PC APPROVED Minutes 10-13-11.pdf Spokane Valley Planning Commission � APPROVED Minutes Council Chambers— City Ha11, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. October 13, 2Q11 I. CALL TO ORD�R Chai�•Car�•all called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. IL PL�DG� OF ALLEGIANC� Comnlissioners, staff and audience stood for the piedge of allegiance �II. ROLL CALL Conunissioners Bates, Cai7oli, Hall Neill, �ands, and Stoy were p�•esent. Commissioner Mann was absent. Commissioner Stoy macie a motion to excuse Commissioner Mann which was approved unanimously. ' Staff attending the meeting; Scatt Kuhta, Planner Manager; Mike Basinger, Senior Plantier; !, Deanna Griffit�, �ec:reta�•y ', IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA i � Cammissioner Sands made a motion to apprave the agenda as presented. Tlii� motian was �'� passed unaniniausly. � V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The�•e we�'e ��o minutes to approve. VI. PUBLIC C�MMENT There was no public comment. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE ItEPORTS IX. C4MMISSION BUSINE�S A. Un�nisheci Business: There was no unfinished busimess. B. New Business: i, �tudy �ession far CTA-04-11,A Propflsec� text amendment to Title 19.64, 19120 ���d Appendix A,De�nitinns. Sr. Planner Mike Basinger made a pi•es�ntatfon fo the Commission rega�•ding a privately initiated att�endment to allow it�doo�•�•ecycling facilities in Corridor Mixed Use, � Community Commercial and Regional Comniercial districts. Below is the proposed langi�age ta be added to each section. 1�-13-I I Platu�ii�g Commission Mi��utes Page 1 of3 {� IriC�001 i�CyCIITIg��C111t�; provided that: a. All materials, including non-recyclable materials, mus�be contained indoors, b. All activities must meet the noise�•equi��ements of SVMC 7.OS.Q40(L). c. When adjacent to an existiz�g residential use or residential zone scree��irtg in SVMC 22.70.030(B} shall be required, d. Access to site is Iimited to an existing arterial or state�ighway. This amendment would alsfl add a Iine to the U�e Matrix SVMC 19.120 to allaw t�ie u�e in these districts and amend Appendix A, Definitions to add a definition for indoar rec�cling facilities. Cl�apter 19,120 P�RMITTED AND ACCESSORY USES ' Scl�edule of Corridoc• Com�iiu��ity Regional Lig�rt Heavy NAICS �ermitted Uses Mixed Commercial Commercial Industrial Indt�stri�l Appendix 19-A Use 6292 Recycling Facility S S S P P A��enc�ix A DEFINITIONS Recycling Facility: A facility that accepts�•ecyclr�ble r�tutel•ials c�nd may pe�fo��r�t sojrre pj•ocessing activitres, The pf�incaple fienction is to separ�ate and stor�e rnaterials that a�•e �•eady for shrpr�rent to end-zrse�r�a�•kets, such cas paper mills, alu»rrmtm s�nelters or�plastic rrranttfacturing plarrts. Processing activities rnay rncl2cde balirtg, cor�zpucting,flattening, gr�inding, crushing, rnechanical so1•ting, ot•clea�ring. Mr. Basinger stated that indooz• zecyaling facilities a�•e al�•eady allawed in the two industriai zones, tliis amendment would allow them into the commercial zones. Mr. Basinger shat•ed that all matei•ia�s, all operations, and all processing would be contained indoo�•s. Mr. Basinger explained access to the facility would be more geared to collecting iterns and shipping the�n to end-use�•s of post-consumer i•ecycled products. He also stated access to the facilities would be limited to arterial street or state highway. Commissioners had a discussio� about why #his type of facility wauld not be allaweci Mixed Use Zones. The discussion talked about the fact Mixed Use zones are more pedesh•ian friendly with high density residential, therefore less apprapriate than the more comm�rcial zones. It was also mentianed that the faciiity wiil require large pick-up and deliveiy tz�ucks and it wouId not be appzopz•iate for them #o be d�•iving them into neighborhoods. Conunissioners wondered if the existing recycling facility would still be allowed, staff stated it would be considered a legal nan-confarmirng use. Com�nissione�•s were conce��ned about how to address hazardous matezials. The City only cu��rently has two recycling facilities now, the Was�e Management facility on Sullivan and the small place over near the Post Office. Commissioners and staff continued to discuss passible issues with trash collectitin, hazardous material concerns, curbside recyeling, making sure ali � operations as well as materials are contain�d indoors, issues experienced iu othe�• cities, 10-13-1 i Planning Comt��issio�i PVlinutes Page 2 of 3 concerns aver truck traffic on Sprague. Mr. Basinger stated he would work with { applican# to discuss adding langi�age wl�ich would address hazardous n;aterials and ensure alI equipment was contained indoors. X. GOOD OF THE ORDER The�•e was nothing for the good of the order. XI. AD,�OURNMENT The being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 6:37 p.m. SUBMITTED: APPROVED: l . / . � Deanna Griffith, • a�y J hn G. Ca��roll, Chairperson � ]0-13-11 Planning Co�t�mission Mimites Page 3 of 3