Resolution 08-003 Declaring Surplus Property CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 08-003 A RESOLUTION DECLARING REAL PROPERTY TO BE SURPLUS PURSUANT TO SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE (SVMC) SECTION 3.40.070 (B); APPROVING THE TRADE OF REAL PROPERTY PURSUANT TO SVMC 3.40.070 (D) AND AUTHORIZING THE CiTY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO CONVEY AND/OR SELL SAiD REAL PROPERTY. WHEREAS, SVMC SECTION 3.40.070 (b) requires a declaration that real property be declared surplus by the Spokane Valley City Council prior to its disposal; and WHEREAS, the criteria for a declaration of surplus property as set forth in SVMC 3.40.070 includes the following: I. The City has or anticipates no practical, efficient,or appropriate use for the property. 2. The purpose served by the property can be accomplished by use of a better, less costly, or more efficient alternative. 3. The purpose served by the property no longer exists as determined by a change of policy or practice. WHEREAS, upon such a declaration passed by resolution by the Spokane Valley City Council the Finance Director is authorized to sell surplus property; and WHEREAS, department directors have been notified of the surplus nature of this property and no department other than the Public Works department has any desire to acquire or use the proposed surplus property; and WHEREAS,a trade of real property is allowed pursuant to SVMC 3.40.070 (D)where, upon receipt of a report by the Finance Director, the City finds that the trade of real property would realize a greater benefit to the City than a sale for cash; and WHEREAS,approximately 10,682 square feet of real property was acquired as part of the acquisition of right of way for the Pines/Mansfield project. The property was appraised by Appraisal Group Northwest, LLC. The City subsequently determined that additional right of way was required for a right hand turn lane, border easement and a pipe easement. These additional right of way requirements effectively • precluded access to adjacent parcels. By trading a portion of the land originally obtained for the other necessary properties, the City is able to avoid any costs associated with the restriction of access. All of the parcels of property involved have been appraised and the City is receiving full value for the traded property. The specific costs and property descriptions are set forth in the report by the Project Manager, Senior Engineer,Public Works Director and Finance Director attached hereto; and WHEREAS, as a result of this trade the City would realize a greater benefit than would be derived for the cash sale of the property in question; and WHEREAS, pursuant to SVMC 3.40.070 (D) upon the declaration of surplus real property and where a benefit to the City is established, such a trade of real property is authorized. Now therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Resolution 08-003 Trade of Property Page 1 of 2 • Section ]. Declaration of Surplus. The City of Spokane Valley City Council hereby declares that the real property identified above is hereby declared to be surplus in that the City has no practical, efficient or appropriate use for the property other than to trade it for property necessary for the completion of the Pihpcs1[viartsfieid capital project. Section 2. Authorization to Trade_Real Property. The trade of the real property in question for the identified parcel of real property will realize a greater benefit to the City than would he realized through a cash sale and further that this benefit is eon firmed by the adequate appraisals completed by a qualified independent appraiser. Section 3. Atithori'ration to sell/trade property. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute any documents necessary to complete the trade of real property set forth above- Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be effective. upon adoption. Adopted this 18th day of'March, 2008. City of Spokane Valley ATTE.S . layorRiChard Munson - /2„ l City Clerk, Christine ainbridge Approved as to form: 0-fficel,L.f the C.i ttorney • Resolution 08-003 Trade of Property Page 2 of 2 �c�®��e Public Works Department Capital Improvement Program Valley° 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106• Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000• Fax: S09.921.1008• cityhall@spokanevalley.org Informational Memorandum To: David Mercier,City Manager and Members of City Council From: Ken Knutson, P.E.