Resolution 07-007 Amends 2007 Transportation Improvement Program • CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 07-007 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2007 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. WHEREAS, the City Council for Spokane Valley did adopt by Resolution No. 06-013 the 2007-2012 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) with such program acting as a guide for the coordinated development of the City's transportation system; WHEREAS, changes in certain funding sources have occurred; WHEREAS,the attached Amended 2007 TIP does incorporate said changes for year 2007; WHEREAS, pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act, the adoption of the Six-Year TIP is a non- project action which has received proper and timely environmental review by the City; and WHEREAS, the amendments to the 2007 TIP are consistent with Spokane Valley's adopted Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, this action constitutes an amendment to the City's Capital Facilities Plan under its Comprehensive Plan, and has been sent to the Washington State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development for review pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington,as follows: Section 1. Adoption. The City Council hereby adopts the attached Amended 2007 TIP for the City of Spokane Valley for the purpose of guiding the design, development and construction of local and regional transportation improvements for the year 2007. The City Clerk is directed to file the Amended 2007 TIP with the Washington State Secretary of Transportation not more than 30 days after adoption of this Resolution. The Amended 2007 TIP shall, at least, be annually reviewed for the purpose of determining the work accomplished under the program and the City transportation requirements. Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and arc not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon adoption. Adopted this 22"a day of May, 2007. ATTEST: 0k!V‘t),\ 1 (j i Diana Wilhite, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, 'lity Clerk Approved as to F rm: Office of ike City Alt rney Resolution 07-007 Amending 2007 TIP Page I of I City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Adopted 2007 Transportation Improvement Program 2007 Primary City Total Project From To Source Amount Project 1 Appleway Blvd. Tshirtey Road Hodges Road STP(U) S 105,000 $ 777,000 2 Barker Road Bridge @ Spokane River #5503 BR S - $ 538,000 3 Pines/Mansfield Wilbur Road Pines Road CMAQ $ 29,000 $ 1,018,000 Pines&Indiana West Bound Ramps 4 Sullivan Road North Ext(Bigelow G.) Wellesley Ave City Limits City $ 1,000 S 1,000 5 Valley Corridor-Project#2. University Rd. Evergreen Rd. UCP $ 123,000 S 264,000 6 Broadway Avenue Inlay 1-90 EB ramp Park Road STP(U) $ 89,000 $ 659,000 7' Montgomery Avenue Inlay#2 Argonne Road University Road CDBG $ - S 497,000 8" Broadway Avenue Safety Study 190 Sullivan Road City $ 50,000 S 50,000 9 Park Road Grade Separation(BTV) Indiana Avenue Montgomery Avenue STP(U) S 32,000 $ 752,000 10' Palk Road-Project 2 Broadway Avenue Indiana Avenue UAP S 113,000 S 567,000 11• Park Road#3 PE Only Sprague Avenue Broadway Avenue STP(U) S 25,000 S 297,000 12 Signal Controller Upgrade CMAQ $ 54,000 $ 400,000 13 Sullivan Road PCC Mission Avenue 190 EB Ramps City $ 450,000 $ 450,000 15' University Road Inlay 1 Dishman-Mica Rd 15th Avenue STP(U) S 11,000 $ 81,000 16' University Road Inlay 2 15th Avenue 4th Avenue STP(U) $ 6,000 $ 42.000 43 Street Preservation Projects City $ 500,000 $ 500,000 44' Barker Road Reconstruction 32nd Avenue 8th Avenue City $ 40,000 $ 40,000 $ 1.628.000 $ 6,933.000 •Projects deleted from 2007 program duo to lack of grant funrfaig •'0aaed on Counds approval to restripc Broadway between Sullivan and Pine,T18 AppE>ca1ion was supmitted to Resulpe Broadway from Pilo.Rood to Park Road In Ileu el Safety City of Spokano Valley Departmont of Public Works REVISED Proposed Amended 2007 Transportation Improvement Program 4124107,Resolution fO7-XXX 2007 Primary City Total Project From To Source Amount Project 1 Appleway Blvd. Tshirley Road Hodges Road STP(U) $ 685,000 $ 5,863,000 2 Barker Road Bridge @ Spokane River #5503 BR $ - $ 556,000 3 Pines/Mansfield Wilbur Road Pines Road CMAQ $ 14,000 $ 3,429,000 Pines&Indiana West Bound Ramps 4 