Resolution 08-014 Adopting 2009 - 2014 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 08-014 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2009-2014 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY WHEREAS, to provide for the proper and necessary development of the street system within the City of Spokane Valley, the City shall, as required by State law, develop and adopt annually a Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ("TIP") with such program acting as a guide for the coordinated development of the City's transportation system; and WHEREAS, the TIP of the City shall specifically set forth those projects and programs of both City and regional significance that benefit the transportation system and promote public safety and efficient vehicle movements; and WHEREAS, the TI.P shall be consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan and be adopted following one or more public hearings before the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on June 10, 2008, for the purpose of inviting and receiving public comment on the proposed TIP. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: The City Council hereby adopts the attached TIP for the City of Spokane Valley for the purpose of guiding the design, development and construction of local and regional transportation improvements for the years 2009 through 2014. The City Clerk is directed to file the 2009-2014 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program with the Washington State Secretary of Transportation not later than June 30. The TIP shall be reviewed at least annually for the purpose of determining the work to be accomplished under the program and the City transportation requirements. Adopted this 24TH day of June, 2008. City of to 14101ey I iclardN •..n, MaF; • ATTEST: �,�� % Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney Resolution 08-014 Adopting 2009-2014 TIP Page 1 of I siob \lI; ey� ►IVI Yf Al ANNIVII3ARY O► INCORPOfATION March 31 . 2003 to March 31, 2008 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Public Hearing ADOPTED 2009 — 2014 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Resolution 08-014, June 24, 2008 Adopted 2009 - 2014 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars•r. 1•v��zar:f+ Funding Project! Description i Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 0 Broadway Avenue Safety Project- Pines(SR-27) 3 74 25 834 93.3 City 187 167 s to Park UAP 746 746 ADA 8 Striping Improvements to reduce accidents along Broadway Comdor Funding Secured(T1B 8-3-2008(003)-1) Project Total 933 933 I Pines/Mansfield 0.01 0 0 1.796 1,796 City 206 206 S WSDOT 10 10 TPP 718 718 This project w6 reconfigure ttwe WB tamps of 1-90 al SR27 It will also wden and recorrtruct Mansfield Ave.from Develop 212 212 Wilbur Rd.to SR27 to a 3-tane roadway with curb.gutter and sidewalk_ ern CMAO 463 463 Funding Secured(TI919-E-032(018)-1 and Sr1c04-21) STA 187 167 Project Total 1,796 1.796 2 Barker Road Bridge 0 1 0 0 4,158 4.159 BR 3.631 3,631 s City 204 204 Other 324 324 Replace bridge 15503®Spokane Rrver Funding Secured-City funding for Contingency Project Total 4,159 4,169 3 Appieway/SpraguelDishman-Mica ITS-190 to 2-66 0 0 373 373 City 50 50 s Dishman Mica CM AO 323 323 WSDOT Upgrade signal controllers at 20 nierse clrctns. Instal condufl and fiber cable and connect to SRTMC central system. Funding Sexured(SRTC 06-25) Project Total 373 373 ('rejects and Cmehemes.aenhhed rn ttie TiP ere to be conakiefea estimates rely that may change due to a variety of urcumstances and are not Intended by the City to be relied upon by properly owners or developers!n making development declatons 6/2512008 Pale 1 ,r,,,, Adopted 2009 - 2014 spUile Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Valley Dollars In Thoua&-rtt Funding Project! Description!Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 't STEP Paveback 0 0 0 4,299 4.298 City 1,291 1,204 1,204 3,899 SW 209 165 196 699 Full-width paving and drainage associated with Spokane Camtys STEP Funding Secured-Cidy Funds Prefect Total 1,500 1,399 1,399 4,298 5 Street Preservation Project-Various Street n 539 0 10,512 11,053 City 1,224 1224 1,224 2.281 2,260 2260 10,453 S SW 69 69 86 131 131 131 600 Annual street preservation projects Funding Sarured-City Funds Project Total 1,293 1,293 1,293 2,382 2,391 2,391 11,053 6 Broadway Ave 180 ft E. of Moore to Flora 07'3 0 60 1.708 1.758 City 12 342 364 s UAP 48 1,386 1,414 Reconstruct P.widen Broadway In 3--lane section, 160 A E.of Moore to Flora Funding Securrd(TIB 09-E-2013(0011-1) Project Total 60 1,708 1,768 7 Appleway-University to Evergreen 2(12 477 3 318 7 734 11,530 City 121 20d 448 775 P STP 409 1.040 2,626 4,076 WSDOT 4 3 460 467 Extend A,pplex r Blx1,with a multi-tare facility including curt and sidewalks UCP 4.200 4,290 • Other 403 1,610 2,013 Secured STP(U)($4.2 mil),WSDUT Project Total 937 2,859 7,734 11,530 Protects and bmehemes identified in Ina TIP are b be considered esbmatet orgy that may change due to a wnety of cin:ums�ces and we not mimosa by the C'tr to De relied upon by property comers a demeupers in mating development decisions 6/25/2008 Page 2 Adopted 2009 - 2014 SIB■C Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program �� 1:101nrz.n tx7.1Rnridh Funding Project/Description 1 Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 8 WSDOT Urban Ramp Projects -Broadway. c 0 u 300 300 City 300 300 p Argonne, Freya I/C Faver w,rit Rehab of in confunctbcii y4th WSDOT Ramp prefects Project Total 300 300 9 Pines/Sprague Intersection PCC 0 75 n 667 742 City 152 152 S STA 590 590 Replace asphalt pavement with pxlkird cement concrete pa,rement Funding secu:od-STA 0.3%sales lax levy approved Project Total 742 742 10 44th Ave Pathway: Sands to Woodruff 1.08 0 0 328 328 City 44 44 STP(E) 284 284 Asphalt Pathway vd bake lanes along road CN Funding Secured-Delay to 2009 to coordaiete wr county sower prdect Project Total 328 328 11 Broadway Avenue Rehab#2: Fancher to 034 61 0 547 808 City R2 82 s Thierman STP(uj 526 526 Grand and inlay with 2 inches of asphalt concrete pavement Funding Secured ISRTC 064) Project Total 808 608 Projects and hmeframes identified m the TIP are to be conildanid satunales only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City m be renal upon by Property ovine,'et developeh.n malung development decisions. 6/25512008 Page 3 Adopted 2009 - 2014 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dotlirs in monism/I Funding Project I Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 12 Park Road-#2 (PE Only)- Broadway to Indiana 0 75 362 0 0 352 City 48 48 STP(U) 304 304 Prot.*2•Reconstruct and widen to 3 lanes with bike lanes and sidewalks Funding Secured(SRTC 06-11) Project Total 352 352 13 Sullivan/Sprague Intersection PCC 0 1 83 0 778 861 City 116 116 S STP(U) 745 745 Replace rutted'apnea payment wets portivid concrete cement. Funding Secured(SRTC 06-6) Project Total 881 851 S4 Mansfield Extension-SR27 to Mirabeau 0 51 161 875 1.448 2,484 City 207 290 497 p Parkway UAP 829 I 158 1,987 Construct 3-lane arterial from Pines to Mxaboar Pathway Project Total 1,036 1,446 2,484 15 Flora Road-Sprague to Mission I 297 300 2.173 3,.271 City 89 298 268 655 p UAP 358 1,189 1.069 2.616 Reconstruct to a three-lane arterial. Project Total 447 1,487 1,337 3,271 r'rolects and amehamee identified in Ihs TIP an b be considered est:mates only that may change due toe vinery of circumstances.and ere not Intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners a ameaopen in making development decieions 612512008 Page 4 Adopted 2009 - 2014 dioorOValiey mr � Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Ttousannt Funding Project I Description!Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 16 Sprague Ave. Resurfacing Project 1- University 2.02 231 0 2.625 2.656 City 2.856 2.868 p to Evergreen Resurface Sprague Ave from University Rd to Evergreen Rd Project Total 2,868 2,856 17 Evergreen/Sprague Intersection PCC 0 110 0 1.023 1,133 City 233 23.3 s STA 900 900 Replace asphalt pavement with portland cement concrete pavement Fielding secured-STA 0.3%sales tax levy approved Project Total 1,133 1,133 18 Indiana/Sullivan Intersection PCC 0 126 0 1 216 1 342 City 275 275 S STA 1.067 1,067 Replace asphalt pavement vAh porttartrl cement concrete pavement Funding secured-STA 0 3%seise tax ley approved Project Total 1.342 1,362 19 Park Road- Bridging the Valley/BNSF Grade 0.2 900 2,000 13,620 16.518 City 31 00 286 286 693 p Separation