STP(U) 197 1,362 1,313 2,872 Reconstruct and widen to a standard three-lane arterial street with curbs UCP 150 1,035 998 2,163 and sidewalks. Seeking funding Project Total 401 2,772 2,672 5,845 27 Sprague-Conklin Signal 25 15 260 300 City 180 180 • Sprague Rd n Conklin 0.00 Other 120 120 Signal Installation Work planned to begin in 2009 Project Total 300 300 Projects and timetrames identified in the TIP are to bo oonsidrsed estimates liritates only that may change due to a variety of circun>• anow, and are not Intended by the City to be refed upon by property owners or devciopers in making development dcciaions. 6/19/2008 I19 Adopted 2007- 2012 Hearing Date: 6/13/2006 Adoption Dale: 6/13/2006 S`�okane Env.Assess..Date 5111/2006 Resolution No.; 06.013 p Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Valley D011ar3 in thousands Funding Project!Road Names/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total .: 28 Euclid Ave/Flora Rd 336 501 3,024 3.861 City 45 68 408 521 Euclid Av Flora Road Barker Road 0.97 SiP(tl) 291 433 2,616 3,340 Flom Rd Euclid Road Euclid Road 0.14 Reconstruct to provide a three lane,shouldered arterial Work planned to begin in 2010 Project Total 336 501 3,024 3,861 29 Mission Ave Reconstruction 286 300 2,576 3,162 City 87 288 258 633 Mission Av Flora Barter 0.99 UAP 349 1,150 1,030 2,529 Mew 3-lane section Flora to Barker Work planned to begin in 2010 Project Total 436 1,438 1,288 3.162 • 30 Sullivan Road Reconstruction 560 1,000 2,519 4,079 City 56 216 544 816 Sullivan Road Euclid Avenue Wellesley Avenue 1.00 UCP 224 864 2,175 3,263 Reconstruct to a seven-lane urban arterial. • • Work planned to begin in 2010 Project Total 280 1,080 2,719 4,079 Projects and tineetrames identified In the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and ore not Intended by the City to bo relied upon by property aeners or developers In making development decisions. 6110/2006 A10 rn'er Adopted 2007- 2012 Nearing Date: 0/13/2008 Adoption Date: 8/13/2008 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Env.Assess.Date 5/11/2006 NesotutionNo.: 06-013 411.00 Valley Dollars in thousands • Funding Project/Road Names/Description!Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 31 Valley Corridor-Project 3 PE 667 0 0 667 City 90 90 Evergreen Appieeiray 0.00 STP(U) 577 577 Valley Couplet Evergreen Applenny 2.25 Extend Appleway Died.wilt a multi-lane facility including curbs and . sidewalks. Resurface Sprague Avenue and restripe. Work planned to begin in 2009 Project Total 667 667 32 Barker Road-Spokane River to Trent 377 150 0 527 City 36 35 71 Barker Road Spokane River Trent Avenue 1.51 STP(U) 228 228 456 Reconstruct to a three lane curbed arterial . Work planned to begin in 2011 Project Total 264 263 527 33 Bowtfish Road 393 500 0 893 City 85 94 179 9owdlsh Road 32nd Avenue Bih Avenue 1.52 STP(U) 171 188 359 UAP 169 186 355 Reconstruct and widen roadway to three lanes. Work planned to begin in 2011 Project Total 425 468 893 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change duo to a variety of cvewnstances, anti ore not Intended by the City to be reliod upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/19/2006 AV/ rrna Adopted 2007- 2012 HoarargDato: 6!132006 Adoption Dale: 611312005 pokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Homing Onlo:Dale 611,2006 Adoptittenale: 06-013 Valley Dottars in thousands Funding 1 Project/Road Names/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 34 Broadway Ave-Flora to Barker 282 250 0 512 City 52 50 102 Broadway Av Flare Barger -8.04 UAP 210 200 410 Reoonstruct to 3-lanes,Flora to Barker Work planned to begin In 2011 Projcd Total 262 250 512 35 Broadway Ave Moore to Flora 190 300 0 490 City 50 48 98 Broadway Av 180 ft E.of Moore Flora 0.73 BAP 200 192 392 Reconstruct&widen Broadway to 3-lane section,180 It E.of Moore to Flora Work plenned to begin in 2011 Project Total 250 240 490 36 Evergreen Road 267 400 0 667 City 53 80 133 Evergreen Rd 32nd Avenue 161h Avontx 1.00 UAP 214 320 534 Reconstruct and widen to three lanes Work planned to begin in 2011 ProjectTot r1 267 400 667 Prefects end ttmeframes fdontiSed in the TIP are to be constricted estimates only that may change due to a variety of cure ri atanrxs, and are not Intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers In mauling development deosions. 611912006 Al2 Adopted 2007- • 2012 tearing Cato: 611 30006 Adoption Dale* 6113120[76 S�'"bane Env.Assess,Dab 51110.008 Resolution 14o.: 09-013 P Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program .