Ordinance 03-052 Adopts County Comprehensive Plan, Capital Facilities Plan & Maps CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 52 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE SPOKANE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN AND MAPS AS THE INTERIM COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley will incorporate on March 31, 2003; WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley is required to adopt a Comprehensive Plan within the corporate limits of the City; WHEREAS, Spokane County on November 5, 2001 through Resolution No. 1-1059 adopted a Comprehensive Plan, Capital Facilities Plan and Maps which included land within the City of Spokane Valley; WHEREAS, this Comprehensive Plan, Capital Facilities Plan with Maps adopted under the Growth Management Act of the State of Washington, RCW Chap. 36.70A will assist in providing for the orderly growth of the City of Spokane Valley; and WHEREAS, after the date of incorporation, the City of Spokane Valley intends to develop its own GMA Compliant Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Comprehensive Plan. Pursuant to RCW 35A.11.020 and 35A.12.140, the City adopts by reference the Spokane County Comprehensive. Plan, Capital Facilities Plan and Maps adopted November 5, 2001 through Resolution No. 1-1059 which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference as presently constituted or hereinafter amended as the interim Comprehensive Plan, Capital facilities Plan and Maps of the City of Spokane Valley. Unless the context requires otherwise, references to Spokane County shall refer to the City of Spokane Valley. Section 2. Amendment. The Urban Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map found in the Comprehensive Plan is modified as follows: Changes to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map 1. Evergreen Road Three parcels on the east side of Evergreen, immediately south of the interchange, are Page 1 P:\OrdinanccslOrdinancre,#52,comp plan,finalCP.doc proposed to be designated Mixed Use, consistent with property along the west side of Evergreen. The property owners have been negatively impacted by the widening of Evergreen and construction of the new interchange. The parcels are located generally in the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 14, Township 25 North, Range 44 E.W.M 2. Mirabeau The proposal is to change a portion of the Mirabeau property from Mixed Use to Light Industrial. The proposal does not include the Urban Forest property owned by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources. The property is located generally in the NE 1/4 of Section 10, Township 25 North, Range 44 F.W.M. 3. Desmet Road (east of Pines) The subject property received a conditional zone change in 1991 to 1-1. The zone change approval limited the use of the property to the manufacture of fabric supplies and sewing of garments. The property was designated Low Density Residential by the 2001 Spokane County Comprehensive Plan. The Phase 1 Zoning Regulations zoned the property UR-7. The property owners are requesting that their zoning be restored. Property directly west of the subject site is designated Mixed Use on the Comprehensive Plan. The proposal is to designate the subject property Mixed Use. The previous zoning will be reinstated, consistent with the Phase 1 Development Regulations. Future use of the property would then be subject to the conditions of the zone change. The property is located in the North 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 15, Township 25 North, Range 44 E.W.M. Section 3. Adoption of Other Laws. To the extent that any provision of the Spokane County Code, or any other law, rule or regulation referenced in the attached Comprehensive Plan is necessary or convenient to establish the validity, enforceability or interpretation of the Comprehensive Plan, then such provision of the Spokane County Code, or other law, rule or regulation is hereby adopted by reference. Section 4. Reference to Hearing Bodies. When the attached Comprehensive Plan refers to planning commissions, board of appeals, hearing examiner, or any other similar body, the City Council shall serve in all such roles, but retains the right to establish any one or more of such bodies, at any time and without regard to whether any quasi-judicial or other matter is then pending. Section S. Comprehensive Plan. The City Clerk is to maintain one copy on file of he Comprehensive Plan adopted by this ordinance. Page 2 P;lordinanceslordinancc,#52,comp pl an,finaICP_doc Section 6. Liability. The express intent of the City of Spokane Valley is that the responsibility for compliance with the provisions of this ordinance shall rest with the permit applicant and their agents. This ordinance and its provisions are adopted with the express intent to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the general public and are not intended to protect any particular class of individuals or organizations. Section 7. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this a'7day of March, 2003. L11444)A444 C-4..___.:7 Mayor, Michael DeVleming ATTEST: 711(41.1 __ Interim Ci Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved as to Form: erin it A�•' 1 y Stanley ' . Schwartz n . , Da - .f Publicatio . Effective Date: inake,L 31, a003 Page 3 P;1Ordinanocs'Ordinancc,#52,comp plan,finalCP.doc • 1 1059 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE NIA't-I ER OF ADOPTING A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ) • CAPITAL FACILITIES FLAN FOR THE UNINCORPORATED ) AREAS OF SPOKANE COUNTY; URBAN GROWTH AREAS,AND ) FINDINGS POPULATION ALLOCATIONS FOR SPOKANE COUNTY,THE ) AND CITIES OF AIRWAY HEIGHTS, CHENEY,DEER PARK AND ) DECISION MEDICAL LAKE, AND THE TOWNS OF FAIRFIELD, SPANGLE, ) LATAH,ROCKFORD AND WAVERLY,AND IDENTIFYING JOINT ) PLANNING AREAS WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 36.32.120(6)RCW,the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washington,hereinafter referred to as the"Board", has the care of County property and management of County funds and business; and WHEREAS,pursuant to the provisions of RCW Chapter 36.70, the Board adopted a Comprehensive Plan for Spokane County on December 22, 1980 and has subsequently amended said Plan; and WHEREAS,on July 1, 1993 Spokane County was mandated to update its Comprehensive Plan to conform with the requirements of the Growth Management Act and RCW Chapter 36.70A;and WHERIrAS,pursuant to RCW 36.70A.020,goals are set forth to guide the development and adoption of comprehensive plans and development regulations; and WHEREAS,pursuant to RCW 36.70A.370, local governments must utilize the process established by RCW 36.70A.370(1)to assure that proposed regulatory or administrative actions do not result in an unconstitutional taking of private property;and WHEREAS,pursuant to RCW 36.70A,the Board adopted Countywide Planning Policies for Spokane County(CWPPs)on December 22, 1994 and subsequently amended said policies (BCC Resolutions 94-1719, 96-1205,97-0297 and 97-0937); and 1 1059 WHEREAS,pursuant to RCW Chapter 36.70A,the Board adopted an allocation of the 20-year growth management population projection on April 8, 1997,and the Spokane County Interim Development Regulations Designating Interim Urban Growth Areas (1UGA), as contained in Board Resolution 97-0321,and as amcndcd by Board Resolutions 97-0874 and 99-0498; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 36.70A.140 and WAC 365-195-600, the Board adopted Public Participation Program Guidelines on February 24, 1998 and subsequently amended said policies(BCC Resolutions 98-0144 and 98-0788,respectively); and WHEREAS,pursuant to WAC 197-11-060, Spokane County followed a process of phased environmental review to meet its planning responsibilities under the Growth Management Act(GMA)and the environmental review process per the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA);and WHEREAS, environmental review for the Comprehensive Plan update integrates the environmental analysis required by SEPA(RCW 43.21C)with the draft Comprehensive Plan titled Draft Plan 2000, pursuant to authorization in the SEPA rules(WAC 197-11-210, -220, - 228, -230, -232 and -235); and WHEREAS, environmental review for the Comprehensive Plan update supplements the Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statements(EISs)prepared for the Interim Urban Growth Area(published by Spokane County, in October 1996 and December 1996,respectively);and WHEREAS, the Spokane County Planning Commission,herein referred to as the "Commission"is authorized by RCW Chapter 36.70 to recommend a Comprehensive Plan to Board for their review and consideration for adoption;and WHEREAS, on March 29, 1994,pursuant to RCW 36.70A.172, Spokane County, designated certain critical areas and identified existing regulations to protect frequently flooded areas and areas with a critical recharging effect on aquifers used for potable water by Resolution No. 94-0441; and WHEREAS, on July 9, 1996,pursuant to RCW 36.70A.172, Spokane County adopted by Resolution No. 96-0302 a Critical Areas Ordinance for the Protection of Fish and Wildlife Habitats and Geo-Hazard Areas(including wetlands); and Page 2 of 28 1 1059 WHEREAS, a Draft Comprehensive Plan(Draft Plan 2000)and a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement(DSEIS)were issued for.the Comprehensive Plan update on March 2,2000, with written comments on the DSEIS being accepted until June 1,2000 for inclusion in the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (FSEIS); and WHEREAS, the Commission held public hearings concerning Draft Plan 2000, including the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement,on April 27,2000; May 4, 2000; May 11, 2000; and May 18,2000;and October 5,2000; and WHEREAS,the Commission, at its October 12, 2000 meeting, recommended an update to the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan referred to as the Planning Commission Recommended Comprehensive Plan, and directed staff to prepare findings and conclusions consistent with their motion; and WHEREAS,the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (FSEIS)on the Planning Commission Recommended Comprehensive Plan was issued for the Comprehensive Plan update on November 2, 2000;and WHEREAS,the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement(FSEIS) was organized in two volumes. Volume I contains an environmental summary, supplemental environmental information and a description of the proposal and alternatives. Volume II contains comments received on Draft Plan 2000 and responses to the comments;and WHEREAS, a Draft Capital Facilties Plan was issued for the Comprehensive Plan update on November 6, 2000; and WHEREAS, an evaluation of the environmental impacts of the Draft Capital Facilities Plan was included in the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement and the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement;and WHEREAS,a Revised Draft Capital Facilities Plan was issued for the Comprehensive Plan update on Febniary 22, 2001; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on March 5, 2001, concerning the Revised Draft Capital Facilities Plan,the Final Supplemental Environmental Page 3 of 28 1 1059 Impact Statement and the Planning Commission's Recommended Comprehensive Plan, including Urban Growth Areas and population allocations for all jurisdictions except the City of Spokane and Millwood;and WHEREAS, at its March 8,2001 meeting, the Commission recommended adoption of the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan, referred to as the Planning Commission Recommended Comprehensive Plan, and the Spokane County Capital Facilities Plan and directed staff to prepare findings and conclusions consistent with the motion;and WHEREAS, on March 8,2001, the Commission forwarded the Planning Commission Recommended Comprehensive Plan and the Spokane County Capital Facilities Plan to the Board for their review and action; and WHEREAS,pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106, Spokane County notified the Washington State Office of Community Development of the intent to adopt the Comprehensive Plan and Capital Facilities Plan within the required 60 days. Copies of the Comprehensive Plan and the Capital Facilties Plan were transmitted to the Office of Community Development within 60 days of final adoption; and WHEREAS,pursuant to the requirements of the Growth Management Act(.RCW 36.70A), an interlocal agreement (I3oCC Resolution 94 1686, as amended) was executed establishing the Steering Committee of Elected Officials, hereinafter referred to as the"Steering Committee,"to perform certain duties and provide recommendations in conjunction with their obligations under the Growth Management Act;and WHEREAS,pursuant to the Countywide Planning Policies for Spokane County (CWPPs),the Committee is required to analyze each jurisdiction's proposed Urban Growth Area (UGA)and make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners for Urban Growth Area adoption; and WHEREAS,the Steering Committee reviewed the proposed UGAs for the cities and towns of Airway Heights, Cheney, Deer Park,Medical Lake, Spangle,Rockford, Waverly, Latah,Fairfield at a public meeting on November 11, 2000, and Pap 4 of 28 1 1059 WHEREAS, the Steering Committee conducted a public hearing on January 11,2001,to consider the UGA proposals of the cities and towns of Airway Heights,Cheney,Deer Park, Medical Lake, Spangle,Rockford,Waverly, Latah and Fairfield; and WHEREAS, after considering public testimony and presentations from representatives of Airway Heights, Cheney, Deer Park, Medical Lake, Spangle, Rockford, Waverly, Latah and Fairfield,the Steering Committee voted to accept the UGA boundaries as presented and forwarded a recommendation to the Board; and WHEREAS, the Steering Committee reviewed Spokane County's proposed UGA,as recommended by the Spokane County Planning Commission, on March 23,2001;and WHEREAS, the Steering Committee held a public hearing on April 11,2001, and considered public testimony concerning Spokane County's UGA proposal; and WHEREAS,after considering public testimony,the Steering Committee voted to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners the UGA for Spokane County be approved as proposed; and WHEREAS, on April 17,2001,the Board signed Notice of Public Hearings No. 1-0329, announcing the Board's public hearings concerning the Planning Commission Recommended Comprehensive Plan , the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, the Capital Facilities Plan and Steering Committee recommendations on May 2, 2001; May 3,2001;and May 8,2001; and WHEREAS,the Board did conduct public hearings on the aforementioned dates and received written comment on the Planning Commission Recommended Comprehensive Plan, the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, Steering Committee recommendations, through May 31,2001; and WHEREAS,the Board conducted public meetings on July 11, 18, 23,24,25,26,30, and 3 1,2001; and August 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17,20,21, 23 and 24, 2001,to review all oral and written testimony of record; and Page 5of28 1 1059 WHEREAS,during deliberations the Board made minor modifications to goals,policies, land use designations as well as minor Urban Growth Arca/Joint Planning Area boundary adjustments; and WHEREAS, at the August 24,2001,public meeting, the Board executed an Oral Decision No. 1-0799, wherein the Board approved the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan,the Capital Facilities Plan, population allocations, Urban Growth Areas and Joint Planning Areas for unincorporated Spokane County as well as all cities and towns within Spokane County(except the City of Spokane), and directed County Staff to prepare findings of fact, conclusions of law and decision supporting the oral decision; and WHEREAS,after considering the Commission's recommendation and all public testimony of record,as well as recognizing compliance with the Growth Management Act and the State Environmental Policy Act,the Board finds that the best interest of the general public,as well as their health, safety and welfare, will be met by adopting the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan as set forth within Attachment `A', the Spokane County Capital Facilities Plan as set forth in Attachment `B' and Urban Growth Areas/Joint Planning Areas as depicted on Attachment `C'; and Page 6 of 28 1 1059 NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board that, in adopting the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan, Capital Facilities Plan,Urban Growth Areas and Joint Planning Areas,the Board makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACE #1 Spokane County is required to adopt a Comprehensive Plan to meet the requirements of the Washington State Growth Management Act, RCW 36.70A. #2 The Board received a recommendation from the Planning Commission, dated March 8, 2001,to adopt their Recommended Comprehensive Plan and Capital Facilties Plan. #3 The Board considered the planning goals of the Growth Management Act(RCW 36.70A.020) in making this decision, and the decision supports the goals of the Growth Management Act. #4 The Board considered the Countywide Planning Policies for Spokane County(CWPPs) in making this decision,and the decision is consistent with the CWPPs (BCC Resolutions 94-1719,96-1205, 97-0297, and 97-0937). #5 • The Board's decision is consistent with WAC 365-195-725,RCW 36.70A.370 and the Washington State Attorney General's memorandum, State of Washington Attorney General's Recommended Process and Advisory Memorandum for Evaluation of Proposed Regulatory or Administrative Actions to Avoid Unconstitutional Taking of Private Property, March 1995,-and does not unconstitutionally infringe upon private property rights. • #6 The Board finds that the Comprehensive Planning process integrated and meets the requirements of the Washington State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA). The Board recognizes that Spokane County has followed a phased environmental review(per WAC Page 7of28 1 1059 197-11-060)that integrates the environmental analysis required by SEPA (RCW 43.21C) with the draft Comprehensive Plan, pursuant to authorization in the SEPA rules(WAC 197-11-210, -220, -228, -230,-232 and-235). The phased and integrated review is desirable because it allows consideration of potential impacts throughout the process of developing the Comprehensive Plan and Capital Facilities Plan. #7 Spokane County has provided for early and continuous public participation in the update of the Comprehensive Plan, consistent with RCW 36.70A.140, WAC 365-195-600 and the adopted Public Participation Program Guidelines (BCC resolutions 98-0144 and 98-0788). Some of the major components of the Public Participation Program for the Comprehensive Plan update included: a. Citizen Workgroup Meetings,which were held throughout the summer and fall of 1997; b. Use of a Vision Wall on which residents could write personal vision statements for the future of Spokane County; c. Environmental Scoping Workshops, which were held in April and May of 1998; d. Development of an Options Draft Plan, which was essentially a preliminary draft of the Comprehensive Plan containing a broad range of policy alternatives; e. Publication of a monthly newsletter titled Blueprints 2000 and Planning Ahead that discussed planning issues,the planning process, announced public meetings and hearings, and invited public participation and comments; f. Public notice of hearings and meetings as required by Washington State law; g. Development of an interactive website dedicated to the Comprehensive Plan update, including information and direction on how to provide public comment; h. Planner presentations at the request of interested groups; i. Open house discussions throughout the community; and j. Public hearings concerning the Comprehensive Plan update. #8 The Division of Planning provided issue papers,written recommendations for the Plan elements and map revision recommendations to the Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners. #9 Consistent with the Growth Management Act and considering public input and environmental information, the Commission published Draft Plan 2000 on March 2, Page 8 of 28 1 1059 2000. Draft Plan 2000 is the Draft Spokane County Comprehensive Plan and Integrated Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. #10 The Commission held public hearings concerning Draft Plan 2000 on April 27,2000; May 4,2000; May 11, 2000 and May 18, 2000. Subsequently, the Commission deliberated on the public hearing comments and made revisions to Draft Plan 2000. #11 The Commission held a public hearing on October 5,2000 to consider comments on the revisions to Draft Plan 2000. Based on those comments, further revisions were made by the Commission. The modifications to Draft Plan 2000 were then incorporated into the Commission's recommended plan,titled Recommended Spokane County Comprehensive Plan. #12 On November 6,2000,the Draft Capital Facilities Plan was issued for public review and comment. The Commission held a public hearing concerning the Draft Capital Facilties • Plan on November 16, 2000. Subsequently, the Commission deliberated on the public hearing comments and declined to forward a recommendation on the document to the Board of County Commissioners. The Commission requested specific information and data to be included in the Revised Draft Capital Facilities Plan,which was issued for public review and comment on February 22,2001. #13 The Planning Commission held a public hearing concerning the Revised Draft Capital Facilities Plan,the Recommended Spokane County Comprehensive Plan and the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement(ISLES) on March 5,2001. At the end of the hearing, the Planning Commission closed oral and written testimony. #14 On March 8, 2001,the Commission conducted a meeting to deliberate on the Recommended Spokane County Comprehensive Plan and the Revised Draft Spokane County Capital Facilities Plan. The Planning Commission directed staff to make revisions to the Recommended Spokane County Comprehensive Plan and Revised Draft Spokane County Capital Facilities Plan. On March 8, 2001, the Commission forwarded Page 9 of 28 1 1059 the revised Recommended Spokane County Comprehensive Plan and the Recommended Capital Facilities Plan,with their written findings and recommendation,to the Board for their review and action. #15 After providing public notice consistent with the Public Participation Program Guidelines adopted by the Board of County Commissioners by Resolution No. 98-0144 and 98-0788, and providing public notice as required by Washington State Law, and, in addition,after sending individual notice to approximately 64,000 property owners in Spokane County, the Board held three public hearings concerning the Planning Commission Recommended Comprehensive Plan, the Spokane County Capital Facilities Plan and the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (FS/ES'). The hearings where held on May 2,2001, at East Valley High School; May 3,2001,at Northwood Middle School; and May 8,2001, at the Airway Heights City Hall. Two hundred and fifteen(215)people testified before the Board at the public hearings, with approximately 1000 people total in attendance. At the conclusion of the public hearings, the Board established a schedule for Comprehensive Plan deliberations. The Board provided for additional written testimony to be submitted for their consideration and deliberation until May 31, 2001. #16 The Board conducted Comprehensive Plan deliberations on the following dates: July 11, 18,23,24,25, 26, 30, and 31,2001; and August 1,2,6,7, 8,9, 14, 15, 16, 17,20,21, 23 and 24 2001. At the deliberations,the Board reviewed all testimony and files of record, including 273 comment letters received from March 5 to May 31,2001 and summaries of the 215 oral comments from the public hearings. Land Use Map Changes #17 Upon review of all testimony of record,and considering the Planning Commission's recommendation and the Steering Committee's recommendation,the Board made minor modifications to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, including Urban Growth Area adjustments and land use category changes. The Land Use Map changes, included on the Comprehensive Plan Map in Attachment `A', are as follows: Peg 10 of 28 1 1.059 1. Change the designation at North Hatch Road/Highway 395 Interchange from Community Commercial to Neighborhood Commercial. The Board finds that future growth in the north County UGA will require commercial services in this area. To lessen the potential impacts on the surrounding residential development, the Board finds that Neighborhood Commercial is the appropriate designation for this area. The existing land uses are suburban in character and would be preserved with Neighborhood Commercial Designation. 2. Change Parcel No.'s 35234.9080, 9139 and 9170, located east of Carnahan Road, from Low Density to Medium Density Residential. The request is consistent with surrounding uses with High& Medium density to cast and west and will allow for increased density in an area with existing services. 3. Change Parcel No. 56363.0125, located at the southwest corner of Rowan and Canal,from Rural-5 to Commercial/Industrial Limited Development Area(LDA). The property has been zoned for Industrial uses for decades and the Commercial/Industrial LDA designation will allow continued industrial use of the property. 4. Change Parcel No.'s 46323.9052 and 44322.9050 from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential. The parcels are located at the southwest corner of Columbia Street and Argonne Road. The current zoning is B-1 and the High Density Residential category will allow a mix of office and residential where services are currently available. 5. Change Parcel No. 34031.0460, located at the Palouse Highway and Freya Street intersection in the Moran/Glenrose Joint Planning Area, from Low Density to High Density Residential. Existing zoning is UR-22 and is compatible with adjacent uses. Provides a mix of higher density residential development in an area with existing urban services. 6. Change Parcel No.'s 45074.0901, 0902,0909, 0912 and 0913 from Low Density Residential to Mixed Use. A large Mixed Use area borders property to the cast. Current zoning on property is UR-12. The parcels are located on the north side of Mission Avenue, between Marguerite and Sergeant Roads. 7. Add Parcel No. 24081.9071 to the West Plains Joint Planning Area and change designation from Rural Traditional to Light Industrial. Light Industrial land is designated to the north, across Hallett Road. 8. Change designation on parcels fronting the west side of Market Street,from Chatham to Grace Road, from Low Density Residential to Community Commercial. This land use designation is consistent with commercial Page 11 of 28 J I 1 1059 designations along the west side of Market and recognizes some existing business uses. 9. Change Parcel No.'s 14215.0118 and 14225.9041 from Large Tract Agriculture and Rural Conservation to Rural Traditional. The land is marginal for farming and borders Rural Traditional to the north. 10.Change Parcel No.'s 44212.9008,44211.9002 and 44211.9003,located southeast of the intersection of Bruna and Sands Roads,from Rural Conservation to Rural Traditional_ The property is adjacent to Rural Traditional land to the west and east and would not provide significant wildlife habitat if surrounding property is developed into 10 acre lots. 11. Change Parcel No. 45163.0193, located at the southwest corner of Bowdish and Broadway,from Low Density to High Density Residential. Change Parcel No.'s 45133.0210, 0211, 0212, located at East 16100 Broadway, from Low Density to High Density Residential. Change Parcel No.'s 45133.0901, 0902,and 1011, located at East 16100 Valleyway, from Low Density to Medium (Density. Residential. All parcels are currently zoned UR-22. The High Density Residential category allows for higher densities throughout the urban area where services already exist. 12.Change Parcel No.'s 36194.9095 (North Park Racquet Club) and 36194.9065 (First Church Open Bible) from Low Density Residential to Community Commercial. This provides a transition between Regional Commercial and Residential and allows the existing business to operate as a conforming use. 13.The triangle of land formed by Highway 2, Shady Slope Road and Farwell Road shall be included in the Urban Growth Area. The land is urban in character and has existing urban zoning, including UR 3.5, UR-22, B-2 and 1-3. Land directly south, across Farwell Road, is designated Heavy Industrial. The triangle of land will be designated High Density Residential. 14.Include Parcel No.'s 35354.9050, 35354.9051 and 34021.9003 inside the MoranfGlenrosc Joint Planning Area,and designate the land Low Density Residential. The properties are located west of Glenrose Road and are currently served with public water. Sewer will be available soon. The land is directly adjacent to existing urban development. 15.Include Parcel No.'s 46364.9041 and 9042 in the UGA and designate properties Low Density Residential. Properties have full urban services available and are directly across the street from Skyview Elementary School. Pau 12 of 28 1 1059 16.Designate Parcel No.'s 33144.9010 and 33135.9017 entirely Rural Conservation. Portions of each parcel were designated Large Tract Agriculture and should not have a split designation. The Rural Conservation category is most appropriate given the location of the parcels within the Latah Creek riparian area. 17.Parcel No.'s 34031.4001 and 4901, located at 51st and Rebecca in the Moran Glenrose Joint Planning Area, are changed from Low Density to High Density Residential. This is consistent with the current zoning will allow higher densities • in an existing urban area with full services. 18.Property at southeast corner of Havana and Bigelow Gulch, parcel No. 36325.9004, has water and sewer available and shall be located inside the UGA. The designation for the property shall be designated Medium Density Residential. 19.Parcel No. 39113.9025 shall be included in the Elk Rural Activity Center(RAC) designation. The parcel is at the crossroads of two major roads and meets the criteria set forth for inclusion in the RAC. 20.Change Parcel No.'s 24153.9008 and 9009, located on the north side of Cheney/Spokane Road at Marshall, from Rural Conservation to Mining. Land separating these parcels is designated Mining and owned by same company. All three parcels have been used for mining operations in the past. 21.Add Parcel No.'s 35352.0305, 9111 and 9061 to the Moran/Glenrose Joint Planning Area and designate Low Density Residential. The property is adjacent to the City of Spokane, located north of 37th Ave. and east of Morrill,and can be provided with full urban services. 22. Parcel No.'s 24063.9040, 9032 and 9033, located near the intersection of Hayford Road and Geiger Boulevard, are changed from Light Industrial to Regional Commercial. The property was recently changed to the B-3 zone and is adjacent to Regional Commercial property. 23.Parcel No. 55172.0204, located at the I-90Barker Road interchange,shall be changed from Light Industrial to Regional Corrunercial. This designation is consistent with the surrounding uses. 24. Parcel No. 37204 .9047, located in the North Metro Urban Growth Area,shall be excluded from the Urban Growth Area and designated Rural Conservation. The land is adjacent to Rural Conservation land and is still viable land for wildlife habitat. 25.Add Parcel No. 56334.9170 to the Limited Development Area to the east. The Page 13 of 28 . . _ _ 1 1059 property is currently zoned 1-2 and meets the criteria for inclusion in an LDA. 26.Parcel No.45144.2239, located at the northeast corner of Progress and Sprague, is designated entirely Community Commercial. Previous designation split the parcel. 27.Commissioners approved changes to allow new Comprehensive Plan land use designations to align with parcel lines for property in the West Terrace area. Previous designations split existing parcels. 28.Parcel No.'s 24164.9038,24614.9037 and 24161.9022,located east of Grove and north of Andrus, shall be designated Mining, which is consistent with surrounding land uses. 29.Parcel No. 17195.9001, 17202.9033 and 17202.9032, located at Bernhill and Valley Roads, are changed from Rural Conservation to Rural Traditional to allow the land to divided into 10 acre lots. Clustering is not viable on these parcels. 30.Parcel No.'s 15173.9004,9008 and 9009, located on the south side of Buckboard Road, are changed from Rural Traditional to Mining. The area has been used for mining since 1951 and the Mining designation is appropriate for this area. 31.Change Parcel No.'s 05262.9006, 9007,05261.9029, 9004 and 9046, located south of Highway 2 at Deep Creek, from Large Tract Agriculture to Rural Traditional. This designation provides for a golf course. Land is not viable for farming due to topography and soil type. 32.Add Parcel No.'s 26071.9058,0120 and 0117 to the adjacent Rural Activity Center at 9 Mile Falls. The parcels meet the criteria to be included in the RAC designation. 33.Change Parcel No.'s 36363.0124 and 36353.0126, located east of Havana and north of Valley Springs Road, from Light Industrial to Low Density Residential to allow residential development within close proximity to employment center. 34.Change Parcel No.'s 36063.1101, 1205, 1601, 1602 and 0807, located on Mayfair Road and south of Falcon,from Medium Density Residential to Mixed Use to allow existing business to exist as a conforming use. Mixed Use is appropriate in this area because of its proximity to residential neighborhoods. 35.Change Parcel No. 56335.9194 from Rural-5 to CommerciaVlndustrial Limited Development Area. Property has an established trucking business and meets the criteria for designation as a Limited Development Area. The property is located at Page 14 of 28 1 1059 the southwest intersection of Gilbert and Harvard Road. 36.Change Parcel No.'s 45133.1218 and 1223 from Low Density to Medium Density Residential to allow for increased residential density within close proximity to mixed use development. The property is located on the south side of Valleyway Road east of Sullivan. 37.Add Parcel No.'s 26064.9014,9021, 9026,9030 and 9031 to the Rural Activity Center at 9-Mile. The parcels are located along Charles Road and meet the criteria to be located within a RAC. 38. Change Parcel No. 25302.0118 from Light Industrial to Neighborhood Commercial. This will allow limited commercial service to support surrounding Light Industrial development. The property is currently zoned B-1 and is located on the south side of Highway 2 between Hayford Road and Hazelwood Road in the West Plains Joint Planning Area. 39.Change Parcel No.'s 44123.9043,44123.9033,44122.9057, 44122.9056, 44122.9019, 44122.9020,44122.9013,44122.9010, 44122.9011, 44013.9010, 44012.9099 from Rural Conservation to Rural Traditional to allow property to be divided into 10 acre parcels without clustering. The property is located southeast of Bella Vista on the west side of Conklin Road. 40.Change Parcel No. 56334.9054, located southeast of the intersection of Gilbert Road and Corrigan Road, from Rural-S to Commercialllndustrial Limited Development Area to allow existing use. 41. Change Parcel No. 35234.9099 at 8th and Carnahan from Mining to Medium Density Residential to preserve the residential character of the surrounding area. 42.Change the designation of the parcels fronting Nora Avenue between McDonald and Evergreen from High Density Residential to Mixed Use. This will allow greater land use flexibility for commercial and residential development along the I-90 corridor. 43.Change the Urban Reserve boundary line to follow the Saltese Drainage Ditch. This is a landmark that can be seen on the ground and it makes a better boundary for the division of land use categories. 44.Change Parcel No. 45183.9058, located on the east side of Park Road and south of Broadway, from Low Density Residential to Heavy Industrial. The property is surrounded by Heavy Industrial land on three sides. Page 15 of 28 1 1059 45.Designate Parcel No. 03180.9007, south of Drumheller and north of Harrison, as Rural Traditional to correct split designation. 46.Change Parcels No.'s 25193.9005, 9006 and 9027 from Light Industrial to Mixed Use to allow residential opportunities within close proximity to employment center. The properties are located east of Hayford Rd. and north of Highway 2. 47.Change Parcel No. 32255.9006, located on Spangle-Waverly Road, from Large Tract Agriculture to Rural Traditional. Property is not viable farm land. 48.The following land in the Four Mound area is changed from Rural Conservation and Large Tract Agriculture to Rural Traditional: SW 1/4 of Section 4,Township 26 North, Range 41 West; all land north of Four Mound Road, starting at Pinebluff Road traveling west along Four Mound Road to the center of Section 36, Township 27 North,Range 40 West; the SE 1/4 of Section 23,Township 27 North, Range 40 West; the SW 1/4 of Section 19,Township 27 North,Range 41 East,and all of Section 32,Township 27 North,Range 41 West. The changes are due to existing small parcel sizes,unsuitable land to maintain viable farms and to maintain consistency with surrounding land uses. 49.Change Parcel No.'s 34051.0711 and 1001, located in the Moran Glenrose Joint Planning Area at the intersection of 57th and Perry, from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial. Considering existing uses and zoning in this arca, this slight expansion will not significantly impact the surrounding neighborhood and will allow moderate expansion of the existing commercial businesses in the area. 50.The land currently zoned UR-7, located north of Mission Avenue and slightly east of University, shall be designated Medium Density Residential. In the same vicinity,change Parcel No.'s 45084.0401, 1102, 1101,and 45093.1519 from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential. The Medium Density designation is appropriate because the area has full urban services available and is within close proximity to the freeway. 51.Designate Parcel No.'s 45094.0500,0538,0598, 0541, 1003, 1002, 1001, 1103, 1102, 1101, 0646, 0647, 0648 and 0649, located in the vicinity of August and Wilber Roads, Medium Density residential. The Medium Density designation is appropriate because the area has full urban services available and is within close proximity to the freeway. Page 16 of 28 / / J 1 1059 Pokey Changes #18 Upon review of all public testimony and files of record,and considering the Planning Commission's recommendation,the Board made minor modifications to the Comprehensive Plan goals and polices. The changes do not alter the intent or substance of the policies. The changes clarify the intent of certain policies,provide consistency between similar policies in other sections of the Comprehensive Plan and reflect the public testimony and files of record. Attachment `A' includes all policy modifications directed by the Board. Sewer Concurrency #19 The Board finds that new development must be served with public sewer service consistent with the definitions of concurrency included in Countywide Planning Polices and Section WAC 365-195-210. By definition,"Concurrency means that adequate public facilities are available when the impacts of development occur. This definition includes the two concepts of `adequate public facilities' and `available public facilities'. Adequate public facilities are facilities which have the capacity to serve development without decreasing levels of service below locally established minimums. Available public facilities means that facilities or services arc in place or that a financial commitment is in place to provide the facilities or services within a specified time." #20 The Board finds that the Spokane County 6-year Sewer Construction Program,updated and adopted annually by the Board,establishes a financial commitment to extend sewer service to specific areas, or basins, within the unincorporated County. Therefore,new development may be approved within the adopted Spokane County 6-year Sewer Construction Program areas prior to the extension of public sewer service. Land Divisions #21 Exemptions for dividing land are regulated by Washington State Law and the County's Subdivision Ordinance. Both the Subdivision Ordinance and the County Road Standards provide specific existing regulations to ensure that exempt divisions of land do not impair or adversely affect the health and safety of the citizens of Spokane County. Page 17 of 28 1 1050 Capital Facilities Plan • #22 RCW 36-70A-070 requires jurisdictions to adopt a Capital Facilities Plan element as a part of the Comprehensive Plan. The Board finds that Attachment `B', the Spokane County Capital Facilties Plan, includes all requirements as specified in the GMA, including an inventory of existing capital facilities owned by public entities, a forecast of future needs for capital facilities, a six-year plan that will finance such capital facilities, and locations of proposed new or expanded capital facilities. The Board finds that the 6- year Financing Plan is a balanced plan in that all projects listed are within the funding capacity of the County and all changes made by the Board are accommodated within the Capital Facilities Plan. Population Allocations #23 On December 11, 1996,the Steering Committee of Elected Official recommended population allocations for Spokane County including the towns and cities of Airway Heights, Cheney, Deer Park,Fairfield,Latah,Medical Lake, Rockford, Spangle, Spokane, And Waverly , Spokane County/City of Spokane Joint Planning Areas, Spokane County Unincorporated Urban areas and Spokane County Rural Areas. The Board of County Commissioners considered the recommendation and adopted adjusted population allocations as a part of the Interim Urban Growth Area and Interim Development Regulations decision(BoCC Resolution 97-0321)on April 8, 1997. #24 Jurisdictions within Spokane County used the adopted population allocations to develop comprehensive plans and Urban Growth Area proposals. Each jurisdiction utilized the allocation to determine their ability to provide urban services, consistent with Regional Minimum Levels of Servcie adopted by the Steering Committee of Elected Officials, over the 20-year time frame of the comprehensive plans. #25 The Board of County Commissioners' is the final decision making authority responsible for adopting population allocations for all jurisdictions within Spokane County and has the discretion to utilize new data in determining appropriate population allocations. Since the Interim Development Regulations were adopted on April 8, 1997,new data has been collected that must be considered when adopting final population allocations, Page 18 of 28 1 1059 including population figures from the 2000 Census and new building permits for unincorporated Spokane County. The Census data, shown in the table below,provides historic growth trends that must be considered when allocating the projected populations to jurisdictions within the County. The Board analyzed three decades of population trends for each jurisdiction to determine if their respective population allocations were within a low to high range of Census growth rates. The Board finds that the adopted population allocations are consistent with Office of Financial Management projections and historic growth trends. I Low I Med : High 1999 1Diff of Alloc!Final Allocation _Jurisdiction 2000 Pop 70 to 80! 80 to 90 190 to 001 Growth Growth I Growth Alloc to High !August 24,2001 Spokane County 417,939._ 18.9%1 5.7% 15.7% 47,64 131,233 ! 157,981 126,500 _ (31,481)! I55,597 -_ Unincorporated 199,135 49.1% 8.7% , 20.4%9 34,649 81,247 195,551 60,500 (135,051) 89,597 Incorporated 218,804 2.3% 3.3% 11.7%, 10,065; 14,441 51,200,`. Airway HciLhts 4,5011 132.5% 13.9% 128.3% 12511 11,547 11,925 3,500 (8,425) 3,500 Cheney 8,832 20.0% 1.2% 14.4% 21 2,544 ' 3,533 2,951 (582) ` 2,951 Deer Park 3,017 65.3/° 6.4% 32.4/° 38 . 1,955 3,940 2,750 (1,190) 2,750 Fairfield__ 24.1% -11.3% -4.3°/' (112) (42) ! 238, 230.- (8) 230 Latah 1 S 1 �`-8.3% 31.0% -25.6% (77) (25) 1 941 95J 1 95 Medical Lake 3,758 2.0% 1.8% 2.6% 135: 150 195 1,630 1,435 - 1,630 Millwood 1,649 -3.0% -9.2% 5.8% (303) (99) 191 172 (19) 172 Rockford 413. 35.2% 8.8% -14.1% (116) 73 2911 273; (18) 273 Spangle 240 54.2% -17.0% ' 4.8% (82) 23 260, 350. 90 350 City of Spokane 195,629 0.5% 3.4% 10.4% 1,956 13,303 40,691 54,000. 