FMSIB 227 651 2,061 7 061 5,000 Other 364 1.046 3,308 3.308 8,025 Fed Reconstruct Park Road to separate the grades of Park Road and the 8N5F railroad tracks_ Other- 37 104 330 330 801 RR UCP 91 260 824 824 1.999 "Other'Funding freers BNSF RR. Project Total 760 2,160 6,809 6,809 16.518 Project'and Ameframes dentt/red in the TIP are to be considered estimates col),that may change sue to a•.anety of cr'cumeiances and ate not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers,n maven;de edopmeni decisions 6/25/2008 Page 5 n„r Adopted 2009 - 2014 Sp011e Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Funding Project/ Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 20 Sprague Ave. Resurfacing Project 2- 2 231 0 2,625 1866 City 2.856 2,661 p Evergreen Rd to Sullivan Rd Resurface Sprague Ave horn Evergreen Rd to Sullivan Rd Project Total 2,858 2.661 21 Sullivan Road(PE only)-Euclid to Wellesley 1 595 0 0 596 City 8a 6o S STP(l1) 515 615 Reconstruct to a seven-lane urban atten t Ftadng Secured(SRTC 06-12) Project Total 595 665 22 Sullivan Road North Extension(Bigelow Gulch) 0 25 0 1 54 55 City e6 66 P Reconstruct and w,den the Sullivan Road c,densron north also known as Bigelow Gulch Road to a 4-tane roadway wen 8-loot shoulders and a 12-foot tvn vary left turn lane Project Total 55 55 23 McDonald/Sprague Intersection PCC 0 102 0 967 1,069 City 219 219 S STA 850 650 Replace asphalt pavement wlh perttand cernent concrete p nemextl Funding secured-STA 0.3%sales tax levy approvNl Project Total 1,069 1,069 Protects and amerrames idenhfnd in the TtP are to be considered eshmates only that may change due to•variety of circumstances and are not intended by¶tar City to be retied upon try property owners of developers in making development decisions. 5/25/2008 Page 6 Adopted 2009 - 2014 ill.• 11101111111.19e\IIIftb 40.001r Val leY Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dolls,'In rhuus are" Funding Project/Description I Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 24 Broadway/Sullivan Intersection PCC 0 120 0 1.110 1.230 City 253 251 F, STA 977 977 Replace aeptnatl pavement with porttand center-4 concrete pavement 1-unding secured-STA 0.3%sates lax lew apprnmd Project Total 1,230 1,230 25 Argonne Road- 190 to Trent 0.38 7fi 500 713 1,280 City 77 101 175 S CMAQ 499 612 1,111 Revise Signal Phasing,Add N8 Rlgtii Turn Lane at Monkyrnery.Intersections Improvements at Know Funding Sect red(SRTC 06-31) Project Total 576 713 1,289 27 Sullivan Road West Bridge 0.08 1.370 100 8.112 0,582 BR 735 735 4,056 4,056 9.582 P Reconstruct and widen west bridge Project Total 735 735 4,056 4,0536 9,582 28 Broadway Ave -Flora to Barker 1 314 250 2,826 3,390 City 63 50 565 678 P UCP 251 200 2.261 2.712 Rece nstruct to 3-lanes,flu to Broker Project Total 314 250 2,826 3.390 Projects and Umetrames.dennned In the TIP are to be considered esltrnstes only U.&may change due to a vft,ty at cinamisiences,and we not Intended by the City to be relied upon by property mends or deur:opers In melting dendoCmnent deCt$inna. 6252008 Page 7 r ,K Adopted 2009 - 2014 :;,U'alley Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ciodan in Thousands Funding Project/Description J Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 29 Appleway-Thierman EB Lane !2 =• 16 10 159 187 City 3 22 25 ✓ CMAQ 23 139 162 Add EB right turn lane to Appleway il}Thunman Project Total 26 161 167 30 Mission Ave - Flora to Barker 0.99 345 300 3.103 3,747 City 99 340 310 741 P UAP 396 1.361 1,241 2,056 New 3-lane section Flora to Barker Project Total 455 1,701 1,551 3,747 31 Dishman Mica Rehab- 16th to Schafer& 2.1 230 0 1 270 1.500 City 202 202 I, Bowdish to City Limits STP(P) 1,298 1.296 Grincilnlay existing roadway Project Total 1,500 1.500 32 Sattes&/Sullivan Signal 38 15 364 414 City 104 104 P Other 42 42 Other 268 268 Improvements to Intersection In Coorrfewtion wi Spokane County Project Total 414 414 Prolacb and tmnetrames edenlfed in the TIP are to be conadened estimates only that may cnanpe due to a vanety of cirumstances,ann are not intended by the City so be relied upon by property.enere or oe+.eioprs In malting development decisions. 