Resolution 07-002 Adopts Spokane County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan City of Spokane Valley Spokane County, Washington Resolution No. 07-002 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE SPOKANE COUNTY ALL-HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN WHEREAS, The City of Spokane and Spokane County entered into a joint Resolution on or about June 25, 1979, under Spokane County Resolution No. 79-0873, establishing a joint Spokane City/County Department of Emergency Services. Additionally, the entities on or about August 10, 2004, adopted Spokane County Resolution No. 04-0689, which established functions for both entities as called for pursuant to chapter 38.52 RCW. The City of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley, City of Medical Lake, Town of Millwood, Town of Fairfield. Town of Latah, City of Liberty Lake, Town of Rockford, Town of Spangle, City of Cheney,City of Airway Heights,City of Deer Park,and Town of Waverly likewise entered into this joint venture; and WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency("FEMA") requires that". . . local and tribal government applicants for sub-grants must have an approved local mitigation plan in accordance with 44 CFR 201.6 prior to receipt of a Hazard Mitigation Grant Program sub grant funding." The purpose of such local mitigation plan is to represent the Multi-Jurisdiction's commitment to reduce risks from natural and man-made hazards; and WHEREAS, pursuant to 44 CFR 201.6, the Department of Emergency Management Services has prepared a plan entitled "Spokane County Multi-Jurisdictional All Hazard Mitigation Plan," which Plan serves as a guide for decision-makers as they commit resources to reducing hazards; and WHEREAS, the Multi-Jurisdictional All Hazard Mitigation Plan has been reviewed by FEMA, found to meet the required criteria under 44 CFR 201.6, and following adoption by all jurisdictions, will be adopted by FEMA making the adopting jurisdictions eligible for mitigation project pants. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Spokane Valley City Council that: Section I. The SPOKANE COUNTY MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL ALL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN is hereby adopted, representing Spokane Valley's commitment to reduce risks from natural and man- made hazards;and Section 2. The Plan has been reviewed by FEMA and accepted as successfully containing appropriate criteria as outlined in 44 CRR 201.6. Approved by the City Council this 27th day of March, 2007. Adtg, Diana Wilhite, Mayor � �1r � Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to form: Office oft e ity Attorn- Resolution 07-002 Adopti•: • -Hazard Mitigation Plan Page I of 1