13,309 !w_ 54,000 Waverly 121 106.3% 2.0% 1 9.8%], 5 24 1 251 49, (208) • 49 Urban Growth Areas/Joint Planning Areas #26 On May 5, 2000, pursuant to the Countywide Planning Policies for Spokane County, Policy Topic I, Urban Growth Areas, and upon request of the cities of Airway Heights, Deer Park, Cheney and Millwood, the Steering Committee conducted a public meeting to consider each of the aforementioned jurisdictions Urban Growth Area proposal. At the meeting, the Steering Committee voted unanimously to recommend to the Spokane County Planning Commission that the Interim Urban Growth Areas (IUGAs) of each Pagc 19 01.28 1 1059 jurisdiction be amended and designated as presented and considered in the County's comprehensive planning process. #27 The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on May 25,2000, to consider the respective proposals to amend the IUGAs of the cities of Airway Heights,Deer Park, Cheney and Millwood. After hearing public testimony,the Commission voted unanimously to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners that the IUGAs of the aforementioned jurisdictions be amended and designated as presented. #28 On November 11,2000, the Steering Committee of Elected Officials were presented Urban Growth Area proposals for the cities and towns of Airway Heights, Medical Lake, Deer Park, Cheney, Spangle, Fairfield,Waverly, Latah and Rockford. After providing sufficient public notice,the Steering Committee conducted a public hearing on January 11, 2001, to consider the UGA proposals. After considering public testimony,the Steering Committee voted to accept the UGA boundaries as presented and forwarded their recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners. #29 At a public meeting on March 23, 2001,the Steering Committee was presented the final Urban Growth Area proposal for the unincorporated areas of Spokane County, including the VGA's for all cities except the Town of Millwood and the City of Spokane. After providing sufficient public notice, the Steering Committee conducted a public hearing on April 11, 2001,to consider Spokane County's proposed UGA. After hearing public testimony, the Steering Committee voted to accept the County's proposed UGA and forwarded their recommendation to the Board. #30 The Board finds that the Urban Growth Areas located in unincorporated Spokane County, which are also Joint Planning Areas, located contiguous to the cities and towns of Airway Heights, Medical Lake, Deer Park, Cheney, Spangle,Fairfield, Waverly,Latah and Rockford, meet the requirements of the Growth Management Act and the Countywide Planning Policies for designating Urban Growth Areas. The jurisdictions adequately demonstrated in their Comprehensive Plans the ability to provide urban services within Pagc 20 of.28 1 1059 their existing corporate limits as well as within the proposed Urban Growth Areas over the 20-year time frame of their Plans. #31 All Urban Growth Areas contiguous to the cities and towns of Airway Heights, Medical Lake,Deer Park, Cheney, Spangle, Fairfield, Waverly, Latah and Rockford shall also be considered Joint Planning Areas. Further,all Urban Growth Areas contiguous to the City of Spokane, except for the North Metro and Valley areas shall be considered Joint Planning Areas. Services in the North Metro and Valley Urban Growth Areas are largely served by Spokane County and special purpose districts. It is understood that Joint Planning Areas can be joint, or multi jurisdictional in areas where more than two jurisdictions have express interest in future development and planning. When executed, interlocal agreements will provide a mechanism to provide for coordinated and consistent planning and delivery of urban services to the Joint Planning Areas. #32 The Urban Growth Areas located in unincorporated Spokane County, which are also Joint Planning Areas, and are located contiguous with the incorporated boundary of the City of Spokane, are depicted in Attachment"C"and described as follows: A. Moran/Glenrose JPA. An area of land located in the unincorporated Urban Growth Area of Spokane County,contiguous to the southeasterly incorporated boundary of the City of Spokane, containing approximately 1,670 acres of land. B. West Plains/Thorpe JPA. An area of land in the unincorporated Urban Growth Area of Spokane County, located between the westerly incorporated boundary of the City of Spokane and the easterly and southerly boundary of the City of Airway Heights, and lying north and south of Interstate 90,containing approximately 12,447 acres of land. C. Indian Canyon JPA. An area of land in the unincorporated Urban Growth Area of Spokane County, located contiguous to the westerly incorporated boundary of the City of Spokane in an area known as Indian Canyon, containing approximately 22 acres of land. Page 21 of 28 r � r 1 1059 D. Riverside JPA. An area of land in the unincorporated Urban Growth Area of Spokane County, located between the east side of the Spokane River and the westerly incorporated boundary of the City of Spokane, an area largely owned by the State of Washington known as Riverside State Park,containing approximately 448 acres of land. E. Seven Mile SPA. An area of land in the unincorporated Urban Growth Area of Spokane County, located contiguous to the northwest incorporated boundary of the northwest peninsula of the City of Spokane, lying east and west of Nine Mile Road in an area known as Seven Mile,containing approximately 665 acres of land. F. Shawnee JPA. An area of land in the unincorporated Urban Growth Area of Spokane County,located contiguous to the northeast incorporated boundary of the northwest peninsula of the City of Spokane, an area known as Indian Trail, containing approximately 19 acres of land. G. Hillyard JPA. An area of land in the unincorporated Urban Growth Area of Spokane County, located contiguous to the northeast incorporated boundary of the City of Spokane, on the east side of Havana Road between Bigelow Gulch Road and Wellesley Avenue, containing approximately 103 acres of land. H. Upriver JPA. An area of land in the unincorporated Urban Growth Area of Spokane County, located on the north side of the Spokane River and Upriver Drive with the City of Spokane's incorporated boundary to the east, south, west and north, containing approximately 368 acres of land. I. Yardley JPA. An area of land in the unincorporated Urban Growth Area of Spokane County, located contiguous to the easterly incorporated boundary of the City of Spokane, lying north of Sprague Avenue,containing approximately 962 acres of land. J. Alcott JPA. An area of land in the unincorporated Urban Growth Area of Spokane County, located contiguous to the easterly incorporated boundary of the City of Spokane, south of Interstate 90, containing approximately 458 acres of land. Page 22 of 28 / \ 1 1059 #33 The following are Urban Growth Areas in unincorporated Spokane County which are not Joint Planning Areas: K. Spokane County North Metro UGA. An area of land in the unincorporated area of Spokane County, located contiguous to the northerly incorporated boundary of the City of Spokane, containing approximately 10,035 acres of land. L. Spokane Valley UGA. An area of land in the unincorporated area of Spokane County, located between the easterly incorporated boundary of the City of Spokane and the westerly incorporated boundary of the City of Liberty Lake, not including the JPA's known as Alcott, Yardley, and Upriver, or the incorporated Town of Millwood. The Spokane Valley UGA also includes land located in the unincorporated area of Spokane County located contiguous to the northeast and south incorporated boundary of the City of Liberty Lake. The entire Spokane Valley UGA contains approximately 28,363 acres of land. #34 The Urban Growth Areas, which arc also Joint Planning Areas between Spokane County and the Cities and Towns of Airway Heights, Medical Lake, Deer Park, Cheney, Spangle, Fairfield, Waverly,Latah and Rockford are depicted on Attachment `C' and described as follows: M. Deer Park UGA and JPA. An area of land in the unincorporated Urban Growth Area of Spokane County, located contiguous to the north and west incorporated boundary of the City of Deer Park, containing approximately 778 acres of land. N. Airway Heights UGA and JPA. An area of land in the unincorporated Urban Growth Area of Spokane County, located contiguous to the northwest and west incorporated boundary of the City of Airway Heights,containing approximately 765 acres of land. 0. Medical Lake UGA and JPA. An area of land in the unincorporated Urban Growth Area of Spokane County, located contiguous to the north and southwest Page 23 of 28 • 1 1059 incorporated boundary of the City of Medical Lake, containing approximately 322 acres of land. P. Cheney UGA and JPA. An area of land in the unincorporated Urban Growth Area of Spokane County, located contiguous to the north, northeast,south and west incorporated boundary of the City of Cheney,containing approximately 643 acres of land. Q. Spangle UGA and JPA. An area of land in the unincorporated Urban Growth Area of Spokane County, located contiguous to the north and south incorporated boundary of the Town of Spangle,containing approximately 151 acres of land. R. Rockford UGA and JPA. An area of land in the unincorporated area of Spokane County, located contiguous to the north,west and south incorporated boundary of the Town of Rockford, containing approximately 313 acres of land. S. Fairfield UGA and JPA. An area of land in the unincorporated area of Spokane County, located contiguous to the north,west and south incorporated boundary of the Town of Fairfield, containing approximately 130 acres of land. T. Waverly UGA and JPA. An area of land in the unincorporated area of Spokane County, located contiguous to the easterly incorporated boundary of the Town of Waverly,containing approximately 8 acres of land. U. Latah UGA and JPA. An area of land in the unincorporated area of Spokane County, located contiguous to the northerly incorporated boundary of the Town of Latah,containing approximately 51 acres of land. Land Quantity #35 A land quantity analysis was performed for the Urban Growth Area(UGA)and Joint Planning Areas consistent with the Land Quantity Analysis Methodology for Spokane County, as adopted by the Steering Committee of Elected Officials on November 3, 1995. Spokane County coordinated with the City of Spokane to ensure consistent application of the adopted methodology for the region. The land quantity analysis concluded that there Page 24 of 28 1 1059 is adequate land area within the recommended UGA and Joint Planning Areas to support the anticipated population growth. The land quantity analysis is consistent with the Growth Management Act(GMA)and Eastern Washington Hearings Board decisions regarding Land Quantity Analysis methodology. Commercial Land #36 Spokane County followed the Steering Committee of Elected Official's commercial land demand allocation and ratio development methodology, adopted by the Steering Committee on March 15, 1996,to determine the amount of commercial land that will be needed by the year 2020 in unincorporated Spokane County. On April 11,2001, Spokane County presented it's Urban Growth Area proposal to the Steering Committee of Elected Official, wherein the County provided evidence that the Comprehensive Plan includes an excess of over 1,000 acres of commercial land capacity. Industrial Land #37 Industrial land supply is based on industrial employment goals and the Board finds that there is sufficient industrial land designated in the Comprehensive Plan to far exceed the amount of land required to support the industrial employment goals. On April 11,2001, Spokane County presented evidence to the Steering Committee of Elected Officials that the Comprehensive Plan has sufficient industrial land designated to serve over 100,000 employees. The 1996-2020 goal for industrial employees is approximately 36,000. Arterial Road Plan #38 The Board of County Commissioners reviewed the Planning Commission's recommended Arterial Road Plan and made minor modifications as requested by the Spokane County Engineer. The Board notes that no change is made to the 40'Avenue corridor, between Dishman-Mica and SR-27 (fines Road), in the Midilome neighborhood. This corridor shall not be designated as an arterial for Spokane County. Development Regulations #39 The Board recognizes that the Comprehensive Plan must be implemented with Development Regulations and that current County Development Regulations must be Page 25 of 28 1 1059 updated to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The County will implement the Comprehensive Plan in phases through the use of Official Controls. The Phase 1 Development Regulations(PDR's)will make minimal changes to existing Development Regulations to ensure substantial compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and will eliminate any major inconsistencies in existing development regulations. The PDR's will utilize existing zoning regulations,where possible,but will also include new regulations that must be adopted to fully implement the Comprehensive Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that based upon the findings set forth herein and the files and testimony in this matter,the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County does hereby allocate the 20-year growth management population projection as follows: Jurisdiction Population Allocation ' Unincorporated Area 89,597 Airway Heights 3,500 Cheney 2,951 City of Spokane 54,000 Deer Park 2,750 Fairfield 230 Latah 95 Medical Lake 1,630 Millwood 172 Rockford 273 Spangle 350 Waverly 49 Total 155,597 13.E IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that based upon the findings set forth herein and the files and testimony in this matter,the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County does hereby adopt the Urban Growth Area boundary for Spokane County as shown on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map presented in Attachment `A' and on Attachment `C'. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that based upon the findings set forth herein and the files and testimony in this matter, the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County does hereby adopt the Urban Growth Areas,which are also Joint Planning Areas, for the cities and Page 26 of 28 1 1059 towns of Airway Heights, Cheney,Deer Park, Medical Lake,Fairfield, Spangle, Latah, Rockford and Waverly as shown on the Land Use Map presented in Attachment `C'. • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Board of County Commissioners concurs with the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement as prepared by the Spokane County Division of Planning, issued relative to the Comprehensive Plan update. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Board of County Commissioners is authorized by the Countywide Planning Policies to execute interlocal agreements with all towns and cities within Spokane County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Clerk of the Board is directed to publish the attached notice of adoption pursuant to RCW 36.70A.290(b). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Clerk of the Board is directed to send a copy of the Comprehensive Plan and the Capital Facilities Plan as contained in Attachments A and B to the Washington State Office of Community Development pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106 within 10 days of adoption. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Board makes part of these findings and decision all files in the Spokane County Public Works Department , Division of Long Range Planning, Planning Commission,the Steering Committee of Elected Officials, and the Board of County Commissioners along with the transcripts of all public hearings related to this matter and further adopts all recitals herein as findings of fact. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that those portions of the Comprehensive Plan and h, Capital Facilities Plan implemented by the Phase I Development Regulations shall be deemed effective upon adoption of the Phase I Development Regulations. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Urban Growth Area, as depicted on the Comprehensive Plan map in Attachment `A' and on Attachment `C', shall be effective upon signing of these findings and decision, for the purpose of potential annexation and incorporation proposals. Page 27 of 28 ' 1 10S9 APPROVED BY THE BOARD this BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS h day of #0Yerr1 , 2001. OF SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON �e�`y�;iF CC�L A'a�r'►+► ATI EST: h .�• �, 1 D. H 's, Chair • VICKY M.DALTON , • . , CLERK OF THE BOA O sou • sA- . (J C ,.� M. Kate cqaslin, Vice-chair Y' L-' — -- �' 11111k • •aniela Erickson, Deputy oskelley, Commission • • Page 28 of 28 • • , 3 0301 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON • IN THE MATTER OF ADOPTING ) Findings of Fact AMENDMENTS TO THE SPOKANE COUNTY ) And COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ) Decision • • WHEREAS,pursuant to the provisions of RCW Chapter 36.70,the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County,Washington,hereinafter referred to as the "Board,"has created a Planning Commission,hereinafter referred to as the "Commission";and I - WHEREAS,the Commission is authorized by RCW Chapter 36.70 to recommend a Comprehensive Plan,and changes and amendments thereto,to the Board for its review and consideration for adoption;and • WHEREAS,pursuant to the provisions of RCW Chapter 36.70A,the Board is • required to adopt a Comprehensive Plan for the unincorporated areas of Spokane County and may amend the same;and • WHEREAS,pursuant to the provisions of RCW Chapter 36.70A,the Board. adopted a Comprehensive Plan and Capital Facilities Plan for Spokane County on -November 5,2001 (Board Resolution 1-1059 and 1-1060);and WHEREAS,pursuant to RCW 36.70A.130,the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan can be amended annually; and • WHEREAS,the Comprehensive Plan specifies that amendments may be initiated by the Planning Commission,the Board of Commissioners,or by the Planning Director, based on citizen requests or when changed conditions warrant adjustments to the - Comprehensive Plan;and Page 1 of 8 • / � 4 3 0301 i WHEREAS,the Comprehensive Plan specifies that the Commission will receive applications for amending,supplementing or modifying maps of the Comprehensive Plan until July 1st of every year;and WHEREAS,on September 16,2002, Spokane County Division of Planning published an Addendum to the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement(EIS)for the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan to address the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments. The Addendum was circulated to recipients of the Draft Supplemental EIS and made available to the public at libraries and at the Division of Planning 10 days prior • to public hearings on this matter,and WHEREAS,pursuant to RCW Chapter 36.70A.106, a Notice of Intent to Adopt was mailed to the Washington State Office of Community Development on September 18,2002; and • WHEREAS,the 2002 Comprehensive Plan amendment process was consistent with the Public Participation Program Guidelines adopted by the Board(Board Resolutions 98-0114 and 0788); and • WHEREAS,a Notice of the Public Hearings was published in the Spokesman- Review on September 10,2002 to announce Planning Commission hearings;and WHEREAS,public hearing informational brochures were mailed to over 10,000 individual mailing addresses,providing additional notice of the public hearings; and . . WHEREAS,after providing at least fifteen(15)days notice,the Commission held public hearings on September 26,2002,October 2,2002,October 3,2002,and October 10,2002, to consider public testimony concerning the proposed Comprehensive Plan . Amendments; and • • Page 2 of 8 /i 3 0301 WHEREAS,the Commission conducted deliberations on the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments on October 17,24 and 31,2002;November 7, 14 and 21,2002;and December 5 and 12,2002;and • I . WHEREAS,on January 16,2003,the Commission forwarded a recommendation to the Board concerning the 2002 Comprehensive Plan Amendments;and • WHEREAS,on February 4,2003,the Board signed Resolution No. 3-0127, approving a Notice of Public Hearing and establishing February 24,25 and,if necessary . to complete testimony,February 26,2003,as dates to conduct public hearings and accept • testimony concerning the 2002 Comprehensive Plan Amendments;and WHEREAS,the Board conducted public hearings on February 24, and completed testimony on February 25,2003 at the Spokane County Public Works Building, accepting oral and written testimony on the 2002 Comprehensive Plan Amendments;and WHEREAS,the Board met on February 26,2003 and extended the written comment period until 12:00 pm on February 27,2003;and • WHEREAS,the Board conducted deliberations on the 2002 Comprehensive Plan Amendments on March 3, 6 and 10,2003;and • WHEREAS,after considering the Commission's recommendation and all public testimony of record,as well as recognizing compliance with the Growth Management Act and the State Environmental Policy Act,the Board finds that the best interest of the i - general public,as well as its health,safety and welfare,will be met by adopting the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments set forth in Attachments `A', `B', `C', and`E',attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board that,in adopting the Comprehensive Plan goals,policies and land use map designations set forth in Attachments `A', '13"C', `D' and `E',the Board makes the following: Page 3 of 8 • • 3 0 301 FINDINGS OF FACT #1 Spokane County is required to adopt a Comprehensive Plan to meet the requirements of the Washington State Growth Management Act,RCW 36.70A. The Board adopted a Comprehensive Plan and Capital Facilities Plan,consistent with RCW 36.70A,on November 5,2001. • #2 - RCW 36.70A.130 specifies that Comprehensive Plans can be amended annually. Spokane County allows amendment proposals to be received through July lg for consideration during the annual amendment process. On June 18,2002,an advertisement was published in the Spokesman-Review providing notice to interested parties that Comprehensive Plan amendment proposals would be accepted through July 1,2002. #3 - By July 1,2002,the Spokane County Division of Planning received 61 requests to amend land use designations and urban growth area boundaries; 7 policy amendment requests;a request to change 8 properties from Exclusive Agriculture to Rural Traditional,consistent with previous zone changes;Arterial Road Plan map amendments,and a bicycle and pedestrian plan for the Little Spokane River Valley. • #4 On September 10,2002,a Notice of Public Hearings was published in the Spokesman-Review, announcing Commission hearing dates for September 26, 2002,October 2,2000,October 3,2002,and October 10,2002. Additionally, over 10,000 individual notices were mailed directly to property owners adjacent - i to the proposed amendments. Page4of8 • 3 0301 #5 The Commission deliberated on the proposed amendments on October 17,24 and 31, 2002;November 7, 14 and 21,2002; and December 5 and 12,2002. The Commission developed a recommendation on all amendment proposals,either by consensus or vote on each proposal. #6 The Board received the Commission's recommendation,dated January 16,2003, to adopt certain proposed amendments to the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan for 2002. #7 • On February 4,2003,the Board signed Resolution No.3-01'27, establishing a public hearing and deliberations schedule to provide opportunity for additional .public involvement and comment on the amendment proposal and Commission recommendation. On February 9,2003,Notice of Public Hearing was published in the Spokesman-Review,providing sufficient public notice of hearings scheduled for February 24,25 and if necessary to complete testimony February 26, 2003. The Board deliberations scheduled for February 26 and 27,2003. Additionally,over 10,000 individual notices were mailed to property owners within the vicinity of the proposed amendments. #8 The Board conducted public hearings on February 24 and 25,2003 wherein the Board received oral and written testimony on the proposed amendments. The Board also met on February 26 and extended the written comment period until 12:00 pm on February 27,2003. #9 The Board conducted deliberations on the proposed amendments on March 3,6 - and 10,2003. In making its decision,the Board considered the Commission's • recommendation and all public testimony and files of record. • Page 5 of 8 • V 3 0301 #10 • The Board considered the planning goals of the Growth Management Act(RCW 36.70A.020)in making its decision,and the decision supports the goals of the Growth Management Act. #11 The Board considered WAC Chapter 365-195,which provides administrative rules and guidelines for jurisdictions to development Comprehensive Plans and Capital Facilities Plans consistent with the Growth Management Act. #12 • The Board considered the Goals and Policies of the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan and Capital Facilities Plan,adopted by the Board on November 5,2001. #13 The Board considered the Countywide Planning Policies for Spokane County . (CWPPs)in its decision,and the decision is consistent with the CWPPs(BCC Resolutions 94-1719, 96-1205,97-0297,and 97-0937). • #14 The Division of Planning has complied with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)by preparing and issuing an Addendum to the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement(EIS),which was prepared for the Comprehensive Plan. The Addendum was the appropriate means of compliance with SEPA according to WAC 197-11-600 due to the following facts: 1)The Supplemental EIS prepared for the Comprehensive Plan addressed potential impacts of a broad range of urban and rural alternatives and the impacts associated with the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments do not substantially change the analysis of significant impacts and alternatives. 2)The proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments do not constitute a new proposal but ! rather revisions to the previously analyzed Comprehensive Plan and do not change the analysis of significant impact and alternatives contained in the • Page 6 of 8 3 0301 Supplemental EIS. The Board recognizes that Spokane County is following a process of phased environmental review in its adoption and updating of the Comprehensive Plan and development regulations per(WAC 197-11-060 [5j). The phased environmental review is intended to focus on environmental issues that are clearly defined and ready for decision while deferring other issues for later environmental review when more specific details are known. The Board recognizes that additional environmental review will be necessary to carry out the Comprehensive Plan at the project level. #15 Spokane County has provided for timely and continuous public participation during the public hearing process for the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments. The hearing process is consistent with RCW 36.70A.140,WAC 365-195-600 and the adopted Public Participation Program Guidelines(Board Resolutions 98-0144 and 98-0788). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Board that it hereby adopts the Comprehensive Plan amendments as set forth in Attachment`A', `B', `C', `D' and`E'. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Cleric of the Board is directed to publish a notice of adoption pursuant to RCW 36.70A.290(b). • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Clerk of the Board is directed to send a copy of this decision to the Washington State Office of Community Development pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106 within 10 days of adoption. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Board makes part of these findings and decision all files in the Spokane County Public Works Department,Division of Long • Range Planning,Planning Commission,the Steering Committee of Elected Officials,and the Board of County Commissioners along with the transcripts of all public hearings related to this matter and further adopts all recitals herein as findings of fact. • Page 7 of 8 • 3 0301 ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washington this 6257-f*day of Marc• +'oQ cotes ABSENT s> �� • 0 _,0 S John Roskelley,Chair fof ATTEST: ctilYZ COM" VICKY M.DALTON ��`" ilhp • ,Vice-Chair CLERK OF THE BO; ` • I I 1 4,% Daniela Erickson,Deputy M.Kate Mc easlin, Commissioner i 1 • • • • • Page 8 of 8 < r Attachment A 3 0301 Spokane.County Comprehensive Plan Policy Amendments Adopted by Board of County Commissioners 1. Addition of Policy RL.1.14. RL.1.14 Clustered Developments within U•RAs should provide urban transportation facilities(i.e.curbs,gutters,sidewalks and drainage facilities)at the same time as construction of the development. • 2. Revision to Policy NR.1.8 • NR.1.8 ' Mineral Resource-Lands of long-term significance should be-designated • pursuant-to meet all of the following criteria: 1. In Spokane County,the commercially important minerals are sand, gravel,rock or clay. Mineral resource land designations should be made • where these minerals are known to exist. The Spokane County Mineral Resource Map should be used as a tool to help identify additional sites to help meet future demand. 2. Mineral resource land designations should be located in areas with compatible land uses,such as mining,industry, agriculture,forestry, vacant or large-lot residential(less than 1 dwelling unit per 5 acres). Mitigation of adverse impacts from mining on adjacent property shall be a prime designation criterion. 3. Mineral resource land designations should be 20 acres or more in size. 4. Mineral land designations should have a minimum deposit size of approximately 500,000 cubic yards for sand,gravel and rock,and approximately 200,000 cubic yards for blend sand. • 5. Mineral resource land designations shall not occur on lands with wetlands,riparian areas,geological hazard or threatened or endangered species unless impacts can be adequately mitigated. . . , 6. Mineral resource land designations shall have adequate access for trucks. Access shall not be through a residential neighborhood • Board of County Commissioners Findings of Fact and Decision Page 1 of 5 Attachment A • 3 0301 3. Revision to Policy NR.3.15 NR3.15 Residential clustering shall net be permitted on land designated Small Tract Agriculture. .ileaigm-Ped-natural-feseur Residential clustering shall not be allowed on land designated Large Tract Agriculture,Forest Land or Mineral Land. 4. Revision to Policy P0.7.2 trai}s . The County Division of Engineering and Division of Planning shall coordinate with the County Parks,Recreation and Golf Department to maintain the County Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan. The is-plan Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan should link population centers,open space and cultural/historical areas. Coordinate with other agencies to ensure a comprehensive approach to trail planning. . 5. Glossary Addition and policy Revisions for Traditional Neighborhood Developments • Traditional Neighborhood Development—A pedestrian oriented,mixed use neighborhood consistent with desi nprinciples of traditional neighborhoods which were the'norm in the United States until the 94p's. A traditional neigh rho d: • Is designed to human scale; • • • integrates a mix of uses including residential,commercial,civic and open space; • has a defined center which may include a park,institutional buildings.office and neighborhood commercial; • • has most activities within walking distance,generally within 1/4 mile of center; • provides a mix a housing types and sizes to accommodate households of all ages, sizes and incomes; . • incorporates a relatively narrow interconnected street system with small blocks, sidewalks,street trees and transit facilities; • • contains buildings that are oriented to the street with small setbacks and on site parking behind wherever possible;and • • • utilizes regionally traditional architecture and building materials_ Board of County Commissioners Findings of Fact and Decision Page 2 of 5 • • • • Attachment A 3 0301 • Revision (Page UL-1): Residential Categories Three separate categories for residential use are established,ranging from low-to high- density. Low-density residential includes a density range of 1 to and including 6 dwelling units per acre,medium density residential includes a range of greater than 6 to and including 15 dwelling units per acre and high density residential shall be greater than 15 dwelling units per acre. Design standards ensure neighborhood character and compatibility with adjacent uses. Commercial uses,with the exception of office use in high-density residential areas and neighborhood centers associated with traditional neighborhood developments,would only be permitted through changing the land use category with a comprehensive plan amendment or through a neighborhood planning process. Policy Revision (Page UL-6): • UL.2.10 Mixed use or mixed density developments, such as traditional neighborhood • • i developments,should be encouraged in all residential categories where they would be compatible with neighborhood character. - Policy Revision (Page UL-13): UL.9.1 Establish low,medium and high,residential density categories to achieve population and economic growth objectives. Low density residential areas shall range from 1 to and including 6 dwelling units per acre,medium density residential shall range from greater than 6 to and including 15 dwelling units ' per acre and high density residential shall be greater than 15.0 residential units • per acre. Mixed residential densities may be established through community • • based neighborhood planning,or subarea planning,or approval of traditional • neighborhood developments. • 6. Policy Addition T.3e.9. • T.3e.9 Adopt the Little Spokane River Yallev Trails and P_alhways System Plan as a part of the Comprehensive Plan(see Appendix E).(Refer to Findings of Fact and Decision,Attachment E) • Board of County Commissioners • Findings of Fact and Decision Page 3 of S • • • i - Attachment A 3 0301 7. Large Tract Agriculture to Rural Traditional Designation The following properties,are approved for re-classification from Large Tract Agriculture to Rural Traditional designation. • File S-T-R Current status ZW-50-91 12-26-40 Subdivided into 14 parcels of MO acres each(all zoned GA) ZW-6-92 01-25-40 Subdivided into 6 •arcels of @)10 acres each all zoned GA - ZS-39-93 12-22-44 Subdivided into 1 parcel of 17.45 acres(GA);other 46.4 acres left as EA ZW-8-95 06-25-41 Subdivided into 3 parcels:1 of 20 acres,2 of 10 acres each of GA ZVV-7-00 15-26-41 1 parcel of 158.7 acres,zoned GA ZS-18-00 02-21-43 Subdivided into 2 parcels of 23.4 and 24.6 acres,zoned GA ZW-6-01 01-25-40 •1 parcel of 59.3 acres,zoned GA ZS-10-01 34-24-43 1 parcel of 40 acres,zoned GA • . . • • . • • . • - • • . . • Board of County Commissioners Findings of Fact and Decision• Page 4 of 5 • . Attachment A 3 0.301 8. Arterial Road Plan Revisions Request '- . Board of County Commissioners approves the following revisions to the Spokane County Arterial Road Plan Map(see Attachment C)as proposed by the County Division of Engineering and Roads. 1. 10th Avenue in the West Plains from Hayford Road as a future urban collector. 2. 21st Avenue in the West Plains from Hayford Road,curving north just cast of Hazelwood Road and then east through Phase III of the proposed bin-techparlc then curving north,intersecting SR2 approximately one-half mile east of Flint Road,and a future urban collector. 3. Realigning Glenrose Road to straighten the S-curves near 31st Avenue. - 4. Flint Road from SR2 to the future 10th Avenue as a future urban minor arterial. 5. Change Lincoln Road,west from Craig road and Rambo Road north of Tepee Road, from Rural Minor Arterial to Local Access Road. Change Tepee Road,east of Rambo Road and Crag Road,south of Lincoln Road, from Local Access Road to Rural Minor Arterial. This proposal reflects the current travel patterns of these roads. In addition,the Board of County Commissioners approved the following minor corrections, - listed below and displayed on the attached Arterial Road Plan Map(Attachment C). These represent facilities that were shown as future arterials and are currently under construction,near completion and/or are constructed and open for public travel. • A. Country Vista Drive form Henry Road to Mission Avenue should be shown as a solid green line representing an urban minor arterial. - B. Aero Road from the I-90 Interchange to a point just east of the curve shown on the map should be a solid red line representing an urban principal arterial. . • C. Mansfield Avenue from Montgomery Avenue to Mirabeau Parkway should be shown . j. ' as a dashed green line representing an urban minor arterial..A portion of this future. . . • arterial is shown;however,the remaining portion should be added. ' Notes: 1. Spike€lrautghs indicates language approved to be deleted. . • 2. Underlines indicates language approved to be added_ • • • • Board of County Commissioners Findings of Fact and Decision Page 5 of 5 i • • • • • • • • • • 3 0301 - 2002 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendments: Attachment B Board of County Commissioners Decision Document • • • BOCC 2001 • Adopted No. Applicant Location Applicant Re 9 host PC 2fD2 Rocom nandstion BOCC Adopted Designation Designation • 1 .Mattes.Sonya N4lkso Lake-Vest Plains Rural Traditional .Rural•6 Largo'rsact Aatiariture Rural Ttsd onol 2 Dobler.Max 12411 E.0th A•.e Medan Dat y Rosbattial Ifgh Density Resickstial H%Rt Density Roatdondal 1Sgh Densty Residential 3 Redeems Lutheran Cttmrlt 3505 S.Setaly Rd.Penrose) Low Density Reslderdal Medium Ci nsty Residential Med'rom Density Reedier/Sal Medium Density Residential 4 Lenora,Jahn.1.and Edith 10223 E.Appleviey Medurn Density Resider.laf Regional Corsarercltd Re/tonal Conancrdat Regional Canmctlal 5 Skinner-Young,Sandra 10 N.Sabra and Sprague Low Candy Restderdid Reg`mtal Commercial Regional Coovreersd Rerggortal Camnm al 8 Mal,Johann 12004E Mairo Ave. Low Dern*Residmdial MOdirn Density Resid ntial Modern Density Rosbanlial Merdun Denny RosiSenlial 7 Paso,Tom 5214&Freya Si. Lae Density Redldendal Neighborhood Cmraety�and A4c sun tin Density Realdrrdial Change Low Density RaelOerdL•rl . B Mumbled Restaurants Applcway end Perk Medisn Densly Residential Ne�jhboturod CarcnorckeI mid Regional ReOlonsd and Neigtrbwnood Regional and Nekjnportsoed Cormnendal Commercial Camtmdal 9 Piccolo,Aroehsm,Roa..ar, 19311)N.Dunn Rd.(Gretrth Rural Conservatim Small Trail tonnes,Sias,&nits AgAcWltre No Change Seal Trait AgticrtlOrro 10 Listen Detett and Cindy 26114 N.Newpat Rory. Rural Trodconl LlmLed Development Arp Limited Devdbpmem Asea Limited Development Am • Cornlrerdg:tttd Canmetriannd CanarcrcyC9nd 11 Warding,Kasen and Marcia 62nd and IhtM Road(Ness Pints) Light Industrial Runt-B • Urban Reserve urban Reserve 12 herding,Karns and Marcia Hwy 2 and Narlot n(West of Arway - Rural Tra60onaI Repianal Comnasial. No Change Rural Traditional 13 Harding,Lloyd(BMOC.Mc) Farvaw Airway lielasta) M (Vans*at -- Rural Traditional Light Industrial No Charge Rural TradUirud 14 washingepn slate Dept Cl Transp 31422 It Newport Foy Rural Corrzenadiat Minces Lard No Change Rural Cansetvation 15 Applevmy Chevrolet 8600 E.2nd Are Modem Density Realderdad • A/plur:l Co unandal Regional Cmnrnerc'al Regional Corrmerdal . • • Board of County Cornmissionere Findings of t=act 1• • • • • • • • a 0301 - • 2002 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendments: Attachment s Board of County Commissioners Decision Document • Na. Applicant Location BOCC 2001 Adopted Designation . Applicant Request PC 2002 Recommendation BOCC Adopted Designation 16 Combs.Beverly and Clyde Upter JPA Lars Densty Residential trbani Reaerve No Change Low Density Reaitlenli, 19 Repp.Rebel 8930 N.McCoy Rd Rural Traditloral - Rtcul-5 - . No Change Rural Tmdtbnal 18 • Dlcsabhg,Grog Jacobs Rd.Mb%Ptahs) Rural Carerra8asi • Rural Tradt tonal No Change Rural Conservation•19 Blmsing,Grog Earl of UDerty Lake Rural Conser ra ion Rural Traditional No Crimple Rural Coe rsva9on 20 Blessing•Greg l9uoo and orettand Bluff Rds. Rural Conservation Rural Traditional Rural Traditional Rural TmdiSand 21 Weidner.Thomas A and Jodi L Shyly Slope Urban Reserve Rural-5 No Charge Urban Rosorvo • 22 Dag,Rimy(Bean Tent,Me) 4200 S.Sullivan Rd. Urban Reserve Lam Density Residential No Change Unbar Reserve • 23 Central Prcnd.[Ocvclopmesd Ix 8th are Carnahan Median Density Rasidrnllal -Mlremt • No Clenge Modlum Dent/ResidentFzt • 24 Friends of Lithe Spodane River UL9e Spokane River Valley .. Adopt Lie Spt&ane Litle Spok no • Him Plan Rues Plan 25 Knlgihl Ken and%%Inman,Robert . "Owens and May.395 Snug Trait Agriculture Rural Atilvlty Center No Change Rural A24ly Center • 26 Sracco,Al and K40 0910 E.1 1st. High eerily Resider*:) Roglonal ConMtettiaf Regional Commercial .Regional Commcrcfal 27 Vcfiaxgen`Dr.Abu 51115.Freya Low Density Reddezdbd Median Densiy Residerttal No Change tea Density Rosidondal 28 Edwards.nick Thape Rd. Low Meshy Residential Light Industrial No Change Low Density Rwiduridal • 29 Mauna%Josephine.Alia%Rowlett 25611E Trait Maid Trad.Torsl Rural-5 No Change Rtoal Treated 30 Staniar,Mark and Prebfcia pasdden a Park Rural Conscrvaden Rural-5 No Change Rural-5 Board of County Commissioners • • Fintf>ngs of Fact 2 • • . .3 0301 2002 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendments: Attachment •Board of County Commissioners Decision Document •, No. Applicant • Location BOCC 2001 Adopted ' Applicant Request PC 2002 Recommendation BOCC Adopted Desk inilion . Designation 31 QA'lke.David Upriver Drive tow Dwelt/ResldeaLLai Ne�'�1O0d Ce -Cisrrrnrxsiy No Charge Neighborhood Cerranarcial-Low . Density Recdenlul ill__A mW Sergeant Yadkan Density ftasldcsdlal Rcgbrtal Casmstselal R egianalComs>erdd RegkrrwlCorrmNrfal 33 Eltmett,HI 0800 E.Sptbw Gulch Recd Raul Canservaeon Rural-5 ' No Change Rural-5 Fire Mee Prairie Urban Rexene tow Density Residen0al No Change Urlarr Reservo 12322 E.Piper Rd.(Pane) Smog Tract Aprthutre Runt Conservation No Charge Small Tract Agrfoieao 38 • McCarty.Kevin 3803 0.Lyons Ave.(Morgan Aces) Low Density Resldoedial LfgM industrial No Change Low Density Resldantial 37 Roberts.Charles L and Saran J • 50001N,Thorpe Low Density Residential Rural Tramltonal • No Clrmgo tow Density Residential 38 lAa ingt n Stale Dept.et Trensp 8828 N.Gerlach Rd. Raul Traditional kfineml Land • . No Charge Nacral Lend 30 Ansa,Tim and Lase 34th and amuse Urban Reserve Low Dmsilr ReslderG}al �r�e properly.in UGA krckrdo property in UGA Low Density Rr,ldcnt l Low moray Residential 40 ..Canoeron,Cldbrd krd;'an That Urban Reserve Neighbatwod Conrneeckd ' No Change - thhan Reserve . 41 Cameron,Ctlhrrd Y� eWennere • Low Denary Re<tier„)W 1,11;11 Density Residential No Change Loa Density Residental 42 Cameron,Citlwd 5015 S.Regal St Medium and Low Density Residential legh Density Residential No Charge Medium and law Dania Rezidented • 43 Cannon,CICob 4915 S.Regal,Si Low Density Residential Nigh Derails,Resderdal No Change Lew Dene.tj Residential 44 CLC Associates 8121 N.Ordains Crnurvnity Commercial Lew Density Res1derrial Law Danfty.Resklentiat Lwow Density Rester-dial 45 Sunset Ridge Ch tsfian Fewesliy 4820 a Maniac Rd. tatran Reserve Low Density Residential No Change Wren Reserve Board of County Commissioners Findings of Fact • • 3 • . 3 0:301 2002 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendments: Attachment B Board of County Commissioners Decision Document • • No. Applicant Location BOCC 2001 Adopted Applicant Request . PC 2002 Recommendation BOCC Adopted Designation Designation 45 CLC Assor=r�ea North Hatch and My 395 NefglfbaAmod Commercial and Lae Ccunme ky Commercial Comma*CoMner� Neighborhood Cerrenerctal and Law Density Residential • Density Residential 47 CLG As.ocis= 9102 E Cakanbts Or(No ltracod) Nigh Denfy Residential heighborbood Carrmerrid . restleatiood Commercial Nigh Denny Residential 46 •IAorrl Jr.,Palr9ek Lacy 571h and Palouse taw Density Res37en 1 Neighborhood Conrnrdal No Change Law Dung Ros7dondal • 49 Thadssirs,Jason . Whisperin3 Spsbgn'cn, Rural Censelvatlan Rural-5 No Change Rural Coa seivadon . 50 Dell,Dare and Snide,Rebel 6817 F ML 5polane Park Drive pews Conservation Rural Trad2fond ; , No Romnoncndados Rural Traditional 51 Spokane Reck Prcductr,be Gzenahan Low Density Residential Minced Land No Ctnarge • Low Density Residential 52 L sn Aroys,Johnny 13901 E Bell Terra Rd. Urban Reserve - Loa Density Residential • ho Change Urban Rs me rve 53 Congdon,Gary end Robin 56211 W Thorpe Rd. Light Indesl-ial Rural'rradilloreal .Carpi 54 Valency,LLC Stevens Creek Rd. Large Tract Aptade re Rural Tradlbona1' No Change Largo Tiaci Agriculture 55 Scat Tim Geiger 8Hd/Malden Swinge Low Density Rasldenital Light Industrial 58 Fused,ILaaael E. • Cdortsch Road Rad Conservation Urban Reserve No Champ Rixal Consenralon 57 Ltyehoo.Robert K - 3705 8.Abbott(00 Thorpe Rd.) Light bsdustrie] Rural Tredi3onal 58 Spokane Court'Planning Ganrosa and 21 el Werra Land Lev Donsiy Residential r ... s . 59 Spaitano Ccuny Punning 13705E 4th Ave, tledbun and High Density RcsderCltd High Density Residential Decay ig ,; 69 Spokane Carly F9anrdng Shaky Lake •Low and High Oeacty Rrrladn • Low Density nsiy ResldorWal `v Board of County Commissioners Firulings of Fad _ 4 • • • • . 30301 2002 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendments: Attachment B Board of County Commissioners Decision Document • • • No. Applicant Location 80CC 2001 Adopted Applicant Request PC 2002 Recommondatlon BOCC Adopted Designation • Designation •61 County pig SauthvSew 1a1 kidlike,and Rural Trainforol Lan Century'Rcsbmtl ' ND pango Low Density Residential • Gtemoirc 51h Addlion • 62' Spokane Canty Plrwrrhg Country Hunts and D don SL Low Danny ReaidenWd ' •q Onnarl Reel/entisl High Derlty Rc ktera al High Density Re:iiantial • • • • • • • • Board of County Conant;„loners Failings of Fact 5 .- ..............■,.....-.....-- . . . I 1r I I $ i . . . I Attachment C . 3 0301 • • , , Nod Orr-12c Ctunly . • i Spokane County . Caw Mtn Antiesztumrta Ait•:.:0$mi • ;;.-‘)--..:,,. • -.• ,N ..... . . ,::.,-:.... . .. ..-..... . , = 11.1■11.■/ Mil 0■11.0••• ■ I= ...... tro......por AVHT4o :..or., 1 = amic■..... 1=I = ro um.. MP ..••••■■,0••■••• '.14-t..;. • 3 I MOO (.. :m mg ......c.....■■ ... ... • ' • :1 I = ti....-- „qs.to 7,' do: .::•:.- ..:::..•-•:.:: ... ..• itz=1 ,--- ■ N.V... ,"-1,...., . ;-...,. ... 14.COlms■Vorolo CM 1.......mr. lap usa..... ii• 40.14111. ;7 Ul.,.. LI:NarPod., • ' • .' •••^. • . ,.......,, •!...,-,..•••..•• I , ilt= lego.ft000coo. Gap lItomooew . %• . • AV ; il= Or s■.. czj ...ger. ' p tabewaraaa... MI 1"..."0" .-NAO,i, ..,, ::.::.•:: . :.,:i'...::.. a , .* ,,,1 •4,•' s GM .....5."....4. WEI bar...us. 'l'' Mg oorbm4a.....$ /V Ur Or.d.a.... • I 1 t y.::$4.tf4.,.A•$;t:# SIIM imboo.u.a.. •••••• WM Pologaso •wo lo i i• NI Ai '''' ip:FX.'.-1—";711=1 :•-..•.,; . MI .••.• NMI . .: • I I.Pa•Elr=1 1 X 0 i'l L i • •' ...itirrA3•r.);5 : • ••-,,• ' . .. I 1••• .grC I:54! .'1:i r ...