8252008 Page 8 r19 Fi Adopted 2009 2014 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollar?in Thousands Funding Project 1 Description t Currllnt Status Length PE RW C,hp Total Sources 2009 2010 2411 2012 2013 2014 Total 34 Pines Corridor ITS: Sprague to Trent 224 222 250 1,609 2,081 City 200 2180 CMAO 1.601 1„8171 Traffic Simnal Cordial System for Corridor Flueditrr$., uri0 ISRTC 00-261 Project Total 2,1181 2001 35 Barker Road-App#eway to Broadway Avenue 1.25 274 1:600 1,540 3.165 City 156 286 106 1435 P UAP 522 1,156 754 2.632 RE.consiruct to llm arkerlal with Cenletlutet Moe farm Apish In fflaoadway Ave..realign Hmadwrsy em1 aF anrker PnuJ®d Total 770 1.445 S42 3,165 3B Perk Road #2(CN Only)-Broadway to Indiana 0.75 0 2.0011 2.326 4.326 City 270 314 564 F STP(U) 1.730 2012 3,742 Pro},S2-R +o lruc1 sncI Widen 1u 3 braes h taa lanes grid sl k5. Project Total 2.000 2.325 4„326 37 32nd Avenue- Evergreen to Best Q$tl 70 250 7433 1,031 City 21 24 0 140 ry STP(U) 132 151 608 801 i;1 instruct wad widen to ilea I11IL S w h l is and ildnnat6, PrOsct Total 153 175 703 1,031 Precasts and hmetramas idenM lad rn the DP are in be considered mum-seise only mat may change due 10 s variety a!circumstances.and 0,0 not mYr need try the C44 10 be rallied tom 11Y properly or devalope:s in ri,n4 dovetoomenl decolone. 612512006 Pa0@ 9 �,.,�,i;■,,�, Adopted 2009 - 2014 !'�'j'a"C Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program �Va1 ' Dul!nie Tra:ucanrts Funding Project 1 Description I Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 38 Evergreen/32nd - 16th to 32nd, Evergreen to 1.25 406 120 3,681 4,207 City 106 755 883 p SR-27 STP(U) 418 2,926 3,344 • Reconstruct and%mien to twee lanes Project Total 624 3,881 4,207 39 Barker Road- 8th to Appleway 0.75 272 500 2,449 3,220 City 74 80 490 644 P UCP 223 240 1 469 1,912 Other 74 80 490 644 Reconstruct to a three-lane uteri aterad from 8th to Applevref Project Total 371 400 2,449 3,220 40 Sullivan Road(RW/CN only)- Euclid to Wellesley 1 0 1.000 2.525 3,525 City 160 545 705 P STP(U) 640 2.180 2.820 Reconstruct to a sewn-tane urban at tonal. Project Total 600 2,725 3,525 42 Pines Corridor ITS: Sprague to 16th I 95 0 690 785 City 106 106 P CMAO 579 871 T raf5c Signal Control System for Corridor Project Total 785 718 Progecta and hm.trramee idenkNed in Pia TIP are m be corm dared estimatea only that may clump due to a variety c<,!rcumatancea and are not intended try the City to be retrial upon Py property owners nr deselopirs in I nakrq development decissons 6125/2008 Page 10 Alr,r Adopted 2009 - 21 14 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ValleyDuilerr tre rhrnatmils Funding Project I Description 1 Current Status Length PE RW CNI Total Sources 20011 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 43 Sullivan Road Rehab -Indiana to Euclid 1.42 1115 I) 0 1,100 City 22 126 148 P STP(P'i 143 909 952 GriridIlrvr#exNilirkgrt tlwsrr Praline'Total 165 93.5 1.100 45 32nd Ave Rehab- Dlehtnan Mica to SR-27 1.Bd3 212 0 1 195 1,410 City 29 162 191 P STP(PI 193 1.03$ 1,21+3 GrinddlnlW exsitr'0 riauciway Prolix!'Total 212 1,199 1,410 46 Carnahan Truck Lane-8th to City Limits 8.5 234 0 0 234 Cll)? 32 32 P 5TP(1J) 202 202 Add Sa truck Lane ID mad Prg}oct Tonal 234 234 4 J A pptewally ExtenSiOn- Evergreen to Ts hirley 2�7 8.14 5 0 134 City 113 113 P °STP 721 121 Other Simla Extend Appleway S .with a rnl tti.srsa facility'miming flirt-1g&I imd w tka UCP Prof Tots Bart a ajec.a 4n41imctrenues Identified to the T lip ere In be cona6Jered es aortas only resat milt'charge due ir5 y usrieo at c1 fMntiar end rye rani,nkerfied trp.ahe City io be relied upon 1v property owvners or onelopera in maim developrnerii deedions. 6.,125121)05 Page 11 f11ie Adopted 2009 - 2014 .00•0 Valley Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program n9rren .n r-:[.