Sullivan Road North Ext(Bigelow G.) Wellesley Ave City Limits City $ 1,000 $ 6,000 5 Valley Corridor-Project#2 University Rd. Evergreen Rd. STP(U) $ 123,000 $ 264,000 9 Park Road Grade Separation(8TV) Indiana Avenue Montgomery Avenue STP(U) $ 32,000 $ 752,000 12 Signal Controller Upgrade CMAQ $ 34,600 $ 258,400 13 Sullivan Road PCC Mission Avenue 190 EB Ramps City $ 60,700 S 450,000 43 Street Preservation Projects' City $ 1,483,843 S 1,483,843 Evergreen Road-24th Ave to 32nd Ave S 542,000 8th Avenue-Havana St to MciGnnon Rd S 495,000 4th Avenue-Carnahan Rd to Eastern Rd S 348,000 Sprague Avenue-Bowdish Rd to Pines Rd S 872.000 Thiem:an Road-Mallon Ave to Desmet Ave S 223,000 Argonne/Mullan-Sinto Ave to Indiana Ave S 518,000 ApplewayfSprague/Dishman-Mica ITS 190 @ Sprague University Road CMAQ $ 96,500 $ 720,700 Sprague Ave/Conklin Rd Signal Developers $ - $ 250,000 Veradale Heights Sewer Paveback City $ 105,500 $ 105,500 Vera Terrace Sewer Paveback City $ 20,000 $ 20,000 STEP Paveback Spalding City $ 52,000 $ 52,000 Trentwood • City $ 159,000 $ 159,000 Grandview Acres City $ 188,000 $ 188,000 Contingency City $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 4,324,143 $ 14,607,443 •The Street Preservation Projects will be completed as staff levels allow and based on funding levels resulting from the FTA grant applications. Projects wsd timefrvmes identified in the TIP are to be eonr dered estimaes unly the tidy change due to a variety of circamtslwlccs,and arc not intended by the City to be Alai upon by property nunme or developers in making development doeisiom, Funded Projects Added Projects 2006 Carry Over Projects S1j'o1 ' Valley ° 11707 E.Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 • Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509)921-1000 • Fax(509)921-1008 • cityhall @spokanevalley.org May 29,2007 ' • Dee Caputo,Growth Management Planner ' Dept of Community,Trade&Economic Development(CTED) . 128— 10th Avenue,SW . PO Box 42525 Olympia,WA 98504-2525 Glenn F.Miles,Transportation Manager Spokane Regional Transportation Council 221 W.First Avenue,Suite 310 Spokane,WA 99201-3613 RE: City of Spokane Valley Amended 2006 TIP • •Dear Ms.Caputa and Mr.Miles: • . Enclosed please find a certified copy of the City of Spokane Valley Resolution 07-007, amending the 2007-2012 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program for the City of Spokane Valley,which was approved by our Council . • at their May 22,2007 meeting. Sincerely, , ,,...A.- ,,, r. ./4 , ,.._____.. . Christine Bainbridge,CMC / City Clerk kb Enc. cc: Douglas B.MacDonald Secretary of Transportation State Department of Transportation Mail Stop 47300,Transportation Bldg . Olympia,WA 98504-7300 Spokane County Courthouse Attention:Board of County Commissioners West 1116 Broadway • Spokane, WA 99260 City of Spokane Attn: Clerk's Office West 808 Spokane Falls Blvd. . Spokane, WA 99201 Steve Worley,Spokane Valley Senior Engineer - SÔkLtn aile Y 11707 E Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 • Spokane Valley,m&99206 (509) 921-1 00 • Fax(50 9) 921-1008 city hailgr,spok an §&y,2g • I, Christine Bainbridrd. Cr Clerk for the City of.Spokane Valley, Wash¥/ , do hereby certify that the atta e & a »% tie and correct copy of Resolution 07- 7 approved by the Sp e Vall Ci Louncii at its M 22, 2007 Council meeting. 110177NESS my h dA6o cial m& this 2 day of May, 2007. - • . .� 4. a�#ems CEi+n Bainbridge, S nevg]ey , Cl k- gN2k zz?ORA •o 3 : = z0 . • (SEAL) E. R 1 9 -: e . @ma3 \ • 4k\ � $1.1IFn"© • • • • • • • • • • • CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WAS.IU7 GTON RESOLUTION NO. 07-007 • A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2007 TRANSPORTATION • Ili IPROVEM ENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. WHEREAS, the City Council for Spokane Valley did adopt by Resolution No. 06-013 the 2007-2012 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) with such program acting as a guide for the coordinated development of the City's transportation system; WHEREAS, changes in certain funding sources have occurred; WHEREAS, the attached Amended 2007 TIP does incorporate said changes for year 2007; WHFREA.S, pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act, the adoption of the Six-Year TIP is a non- project action which has received proper and timely environmental review