•:::....••.-. • , r 11 1 •.:.:,,,,:. • ..:...46 . . . _ _r• :ip..ri ,miy. di . . i ,, . .s.l•-_,_ , ..1.4.,4.:,,,.,.e.,g,4, ill,.. . . , n, ...... , ....... t s,s,„,• : . . 4 , , .,... .... ,.,,„Ii ph.:. , 7 Or tr.. •,:i,' d.,_•;.,. .._, • ..■16. . . " 'Writ , '''' li 'l•.1. ':';"i .t. ° • ". .• . 1 . . ...,.•.,., . -. .Ar o.CCd I H_,_2,•1 --1a**4. 4 r 17,.,,,-,,,-N.v•i-•f.,Ille7a..-" •r—ll;.,;.Z47_,"A:,,i.,W. • ■:..2_ r • AP' ' . • -'' - i "Tili‘i ettr,*Ilaj. ...— . . . v rz-,. • , • li. ,.. • .1. ,.. ,.• . er'`'-' .. • ..._ . • .•. • . • .,.-.....r-. ---::.:,:.,.. • :4. . . 0 \,.. . .... _ _.- ._ .. 1 . . ....Ar 'tij-(j7 • . . ' - • ,,, , . . Y • 1 . . 1 : • ! ..... I, . • ierg - .. ....e... • .11-,.: , i . . , _-.....„ . -.. .., . . a . . ..,. •--, . . • Ai" - . . ; ; • i . . 16 • - • , ; . .1 &, do. t- • •,,. • ! .■ -.- . • - P . i , / i 1 4, •. . 1:-•• • ':: ' ' .. - ' - • , . . . . . ... • . . • t . : • . . i . . • . • . . • I . • .• . . .. . . . . • ! - _ • • • • . • . • .. . . . 0-- - • . . - • , . . . . . • A_ ' .• • • • . . • \ . ,. _ - • -• •• . . • . . %Lima'County Whir...Cvancy - - 1 nm nap=maittitr.r=...03r.o.niItt= .c'-i .....4.3e.tazio mun or tniolons..1ftbettoo.Onee at to morTho • - t ' • . U'InfOr.Tas I I taw Dr..$161.43 . Spokane County Division of Planning ! . • . . . ; . . . • i . i . I 1 Attathment D 3 0301 1 .,i 1.•••... I Art:dal Itoed Pim .-.., • • Amend:man I ILSCIINCI 111111r r , , r • ..... ........ ,r ,,....._,,...„,„ . ...... ,,... ....„.... "I''. ligmlater MOM ''. Itko41.11..Aorthi 1 •, /V lot'1.14.rOttkor I. . I '''''' IrrA 14.0152:. 1 alfrerhat. , • • '.' pK...1 Iltae 4.02 I ''''. Pawed Litattltre ' jitt . •I '". 11101..111/11M O&M. I MI' 1 '•' !wear]/tonibblaredbms hope!11=1.101.8*Cm. • t . ..... TM:111,11MoCurfaut - A na, . . Llto Qom*Alta , AO.. . .WI 9 SI 4 ".11 NI 4 .4/V1Z2.'Wt. • • • • It I I ll'i • • 1 . 1 .‘17..#:::''.:7: .'' • ' 144. 4U11115 / 1 • NM • . - '::•7"•": 4447141117 . i ,I 'V 4IN 11- 'imaiir ii. . ,,,,. _IP;t,1 e P!!elititilApitilalir --' ":0" ■-•••er-mgrourb•r Cligi‘--41•1•P*1!---.1§ g AVOW Wil!... ,S0PLI.P=.7,-iren#AP-;:lp1M ' ' I • FEL__ i :imaivirv , ... k"rg:jilll NO r 1,_ 10 . .. I 1 .• •,,,e4-;:ttyr-;7,. NIP mai, .4111.1 1 '' ll: .vro I . :..1.?-"' " i . ...— i Eir. ad .....' If . . 'milk . • e H Illgl.. lia Ng! ..._ ...... . , . , • i . • • . • • i . c ---B. . • : . . . . .• - --iiims_. . . , , . . . . , . ....,,,, . . ... . , . , . . P RI Ar 1 • • ‘ %.•11 i • 1 . • 1 a • .. : . • . .........,,.....„... , . -0 i I . ''' .1/ • ; 'A. • AntbiAlo . 1 • \ . . I ...... - - ' 1 i . e - • • : "0":1 • ■ . .. • . ledmiLiiiimiii . ; • • i wb:h.ausi „„, Z.=-7164=-Y...:-..r .."..11.1.md =1.11,11.1.11%frcatm emast.MOmetim toe n vs...se WhIl=let CeCtlIty ....1.';':.. . .• • I 1 .....7MM Spokane County Division of Planning : .. . . , . . . . . . • . . Attachment E . .... ..3 0301 ` i • L%ttle.. Rover Val. . Trai Er ys Sy w .• • . . CONCEPT' PLAN • : . • - . 2002 • i • it the od o- - • Mardi.of tIe Little•spvzre Tuv°erMalley - ,:j:::.,'" • National Park Service r Ri%ners,trJJ Si 'railCoraitti tee 'r i Assistaiice prograei . . . . . TABLE OF CONTENTS FORWARD 1 SUMMARY 1 VISION 4 PURPOSE' AND GOALS S PURPOSE. 5 Goes 5 PLANNING PROCESS ACRNO WL EDDGEMEN TS 6 ROLE4 �................. 10 MSTIince • ....... 11 REGIONAL RESOURCES 13 NATURAL 13 CULTURAL IS - H15rIlICAL • 16 RESOURCE BJBLZIX AHtY...... 16 CoMNtuNm ........ 18 RECREATION&HEALTH ............. ........_-___.._......».............. .............................»..........18 POTfNML PARnNO LOCATIONS 19 PUBLJC LANDS. 20 RECOMMENDATIONS. 21 • ovSRA1L CONC17T 21 TRAILS ........21 PATHWAYS 22 PRIMARY ROtYTES... ZZ SECONDARY ROUTES 25 TERTIARY ROUTES e.._....... • Z7 UMMJ ROVw ROUIET. 30 CONNECTIONS..... . .................. .....».............._..............................».... .....30 MANAGEMENT 31 DESKUI aF FAaunEs. • 31 AccEssceany 33 LAWF.NTORCE*Nr._...».......»..................».......................................................................34 CONTROL.CF INVASIVE PLANTS.___. • 34 TRESPASS 34 PENaNO • 35 SAFETY. 35 USER CONFUCTS 35 Pty • 35 EDUCATION 35 INTERFRETATZON 36 i ADOPTION BY Cowry OompRntualvE PLAN 37 Piumen-PLAN TO STAKEHOLDERS. ....» ..»..............».:...38 DEMORMI ATION PROJECTS 38 IMFLEMINLIMON TEAM » 38 Mite:ACTL PROGRAM. 39 FUNDRALTM AND GRANrS ......................_...--.............__._...........39 IN-IGND CONTRIBUTIONS....»... 40 a • • i • COMMUNITY SUPPORT 40 CREATE(=EN GROUP 40 REsturrA PO mcAL CHAMPION 40 BUILD PARTNERSHIPS 41 PROno'ncN . 41 LBfrFRSOFS Warr... ..42 VOL11Ttl�EsB3.... • 42 APPENDIX I - FUNDING SOURCES 43 APPENDIX U - LAND PROTECTION 44 APPENDIX III- COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION 49 APPENDIX IV - CORE PLANNING TEAM LETTER Si APPENDIX V - ADVISORY COUNCIL LETTER. 51 APPENDIX VI - COLBERT MEETING NOTICE. 53 F " APPENDIX VU - PUBLIC COMMENTS 54 APPENDIX VIII - PUBLIC SURVEY RESULTS S7 APPENDIX IX - OPEN HOUSE QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS. 5 S • APPENDIX X - PROPOSED TRAILS & PATHWAYS SYSTEM MAP..........-.. 59 • • • c • • • • • b • • FORWARD • ?rails enhance the quality of life in a community.They reduce commuter congestion,promote fitness,offer recreational opportunities,and can provide a connection with nature.Trails link neighborhoods to each other,to schools,to parks,and to services. The scenic Little Spokane River Valley is a community where people appreciate and are connected In the meandering river and the wildlife this riparian area sustains.Because of the active lifestyle of residents here,joggers,bikers,and walkers are frequently sighted a long the roads of this valley area.Manny more would join them f trails were available in the valley and surrounding areas providing safer passage. Creating a non4notorized pedestrian and bikeway system has long been a goal of the little Spokane River Valley community.This report documents the public process and presents a plan to provide trails within the little Spokane River Valley area.The plan includes a connection to a Park and Ride facility and a connection to the North Corridor Freeway trail that Leads to the Centennial Thal!,a trail traversing east/west through Spokane to Coeur • d'Alene.This report will introduce the Little Spokane River Valley commwnity,the LSRV Trails • Committee and Core Planning Team the process to fulfill the mission and goals,the trail plan,and its proposed implementation. Our desire is that you too will catch the vision and offer your support to this project. Thank you, Martha Schaefer • area Dudley • Co-Chair Core Planning Team - • SUMMARY This concept plan builds a foundation for the establishment of a successful system of trails and pathways throughout the middle reach Little Spokane River Valley. Through an extensive public planning process the individuals responsible for this plan have built support in the community by listening to local concerns,opinions and insights an how this system -should be crested: • In the chapters that follow the need for a trails and pathways system is outlined;unique regional resources are highlighted;and recommendations are made. While this is a broad conceptual plain the recommendations it contains will help guide all future partners towards working with the community to provide a new recreational resource for everyone. • • The map included in this plan provides a visual representation of the trail construction priorities defined by the community. These specific routes and their issues we also outlined- in the Recommendations chapter. The two major route categories in this system are"Trails" - and"Pathways". Trails are defined as having a natural characteristic and connecting users to • • • I - i public Trails are seen as more of destination resources that • already protected Pub open spaces. will fit with the qualities these open spaces were preserved for. Pathways are defined as alternative transportation routes adjacent to roads. Often referred to as bike lanes this plan has a broader vision of what these corridors should provide. They will be community linkages for all types of non-motorized transportation and recreation. These two definitions are then broken down into a ranting system that recommends their prioritization for development,these categories are:Primary Routes,Secondary Routes,Tertiary Routes, Unimproved Routes and Study Areas. By organizing the different mutes in this manner, implementation of the entire system can be viewed in reasonable steps. ' This plan also outlines how certain management issues will be addressed. There is no • • particular agency jurisdiction over this entire recreational resource,but more of a network of overlapping responsibilities to consider. As this system begins to take shape on the ground these responsibilities will become clearer. In the meanwhile,this plan outlines some basic rules that must be considered from the start. These include things such as:types of recreation,private property rights,law enforcement,trespass,pets,special land considerations,and on-going maintenance. The actual implementation of this trails and pathways system is also addressed. This plan looks at a variety of partners,support,financial resources and the organization of a community group to pursue these things. A directory of applicable financial and technical assistance resources is included in Appendix 1. It is the intention of this plan to provide future participants in the Little Spokane River Valley Trails and Pathways System with a clear vision of where we are going and how we should get there. Aside from the public planning process that directly resulted in the development of this plan there have been mrmerous other accomplishments worth noting: • A Core Planning Team,consisting of citizen and government representatives,was convened and met regularly between December 2000 and February 2002 to develop the Little Spokane River Valley Trails&Pathways System Concept Plan. • A mail survey,distributed to residents of the Little Spokane River valley in the spring of - 2000,demonstrated 88%support for the Pathways&Trails concept. • A brochure was developed and distributed,prior to NPS assistance,outlining trail - planning efforts. • • Newspaper coverage of public events was received. • On February 20,2001 The Spokane County Commissioners drafted a resolution supporting the trails planning efforts. 2 • • A second brochure was developed and distributed,outlining pmgress on trail planning • efforts. • An informational video was developed and primed to the public that outlined the trail committee's plans in the Little Spokane River Valley. - An Advisory Council was formed to oversee the Core Planning Team's progress with the Trails and Pathways System. All regional stakeholders were invited to.participate. The • Advisory Council met on April 10th and November 1.3.2001. - A community Open House was held June 5,2001. • • A second"follow-up"survey was conducted at the open house. • The Conservation Futures Program,protecting 97 acres in one of the trail project's few off-Woad trail segments,acquired Haynes Estates. - On Thursday October 4,2001 two neighborhood meetings were held in both the Pine River Park and Leona Drive neighborhoods to discuss potential trails in the Haynes Estates property. • On January 15,2002 a neighborhood meeting was held to discuss possible alternative routes through the Meadowbrook neighborhood. • In February 2002 a map was finalized covering the project area and proposed routes. • • The Little Spokane River Valley Trails and Pathways System Draft Concept Plan was released in February,2002 outlining strategy and implementation for the system. • • On November 5,2001 The Spokane County Comprehensive Plan was released with a . segment identifying The Little Spokane River Valley project area as one of two designated • "Frail Plan Study Areas"in the county,along with Liberty Lake. Once the Trails and Pathways Plan is finished Spokane County is expected to adopt it into ita Comprehensive Plan_ _ - • A Little Spokane River Valley Trails and Pathways System website is being developed.It • will keep the public informed of,and involved with,the system's implementation. _ • • The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the ' position of the National Paris Service or Secretary of the interior. • • • VISION The Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley Trails Committee works together with the community to establish a non-motorized trail system to provide opportunities in the Little Spokane River Valley area for daily activities such as shopping or exercise. The system links neighborhoods,services,schools,parks, , natural,and historical areas in an enjoyable setting. ; • I • • • • ! • • • • 4 i PURPOSE AND GOALS PURPOSE The Little Spokane River Valley is a unique area,with landscape,flora and fauna jintike any other. This concept plan recognizes these unique attributes and incorporates them into its strategy. The following purpose statements have been developed to serve as a useful reference,to be looked at from time to time over the entire duration of the Trails and Pathways project Through ongoing outreach the public will continue to be informed and offered opportunities to provide input and support for these purposes. The Little Spokane River Valley Trails&Pathways System: • Provides public recreation in a rural setting. - Connects people and communities. • Will be designed with safety and accessibility in min. • Highlights and promotes the preservation of the unique character of the Little Spokane River Valley, including it's open space and natural setting. • Provides expanded opportunities for recreation for residents and visitors. • Provides an alternative non-motorized transportation mute. •. Serves as an outdoor classroom emphasizing the wealth of natural,historical,and cultural resources in the area • Contributes to the health and wellness of residents,the quality of life,and the vitality and economy of the Spokane region • Is the result of many partnerships and coordinated management. • GOALS • The following goals are broad statements of the way in which to achieve the stated purposes. These goals are influenced by the resource's significance,the knows planning constraints,and the necessary actions to manage and protect the Little Spokane River Valley for the public's long term use and enjoyment Consistent with the preceding Vision and Purpose statements,the Little Spokane River Valley Trails and • Pathways System will be managed for the benefit and enjoyment of present and fixture generations to • socomplish the following goals: • GOAL 1: Create Trails and Pathways - Develop trails and pathways for walking,biting,jogging,bicycling,and wildlife viewing throughout this area of the Little Spokane River Valley. Goal.2: Encourage Comununity and Regional Connectivity - Establish recreational and alternative transportation connections for schools,communities, businesses,churches,and public services through this area of the Little Spokane River Valley area. • Encourage the promotion and protection of the land and resources. 5 • • • • Encourage other communities to link with The Little Spokane Trails and Pathways System. GOAL 3: Promote Stewardship • Encourage cooperation among public and private entities. • Foster inter•jurisdictinnal alliances throughout the region. • Educate public officials about regional ananerns,being pro•active when major issues are at the forefront • Encourage the development of area parks. • Pursue public and private finding opportunities.• Organize fundraising efforts, • Inspire wildlife appreciation and habitat protection. GOAL 4: Encourage Community Involvement • Coordinate public events to develop enthusiasm and support for the Trails and Pathways System. • Involve volunteers in construction and maintenance. - Inform residents through articles in newsletters and other media. • Participate in regional events. • Give presentations to interested groups and organizations. - Organize trail projects and cleanups. GOALS:Support Interpretive and Educational Opportunities • Identify key points of interest highlighting local,cultural and natural history along the pathways and trails with interpretive signs. • Partner with schools to encourage use of the pathways and trails for learning opportunities. • PLANNING PROCESS I ' ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Core Planning Team: Barbers Birch Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley Doug Chase Director,Spokane County Parks&Recreation Chris Dudley .Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley Loren Dudley Friends of the little Spokane River Valley . run EEgelaed Friends of the tide Spokane River Valley Marga l 6 • • • • • i . Jim Ellis Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley Roberta Ellis Friends of the little Spokane River Valley Melody Gow Friends of the little Spokane River Valley Lindell and Bart Haggin Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley Tom Hargreaves Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley Pat Kristin WSU,School County Architecture Lori Neumann Friends of the little Spokane River Valley Lance Pounder Friends of the little Spokane River Valley Martha Schaefer Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley Suzanne J.Snowdon WSU Spokane,Landscape Architecture Tina Wynecoop Friends of the little Spokane River Valley National Park Service tethnlcal assistance: Stephen Bowes Rivers,Trails&Conservation Assistance program Daniel Miller Rivers,Trails&Conservation Assistance program Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley Trails Committee: Judy Brannon Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley Bud Greene Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley Carol Kincaid Friends of the little Spokane River Valley Dave Knutson Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley DeDe McKay Friends of the little Spokane River Valley James McKay Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley Patti Osebald Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley • Bill Wagstaff Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley Delores Williams Friends of the little Spokane River Valley • • • • • • • i i i ! . Advisory.Council Participants: • • Gardner Bailey Hobmailets • Heather Bateman Inland Northwest Land Trust Molly Beyer Dartford Resident • Shannon Carlson Gleneden Homeowners Assoc. Doug Chase Director,Spokane County Parka&Recreation Marybeth Conger Backoountry Horsemen Association Diane CoalQight Silver Pines Resident Tom Crow little Spokane River Estates Scott Daratha Mead High School Dennis Felton Centennial Trail David Ranson Spokane County Planning John Hatcher Cross Country Ski Racing • Lunen Haught White Cloud Council/Parks to Peaks . • • Steve Horolaowski Spokane County Parts and Recreation ' Eileen Hyatt North Division Bicycle Karla Hydrik North Hatch Neighborhood Association Jon Iverson • Meadow Ridge Elementary Paul Jensen Spokane County Planning Sue Kellogg Friends of the little Spokane River Valley Terry Liberty Spokane County Planning Department . Lauren Lind Dartford resident Keith Martin Washington Department of Transportation ' Vi Martin Camp Hre Boys&Girls Club • E Susan Megaard Selkirk Nordic Ski Education Foundation Tom Moore Bighorn Foundation Kirk Nemnann Legacy Hills Resident Rick Noll Spokane County Conservation District Theresa Pipes Pie River Park Resident • Wes Player Mead High School C.Tim Pounder Developer Lance Pounder Rainier Excavation - . i Randy Ramey Premier Dever Inc. • Kay Ringo Buckeye Neighborhood Assn. Bob Ross Wandermere Golf Course Hal Rowe Sierra Club Diana Sommerville Fanwood SCOPE R.. .,__Stewart =Transit Authority a)4cr f Michele Thompson Resident C.I.Tyler-Watson Transportation Choices Coalition Pat Tyson Mead High School `Richard Vandervert `I vc iper ? Ric Viillalobos inland NW Wildlife Council/Accessibility Representative j Glenn Wagmann WA DOT Ed Woessner Bonneville Pbwer Administralion - Ken Worcester Resident . i Louie Wynne Spokane Tribe of Indians Spokane County Commissioners: • Phillip D.Harris . - • . M.Kate McCaslin John Roskelley A special thank you to the friends sad family who contributed in mummy QfRackStewart Special thanks to the following suppmterr: JR Hoskins,Geologist Ringo,Buckepe M � orn% MM Ihztfard Residents United Covenant Methodist Church • • • • • • • • • 9 ROLES Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley The Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley(FLSRV)neighborhood group Was formed in 1996 by area residents concerned about preserving and enjoying the unique character of the Little Spokane River Valley,maintaining lower residential density and protecting its ecosystem.This all-volunteer organization fosters education of Valley residents and the enhancement of public areas.The FLSRV is a nonprofit community based corporation and has been approved as a 501 (3)(c)charitable organization. The FLSRV continues to be a significant player in the research,acquisition,and development of parks in the north end of Spokane.This group has encouraged appropriate development in the Little Spokane River Val ley.Their annual meeting provides educational opportunities on relevant topics such as the ice storm of 1997,fire safety,conservation futures,land trusts,and dialogues with the County . Commissioners.A quarterly newsletter further educates local residents and members.The FLSRV also sponsors a spring clean up with hearty participation from the community. Members have had an ongoing interest in a trail system for several years.In response,the FLSRV Board sponsored the forming of a Trails Committee in 1999.The committee was to determine the interest of the whole community and then move forward based on the interest shown. National Park Service In August,2000,the Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley Trails Committee applied to the National Park Sery ice's Rivers,Trails and Conservation Assistance program(Rivers&Trails)for a grant of technical assistance to begin planning a Little Spokane River Valley Trails and Pathways System. In the fall of 2000,the FLSRV was awarded the grant,which provided an Outdoor Recreation Planner to • help take the organization through a public planning process and development of this concept plan. The Rivers and Trails program works with community groups and local and State governments to restore rivers,preserve open space,and develop trails and greerrways, The Rivers and Trails program helps communities plan for protection of the places and resources they value and enhance opportunities for close-to-borne recreation.The program does not provide financial assistance but shares the professional expertise of planners,landscape architects,and resource specialists with local and regional conservation . partners across the country. Though Rivers and Trails staff is central to.the planning process,they do net direct the project,and are not involved in management. • Core Planning Team The Little Spokane Trails Committee was formed November of 1999 under the auspices of the Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley.It included local residents,as well as representatives s from Spokane • County Parks and Recreation,Spokane County Engineers and the WSU Landscape Architecture Department.A survey sent to area residents gave the clear picture that trails are a valued amenity.The trails committee drew boundaries on the area of interest that included schools,parks,natural features, 10 • historic and cultural sites,and a commercial district. Having taken these steps,a grant of technical assistance from the Rivers and Trails program was then pursued.. The Rivers and Trails grant was awarded in the fall of 2000. As plying intensified a"Core Plaming Team"was formed to expedite the process.This team included a core group from the Trails Committee as well as representatives from Spokane County Parks and Recreation,WSU,and Spokane County Engineers.The original Little Spokane Trails Committee continued to offer administrative support to the Core Planning Team. County Commissioners - On February 20,2001 the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane signed Resolution No. 10152, recognizing a citizen sponsored non-motorized trail and pathway system in the Little Spokane River Valley(see Appendix). This Resolution authorized the Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley to conduct a planning process aimed at the creation of this Trails and Pathways Concept Plan for the subsequent development of a non-motorized trails and pathway system. This type of support from the county strengthened the plane mg process and recommendations contained in this Plan. • METHODS • All of the groups previously mentioned played important roles in the public planning process that lead to the development of this Plan. Over the course of two years the Core Planning Team met to define and develop the concept of a Little Spokane Trails and Pathways System. Through small group discussions, and a variety of public outreach techniques,the team was able to develop a strategy for building this system that accurately reflects the interests and needs of the community. • With the help of Rivers and Trails star the Core Planning Team established a public input process, which included an Open House and the formation of an Advisory Council.The Advisory Council was • made up of about 40 members who represented various stakeholders such as businessmen,interest . • organizations,end large landowners.The Advisory Council was convened on April 10,2001 and again in November 13,2001. Their role has been one of a sounding board,overseeing the efforts of the Core Planning Team. The Advisory Council was also responsible for the preliminary review and comment on this Concept plan. • The Core Planning Team operated accoiding to the consensus process. Throughout a series of 16 meetings a project vision,goals and all other details were collaboratively agreed upon. The group was . lead by two co chain that undertook the responsibility of meeting facilitation. Martha Schaefer of the Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley and Stephen Bowes of the Rivers and Trails program kept the process moving and offered guidance on decision making. This process resulted in the development of a concept plan,trails map,community support,agency • involvement,stakeholder cooperation and numerous other accomplishments along the way. Without the involvement and input of the local community through the Advisory Council,public meetings and an 11 • I ` • Open House this plan would not have the firm grassroots grounding that it does. The next few sections highlight the major components employed in the public outreach strategy. Survey As the FLSRV Trails Committee began the process of scoping interest in a system of Trails and Pathways they decided to distribute a survey aimed at assessing local interest in trail development During the development of this survey,the committee discussed the formulation of area boundaries and landmarks to be connected by the trail system. Those lanrinuuks included schools,parks,natural features,historic sites,and commercial districts. Analysis ofthe survey indicated overwhelming support for trail development. In fact,after the survey was distributed committee membership doubled.(see Appendix VIII) ' Open House : An open house was held at Midway Elementary School on June 5,2001 to present the community with the Core Maiming Team's proposals for the Trails and Pathways System and obtain feedback. Invitations were distributed door to door and sent home through four area elementary schools. Approximately 200 people were in attendance. A second survey was given to attendees that they were encouraged to complete. Six interactive displays highlighted the different components of the planning process and people were encouraged to ask • ' questions and provide feedback.A seven-minute video provided an introduction and overview of trail planning efforts. Several maps allowed attendees to see where they lived and to suggest where they'd • , like routes to go. Keith Martin of the Washington Department of Transportation had a map and answered questions related to the future North Corridor Project that will be built along the project area's southern end. Pat Harper,Spokane County Engineering Administrator,had a booth outlining the successful pathways project in Liberty Lake.The results of the original community survey were also displayed. Overall the open house was a highly successful exchange between the Core Planning Team and the community. Neighborhood Meetings Two consecutive rim were held on Thursday October 4,2001 in the Pine River Park and Leona Drive neighborhoods. Martha Schaefer and Tim Egeland,along with Doug Chase and Steve Horobiowaki of Spokane County Parks and Recreation,hosted the meetings in order to gather residents'thoughts about the future of trails in the Haynes Estates Conservation Futures property. Concerns were raised regarding public access to the river and parking. Both aeigbborhoods were concerned about having a parking lot located on the property because of ifs potential to become a`party spot." The neighbors on both sides of the Haynes property were amenable to the idea of a trail connecting Grecmleaf Rd.to Leona Dr. The neighbors on Leona were concerned about a developed trail along their road. Many homes are set back in wooded surroundings which makes the residents a little uneasy about establishing a trail within the public right of way. Some commis were clarified regarding what could and could not be done •i on the Haynes property. T here is no longer any possibility of a mad connecting the two neighborhoods, 12 • • • however,a low impact nature trail could be built in conjunction with restoration efforts along the existing roadbeds. These roadbeds have already disturbed the natural character of portions of the Haynes property and the trail would not create any further disturbance. The result of these two meetings are recommendations in this plan calling for:nature trails in the Haynes property,a bicycle/pedestrian lane or sidewalk linking it to Pine River Park,with no development of a trail on Leona Drive,and no parking • facilities. On Tuesday,January 15,2002 a third neighborhood meeting was held to discuss possible mutes around lower Colbert Road(a secondary trail desigi on). A flyer.was distributed ten days in advance of the meeting to over 60 homes in the Meadowbsook neighborhood. The meeting was held.at Harla Jean Biever's home with the assistance of Tina Wynecoop from the Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley. Those notified expressed no concerns about having a pathway along the streets of their neighborhood that would provide an alternate trail route thereby avoiding the steep climb of Colbert Road. This route would also be the only part of the trail system directly adjacent to the Little Spokane River. REGIONAL RESOURCES The Little Spokane River is one of two privately owned rivers in the State of Washington,and therefore cannot be used for public recreational purposes. However,the surrounding river valley is a prime candidate for non-motorized recreational use that d rves care,protection and responsible use. The quality of the river valley,its uniqueness to the Spokane region,its location in close proximity to a prime urban center,and its natural beauty make it a desirable destination for those seeking a"watershed" The middle reach of the Little Spokane River Valley connects with the lower reach of the Little Spokane, which has already been established as a"stale trail corridor"in the"Wild,Scenic,and Recreational Rivers Report,"given by the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation in 1972. , The following section gives a brief background of the Little Spokane River Valley's characteristics that will help familiarize readers with the area NATURAL The Little Spokane River valley is set in central Spokane County. The area is within the city of • Spokane's suburban fringe. This region is part of the Purrs ponderosa zone(USDA). Ponderosa,lodge pole and yellow pipes, tamarack trees and groves of cottonwoods tower over the herbaceous patches of quaking aspen, service,eny,chokecherry,black hawthome;ocean spray,spirca,syringe,red osier dogwood and ninebark. The floodplain is a lush intermingling of marsh plants,thickets and grassy meadows. Dense colonies of tall yellow iris border the river.(2) 13 • • - The natural components of the area complement the proposed trail system's visual surroundings and are •• ' an essential element of its character and the quality of experience it will provide. Along the trails and pathways there are several areas of distinct visual and scenic quality. Panoramic vistas of the river • valley,wetlands,forested hills,mountain ranges,agricultural fields,as well as the ever-changing sky,all . compete for the trail user's attention. The river and its inseparable marsh/forest/grassland matrix is host to an abundant community of birds, riverine=mm&and aquatic species too numerous to mention. Geed* The middle reach of the Little Spokane River meanders through a valley framed by Orchard Prairie and its sister prairies,Half Moon,Wild Rose,Peone,Five Mile and Greenbluff. Mt.Spokane looms over the riverine corridor that drains the river's 435,000-acre watershed. The meandering belt of this major tributary of the Spokane River is fed in turn by its many smaller tributaries including Dartford Creek, • Dearth=Creek(Peone),Little Deep Creek,and Deer Creek.The Little Spokane River area was once • part of a vast inland sat. Intruding granitic rocks pushed up through this ancient sea bed to create the varied topography we see today. Finally,the many catastrophic floods carried boulders,rocks and • gravel into the valleys,lakes and even over some hills to put the final touches on a beautiful landscape. The Little Spokane River is located in a geological transition area where the Columbia Plateau basalt formation meets the bedrock Interior Range of Idaho. Older,non-basaltic geological formations created the deep foundation and the mountain range that surrounds the river's drainage basin.(2) The most significant geologic event that shaped the present day Spokane region occurred during the Pleistocene ice age(12,800 to 15,000 years ago)when catastrophic flooding in eastern Washington followed the failure of ice dams along the Idaho-Montana border.(3) • Interestingly,the main Spokane River once floWed north through Hillyard to Wandermere and then down its current course to the Little Spokane River below Dartford. Struxling at Dartford or Wandermere Golf Course one can sec the large igneous outcrop(Dart Will)where U.S.Highway 395 passes onto the new bridge. The hill was once an island formed by the Spokane River which passed around it. • "Threads of Hope"partnership The Inland Northwest Land Trust and the Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley have teamed up to • protect habitat and open lands along the Little Spokane River though the Threads of Hope project Threads of Hope is the land trust's conservation strategy in Spokane County designed to focus land protection efforts in regions that are ecologically valuable and in that of being developed. Places like the Little Spokane River are the vital links,grecrrivays,and wildlife corridors winding,across Spokane • County. The Little Spokane River Trail project is within one of these special corridors. These linkages tie together larger protected areas,such as Mount Spokane State Park and Riverside State Park through the Little Spokane River. • 14 • •The land trust has worked with the FLSRV to identify priority parcels within the Little Spokane River 'Thread'. By partnering with local grassroots orge mizations like the FLSRV,the land trust was able to incorporate local knowledge of lands making the Little Spokane River unique. The land trust is a locally supported non-profit,non-political organ.iralivn that has protected over 4,000 acres of open-space lands,habitat,forests,and wetlands in eastern Washington and=them Idaho. Within the Little Spokane River watershed,the land trust has helped protect over 1,000 acres of land.This includes two • pen nanent conservation easements,negotiating a gift of land overlooking the confluence of the Little • Spokane and Spokane Rivers,and helping with Spokane County Park acquisitions through the Conservation Futures Program. The Land Trust is working with partner groups like the FLSRV to conserve the best of the Inland Northwest. CULTURAL No one knows for certain how long the Little Spokane River Valley has been occupied by humans. Some investigators estimate 11,000 years,but oral tradition of local indigenous people include accounts of fleeing to Mt.Spokane for refuge during the catastrophic flooding that scoured the area 12,800 to 15,000 years ago. What we do know about the Native American peoples of the Little Spokane River Valley comes from remnants of early villages,as well as their rock art(pictographs),oral traditions,burial sites,stone was in the river,and implements and tools found at Dartford,Half Moon Prairie and at private home sites. The explorers,Lewis and Clark,were visited by the Spokaues while returning from the mouth of the Columbia River in 1806. As they mapped the locations of native villages they concluded that approximately 900 individuals in three bands occupied the banks of the Spokane and Little Spokane • Rivers. David Thompson appears to be the first white man on record to traverse the Little Spokane • River valley in about 1 809 and he soon began the business of trading with the Indians. Reports of these aboriginal bands filtered back to the eastern seaboard and fired the religious zeal of the Protestant and Catholic missionaries. Within the century white settlers moved rapidlyinto the interior of Washington . Territory and at least thirty-eight perinanant Indian village sites,and numerous temporary ones,were disrupted as the native peoples along the rivers found themselves pushed aside by this influx. The Snexweme'ne lived along the Little Spokane River and the area was the backbone of their subsistence living. Their trails and pathways created a tracery throughout its corridor. Without doubt, many trails utilized by settlers,and the roads we use today,overlay those earlier networks. Steelhead trout abounded in the Little Spokane River. Old timers recall the river and its tributaries being filled with an marry of the"salmon trout"that"they could have crossed the liver on the fishes'bscksl" The fish runs ended with the erection of dams below the confluence of the Little Spokane River and the Spokane River. - The native peoples local to the Little Spokane River Valley area named themselves after the pinkish color of the gills that defined these salmon trout. These people are part of a cultural group called the Upper Spokans,which is the preferred spelling used by anthropologist Verne F.Ray who gathered • 15 • • information directly from native people(8). There are Spokane tribal members living today who still identify themselves as Snexweme'ne,or"pink around the ears". (The designation"upper"and`middle" Spokane is still debated hotly among sd olars.) An important cultural site is located"where a creek skirts the foot of a cliff"(tcilciymml'lax),a camp located about eight miles up the Little Spokane River,near the mouths of Deadman and Little Deep Creeks as they converge at the base of Shady Slope Road and Little Spokane Drive.The site was noted for its hunting and fishing grotmds. "Where the creek enters the river"(ntcititents'in)was a winter settlement of four or five dwellings near . the farmer town of Buckeye and is located on the upper boundary of the proposed trail system. • The fish and the villages are just memories,yet memory of them serves to bridge this formerly vital • culture to the present residents of the Little Spokane River Valley. HISTORICAL The meager record of early indigenous inhabitants can be juxtaposed with the rich post-European contact historical information gathered by several women who grew up in this area. For example,local resident Kay Ringo documented the lumber mill and railroad that were built at Buckeye. In addition there are accounts of the vibrant history of Dartford,located on the southern edge of the'proposed trail route. • • Dairy farms dotted the meadows along the middle reach of the river(Triple Butte,Hidden Valley),and the stage route from Walla Walla to Fort Colville had a stop at Commellini Junction so that soldiers, miners,settlers and travelers could rest and eat. Commellini's is sell a prominent restaarent. The earliest form of commerce was trapping fur-bearing animals to meet the demands of easterners and - i Europeans for animal hides. As that industry began to wane,and more settlers moved to the area, • logging,mining,farming,mink smiles and sporting facilities added to the local economy and were supported by an intricate railroad system. These remnants of rail beds still exist and have the potential to support trails. RESOURCE BIBLIOGRAPHY i 1. John Alan Ross,"An Ethnographic Report on Aboriginal Use and Occupancy of the Spokane River and Tributaries by Upper Spokane Indians,"Pullman National Heritage,Inc.,1984. 2. Grant Jones,"The Lower Little Spokane River Geologic, Hydrologic,Historic, and Biologic Features of the Valley Corridor,"Jones and Jones Architecture,Seattle,Wa., 1975. 3. J.R.Hoskins,"A Brief Geologic Summary of the Little Spokane River Valley,"Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley,July 2000- . 4. "City of Spokane's Comprehensive Plan,2001." • 16 1 • • 5. Marla Mecko£"Wandermere Golf Course:"Spokane's Year`Round Playground,"Nostalgia Magazine,Spokane,Wa., August 2001,p.16. • 6. Thelma Bloom,"Montfort School and Early Settlers In The Area,"Spokane,Wa-, 1999. 7. `The Snxweme'ne:The Little Spokane River Indians."Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley Newsletter,Vol.2000,No 3,November 2000. 8. Verne F.Ray,"Native Villages and Groupings of the Columbia Basin,"Pacific Northwest Quarterly,VoL XXVII,April 1936,p.99-152. 9. "Secretary's Book,"Dartford Cemetery Association, 1900. 10. "Historic Resources Inventory: Spokane County,"Spokane City/County Historic Preservation - Office,1998. 11. Barbara Barton McBride and Ellen McIntosh Proctor,"Half Moon Prairie 1883- 1995,"Spokane,Wa., 1996. 12. Ka h yne Schoedel Ringo,"The Milltown Buckeye,Washington,and Surrounding Area 1889- 1912",Spokane,Wa.,1977. 13. Jan Reynolds and Heather Hastings Cassidy,"Little Spokane River Journal,"Spokane,Wa., 1986. 14. John Fahey,"The Spokane River:Its Miles and Its History," Spokane Centennial Trail Committee,1988. 15. Easy,editor,"Critters of the Little Spokane Watershed,"Little Spokane Watershed Council, Spokane,Wa.,1995. . • .16. Eugene P.Kiver and Dale F.Strsdling,"Ice Age Floods in the Spokane and Cheney Area Washington,Eastern Washington University,2001. 17. Pete Estvelt,"Transcript of a Presentation to the Rivilla Historical Meeting,"January 23, 1989. 18. Samuel C.Sturman,`Pioneer Days on the Little Spokane, 1886-I908." Manuscript. 19. Jeffrey Simms,"The Great%Mermen Ski-jump," Nostalgia Magazine,Spot,Wa.,April, 2000. • 17 • . • • • • 20. Florence E.S ' Sherfey, Eastern Washington's Vanished Grist Mills And The Men Who Ran • Them,"Ye Galleon Puss,1978. • 21. Bev Keating,"Living with Native Plants,"Marshall Community Coalition,Marshall, Washington, 1997. • 22.Personal interviews,reminiscences,newspaper articles,video,narratives are to be included in a • formal archive,the location to be established in a local school or public hinny at a future date. COMMUNITY The Little Spokane River Valley has seen changes in its community and commercial makeup. Within our . designated Trails and Pathways boundary,moving from south to north,the only remaining active • industrial area is the mining operation that is=neatly being operated by Acme Materials and their • nor located east of the Wandermere Golf course.Similar mining activity was done for several years • at Wandennere gravel pit,but is not active at this time.The county operates a gravel pit mining operation west of US Highway 2 and just south of Waadermere..Although lumber manufacturing was once active at Dartford and Buckeye,these operations abandoned the area long ago. Commerce is active along the perimeter of the study area. Wandermere Shopping Center is the largest operation.Along the western boundaries is the Commellini restaurant,which is active and also a historic entity.Moving north and east the Burlington Northern railway bisects the area,but has no active loading and unloading services at this time. Businesses provide services and some consumer products along US • Highway 2,and as tar south as Deer Road(formerly Colbert or Game Reserve Road). The transportation element,once involving a stage line and rail service,now consists of a Park&Ride on Hastings Road a block west of the Wandermere Shopping Center and is serviced by the Spokane City Transit system. I ' RECREATION&HEALTH Reaiderots have expressed a need and desire for safe,pleasant,pedestrian and cycling links throughout the Little Spokane River Valley. Much of the United States population engages in trail-related recreation such as walking,jogging,hung,and bicycling. There are over 26 rmllion day bikers in the US and over half of the American public say they walk for pleasure. In the US,the rate of participation in bicycling • has tripled since the early 1960s. By.1988 over 1/3 of the population were bicyclists. Yet,according to the U.S.Center for Disease Central,there is an epidemic of inactivity in the U.S.A. About 60%of adults in this country do not engage in the recommended amount of physical activity and about 25%are not active at all. Spokane region residents sec the valley as a scenic and bucolic setting. Walkers frequently drive to the area to stroll alone the lanes and through the parks. The local llgh School,Mead,has had several • National and Washington State Cross Country Championships teams.The teams train on trails and • 18 • • roads throughout the valley.The area has also been known for equestrian activity and there are still pastures where horses are kept,and riding is done along some of the roadways and trails. Bicyclists have particularly been drawn to the valley.The U.S.Masters Nationals Road Cycling Championships final event in 2001 ended in the Little Spokane River Valley.The`Course of the 7 Hills' is a 35 mile loop with 7 Hills and lots of other rolling and diversified terrain. Located north of Spokane, this course was used during the 1984& 1988 Olympic Road'Cycling Trials,the annual Northwest Cycling Classic and the'92 Masters Nationals. Many of the top cyclists in the country recognize the event as one of the most difficult and challenging courses developed. The grueling terrain features over 1,750 feet of climbing per lap. Men 59 and under and women 39 and under were on this course at. various distances. All finishes have been located at Hastings and Mill Road. The Spokane Bicycle Club (SBC)holds its premier annual Autumn Century Ride and Family Ride through the valley each year to provide the cycling community with a cycling event for the entire family. Road cyclists can be seen throughout the year riding on the network of rural roads that connect the valley. .With the current growth in development and more congestion on the roads some of the primary outlets for a healthy . community in the Little Spokane River Valley are in jeopardy. POTENTIAL PARKING LOCATIONS - Burk Road Park - Halfmooa Grunge • Hatch Road Park • • - Midway Elementary School • • Proposed strip mall at Hatch Rd.Interchange • Vandervert's Development at Wandermere Mall • Calvary Chapel of Spokane at Fairwood • Mead High School • Northview Bible Church on Mill Road • Pine River County Park • New Fire Station at Ma aroe/U.S.Hwy 395/Division • • Dartford Bridge area - Meadow Ridge School • Sewer Station(under new Wandem=Bridge) • • .