Resolution 07-019 Establishing General Policy Resolution from Council Core Beliefs CiTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO.07-019 AMENDED GENERAL POLICY RESOLUTION OF CORE BELIEFS A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AMENDING RESOLUTION 03-027, ESTABLISHING A GENERAL POLICY RESOLUTION EMANATING FROM THE CORE BELIEFS OF THE CiTY COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY AND SETTING FORTH DUTIES OF BOTH ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICIALS OF THE CiTY TO HELP GUIDE LEGISLATIVE AND EXECUTIVE DECISIONS TOWARD EFFECTIVE, RESPONSIVE, AND OPEN GOVERNMENT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, as the elective legislative body, is charged with promulgating Ordinances and Resolutions which become the law of the city; and WHEREAS, such Ordinances and Resolutions must provide enforceable provisions subordinate to, and in harmony with, all other applicable federal and state statutes and regulations; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to provide a clear set of general policy guidelines for the conduct of city government; Section 1. Modifying Resolution 03-027 as set forth below by adding new section 7. The remainder of the resolution 03-027 is unchanged: NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley does hereby affirm and resolve that the following core beliefs shall serve as guidelines for the conduct of affairs by all branches of Spokane Valley City Government. Section 1. We believe that Spokane Valley should be a visionary city encouraging its citizens and their government to look to the future beyond the present generation and to bring such ideas to public discussion and to enhance a sense of community identity. Section 2. We believe that elected body decision-making is the only lawful and effective way to conduct the public's legislative business and that careful observance of a clear set of Governance Coordination rules of procedure can best enhance public participation and decision making. Section 3. We believe in the City Council as policy leaders of the City. One or more City Councilmembers are encouraged to take the lead, where practical, in sponsoring Ordinances or Resolutions excepting quasi-judicial or other public hearings and the statutory ditties of the City Manager as set forth in RCW 35A.13.020, Section 4. We believe in hearing the public view. We affirm that members of the public should be encouraged to speak and be heard through reasonable rules of procedure when the public business is being considered, thus giving elected officials the broadest perspectives from which to make decisions. Section 5. We believe that the City of Spokane Valley's governance should be known as "user friendly," and that governance practices and general operations should consider how citizens will be served in the most responsive, effective and courteous manner. Resolution 07-019 Amending Core Beliefs Resolution 03-027 Pace I of 2 Section 6. We believe that the economic and commercial job base of the community should be preserved and encouraged to grow as an alternative to increasing property taxes. We believe it imperative to have an expanded and diverse economic base, Section 7. We believe that Councilmembers set the tone for civic discussion and should set an example by: (a) Setting high standards of decorum and civility. (b) Encouraging open and productive conversation amongst themselves and with the community about legislative matters. (c) Demonstrating respect for divergent points of view expressed by citizens, fellow Councilmembers and the staff. (d) Honoring each other and the public by debating issues within City Hall and the Community without casting aspersions on members of Council, the staff,or the public. (e) Accepting the principle of majority rule and working to advance the success of "corporate"decisions. Section 8. We solicit the City Manager's support in conducting the affairs of the city with due regard for: (a) Promoting mutual respect between the Citizens, City staff and the City Council by creating the organizational teamwork necessary for effective, responsive and open government. (b) Providing the City Council and public reasonable advance notice when issues are to be brought forward for discussion. (c) Establishing and maintaining a formal city-wide customer service program with emphasis on timely response, a user-friendly atmosphere, and an attitude of facilitation and accommodation within the bounds of responsibility, integrity, and financial capability of the city, including organizational and job description documents while pursuing"best practices" in customer service. (d) Seeking creative ways to contain or impede the rising cost of governmental services, including examination of private sector alternatives in lieu of governmentally provided services. (c) Providing a data base of future projects and dreams for the new City of Spokane Valley so that good ideas from its citizens and leaders are not lost and the status of projects can be readily determined. Approved by the City Council this 11'l day of December, 2007. Ff &—PAArqL_AM-14 --- A6-1 .. — Diana Wilhite, Mayor —Christine Bainbridge, ity Clerk Approved as to form: 264,64..//0, Office of the City Attorney • Resolution 07-019 Amending Core Beliefs Resolution 03-027 Page 2 of 2