by the City; and . WHEREAS, the amendments to the 2007 TIP are consistent with Spokane Valley's adopted Comprehensive.Plan; and WHEREAS, this action constitutes an amendment to the City's Capital Facilities Plan under •its Comprehensive Plan, and has been sent to the Washington State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development for review pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106. • NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley,Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1.. Adoption. The City Council hereby adopts the attached Amended 2007 TIP for the City of Spokane Valley for the purpose of guiding the design, development and construction of local and .regional transportation improvements for the year 2007. The City Clerk is directed to file the Amended 2007 TIP with the Washington State Secretary of Transportation not more than 30 days after adoption of this Resolution. The Amended 2007 TIP shall, at least, be annually reviewed for the purpose of determining the work accomplished under the program and the City transportation requirements. Projects and timeframes identified in the TIl? are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon adoption. Adopted this 22"d day of May,2007. ATTEST: • CvwN. x Diana Wilhite,Mayor U. Lai., ,� Bainbridge, ity Clerk r----- ` Approved as to Form: 17j=:- //,19 Office of kte'City A rney Resolution 07-007 Amending 2007 TIP Page 1 of 1 • • City of Spokane Valley • Department of Public Works Adopted 2007 Transportation Improvement Program 2007 Primary - City Total • Project From To • Source Amount Project 1 Appleway Blvd. Tshirley Road Hodges Road STP(U) $ 105,000 $ 777,000 2 Barker Road Bridge @ Spokane River #5503 BR $ - $ 538,000 3 Pines/Mansfield Wilbur Road Pines Road CMAQ S 29,000 $ 1,018,000 Pines&Indiana West Bound Ramps 4 Sullivan Road North Ext.(BigelowG.) Wellesley Ave City Limits City $ 1,000 $ 1,000 5 Valley Corridor-Project#2 University Rd. Evergreen Rd. UCP $ 123,000 S 264,000 6 Broadway Avenue Inlay . 1-90 EB ramp Park Road STP(U) $ 89.000 $ 659,000 r Montgomery Avenue Inlay#2 Argonne Road University Road CDBG $ - $ 497,000 8** Broadway Avenue Safety Study 190 Sullivan Road City $ 50,000 $ 50,000 9 Park Road Grade Separation(BTV) Indiana Avenue Montgomery Avenue STP(U) $ 32,000 $ 752,000 10' Park Road-Project 2 Broadway Avenue Indiana Avenue UAP $ 113,000 $ 557,000 11" Park Road#3 PE Only Sprague Avenue Broadway Avenue STP(U) $ . 25.000 S 297.000 - 12 Signal Controller Upgrade CMAQ $ 54,000 S 400,000 13 Sullivan Road PCC Mission Avenue 190 EB Ramps City $ 450,000 $ 450,000 15' University Road Inlay 1 Dishman-Mica Rd 15th Avenue STP(U) $ 11,000 $ 81,000 16' University Road Inlay 2 15th Avenue 4th Avenue STP(U) $ 6,000 $ 42,000 43 Street Preservation Projects , City $ 500,000 $ 500,000 44' Barker Road Reconstruction 32nd Avenue 8th Avenue City $ 40,000 S 40,000 - $ 1,628.000 $ 6,933,000 Protects Meted(torn 2007 piogrim doe to trick of gent(taxiing "eased on Coduicr's approval to restripe Broadway between Su5vnn and Pete,11B Appriadion was supmilted to Restripe Broadway(torn Pines Road to Pads Road in eau of Safety; City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works REVISED Proposed Amended 2007 Transportation Improvement Program 4124107,Resolution NT-)OO( 2007 . Primary City 'fatal Project From To Source Amount Project 1 Appleway Blvd. Tshirley Road Hodges Road STP(U) $ ' 685,000 $ 5,863,000 2 Barker Road.Bridge Q Spokane River #5503 BR S - $ 556,000 - 3 PineslMansfield Wilbur Road Pines Road CMAQ $ 14,000 $ 3,429,000 Pines&Indiana West Bound Ramps 4 Sullivan Road North ExL(BigelowG.) Wellesley Ave City Limits City $ 1,000 S 6,000 . 5 Valley Corridor-Project#2 University Rd. Evergreen Rd. STP(U) $ 123,000 $ 264,000 9 Park Road Grade Separation(BTV) Indiana Avenue Montgomery Avenue STP(U) S 32,000 $ 752,000 12 Signal Controller Upgrade CMAQ $ 34,600 $ 258,400 13 Sullivan Road PCC Mission Avenue 190 EB Ramps City $ 60,700 $ 450,000 43 Street Preservation Projects" City $ 1,483,843 $ 1,463,843 Evergreen Road-24th Ave to 32nd Ave $ 542,000 8th Avenue-Havana St to McKinnon Rd $ 495,000 4th Avenue-Carnahan Rd to Eastern Rd S 348,000 Sprague Avenue-8owdish Rd to Pines Rd $ 872,000 Thierman Road-Mallon Ave to Desmet Ave $ 223,000 ArgonneiMullen-Sinto Ave to Indiana Ave - $ 518,000 