-Gleneden County Park • United Methodist Covenant Church • Colbert Presbyterian Church at Colbert Road and Hwy 2 • St Josephs Catholic Church on Colbert Rd - Farwell Elementary School • Intersection of Colbert Road and Little Spokane give • Intersection of Shady Slope Rd.and Little Spokane Dr. • Hastings Park dt Ride • 19 • • • PUBLIC LANDS Haynes.Estate Conservation Area The Haynes Estate Conservation Area is located between the Pine River Park and Leona Drive neighborhoods and contains 97 acres of riparian and upland wildlife habitats with almost 1/2 mile of : relatively undisturbed shorelines along the Little Spokane River.The site is timbered with native pine,fir and dory throughout with topographic benches,steep slopes,granite outcrops and informal trails. • The property is located within a rapidly growing area and several roads were rough graded in anticipation of residential development. The Haynes Estate Conservation Area is one of 11 properties that have been acquired with funds from the Conservation Futures Program(CFP). In the 1980s,as federal funds for land acquisition dried up and growth in Washington State escalated the State Legislature passed a bill giving county governments expanded property-taxing authority for land conservation.The enabling legislation allows for a tax increase of up to 6.25 cents per$1,000 of assessed value for the purchase of open space,or • "conservation futures."Several counties quickly took advantage of this new authority. The CFP requires a willing seller and community support When Spokane County Commissioners enacted the CFP,they directed the Park Advisory Board to hold a series of public meetings to prioritize which lands should be considered for acquisition.With public nominations in hand,park staff and wildlife biologists sent the top priority parcels to the county commissioners for approval. Pine River County Park Located at the intersection of Greenleaf Drive and Little Spokane Drive,Pine River Park encompasses 12 acres,on either side of the Little Spokane River. With 50 parking spaces,shelters,water,restrooms and a BBQ area this park is quite popular for picnicking,swimming,fishing,bird watching,cross-country skiing,and snow shoeing activities. The pathways proposed in this plan directly link Pine River Park to neighborhoods schools and other public opens spaces throughout the Little Spokane River Valley region. Gleneden County Park On Columbus Street,just off of Little Spokane Drive the 5 acre Gleneden County Park provides area ruts with a small garden-1 ke setting for recreation and reflection. It has 6 parking spaces,play equipment,trails and basketball court. This park will be linked to Pine River County Park as part of the first"demonstration project"that will kick off the construction of the trails and pathways system outlined in this plan. . Bnrk County Park At the corner of Burk Read and Burk Road in the northern part of the project area Spokane County Parks and Recreation has recently purchased a parcel of land. This new 27-acre park will also be linked to the trails and pathways system providing users with yet another opportunity to enjoy the Little • . Spokane River Valley's bucolic setting. • • - 20 . 11 RECOMMENDATIONS OVERALL CONCEPT • This Concept Plan presents a long-range strategy for the development and management of the Little Spokane River Valley Trails and Pathways System. Because this is a broad,conceptual plan,site- specific designs have not been developed for implementation actions. In all cases,site-specific surveys, consultation,and compliance with all laws,regulates,and policies-including mitigation if necessary- will be carried out before any development occurs. Partnerships involving the general public,agencies, and organizations will be developed to assist in the implementation of this plan. Creative and innovative opportunities for implementation end ways to take advantage of potential cost savings will be explored as a major part of these efforts. In order to define the area of interest for trails and pathways the Core Planning Team have developed a trails map(Appendix X)designed to supplement the following text description of the Trails and Pathways System.. The following descriptions and map will give readers a clear picture of the region this plan encompasses and prioritization for route development. The southernmost boundary of the Little Spokane River Valley Trails and Pathways System is defined by Hazard Road to the west,past the Wandermere Golf Course and shopping center,and including lower Shady Slope Rd.to the east U.S.Highways 2 and 395 roughly form the area's east and west boundaries. Along U.S.Highway 2 on the project area's east side the system includes:Little Spokane Drive,Golden Road,Pine Needle Ave.,Saddle Hill Rd.,Colbert Road,and Woolard Road. The northern extreme of Trails and Pathways project is the Perry RdJBrak Rd.intersection. Descending from this intersection along the project area's west side,the Trails and Pathways include:Fender Rd.,Division Rd,Monroe Rd.,Ballard Rd.,and Austin Rd. • The Core Planning Team developed two separate definitions"Trails"and'Pathways"to categorize the different types of recreational mutes encompassed by this system. A pathways definition refers to a route that runs adjacent to roads,within their existing right-of-way,which is primarily intended for alternative non-motorized transportation,including bikes and pedestrians.`Trails"refers to those segments that are linked to pathways but are intended to provide more of a natural experience for wildlife viewing,historic interpretatiion,eacercise and relaxation. • TRAILS An important component of this Trails Plan is the opportunity to stop and enjoy and appreciate the natural,cultural and recreational resources available in the Little Spokane River Valley. As a result,the . Core Planning Team strongly recommends that natural trails be developed on already preserved open space These trails will provide scenic,cultural,historic,recxeat ional,and wildlife-viewing destinations for trail users. Many opportunities exist to develop trail systems because of already preserved open space. The Core Planning Team is not adopting overall design recommendations except to state that the trail design ought to be in keeping with the nature of the open space. For instance,trail design at Haynes 21 • • ' I I i • Estates will be different from trail design connecting the Pine River Park neighborhood to the Wandexnxse Shopping Center. PATHWAYS Pathways art defined,for purposes of this plan,as alternative transportation routes adjacent to roads. The following are committee recommendations for the pathways: • Separated from road wherever possible within the existing right-of-way. • Hardened surfacing. These pathways will be used for children to to school safely,pathway get as well as safe passage for pedestrians, joggers and bicyclists. This committee strongly recommends this in response to the overwhelming concern for safety from community residents. • PRIMARY ROUTES These trails and pathways are divided into several route categories. This was done in order to present the development priorities that the Core Planning Team has identified through public outreach. Primary Routes are those routes that currently have the highest level of use and should be developed first. • '. Routes were selected for this category based on current use levels,safety concerns,and public interest Primary Routes are those trails or pathways that are recommended for initial development(Appendix X). These Primary Routes are as follows: Dartford Dr. (from Little Spokane Drive to Hatch Road) This segment is narrow and would be best suited for a path along the shoulder of the road primarily opposite the creek. Hatch Rd. . (from Dartford Drive to Rhea) It is suggested this pathway follow the shoulder of the road.Due to traffic speed,separation may be advisable. Midway Rd (from Hatch Road to Little Spokane Drive) - A trail along this segment would have daily use by some of the four hundred plus of students that attend • Midway Elementary. At present many children that could walk to school are bussed because of traffic safety concerns. A.trail along IvfidWay Road would link Taylor Pines,Wellington Heights,Black Hawk, and Legacy Hills neighborhoods to Midway Elementary School Little Spokane Drive ' (from Dartford Drive to Colbert Road) Little Spokane Drive was used for the 1984 and 1988 U.S.Olympic Bicycle Trials.The whole mute is 22 I marked as a no passing gone.There are no major grades on this portion of Little Spokane Drive that would need to be considered.The lack of grade is the reason this section has been attractive for pedestrian,equestrian and bicyclists use in the past. • The intersection of Dartford Road,Mill Road and Little Spokane Drive is the western beginning of the proposed Little Spokane Drive primary pathway route.This intersection is very large with a confusing • traffic pattern. Frequently drivers have.dirlty determining which vehicles have the right of way.The . physical area of the intersection is a great deal larger than most intersections of two lane roads. This area is also visually distracting for drivers.There we two bridges overhead,a steep hill from Mill Road,a small bridge over the Little Spokane River,beautiful river landscape,a cutout rock wall,a pump station, a curved road that feels like a freeway off-ramp and a lot of traffic.This exceptionally large intersection might Iend itself to being reconfigured as a roundabout. The first Little Spokane Drive bridge is very narrow. There is room for two-way traffic,but no shoulder space that would allow for pedestrians or bicycles. The bridge guardrails restrict the width of the road. Careful design of a replacement bridge should provide for a protected bicycle and pedestrian pathway. The abutments for the overhead Wandermere Road Bridge constrict the width of the Little Spokane Drive from the previously mentioned intersection heading towards Colbert Road. A pathway should be constructed on the left side of the Wandermere Road bridge abutments. The left side of Little Spokane Drive,as it continues to Colbert Road,has been widened to the full width of the right of way in front of a new duplex development. The widening also includes a sidewalk and shoulder. A recently applied asphalt seal coat is still very rough. The large loose gravel on the shoulder is hazardous for narrow bicycle tires. • The section of Little Spokane Drive on the right side that passes Pine River County Park has little or no shoulder.The white painted shoulder stripe goes off the pavement in some spots.The road at this point is winding with sharp and blind curves. There have been several pedestrian and traffic deaths along this section. The road is sandwiched between Pine River County Park and the Gleneden Green Belt. Widening in this section will necessitate removal of a small rock outcropping or extension into the County Park. However,this segment has a beautiful view of the Little Spokane River. • A short trail l nkage is being considered for immediate development along the next section of Little Spokane Drive between Pine River County Part and Gleneden County Park. This linkage must be designed for the safe use of unescorted children. The Spokane County Road Engineers are currently • working on this to determine this pathways aligrunent Further along the Little Spokane Drive from Gelled=Park there are many places on the road that have wide shoulder space off the pavement. Spokane County's}leggin Farm property may become a possible destination for nature education in the future. A path has developed-from local pedestrian,horse and wildlife use on the left side of Little Spokane Drive. The next bridge that crosses the Little Spokane River is also very narrow. The guanirails restrict widening it. The road at this point has sharp curves • 23 with no shoulders.An alternate trail route away from the roadway is being studied for this section of Little Spokane Drive. - There is a school bus turn around after the bridge at the intersection of Shady Slope Road and Little • Spokane Drive.A different traffic configuration might be considered for this intersection to allow for pathways and a safer flow of traffic.The next section of Little Spokane Drive is the straightest portion of this route,consequently high traffic speeds are a problem. One of the best-unobstructed views of the Little Spokane River is•the intersection of Colbert Road and Little Spokane Drive.The river comes close to the mad at this intersection. A widened path at this point that would allow users to linger should be considered.•A third bridge just past the intersection with Colbert Road frequently floods in the spring and the road here has been repaired several times. A new bridge is planned in the near future,which should take into consideration pedestrian access. A trail along this segment would have scenic views of the forest,the valley,and the Little Spokane River. • , Unfortunately,this road is narrow and has limited line of sight for the drivers causing a hazard for any • pedestrians or cyclists. A road-separated trail could run along the west side with little impact to the • homeowners along the river. This area is mostly open property but some places are steep so excavating • would be required. Wathern re Road • (from the Little Spokane Connector Rd.to Hatch Rd.) it is suggested the pathway follow the shoulder of the road.The roadway is very wide on both sides and paved. The service road over the sewer could be developed easily into a pathway. Little Spokane Connector Road This route lends itself to being made a one-way motor vehicle traffic road going uphill on the south side. A divider would be necessary and no entry signs would be needed at each end. One way motorized traffic located on the south side the pathway would allow non-motorized traffic to exit on the north side of Little Spokane Drive directly up the Connector road and then onto Wandermc re Road without crossing motorized traffic. The shoulder and embankment on the east side of Windermere Road could be contoured into an excellent two lane path. There is also a service road along most of Windermere Road that could be incorporated. The stretch at the north end of Windermere Road from Glencrest to Hatch Read would be the most challeng'iog in terms of terrain modification and creating wide enough right away. •Wanda:lure Shopping Center Con n . • • (vin:Haynes Estate Conservation Futures Area,Perry Road,and Hastings Road) AU outreach and research has confirmed this that this segment is an important linkage for the community.There is currently high use through this area and the Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley are in negotiations with both major landowners. If an agreement is reached with these landowners a pedestrian bridge will be neocrosmy over the new North Spokane Corridor at the Petry Road pedestrian access to the North Spokane Corridor Trail. Without this pedestrian bridge it would be impossible to link Little Spokane Drive and the Pine River Park neighborhood to the Shopping Center and the STA 24 Park-and-Ride. The community of Liberty Lake can serve as a good example of how to establish a pedestrian bridge. SECONDARY ROUTES Secondary Routes generally experience high use levels but are a bit outside of the high traffic areas and should be looked at for development later in the implementation process. Secondary Routes are defined as trails or pathways that are recommended for secondary development(Appendix X). These Secondary Routes are as follows: Greenleaf to Haynes Estate Conservation Area • Concerns were raised at a public meeting regarding public access to the river and public parking in the Pine River Park neighborhood. Residents were concerned about a parting lot being located on the Haynes property because of it's potential to become a`party spot." The neighbors in Pine River Park were supportive of a trail connection along Greenleaf,crossing the • Haynes property to Leona. The possibility of including sidewalks was suggested as a way to accommodate the trail without limiting on-street parking. It is recommended that this section of the Trails and Pathways system wind through the Pine River Park neighborhood to the Haynes Estates Conservation Futures Area.The pathway is proposed to follow Greenleaf Dr.along the eastside from Little Spokane Drive. It would then cross Brooklawn and continue . • . along its south side rejoining Greenleaf and following its north side into the Haynes Estates Conservation - Futures Area. Ii is recommended that no parking facilities be developed on either the Pine River Park or Leona sides of • the Haynes Estates Conservatism Futures Area.(Since this draft was finalized a parking site and signage have been placed and can be accessed through Leona Drive). Gleneden Connection (from Little Spokane Drive to Midway Road) • • viA:Columbus St to Cincinnati Dr.to Glencrest Dr.to Columbus Dr.to Country Hill Ct.to Morton Dr. to Tudor Ct to Nevada St to Wellington Dr. The committee recommends that Little Spokane Drive connect with Midway Road near Midway Elementary School with a I-mile bicycle/pedestrian lane on existing roadways through residential neighborhoods. The route would start an the eastern side of Columbus Street near Gleneden Park,and wind mostly uphill from there connecting with Cincinnati Dr.,Glencrest Dr.,Huron Dr.,Columbus Dr., Country MI Ct.,Tudor St,Nevada,Wellington Dr.,Hamilton St.,and Midway Rd.Residents currently use this route to wall,jog,and bicycle. A/rule lane would greatly improve safety. Residents • have also created an unofficial trail through a forested area near the intersection of Glencrest Drive and Cincinnati that could be enhanced as a nature path after negotiations with the landowner. • 25 • • • Little Spokane Drive to Colbert Road • (vie:Golden Road,Pine Needle and Saddle Hill). This route climbs steadily up Golden Road from Little Spokane Drive. All of these newer residential • streets are wide and the steepness of the grade tapers off at Pine Needle and Golden Road. A pathway through these neighborhoods would not only serve them well,but there is plenty ofroom for them without using on street parking space. One potential solution on residential streets lice these is a painted bicycle/pedestrian route,separated from the curb,approximately the width of a car. Colbert Road Alternate Route • ! Meadowbrook Road,which lies at the foot of Colbert Road,provides an easier route for pedestrians who do not wish to navigate the heavily trafficked,narrow-shouldered,paved two lane Colbert Road, which is extremely steep for almost.5 mile. Meadowbrook parallels the Little Spokane River for almost .7 uninterrupted miles—making it unique in the entire area for providing visual accessibility.It connects with Palomino Road,then to aptly named View Road which connects Redowa to Hillcrest Roads,which • =meet to Hilltop aid Judy Roads and finally to Michael Road—an entrance/exit road to Colbert Road at the top of the steep incline. The neighbors along the alternate roads were Untitled by flier of a meeting addressing the proposed route. There were no objections. Upper Colbert Road (from Michael Road to U.S.Hwy 2) • This section is where the Colbert Alternative Route rejoins Colbert Road uphill and follows it to U.S. Highway 2. This upper portion is not as steep as Lower Colbert and can support a pathway within its • existing right of way without significant construction. thole Spokane Drive (from Colbert Road to Perry Road) • A small parcel of land at the base of Colbert Road and Little Spokane Drive may serve as a pause point, • restroom site,sign/brochure display,and perhaps a place for trail users to pads their cars. The route north,along Little Spokane Drive is fairly level and has few dangerous curves. This road is two lanes -vide and a separated pathway is recommended on the East Side of the road. Some rocky outcrops along the road may need widening by removal. Perry Road (from Little Spokane Drive to Burk Road) - The committee recommends adding a safety enhancement where Perry Rd.connicis with Burk Rd.to protect pathway users from fast-moving vetricular traffic(45mph)coming around the blind curve from both directions. Because Burk Road will connect Burk Park to the pathway FLSRV should wink with the County to plan future paving,adding off-road trails,and pathway striping. • Hatch Rd (from Burk Road to Rhea)• • - This is a fairly level,straight road. The committee recommends utilizing the newly installed water main bed for a footpath,and painting a bicycle lane on the road,which could easily be widened because of the existing right of way: A trail along this segment meent would have heavy usage from the.subdivisions on the • 26 • • • i • West Side of Hatch Road. The East Side of Hatch Road is mostly open property with a minimum of cross traffic to the trail mute. A row trail could run along the East Side of Hatch,almost uninterrupted,,until it turns east on Midway Road. Burk Road (from Perry Road to Hatch Road) Three dangerous curves,fast moving cars and narrow lanes will require extra planning to make this route safe for pedestrians. The recent project completed by Whitworth Water District to install a water main along Hatch Road provides a possible solution. The pipeline is covered with a flat dirt surface and has potential pathway placement. - *North Spokane Corridor Trail (from Wandermere Road to Perry Road to Shady Slope Road/U.S.Hwy 2) This recommended segment is already planted as part of the Department of Transportation's North Spokane Corridor Project that will link U.S.H Ighways 2 and 395 along the southern end of the project area. It will follow the new freeway along its south side with pedestrian access spurs at Where Road,Perry Road and Shady Slope Road. The recommended Wandermere Shopping Center connection will need to pass over this new highway at Perry Road. This pedestrian overpass is the only major structure recommended by this Concept Plan. There are currently high levels of use through this area and the Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley are in negotiations with both major landowners. If an . agreement is reached with the landowners a pedestrian bridge will be necessary to make the connection - fivm Little Spokane Road,and the Pine River Park neighborhood,to the Shopping Center and STA Part- and-Ride. The community of Liberty Lake can serve as a good example of how to establish a pedestrian bridge- • • *Mead High School Cross Country Trail connection • (from Mead High School to Mill Rd.) The State and National Championship Cross Country teams of Mead High School consistently use unofficial trails in this area. Our committee hopes to incorporate their usage into our trail system. • TERTIARY ROUTES Teary Routes are generally in low traffic areas and,according to the Core Planning Team's research; - experience less use • • Tertiary Routes are defined as the Trails or Pathways that are recommended for the third phase of development(see map). These Tertiary Routes are as follows; • Haynes Estate Conservation Area loop trail • This forested area could support a loop trail that would not significantly impact the vegetation or natural qualities of the area.The committee recommends that a low impact nature trail should be built in - conjunction with restoration efforts along the existing roadbeds and throughout the southern hillside. These existing roadbeds have disturbed the natural character of portions of the Haynes property and the 27 e • proposed trail would not create any further disturbance. It is also recommended that no parking facilities be developed on either the Pine River Park or Leona sides of the Haynes Estates Conservation Area. Fender Road (from Hatch Road to Division Read) This two lane graveled road has good visibility for the safety of pedestrians and cyclists. It is recommended that this route be widened for a non-motorized pathway. Perry Road to Half Moon Road to Division Road This northern loop provides exceptional vistas. It does not require much more attention other than route won on maps and brochures. With little vehicular traffic on Half Moon and Division Roads other areas further south deserve a higher priority. This pathway loop connects with Burk Park,where benches,restrooms,and parking would add to the amenities of a well-designed trail system. This loop also offers aaoess to undulating country roads looking out over unparalleled vistas of the entire Little Spokane River Valley and nearby Mt.Spokane as well as peaks in neighboring Idaho. For now it is simply recommended as a"scenic loop designation". Handy Road (from Hatch Road to Division Road) This soon to be completed neighborhood access between Division and Hatch Roads serves as one of the east/west connectors(the other two being Fender and Ballard Roads)in the heavily used Hatch Road . corridor. Handy is wide enough to accommodate pathways,along with the existing sidewalks. The committee encourages"no parking"signs on one side of Handy and Ballard Roads to make room for ram- motorized use. Beade Road to Panorama Road to Halimoon Road This is the recommended alternate connector for trail users who wish to avoid the steep incline/decline encountered when Halfmoon continues its easterly downhill slope to Perry Road. At this point Baade and Panorama are two lane gravel roads. There is room for a trail alongside the road at some fidui+e date. These roads should be listed as alternate"easy"routes to the scenic loop. Burk Road • (from Hatch Read to Division Road) • Burk Road serves as a connector between Hatch and Division Roads.It is paved for the first half mile and then is surfaced with gravel as it crests and loops around to connect with Division Rd.The road is located along the site of the proposed new County Park,bordering land recently purchased for that purpose.Riding or walking this two lane road provides vistas of unparalleled beauty of the entire valley and Mt.Spokane. It is not heavily trafficked and does not require much improvement at this time, unless the County Planners seek enhancement in relation to the park,then off-road trails and bicycle • • paths could be incorporated. Division Road (fir=Fender Road to Ballard Read) This newly paved road has wide shoulders and very little traffic.With cry► appropriate striping,walkers and bikers would have easy access from north to south,paralleling Highway 395.Waterlines have recently 28 • • • • been installed and the dirt used to cover the lines would provide a nice surface for pathways removed from the road.This road is much safer than Hatch Road,which it parallels. Ballard Road • (from Hatch Road to Division Road) A lower connecting road to the scenic loop is accessed from busy Hatch Road through the neighborhood along Ballard Road. Like Handy Road,Ballard is a wide street with sidewalks and there would be mom for a Mice lane if"no parking"signs are incorporated on one side of the street.The committee agrees that this is an excellent connector serving to move pedesh'ions/bdcers away from the heavy vehicular traffic along Hatch Road. *Lower Colbert Road (from Meadowbrook Road to Michael Road). This section of Colbert Road is recommended as a study area because of its steepnness,absence of shoulders and the dangers that it presents in its current state to cyclists and pedestrians. An alternate route has been proposed entering Meadowbrook Road and rejoining Colbert at Michael Road. While this segment is recommended for eventual development as a pathway,it should only occur with the cooperation of the County DOT after substantial improvements to visibility and width of the shoulders. *Upper Shady Slope Road • (from Leona Drive to Highway 2) As this mad begins to climb south from Leona Drive it becomes very steep,narrow,and lacks shoulders. Because of these safety concerns it should only be developed as a pathway after cooperation of the County DOT has resulted in substantial improvements to visibility and width of the shoulders. s Woolard Rd - (from Little Spokane Drive to BN Rail Line) Due to the narrowness of this road and the bridge across the Little Spokane River,this route is • recommended for further study. Because of these safety concerns itshould only be developed as a pathway after cooperation of the County DOT has resulted in substantial improvements to visibility • and width of the shoulders. • Burlington Northern Railroad (Colvme Line) (from Colbert Road to Woolard Road) • Runners,hikers and cyclist currently use Burlington Northern's rail line right of way. While these uses are probably not currently recognized by Burlington Northern it is recommended that this study area be looked at seriously for a legitimate"rail-with-trail"corridor. There are several examples of this type of trail throughout the country and,if Burlington Northern is amenable,this plan recommends that these examples should be explored and a safe,legal trail established. • *River View Dr.to Bonneville Power Line Trail The easement owned by BPA cuts a swath through the entire trail system heading in a northwesterly direction. The committee sees the value of incorporating this into the trail system,but like the abandoned rail beds also naming through the valley,private land ownership issues would have to be resolved first. Riverview is a dead end road with two lanes of gravel with wide shoulders providing 29 • • access to but not motion to use the power line easement, While this plan proposes a pathway along Riverview and the power line easement,the link to Mill Read along the power line easement must remain a study area requiring further research. •Pounder's Property (from Little Spokane Dr.to Eastview Dr.,Cincinnati Dr.or Gleoeden Park) Negotiations are cumentty underway with the landowner to incorporate a pathway through this • property in conjunction with a plan for a future residential development. UNIMPROVED ROUTES • This special category of Unimproved Routes is for areas that,because of existing conditions and safety issues,are not recommended at this time for recreational developt.White these areas will be considered part of the Trails&Pathways System,public use beyond what is currently occurring is not recommended until such a time when the current considerations have been resolved. Leon Delve • At the Leona Drive neighborhood meeting a few residents were concerned about t c development of a • trail along their road. Many homes me set back in wooded surroundings which made some neighbors a • little uneasy about establishing a hail within the public right of way. This Plan recommends that there should be no development of a trail along Leona Drive. *Lower Shady Slope This segment is narrowed by a small bridge and is at the bottom of a steep hill with a blind curve. While it will be considered part of the Trails&Pathways System as a necessary link to Little Spokane Drive it is recommended that no trail should be developed along it and no public use beyond What is currently occurring should be encouraged. While this segment is recommended for eventual development as a pathway,it should only occur with the cooperation of the County DOT after substantial improvements to visibility,width of the shoulders and widening of the existing bridge. (X)NNECrIONS • • Connections are those routes that reach outside of the Trails and Pathways System's conceptual boundary. They are potential future mutes that would connect this Trails and Pathways System with . other regional trails or pathways systems. This plan is not recommending any specific development of these connections at the present lime,they are simply suggestions for other fixture trail planning efforts. These potential connections are as follows: • Haunt Road . • Austin Road Dartford Road • (North from Hatch Road) Ballard Road (West from Dartford Road) 30 • 3 • Monroe Road (West from Highway 395) Fender Road (West from Division Road) Burk Road (North from Hatch Road) • Perry Road • (North from Burk Road) Woolard Road (East from Burlington Northern Rail Line) Colbert Road (East from Highway 2) Mill Road (South from Highway 395 underpass) * Powertine Trail (From Little Spokane Drive to Deer Road) s STUDY AREAS &WV Areas are thaw routes that have identified commrouty interest,a certain level of current usage,and provide important linkages in the Trails and Pathways System This special category indicates potential routes that need additional consideration. All of the other mutes involve public land and right-of-ways, therefore recommending their development is fairly straightforward Study Areas are generally identified on privately owned land and therefore require significant negotiation with the landowners before anything can be done. There will be no attempt to impose land use control over any private propeny ldenttf ed within this category. The Core Planing Team simply recommends pursuing the voluntary and willing interest((some landowners in establishing trails through or along their property. • - MANAGEMENT • • DESIGN 01?FACILITIES - The adoption of this concept plan by the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan will provide the Little Spokane community with a blueprint of the routes which were found to be important by the community - to provide linkages to the many destinations of work,shopping,neighborhoods,as well as environmentally and culturally significant locations. These destinations were arrived at through Open Houses,surveys and Advisory Council meetings. While cursory review has been done noting opportunities and constraints,detailed trail plans have not been done. Walking is our most basic mode of transportation;unfortunately,development patterns have made it inconvesnient,cumbersome and in •some cases unsafe.To remedy past development patterns and upgrade roadways to provide for non- motorized transportation will require the retrofitting of existing rights of way which can provide challenges to the ultimate designers of the trails and pathways. The designs will need to consider private 31 • • • . i . property rights,topography,public ownership,environmental constraints as well as financial • �g�tel�� y.p� constraints.. These trail and pathway designs must also take into consideration ultimate build-cut of existing roadways so that trails and pathways will not need to be relocated upon upgrade of arterial • roadway sections. Non-motorized trails and pathways can be thought of similarly with the arterial system of roadways. At the highest-level non-motorized user related needs,a four-foot bike lane could be constructed along arterials to provide for commuter bicyclists who wish to travel at the highest speeds without concern for pedestrians. Along with the bike lane a 1 0-foot separated from roadway asphalt pathway along one side • of the roadway would be constructed to provide for pedestrians,strollers,and family bicyclists. Finally, a 6 foot concrete sidewalk could be constructed on the other side of the roadway to provide for safe access for pedestrians. The system can be found in new developments and provides for the highest level of service for non-mad users. Variations of the aforementioned could be implemented,wherein perhaps only a separated pathway may be constructed in more rural areas. Based on the funding sources for any of the non-motorized improvements adherence to local,state and federal guidelines will be required;this is particularly true for funding obtained through state and federal • sources, Another aspect of trail and pathway design will depend upon the primary purpose of the trail/pathway. • I Typically,the greatest source of funding from the state and federal government is for destination- ; oriented,non-motorized pathways that seek to provide commuting options to enable single-occupancy vehicles. These grants are specific in that recreational value of the trail or pathway to be constructed is • not the primary purpose. These types of funding projects typically closely parallel major or minor • arterials,are hard surfaced,have standard width requirements and will meet vertical and horizontal curvature re standards. Whereas,if the primary purpose of the trail or pathway is recreational in nature, surfacing of the mil/pathway may not require asphalt,width can vary and certain horizontal and vertical • standards may be relaxed. Once again recreational oriented trails or pathway grants tend to be less substantial in monetary value. • Trail Design Resources • • Volunteers f Outdoor Colorado:Crew►Lemder M 1410 Grant Street Suite B105 Denver,CO 80203 . : 303-830-7792 • Liq��y on the Land:The 3r�T'rail-Buildiog anal Maintenance Manual The Mountaineers 1001 SW Klickitat Way Seattle,WA 98134 a s With Wildlife jo Ml • 32 • • Stuart Macdonald • Colorado State Parks , 1313 Sherman St,Rat 618 • Denver,CO 80203 httpifwww.dnr.state.co.usftrailsfplanningtrails.html NPS TrallsivlaririgementHandbmk National Park Service P.O.Box 25287 655 Parfet St. • Denver,CO 80225 ACCESSIBILITY At the time this Concept Plan is being written the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)requires us to make trails accessible,but doesn't specify how.Currently,new regulations are being finalized that will ultimately affect all those who plan,design,and manage trails. The final report of the Regulatory Negotiation Com mittee on Accessibility Guidelines for Outdoor Developed Areas includes soon to be proposed accessibility guidelines for trails,outdoor recreational access mutes,and picnic and camping facilities. Eventually,the proposed guidelines will be published in the Federal Register with an invitation for public comment over a 90-day period. Until the final report is finished there are several things that we do know about building trails in compliance with the ADA. A trail according to the proposed ADA accessibility guidelines is"a route that is designed,designated,or constructed for recreational pedestrian use or provided as an pedestrian alternative to vehicular routes within a transportation system." The proposed guidelines apply to all areas of newly designed or newly constructed and altered portions of existing trails.They also apply only to trails that"connect to an accessible trail"or"designated trailhead." Where new trails connect to an existing trail that is not accessible,the technical provisions do . not apply.Nor do they apply where the new or altered portion is not connected to a designated trailhead. • These accessibility guidelines apply to those trails that are designed and constructed for pedestrian use. They are not applicable to trails primarily designed and constructed for recreational use by equestrians, • mountain bicyclists,snowmobile users,or off-highway vehicle users,even if pedestrians may occasionally use the same trails.However,a multi-use trail specifically designed and designated for hiking and bicycling would be considered a pedestrian trail. Accessibility guidelines apply to trails used . as non-motorized transportation facilities for bicyclists and skaters as well as pedestrians.However, transportation routes for bicyclists and skaters have'design needs that exceed the minimum guidelines for • trails. Also contrary to popular belief,paving is not required,as long as the trail surface is"firm and stable." 33 • • Under the proposed guidelines,an accessible trail would meet these minimum technical provisions: • Clear tread width:36"minimum • Tread Obstacles:2"high max.(up to 3"high where mmning and cross slopes are 5%or less) • Cross Slope:5%max. • Running slope(trial grade)meets one or more of the following: -5%or less for any dish ce. -up to 833%for 200'max.Resting intervals no more than 200'apart. ° -up to10%for 30'max.Resting intervals 30'. -up to 12.5%for 10'max.Resting intervals 10'. • No more than 30%of the total trail length may exceed a running slope of 833%. • Passing Space:provided at least every 1000'where trail width is leas than 60" • Signs:shall be provided indicating the length of the accessible trail segment. Resources The"AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities"is the primary guidebook for facilities built with transportation funds(available from AASHTO at(800)231-3475). • The final report of the Regulatory Negotiation Committee on Accessibility Guidelines for Outdoor Developed Areas is available at www.access-board.gov/PUBS/outdoor-recipthtm. • LAW ENFORCEMENT • Law enforcement will be the responsibility of Spokane City Police and Spokane County Sheriff's office. • Volunteer`trail stewards'are recommended to monitor the area and work in conjunction with these law • i enforcement agencies. People who recreate in places lice the Little Spokane River Valley generally inspire a peaceful,safe,and attractive environment They are usually quite respectful of private property and have a personal commitment to keeping trails clean,safe and quiet.Trails tend to be self- policing for this reason. Users usually try to prevent or report illegal activities and suspicious behavior. • i . CONTROL OF INVASIVE PLANTS This plan recommends systematic removal of species such as Scotch Broom,Sayan Blackberry.and Fngliah Ivy. This can be done by utilizing community and volunteer resources and should be coordinated with education and outreach efforts regarding negative effects of non-natives species. TRESPASS • • Adjacent landowners concerned about security and trespass must be taken seriously.Every attempt will . be made to maintain buffer zones between trails,pathways and private property.This can be done through the use of signage,vegetative screening,or fencing. If conflicts arise the Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley will wort directly with the affected landowner to identify a mutually agreeable • solution. 