■:3,.ij Funding Project/Description 1 Current Statue Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 40 University Road Inlay 2: 15th to 4th l's`-2 `2 - 4/.2 ..I City 60 60 P STP(P) 381 391 Gard and pave with 2 teaches of asphalt concrete pavement. Project Total 441 441 49 University Road Inlay 1: Dishman-Mica Rd to I =1 99 0 0 99 City 20 20 ✓ 15th Ave STPIP) 79 79 Garet and pave with 2 inches of asphalt concrete pavement Project Total 99 99 52 Park Road-#3-Sprague to Broadway 0.5 142 0 0 141 City 12 12 P STP(U) 122 122 Other 7 7 Reconstruct and widen lo a standard three-lane ertenad street with curbs and sidewalks PCC on Broadway. UCP Project Total 141 141 53 Barker Road-Spokane River to Trent 14 303 0 0 303 City 41 41 p STP(U) 262 262 Reconstruct to a three-lane curbed anmal In Cooroinabon vn'BTV Project Total 303 303 Projects and timetrames tdeneted in the TIP any to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety ol circumstances and ate not intended by the City to be relied upon by Property aware or developers in maYn q development aecision* 6252008 Page 12 ,,, Adopted 2009 - 2014 . .orV l Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (lulleti it T ha.uanctf Funding Project!Description!Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 54 Euclid Ave/Flora Rd- Flora Euclid to Euclid, i 11 37' 0 0 379 City 51 51 p Euclid Flora to Barker STP(U) .12y 328 Reconstruct to monde a three trine.shouldered anedat Project Total 379 379 Totals: 10.690 13,474 96,369 120.514 19,781 16,685 22,638 23,616 24,348 12,832 119.900 Protects and nmetrames ldenbhed in the TIP are to be con dared ennmate&only that may change due to a variety of circumatirtces and are not Intended by the City lo be relied upon by property worms or developers In making development declaiona 8/25.2008 Page 13 Adopted 2009 - 2014 � e Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Valley Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Totals Secured Projects Planned Projects Totals Year Federal State Other City Total Federal State Other City Total Federal State Other City Total 2009 56.145 $1,551 $3.307 54.306 515,369 5409 54 5433 53.277 54,093 $6,554 51,555 $3,710 57.843 $19,462 2010 $1,014 51.366 51.827 53,663 17,870 52,162 51.759 $1 1,47 $3,455 $9,023 $3,176 $3.125 53.474 $7 118 $16,893 2011 $2,413 SO SC) $3,073 $5,486 $5,843 $9,136 $414 $1,759 $17,152 $8,256 $9.136 $414 $4.832 522,638 2012 SO SO SO $2,392 $2,392 $9,644 58 955 5404 S2.221 521,224 59,644 S8 955 5404 $4,613 S23,616 2013 SO SO SO $2.391 52,391 514,098 55.120 3410 52.329 521 957 514,098 55.120 5410 $4.720 324,348 2014 SO SO SO $2,391 $2,391 $6,728 51,469 $407 51,747 510,441 35.728 31 469 5447 $4.138 512,832 Total 19.572 $2,917 $5,114 115.271 1135,699 138.884 126,443 53,775 $14,788 $83,390 $48,456 125,360 16,909 533,054 5119,789 Protects and Umehemes identified In the TIP are to Or consdered estvratns only that may flange due to a variety of cuc:unetances.and we not intended by the Crty to be relied upon by property owners or dauelopers in making development deciarons &'25/2008 Page I City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Projects wf No Currently Identified Local Match Within Existing Resources Dawn in Thousands MOO Nom Ilemrippm Iota!Coat 8th Avenue Phase 1-Carnahan to Reconstruct 8th Are.to a three-lane section with 52,615 Havana curb.gutter,sidewalks and bike tens 8th Avenue Phase 2-Park to Dickey Reconstruct 8th Are to a thrxsane Becton with 53,156 curb,gutter.sidewalks and bike lanes 8th Avenue Phase 3-Dickey to Reconstruct 8th Ave to a three Lane section with 53,811 Carnahan curb,gutter.sidewalks and bike lanes Barker Road Reconstruction.32nd to Spokane County Protect,Recanabuct Barker to 3• $40 8th Lane Section,City Partner match Bawdish Road-32nd to 81h Reconstruct and widen roadway to three lanes $4,583 Bowdiah Road Rehab-Dlsh nai 2'Grind and Inlay costing road S270 Mica to 32nd SR271Ptnes/16th Intersection Improvements to intersection(Dual lane $3,132 Rourndabar17) University/Sprague Intersection PCC Replace asphalt pavement with partland cement $907 cartcrete pavtxnertt Totals: $111,114 Prgacta and tirneframu identRea in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due tc a vanety of circumstances,and are not Intended by the City to be railed upon by property owners or developers in making development derluons Wednesday.June 25.2006 Page 1 of 1 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2111 • 2114 QQllws In Thousand. 