—Project Manager Steve M.Worley, P.E. —Senior Engineer(CIP) Neil Kersten,AIA—Public Works Director .' Ken Thompson—Finance Director j 4/ Date: March 13,2008 Re: PineslMansfield Corridor Congestion Relief Project—Right-of-Way Trade The design of the Pines/Mansfield project is nearly complete. Plans and specifications are going through final review and correction, and one right-of-way (ROW)transaction needs to be completed prior to ROW certification and a request of construction funds. The last ROW purchase is somewhat complex and involves several smaller steps. • BACKGROUND The parcels involved in this transaction are on the southwest corner of the Pines/Mansfield intersection as shown in the attached Exhibit `A'. At first, a 10,682 square foot piece of the northeast corner of the Pinecroft Mobile Home Park (Map No. 17)was purchased. This area was for the construction of a stormwater swale to treat runoff from the improved Mansfield Avenue. The property was appraised by Appraisal Group Northwest, LLC at$50,460 ($50,000 for the land and $460 for a temporary slope area). Negotiations then began for the purchase of 3,597 square feet of additional right-of-way along the southwest corner of the PineslMansfield intersection (Map No. 18& 19). This area is required for the widening of Mansfield Avenue including a 150-foot long eastbound right turn lane. Because of the proposed right turn lane, access from Mansfield Avenue to the narrow parcels immediately south of the right turn lane is effectively eliminated. Access to parcels is not allowed within a right turn lane. The monetary damage to the value of these two parcels from the loss of access from Mansfield Avenue was estimated to be approximately$300,000 according to Appraisal Group Northwest. To keep project costs down, another solution was needed. PROPOSED SOLUTION The proposed solution is to provide an access to the subject parcels (Map Nos. 18& 19) across a portion of the right-of-way purchased from the Pinecroft Mobile Home Park. Informational Memo 3/13/08 Pines/Mansfield Corridor Congestion Relief Project—Right-of-Way Trade Page 2 The required drainage swale would then be located on the remaining portion of the right- of-way purchased from the Pinecroft Mobile Home Park along with a border easement on the subject parcels (Map Nos. 18 & 19). See Exhibit`B'. This requires trading 6,892 square feet of the 10,682 square feet of right-of-way purchased from the mobile home park for a portion of the remaining right-of-way and border easement needed from the subject property owners. The appraisal for Map Nos. 18 & 19 was redone based on not losing access to Mansfield Avenue. The breakdown of costs for the current solution is as follows: 3,597.07 Sq. Ft. of RW Land @ $12.00ISq. Ft. = $43,164.84 10,110.46 Sq. Ft. of Border Easement @$9.00/Sq. Ft. _ $90,994.14 907.46 Sq. Ft. of Pipe Easement @ $2.55/Sq. Ft. = $2,314.02 6,892.28 Sq. Ft. of Land Traded to Owners @$5.09/Sq. Ft. _ ($35,081.71) Total Payment to Owners = $101,391.29 The subject property owners in this last transaction have agreed to this solution. LEGAL AUTHORITY Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 3.40.070 allows for the trade of property. Specifically, the property to be traded must be declared surplus and the benefit to the city of the trade must be greater than a cash sale. RECOMMENDATION In an effort to reduce the cost of this final property acquisition at the southwest corner of the Pines/Mansfield intersection, staff recommends Council approve the proposed trade of property. Approval of this trade eliminates the $300,000 in monetary damage to the subject parcels (Map Nos. 18 & 19) by providing an alternate access further to the west using property purchased earlier with project funds for a stormwater treatment swale. This trade is in the best interest of the City by reducing the cost of right-of-way acquisition at the southwest corner of the Pines/Mansfield intersection and allowing the Pines/Mansfield project to move forward to construction in a timely manner. • 4EM 44 AANSFIELD AVENUE (4 4.eac) NfT2['arc An)w■j 4-1 1' SEE BELOW rOR IPLCTE PARCEL WV/ 10 AVENUE. (' SEE BELOW FOR =NAM PARCEL YEW (1504A I1'7 STk x1+66.75 STA: 234,433.45 IOC 45O,l�.OaSj stt 9[..011 rrR CCYPL£1L PARCEL NEM nA 2!+1177 A. 30+O&27 (rRC RAW STk 31• 25+00 STk 21-.3a.17 STA: 77+51-33 IC SIP, ar % 2 N i OAK 14ro. L-!4x.91' �1.4OO.00' Q. 1-73.32' ^411 Purchased from Pecroft Mobile Home Park CuRVE 1410. L-1111 a3' R-404.08' 1■1:1-26' 0-21'4117' Q/ / GRAPHIC SCALE 0 50 SOD I i ( IN FEET ) Inch = 50 ft 3'05 STk s7A 0; Border Easement 11 STA: 313.30-1” au) N W Z a SECURE P(RW