34 The following are other ways this Trails and Pathways System will be managed to ensure the privacy and security of adjacent landowners: • Implementation of a volunteer`trail steward'program. • Education about private property rights including signs,brochures,and outreach. • Notify all adjacent landowners of any development plans or changes in policy. - Keeping the lines of communication open between FLSRV,local officials,land managers and adjacent • landowners with a`Good Neighbor'policy. FENCING Privacy and security for children,domestic pets,horses and livestock in some instances will require fencing in the Trails and Pathways System. When traversing private property,fencing may be desirable. While no particular standard should prevail,ample consideration should be given to the tastes of the adjacent landowners. SAFETY Trails and Pathways present safety problems because pedestrians'and cyclists' safety is often jeopardized by car traffic. This plan presents numerous trails and road crossings that may create localized trail user safety issues. Currently,safety issues in the Little Spokane River Valley eliminate all but the most brave from pedestrian and cycling on public right of ways. USER CONFLICTS Conflicts between different trail user groups will be minimized through proper trail design and trail user education. Trail design will provide comfortable widths,adequate sight distances and easily negotiable turns. User education on this subject will include signs encouraging ethical behavior and trail etiquette, brochures,and other suitable materials. PETS A leash law is recommended throughout the trail system;however any designated dog parks will be identified and located at intervals to encourage greater adherence to the leash law among pet owners. Possible locations for dog parks include former agricultural lands,next to active recreation and away from creek corridors. Publicly owned lands should be explored for official off-leash pet areas. . EDUCATION • _ As expressed in Goal 5 education is important to the Trails and Pathways System. As this system is developed throughout the Little Spokane River Valley area educational opportunities will be explored. Working with local schools and community groups is recommended and when trail segments are built • environmental,cultural,and health education should also be considered. As the project grows and the trails are established educational opportunities should continue to be explored and incorporated. The following recommendations are the preliminary steps that will be taken towards this goal: 35 • • Establish and maintain an archive of the area's resources. • Develop an educational video highlighting environmental,cultural and health aspects of the Trails and Pathways System. • Create and maintain interpretive signs. • Develop educational brochures and maps for self-guided tours and education. • INTERPRETATION Goal 5 also mentions the importance of interpretation to the Trails and Pathways System. As a part of education and outreach,opportunities along the trails system to interpret environmental,cultural,health • i and community grassroots efforts should be highlighted through signs and brochures. Some of the descriptions in this plan's resources section are a good starting point for the types of things that should be interpreted. The following recommendations we the preliminary steps that should be taken towards meeting this goal: • Establish gateway signs at key entry points of the Trails and Pathways system. • Create informational and interpretive signage for along the trails and pathways,in a simple vandal proof method. • Develop educational brochures and maps for self-guided tours and education. • Link interpretive materials with numbered signs that correlate with natural,geologic,cultural and historical points of interest. Interpretive Design Resources Signs.Trails,and Wayside Exhibits • Dr.Michael Gross College ofNatural Resources • University of Wisconsin—Stevens Point Stevens Point,WI 54481 (715)346-2076 Tlue Int 's I h,;+4 wok Dr.Michael Gross • . College of Natural Resources University of Wisconsin—Stevens Point • Stevens Point,WI 54481 • (715)346-2076 ( mg Environs l Publications Dr.Michael Gross College ofNatural Resources • University of Wisconsin—Stevens Point Stevens Point,WI 54481 • 36 (715)•346-2076 Implementation ADOPTION BY COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Spokane County Board of County Commissioners adopted a new County Comprehensive Plan on November 5,2001. The adopted document provides for the Little Spokane River Valley trails and pathways as a"Trail Plan Study Area" With the completion of this neighborhood"Draft Plan for the Little Spokane River Valley Trails and Pathway System"this plan will be brought forward for an amendment to the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan,under the Transportation Element and Parks and Open Spaces Element,(see T-5 Pedestrian—Bicycle Plan). This proposed Little Spokane River Valley Trails and Pathway Plan implements the Non-motorized Travel -Bicycle and Pedestrian Section of the Transportation Element found on Pages T-8 and T-9 of the Comprehensive Plan.Goal Tae states"Promote pedestrian and bicycle transportation countywide and increase safety,mobility and convenience for non-motorized modes of travel"Policies directly related to this Goal are as follows: • T3e.1 The transportation network should provide safe and convenient bicycle and walking access between housing,recreation,shopping,schools,community facilities and mass transit access points. Obstructions and conflicts with pedestrian and bicycle movement should be minimized. • T3e.2 Bicycle facilities should be designed where practical along arterials. Public • bicycle/pedestrian facilities,where approved by the County,should be clearly marked. • T.3e3 Inventory existing pedestrian and bicycle facilities and maintain a pedestrian/bicycle plan coordinated thrau&the Spokane Regional Transportation Council and implemented through the County 6 year transportation improvement program. Note:there is an existing regional pedestrian/bicycle plan,developed by SRTC. • T.3e,4 Promote hard surface walkway systems,including but not limited to,concrete,asphalt and brick as an alternative to sidewalks that are separate from roads if they fit in with the characteristics of the neighborhood and private maintenance is assured. • T3eS Convenient bicycle parking and designated areas where bicycles can be secured shall be required at major destinations and at transportation centers. • T.3e.6 Encourage preservation of abandoned rail rights-of-way for development of bike, pedestrian,-equestrian routes or other non-motorized forms of transportation. • T.3e.7 Allow hard-surfaoed pathways,including but not limited to,concrete,asphalt and brick to substitute for sidewalks in commercial or industrial areas when pathways provide more direct and/or safer mutes for pedestrians. • T.3e.8 Develop street,pedestrian path and bike path standards that contribute to a system of fully connected routes. 37 4 ' 9 • In addition to the aforementioned Goal and Policies,Goal T.9 states,"Incorporate community participation in the tninspartation planning process and actively involve businesses and neighbothoods • in transportation choices." This citizen based process results in the most acceptable facilities to enhanced access and mobility for vehicles and non-motorized transportation modes. • PRESENT PLAN TO STAKEHOLDERS Securing commitments and support from local jurisdiction will allow for implementation of pathways along existing right-of-ways. As roadways are improved,pathways can be incorporated. This plan will • be presented to each appropriate jurisdiction and all other stakeholders for endorsement DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS A demon on project is an initial,small-scale project that is intended to build momentum. This plan recommends that demonstration projects are coordinated to motivate volunteers,galvanize public support,fuadraise and accept donations of in-kind support Families,community groups,agency heads and political champion should be invited to take part "Demo projects"am also a good time to progress and get media coverage. At the time of printing the first demo project is being planned with the cooperation of Spokane County Engineers and donations of time and materials from Pounder Construction. This initial pathway segment will link Pine River County Park to Gleam Park along Lower Little Spokane Drive. IMPLEMENTATION TEAM There is a need for a structured group to be responsible for making collaborative management decisions regarding the Little Spokane Trails and Pathways System. During the planning phase and development of this concept plan the Core Planning Team filled this role. However,now that this phase is complete the Core Planning Team should evolve into an Implementation Team,inviting new representatives from the community and regional stakeholders to participate. This new team will wait with regional municipalities and landowners to collaboiativety build and manage the trail system as it is outlined in this plan. i The Implemetnation Team will meet on a regular basis and provide for continued communication between stakeholders,the opportunity to protect different interests,and the opportunity to arrive at consensus for important management and development decisions. The responsibilities of the committee will include,but are not limited tq the following: • Trail construction - Trail maintenance _ • Fundraising Grant writing • MAi rain ng current trail[caps • Changes to the Concept Plan 38 3 • • • Signs(standards,location,etc.) • • Safety • Interpretaticm and Education • • Maintenance and upkeep • Landowner interaction • Regiored government interface • Acquisitions • Improvements to the land(restoration,invasive species control,road removal,etc.) • Regular progress reports • • Developing Policy • Recommendations on all County and State improvement projects within this plan's defined region. The Trails and Pathways Implementation Committee will pursue various ways to continually develop and maintain the Little Spokane Trails and Pathways System_ They will work with the appropriate - governmental entities to explore possibilities.Different methods should be explored for involving people in implementation,stewardship,and maintenance. These include such things as;internships,university summer field project requirements,cooperative funding with other stakeholders,fundraising,etc. These techniques will ensure the on-going maintenance and upkeep of the Trails and Pathways System. • OUTREACH PROGRAM The Implementation Team,via an"Outreach Program,"will present this trails plan to all pertinent organizations. They will work with the municipalities and other stakeholders to promote collaborative management of the Trails and Pathways System and make development decisions. Participating in neighborhood and community meetings will help to build the support necessary for this to happen. Through broad-based community participation,.elected officials and agency representative will see the need to endorse the Little Spokane Trails ands Pathways System- FUNDRAISING AND GRANTS • Service chubs and organizations can be encouraged to organize trnd conduct a wide range of activities to . generate revenue for construed=and maintenance. Car washes,bake sales,rummage sales,are all possibilities. One idea for an organization,hire a scout troop,is'a`Recycle for the Trail'project: collection boxes are conveniently located throughout the system encouraging people to donate their recycled cans and bottles to the trail. The organization would regularly collect contributions and maintain a construction and maintenance aaeount. Donations are often a big part of fimding a trail projext. Combined individual and corporate sponsors can potentially contribute thousands of dollars through direct contributions,endowments,employee challenge/match programs,or ckmatkns of necessary construction materials and maintenance supplies. • • There are also many types of grants available for funding the implementation of a trails project The Implementation Team will investigate grant opportunities to fund the construction of this trails system (see Appendix!). • • 39 • • ;•-• • i • IN-KENID CONTRIBUTIONS f Many grant programs require a local match to help demonstrate the community's commitment to the project Often this'match'requirement can be met with what is referred to as an`in-kind'contribution. In-kind contributions are non-monetary donations of labor,equipment and materials to the overall cost of completing a project that can be translated to a dollar value used to meet the matching requirernent. Volunteer labor for tasks such as clearing,grading,and construction can go a long way towards meeting local match requirements when applying for grants. Business leaders must also be recruited to support this plan. Businesses may be able to provide in-kind support through trail building,financial contributions or possibly adopting sections of trail. Businesses • are a key part of the community fabric and should not be excluded from involvement in building the Trails and Pathways System. Trails add to desirability of a community and can eabance a business' ability to attract customers to an arm. Next Steps • Continue coordinating with Spokane County and Pounder Construction to build the first section of • ! pathway this spring. • Continue waning with Ross,Devlin,and Burlington Northern railroad to establish easements across their properties. • Form an Implementation Team to oversee the strategy and goals laid out in this plan. • Continue working with Pine River and Leona neighborhoods,and County Parks to establish a nature trail on the Haynes property. • Work toward adoption of this plan in the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan. • Continue negotiations with the Department of Transportation so that the North Spokane Corridor • bike lanes(and spurs)fit with this plan's recomnmendations. • COMMUNITY SUPPORT • •I CREATE CITIZEN GROUP • • The establishment of a volunteer citizen group will provide the Implementation Team with assistance in all of the goals outlined by this plan. Volunteers can help with a variety of activities,including trail • construction and maintenance,trash and litter control,exotic vegetation removal,safety-patrols, fundraising and educational outreach. RECRUIT A POLITICAL CHAMPION The reemittnent of a political champion is one way to build community support This political champion can serve as a key note speaker at community gatherings,endorse the project in the media and 40 • • arrange meetings with key community and jurisdictional leaders,and provide letters of support for finding requests. • Spokane County Commissioner John Roskeiley has already been involved in drafting County Commissioners Resolution no. 10152 which supports the Trails and Pathways planning efforts. He and the other commiszticmers should continue to be kept informed and involved as this project moves forward BUILD PARTNERSHIPS Although a non-governmental organization and a citizen advisory committee are spearheading this Trails and Pathways project,its success will depend on the financial,legal and political support of all agencies and jurisdictions it encompasses. Some of the connections between key open spaces will require access across existing right-of-ways. For this reason,informing,involving and investing all of the stakeholders is the key to securing short and long-term support That support may be in the form of setbacks on existing roads,inclusion in regional plans and capital facilities budgets and/or financial support to acquire easements and additional properties. In addition,other partnering opportunities will be explored to involve businesses,charitable organizations,and adjacent landowners in the development,management,promotion and support of the Trails•and Pathways System.. This could include exploring resources and opportunities such as in-kind service donations,agency technical support,and new finding opportunities. The Little Spokane Trails and Pathways System region has been identified in the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan as a"Trail Study Area". The entire Concept Plan is intended to eventually be adopted by the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan. Several potential partners have been identified and the Core Planning team has begun working with some of them. Relationships such as such as these should continue to be pursued and strengthened,including but not limited to the following: Spokane County Engineers Relevant Washington State Government Mead lfigh School Wade Golf Cease Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation • Inland Northwest Land Trust Cycling Groups Washington State DOT Regional Developers Neighborhood Associations Regional Businewa Spokane County Parks Local Chums Burlington Northern Railroad • • PROMOTION • By presenting survey results to local newspapers and presenting promotional literature developed by the Implementation Team will demonstrate the community needs and interest Newspaper stories, announcements and promotional literature should be used to recruit additional support and volunteers to 41 • • leverage jurisdictional assistance,both technical and financial. The Implementation Team will also look • for new opportunities to involve business,charitable organizations,and adjacent landowners in the ' development,management,promotion and support of this trails and pathways system. LETTERS OF SUPPORT Soliciting general letters of support from community groups and organizations that have a related interest • in the Little Spokane River Valley area or trail projects serves a key function in supporting implementation. Once these letters have been submitted,they can be used for a variety of support- building objectives. VOLUNTEERS • The Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley should implement a volunteer program that allows people,organizations and businesses to get involved with implementation and up-keep of the Trails and Pathways System. Individuals,community organizations,civic groups,corporations and businesses are a good source of volunteers for trail development and maintenance. A few examples of volunteer opportunities that the Implementation Team should pursue are as follows: • Civic youth organizations,or businesses might want to adopt a section of trail and assume . � groups,Y �ti responsibility for litter patrol and light maintenance. • Youth corps can provide assistance either free of charge or at significantly reduced costs and can support a variety of labor-intensive projects such as trail construction,streambank restoration, habitat improvement,and tree planting. • Volunteer business work parties could help build,install and maintain signs and benches(according to standard design—haphazard development should not be allowed). • Prison crews and juvenile and adult offenders required to perform community service are another potential source of assistance at significantly reduced costs. This can be a win/win situation because many social workers believe that positive work experiences involving conservation and recreation projects play an important role in juvenile rehabilitation programs. • Schools and historical societies could help create and manage web pages,interpretive materials, • I curriculum guide,etc. • ITigh school and college students seeking recreation or conservation internships could be recruited to provided a somewhat longer-term commitment • Law enforcement agencies could train volunteer`trail stewards'to serve as their eyes and ears while assisting in educating the public rules and policies. Attracting volunteers is the first step,however,keeping them is the second. There are several ways to• encourage and maintain a healthy volunteer base. A few ideas suggested by The Wetland Conservancy are as follows: • Openly recognize the volunteers who are giving their time to the project or organization-call them,- send a brief note,and let their employer know how valuable their contribution was. • Make sure volunteers know who to ask if they have a question about their work assignment. • 42 • • • Find out what people like to do and are best at For example,don't give someone who hates detail .work the task of organizing the next mailing. - Be specific about the skills needed. • Be specific about who is in charge if it is a committee. • Give clear,defined tasks develop job descriptions. • Be specific about the time commitment involved. • APPENDIX I—FUNDING SOURCES When seeking funds from grants,don't try to make the funding guidelines fit the project Instead make sure the project fits the guidelines. This will increase your chances for success. Putting together a project of this magnitude requires fundraising from numerous sources that will likely include a combination of federal,state,local and private grant programs. Most grant programs are . established for specific purposes(e.g.,recreation,conservation,environmental restoration, • transportation,health and fitness,education)and the challenge is to identify these elements of the Little Spokane River Valley Trails System that match with these potential funding sources. • • • 43 • • APPENDIX II-LAND PROTECTION - There are many ways to protect land for recreational trails. Some methods can be permanent while others are temporary. With each option the landowner relinquishes varying amounts of control and rights over the property. The permanent land protection methods fall into four :donations,sales,transfer with • . conditions,and undivided interests. The alternative or temporary land protection methods are;long term leas,nonbinding agreements,management agreements,mutual agreements,land exchange,and limited developrnent. The flow chart on the following page illustrates the process by which a landowner can decide which method is best for protecting their property. Acquisition The outright purchase of a piece of land is known as fee simple acquisition. This is the most definitive way for an organization to protect the resource. It is often,however,difficult or impossible. Most conservation organizations have to rely cm donations and generosity..This makes it very difficult to compete with developers or other more profit oriented organizations. Conservation Easements One technique for preserving private land other than fee simple acquisition is through establishing a conservation easement. Conservation easements have been successfully used to protect a variety of envinatimentally sensitive lands,including bay islands along our coasts,mountain canyons in the Rockies, halting preserves along river corridors and prairie grasslands of our central states.They may be used as the - sole preservation technique or they may be adapted to provide protection of a buffer area around the core of a preserve where the central area is held by a conservation owner in fee title.Conservation easements can also accommodate low impact outdoor recreation. i . With a conservation mot,the landowner gives up certain uses and developmental rights to the land by way of a series of restrictions. It also grants certain affirmative rights,including the right to enforce these restrictions,to a second party,usually a non-profit conservation organization or a government agency • involved in park or natural area protection. • • • • 44 • • • Landowner Options Do you wish to protect your property permanently? I I YES NO Do you wish to continue to own your property? • Long.teXD lease's • Management agreement YES 1 0 • Mutual agreements* •Nonbinding agreement • Conservation easement* • Partial undivided interest* Do you want financial compensation? 1 I YES NO Sale. Donation •At market value • Bequest* •Bargain sale* • Leaseback • Limited development ' • Outright* option • Reserved life estate*, •Reserved life estate* • Undivided interest •Right of first refusal • Sale by installment • Self finance • Undivided interest Do you want to restrict Ahura use when you transfer title? I . • - YES NO • • Conservation easement* j• Normal transfer of title 1 • Deed restrictions • •:Mutual covenants • Reversionary interest •In most cases.The amounts of income tax'and estate tax reduction depend on a number of factors. Note: For property best kept in private ownership,the land trust may place a conservation easement on the property to protect it, and sell it to an appropriate buyer.For non-conservation property donated to . generate income to the land trust,the land trust will sell the property.Cam from the sale in either case will • be used to support the land truces conservation programs. ( chart was taken from „ Protection.A Washings=State Xandbbook, 1992, Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation) 45' A=nervation easement is similar in effect to restrictive covenants in a subdivision,which also restricts land use,but differs in several significant ways. First,a conservation easement is intended to provide • ; benefits to the public at large,not just the individual Landowners within a private subdivision. Second, subdivision restrictions set forth a framework for future development of the property. Conservation ammo:its,on the other hand,are designed to preserve property primarily in its natural,undeveloped condition: Like subdivision restricticms,conservation easements are tailored to the particular characteristics • of the land. Prior to drafting the easement,a complete natural resource inventory including maps, photographs of existing improvements,species lists,etc.should be undertaken. Properly done,the inventory will identify sensitive areas,land use patterns,and those areas where limited development may • occur,and thus will provide the conceptual framework for drafting the easement itself. While all of these easements specifically provide for public access and use of the land,conservation casements may also be placed on private land to protect a viewshed or open space. Easements are very flexible tools and do not require public accxm,therefore allowing a private owner to permanently protect • their property without necessitating either public ownership or access. Such use of easements could allow continued private ownership and enjoyment while increasing the protected viewshed. • Cooperative Agreements A less official but effective way to protect land is through a cooperative agreement or memorandum of • understanding. This is less complicated and most effective when the landowners are public agencies with • similar missions. This is a less permanent solution since these types of agreements usually contain an • escape clause that will allow any or all of the signatories to pull out with reasonable notice. • • • • 46 • • • • Land Protection Options .on Detie= Results Income Tax Estate Tax Deduction? Deduction? s s ration Legal at Land's conservation values Yes Yes tent between a landowner protected by orfoaization.Owner and a land trust or continues to own,use,and live on govt agate), land. permanently limiting a property's uses. :Land Land is donated to land Organization owns&protects Yes Yes • lion trust or agency. land.''Income tax moons • spread ova several years. • on of interests in land are Organization owns&protects Yes Yes ided donated to land trust, land.s • detests or agency over several years,until or on has fall ownership. on of Land is donated to land won owns&protects No Yes Will trust or agency at land.* death. on of Land is donated to land Organization owns&protects. . Yes Yes rider trust,but owner(or land.• n Land others designated . served continue to live there, Mate usually until death. .Sale of Land is sold to land Organization owns&protects Yes Yes 4 trust or agency for a land.• • • price below fair market value. se Land is leased for a Development postponed Yes Yes ' specified number of years to a land trust or individual,with • restrictions placed on how it can be used. • 47 • . • ual A group of landowners Can be nullified by subsequent No No . tant agree to restrictions on agreatxult of owners. . their land use.May • ; not involve a conservation group. . :cases.The amounts of income tax and estate tax reduction depend on a number of factors. Note: arty best kept in private ownership,the land trust may place a conservation easement on the to protect it,and sell it to an appropriate buyer.For non-conservation property donated to generate )the land trust,the land trust will sell the pruperty.Cash from the sale in either case will be used to he land trust's conservation zrognims. ving is excerpted from Conservation Options A Landowner's Guide published by the Land Trust Alliance.) • • • I • • • • • • • • • 48 • APPENDIX III--COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EFSOLUTION "BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County,Washington that the Board does recognize the citizen based effort and the process to this master plan for a non-motorized trail and pathway system in the little Spokane Valley. APPROVED BY THE BOARD this 20*day of February,2001." • • • • • • • • • • • • 49 • APPENDIX IV—CORE PLANNING TEAM LETTER March 2000 Friends of the Tattle Spokane River. As we begin a new year,we are pleased to inform you of the recent efforts of a prop of area residents to explore the development of a trail along the Little Spokane River. A trail through tins scenic corridor would expand recreational opportunities for area residents while providing safe,pedestrian and bicyde linkages to local parks,schools,and services. The little Spokane River Trail Committee t"PC),with assistance from the National Part Service,is committed to developing. a plan for implementing this trail.However,a project of this size is not possible without the support of residents,merchants and professionals in the area. It must be a community-wide effort. • As an active member of the Wandermere annmanity,your perspective would be invaluable as an advisor to the TC. We invite you to serve as a member of the Citizen's Advisory Council,which will function as a sounding board for the TC. We anticipate bimonthly,evening meetings to accommodate working professionals. A member of the TC will be contacting you to discuss this very exciting project and the means by which yen will be able to lend assistance. We welcome your interest and questions,now and throughout this planning proces& Sincerely, • • • • • • • • APPENDIX V—ADVISORY COUNCIL LETTER • 51 • • • • • • • Trait Committee • r j Tiias&of the Litt4 Spo4fute River Valey • ':sir. • • • • March 3,2801 • Friends and neighbors of the Litde Spokane River. We are pleased to inform you of the recent efforts of a group of area residents to develop a pedestrian and - bikeway system though the scenic Little Spokane River Valley. A network of trails and paths along existing roadways and through public land would expand recreational * 'es for area residents while providing safe pedestrian and bicycle linkages to local parks,schools,and services. The little Spokane River Valley Trail Committee,with assistance from the National Park Service's Rivers and Trails program,a oommnnity-based planning program,is committed to developing a plan for a trail and pathways system. However,a project of this size most be a community-wide effort It is not possible without . the input and support of local residents,merchants and professionals. As an active member of the Little Spokane River Valley,your would be invaluable as an advisor to • the Trail Cm: mitten We invite you to serve as a member of s Advisory Council,which will function as a sounding board for the Trail Committee. We anticipate 3-5 evening meetings over the course of the planning process. Knowing that you are a busy member of our community,we will keep the meetings as brief and direct as possible. and how you may A member of the Trail Committee will be Ong you to discuss this very exciting project ya y be able to lend assistance. We hope you will join the advisory council's first meeting April 10,2001,4330- . • : 63001mt at the North Spokane Library,44 E Hawthorne Rd. We welcome your interest and questions,now and throughout the planning pmcess. • • • • • • I ' • 52 • • • • - • APPENDIX VI—COLBERT WIFEfING NOTICE January 1,2002 Greetings! The Friends of the Little Spokane River Valley trail oomnittee invites you to a community meeting Tuesday, January 15,2002,from 7:00—8:00 p.m. The meeting will take place at Harla Jean Biever's*home. oots to give you an amity to preview a video of the planned non-motorized trails and paths project in our valley,and,an opportunity for us to listen to your ideas about a Rproposed oad alternate route for walkers and joggers who may want to bypass the steep dangerous Colbert oad by using the roads:Meadvwbnx lc,Palomino.View.Redowa,Merest,Hiill,J and Michael to enjoy the outdoors at a more pedestrian pace. • Other than appearing as an indicator on the FISRV trail map brochures,the above mentioned roads will be designated as"tmhmproved routes,"and there won't be any signage,path/trail construction,or trespassing, • whatsoever. Please see the opposite side of this flyer for directions to the meeting and proposed trail information. Hope to see you there. Tina Wynecoop • • • • • • • • 53 • APPENDIX VII-PUBLIC COMMENTS • PUBLIC Cots ON ME 11m/POSED TRAILS&PATHWAYS (Fran the Open House at Midway Bementary School,JUNE 57°2001) WHAT DO YOU THINE;OF THESE PROPOSED TRAILS ROVrES? What other segments or connections should be considered? Connect to Mead high school track via back of gravel pit. Under the power lines Haynes propetty/Wanderniere connection would be nice if Hwy 395 could be avoided(i.e.going east of Gravel pit from freeway to Wes).Another connection to Farwell from Haynes would be nice.Also connection from Little Spokane to Hwy 2 through Meadowridge would be nice. • I would lice to see a connection along Shady Slope Rd.(from Little Spokane Rd to HWY 2) Connect through the meadow across the river below Arrowhead Point+Fairwood neighborhoods to the existing trail system that follows the river at the park near St George's school. This would be a wonderful river following stretch. I don't think there are many homeowner lots across the river(west side of the river). Proposal looks great—The committee has done a super job! Golden road because some people probably don't want to go all the way through Hwy 2 if you live on little Spokane Rd.. • Links to the river Half Moon and Burke/Division connecting to H Half Moon and Buckeye Valley Estates From Hwy 2 NW along RR track to Woolard Rd. 54 • • • From Hwy 2 EW past Meadow Ridge School Library at Hawthorne(and access to Hawthorne would also yield access to theatre and shopping at North Pointe. Connection to Centennial Trail. • Little Spokane River Drive—Meadowridge Elementary. Golden—Greenbluff Connect with the Whitworth College Campus. • Whkh p tram tie me ila(lf devvebned)Would be most linDortaat to you? Pine River Park to Wye mall. Pine River park to Shady Slope through Haynes Pine River Park to Gleneden Hatch/Midway/Little Spokane The Wandermere Rd to Hastings Rd Little Spokane Drive Haynes property Near the water Colbert Road Little Spokane Rd Those to Wandermere All along Little Spokane Drive+Dartford Rd Route along Little Spokane Dr.for safety reasons—Bikers and joggers take their lives in their hands every lime they go out there. Little Spokane Dr through Dartford Hatch Road Hatch to Ballard to Dartford Drive . Midway to Wsmciermere Perry to Little Spokane Hatch,Fender,Ballard,Wandermere,Midway From Hwy 2 NW along RR track to Woolard Rd. From Hwy 2 EW past Meadow Ridge School. Colbert R and Little Spokane Drive • Walking trails along Little Spokanellvlidway area,for a radius of about 5 miles. Little Spokane Drive. Wandermere Road Little Spokane River Drive—Pine River Park • Wa zimut e'—Dartford Drive. Dartford—STA Park and Ride (Austin Road)Dartford—Pine River Park What organizations or individuals should lie rain the decision making process? Trails Committee Land Owners Local citizens • Local land owners Schools—to get links,to all schools in area via the trail 55 • • Friends of Little Spokane • Homeowners along the trail route Dieter Cement he lives on the Little Spokane(466-1829)• • Your open house is an excellent idea. bard owners • • • Spokane bike club and Spokane mountaineers(Mountaineers have a trail work committee that could be • coerced to work on Trails) - Those Martha Schaefer mentions in her video tape plus the Spokane Bike Club that promotes bike pathways People who live in the area and who would use it , As many as possible—every age group. ; The borne/landowners along the reposed corridor of this trail need to be informed of what could happen. Even though most of the trails would be located on already existing roads or nearby,they need to know what is going cat • Homeowners,Parks Dept.,Schools • Homeowner's,Schools Schools,Audubon Society,Homeowners Are Init.concerned about the location of any Dr oposedtrun segment? Why? Can't you do something more scenic(and less noisy)than follow along US2? While still serving the same purpose?(Farwell to Woodland) No concerns Nope Na Iley are all in a good loartion—seems logical • Good traffic avoidance systems(underpass/overpass) Concern of over reliance on roads as pathways. Traffic lue;increased significantly in the last 3 years— Someone will be rim over soon—unless adequate lighting,Paths and signs. No • • • g • • • 56 • - • • APPENDIX VIII-PVBL1C SURVEY RESULTS • • , . • ;� ia•: . '• • • • • • • • • • 57 • • • APPENDIX IX-OPEN HOUSE QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS • • . 3 j • • • i . . • • • • • • • 58- • • I APPENDIX X- PROPOSED TRAILS&PATHWAYS SYSTEM MAP • • 59 • Little. Spokoie T 1'-( i1 `--,vS-f-e-r'1-x V GQhd by In pertnenhip wear M.O.,of ec.crl,: T..MINWIrlw.... • {. Mia. ...,Xt r ln:y Rivers&Trails 3 : 7StsitCommlitee Prugram 1 i'llk SIM MD a l )f '� -_i> m ( f . 1 /Q - • /1 -c _r. • ! f e i 1 ..rw ,'�M • IAL - •.zI I i . 74'.fr\ ' • ‘ • r Ar. d( 1111 d . Legend iMOD.ac.ro stoma:vox ani=cad av It V pod,mu*KIWI hq:..a a.m+asr rum PoK.Cli.n Moo ea ate..Mtarce eslmapaIDisribTaomho Law sow.(twee Wavy IgOrS)si;T pa$waplicAri Row r penury rd.ray ro.ny (y *°►--°T......1 awns c,cm. I ~Tr Mi 70.7017110.SWIM d NA silts q,ea O rl dwetsm i.d ►Ka..a radar Oascv. DOT ram tansy Fr.= • troxprrra As,aNutArt cowls*,&mem Derma,era II 1 1 I i . I • 1 1 ��-i ah3�i:• :y�i� • Z-»m ii^• d N! O �yy� STATE OF WASHINGTON OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Insurance Building, PO Box 43113 . Olympia, Washington 98504-3113 • (360) 902-0555 January 25, 2002 Spp NE COuN JAN 2 8 2002 Dear Local Officials and Interested Parties: MSS/ON OF pIANN!NQ The 2002 Growth Management Act Population Projections are enclosed. The enclosed tables show total resident population for five-year intervals through 2025. A complete publication document, with the projection methodology and extensive supplemental information, is now in process. The document should be available February 2002. Specific sets of information will be added to the information we have on the Internet on our Growth Management site as it becomes available. Projections by single year, 2005 through 2025,are available now and will be on the Office of Financial Management (OFM) website http://www.ofm.wa.gov/demographics.htm#growth by the week of • January 28, 2002. Thank you for all of your assistance while developing these projections. Please contact me at 360.902.0588 or Don Pittenger at 360.902.0596 with any questions or information needs. Sincerely, Theresa J. Lowe Chief Demographer Enclosures kt1 • \\?%Ci) ' b1/4 I PROJECTIONS OF THE TOTAL RESIDENT POPULATION FOR THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT INTERMEDIATE SERIES: 2000 TO 2025 (Released January 2002) 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 State 5,894,121 6,233,345 6,648,112 7,096,501 7,545,269 7,975,471 Adams 16,428 17,458 18,502 19,724 20,919 22,063 Asotin 20,551 21,466 22,582 23,569 24,650 25,671 Benton 142,475 151,522 161,236 169,528 177,388 184,818 Chelan 66,616 71,169 75,993 81,056 85,864 90,461 Clallam 64,179 64,969 67,754 70,769 74,349 77,749 Clark 345,238 391,264 432,479 473,674 509,876 544,809 Columbia 4,064 3,914 4,000 4,150 4,126 4,092 Cowlitz 92,948 98,764 107,903 117,163 126,797 136,114 Douglas 32,603 36,257 39,196 42,302 44,920 47,428 Ferry 7,260 7,901 8,384 8,827 9,429 10,008 Franklin 49,347 52,642 56,392 60,216 64,687 68,997 Garfield 2,397 2,436 2,510 2,596 2,668 2.734 _ Grant 74,698 82,397 88.331 92,806 95,715 98,395 Grays Harbor 67,194 66,490 68,878 71,761 74,605 77,269 Island 71,558 74,738 80,650 87,416 94,365 101,079 Jefferson 26,299 28,308 30,892 34,067 37,483 40,807 King 1,737,034 1,786,803 1,861,042 1,940,385 2,018,824 2,092,390 Kitsap 231,969 236,403 257,841 281,883 307,113 331,571 Kittitas 33,362 34,314 36,742 39,451 41,776 43,999 Klickitat 19,161 20,338 21,626 23,071 24,493 25,855 Lewis 68,600 73,005 77,493 81,251 86,070 90,678 Lincoln 10,184 10,095 10,386 11,004 11,918 12,802 Mason 49,405 53,789 58,604 64,007 69,635 75,088 Okanogan 39,564 41,458 44,061 46,315 47,920 49,410 Pacific 20,984 20,957 21,257 21,725 22,228 22,678 Pend Oreille 11,732 12,679 13,674 14,711 15,706 16,662 Pierce 700,820 740,838 788,580 840,557 892,454 942,157 • San Juan 14,077 15,480 17,316 19,168 20,877 22,534 Skagit 102,979 113,136 123,807 135,717 150,449 164,797 Skamania 9,872 10,483 11,068 11,731 12,344 12,927 Snohomish 606,024 666,735 728,957 793,720 862,599 929,314 Spokane 417,939 441,068 466,417 496,981 529,958 561,627 Stevens 40,066 42,105 46,585 52,102 58,154 64,057 Thurston 207,355 234,053 258,687 286,449 312,029 336,825 Wahkiakum 3,824 3,906 4,169 4,406 4,745 5,072 Walla Walla 55,180 57,475 60,030 62,398 64,856 67,158 Whatcom 166,814 180,463 195,504 213,246 230,228 246,636 Whitman 40,740 40,445 41,149 42,342 43,651 44,856 Yakima 222,581 225,622 237,435 254,257 269,401 283,884 OFMlForecasting 1125102 L A PROJECTIONS OF THE TOTAL RESIDENT POPULATION FOR THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT HIGH SERIES: 2000 TO 2025 (Released January 2002) 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 State 5,894,121 6,621,080 7,215,892 7,867,806 8,541,588 9,215,093 Adams 16,428 18,444 19,853 21,489 23,136 24,766 Asotin 20,551 22,679 24,230 25,678 27,263 28,816 Benton 142,475 164,553 180,423 195,296 210,205 225,108 Chelan 66,616 74,443 81,009 88,027 94,966 101,859 Clallam 64,179 68,333 72,383 76,776 81,894 86,927 Clark 345,238 413,273 465,996 520,449 571,061 621,763 Columbia 4,064 4,217 4,420 4,700 4,786 4,859 Cowlitz 92,948 108,369 122,416 137,286 153,298 169,632 Douglas 32,603 38,877 43,292 48,087 52,511 56,973 Ferry 7,260 8,731 9,600 10,460 11,551 12,660 Franklin 49,347 55,919 61,552 67,487 74,390 81,365 Garfield 2,397 2,629 2,795 2,980 3,154 3,325 Grant 74,698 87,238 96,502 104,523 111,029 117,459 Grays Harbor 67,194 70,064 74,216 79,027 83,931 88,763 Island 71,558 79,783 88,312 98,124 108,520 . 119,021 Jefferson 26,299 30,195 33,793 38,197 43,055 47,990 King 1,737,034 1,851,128 1,961,538 2,080,093 2,200,518 2,318,368 Kitsap 231,969 - 277,242 306,960 340,585 376,521 412,391 Kittitas 33,362 36,759 40,545 44,806 48,794 52,810 Klickitat 19,161 21,863 23,832 26,047 28,314 30,586 Lewis 68,600 79,794 87,800 95,307 104,403 113,620 Lincoln 10,184 11,054 11,736 12,820 14,302 15,810 Mason 49,405 58,899 66,750 75,720 85,442 95,437 Okanogan 39,564 43,904 47,850 . 51,549 54,629 57,661 Pacific 20,984 22,424 23,383 24,549 25,784 26,987 Pend Oreille 11,732 13,554 14,946 16,432 17,921 19,411 Pierce 700,820 791,400 856,004 926,924 999,548 1,071,468 San Juan 14,077 16,521 18,987 21,578 24,113 26,686 Skagit 102,979 121,451 137,054 154,785 . 176,627 198,992 Skamania 9,872 11,429 12,368 13,429 14,467 15,503 Snohomish 606,024 699,238 781,806 870,116 966,111 1,062,903 Spokane 417,939 469,958 509,327 555,873 606,802 657,946 Stevens 40,066 47,158 54,039 62,522 72,111 81,993 Thurston 207,355 255,703 287,919 324,690 360,081 395,601 Wahkiakum 3,824 4,156 4,528 4,882 5,362 5,843 Walla Walla 55,180 61,872 66,153 70,354 74,779 79,146 Whatcom 166,814 194,449 217,009 243,634 270,518 297,813 Whitman 40,740 45,966 48,967 52,652 56,615 60,578 Yakima 222,581 237,411 255,599 279,873 303,076 326,254 OFM/Forocasting 1/25/02 ■ PROJECTIONS OF THE TOTAL RESIDENT POPULATION FOR THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT LOW SERIES: 2000 TO 2025 (Released January 2002) 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 State 5,894,121 5,935,479 6,190,412 6,460,127 6,710,659 6,925,750 Adams 16,428 16,585 17,392 18,343 19,245 20,077 Asotin 20,551 20,393 21,227 21,919 22,678 23,361 Benton 142,475 143,052 147,531 151,304 154,328 156,633 Chelan 66,616 67,913 ' 71,015 74,146 76,848 79,176 Clallam 64,179 61,442 62,781 64,225 66,059 67,598 Clark 345,238 370,136 400,908 430,096 453,280 473,984 Columbia 4,064 3,647 3,654 3,715 3,619 3,514 Cowlitz 92,948 93,344 98,192 103,689 109,045 113,655 Douglas 32,603 33,900 35,668 37,437 38,631 39,602 Ferry 7,260 7,260 7,260 7,260 7,260 7,260 Franklin 49,347 49,878 52,163 54,345 56,925 59,165 Garfield 2,397 2,256 2,253 2,255 2,241 2,218 Grant 74,698 77,762 80,602 81,785 81,358 80,561 Grays Harbor 67,194 62,916 63,540 64,495 65,279 65,775 Island 71,558 69,693 72,988 76,708 80,210 83,137 Jefferson 26,299 26,421 27,989 29,935 31,913 33,626 King 1,737,034 1,721,585 1,766,129 1,813,290 1,857,318 1,894,659 Kitsap 231,969 219,855 232,057 245,238 257,975 268,573 Kittitas 33,362 32,341 33,619 35,013 35,927 36,629 Klickitat 19,161 19,067 19,788 20,591 21,309 21,912 Lewis 68,600 67,621 69,550 70,587 72,299 73,563 Lincoln 10,184 9,512 9,571 9,912 10,488 11,000 Mason 49,405 50,158 53,037 56,166 59,190 61,760 Okanogan 39,564 39,219 40,712 41,776 42,170 42,394 Pacific 20,984 19,930 19,854 19,922 20,005 20,025 Pend Oreille 11,732 11,868 12,471 13,063 13,570 13,996 Pierce 700,820 711,204 741,265 773,312 803,209 829,098 San Juan 14,077 14,532 15,801 16,988 17,954 18,788 Skagit 102,979 106,914 113,902 121,467 130,891 139,253 Skamania 9,872 9,789 10,100 10,455 10,739 10,972 Snohomish 606,024 634,232 676,108 717,324 759,087 795,725 Spokane 417,939 419,566 432,602 449,147 466,363 480,893 Stevens 40,066 39,758 42,742 46,410 50,245 53,632 Thurston 207,355 219,132 237,345 257,446 274,586 290,091 Wahkiakum 3,824 3,656 3,810 3,930 4,128 4,301 Walla Walla 55,180 54,027 55,228 56,158 57,073 57,756 Whatcom 166,814 171,665 181,330 192,721 202,601 211,182 Whitman 40,740 38,119 37,651 37,579 37,540 37,343 Yakima 222,581 215,131 220,577 229,975 237,073 242,863 OFMlForecasting 1/25102 •• 6 STATp ;V int J� E4ill� 3111'; STATE OF WASHINGTON OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT • insurance Building, PO Box 43113 • Olympia, Washington 98504-3113 • (360) 902-0555 December 19, 2001 • Dear Local Officials and Interested Parties: The ii1.pd7t0 fu flak, i1 nvi lli illanriKgme11t. '.et(0100) )0p11171110111 P iMior, a e enclosed for your review. More changes than anticipated were ma e to ie projections, largely due to accommodating the expected slowdown in Washington's economy and growth through 2005. However, there are only eight counties that have substantially revised projections. These are Clallam, Clark, Columbia, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, Pacific, and Wahkiakum. The GMA population projection review packet contains a graph comparing the high and low range 1995 projections with the revised projections for 2002. Tables are also provided with the 1995 projections and the revised projections. Age data for five-year intervals and annual projections for 2010 through 2025 will be developed once the projection totals are final. Please contact me at 3;1i'i.''rfiZ� ', P? r t lfrydi at ':,tat) .,t0, , rU.;'0A,ith your comments by January 15, 2002. We will be happy to provide additional information or answer any questions. We will be available to return calls the remainder of December. It is our plan to have the projection totals final by January 22, 2002. Sincerely, i•hwitaa AL Lowe Chief Demographer Enclosures �� tJ GMA MEDIUM REVIEW POPULATION PROJECTIONS FOR 2002 PROJECTION UPDATE 2000 2005 2010 2015 I. S 2025 •t; kp 0 89r< f,':06 345 MAN V,'39 ,60 i 7A1030_ -°dNa.'I' Adams 16,428 17,458 18,502 19,- 20,1'1° 22,063 Asotin 20,551 21,466 22,582 23,569 24,650 25,671 Benton 142,475 151,522 161,236 169,528 177,388 184,818 Chelan 66,616 71,169 75,993 81,056 85,864 90,461 Clallam 64,525 65,315 68,098 71,113 74,696 78,097 Clark 345,238 391,264 432,479 473,674 509,876 544,809 Columbia 4,064 3,914 4,000 4,150 4,126 4,092 Cowlitz 92,948 98,764 107,903 117,163 126,797 136,114 Douglas 32,603 36,257 39,196 42,302 44,920 - 47,428 Ferry 7,260 7,901 8,384 8,827 9,429 10,008 Franklin 49,347 52,642 56,392 60,216 64,687 68,997 Garfield 2,397 2,436 2,510 2,596 2,668 2,734 Grant 74,698 82,397 88,331 92,806 95,715 98,395 Grays Harbor 67,194 66,490 68,878 71,761 74,605 77,269 Island 71,558 74,738 80,650 87,416 94,365 101,079 Jefferson 25,953 27,962 30,545 33,720 37,138 40,462 King 1,737,034 1,786,803 1,861,042 1,940,385 2,018,824 2,092,390 Kitsap 231,969 236,403 257,841 281,883 307,113 331,571 Kittitas 33,362 34,314 36,742 39,451 41,776 43,999 Klickitat 19,161 20,338 21,626 23,071 24,493 25,855 Lewis 68,600 73,005 77,493 81,251 86,070 90,678 Lincoln 10,184 10,095 10,386 11,004 11,918 12,802 Mason 49,405 53,789 58,604 64,007 69,635 75,088 Okanogan 39,564 41,458 44,061 46,315 47,920 49,410 Pacific 20,984 20,957 21,257 21,725 22,228 22,678 Pend Oreille 11,732 12,679 13,674 14,711 15,706 16,662 Pierce 700,820 740,838 788,580 840,557 892,454 942,157 San Juan 14,077 15,480 17,316 19,168 20,877 22,534 Skagit 102,979 113,136 123,807 135,717 150,449 164,797 Skamania 9,872 10,483 11,068 11,731 12,344 12,927 Snohomish 606,024 666 735 728 957 793 720 862,599 929,314 P pf(;iie 6gYAV 481 068 dattgff 490,0131 'S'2;;},96t1 Stevens 40,066 42,105 46,585 52,102 58,154 64,057 Thurston 207,355 234,053 258,687 286,449 312,029 336,825 Wahkiakum 3,824 3,906 4,169 4,406 4,745 5,072 Walla Walla 55,180 57,475 60,030 62,398 64,856 67,158 Whatcom 166,814 180,463 195,504 213,246 230,228 246,636 Whitman 40,740 40,445 41,149 42,342 43,651 44,856 Yakima 222,581 225,622 237,435 254,2.57 269,401 283,884 OFMIForecasting 12/19/01 • GMA HIGH REVIEW POPULATION PROJECTIONS FOR 2002 PROJECTION UPDATE 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 tale _ 5,09.:02,1 6,609,690 V201,0666__ _ 7,65 f)Y il!54, ,500 ,224, Adams 16,428 18,444 19,853 21,489 _ 3, 3• 24,766 Asotin 20,551 • 22,679 24,230 25,678 27,263 28,816 Benton 142,475 164,553 180,423 195,296 210,205 225,108 Chelan 66,616 74,443 81,009 88,027 94,966 101,859 Clallam 64,525 68,679 72,729 77,122 82,240 87,273 Clark 345,238 413,273 465,996 520,449 571,061 621,763 Columbia 4,064 4,217 4,420 4,700 4,786 4,859 Cowlitz 92,948 108,369 122,416 137,286 153,298 169,632 Douglas 32,603 38,877 43,292 48,087 52,511 56,973 Ferry 7,260 8,731 9,600 10,460 11,551 , 12,660 Franklin 49,347 55,919 61,552 67,487 74,390 81,365 Garfield 2,397 2,629 2,795 2,980 3,154 3,325 Grant 74,698 87,238 96,502 104,523 111,029 117,459 Grays Harbor 67,194 70,064 74,216 79,027 83,931 88,763 Island 71,558 79,783 88,312 98,124 108,520 119,021 Jefferson 25,953 29,849 33,447 37,851 42,709 47,644 King 1,737,034 1,851,128 1,961,538 2,080,093 2,200,518 2,318,368 Kitsap 231,969 256,852 292,134 332,481 376,521 421,924 Kittitas 33,362 36,759 40,545 44,806 48,794 52,810 Klickitat 19,161 21,863 23,832 26,047 28,314 30;586 Lewis 68,600 79,794 87,800 95,307 104,403 113,620 Lincoln 10,184 11,054 11,736 12,820 14,302 15,810 Mason 49,405 58,899 66,750 75,720 85,442 95,437 Okanogan 39,564 43,904 47,850 51,549 54,629 57,661 Pacific 20,984 22,424 23,383 24,549 25,784 26,987 Pend Oreille 11,732 13,554 14,946 16,432 17,921 19,411 Pierce 700,820 791,400 856,004 926,924 999,548 1,071,468 San Juan 14,077 16,521 18,987 21,578 24,113 26,686 Skagit 102,979 121,451 137,054 154,785 176,627 198,992 Skamania 9,872 11,429 12,368 13,429 14,467 15,503 Snohomish 606,024 699 238 ;1,80. 