2918 It•9# Proloat Mw Pllmlry Sorg Oty Await Total Pant 0 Broadway Avenue Safety Project-Plnes(SR-27) UAP 187 933 to Park 1 Pines/Mansfield TPP 206 1,796 2 Barker Road Bridge BR 204 4,159 3 Appleway/Spraau&Dishmen-Mica ITS-190 to CMAO 50 373 Dishman Mica 4 STEP Paveback City 1,291 1,500 5 Street Preservation Project-Various Street City 1,224 1,293 6 Broadway Ave 180 ft E of Moore to Flora UAP 12 60 7 Appleway-University to Evergreen STP 121 937 8 WSDOT Urban Ramp Projects- Broadway. City 300 300 Argonne, Freya 1/C 9 Pmes/Sorague Intersection PCC STA 152 742 10 44th Ave Pathway Sands to Woodruff STP(E) 44 328 11 Broadway Avenue Rehab 02 Fancher to STP(U) 82 608 Thierman 12 Park Road-0 2 (PE Only)-Broadway to Indiana STP(U) 48 352 13 Sullivan'Sprague Intersection PCC STP(U) 116 861 16 Sprague Ave Resurfacing Project 1• University City 2856 2.856 to Eve ree" 17 Evergreen/Sprague Intersection PCC STA 233 1.133 18 lndiana+Sutiivan Intersection PCC STA 275 1,342 2009 Totals: $7,401 $19,573 Prgects and nmeframes Idantitled m the TM are to be considered estimates only that may throve due to it vinery et drriynatencea.and re not mended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or devsiooers in major;development decisions Axed Protects Sr.shown m G•esn c —r F;aided Projects us warms in Blue Wednesday,June 25,2008 Page 1 of 4 Item# Pro MA NEB Primo,im'Itte City Amt Tote!Amount 4 STEP Pavoback City 1,204 1,399 5 Street Preservation Project-Venous Street City 1,224 1,293 6 Broadway Ave 180 ft E of Moore to Flora UAP 342 1,708 7 Appleway• University to Evergreen Other 206 2,859 14 Mansfield Extension- SR27 to Mirebeau Parkway UAP 207 1,036 15 Flora Road-Sprague to Mission UAP 89 447 10 Park Road - Bridging the Valley/BNSF Grade Omer Fed 31 750 Separator. 20 Sprague Ave Resurfacing Project 2 • Evergreen City 2,856 2,856 Rd to Sullivan Rd 21 Sullivan Road(PE only)- Euclid to Wellesley STP(U) 80 595 23 McDonald/Sprague Intersection PCC STA 219 1,069 24 Broadway/Sullivan Intersection PCC STA 253 1,230 25 Argonne Road- 190 to Trent CMAQ 77 576 27 Sullivan Road West Bridge BR 0 735 28 Broadway Ave-Flora to Barker UCP 63 314 29 Appleway-Thiennan EB Lane CMAO 3 26 2010 Totals: $6,564 $16,893 NH Mr# PrpMt Ms Prim bra City Mint Total Wart 4 STEP Paveback City 1,204 1,399 5 Street Preservation Project-Various Street City 1,224 1,293 7 Appleway-University to Evergreen UCP 448 7,734 14 Marian to Extension- SR27 to Mi rabesu Parkway UAP 290 1,448 15 Flora Road-Sprague to Mission UAP 298 1,487 19 Park Road -Bridging the Valley'BNSF Grade Other Fed 90 2,150 Separation 25 Argonne Road- 190 to Trent CMAQ 101 713 27 Sullivan Road West Bridge BR 0 735 28 Broadway Ave-Flora to Barker UCP 50 250 29 Appleway-Thiermen EB Lane CMAQ 22 161 30 Mission Ave-Flora to Barker UAP 99 495 31 Cashman Mica Rehab- 16th to Schafer & STP(P) 202 1,500 Bowdish to City Limits 32 Saltese/Sullivan Signal Other 104 414 34 Pines Corridor ITS Sprague to Trent CMAO 280 2.081 35 Barker Road-Appleway to Broadway Avenue UAP 156 778 2011 Totals: 64,588 622,635 Protects and hmehsmes iderttiled in the Tie arc to be considered e10ma144 only that may dunpe due to a variety ct circumstances and ere not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or de.elope s in making development decision* &c n Prcjw's ire shown in Green =.}rrr•• •Pn,scts s•y.,m inn",;. Funded Projects arc shown rr Brre Wednesday.June 25,2008 Page 2 of 4 2112 Ito# !boot lhou Primary bra City Amt Total At 5 Street Preservation Prgect-Various Strom City 2,261 2.392 15 Flora Road-Sprague to Mission LAP 268 1,337 19 Park Rea 1 -Bridging ttie Valley. BNSF Grade Other Fed 286 6,809 Separation 27 Sullivan Road West Bridge BR 0 4,056 28 Broadway Ave- Flora to Barker UCP 565 2.826 30 Mission Ave-Flora to Barker UAP 340 1,701 36 Barker Road-Appleway to Broadway Avenue UAP 289 1,445 38 Park Road-#2 (CN Only)-Broadway to Indiana STP(U) 270 2.00C 37 32nd Avenue- Evergreen to Best STP(U) 21 153 38 Evergreen/32nd - 16th to 32nd, Evergreen to SR- STP(U) 108 526 27 39 Barker Road - 8th to Applewey UCP 74 371 2012 Totals: $4.482 $23,816 2113 Its# Probst IMO 14111117 Soros Oty Mount Total Amami 5 Street Preservation Project-Various Street City 2,260 2,391 19 Park Road -Bridging the Valley/BNSF Grade Other Fed 286 6,809 Separation 22 Sullivan Road North Extension(Bigelow Gulch) City 55 55 27 Sullivan Road West Bridge BR 0 4,056 30 Mission Ave-Flora to Barker UAP 310 1.551 35 Barger Road -Apr eway tc Broadway Avenue UAP 188 942 36 Park Road -N2 (CN Only)- Broadway to Indiana STP(U) 314 2,326 