\alley oollars in thousands Funding i Project/Road Names/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 38 Sakese/Sullivan Signal 39 16 251 306 City 77 77 Salteso Av le Sullivan Rd 0.00 Otter 229 229 Improvements to Intersection Work planned to begin in 2012 Project Total 306 306 39 Valley Corridor-Project 3 CN 0 1,500 4,337 5.837 City 350 437 787 Valley Couplet Evergreen Road Appleway Road . 2.25 Other State 250 250 SrP(U) 400 1,400 1,800 Extend Apptovray Blvd.with a multi-lane facility including curbs and UCP 3,000 3,000 sidewalks. Resurface Sprague Avenue and restripe. Work planned to begin in 2009 Project Total 750 5,087 5,837 40 Carnahan Tuck Lane 200 0 0 200 City 27 27 Carnahan Rd 8th City Limits 0.50 STPMU) 173 173 Add SB truck Lane to road Work planned to begin in 2012 Project Total 200 200 Projects and timetra+nes identified In the TtP are to be considered estimates only tts-il may otianoc due to a var ety of circumstance" and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or drvolopers in making development decisions, 6/1912006 A13 S'� Adopted 2007- 2012 Hearing nee: 6/13/2006 Adoption Dale: 81132006 pO aIIe Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Env." 'g °ate "noo6 Resolution No 06013 Valley Dollars in thousands Funding Project!Road Names!Description!Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 42 SR27IPines/1601 Intersection 194 150 0 344 City 69 69 Pines Rd e 16th&SR27 0.00 Other State 69 69 UAP 206 206 Improvements to Intersection(Dual lane Roundabout?) Work planned to begin in 2012 Reject Total 344 344 • 43 Street Preservation Projects 649 0 6,950 7,599 City 500 1,859 1,300 1,540 1,200 1,200 7,599 Various Roads 0.00 Annual Street preservation projects , Designing&will construct Project Total 500 1,859 1,300 1,540 1,200 1,200 7,599 44 Barker Road Reconstruction,32nd to 8th 40 0 0 40 City 40 40 Barker Rd 32nd 8th 0.00 Spokane County Project,Reconstruct Barker to 3-Lane Section.City Partner rnntdh Seeking funding Project Total 40 40 Projects and ttmeframes Identified In the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not Intended by the City to be retied upon by property owners or developers In making development decisions. 6119/2006 At4 Adopted 2007- 2012 Hcarimg Date: 6113/2006 Adoption Onto: 6113/2005 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Env.ASSCas,Dato 5+11/2006 Resolution No.: 06.013 galley DoThrs in,housnnda Funding Project!Road Names!Description!Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total Total: 9,738 14,665 83,166 107,569 6,933 13,733 24,176 29.593 17,651 15,483 Projects and timeframss Identified In the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of dreumslattces, and are not Intended by the City to be refed upon by property comers ordevelopers In making development decisions. 6!19/2006 A15 • Adopted 2007- 2012 Hearing Date: 6,1312006 AdoplionDate: 6/132006 S okay r Etw.Assess.Date 51112006 Resolution No. 06.013 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program \4i.Iley Dollars In thousands Funding Project/Road Names)Description!Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2007 2009 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total . Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Totals Year . Federal State Other City 2007 3,830 989 486 1,828 2008 8,252 2,055 522 2,004 2009 10,435 7,917 2,148 3,876 2010 13,449 10,690 549 4,905 2011 7.349 5,995 791 3,516 2012 4,605 7,628 3,250 Protects and tirneframes identified in tho TIP are to be considered estimates only that may dtange due to a variety of cirwrnslances, and are not Intended by the City to be relied upon by property osmera or developers in making development decisions. 6192006 A18 Sun(Oro --� pokane Valley 11707 E.S ue Ave. • Suite 106• S okane Valle Sprague ,WA 99206 P9 P Y (509)921-1000 • Fax(509) 921-1008 • cityhall @spokanevalley.org June 22,2006 Dee Caputo,Growth Management Planner • Dept of Community,Trade&Economic Development(CTED) 128—10th Avenue, SW PO Box 42525 Olympia, WA 98504-2525 Glenn F. Miles,Transportation Manager Spokane Regional Transportation Council 221 W. First Avenue,Suite 310 Spokane, WA 99201-3613 RE:City of Spokane Valley Amended 2006 TIP Dear Ms.Caputa and Mr. Miles: Enclosed please find a certified copy of the City of Spokane Valley Resolution 06-013, adopting the 2007-2012 Six- Year Transportation Improvement Program for the City of Spokane Valley, which was approved by our Council at their June 13,2006 meeting. Sincerely/ /3-P2Z5-4-- ristin a Bainbridge,CMC / City Clerk /cb Enc. cc: Douglas B.MacDonald Secretary of Transportation State Department of Transportation Mail Stop 47300,Transportation Bldg Olympia, WA 98504-7300 Spokane County Courthouse Attention: Board of County Commissioners West 1116 Broadway Spokane,WA 99260 City of Spokane Attn: Clerk's Office West 808 Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane, WA 99201 Steve Worley,Spokane Valley Senior Engineer S1jÔ1ái1ie Valle 11707 E.S Sprague ue Ave. • Suite 106 • S Spokane Valle WA 99206 Y P 9 P Y� (509)921-1000 • Fax(509)921-1008 • cityhall @spokanevalley.org CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY OFFICE OF CITY CLERK I, Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk of Spokane Valley, Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is a true and correct copy of City of Spokane Valley Resolution 06-013 approved during the June 13, 2006 council meeting of the Spokane Valley City Council. Witness my hand and official seal this 22"d day of June, 2006. • __ _.) ♦,o `°It0°119'g,. 'C'h'ristine.Bainbridge, Spo •ane Valley Ci f' ` Ch"'4 ,, .s o F;F0 L a -t: SEA; c` r m Pfarch 31, . = 0,01��II�t-c 0 0♦♦ s. 4 4I P.Y Cu'41, ."1 M-1%`'7 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY, TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 128. 10=Avenue SW •PO Box 42525 • Olympia; Washington 98504.2525 • (360)725-4000 June 26, 2006 Christine Bainbridge City Clerk City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 Dear Ms. Bainbridge: Thank you for sending the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED)the following materials as required under RCW 36.70A.106. Please keep this letter as documentation that you have met this procedural requirement. City of Spokane Valley-Adopted Resolution 06-013, adopting the 2007-2012 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. These materials were received on 06/26/2006 and processed with the Material ID# 10509. We have forwarded a copy of this notice to other state agencies. If this is a draft amendment, adopted amendments should be sent to CTED within ten days of adoption and to any other state agencies who commented on the draft. If you have any questions, please call me at(360)725-3068. Sincerely, ,Linda Wergt Dee Caputo RECEIVED Growth Management Planner Growth Management Services JUN 3 0 2006 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY CLERK Enclosure A. 411040 i • AGENCIES REVIEWING COMP PLANS Revised August 9, 2005 Cities and counties need to send their draft comprehensive plans to the agencies' representatives, as listed below, at least 60 days ahead of adoption. Adopted plans should be sent to the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) immediately upon publication, as well as to any state agencies that commented on the draft plan. A jurisdiction does not need to send its plan to the agencies which have been called ahead and that have indicated the local plan will not be reviewed. Rebecca Barney SEPA/GMA Coordinator . Department of Corrections Department of Ecology Post Office Box 41112 Post Office Box 47600 Olympia, Washington 98504-1112 Olympia, Washington 98504-7600 (360) 753-3973 Fax: (360) 586-8723 (360) 407-6960 Fax: (360) 407-6904 Email: rmbarney @docl.wa.gov Email: gmacoordination @ecy.wa.gov Lorinda Anderson Steve Penland Interagency Committee on Outdoor Recreation Department of Fish and Wildlife Post Office Box 40917 Post Office Box 43155 Olympia, Washington 98504-0917 Olympia, Washington 98504-3155 (360) 902-3009 Fax: (360) 902-3026 (360) 902-2598 Fax: (360) 902-2946 Email: lorindaa @iac.wa.gov Email: penlastp @dfw.wa.gov Bill Koss Anne Sharar Parks and Recreation Commission Department of Natural Resources Post Office Box 42650 Post Office Box 47001 Olympia, Washington 98504-2650 Olympia, Washington 98504-7001 (360) 902-8629 Fax: (360) 753-1594 (360) 902-1739 Fax: (360) 902-1776 Email: billk @parks.wa.gov Email: anne.sharar@wadnr.gov Elizabeth McNagny Harriet Beale Department of Social and Health Services Puget Sound Water Quality Action Team Post Office Box 45848 Post Office Box 40900 Olympia, Washington 98504-5848 Olympia, Washington 98504-0900 (360) 902-8164 Fax: (360) 902-7889 (360) 725-5442 Fax: (360) 407-7333 Email: mcnagec @dshs.wa.gov Email: hbeale @psat.wa.gov Bill Wiebe Review Team Department of Transportation CTED Post Office Box 47300 Growth Management Services Olympia, Washington 98504-7370 Post Office Box 42525 1360) 705-7965 Fax: (360) 705-6813 Olympia, Washington 98504-2525 Email: wiebeb @wsdot.wa.gov (360) 725-3000 Fax: (360) 753-2950 Email: reviewteam @cted.wa.gov John Aden Department of Health Division of Drinking Water - Post Office Box 47822 Olympia, Washington 98504-7822 (360) 236-3157 Fax: (360) 236-2252 Email: John.Aden @doh.wa.gov S,1Gmu1ADMIN\Lists\State Agencies Reviewing Comp Plans 8-05.doc Maintained by Linda Weyl