Resolution 08-016 Ending Status of Emergency Dishman-Mica Fire CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO.08-016 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, REVOKING TIIE EMERGENCY SPENDING AUTHORITY AND DECLARING THAT THE CONDITIONS GIVING RISE TO THE EMERGENCY PROCLAMATIONS ON JULY 10, 2008 AND JULY 11, 2008, HAVE ABATED, WHICH JULY 11, 2008, EMERGENCY PROCLAMATION WAS ENACTED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY RESOLUTION NO. 08-015. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley issued an emergency proclamation on July 10, 2008 due to fire and wind conditions which severely disrupted the health, safety and welfare within the City of Spokane Valley and caused extensive damage in parts of the City of Spokane Valley; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley convened a special meeting July I I, 2008, at which time the Council formally approved Resolution 08-015 to proclaim the existence of a disaster or emergency in the City of Spokane Valley; and WHEREAS, based upon updated reports from fire and emergency officials, the City Council believes the conditions which gave rise to the need to issue the emergency proclamation have abated, and that it is now appropriate to pass a resolution proclaiming that the conditions have abated. NOW,THEREFORE.,BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Spokane Valley City Council that: SECTION 1 — Purpose and intent. The purpose and intent of this Resolution is to declare that the conditions which gave rise to the emergency proclamations on July 10, 2008 and July 11, 2008, have abated in the City of Spokane Valley. SECTION 2 — Authority for emergency spending revoked. Any emergency powers authorized by Washington State law for the expenditure of public funds by the City in the interest of protecting the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City is hereby revoked. This Resolution is not intended to restrict any other statutory authority the City may have for expenditure of public funds. SECTION 3 Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon adoption. DATED this 22.114 day of July, 2008. fr Richard Munson,MayzSr A I°I I✓ • lit effistine l3ainbrid e, City Clerk �----" Approved as to Form: Offic f the City Attorney Resolution 08-016 Revoking Previous Emergency Page I of 1