37 32nd Avenue-Evergreen to Best STP(U) 24 175 38 Evergreen/32nd - 16th to 32nd. Evergreen to SR- STP(U) 755 3,681 27 39 Barker Road - 8th to Appleway UCP 80 400 40 Sullivan Road(RWICN only)-Euclid to Wellesley STP(U) 160 800 42 Pines Corridor ITS: Sprague to 16th CMAO 106 785 43 Sullivan Road Rehab - Indiana to Euclid STP(P) 22 165 45 32nd Ave Rehab- Dishmen Mice to SR-27 STP(P) 29 212 2013 Totals: $4,669 $24,348 Propeta and t metramu idartitod in a ie TIP ate to be cow:Wee e,timataa°fey that may clang*Cue to•ran ety of orcumatanea,and we not Intended oy Pia City b oe rued upon by property mows or developers in maktr+g deudopnent d*c:uans Added Pro;Acts a-e st•n•n■n Green r r - •u•,;r Funded Prurocts aye Ow eon n,d.s Wednesday,June 25 2008 Page 3 of 4 MN# Pr*ct INN Priory Sane Oty Amoutt Total Mitt 5 Street Preservation Project-Various Street City 2.260 2 391 37 32nd Avenue-Evergreen to Best STP(U) 95 703 39 Barker Road • Btn to Appletitiay UCP 490 2.449 40 Sullivan Road(RW/CN only)-Euclid to Wellesley STP(U) 545 2.725 43 Sullivan Road Rehab -Indiana to Euclid STP(P) 126 935 45 32nd Ave Rehab - Dishman Mica to SR-27 STP(P) 162 1.198 46 Carnahan Truck Lane-8th to City Limits STP(U) 32 234 47 Appleway Extension-Evergreen to Tshirtey SW 113 834 48 University Road Inlay 2 15th to 4th STP(P) 60 441 49 University Road Inlay 1 Dishman-Mica Rd to STP(P) 20 99 15th Ave 52 Park Road -#3 - Sprague to Broadway STP(U) 12 141 53 Barker Road- Spokane River to Trent STP(U) 41 303 54 Euclid Ave/Flora Rd- Flora Euclid to Euclid STP(U) 51 379 Euclid Flees to Barter 2014 Totals: $4,007 $12,832 Prc acts end trmdrames identtned in Ns TIP ant to be consid od'namatas tray rug may change Cue to■vanary of orcumslnces,anti ore nct Intended by the City to De ratted upon by property°vows or dirMopsrs In msldnp development decisions A!d-td PrD.ects are sr-wn in linen Folthrn.,iwd rrnlw:stiaa- -. n,":',. Funoei Prereia•an shown in Slue Wedrtieday,June 25 2008 Page 4 of 4 City of Spokane Valley j. 2009-2014 Six Year TIP M? 3R„ '"�~rbt i ��V IA tw.twrr- r.r.Saw.Novo .r-,1 U lIU _ FJLt4':r v_uU U – nn.M Lew.wa �_ry r a�r...r. 1 ti /T 11_� �� ' �% »k ' .- !� rn►. ` Ma a _t.r ...r 11^ 1.... .� f Zhu er—� r >t► I ►iJtf� A �, !tin• .rw.�.n, 1 ^� ."�""'�.e.� ,�t�rr..►N"'• � 1. 1 I.�F ytitir111111 r".'N�M�...t l .mow ct _d. Mk vi II ea e'710"■." 1 1I 21 � j »~` 111 M �-:<� �►may, s.•- ut-- _I. ',:.'..!." Illw" F.41111:-a:=A-i"---rid EaRia. iiirri . 1 =mar -11 r............ 1111\sEirmi • . �— j:. ,',, ..1111•.•.•••• VII i1 i T l , _ �� �. Agri t 1 r rvf ■..r .1• , ssM �.6 1lai- g r r 1 f. -cif �l./-r_ -4lr i _ \ _ <Gllli+ , gil Y�57.4, '..a. to .'r 'i --4 1•:s � ..,‘, tr..rer'►r._ / r ?=- ti:«.yl Legend - l inig ti t l Project Year •. 'MM... • tea- ei ttt, "r""" 1•) 2009 2012 11i1"°i 1•"" f •2010 •2013:_ %ea Eirtri 2 W i 2011 2014 I 1. ■ I .� i NOM L 1•"••••w•• _ MOOT Ultlan Ramp Prc c1 ....�• .• Street Pres/ovation Projects ano —, STEP Povlttarl P•_•pUS nut shown m rim mail Jun*< 7D78 -i/1 .. ..._. . . . Sc'TY°Fk ane .p . \' tlley ° 11707 E.Sprague Ave. • Suite 106 • Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509)921-1000 • Fax(509)921-1008 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org June 27,2008 Glenn F. Miles,Transportation Manager Spokane Regional Transportation Council 221 W. First Avenue;Suite 310 Spokane, WA 99201-3613 Douglas B. MacDonald Secretary of Transportation State Department of Transportation • Mail Stop 47300,Transportation Bldg Olympia, WA 98504-7300 Spokane County Courthouse ' Attention: Board of County Commissioners • West 1116 Broadway Spokane,WA 99260 RE:City of Spokane Valley 2009-2014 TIP Greetings: Enclosed please find a certified copy of the City of Spokane Valley Resolution 08-014, adopting the 2009-2014 Six- Year Transportation Improvement Program for the City of Spokane Valley, which was approved by our Council at their June 24,2008 Regular meeting. . Sincerely, 1z) �� istihe Bainbridge,CMC City Clerk /cb Enc. cc: Dee Caputo,Growth Management Planner [filed electronically to reviewteam a,ctcd.wa.gov J Dept of Community,Trade&Economic.Development(CTED) 128— 10'x'Avenue, SW, PO Box 42525 Olympia,WA 98504-2525 City of Spokane, Attn: Clerk's Office West 808 Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane, WA 