0,116 966,111 1 062 903 p lane Ox/,`39 45t,___05.8 509,-24 ___55 ,073 _ 6ti�r,#946 Stevens 40,066 47,158 54,039 62,522 _ 72,111 81,993 Thurston 207,355 , 255,703 287,919 324,690 360,081 395,601 Wahkiakum 3,824 4,156 4,528 4,882 5,362 5,843 Walla Walla 55,180 61,872 66,153 70,354 74,779 79,146 Whatcom 166,814 194,449 217,009 243,634 270,518 297,813 Whitman 40,740 45,966 48,967 52,652 56,615 60,578 Yakima 222,581 237,411 255,599 279,873 303,076 326,254 OFMIForecasting 12/19101 GMA LOW REVIEW POPULATION PROJECTIONS FOR 2002 PROJECTION UPDATE 2000 2005 ! 1 01,., 2020 202, , State 5 894,M 5,9983,69# 6, ',90,698 6,.160 594 __ 1,711,414 6,926,'.4r7 Adams 16,428 16,585 17,392 18,343 19,245 20,077 Asotin 20,551 20,393 21,227 21,919 22,678 23,361 Benton 142,475 142,052 147,531 151,304 154,328 156,633 Chelan 66,616 67,913 71,015 74,146 76,848 79,176 Clallam 64,525 61,788 63,127 64,571 66,405 67,944 Claris 345,238 370,136 400,908 430,096 453,280 473,984 Columbia 4,064 . 3,647 3,654 3,715 3,619 3,514 Cowlitz 92,948 92,344 98,192 103,689 109,045 113,655 Douglas 32,603 • 33,900 35,668 37,437 38,631 39,602 Ferry 7,260 7,308 7,546 7,724 8,015 8,257 Franklin 49,347 49,878 52,163 54,345 56,925 59,165 Garfield 2,397 2,256 2,253 2,255 2,241 2,218 Grant 74,698 77,762 80,602 81,785 81,358 80,561 Grays Harbor 67,194 62,916 63,540 64,495 65,279 65,775 Island 71,558 69,693 72,988 76,708 80,210 83,137 Jefferson 25,953 26,075 27,643 29,589 31,567 33,280 King 1,737,034 1,721,585 1,766,129 1,813,290 1,857,318 1,894,659 Kitsap 231,969 219,855 232,057 245,238 257,975 268,573 Kittitas 33,362 32,341 33,619 35,013 35,927 36,629 Klickitat 19,161 19,067 19,788 20,591 21,309 21,912 Lewis 68,600 67,621 69,550 70,587 72,299 73,563 Lincoln 10,184 9,512 9,571 9,912 10,488 11,000 Mason 49,405 50,158 53,037 56,166 59,190 61,760 Okanogan 39,564 39,219 40,712 41,776 42,170 42,394 Pacific 20,984 19,930 19,854 19,922 20,005 20,025 Pend Oreille 11,732 11,868 12,471 13,063 13,570 13,996 Pierce 700,820 711,204 741,265 773,312 803,209 829,098 San Juan 14,077 14,532 15,801 16,988 17,954 18,788 Skagit 102,979 106,914 113,902 121,467 130,891 139,253 Skamania 9,872 9,789 10,100 10,455 10,739 10,972 Snohomish 606,024 3., - •7t, ': 7 ,324 59087 795,725 Sl:?K1la no -- 40,`:3 440,666 432,632 - .4.02,,L'4;-/ 4666 363 486,698 Stevens 40,066 39,758 42,742 46,410 50,245 53,632 Thurston 207,355 219,132 237,345 257,446 274,586 290,091 Wahkiakum 3,824 3,656 3,810 3,930 4,128 4,301 Walla Walla 55,180 54,027 55,228 56,158 57,073 57,756 Whatcom 166,814 171,665 181,330 192,721 202,601 211,182 Whitman 40,740 38,119 37,651 37,579 37,540 37,343 Yakima 222,581 215,131 220,577 229,975 237,073 242,863 OFM/Forecasting 12/19/01 • 1995 GMA MEDIUM POPULATION PROJECTION 2000 2005 2010 - 2015 2020 - Std -5,Td�3:3 i, 6 7 0, 8J ' Adams 16,343 17,508 18,502 19,724 20,997 Asotin 20,256 • 21,566 22,632 23,569 24,766 Benton 146,020 155,320 163,037 172,525 181,806 Chelan 66,390 71,468 76,093 81,054 86,213 Clallam 67,898 72,559 75,502 78,292 82,477 . Clark 322,755 352,629 377,478 401,071 425,502 Columbia 4,253 - 4,389 4,542 4,755 4,970 Cowlitz 94,383 102,763 112,904 123,161 134,122 Douglas 32,683 36,557 39,596 42,801 45,969 Ferry 7,655 8,242 8,775 9,368 9,986 . Franklin 48,831 53,041. 56,592 60,915 65,152 Garfield 2,414 2,486 2,560 2,646 2,726 Grant 74;266 82,396 86,631 89,804 92,878 • Grays Harbor 71,848 73,905 76,821 81,010 86,309 Island 76,977 84,892 92,488 99,970 106,649 Jefferson 28,825 33,001 36,747 40,766 44,822 King 1,679,066 1,763,634 1,840,172 1,929,920 2,030,674 Kitsap 244,049 266,645 288,087 312,123 337,602 Kittitas 32,493 34,714 36,842 39,450 42,241 Klickitat 19,410 20,838 22,126 23,571 25,074 Lewis 70,286 76,004 80,843 86,249 92,395 Lincoln 10,056 10,295 10,886 11,604 12,351 Mason 49,985 54,588 59,404 64,806 70,565 • Okanogan 39,324 41,858 44,061 46,314 48,385 Pacific 21,992 23,640 24,915 26,729 28,628 Pend Oreille 11,918 12,979 13,974 15,011 16,055 Pierce 721,608 763,819 812,002 863,459 916,848 San Juan 13,877 15,680 17,366 19,168 21,110 Skagit 103,478 114,635 125,508 137,714 152,812 Skamania 10,179 10,883 11,468 12,131 12,809 Snoh•it. -s 5:� , • 660 682 719 914 7; ,1166 836 992 S 51kcaie •-2-8,a!t r IMO 4/1(,419 5,16 9 M bilv,ow, ' Stevens 38,472 42,405 46,585 52,101 58,503 Thurston 214,767 243,550 267,988 295,443 324,911 Wahkiakum 3,950 4,285 4,657 5,050 5,490 Walla Walla 55,802 59,274 62,230 65,197 67,519 Whatcom 164,003 178,461 192,505 208,242 224,391 Whitman 41,878 43,498 45,037 47,142 49,705 Yakima 215,637 227,620 239,436 255,252 271,726 OFM/Forecasting 10/15/01 1995 GMA HIGH POPULATION PROJECTION 00 0 0 2015 2020 1 State 3.960 cao 6,532,8'4 _ _".,08- , 419 ;AZ 7,t32 0,;30,569,569 ' Adams 16,662 18,195 19,599 21,304 23,115 Asotin 20,648 22,414 23,979 25,452 27,267 Benton 150,214 ,164,374 177,498 193,229 209,475 Chelan 67,679 74,267 80,612 87,535 94,919 Clallam 69,218 75,405 79,987 84,553 90,804 Clark 329,783 368,156 402,679 437,167 473,898 Columbia 4,378 4,644 4,945 5,323 5,727 Cowlitz 96,877 108,267 122,095 136,708 152,809 Douglas 33,551 38,514 42,822 47,512 52,369 Ferry - 7,875 8,723 9,552 10,491 11,507 Franklin 50,127 55,884 61,199 67,613 74,229 Garfield 2,482 2,630 2,788 2,965 3,144 Grant 76,399 87,207 94,313 100,578 107,011 GHarbor 73,578 77,516 82,512 89,110 97,231 Island 78,681 88,628 98,667 108,967 118,779 Jefferson 29,519 34,609 39,470 44,847 50,497 King 1,702,871 1,814,000 1,919,560 2,041,723 2,178,772 Kitsap 248,792 277,105 305,201 337,089 371,698 Kittitas 33,425 36,737 40,110 44,183 48,670 Klickitat 19,880 21,855 23,765 25,931 28,244 Lewis 71,982 79,713 86,831 94,875 104,085 Lincoln 10,297 10,797 11,692 12,768 13,912 Mason 51,895 58,834 66,472 75,285 85,107 Okanogan 40,270 43,900 47,331 50,945 54,505 Pacific 22,313 24,341 26,030 28,329 30,792 Pend Oreille 12,177 13,551 14,906 16,359 17,881 Pierce 733,917 790,104 854,265 923,902 997,765 San Juan 14,245 16,524 18,780 21,277 24,051 Skagit 106,454 121,320 136,644 154,240 176,067 Skamania 10,424 11,411 12,318 13,341 14,429 Snohomish 593,83 68.,.x1 .2.6'+ 845,712 921,510 *poltaiiu 411,569 4(36,60l ,4 7l 11,851 6{)3,298 j Stevens • 39,310 44,272 49,695 56,794 65,156 Thurston 218,936 253,107 283,912 319,079 357,716 Wahkiakum 4,026 4,454 4,932 5,452 6,049 Walla Walla 56,886 61,594 65,929 70,414 74,336 Whatcom 167,188 185,461 203,948 224,904 247,047 Whitman 42,884 45,622 48,370 51,853 55,992 Yakima 219,316 235,457 251,898 273,122 295,706 OFM/Forecasting 10/15/01 1995 GMA LOW POPULATION PROJECTION 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 late t-,WOW 6,09;3,913 6,698,81® 7ciPTA2M Adams 16,135 17,06" 17,807 18,735 19,695 Asotin 19,999 21,017 21,783 22,391 23,224 Benton 142,617 148,168 151,899 157,000 161,587 Chelan 65,021 68,550 71,479 74,567 77,677 • Clallam 66,316 69,216 70,347 71,247 73,305 Clark 315,234 336,390 351,698 364,974 378,185 Columbia 4,144 4,163 4,195 4,279 4,356 Cowlitz 92,686 - 99,101 106,921 114,542 122,490 Douglas 32,097 35,255 37,497 39,803 41,984 _ Ferry 7,501 7,907 8,242 8,623 8,998 Franklin 47,954 51,155 53,595 56,647 59,501 Garfield 2,350 2,359 2,365 2,383 2,388 Grant 72,927 79,463 82,043 83,517 84,824 GI-tarbor 70,554 71,272 72,752 75,338 78,822 Island 75,180 80,982 86,171 90,974 94,789 Jefferson 28,229 31,651 34,516 37,510 40,384 King 1,662,018 1,728,004 1,784,690 1,852,723 1,929,657 Kitsap 237,705 252,960 266,199 280,910 295,949 Kittitas 31,907 33,479 34,891 36,690 38,579 Klickitat 19,059 20,097 20,953 21,919 22,900 Lewis 68,458 72,105 74,701 77,621 80,989 Lincoln 9,874 9,928 10,312 10,794 11,279 Mason 49,346 53,206 57,160 61,569 66,183 Okanogan 38,619 40,364 41,731 43,074 44,191 Pacific 21,653 22,915 23,786 25,122 26,498 Pend Oreille 11,576 12,242 12,808 13,359 13,877 Pierce 710,528 740,554 775,178 811,650 848,610 San-Juan 13,627 15,123 16,446 17,825 19,277 Skagit 101,617 110,552 118,853 128,074 139,560 Skamania 9,995 10,497 10,859 11,280 11,697 St. _• is 57 ,096 •.3.952 692,743 743,914 785,011 Spoka e _ 4 :08-8 :33.0(r)ii own et f;y,:Zt at 500,.114 2 Stevens 37,366 40,006 42,684 46,371 50,572 Thurston 210,901 234,870 253,793 274,763 296,734 Wahkiakum 3,876 4,130 4,412 4,696 5,014 Walla Walla 54,948 57,468 59,408 61,286 62,494 Whatcom 161,051 172,100 182,308 193,667 204,926 Whitman 41,125 41,945 42,649 43,841 45,392 Yakima 212,328 220,687 228,579 239,937 2.51,502 OFM/Forecasting 10/15/01 1995 GMA Projection Range and New Projections for Review • Adams County 25,000 -- 20,000 15,000 • 10,000 t Census — 1995 High 1995 Low 5,000 Rev.Med • Rev.High Rev.Low 0 1 ! 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Asotin County • 30,000 25,000 20,000 . 15,000 a —a—Census 10,000 1995 High _ 1995 Low Rev.Med 5,000 Rev.High — Rev.Low 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 • • Office of Financial Management:Forecasting Division;Dec 19,2001 ‘ '''e' • " • • 1995 GMA Projection Range and New Projections for Review Benton County 250,000 200,000 - 150,000 100,000 - --+— Census 1995 High - 50,000 • 1995 Low - - - - Rev.Med - - - - Rev.High 0 111111111 Rev.Low 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Chelan County 100,000 90,000 • • 80,000 • 70,000 • 60,000 —•.Census - • 1995 High 50,000 1995 Low - - - - Rev.Med 40,000 !— - - - - Rev.High - Rev.Low 30,000 1 r T , 1960 - 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Office of Financial Management, Forecasting Division, Dec 19,2001 1995 GMA Projection Range and New Projections for Review Clallam County 100,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 .– - 60,000 . ........ ...�. .... —a—Census 50,000 1995 High 1995 Low 40,000 - - - - Rev.Med 30,000 - - - - Rev.High _ Rev.Low 20,000 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Clark County 650,000 550,000 ' • 450,000 350,000 —+—Census 250,000 1995 High _ 1995 Low - - - - Rev.Med 150,000 - - - - Rev.High Rev.Low 50,000 , r • 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Office of Financial Management,forecasting Division,•Dec 19,2001 1995 GMA Projection Range and New Projections for Review Columbia County 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 --- Census 1995 High 2,000 — 1995 Low • - - - - Rev.Med - - - - Rev.Hgh 1,000 — Rev.Low 0 , 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Cowlitz County 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 •- 100,000 80,000 —•—Census -60,000 1995 High . 1995 Low 40,000 - - - - Rev.Med 20,000 - - - Rev.High — Rev.Low 0 I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Office of Financial Management, Forecasting Division, Dec 19,2001 1995 GMA Projection Range and New Projections for Review Douglas County 60,000 50,000 40,000 • 30,000 —�—Census . 1995 High 20,000 - T 1995 Low Rev.Med 10,000 - - - - Rev.High Rev.Low 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Ferry County 14,000 ' 12,000 10,000 - 8,000 - -.• -•-. 6,000 —6—Census 1995 High 4,000 • .�� 1995 Low – - - - - Rev.Med 2,000 . - - - - Rev.High – Rev.Low 0 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Office of Financial Management, Forecasting Division,'Dec 19,2001 " "`°'' • 1995 GMA Projection Range and New Projections for Review Franklin County 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 • 40,000 —•—Census 30,000 1995 High 1995 Low 20,000 - - - - - Rev.Med 10,000 - - - - Rev.High • Rev.Low 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 • Garfield County 3,500 3,000 2,500 - - - - 2,000 1,500 Census — 1995 High 1,000 ' 1995 Low — • - - - - Rev.Med 500 - - - - Rev.High — Rev.Low 0 1 1 1 7 7 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Office of Financial Management, Forecasting Division, Dec 19,2001 . ,., 1995 GMA Projection Range and New Projections for Review Grant County 120,000 100,000 • • l�. 80,000 :::: - 1995 High _ 1995 Low - - - - Rev.Med 20,000 - - - - Rev.High – Rev.Low 0 t 1 I t I t t t t 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Grays Harbor County 120,000 100,000 80,000 ........... 60,000 —+—Census 1995 High – 40,000 . 1995 Low - - - - Rev.Med 20,000 - - - - Rev.High – Rev.Low 0 t I I 1 7 T I 1 T 1 t 1 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 • Office of Financial Management,'Forecasting Division, Dec 19, 2001 - 1995 GMA Projection Range and New Projections for Review Island County 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 _- 60,000 -- —+—Census • 1995 High I 40,000 1995 Low - - - - Rev.Med • 20,000 - - - - Rev.High Rev.Low 0 r r r r r r r r r r 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Jefferson County 60,000 —a—Census 50,000 1995 High 1995 Low 40,000 - - - - Rev.Med Rev.High 30,000 Rev.Low 20,000 10,000 -, 0 r r t r r r r r r r r r 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Office of Financial Management, Forecasting Division,Dec 19,2001 • 1995 GMA Projection Range and New Projections for Review King County 2,500,000 • 2,000,000 _ -- 1,500,000 - 1,000,000 1/. --e—Census – 1995 High 1995 Low 500,000 - - - - Rev.Med - - - - Rev.High Rev.Low 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Kitsap County 400,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 - • 200,000 —£ Census 150,000 1995 High 100,000 1995 Low 00,000 - - - - Rev.Med 50,000 - - - - Rev.High _ Rev.Low 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1-1 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Office of Financial Management, Forecasting Division,Dec 19,2001' - • 1995 GMA Projection Range and New Projections for Review Kittitas County 60,000 50,000 40,000 - 30,000 --M—Cen3us 20,000 1995 High 1995 Low - - - - Rev.Med 10,000 - - - - Rev.High – . Rev.Low 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Klickitat County 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 '�+� —•—Census 10,000 1995 High 1995 Low - - - - Rev.Med 5,000 - - - - Rev.High – Rev.Low 0 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 • Office of Financial Management, Forecasting Division, Dec 19, 2001 • 1995 GMA Projection Range and New Projections for Review Lewis County 120,000 100,000 80,000 – - 60,000 ,�•��a —•—Census 40,000 ` 1995 High 1995 Low • - - - - Rev.Med 20,000 - - - - Rev.High Rev.Low 0 , -I 1 I I 1 7 1 1 I I 1 1960 1965 1970 1975- 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Lincoln County 16,000 .. • • 14,000 - 12,000 10,000 ---------- .'-- 8,000 Census 6,000 1995 High 4,000 1995 Low - - - - Rev.Med 2,000 - - - - Rev.High Rev.Low 0 1 1 I I I 1960 • 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995. 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Office of Financial Management,'Forecasting Division. Dec 19;2001 - 1995 GMA Projection Range and New Projections for Review Mason County 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 —&—Census 30,000 1995 High _ 1995 Low 20,000 - - - - Rev.Med 10,000 - - - - Rev.High - – Rev.Low 0 1960 1985 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 • Okanogan County • 60,000 50,000 40,000 • 30,000 • —r–Census 20,000 1995 High – 1995 Low - - - - Rev.Med 10,000 - - - - - Rev.High – Rev.Low T if II T I 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Office of Financial Management.Forecasting Division, Dec 19,2001 • • 1995 GMA Projection Range and New Projections for Review Pacific County 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 - - - - -- - : t- 15,000 . —•—Census — 1995 High 10,000 1995 Low - - - - - Rev.Med 5,000 - - - - Rev.High — Rev.Low 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 .Pend Oreille County 20,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 ' 12,000 " 10,000 8,000 —•--Census 6,000 � 1995 High — 4,000 0 1995 Low - - - - - Rev.Med 2,000 - - - - Rev.High — 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rev.Low — 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Office of Financial Management, Forecasting Division, Dec 19,2001 1995 GMA Projection Range and New Projections for Review Pierce County 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 • 600,000 —A,—Census 400,000 _ 1995 High 1995 Low - - - - Rev.Med 200,000 - - - - Rev.High Rev.Low 0 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 San Juan County 30,000 25,000 • 20,000 15,000 - Census 10,000 1995 High 1995 Low - - - - Rev.Med 5,000 - - Rev.High Rev.Low 0 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 4 1 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Office of Financial Management, Forecasting Division, Dec 19,2001 1995 GMA Projection Range and New Projections for Review Skagit County 200,000 - 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 /f a —6--Census _ 1995 High 60,000 1995 Low – 40,000 - - - - Rev.Med _ - - - - Rev.High 20,000 Rev.Low 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Skamania County 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 --e—Census 6,000 1995 High 1995 Low 4,000 – - - - - Rev.Med 2,000 - - - - Rev.High _ Rev.Low 0 1 1 1 7 1 T 1 1 T I 7 1960 1965 '1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Office of Financial Management,Forecasting Division, Dec 19,2001 . 1995 GMA Projection Range and New Projections for Review Snohomish County 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 •- 600,000 Census 400,000 1995 High _ 1995 Low ��� - - - - Rev.Med 200,000 - - - - Rev.High – - Rev.Low 0 T1 1- 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Spokane County 700,000 600,000 500,000 . 400,000 - _�'_AL 300,000 —6—Census – 1995 High 200,000 1995 Low -- - - - - Rev.Med 100,000 litev !ig – Rev.Low 0 - i l 1 1 T T 1 1 T 1 l 1 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 ' 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Office of Financial Management, Forecasting Division, Dec 19,2001;._ . . 1995 GMA Projection Range and New Projections for Review Stevens County 80,000 • 70.000 • 60.E 50.E •-' - Census 30.003 1995 High — 1995 Low 20'000 - Rev.Med — - - - - Rev.High Rev.Low 0 . . 1960 1966 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 • Thurston County 400,000 • 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 • —a—Census 150.000 1995 High r • 1 00,000 1995 Low - - - - Rev.Med 50,000 • - - - - Rev.High _ Rev.Low 0 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I • 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Office of Financial Management,-Forecasting Division,Dec 19,2001 • • 1995 GMA Projection Range and New Projections for Review. Wahkiakum County 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 . - 3,000 —•—Census 1995 High 2,000 - 1995 Low - - - - Rev.Med 1,000 - - - - Rev.High Rev.Low 0 1 7 T T 1 I . I I I 1 1 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Walla Walla County 80,000 70,000 60,000 50000 40,000 . --e —Census 30,000 1995 High 1995 Low 20,000 - - - - Rev.Med 10,000 - - - - Rev.High _ Rev.Low 0 T / T , T 1 T T T I T 1 '1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 . 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 • Office of Financial Management, Forecasting Division, Dec.19,,2001 _ ti , 1995 GMA Projection Range and New Projections for Review Whatcom County 300,000 -- 250,000 !' 200,000 • ' 150,000 • --A Census 100,000 - 1995 High _ 1995 Low - - - - Rev.Med 50,000 - - - - - Rev.High - Rev.Low 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Whitman County 60,000 • 50,000 - / 40,000 - - - ---- 30,000 - • —A—Census 20,000 1995 High _ 1995 Low - - - - Rev.Med 10,000 -- - - Rev.High - Rev.Low 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Office of Financial Management,Forecasting Division, Dec 19,2001 • 1995 GMA Projection Range and New Projections fOr Review Yakima County 350,000 • 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 , .— —+—Census 1995 High I 100,000 1995 Low - -- - Rev .Med I 50,000 Rev.High Rev.Low 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020• Office of Financial Management, Forecasting Division,Dec 19,2001 Spokane County Comprehensive Plan Board of County Commissioners John Roskelley Phillip D. Harris M. Kate McCaslin Planning Commission J. M. Britton Bill Evans Clyde Haase Tom Hargreaves Pat Humphries Bev Keating Sandy McCauley Past Planning Commission Members Involved in Plan Development: Brenda Bodenstein Curt Messex Don Moore Mike Schrader Department of Public Works Gary Oberg, Director of Public Works Division of Planning Michael Needham, Director of Planning Contact Planning by: Mail: Spokane County Public Works Department Division of Planning 1026 West Broadway Avenue Spokane, WA 99260 Phone: (509) 477-7200 Fax: (509) 477-7663 Web Site: www.spokanecounty.org/planning Spokane County Comprehensive Plan 1 of 3 Table of Contents Spokane County Comprehensive Plan Table Of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Urban Land Use Chapter 3: Rural Land Use Chapter 4: Natural Resource Lands Chapter 5: Transportation Chapter 6: Housing Chapter 7: Capital Facilities and Utilities Chapter 8:' Economic Development Chapter 9: Parks and Open Space Chapter 10: Natural Environment Chapter 11: Cultural Resources Chapter .12: Subarea Planning Glossary. Appendix A: Plan Implementation Appendix B: Performance Measurement Appendix C; Interim Regional LOS Standards Appendix 0: Essential Public Facilities 'Tech. Committee Report • 1 r` Spokane County Comprehensive Plan of 3 Table of Contents • Spokane County Comprehensive Plan List of Maps P Urban Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Rural Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Natural Resource Lands Arterial Road Plan Pedestrian Bicycle Plan Open Space Corridors Wetlands Contamination Susceptibility of Aquifers Fish and Wildlife Critical Areas Flood Hazard Geologic Hazards and Constraints J , Spokane County Comprehensive Plan 3 of 3 Table of Contents Ill Spokane County Comprehensive Plan o a c n 0 z r-- . • ---71:04::. Via - - --Z, lJ. • ., !. , ' • .‘,...144.,• . .-- . ,_.....,. • . ct. •4 , --"''' mot'` -� j 4'ti.r `. .... ;} .`y - - ..y ter a 48fiIlAG �n �71j" ■ ��.,, � o 0 .,t �: . ''«•, i t c• v 9 . U1�I b y J--2 J V f �s n `......5 ; ,,i.c7.. ',y�2 1 <��,i' A-- dr t 1 "s .vim .-\ `ti j ,. -_�S!t;rti"Gs,.:a'i �I``� re_-...- v .- 'r---c'.ti .. 1--• v-t'a---R-_ � Chapter 1 Introduction J l I I • SPOK t lN w"1`i 1 ' Spokane County Public Works Division of Planning • Cha •ter 1 - Introduction Purpose Spokane County residents have expressed a vision for the future that includes a healthy environment, family wage jobs, convenient transportation, affordable housing, excellent schools, and abundant parks and open spaces. Spokane County's Comprehensive Plan serves as the blueprint for making this vision a reality. The Comprehensive Plan is a set of goals, policies, maps, illustrations and implementation strategies that states how the County should grow physically, socially, and economically. The plan emphasizes innovative and flexible strategies to guide growth and development. One of the central themes of the Plan is the promotion of economic development that occurs in harmony with environmental protection and preservation of natural resources. The Plan recognizes the interests of the entire community and promotes cultural and ethnic diversity. The Comprehensive Plan establishes a pattern of land s uses to shape the future in desirable ways. Map designations include residential, commercial, industrial and ^ y .�- mixed-use areas. Identifying and defining these land use categories ensures compatibility among uses, protection of property values, and efficient provision of infrastructure ': and services. The Plan's land use map also identifies --L- urban growth area (UGA) boundaries. UGAs are intended `° to reduce sprawl and provide a clear separation between _; urban and rural areas. The benefits to Spokane County of developing and implementing a comprehensive plan include 1. Identifying the major trends and issues that will affect the County's future form, livability, and overall health; 2. Assuring the protection and enhancement of the County's natural resources, environmental systems and neighborhood and community character in the midst of anticipated growth and change; 3. Using capital improvements, regulatory programs and incentives to guide new development and encourage appropriate redevelopment; and 4. Acting strategically to improve the County's economic future and its ability to attract and retain well-paying jobs. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan I-1 Introduction The Growth Management Act _- _. Rapid population growth in the late 80s and early 90s made planning under the Growth Management Act (GMA) mandatory for Spokane County and its cities. GMA comprehensive plans for each jurisdiction are required to accommodate a proportionate share of the state's projected 20-year population growth. The plans must include elements addressing land use, transportation, housing, capital facilities and utilities. Spokane County's Comprehensive Plan includes the required elements as well as optional elements addressing parks, the natural environment, natural resource lands, cultural resources and subarea planning. The GMA was originally passed by the Legislature in 1990 and later amended on numerous occasions. The GMA has changed Washington planning law in several ways: 1. Local governments must develop comprehensive plans and adopt regulations that are consistent with the plan. This changes the historic position in this state that the plan is to serve only as a "guide"to decision-making. 2. Land use authorized by the plan must be supported by adequate public facilities and services. 3. Local plans must comply with state planning goals and regulations and countywide planning policies. Plans that are not consistent with these requirements may be appealed. Penalties, imposed by the state, may be applied to communities whose plans do not conform to the state and regional requirements. 4. Urban Growth Areas (UGAs) must be designated. The UGAs are intended to direct growth to areas with adequate facilities and services, to reduce sprawl and to provide a distinct boundary between urban and rural areas. 5. A process is required to accommodate essential public facilities (e.g. prisons, wastewater plants, etc.). GMA Planning Goals The GMA identifies thirteen broad goals to guide local governments in the planning process. Local plans must implement these goals in a balanced manner. The goals include: 1. Encouragement of development in urban areas ti4`. � , y- -• with existing or planned public facilities and s' - (lb 3• ! services; r : � 2. Reduction of urban sprawl; < ,, 3. Adequate provision of efficient multi-modal i'► :rk;,°:�4 transportation systems; ; <� sff 3► 4. Promotion of economic opportunity; �`�� +d:•a �5 . 5. Respect for private property rights; 6. Predictability and timeliness of permit review processes; Spokane County Comprehensive Plan 1-2 Introduction 7. Conservation of natural resources; 8. Retention of open space and provision of recreational opportunities; 9. Protection and enhancement of the environment; 10. Citizen participation in the planning process; 11. Adequate provision of necessary public facilities and services; and 12. Preservation of historic and archaeological resources. Coordination and Consistency Spokane County's Comprehensive Plan is required to have internal consistency among the plan's various elements. The Plan must also be coordinated and consistent with the plans of adjacent jurisdictions. The GMA directs local governments to attempt to resolve conflicts through consultation and negotiation. Perhaps the most far reaching of the GMA's "" Y f -,� ti, �' ...•impacts is the legal status it gives Spokane s + :A County's Comprehensive Plan. Until now, plans have largely been advisory and had less legal ; standing than regulations. Once the Plan is .` adopted, all new codes and programs t s subsequently adopted and implemented must be 4- ' " consistent with it. ` r - ti Countywide Planning Policies The development of countywide planning policies (CWPPs) is required by the Growth Management Act to ensure a coordinated and regional approach in the development of comprehensive plans. CWPPs provide an overall framework of policies within which each local government jurisdiction will develop or update its comprehensive plan. The policies also guide how jurisdictions should interact with one another regarding specific issues. Developing the Countywide Planning Policies was coordinated by the Steering Committee of Elected Officials which consists of officials from Spokane County and its eleven cities and towns, along with representatives from water, school and fire districts, utility companies and the public. The Steering Committee had the difficult task of balancing often-conflicting ideas with developing policies which provide the greatest benefit for Spokane County and its citizens. The Countywide Planning Policies focused on the following areas: 1. Implementation of Urban Growth Areas (UGAs). 2. Promotion of contiguous and orderly development of urban services. 3. Siting of countywide or statewide public capital facilities. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan 1-3 Introduction 4. Parks and open space. 5. Countywide transportation facilities and strategies. 6. Considering the need for affordable housing for all economic segments. 7. Joint County and City planning within UGAs. 8. Countywide economic development and employment. 9. Producing an analysis of the fiscal impact of GMA. Amendments The Growth Management Act makes the Comprehensive Plan and development regulations subject to continuing evaluation and review by the County. Initiation Comprehensive Plan amendments may be initiated: 1. By the Planning Commission, when changed conditions or further study indicate a need; or 2. By the Board of Spokane County Commissioners (Board) when it deems it necessary for the public interest or when it considers a change in the recommendation of the Planning Commission to be necessary; or 3. By the Planning Director, based on citizen requests or when changed conditions warrant adjustments to the Comprehensive Plan. Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan must be consistent with the requirements of RCW 36.70 and RCW 36.70A. Timing The Growth Management Act allows amendments to the Comprehensive Plan no more than once a year, except under the following circumstances: 1. The initial adoption of a subarea plan; 2. The adoption or amendment of a shoreline program; 3. The amendment of a capital facilities element of the Comprehensive Plan that occurs concurrently with the adoption or amendment of a county budget; 4. To resolve an appeal of a comprehensive plan filed with a growth management hearings board or with the court; or 5. Whenever an emergency exists (RCW 36.70A.130). Spokane County Comprehensive Plan 1-4 Introduction Proposals to amend the Comprehensive Plan map will be accepted at any time, and will be considered along with all other proposals as part of the annual comprehensive plan review and amendment process. All proposals to amend the Plan will be considered at the I11 rte'^ same time so that their cumulative effect can be evaluated. is is The Board sets December as the month in which , y r amendments to the Comprehensive Plan may be adopted; ►'+� fP however, the Planning Commission may commence its � � review at the regular September agenda to allow full ) ' r r • �oi. consideration of the various amendments in order to make � •` t' � �f�• ��, a timely recommendation to the Board during the annual �, + Z?�I� c� budget cycle. — = _ _ "i v, . LtJ The Planning Commission will receive applications for amending, supplementing or modifying maps of the Comprehensive Plan up until July 1s`. Applications received after that date will need to wait until the next year's plan amendment cycle. Map amendments will be reviewed for consistency with the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The adopted Guidelines for Public Participation (BOCC resolution # 98-0144 and 98-0788) will be used to ensure adequate public participation. Emergency situations that require amendments outside of the normal schedule must be based on findings that show that the amendment was needed to deal with an emergency situation affecting a neighborhood, community or the County as a whole, and not a personal emergency of a particular applicant or property owner. Before it considers whether or not to allow an emergency amendment, the Board must approve written findings that document the nature of the emergency. The Division of Planning will evaluate Comprehensive Plan amendments for consistency internally, with the plans of other jurisdictions and with the development regulations. The results of this review will be provided to the Planning Commission for its consideration as part of its regular September agenda pursuant to WAC 365-195-630. Spokane County is required to review its designated Urban Growth Areas at least every five years and revise the Comprehensive Plan to accommodate the urban growth projected for the next 20 years. Adoption After due notice and public hearing, the Board may amend, supplement or modify the text and maps of the Comprehensive Plan. Adoption procedures shall comply with the requirements of RCW 36.70 and RCW 36.70A. Documentation The record that accompanies any amendment to the Comprehensive Plan or development regulations will be similar to the record for the adoption of the initial plan and regulations. This means that whenever a provision of the Comprehensive Plan or development regulations is based on factual data, that data or a clear reference of its source will become part of the record of adoption. Also, the record will describe how public participation requirements were met pursuant to Spokane County's adopted Guidelines for Public Participation. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan 1-5 Introduction • Spokane County Comprehensive Plan .:.., •' ' 'TT" ,,.• ' ,.a; 'qof 4,.y .`t :57.° R':��..t P ' ^ r 4 ,':off "`'°''~ _ 1�= rirs� 1 �`� �i..a1 ��w'.� � � � ,ice a �■ ,• U. 1 Cr...._? z, ,f ,� ,�, C� w ^ . 2'o r `� c ' S^t � � - 1.=s e * , al CD ' , �,. li�y ^rt3. ) Fes+' I .w l - ,gC....;�aA 1 `.; --� Chaster 2 Urban Land Use _ The Urban Land Use Chapter provides policy guidance for the development of Spokane County's unincorporated urban areas. The policies in this chapter strive to improve quality of life, provide opportunities for innovative approaches to land use and protect our community character. The policies work in tandem with the Comprehensive Plan map, which illustrates the location of various land use categories. The Comprehensive Plan map illustrating the urbanized areas in Spokane County is located on page 15. Planning Principles The following planning principles, developed through citizen participation efforts, form the basis for development of the Urban Land Use Chapter. • Compact urban forms should be encouraged that create a greater sense of"community,"with pedestrian/bicycle-friendly settlement patterns. • Neighborhood character should be preserved and protected. • Jobs, housing, services and other activities should be within easy walking distance and shorter _ commute times of each other. • Communities should have a center focus that combines commercial, civic, cultural and recreational uses. • Streets, pedestrian paths and bike paths should contribute to a system of fully connected routes. • Communities should have a diversity of housing and job types that enable residents from a wide nrange of economic levels and age groups to work and reside within their boundaries. General Goals UL.la Provide a healthful, safe and sustainable urban environment that offers a variety of opportunities for affordable housing and employment. UL.1 b Create a future rich in cultural and ethnic diversity that embraces family and community values and recognizes the interests of the whole community. Urban Land Use Categories Residential Categories Three separate categories for residential use are established, ranging from low to high density. Low density residential includes a density range of 1 to and including 6 - —. dwelling units per acre, medium density residential includes a !!!!' ` 1�-J_''1 T' r 1n 0 9 P Y ; 44,." range of greater than 6 to and including 15 dwelling units per 1,5- _ •- i, ...+acre and hi h densit residential shall be reater than 15 , .f, :� �.YY' `'9 Y 9 4. �� .' � ,.� dwelling units per acre. Design standards ensure _---i°gam; ` _-- .:: ;, neighborhood character and compatibility with adjacent uses. �,`""��,•Commercial uses, with the exception of office use in high , density residential areas, would only be permitted through changing the land use category with a -� comprehensive plan amendment or through a neighborhood planning process. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-1 Urban Land Use Mixed-use Categories Mixed-use areas include "centers" and "corridors." Urban centers and corridors provide focus points to - the design of urban areas. Urban centers distributed spatially throughout the urban area provide for retail sales, services, government and business offices, recreation facilities, higher-density residences and other high-intensity uses to serve the needs of surrounding residential areas. The Comprehensive Plan provides for three types of mixed-use centers, Neighborhood, Community and Urban Activity. The three types of centers are distinguished by scale and intensity. Neighborhood Centers are the smallest and least intensive and Urban Activity Centers are the largest, most intensely developed and provide for the widest range of uses. Mixed-use categories include the following: Neighborhood Centers— Mixed-use centers for neighborhoods will ideally have identified neighborhood centers containing a civic green or park, a transit stop, neighborhood businesses and services, a day care center and perhaps a church or school. These centers will be identified and defined through neighborhood planning efforts. Community Centers - Community centers are higher-intensity mixed-use areas designed to serve two or more neighborhoods. Community centers will generally serve an area equivalent to a junior high or high school attendance area and may have a mix of uses, including commercial, civic, high-density residential and recreational uses. Urban Activity Centers - Urban activity centers are planned residential and commercial areas. The boundaries of an urban activity center are generally sized with a one-quarter-mile radius so that the entire center is walkable. Convenient bus and/or light rail service and pedestrian/bicycle paths are important transportation features of urban activity centers. Residential types found in urban activity centers include single-family homes on small lots, duplexes, apartments and condominiums. Housing densities are generally higher than the community average. Residential populations in urban activity centers will generally range from 2,500 to 5,000 people. Offices, recreational and cultural facilities, shopping and services are all found in urban activity centers. Mixed-use Area — Mixed-use areas are intended to enhance travel options, encourage development of locally serving commercial uses, medium-density apartments and offices along transportation corridors identified on the Land Use Plan Map. Mixed-use areas discourage low-intensity, auto-dependent uses and focus on a pedestrian orientation with an emphasis on aesthetics and design. Commercial Categories Three distinct categories for urban commercial use include the • following: Regional Commercial -The Regional Commercial classification {;- _r A designates intensive commercial areas intended to draw ,,P t D customers from the County-at-large and outlying areas. Regional j*;r��.� • shopping centers and major commercial areas will be designated ,.-- - with this classification. Residences in conjunction with business and/or multifamily multifamily developments may be allowed, with performance Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-2 Urban Land Use standards that ensure compatibility. Small-scale industrial areas may be allowed in this category, provided neighborhood concerns are addressed through a public hearing process. Community Commercial -The Community Commercial classification designates areas for retail, service and office establishments intended to serve several neighborhoods. Community business areas should be located as business clusters - - 44 - rather than arterial strip commercial development. Community • -.. - 1lb , --- business centers may be designated through the adoption of the 0 - 1 „ Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Plan amendments or subarea � l jr 5. planning. Residences in conjunction with business and/or multi- family developments may be allowed, with performance standards — that ensure compatibility. Neighborhood Commercial -The Neighborhood Commercial classification designates areas for small-scale, neighborhood-serving retail and office uses. Neighborhood business areas should be located as business clusters rather than arterial strip commercial development. Neighborhood business centers may be designated through the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Plan amendments or through neighborhood plans. Industrial Categories Categories for industrial use include the following. Heavy Industry - Heavy industry is characterized by intense industrial I ,� activities that may have significant impacts to surrounding areas, including, ( g: . ,tea but not limited to noise, odor or aesthetic impacts. -..- r`, a_, Light Industry -The Light Industry category is intended for industrial areas "'' = that have a special emphasis and attention given to aesthetics, landscaping - - - -- '- and internal and community compatibility. Light Industrial areas are ' comprised of predominantly industrial uses but may incorporate office and commercial uses that support and complement the industrial area. Aesthetic Corridors Aesthetic corridors are intended to protect the visual appeal of the Spokane area along major transportation routes entering and exiting the County's urban areas. Aesthetic corridors provide special design ----- standards for aesthetics along major transportation routes to help maintain a quality image of the Spokane -: = --,' 111-1 Area. °Z. .,-„ _____i.., L Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-3 Urban Land Use Urban Comprehensive Land Use Map Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-4 Urban Land Use Spokane Cauntvl ,. "i j _ '' {��T]F7rCheri'il i' �I13 ,,tl erx3 sry,r,larp - _ ! _ m wueti '" I..,Yr �±r :1r M I is k, , , I R.d + j, L,:.'1416!1 I tool�s.#r>rs N.-..1� . �` `? 