2012, 07-17 Study Session Minutes MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley,Washington July 17,2012 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Torn Towey, Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Gary Schimmels,Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, City Attorney Dean Grafos, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks& Recreation Director Brenda Grasse], Councilmember John Hohman, Community Development Dir Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Scott Kuhta,Planning Manager Ben Wick, Councilmember Mike Basinger, Senior Planner Arne Woodard, Councilmember Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Henry Allen,Development Engineer Carolbelle Branch,Public Information Officer Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Towey called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. 1. Draft Development Agreement for Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA 05-12—Mike Basinger Senior Planner Basinger briefly explained the proposal and the negotiated terms of the draft development agreement; said he met with a neighbor who lives on a parcel above the area who expressed concern about not having a buffer between his property and the proposed area. Mr. Basinger said he spoke to the developer about adding a 40' buffer in the area in question and the developer agreed, and said that will be included in the development agreement; and said staff and the applicant feel the development agreement mitigates any concerns. There was mention of the main access off Broadway and Mr. Basinger explained that the developer intends to make it his focal point, although one cannot guarantee which access people will use. It was also noted that there would not be a locked emergency fire access gate. There were no objections to bringing this forward next week for the public hearing as scheduled. 2. Transportation Improvement board Call for Projects--Steve Worley Senior Engineer Worley explained that this is the latest call for projects and applications are due the end of August. He said the program has changed a little, that criteria used for the two different programs will be combined into a single application and each project will be evaluated based on two categories: safety and economic development. Mr. Worley said they examined several different recommendations and determined to submit just one application, for additional funding for the Sullivan Bridge; and said this decision was based on Council's priorities, and that the project is the most logical; he said any award would not cover the entire remaining needed funds as the grants are likely between one and two million dollars; and said we could use the already awarded federal funds as a match. There were no objections to staff bringing this back as a motion consideration. 3. Graffiti Update—Cary Driskell City Attorney Driskell gave a history on how graffiti is abated, and of the City's process, including the involvement of SCOPE volunteers; he stressed in an effort not to re-victimize citizens, if someone is unable to remove the graffiti, that work could be accomplished via the Juvenile Court's community service provisions. Mr. Driskell said the graffiti program appears to be successful and is working well. It Council Study Session Minutes 07-17-12 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council:07-24-12 was also noted that the "Be Graffiti Free" brochure is available through a link on the City's website. Mayor Towey and Council thanked Mr. Driskell for the information, and extended thanks to the SCOPE volunteers for their work, 4. Shoreline Master Program(SMP)Goals and Policies--Lori Barlow Community Development Director Hohman stated that due to the volume of information, this topic will be split into two meetings; he said the Planning Commission addressed this topic for six meetings, and tonight is just an introduction to the goals and policies. Senior Planner Barlow noted that tonight's focus will be on the process in preparation for the next discussion; and via her PowerPoint presentation, explained the steps taken and those which will be taken in the future as Council reviews the documents; she said development of these goals and policies have been underway for a considerable time; and that staff and Attorney Tadas Kisielius feel they adequately protect the citizens. Ms. Barlow noted that the goals and policies have been modified to reflect the latest guidance from the Department of Ecology. Senior Planner Barlow discussed mining,the policy for docks,how some sections of the river are flowing while others are more lake-like so therefore some areas would be more conducive to docks while others more conducive to observation platforms; she said the Planning Commission ended their review by recommending council approval of the policies as amended; and said the goals and policies were developed by looking at our specific conditions, based on law, discussed with the Shoreline advisory Group, reviewed by the Planning Commission, and reviewed by staff; and said Council will also have the opportunity to modify,those goals and policies. Planner Barlow stressed that it is not staff's intent to go into the goals and policies detail tonight, that staff realizes there is a large amount of information, and staff asks Council to keep in mind that the program must be consistent with these policies and standards in order to be approved by the Department of Ecology. Senior Planner Barlow's PowerPoint presentation also included the three basic policies of the SMA (Shoreline Management Act); she stressed that the area regulated by the SMP is different from a setback or buffer but simply identifies that there is another layer of regulations that apply; that there is no 200' setback, but there are things that can or cannot occur within those 200'; she went over the relationship between goals, policies and regulations, discussed elements of the goals and policies including the three added elements of utilities,restoration, and critical areas and said staff felt it would be best to identify the specific elements to help identify those regulations and to include utilities so that it would be consistent with our comprehensive plan. Ms. Barlow explained that the Shoreline use element is broken into two more specific categories of use and modification activities; she explained the "Attachments" matrix and the comment table, and said the table will help explain the chart and references specific comments made through the course of the public review, including legal counsel's opinion and response to those comments; and said ultimately another column will be added to indicate the Planning Commission's final action in regard to that particular goal or policy. Councilmember Woodard asked if any of the goals or policies are stricter than what is required by law, and Ms. Barlow said that Attorney Kisielius identified which ones he felt were more restrictive and she said in most cases, the Planning Commission directed staff to go back and re-work those issues. Councilmember Woodard asked if these policies will affect the entire City or just those critical areas associated with the river, and Ms.Barlow said they would not affect the entire city; and said staff is reviewing the critical areas to see how it matches up with the"no net loss" directive. Ms. Barlow explained the next steps, and said we will take as much time as needed; that the grants agreements were finalized last January and we are now carrying out some of those key pieces, one of which is a public access plan, which she explained, will come before Council as a separate piece for review; and said she hopes to have the initial draft by the end of July, but before it gets to Council it will be taken through the technical review group, then the public for an open house, then the Planning Commission,and then Council. Council Study Session Minutes 07-17-12 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council:07-24-12 Staff was commended for their work on this project, and for including all the information in an easy-to- read format; and Mayor Towey said the minutes of the Planning Commission are especially helpful as he reads the Commission's questions and staff's answers. 5.Advance Agenda—Mayor Towey Mayor Towey asked if there were any suggestions for changing the advance agenda, and none were given. 6. Council Check-in—Mayor Towey Mayor Towey said that he is involved with a multi jurisdictional meeting with representatives from Washington State Department of Transportation, the City of Spokane, City of Liberty Lake, Spokane County, the Downtown Spokane Partnership, and our City, and said that Community Development Director Hohman was also in attendance; and that the focus of the meetings was a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) concerning a community enhancement area or gateway for Interstate 90 from the Airport to the State Line, with a common theme of welcoming visitors to our areas; he said this is just in the planning stage, but aligns with what we are trying to do in our own gateway theme; that each jurisdiction would have their own identity in attempts to attract people off I-90 and into their city; and said as soon as he receives a final draft, he will share that with members of the Council so that Council can discuss this idea and determine if we want to participate; and said there are some grants that might be used for this purpose as well. 7. City Manager Comments—Mike Jackson City Manager Jackson reminded Council that the Request for Proposals for animal control is due this Friday; and that next Monday a team of staff members will begin reviewing the proposals. Mr. Jackson also confirmed that the graffiti brochure is available on the City's website under the Police Department; and explained that Mr. Worley informed him that there will be a delay on the north segment of the Evergreen Project due to a water line problem; and that staff and the contractor decided to move on the south half so that the entire segment will be underway at once, because if they wait for the testing of the water line, it will delay the entire project. Mr.Jackson said people will still be able to access the area, and staff is informing the neighborhood. There being no further business, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. ATE E:f T or as E.Towc , Ma or 4r ' ail✓- - hristine Bainbri ge, ity Clerk Council Study Session Minutes 07-17-12 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council:07-24-12