99201 . Steve Worley, Spokane Valley Senior Engineer • TX .j Et.g.ip7S _ _ 9 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMN1UNITY, TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 121 Avenue-SW • PQ B i 42525 a Oiynr r�{_U�as��f�rJton 98504.2525' • 6 121.4000 June 27, 2008 Christine Bainbridge City Clerk City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Avenue Suite 106 Spokane'Valley, Washington 90206 Dear Ms. Bainbridge; Thank you for sending the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED)the following materials as required under RCW 36,70A.106. Please keep this letter as documentation that you have met this procedural requirement. City of Spokane Valley - Adopted Resolution 08-014 amending the 2009-2014 Transportation Improvement Program. These materials were received on 06127/2008 and processed with the Material ID# 13138. • We have forwarded a copy of this notice to other state agencies. If this is a draft amendment, adopted amendments should be sent to CTED within ten days of adoption and to any other state agencies who commented on the draft. If you have any questions, please call me at {360) 725-3068. Sincerely, • Dee Caputo Growth Management Planner • Growth Management Services Enclosure sos AGENCIES REVIEWING COMP PLANS Revised February 2008 Cities and counties need to send electronic copies of their draft comprehensive plans to the Washington State Department of Community,Trade and Economic Development(CTED), GMS Review Team, reviewtea .cted.wagov, at least 60 days prior to adoption(See, RCW 36.70A.106). If a jurisdiction only has hard copies available, it should mail a copy to each of the state agencies' representatives listed below, at least 60 days prior to adoption. Adopted amendments, including the final ordinance or resolution, should be sent to CTED, either by standard mail or E-mail, immediately upon publication, as well as to any state agencies that commented on the draft plan.A jurisdiction does not need to send its plan to those agencies that have been called first and indicated the local plan will not be reviewed. The jurisdiction should keep a record of these contacts with state agencies and the agencies' responses. Review Team Eric Heinitz CTED Department of Corrections Growth Management Services Post Office Box 41112 Post Office Box 42525 Olympia, Washington 98504-1112 Olympia, Washington 98504-2525 (360)725-8397 Fax: (360) 586-8723 (360) 725-3000 Fax: (360)753-2950 E-mail: efheinitz andoc1.wa.gov E-mail: reviewteam©cted gov .wa. Jennifer Hayes Kelly Cooper Department of Fish and Wildlife Department of Health Post Office Box 43155 Environmental Health Division Olympia,Washington 98504-3155 Post Office Box 47820 (360) 902-2562 Fax: (360)902-2946 Olympia, Washington 98504-7820 E-mail: hayesjlh@dfw.wa_,gov (360)236-3012 Fax: (360)236-2250 E-mail: Kellv.cooperedoh_wa.gov SEPA/GMA Coordinator Hugo Flores Department of Ecology Washington State Dept of Natural Resources Post Office Box 47600 GMA/SMA Planning & State Harbor Areas Olympia,Washington 98504-7600 Post Office Box 47027 (360)407-6960 Fax: (360)407-6904 Olympia, WA 98504-7027 E-mail: gmacoordinationf@ecv.wa.gov (360) 902-1126 Fax: (360) 902-1786 E-mail: hugo.flores(asdnr.wa.gov Elizabeth McNagny Cullen Stephenson Department of Social and Health Services Puget Sound Partnership Post Office Box 45848 Post Office Box 40900 Olympia,Washington 98504-5848 Olympia,Washington 98504-0900 (360)902-8164 Fax:(360)902-7889 (360)725-5470 Fax: (360)725-5456 E-mail: mcnagec(a�dshs.wa.aov E-mail: cullen.ste•henson(a@psp,wa,gov Bill Wiebe Greg Griffith Department of Transportation Department of Archaeology& Historic Preservation Post Office Box 47300 Post Office Box 48343 Olympia, Washington 98504-7370 Olympia, Washington 98504-8343 (360) 705-7965 Fax: (360)705-6813 (360) 586-3073 Fax: (360) 586-3067 E-mail: wiebeb @wsdot.wa.gov E-mail: greq.griffithC dahp,wagov Bill Koss Lorinda Anderson Parks and Recreation Commission Recreation and Conservation Office Post Office Box 42650 Post Office Box 40917 Olympia,Washington 98504-2650 Olympia, Washington 98504-0917 (360)902-8629 Fax: (360)753-1594 (360)902-3009 Fax: (360)902-3026 E-mail: billk[a�parks.wa.g_ov, E-mail: lorindaaftac.wa.gov