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Well-designed communities contribute to a healthful, safe and sustainable environment that offers a variety of opportunities for affordable housing and employment. The Urban Character and Design section provides the goals and policies to preserve and enhance neighborhood character. Some of the concepts considered here include: • Community appearance, including signs and placement of utilities; • Neighborhood considerations in the review of development projects; • Integration of neighborhoods, including bicycle and pedestrian orientation; • The effect of traffic patterns and parking on neighborhood character; • Encouragement of exemplary development through planned unit developments; and • Considerations for public art. Goals UL.2 Maintain and enhance the quality of life in Spokane County through urban design standards. Policies UL.2.1 Establish minimum performance standards within the zoning code for nuisances such as noise, vibration, smoke, particulate matter, odors, heat and glare and other aspects as appropriate to ensure compatibility with adjacent land uses and neighborhoods. UL.2.2 The design of development proposals should accommodate and complement environmental features and conditions, and preserve and protect significant cultural resources. UL.2.3 Create a design review process that promotes flexibility and creativity but is prescriptive enough to achieve community standards and values. The design review process should provide for administrative review by staff for proposals of small scale and complexity. Larger, more complex developments should require review by a design review board. UL.2.4 Establish a design review board consisting of members from designated professional groups (architects, engineers, planners, developers, etc.), community representatives, and a representative from each of the affected neighborhoods or neighborhood associations. UL.2.5 Design review may be required for the following developments: • Developments within designated mixed-use areas • Planned unit developments • Government buildings intended for public entry and use (post office, libraries, etc.) • Aesthetic corridors • Large scale commercial and industrial developments Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-5 Urban Land Use UL.2.6 Develop urban design "guidelines"that provide consistency of application for the design _ review process. The guidelines should focus on the functional interrelationships between land use, site design, neighborhood character and transportation systems. UL.2.7 The design review process shall not increase the length and shall run concurrent with the land use approval process. UL.2.8 Encourage developers to work with neighborhoods to develop plans that address neighborhood concerns, such as environmental protection, historic preservation, quality of life, property values and preservation of open space. UL.2.9 Develop neighborhood, subarea and community plans with specific design standards that reflect and preserve community character. UL.2.10 Mixed-use or mixed-density developments should be encouraged where they would be compatible with neighborhood character. Residential Design UL.2.11 Promote linkage of developments with open space, parks, natural areas and street connections. UL.2.12 Enhance and preserve the site characteristics of residential development (existing trees, watercourses, historic features and similar assets) through sensitive site planning tools such as clustering, lot averaging, transfer of development rights and flexible setback requirements. UL.2.13 Provide for a compatible mix of housing and commercial uses in all commercial districts, neighborhood centers, community centers and urban activity centers. UL.2.14 Separated sidewalks shall be required on public roads in all new residential subdivisions. UL.2.15 Encourage the planting of curbside trees in residential subdivisions. Identify those species of trees that are most appropriate for curbside plantings, considering safety, soils, aesthetics and compatibility with infrastructure. Multifamily Residential 1? t p UL.2.16 Encourage the location of medium and high density residential categories near commercial areas and -- public open spaces and on sites with good access to .. major arterials. UL.2.17 Site multifamily homes throughout the Urban Growth Area as follows: a) Integrated into or next to neighborhood, community or urban activity centers. b) Integrated into small, scattered parcels throughout existing residential areas. New multi-family homes should be built to the scale and design of the community or neighborhood, while contributing to an area-wide density that supports transit and allows for a range of housing choices. UL.2.18 Establish development requirements that encourage quality design within multifamily development areas. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-6 Urban Land Use UL.2.19 Develop standards that prescribe maximum building heights and other building design features to give a residential scale and identity to multifamily developments. Traffic Patterns and Parking Street design can have a significant impact on community character. Closed development patterns, which often include dead-end and cul-de-sac roads, tend to isolate communities and make travel difficult. Integrated neighborhoods provide connected streets and paths and often include a central focal point, such as a park or neighborhood business. Integrated development patterns promote a sense of community and allow for ease of pedestrian/bicycle movement. The illustration below contrasts an integrated, as compared to a closed, development pattern. Integration does not necessarily mean development in grids. Rather, roads should connect and provide for ease of circulation regardless of the layout. Integrated as Compared to Closed-development Pattern Transit Commercial Cone Stop Office Commercial Core Transit Comm ercial Stop Office� orrce _ qa� et This Not This Clear, formalized and interconnected street systems make destinations visible, provide the shortest and most direct path to destinations and result in security through community rather than by isolation. UL.2.20 Encourage new developments, including multifamily projects, to be arranged in a pattern of connecting streets and blocks to allow people to get around easily by foot, bicycle, bus or car. Cul-de-sacs or other closed street systems may be appropriate under certain circumstances including, but not limited to, topography and other physical limitations which make connecting systems impractical. Traffic Calming Traffic calming can be defined as measures that physically alter the operational characteristics of the roadway in an attempt to slow down traffic and reduce the negative effects of the automobile. The theory behind traffic calming is that roads should be multiuse spaces encouraging social links within a community and the harmonious interaction of various modes of travel (i.e., walking, cycling, auto, transit). , Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-7 Urban Land Use UL.2.21 Consider techniques to slow vehicle traffic and reduce the volume of traffic in residential neighborhoods giving due consideration to traffic safety, pedestrian safety, mobility and conforming to the goals set forth in Goal T.4a of this plan. UL.2.22 Develop street, pedestrian path and bike path standards that contribute to a system of fully connected routes. Parking in Rear M?? u /i, UL.2.23 Encourage locating parking lots to the rear or side of buildings to enhance streetscapes and promote �� :.q1 �g: pedestrian access. ,1.,:::::!.:.:.:-:.:-:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:...:.:.:.:.:: ii: UL.2.24 Establish reduced number of parking space ":,: = standards to encourage alternative transportation use and i> more efficient use of land, where appropriate. tA10 • • 4, l * COQ " ' UL.2.25 Establish shared parking space standards to rm promote the efficient use of land. Buffering UL.2.26 Require effective landscape buffers and/or transitional uses (e.g., pedestrian plazas or low-intensity offices) between incompatible industrial, commercial and residential uses to mitigate noise, glare and other impacts associated with the uses. Planned Unit Developments Building flexibility into the subdivision process is important to allow for new concepts and creative design. Planned unit developments provide a mechanism for allowing this flexibility while ensuring a design that meets health and safety standards and is consistent with neighborhood character. Planned unit developments allow deviations from the typical standards of the zone in exchange for designs that protect the environment, provide usable open space and exhibit exceptional quality and design. . .___ Goal UL.3 Encourage exemplary developments by providing for flexibility and innovative design -.� n rfi1 I`u through planned unit commercial/industrial and +4t ' .,t.-.J residential developments. r-— - L Policies - UL.3.1 Provide flexibility with regulations and other incentives for planned unit commercial, industrial and residential developments. UL.3.2 Develop criteria to evaluate planned unit developments for approval of development incentives. Criteria shall be based on the following considerations: a) Creative, efficient uses of land. b) Exceptional quality and design. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-8 Urban Land Use c) Preservation of usable open space and natural landscape features. d) Environmentally sensitive design. e) Efficient utilization of public facilities and services. 1) Community improvements (i.e., contributions to culture, recreation, tourism, public improvements, business incubator facilities, etc.). g) The project's ability to create living-wage jobs. h) Development of street, pedestrian and bicycle paths that contribute to a system of fully connected routes. UL.3.3 Incentives for planned unit developments, which are consistent with adopted criteria, may include: a) Bonus density; b) Increase in floor-to-area ratios; and c) Greater flexibility in design standards (e.g., setbacks, frontage, building height, lot area, street design, landscaping, etc.). Performance Standards Performance standards spell out the desired end result (for instance, "on-site parking should not be visible from the public street") but allow flexibility in the particular means or approach for achieving that objective (underground parking, landscaping, berming or change in topography could be used to accomplish this objective). Performance standards generally require a more detailed review of projects. Goal UL.4 Encourage exemplary developments and creative design through the use of performance standards. Policy UL.4.1 Allow flexibility and innovative design through the use of performance standards which emphasize outcomes. Viewscapes An attractive urban landscape is an asset to the community. - Aesthetically pleasing areas instill a sense of pride in the community 41� 40414-#0' and serve as a magnet for attracting new business. Signage 1.' ' '" a, a regulations, landscaping requirements, building design standards and .. the preservation of natural and cultural viewscapes are methods to (i achieve an attractive urban landscape. Goal . .,.,3-�`±$ kM4s �. .,:. UL.5 Provide for an aesthetically pleasing urban environment ' '- .� • and encourage the maintenance and enhancement of natural and cultural views. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-9 Urban Land Use Policies UL.5.1 Identify and protect important natural or cultural viewscapes through a viewscape ordinance, signage limits or other programs. UL.5.2 Designate aesthetic corridors along major transportation routes to provide a positive image of the Spokane Region. Aesthetic corridors shall be located along the following routes. a) Interstate 90 b) U.S. 2 c) State Route 902 d) State Route 290 e) U.S. 395 f) State Route 27 g) Spokane Valley Couplet (eastbound Appleway segment only) h) Evergreen Road (between Sprague Avenue and Indiana Avenue) i) Mirabeau Parkway j) Indiana (between Pines and Flora) k) Little Spokane Drive I) Nine Mile Road Aesthetic corridors shall be visible from the roadway and shall not exceed 500 feet on either side of the road right-of-way. UL.5.3 Adopt specific regulations for designated aesthetic corridors that: a) Provide incentives for aesthetic design; b) Require landscaping buffers adjacent to roadways; c) Limit sign height and size; d) Provide performance standards to adequately screen heavy or "manufacturing" industrial-type developments that have exterior clutter (exterior storage, exterior heavy equipment, exterior fabrication/ assembly); e) Use non-glare, energy efficient lighting techniques when possible. UL.5.4 Encourage preservation of healthy, attractive native vegetation where appropriate during land development. When this is not possible, encourage the use of appropriate native plant materials in the site's landscaping. Commercial Signs UL.5.5 Establish standards for the scale and intensity of commercial signs that protect views and minimize signage clutter while still allowing adequate business identification. UL.5.6 Prohibit new construction of videoboards/billboards and attempt to reduce existing billboards wherever possible. Utilities UL.5.7 Encourage placing power and telecommunication lines underground, at the rear of properties or in alleyways. UL.5.8 Encourage joint planning of linear infrastructure such as transportation, water, sewer, power, and telecommunications. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-10 Urban Land Use Public Art Goal UL.6 Recognize that the arts contribute to the character of the physical, mental, social and economic well being of the community and encourage public and private commitment and investment. Policies UL.6.1 Provide incentives such as bonus densities or increases in floor-to-area ratio and lot coverage to encourage the use of public art and open space in commercial, industrial and mixed-use developments. UL.6.2 Encourage permanent displays of art in new construction of County facilities intended for public entry. Residential Land Use Residential land use ranges from low-density, single-family neighborhoods to group homes and high- density multifamily apartments. The challenge to the community is to provide for this range of uses and F,. - • �� �: `_ affordable housing consistent with goals for protection of neighborhood character. Community involvement in design • a;t �, r and a greater level of planning detail within the Comprehensive • �... Plan are methods to achieve these objectives. Additionally, t' ti subarea and neighborhood planning can offer further f-^ := opportunities for achieving residential goals. LMoI- t 'I Goal • ‘' UL.7 Guide efficient development patterns by locating r residential development in areas where facilities and ";17:1/' services can be provided in a cost-effective and timely } e fashion. Policies UL.7.1 Identify and designate land areas for residential use, including categories for low-, medium- and high-density areas. UL.7.2 Coordinate housing and economic development strategies to ensure that sufficient land is provided for affordable housing in locations readily accessible to employment centers. UL.7.3 New urban development must be located within the Urban Growth Area (UGA) boundary. UL.7.4 Allow zero lot line housing and detached single-family housing on small lots with minimal setbacks and yards, where appropriate. UL.7.5 Provide for bonus densities, zero lot line housing, auxiliary structures, accessory dwellings or similar methods to promote infill development, where appropriate. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-11 Urban Land Use UL.7.6 Develop regulations and incentives to encourage cluster development of residential lands so open space, view, watersheds and critical areas are permanently protected. (See also, "Exemplary Design - Planned Unit Developments," in the Urban Character and Design Section.) UL.7.7 Home occupations may be allowed, provided they will not: a) Disrupt residential amenities concerning sight, sound, smell and similar factors; or b) Create traffic which exceeds road design or which develops traffic hazards within the neighborhood. UL.7.8 Promote and facilitate the development and location of home-based child-care. UL.7.9 Encourage businesses to provide opportunities for employees to work at home. UL.7.10 Phasing of land development shall be consistent with established levels of service for the provision of public facilities and services within UGAs. UL.7.11 Establish zoning and subdivision regulations that require residential developments to provide the following improvements: a) Paved streets (and alleys if appropriate), curbs and sidewalks, paths and internal walkways, when appropriate; b) Adequate parking consistent with local transit levels; c) Street lighting; d) Storm water control; e) Public water supply; f) Public sewers. UL.7.12 New development within the UGA shall be connected to public sewer, consistent with requirements for concurrency. Developer-financed extensions of public sewer may be allowed within any area of the UGA provided capacity and infrastructure needs are adequately addressed. UL.7.13 Time extensions for approved preliminary plats, short plats, and binding site plans shall be subject to current applicable local, state, and federal regulations. Housing Variety Goal UL.8 Create urban areas with a variety of housing types and prices, including manufactured home parks, multifamily development, townhouses and single-family development. Policies UL.8.1 Provide for mixed-income development in residential areas and encourage opportunities for co-housing and shared community resources, where appropriate. UL.8.2 Allow manufactured modular and mobile homes in areas where they are consistent with the majority of the neighborhood character. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-12 Urban Land Use - Residential Density Goal UL.9a Create a variety of residential densities within the Urban Growth Area with an emphasis on compact mixed-use development in designated centers and corridors. UL.9b Create efficient use of land and resources by reducing the conversion of land to sprawling, low density development. Policies UL.9.1 Establish low, medium, and high density residential categories to achieve population and economic growth objectives. Low density residential areas shall range from 1 to and including 6 dwelling units per acre, medium density residential shall range from greater than 6 to and including 15 dwelling units per acre and high density residential shall be greater than 15.0 residential units per acre. Mixed residential densities may be established through community based neighborhood or subarea planning. UL.9.2 Spokane County shall seek to achieve an average residential density in new development of at least 4 dwelling units per net acre in the Urban Growth Area through a mix of densities and housing types. Urban Centers Urban centers provide focus to the design of urban areas. Urban centers distributed spatially throughout the urban area provide for retail sales, services, government and business offices, recreation facilities, higher-density residences and other high- intensity uses to serve the needs of surrounding residential areas. These centers provide a mix of uses and are sized according to the ,. size and other characteristics of the market they serve. y Accordingly, they vary from small neighborhood centers providing • } `'< ; >. primarily convenience goods and services to urban activity centers -r „ . offering a broad range of retail shopping, professional and personal services. Urban centers create focal points which establish an identity and sense of place, while providing opportunities for people to live where they work. To be successful, urban center development requires detailed professional and community-based planning and quality market research. Neighborhood and Community Centers Neighborhood Centers Neighborhoods are small residential areas with distinctive characteristics. They generally range in size from one-half to one square mile, with planned populations ranging from 3,500 to 8,000 people. Neighborhoods are often defined by elementary school boundaries. Ideally, neighborhoods will have identified neighborhood centers containing a civic green or park, a transit stop, neighborhood businesses and services, a day care center and perhaps a church or school. Community Centers Community centers are higher-intensity, mixed-use areas designed to serve two or more neighborhoods. Community centers will generally serve an area equivalent to a junior high or high Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-13 Urban Land Use school attendance area and may have a mix of uses, including commercial, civic, high density residential and recreational uses. Community centers provide a focal point and contribute to community identity. Goal UL.10 Encourage the development of mixed-use neighborhood and community centers that maintain or improve neighborhood character and livability. Policies UL.10.1 Mixed-use neighborhood and community centers that serve local residents and decrease the reliance on automobiles should be identified and designated through neighborhood and subarea planning. UL.10.2 Develop and maintain design standards and a design review process to ensure that neighborhood and community centers are developed with minimal impact on surrounding land uses, are consistent with community character and assure pedestrian and vehicular access. UL.10.3 Neighborhood and community centers may contain a mix of uses ranging from residential to commercial to office/industrial area. Neighborhood and/or subarea planning shall be used to determine appropriate uses within a specific neighborhood. UL.10.4 The boundaries of a mixed-use center established in a neighborhood or subarea plan shall not be changed without a comprehensive plan amendment and study that addresses the relationship of the entire center to its surrounding uses and supporting public services. UL.10.5 Implementation of neighborhood and community mixed-use centers shall only occur after the adoption of a subarea plan that involves design professionals, government service providers, business people and community residents. Urban Activity Centers Urban activity centers are planned residential and commercial areas. The boundaries of an urban activity center are generally sized with a one-quarter-mile radius so that the entire center is walkable. Convenient bus and/or light rail service and pedestrian/bicycle paths are important transportation features of urban activity centers. Residential types found in urban activity centers include single-family homes on small lots, duplexes, apartments and condominiums. Housing densities are generally higher than the community average. Residential populations in urban activity centers will generally range from � - x Y 2,500 to 5,000 R , ` ° 000 people. Offices, recreation and 6 �a �4- ,.. �a A�tea-. cultural facilities, shopping and services are all . J r Vim, found in urban activity centers. `r.� r fi ;*. a z . `i. r (4 WB Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-14 Urban Land Use Goal UL.11 Encourage the development of urban activity centers that foster community identity and reduce reliance on automobiles. Policies UL.11.1 The specific size and boundaries of urban activity centers and the mix of uses within them shall be established through comprehensive plan amendments and/or future subarea planning efforts, based on regional and local needs and constraints. UL.11.2 Identify and designate urban activity centers that support mixed-use, high-density development. Establish urban activity centers as a land use category in the Comprehensive Plan. UL.11.3 Urban activity centers may be located at or adjacent to high-capacity transit stations and will serve as hubs for less intensely developed neighborhoods. Appropriate areas for urban activity centers may include, but are not limited to, the Spokane County fairgrounds area, University City area and the Liberty Lake/Interstate 90 area. - �. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-15 Urban Land Use • UL.11.4 Urban activity centers may be designated within underdeveloped commercial areas to encourage infill and revitalization. UL.11.5 Provide development incentives to encourage the development of urban activity centers (e.g., bonus density and use intensification, fast track reviews, flexible architectural integration of uses, etc.). UL.11.6 Design capital improvement programs that are consistent with and encourage the development of urban activity centers and limit low density sprawl. UL.11.7 Maintain design standards and a design review process for urban activity centers to ensure that commercial and industrial projects are developed with minimal impact on surrounding land uses, are consistent with related community appearance/design guideline and assure pedestrian as well as vehicular access. UL.11.8 Urban activity centers may contain, but are not necessarily limited to, combinations of the following uses: a) Health, human service and public safety facilities b) Retail stores and services c) Professional offices d) Office/light industrial e) Multi-family housing and mixed-use developments f) Heavy commercial uses, such as wholesale trade g) Light manufacturing h) Parks and open space i) Schools and universities j) Research and development facilities k) Entertainment Centers I) Churches m) Art Centers - ;z, UL.11.9 The boundaries of an urban activity center yet.,. .z- established in the Comprehensive Plan ::'�'. Y Y�" ' shall not be changed without a •E- , ,i comprehensive plan amendment and study - '" �� "` '�fia ° '� u ��.�r.' a�r.r v�G`"` 'r idlfltS�R���c a that addresses the relationship of the entire �` "(-:rEII 't "-�° ', 1 "4 -� ; nT i center to its surrounding uses and _ .v.. --. -k ,,':::_z:'.;=>•.: supporting public services. UL.11.10 Ensure the inclusion of a residential component within urban activity centers through the use of incentives and/or minimum requirements for residential development. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-16 Urban Land Use Design Guidelines for Neighborhood, Community, and Urban Activity Centers UL.11.11 Provide design standards and land use plans for neighborhood, community, and urban activity centers that are based on the following principles: a) Centers should be compact to encourage transit, bicycle and pedestrian travel. Multistory construction, structured parking and other techniques to use land efficiently should be encouraged. b) Urban activity centers should be designed to reduce conflicts among uses and to increase convenience for businesses, employees, users and pedestrians. c) Aesthetic quality and compatibility among land uses within and adjacent to centers should be enhanced through landscaping, building orientation and setbacks, traffic control and other measures to reduce potential conflicts. Distinctive or historical local character and natural features should be reflected in development design to provide variety within centers. d) Unsightly views, such as heavy machinery, storage areas, loading docks and parking areas, should be screened from the view of adjacent uses and from arterials. e) Signs should be regulated to reduce glare and other adverse visual impacts on nearby residents without limiting their potential contribution to the color and character of the center. f) Routes for pedestrian, auto, bicycle, transit and truck travel within centers should have convenient access to each major destination. Buildings should be close to sidewalks to promote walking and browsing, with parking areas located on the side or rear of buildings. g) Commercial development in centers should provide or contribute to public spaces such as plazas, parks, and building atriums to enhance the appearance of the center and to provide amenities for employees and shoppers. h) The amount of land designated for retail development in neighborhood and community centers should be based on the amount of residential development planned for the surrounding area. i) Off-street parking areas should be designed to enhance pedestrian and handicapped access to commercial uses. The required off-street parking area may be reduced in areas where transit service is frequent or where parking is shared or communal. Structured and underground parking should be encouraged through density bonuses, intensification incentives or reduced parking requirements. Mixed-Use Areas Mixed-use areas are intended to enhance travel options, encourage development of commercial uses, higher-density residences, office, recreation and other uses. To be successful, mixed-use areas require detailed professional and community-based planning and quality market research. Neighborhood and subarea planning programs that involve design professionals, government service providers, business people and community residents will be necessary to design successful mixed-use areas. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-17 Urban Land Use Goal _ rte,.o-_c' •= ,_� . UL.12 Encourage the development of mixed- ,� , ,? use areas that foster community '` ' ',4, `° , identity and are designed to support =; '`` xc pedestrian, bicycle, and transit ;, , ,- 14 —..q 14. `., transportation. i7" 4$ , Policies c ` �� , r• }, ••/ UL.12.1 The specific size and boundaries of ,, •,4 rut ,e ` � e-yr ,t _ �+ mixed-use areas shall be established d , ,iy�� `N',r..? ,e_ r , through comprehensive plan '� -. � i'' • .- �v, t A a ,; adoption, comprehensive plan Y � �� �`/� c�• amendments and/or future subarea `¢�{` �;.;` •.f - . ► _ �' ` �a,*� planning efforts, based on regional , and local needs and constraints. UL.12.2 Identify and designate mixed-use areas that support mixed-use, high-density development. Establish mixed-use areas as a land use category in the Comprehensive Plan. UL.12.3 The characteristics of a mixed-use area include: a) Housing and employment densities to support frequent transit service; b) Public transit connections to other Centers and Corridors; c) Safe, attractive bus stops and pedestrian and bicycle ways; d) Buildings which front on wide sidewalks with attractive landscaping, benches and frequent transit stops; e) Multi-story buildings oriented to the street rather than parking lots; and f) Parking spaces located behind, or to the side of buildings or under/over structures. UL.12.4 The mix of land use in a mixed-use area includes: a) A variety of housing styles-apartments, condominiums, row houses, two-family and single-family houses on small lots; b) There could be a full range of retail goods and services—grocery stores serving several neighborhoods, theaters and restaurants, drycleaners, hardware stores and specialty shops; c) A mix of residence types in close proximity to commercial uses and business and government offices; d) An emphasis on community-serving rather than regional-serving commercial uses. e) Commercial uses that require large land areas but have low employment density and are auto-dependent (lumber yards, nurseries, warehouses, auto dealerships, etc.) are prohibited; and f) Residential density within a mixed-use area shall range from 6 units per acre to 30 units per acre. UL.12.5 Implementation of mixed-use areas should only occur after the adoption of a subarea plan that involves design professionals, government service providers, business people and community residents. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-18 Urban Land Use ` Commercial Land Use Regional Commercial The regional commercial classification designates intensive commercial areas intended to draw customers from the County at large and other outlying areas. Regional shopping centers and major commercial areas will be designated with this classification. Residences in conjunction with business and/or multifamily developments may be allowed, with performance standards that ensure compatibility. Small-scale industrial areas may be allowed in this category, provided neighborhood concerns are addressed through a public hearing process. Community Commercial The community commercial classification designates areas for retail, service and office establishments intended to serve several neighborhoods. Community business areas should be located as business clusters rather than arterial strip commercial development. Community business centers may be designated through the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Plan amendments or through subarea planning. Residences in conjunction with business and/or multifamily developments may be allowed with performance standards that ensure compatibility. Neighborhood Commercial The neighborhood commercial classification designates areas for small-scale neighborhood-serving retail and office uses. Neighborhood business areas should be located as business clusters rather than arterial strip commercial development. Neighborhood business centers may be designated through the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Plan amendments or through neighborhood plans. i 1 Goal UL.13 Provide adequate commercial land within urban growth areas to conveniently serve the local and regional trade areas. Policies Location/Use UL.13.1 Designate a variety of strategically located commercial areas that will be accessible from roadways of major arterial classification or higher, served with utilities and free of major environmental constraints. UL.13.2 Allow incentives to encourage the development of residences in conjunction with commercial districts. Commercial Land Quantity UL.13.3 The initial quantity of commercial land uses within the UGA is based on methodologies established by the Growth Management Steering Committee of Elected Officials (March 15, 1996). Future commercial land quantity analysis shall consider Growth Management Steering Committee methods, but may use other methodologies. Design Standards UL.13.4 Develop and maintain comprehensive design standards and a design review process to ensure that commercial projects are developed with minimal impact on the environment, are complementary and compatible with related community appearance and design and assure pedestrian as well as vehicular access. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-19 Urban Land Use UL.13.5 Establish specific development standards relating to setbacks, landscaping, physical l buffers, screening, access, signs, building heights and design review for commercial development. UL.13.6 Zoning and other land use regulations shall provide the following improvements for commercial development: a) Paved streets b) Sidewalks and bicycle lanes in commercial and retail areas c) Parking, bike racks and transit facilities for employees and customers (some facilities may be communal) d) Landscaping along streets, sidewalks and parking areas to provide an attractive appearance e) Adequate stormwater control, including curbs, gutters and stormwater management facilities 0 Public sewer and water supply g) Controlled traffic access to arterials and intersections Industrial Land Use Providing for industrial land is important for the economic health of Spokane County. Industrial businesses help drive the local economy - •and create an economic multiplier effect throughout the region. --A`-°"P,P�T.� °* ` r, Providing an adequate supply of usable land with minimal al` w!. $�y environmental constraints and infrastructure in place helps ensure that . ; cf r Spokane County will be an attractive place for industrial businesses to locate and prosper. (See Chapter 8, Economic Development, for .3'° _° °_'a o���'t'- additional policies that encourage recruitment and retention of ^� = industrial business.) Goal UL.14a Provide for the development of well-planned industrial areas that create higher-income jobs, provide economic growth and improve the overall tax base of Spokane County. UL.14b Ensure the long-term holding of appropriate land in parcel sizes adequate to allow for future development as industrial uses. Policies UL.14.1 Identify and designate industrial land areas for heavy industry and light industry. UL.14.2 Industrial land designations within the UGA shall be based on criteria established by the Growth Management Steering Committee of Elected Officials (March 15, 1996). UL.14.3 Encourage intensification and revitalization of existing industrial areas. UL.14.4 Consider capital facility expenditures to facilitate the development of lands designated for industrial uses. UL.14.5 Encourage industries with low energy consumption and industries that recycle resources to locate in Spokane County. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-20 Urban Land Use UL.14.6 Encourage low-polluting industries to locate in Spokane County. UL.14.7 Encourage shared-use parking, pedestrian access and transit incentive programs in industrial development projects. Heavy Industry Heavy industry is characterized by intense industrial activities which may have significant impacts to surrounding areas, including, but not limited to, noise, odor, or aesthetic impacts. Commercial, residential and recreational uses should not be allowed in areas designated for heavy industry, except for ! small-scale ancillary uses serving the industrial area. The , nom_ ._ , conversion of designated industrial lands to other uses � ,o� 'mow, '_`-� should be strictly limited. Limiting incompatible uses sj I fi ensures a competitive advantage in business recruitment by -- providing adequate industrial land supply, reducing land use '' ; ;' conflicts and preventing inflation of land prices. ��''' a {1—.' Goal „� ., - �' • UL.15 A variety of strategically located heavy industrial areas should be designated and protected from conflicting land uses. Policies UL.15.1 Identify and designate land areas for heavy industry. UL.15.2 Areas designated for heavy industry may include a variety of industrial, mining and transportation uses. UL.15.3 Commercial, residential and recreational uses shall not be allowed in areas designated for heavy industry, except for small-scale ancillary commercial and recreational uses which serve the industrial area. UL.15.4 Conversion of designated industrial lands to other uses shall be strictly limited in order to ensure adequate land supply and prevent inflation of land prices. UL.15.5 Interim uses of heavy industrial property such as agriculture, animal raising and training, recreation including off road vehicle parks and miniature golf/driving ranges should be allowed to occupy undeveloped property pending more intensive utilization. UL.15.6 Carefully consider the designation of comprehensive plan categories adjacent to heavy industrial areas to ensure compatibility between uses and limit land use conflicts. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-21 Urban Land Use Light Industry The Light Industry category is intended for industrial areas that have a special emphasis and attention given to aesthetics, landscaping and internal and community compatibility. Light Industry areas are comprised of predominantly industrial uses but may incorporate office and commercial uses that support and compliment the industrial area rte. The Light Industry category may serve as a transitional category 1; between heavy industrial areas and other less intensive land use categories. The category may also serve as a visual buffer for heavy industrial areas adjacent to aesthetic corridors. Incompatible Uses in Designated Light Industrial Areas Residential uses should not be allowed in lands designated for Light Industry except for master planned industrial developments that provide residences intended to house employees for the planned industrial use. Goal UL.16 A variety of strategically located light industry areas should be designated and protected. Policies - Light Industry UL.16.1 Identify and designate land areas for light industry. UL.16.2 Light Industrial areas shall be comprised of predominantly industrial uses but may incorporate office and commercial uses that support and compliment the industrial area. Residential use will not be allowed except for master planned industrial developments that provide residences intended to house employees for the planned industrial use. UL.16.3 Industrial uses may be appropriate in mixed-use developments of residential, commercial and light industrial, provided there is adequate mitigation of land use conflicts and community character and property values are preserved. UL.16.4 Light industrial areas shall include sidewalks, bike lanes on arterial streets and landscaping to provide a safe and attractive working environment. Pathways for pedestrians and bikes may be substituted for sidewalks on local access streets. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-22 Urban Land Use Standards and Regulations for all Industrial Areas Goal UL.17 Establish and maintain land use regulations for industrial areas that protect their use into the future and prevent land use conflicts. Policies UL.17.1 Industrial developments within the Urban Growth Area shall provide the following improvements: a) Paved streets b) Adequate parking for employees and business users (parking may be shared or communal) c) Adequate stormwater control, including curbs, gutters and stormwater management facilities d) Public sewer and water supply e) Controlled traffic access to arterials and intersections UL.17.2 Access points should be combined and limited in number to allow smooth traffic flow on arterials. Access through residential areas should be avoided. UL.17.3 Standards for setbacks, landscaping and noise barriers shall be developed to mitigate impacts between industrial developments and adjacent land uses. _.% Urban Growth Area The Growth Management Act mandates the establishment of urban growth areas (UGAs). The urban growth area (UGA) boundary identifies areas where future urban growth should occur and establishes a clear separation between urban and rural development. The intent of establishing a UGA is that urban growth should occur first in areas with existing public services and facilities that have sufficient capacity to serve development and second in areas where urban services can be economically extended. With adjustments for environmentally sensitive land which is unsuitable for development and reasonable market factors to avoid constraining the land supply, the UGA is sized to accommodate the projected 20-year population. A primary basis for the UGA requirement is the economical and efficient provision of public services. The urban land supply should be closely monitored and adjustments to the UGA made when necessary to ensure that land prices are not artificially inflated. Goal UL.18 Maintain an Urban Growth Area (UGA) that provides a distinct boundary between urban and rural land uses and provides adequate land to accommodate anticipated growth. Policies UL.18.1 Review and evaluate Urban Growth Area boundaries, at a minimum every five years, as required by the Countywide Planning Policies (topic 1, policy 18) and the Revised Code of Washington. 7 Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-23 Urban Land Use UL.18.2 The determination of UGA boundaries shall include consideration of environmental features, topography, jurisdictional boundaries and special purpose districts. When the boundary follows a utility line, consideration should be given to including adjacent parcels on both sides of the line to allow efficient use of the utility and provide fairness to property owners. UL.18.3 Urban Growth Area boundaries shall follow parcel boundaries to avoid splitting an existing parcel of record, unless there are other mitigating circumstances. UL.18.4 Consistent with availability of facilities and services, development to urban densities will be encouraged in and up to the Urban Growth Area boundaries. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan UL-24 Urban Land Use • • Spokane County Comprehensive Plan L . ,- . N .a c as J co } CC c•) a i t ' .l'-' . 6....-.- ' ' .,.//\\.1'i:I C i \ '''-57, \NN.L. \..--:----7 L 1 •C • f. I I t J ��' `� r --C K `f � M Y i' ' 1 a Farm near Mica Chapter 3 Rural Land Use Chapter 3 - Rural Land Use Rural lands are lands located outside the Urban Growth Area and outside of designated agricultural, forest and mineral lands. Typically, rural areas have received their identity from a rural way of life rooted in history and resource-based industries, including farming and forestry. More recently, recreation and open space uses have played an increasing role in rural areas. Small towns and unincorporated communities provide services for surrounding rural areas and the traveling public. Rural Character Defining rural character is essential for development of rural goals and policies. Counties are required to include measures in the rural chapter that protect rural character. Through visioning and other citizen-participation efforts, the following principles for defining and preserving rural character have evolved: • The rural landscape should reflect a traditional development setting with low population density. • Interconnected open spaces and natural areas should be provided through clustering and other innovative techniques. • Rural residents should be self-sufficient and accept a , + • traditional lifestyle with low levels of governmental services. � ,�a °� , k• • Rural towns and centers should provide a community focal " `Y {.� point and offer opportunities for shopping and other services. ., , • Scenic roadways and vistas should be preserved by prohibiting billboards and strip commercial development. /, •l j • Agriculture and forestry uses within the Rural category should be accepted as being consistent with rural area lifestyles. • Land use practices should be conducted in a way that protects the environment, providing for clean air and water. • Rural lands should have low population densities, allowing much of the area to be retained in a natural state, providing wildlife habitat and the preservation of natural systems. Rural Land Use Categories Rural Traditional Rural lands in this category will include large-lot residential -4 ,dam, 411/uses and resource-based industries, including ranching, �' farming, mining and forestry operations. Industrial uses will �� �i�, ' "„,��,, �` • % .