Appleway!SpraguelDishman-Mica ITS 190 Q Sprague University Road CMAQ $ 96,500 $ 720,700 Sprague Ave/Conklin Rd Signal Developers $ - $ 250,000 Veradale Heights Sewer Paveback City $ 105,500 $ 105,500 Vera Terrace Sewer Paveback • City S 20,000 $ 20,000 STEP Paveback Spakiing City $ 52,000 $ 52,000 Trentwood City $ 159,000 $ 159,000 Grandview Acres City S 188,000 $ 188,000 Contingency City S 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 4,324,143 $ 14,607,443 4 The Street Preservation Projects will be completed as staff levels allow and based on funding levels resulting from the FTA grant applications. FrajecO and tiraaha nes idwntified in the TIP are to be considered eschn.tes eoly that may damp doe to a variety a:circumstances,and are not ir.anded by the City to be rdied upon by property ounteis or developers El seising de eiopnneat decisions. Fumed Projects Adrad Projects 2006 Carry Over Project • RECEIVED ! tr JUN JU - 4 20177 4 i 't � CfryDCJ �4VALLEY STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY, TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 128. 10` Avenue SW • PO Box 42525 • Olympia. Washington 98504-2525 • (360)725.4000 May 31,2007 Christine Bainbridge City Clerk City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue Suite 106 Spokane Valley, Washington 99206 Dear Ms. Bainbridge: Thank you for sending the Washington State Department of Community,Trade and Economic Development (CTED)the following materials as required under RCW 36,70A.106. Please keep this letter as documentation that you have met this procedural requirement. City of Spokane Valley-Adopted Resolution 07-007, amending the 2007-2012 Transportation Improvement Program. These materials were received on 05/31/2007 and processed with the Material ID#11725. We have forwarded a copy of this notice to other state agencies. If this is a draft amendment, adopted amendments should be sent to CTED within ten days of adoption and to any other state agencies who commented on the draft. If you have any questions, please call me at(360) 725-3068. Sincerely, Tammy Wright for Dee Caputo Growth Management Planner Growth Management Services Enclosure 0 STATE AGENCIES REVIEWING DEV REGS Revised December 19, 2006 Cities and counties need to send their development regulations to the agencies' representatives, as listed below, at least 60 days ahead of adoption. Adopted development regulations should be sent to Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) immediately upon publication, as well as to any state agencies that commented on the draft regulation. A jurisdiction does not need to send its regulation to the agencies which have been called ahead and that have indicated the local plan will not be reviewed. The jurisdiction should keep a record of this contact with state agencies and the state agencies response. Elizabeth McNagny SEPA/GMA Coordinator Department of Social and Health Services Department of Ecology Post Office Box 45848 Post Office Box 47600 Olympia, Washington 98504-5848 Olympia, Washington 98504-7600 (360) 902-8164 Fax: 902-7889 (360) 407-6960 Fax: (360) 407-6904 Email: mcnagec @dshs.wa.gov Email: gmacoordination@ecy.wa:gov Jennifer Hayes Ron Shultz Department of Fish and Wildlife Puget Sound Water Quality Action Team Post Office Box 43155 Post Office Box 40900 Olympia, Washington 98504-3155 Olympia, Washington 98504-0900 Tel: (360) 902-2562 Fax: (360) 902-2946 (360) 725-5470 Fax (360) 725-5456 Email: hayesilh @dfw.■a.gov Email: rshultz@psat.wa.gov Review Team Bill Wiebe CTED Department of Transportation Growth Management Services Post Office Box 47300 Post Office Box 42525 Olympia, Washington 98504-7370 Olympia, Washington 98504-2525 (360) 705-7965 Fax: 705-6813 (360) 725-3000 Fax: (360) 753-2950 Email: wiebeb @wsdot.wa.gov Email: reviewteam @cted.wa.gov Anne Sharar Rebecca Barney Department of Natural Resources Department of Corrections Post Office Box 47001 Post Office Box 41112 Olympia, Washington 98504-7001 Olympia, Washington 98504-1112 (360) 902-1739 Fax: (360) 902-1776 (360) 753-3973 Fax: (360) 586-8723 Email: anne.sharar @wadnr.gov Email: rmbarneydoc1.wa.gov John Aden Department of Health Division of Drinking Water Post Office Box 47822 Olympia, Washington 98504-7822 (360) 236-3157 Fax: (360) 236-2252 Email: John.Aden @doh.wa. ov S:\Gmu\ADMINILists\State Agencies Reviewing Dev Regs 12-06.doc