Resolution 08-020 Implementation of Flexible Schedule Pilot Program CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 08-020 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND AUTHORIZING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A PILOT PROGRAM FOR FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING OF WORK HOURS FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Ordinance 03-044 in 2003 outlining the basic personnel policies for City employees; and WHEREAS, Ordinance 03-044, Section 1(C) states, in pertinent part, that personnel polices that relate to wages, benefits and conditions of employment shall be submitted to the City Council for review and approval; and WHEREAS, the City has begun to research work hour programs being implemented by other jurisdictions, and is interested in testing several flexible work hour programs on a limited basis. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. Adoption of Pilot Program for Flexible Scheduling of Work Hours for Certain Employees, and Authorizing Implementation of Same. The City of Spokane Valley hereby creates a pilot program for flexible scheduling of work hours for certain employees, consistent with the terms outlined in Appendix A to this Resolution. The City Manager is further authorized to implement the pilot program pursuant to an appropriate administrative policy and procedure. It is anticipated that the pilot program will be evaluated no later than December 3 I, 2009. Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption. Adopted this 23`d day of September, 2008. City of Spokane Valley Deputy Mayor ick Denenny ATFEST: r / City Clerk, Christine 13ain•ridge / Approved as to Form: //.. / Offi c of the City Attorney Resolution 08-020 Pilot Flex Time Page I of I ;13A4,..J 54 crir u6. i i m IDEA S ti Administrative Policy & Procedure No. 200.050 Flexible Hours for Employees-Non Represented POLICY The City promotes energy conservation, preserving our environment and supporting City employees to enhance productivity and job satisfaction through the utilization of compressed work schedules for non-represented employees of the City_ 2. REFERENCES u) Fair Labor Standards Act. 29 U.S.C. §§ 201-219 b) City Policy No. 200.045, c) RCW 70.94. Washington Clean Air Act d) RW 49.46 Washington Minimum Wage Act 3. DESCRIPTION AND IMPLEMENTTION u)Trial Basis. The usage of flexible compressed schedules will be on a trial basis. The City will evaluate the impacts these schedules have on the productivity of staff and the services provided to the community. In the event a conflict between the work of the City and these schedules becomes apparent, priority will be give to the services provided by City employees_ b)Types of Schedules. Other than the City's normal schedule of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday defined in City Policy 200.045, the City may approve or require the following compressed work schedules for employees. 1. 4 (four) days per week, 10 (ten) hours per day work day with 3 (three) days off in each work week. 2. 9 (nine) days of work in two defined work weeks. (4 (four) consecutive 9 (nine) hour work.days repeated each week with an additional 8 (eight) hour work day in alternating weeks. 3. A combination of working hours that allow for supervision of contractors providing services to the City. c)Requests for flexible schedules. Employees of the city may submit in writing to the City Manager or Deputy City Manager requests to have their respective schedules changed to one of the options above. The request shall include the following: 1, The requested schedule; 2. The criteria that will be measured to evaluate productivity. Policy No. 200.050 Flexible Hours for Employees Page 1 oft Effective ldW.'h.,.y601:XlKO YT I RNEMORPOk. g 3. A plan to ensure services the employee and work unit provides to the City will not decrease; 4, The desired effective date of the new schedule; 5. A written acknowledgement by the employee stating they understnd the effects the proposed schedule will have on their leave usage, and if approved, the schedule may be changed at anytime by the City. 6. A statement provided by the employee's department director supporting the requested schedu]e and addressing the approval criteria in section 3(d) below. d)Consideration. After receiving a request for a schedule change, the City Manager or Deputy City Manager will evaluate each request individually based upon the following criteria 1. The impacts on services to the City including maintenance of coverage. 2, The measurements to be used to evaluate the schedule. 3. The amount of service time the employee has with the City and in their current position. 4. The demands and schedules associated with the employee's work unit. S. The amount of supervision the position/employee requires and the availability of the supervisor_ e) Approval. 1. It is the City's sole authority to approve or deny flexible schedules_ 2. The City Manager or Deputy City Manager will provide a written response to requests for flexible schedules. 3. Approved flexible schedules are subject to review and reconsideration, • individually or collectively, at any time by management, 1)Supervisory Responsibility. Supervisors will maintain constant oversight to ensure customer service and productivity are maintained and employees are working when they are scheduled. g)Leave Usage and Holidays. When an employee on an approved schedule uses sick, vacation leave or leave without pay, the employee will be charged for the amount equal to the hours that would have been worked if not on leave. Similarly, if a holiday falls on a regular working day of the employee, the employee receives 8 (eight) hours of pay. The employee must either work or use vacation leave for the remainder. When a City holiday falls on a regular day off, the supervisor of the employee will designate another day as the employee's holiday. Efforts will be made to place the designated holiday adjacent to a regular day off if that holiday is such for employees working the normal City schedule. City Manager/Deputy City Manager Policy No. 200.050 Flexible Hours for Employees Page 2 oft Effective Nine Day, Hour Schedule (9/80) Example Current - Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours Workweek Divide 9/80 Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday i A 9 hours 9 hours 9 hours 9 hours 2 9 hours 9 hours 9 hours 9 hours Regular 2 ..:t. Day Off N Workweek Divide