- be limited to industries directly related to and dependent on a �l yr;!�� `=`�� 1 ' `' 2I$ natural resources. New non-resource-related industry would , . '� .' f ':4 be allowed, provided it meets the requirement for a major *- 1"' 4 1 •, �, 4 industrial development outside the UGA (see policy RL.5.1 [2 + i _� "* 't �� and RCW 36.70A.365). Rural-oriented recreation uses will l f 1A, �°'� y l,� also play a role in this category. Rural residential clustering is 11-_ �{+� a v ti;"1 allowed in this category. a t Density The density of the Rural Traditional category is 1 dwelling unit per 10 acres. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan RL-1 Rural Land Use i Rural Residential-5 The Rural Residential-5 category would allow a 1 dwelling unit per 5-acre density in areas that have an existing 5-acre or smaller subdivision lot pattern. The provision of public water service may be appropriate for these areas. Rural residential clustering is allowed in this category. Density The density of the Rural Residential-5 category is 1 dwelling unit per 5 acres. Rural Conservation The Rural Conservation category applies to - environmentally sensitive areas, including critical areas and wildlife corridors. Criteria to designate boundaries for = '0 this category were developed from Spokane County's 14-i�• Critical Areas program and a study by the University of Washington titled, Wildlife Corridors and Landscape `� Linkages, An Approach to Biodiversity Planning for ,,+ t`ll v0 yr % ' V • Spokane County, Washington. The category will encourage low-impact uses and utilize clustering and/or other open space techniques to protect sensitive areas and preserve open space. Density The density of the Rural Conservation category is 1 dwelling unit per 20 acres, with a bonus density of 1 dwelling unit per 10 acres for preserving open space and environmentally sensitive areas through clustered housing. Urban Reserve The Urban Reserve Area category includes lands outside the Urban Growth Area that are considered for growth within a 40-year planning horizon. These areas are given special consideration, such as low-density, large-lot development, so that land uses established in the near future do not preclude their eventual conversion to urban densities. For example, a 1-acre to 5-acre per lot subdivision pattern in these areas would create �.t. parcels that would be difficult to divide to urban densities. Innovative techniques such as residential clustering may be used to R allow residential development rights and ensure that these areas will �' "�-' ` r� p 9 C 1� be available in the future. The use of public water systems or community wells is encouraged. Community drainfields may also be , : { r s appropriate in the Urban Reserve category. `.•;-t '�, ; Density :__ The density of the Urban Reserve category is 1 dwelling unit per 20 acres, which may be increased to 1 dwelling unit per 5 acres for clustered housing. Within a cluster subdivision, the remainder lot must be reserved for future urban use. The minimum lot size in a cluster subdivision could be as low as 10,000 sq. ft; the maximum lot size is 1 acre. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan RL-2 Rural Land Use Rural Activity Centers Ar �, —� The Rural Activity Center (RAC) category identifies rural � f residential centers supported with limited commercial and o t> i community services. RACs consist of compact development '11P-• ,,� with a defined boundary that is readily distinguishable from surrounding undeveloped lands. RACs often form at ‘.17 A o„ y crossroads and develop around some focal point, which may � � be a general store or post office. Other typical uses might t . include a church, school, restaurant, gas station or other small shops. Commercial uses are intended to serve the surrounding rural area or in some instances the traveling public. RACs must have an identified boundary established on the Comprehensive Plan map. Density The maximum residential density in a Rural Activity Center category is 4 dwelling units per acre. Limited Development Areas This category identifies commercial, industrial and residential areas that were established prior to July 1, 1993 (the year Spokane 714.7 rw �' County was mandated into Growth Management planning) but are •;not consistent with the criteria for designation as a Rural Activity �:: •e. 'r �� ;° : Center. Limited infill and expansion of these designated areas may -7 be appropriate. Any lands identified by this category must have �,, ' p' adopted boundaries delineated on the Comprehensive Plan map. ri`` = Limited Development Areas consist of two subcategories, a .. :.`r Commercial/Industrial category and a Residential category. " �� �'�L. ' Master Planned Resort The Master Planned Resort (MPR) category allows self-contained, fully integrated planned unit developments in a setting of significant natural amenities with primary focus on destination resort facilities. They consist of short-term visitor accommodations associated with a range of developed on-site indoor or outdoor recreational facilities. With the exception of employee housing, new MPRs do not include full-time residential uses. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan RL-3 Rural Land Use Rural Comprehensive Land Use Map Spokane County Comprehensive Plan RL-4 Rural Land Use _ _ _ Spokane County 1 I licrid()walk:rtiurg . . 1 ., - . . • _ Comprehensive Plan ,. . . • - . 1- - r I ' .H . , I.eiritirid . . I 1..-"k"'7 t p d' 404IP . . I 17.44,TT41114.4.4 IIME 1 rwrrrinuly I nye 1 1 • 4' , 17_• ra..14 IMP ,'that 611616 I-rgit6r I . 6. .4ki' . - .1 I N4, •- : Int-1 I ..1,1 ;V I larnal I"amar.out A:!•aatvidare• •,..lan_ai 11 c-Id. ig-. L_ a . ._= . IIIMJ ir..i,"NW As 1 1 71-1110•1%1.0113011 I ' ‘1.• ,__ . L N. _ =I I up Piaci Ag 1{,p4rul I:Amerarma ' -'• • '• IMI 11I!1 I Aid I irai huii.n.I „ IT— 4:401311 Latil MIN li-,ay 1.1,a,r 1 .. r "...:-7 v.-1.1%11$ . • :,71., • ' .1, -1-1 1 • A. .• j .'''' 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F I-Thy i L tit pa a ... . r P • II -11. - WirlArnA3 COLUIPT Whi Limn It°LA in Pt.. . )- Tb1.9 mop win pabluched On/Ow Simile-dile(oinity Prornim or Mannino Le&4 gaIIPPAI iliatallIklg Nall 11141C lIn the&Hering quality;If r•OuriCe LiVIllit•Paa.the i livali•-•11Cliga•• -Lit, lErtril tortmmilli I/1 ft e emir'gri arnimi•ins,and finentinec,tnere cre ni,v...,Trinnr, which aconntonny II innerad W 111411 i'gill,Il Spokane County Division of Planning f Rural Residential Development The Rural Residential section provides for development of a variety of residential uses consistent with maintaining rural character. Large lot development patterns and innovative techniques, such as clustering, are included as options for rural development. Goal RL.1 Provide for rural residential development consistent with traditional rural lifestyles and rural character. Policies RL.1.1 Unplatted property cannot be allowed to be developed to urban densities unless, and until, located within an Urban Growth Area (UGA) boundary designated as a master planned resort, rural activity center, limited development area or new, fully contained community. RL.1.2 Designated rural lands shall have low densities which can be sustained by minimal infrastructure improvements such as septic systems, individual wells and rural roads without significantly changing the rural character, degrading the environment or creating the necessity for urban levels of service. Residential Limited Development Areas Some scattered areas of urban residential development exist outside the County's Urban Growth Area. In these areas it may be appropriate to designate these lands as Limited Development Areas and allow (\\ infill consistent with the existing pattern. Infill areas should be restricted to well-defined boundaries and not include large expanses of undeveloped land. RL.1.3 The infill of urban-type residential development within rural areas may be allowed consistent with the following guidelines: a) The area is designated and mapped within the Limited Rural Development category and is contained by logical boundaries, outside of which urban-type development shall not occur. These boundaries shall be illustrated on the Comprehensive Plan map. b) In developing a logical boundary, physical considerations such as bodies of water, streets and highways, and land forms and contours should be considered. Abnormally irregular boundaries should be avoided. c) The character of rural neighborhoods and communities is maintained. d) Public services and public facilities can be provided in a manner that does not permit low-density sprawl. e) The boundary is based on urban-type development that was established prior to July 1, 1993. f) Infill development shall be limited to small areas generally surrounded by urban-type development where conventional rural lots are not feasible. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan RL-5 Rural Land Use Non-residential and accessory uses RL.1.4 Nonresidential and accessory uses appropriate for the rural area include farms, forestry, outdoor recreation, education and entertainment, sale of agricultural products produced on-site, home industries and home businesses. New churches and schools in the rural area are encouraged to locate in rural cities or rural activity centers, provided adequate services are available and the extension of urban services is not necessary. Exemptions to Subdivision Regulations RL.1.5 Rural divisions of land shall comply with State Law pertaining to exemptions from subdivision requirements. Exemptions from the subdivision laws should not be used to circumvent the intent of subdivision and environmental protection laws. Innovative Techniques Innovative techniques can be employed to protect environmentally sensitive areas, preserve open space and protect the character of rural areas. RL.1.6 Jurisdictions should work together to develop and implement regionally consistent incentive-based programs such as Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) and bonus densities to protect natural resource lands outside of Urban Growth Areas (UGAs). RL.1.7 Encourage the use of conservation easements through nonprofit land trust organizations and/or other organizations or similar measures to conserve and protect resource uses, open space and critical areas. RL.1.8 Implement strategies for the acquisition of natural areas of high scenic value through techniques such as residential clustering, conservation easements, conservation futures funding, open space zoning and other techniques. Rural Clustering Large-lot (10-acre) zoning has been the conventional way to minimize population density and retain rural character in Spokane County's rural areas. This method, while effective at controlling population density, has divided our rural lands with little sensitivity to the __ effects on rural resources and the natural environment. Large-lot d° -11:7110, zoning, combined with a lack of road standards, has also created , t-tl , / many miles of poorly maintained private roads, making �� tla �` 4"'1 Nt), makin fire and 0 { emergency access difficult. Rural clustering offers an alternative � �,}I '► ~. � ,1 1h„ r to large-lot zoning. Rural clustering encourages the grouping of gl y , home sites on areas of the site that are best suited for g �t �'' ' ` development, while retaining the remainder of the site for open tg - �,� , ,3,;'' space. Clustering allows for more flexible and environmentally sensitive rural subdivisions. The Urban Reserve, Rural Residential-5, Rural Traditional, and Rural Conservation categories are designated as appropriate areas for rural clustering. Some of the advantages of clustering include the following: a) Clustered homesites can significantly reduce the length of roadway necessary to serve the development. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan RL-6 Rural Land Use b) Clustered home sites can utilize a community well, thus reducing water supply costs and potential groundwater impacts. c) Clustered home sites improve the ability of fire departments to fight fires in rural areas. d) Clustered home sites provide for greater security and can help establish a sense of community. e) Clustered home sites can preserve open space for agriculture, forestry, wildlife habitat, recreation, and natural drainage. Some limitations of clustering may include the following: a) Cluster developments may result in increased financing and costs in site planning design and engineering. b) Management of the "open space" in a clustered development can be a problem. Without an active open space management plan, the area could become degraded through neglect. c) Smaller lots in clustered subdivisions may create the expectation of urban services. d) Land use conflicts between clustered home sites and forestry and agricultural use can occur if care is not taken in the design of the development. RL.1.9 Clustering of rural development may be permitted as a tool for the preservation of rural open space as long as it can be demonstrated that the rural character of the area can be maintained and that urban services are not required to serve the new development. RL.1.10 Provisions to allow clustered housing in rural areas should adhere to the following guidelines: a) Development should be limited through density requirements that protect and maintain existing rural character, open space systems and water resources and control traffic volumes and road building. b) Siting of cluster projects should minimize impacts on neighbors, infrastructure and the surrounding environment. c) Permitting procedures for rural cluster projects should be no more difficult for cluster developments than for traditional subdivisions and should include incentives to encourage their use. d) Standards should be established for minimum and maximum project size so projects are large enough to support viable open spaces but small enough to prevent the residential cluster development from overwhelming the surrounding area. e) The primary component of the project site is the open space system. The system should be a network of spaces designed to be usable for their intended purposes and permanently protected or explicitly designated for future development if located in an � urban reserve area. Preparation and implementation of an open space management Spokane County Comprehensive Plan RL-7 Rural Land Use plan should be required. The management plan should explicitly include details concerning ownership, taxes, liability, future use, etc. f) There should be a pattern of cluster areas established within the project site which does not cause significant impacts on neighboring properties or interrupt the continuity of existing and planned agricultural and related uses. g) Lots within a rural cluster in the Rural Traditional, Rural Conservation, and Rural-5 categories shall be one acre or larger to maintain rural character and allow for rural-type lifestyles, such as animal keeping, orchards and gardening. Lots within the Urban Reserve category should range from 10,000-sq. ft. to 1 acre to preserve the area for future urbanization. h) The number of home sites per cluster should be limited. Within the cluster, there should be a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 8 home sites. Clusters should be visually and physically separated from one another by open-space buffers. The scenic nature of roadways should be protected by varied setbacks and/or open space buffers. i) Lot dimensions, building heights and setbacks should be compatible with rural character and provide the privacy, seclusion and access to open space that are normally expected in rural areas. j) A minimum of 70% of the site in a rural cluster development shall be preserved for open space, wildlife habitat and/or resource use; or in the case of urban reserve areas, to avoid precluding future development options. k) An aggregation of clustered developments cannot be so arranged that it forms the basis for a rural activity center. I) Clustered housing should not become the predominate pattern of development throughout the rural area. m) Special consideration should be given to clustered housing in Urban Reserve Areas to ensure that development does not preclude the eventual conversion to urban densities on the remainder parcel. Urban Reserve Areas Urban Reserve Areas (URAs) are lands outside the Urban Growth Area that are considered for growth beyond the initial 20-year planning period but within a 40-year planning horizon. These areas are given special consideration so that land uses established in the near future do not preclude their eventual conversion to urban densities. For example, a 1-acre to = .-A , 5-acre per lot subdivision pattern in these areas would create parcels that would be difficult to redivide to urban densities. - ""'�` Innovative techniques such as residential clustering and bonus ;- �L- ti! densities may be used to protect property rights and ensure that a ,y : these areas will be available in the future for urban development. !. �R. ' a* - Development in Urban Reserve Areas should be done in such a • manner as to allow the orderly and efficient extension of utilities when the area is included in the UGA. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan RL-8 Rural Land Use RL.1.11 Based on a 40-year planning horizon, the County should identify Urban Reserve areas and growth corridors; within these areas, densities and land use patterns which preclude future conversion to urban densities should be discouraged. RL.1.12 Development in URAs should be consistent with future urban design, including layout of buildings and roads. RL.1.13 Urban Reserve Areas (URAs) shall be designated on the Comprehensive Plan map based on the following considerations: a) Suitability of natural systems to accommodate growth. Sensitive watersheds, shoreline areas, wildlife habitat and corridors or other sensitive environmental features should not be included in URAs. b) Size of existing parcels. Land that is outside of the current UGA but exhibits the land division characteristics of urban development should be considered for inclusion in the URA. c) The carrying capacity of natural, infrastructure, and environmental systems. d) The logical and orderly outward extension of urban services. .� e) Population projections for a 40-year planning horizon. New Fully Contained Communities A new fully contained community is a development proposed for location outside of the existing designated Urban Growth Areas which is characterized by urban densities, uses and services and meets the criteria of RCW 36.70A.350. New fully contained communities must receive a portion of the County's population allocation proportionate to the communities expected population. RL.1.14 The County may establish "new, fully-contained communities" within the rural area, as provided for by the GMA. Future revisions to the Plan should consider new fully- contained communities as an option to accommodate population growth. RI. al Activ'ty Cent- Providing for rural services and community gathering places without promoting sprawl development is a challenge in rural areas. Rural activity centers (RACs) provide a mechanism for addressing these needs. RACs are mixed-use centers, including commercial and residential uses, and community services. RACs consist of compact development with a defined boundary that is readily distinguishable from surrounding undeveloped lands. RACs often are found at crossroads and develop around some focal point, which may be a general store or post office. Other typical uses may include a church, school, restaurant, gas station or other small shops. Commercial uses are intended to serve the surrounding rural area or, in some instances, the traveling public. To be classified as a Rural Activity Center, the area must have been in existence prior to July 1, 1993, which is the date Spokane County was mandated to plan under the Growth Management Act. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan RL-9 Rural Land Use Goal RL.2 Designate rural activity centers planned for a mix of residential and commercial uses to meet the needs of rural residents while retaining rural character and lifestyles. Policies RL.2.1 RACs shall be limited to isolated, rural communities and centers. RAC boundaries shall be defined by a logical outer boundary delineated predominantly by the built environment and the following considerations: a) Preservation of the character of neighborhoods and communities b) Preservation of natural systems and open space c) Physical boundaries, such as bodies of water, streets and highways and land forms and contours d) The ability to provide public facilities and public services in a manner that does not permit low-density sprawl e) Designations should be confined to built-up areas, established prior to July 1, 1993, and not include large expanses of vacant land RL.2.2 The following unincorporated communities may be included as rural activity centers and others may be designated as appropriate, consistent with adopted policies. a) Elk h) Four Lakes b) Eloika Lake i) Marshall c) Riverside j) Plaza d) Chattaroy k) Mica e) Colbert I) Valleyford f) Nine Mile Falls m) Freeman g) Moab Junction RL.2.3 Commercial developments within RACs should be of a scale and type to be primarily patronized by local residents and in some instances to provide support for resource industries, tourism and the traveling public. RL.2.4 Encourage developers to work with local residents within RACs to develop plans that satisfy concerns for environmental protection, historic preservation, quality of life, property values and preservation of open space. Rural Governmental Services Rural character embodies a quality of life based upon traditional rural lifestyles and aesthetic values. Included within this definition is an expectation and acceptance of low levels of governmental services. Rural residents generally seek to retain their traditional self-reliance within a supporting community framework. Typically, rural areas will be served by individual wells, on-site wastewater disposal, volunteer fire departments and low levels of police protection. Extension of public water is appropriate in rural areas in some cases. Some areas of development, established prior to plan adoption, will have existing sewer services. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan RL-10 Rural Land Use Goal ‘•- ' RL.3 Provide a level of rural governmental service consistent with maintaining rural character. Policies RL.3.1 Designated rural lands shall have low densities which can be sustained by minimal infrastructure improvements, such as septic systems, individual wells and rural roads, without altering the rural character, degrading the environment or creating the necessity for urban level of services. RL.3.2 Extension of storm and sanitary sewer services outside of Urban Growth Areas (UGAs) should only be provided to maintain existing levels of service in existing urban-like areas or for health and safety reasons or to accommodate a major industrial development approved pursuant to RCW 36.70A.365, provided that such extensions are not an inducement to growth. RL.3.3 Rural governmental services shall include those public services and facilities historically and typically delivered at intensity usually found in rural areas and shall include domestic water service either through individual wells or public water service. Rural governmental services shall not include new storm and sanitary sewers except as provided for in RL.3.2. Resource-based Uses in Rural Areas Rural lands, by definition, do not include agricultural, forestry and mineral lands that have been classified as resource lands with "long-term commercial significance." Resource lands with long-term commercial significance are considered in the Natural Resource Lands Chapter. Rural lands may include, however, viable resource uses which do not fit the criteria for inclusion in the resource land designation. Resource uses, including small scale agriculture, woodlots and mining, are appropriate in rural areas and certainly contribute to rural character. The maintenance and protection of these uses is one of the purposes of this section. Goal RL.4 Preserve and protect agriculture and forestry - - activities throughout the rural area. Policies RL.4.1 Encourage best management practices for ' raw y agricultural and forestry uses to conserve the 3. � resource and protect the environment. RL.4.2 Agricultural and forestry management practices ' ` .r "' ', s ? shall be allowed in rural areas when carried on in ' la. v compliance with applicable regulations, even though they may impact nearby residences. RL.4.3 Encourage current-use taxation laws as an incentive to retain productive agricultural and timberlands. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan RL-11 Rural Land Use RL.4.4 Create environmental standards for agriculture that protect environmental quality, especially in relation to water and fisheries resources, without discouraging farming. Note: See the Natural Environment Chapter for additional policies concerning environmental protection. RL.4.5 Airstrips and helicopter pads shall be allowed in the rural area, consistent with the preservation of rural character. Industrial and Commercial Uses Industrial and commercial development in rural areas will generally be limited to uses that serve the needs of rural residents or are related to natural resource activities. These uses typically will include small-scale home professions and 'PfP k l;' home industries, roadside agricultural sales and small 01.•,i?:. . a a commercial establishments within designated rural activity = � ==^ centers. Larger industrial uses generally will be limited to 3 --= industries directly related to and dependent on natural resources. 4 In some cases, limited infill of areas with existing industrial or commercial development may be appropriate. 4 Goal RL.5a Provide for industrial and commercial uses in rural areas that serve the needs of rural residents and are consistent with maintaining rural character. RL.5b Ensure the availability of adequate industrial land to accommodate major industrial developments that cannot be sited in the Urban Growth Area (UGA). Major Industrial Development Major industrial developments outside the Urban Growth Area (UGA) are allowed in certain instances (RCW 36.70A.365). These developments are intended to meet the need for industrial uses in which adequate land within the UGA is not available to accommodate the development. For instance, the development may require a parcel of land so large that no suitable parcels are available in the UGA. Upon approval of a major industrial development outside UGAs, it must be designated as a UGA. RL.5.1 New major industrial developments shall be allowed in the rural category consistent with RCW 36.70A.365, which states as follows: a) "Major industrial development" means a master planned location for a specific manufacturing, industrial or commercial business that: I. requires a parcel of land so large that no suitable parcels are available within an urban growth area; or II. is a natural resource-based industry requiring a location near agricultural land, forestland or mineral resource land upon which it is dependent. The major industrial development shall not be for the purpose of retail commercial development or multi- tenant office parks. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan RL-12 Rural Land Use b) A major industrial development may be approved outside an urban growth area in a county that is planning under this chapter if criteria including, but not limited to, the following are met: I. New infrastructure is provided for and/or applicable impact fees are paid. II. Transit-oriented site planning and traffic demand management programs are implemented. III. Buffers are provided between the major industrial development and adjacent non- urban areas. IV. Environmental protection, including air and water quality, has been addressed and provided for. V. Development regulations are established to ensure that urban growth will not occur in adjacent non-urban areas. VI. Provision is made to mitigate adverse impacts on designated agricultural lands, forestlands and mineral resource lands. VII. The plan for the major industrial development is consistent with the county's development regulations established for protection of critical areas. VIII. An inventory of developable land has been conducted and the County has determined and entered findings that land suitable to site the major industrial development is unavailable within the urban growth area. Priority shall be given to applications for sites that are adjacent to or in close proximity to the urban growth area. c) Final approval of an application for a major industrial development shall be considered an adopted amendment to the Comprehensive Plan adopted pursuant to RCW 36.70A.070 designating the major industrial development site on the land use map as an urban growth area. Final approval of an application for a major industrial development shall not be considered an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for the purposes of RCW 36.70A.130(2) and may be considered at any time. Industrial/Commercial Limited Rural Development Areas Some industrial and commercial developments were built in rural areas prior to development of and/or adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. These developments may be considered as limited areas of more intense development if they are designated and mapped within the Limited Rural Development category of the Comprehensive Plan. Allowing infill industrial development within these areas can contribute to the economic diversity of unincorporated areas of the County and provide employment opportunities for the nearby rural population. Any industrial and/or commercial development other than natural resource-based industry must be delineated on the Comprehensive Plan map for it to be considered as an area of more intense rural development. RL.5.2 The intensification and infill of commercial or non-resource-related industrial areas shall be allowed in rural areas consistent with the following guidelines: a) The area is clearly identified and contained by logical boundaries, outside of which development shall not occur. These areas shall be designated and mapped within the Limited Rural Development category of the Comprehensive Plan map. b) The character of neighborhoods and communities is maintained. c) Public services and public facilities can be provided in a manner that does not permit or promote low-density sprawl or leapfrog development. d) The intensification is limited to expansion of existing uses or infill of new uses within the designated area. e) The area was established prior to July 1, 1993. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan RL-13 Rural Land Use Commercial Development Commercial development in rural areas should be limited to those businesses serving rural residents and supporting natural resources and tourism-related uses. Most commercial uses will be located in rural towns or in designated rural activity centers. In some instances, the intensification of established commercial areas may be allowed, provided they are consistent with policy guidelines (see RL.5.2). RL.5.3 Strip commercial development along state and county roads shall be prohibited. RL.5.4 Use regulations in the Rural category for tourism and recreation-oriented uses shall be developed based on the following guidelines: a) Resource-dependent tourism and recreation-oriented uses such as commercial horse stables, guide services, golf courses and group camps may be allowed in rural areas provided they do not adversely impact adjoining rural uses and are consistent with rural character. b) Tourism-related uses such as motels and restaurants serving rural and resource areas shall be located within existing rural towns or designated rural activity centers or Master Planned Resorts. RL.5.5 Isolated non-residential uses in rural areas, which are located outside of rural activity centers or limited development areas, may be designated as conforming uses and allowed to expand or change use provided the uses were legally established on or before July 1, 1993, are consistent with rural character, and detrimental impacts to the rural area will not be increased or intensified. Master Planned Resorts Master planned resorts are self-contained, fully integrated planned unit developments in a setting of significant natural amenities, with primary focus on destination resort facilities. They consist of short- term visitor accommodations associated with a range of developed on-site indoor or outdoor recreational facilities. Master planned resorts should not be considered as a means to develop sprawling urban or suburban residential developments. Employment of local residents should be encouraged in Master Planned Resorts. RL.5.6 New Master Planned Resorts (MPR) may be approved in an area outside of established Urban Growth Area Boundaries providing they meet the following criteria: a) The land proposed is better suited and has more long-term importance for a MPR than the commercial harvesting of timber or agricultural production, if located on land that otherwise would be designated as a forest or agricultural resource. b) MPR approval shall not be a precedent for allowing new urban or suburban land uses in the vicinity. c) The proposed development provides urban level public services that are strictly contained within the boundaries of the resort property by design and construction and protect health and the environment. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan RL-14 Rural Land Use d) The proposed site for the MPR is sufficient in size and configuration to provide for a full range of resort facilities while maintaining adequate separation from any adjacent rural or resource land uses to maintain the existing rural character. e) Residential uses are designed for short-term or seasonal use. Full-time residential uses should be limited to employee housing. Procedures should be developed to ensure that overnight lodging within Master Planned Resorts cannot be utilized as full-time residential units. f) Significant natural and cultural features of the site should be preserved and enhanced to the greatest degree possible. g) Preservation of wildlife corridors and open space networks should be integral to the site design. h) Commercial uses and activities within the MPR should be limited in size to serve the customers within the MPR and located within the project to minimize the automotive convenience trips for people using the facilities. i) Adequate emergency services must be available to the area to insure the health and safety of people using or likely to use the facility. RL.5.7 Existing resorts may be considered as Master Planned Resorts providing the resort was established prior to July 1, 1990 and providing that a portion of the County's 20-year population projection is allocated to the MPR corresponding to the number of permanent residents within the MPR. Home Professions and Home Industries RL.5.8 Home professions, home industries, day-care facilities and accessory uses should be allowed outright or as conditional uses throughout the rural area, provided they do not adversely affect the rural character or conflict with resource-based economic uses. RL.5.9 Development regulations for home professions, home industries, day-care facilities and accessory uses should protect adjacent properties from negative impacts and should be consistent with maintaining rural character. Wildfires Large-lot, low-density residential development in forested rural areas has dramatically increased the potential of life and property loss due to wildland fires. The problem is exemplified by the loss of 24 homes in the Hangman Valley area of Spokane County in July 1987 and by the loss of 114 dwellings in the Spokane County fire storm" of 1991. This section provides policy direction for development of comprehensive wildfire standards. Goal RL.6 Development in rural and natural resource land areas will be in a manner that provides for adequate fire access and fire protection. i Spokane County Comprehensive Plan RL-15 Rural Land Use Policy RL.6.1 Develop comprehensive fire protection regulations consistent with recognized practice and recommendations and integrate them into zoning and other land use regulations as applicable; such regulation should include incentives to encourage development designed to mitigate wildfires. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan RL-16 Rural Land Use Spokane County Comprehensive Plan • :,: f 4 o :;' . y r' t $ ;: Chapter 4 . Natural •Reso�urce,Lands 1 i Cn CD I_ -- �, y c -- Q •1lr . 1 , . _ i CD , as •- "zy_.:I _�•'W w +`t om --..- ? a � - Z„ - ti=+rzi_ : w. - - ' C Y. 'r {y p 1 • - J • } - r m eF.- �.4”Y-Y r*_ r-7 - r! �x Ql S ' + r w CL CI) N- . tv-t„ j,` s r' t a 0 .--.,,, + fl•, C -c`t'r� . ,. f.. • s„r�•�.ter:• f _ A S A m r , . •t- — Natural Resource Lands _�_ �_____ Natural Resource Lands include agriculture, forests and mineral lands of long-term commercial significance. Spokane County is blessed with an abundant supply of natural resource lands. Historically, natural resource industries were the center of 1-? the local economy. The resource industries produced f. - lumber, paper products, metal products, stone, sand and gravel, wheat, fruit, berries, vegetables, forage crops, meat, .T`_ poultry and dairy products, which were consumed by the e,,_ , ,- :,j community and exported around the world. Although the _ , f:- s ` yt,, , local economy has diversified considerably in recent years, '1 .."0,1"f}'-:: the natural resource industries continue to be important. ':3- Resource lands have special characteristics that make them _ _ i �, , productive. These characteristics include unique soils,•- :, l climatic conditions and geological structure. They cannot be --:�,,. , "- -4. re-created if they are lost to urban development or .,�,'` . -k mismanaged. ' i:' . -,__ ` y ' `= The residents of Spokane County recognize the importance of natural resource lands. Avoiding the irrevocable loss of these resources and protecting them for future generations is the purpose of this Chapter. Resource Land Categories The natural resource land categories are shown on the Natural Resource Land Map. The designations are described as follows: Large Tract Agriculture Large tract agricultural areas are primarily devoted to grain, legume and grass seed production. Non- resource-related uses are generally prohibited. Residences will usually be associated with farming operations. Density The proposed residential density is 1 unit per 40 acres. -- ' N3,. j'� J 7 ' Small Tract Agriculture • 4`� " �' ' " �" Small tract agricultural areas are primarily devoted to grain, fruit, y - berry, vegetable, dairies, Christmas trees, and forage crop ' production. Non-resource-related uses other than rural -j.r.A , by''.,;‘,..91- 1� residences are generally prohibited. This type of agriculture is 'F� �', r'��i'�`�'i�'�^,rte N. . suitable to small-scale operations and may be conducted on t,>£11 ,h -i- relatively small parcels. Residences on large lots may or may - ` ` not be associated with farming operations. Seasonal festivals and other activities associated with the marketing of agricultural products will be common occurrences in these areas. Density The proposed residential density is 1 unit per 10 acres. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NR-1 Natural Resource Lands • Mineral Lands Mineral land areas are primarily devoted to sand, gravel, rock, or clay production. Related products such as concrete, asphalt and brick are also produced. Agriculture and forestry may be conducted on mineral resource lands but residences are generally limited to caretaker residences associated with mining or related industry. Forest Land Forest land areas are primarily devoted to wood production. ': • ,� a Non-resource-related uses are generally prohibited. '4 f''. • Residences are allowed but will be located on relatively large parcels to minimize conflicts with forestry operations. Density The proposed residential density is 1 unit per 20 acres. != P P tY P z•� • Designation of Natural Resource Lands Spokane County is blessed with productive resource lands that are important to the local economy. If these lands are protected from incompatible development, they can continue to benefit future generations. In the past, urban development, I especially in the Spokane River Valley, covered both high-quality i agricultural land and large deposits of quality sands and gravels. Due to • - .Q 6• the urbanization, it is unlikely that these resources will be available for �° future generations. Designating and protecting the County's remaining `' {'` �" 9 9 9 P 9 Y resource lands ensures that these remaining areas will not be lost to _.v! ; ,' incompatible development. The first step in protecting resource lands is to identify those lands that possess the characteristics to support long-term commercial resource production. For commercial agriculture and forestry, it is necessary to identify lands with productive soil and favorable climatic conditions. Mineral resources must meet criteria of quality, quantity and accessibility for commercial viability. Location of mineral resources is important, since the cost of transporting them adds greatly to cost. Information about natural resource lands, especially soil and geological information, is constantly being improved. It is important to review new information and update natural resource designations as information becomes available. Goals NR.1a Provide for necessary natural resources while preserving and protecting the natural environment and private property rights. NR.1b Ensure adequate supply, long-term conservation and wise stewardship of natural resources within Spokane County for the benefit of current and future residents. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NR-2 Natural Resource Lands Policies \ � NR.1.1 Natural resource lands of long-term commercial significance shall be designated on official maps and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners through a comprehensive planning process. NR.1.2 Environmentally sensitive areas, which may be degraded by intensive forestry, agriculture or mining uses, should not be classified as resource lands. NR.1.3 Natural resource land designations should be reviewed every 5 years and amended if necessary to reflect better information or changes of conditions. Agricultural Land Designation Criteria NR.1.4 Lands meeting the following criteria shall be designated as Spokane County Large Tract Agricultural Resource Lands of Long-term Commercial Significance: a) Lands with predominantly prime and unique farmland classifications, as defined by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), United States Department of Agriculture. b) Lands predominantly used for or capable of - long-term commercial agricultural production. - . c) Lands with large areas of contiguous ownership and parcel sizes predominately 40 acres or larger. -- r d) Lands that produce or are capable of _L � 4 {,S „ ,, producing predominately annual crop rotations including small grains, non-forage legumes and grass seed. NR.1.5 Lands that do not meet all the criteria for the large tract agricultural designation but do meet the following criteria shall be designated as Spokane County Small Tract Agricultural Resource Lands of Long-term Commercial Significance. a) Lands with predominantly prime and unique farmland classifications, as defined by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), United States Department of Agriculture. b) Lands predominantly used for or capable of commercial agricultural production. c) Lands which produce or are capable of producing crops of local significance such as dairies, orchards, truck crops, vineyards, Christmas trees/wood lots, foraged crops, small grains, non-foraged legumes and grass. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NR-3 Natural Resource Lands • Forest Land Designation Criteria NR.1.6 Lands meeting the following criteria shall be designated as Spokane County Forest Resource Lands of Long-term Commercial Significance. a) Property currently assessed for tax purposes as forest land or timberland pursuant to Chapter 84.28, 84.34 RCW. b) Private forest land grades of the Department of Revenue (WAC 458-40-530). In Spokane County land grades of 5 and 6 and operability classes of 1, 2 and 3 are considered for designation. c) Forest land designations shall be located outside of the Urban Growth Area (UGA). d) Designated areas shall consist of a minimum contiguous area of greater than 640 acres (not continuous ownership). This means that areas which meet the criteria will not be designated as forest land unless the total area is greater than 640 acres in size. e) Contiguous areas of land fewer than 640 acres that do not meet the designation criteria but are surrounded by designated forest land may be designated as forest land. f) State and county parkland will not be designated as forest land, but will be used to meet the minimum contiguous area threshold of greater than 640 acres. g) Department of Natural Resources (DNR) ownerships that are devoted to timber production and are located adjacent to designated forest lands. h) Forest land should not be designated within smoke-control zones, no-burn areas, PM 10-nonattainment areas or CO non-attainment areas, as defined by the Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority. j) Areas considered for inclusion in the Forestry Designation shall have predominant existing parcels of 40 acres or larger. Mineral Land Designation Criteria NR.1.7 Mineral Resource Lands of long-term commercial significance should be designated on official maps and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners through a comprehensive planning process. Mining shall be allowed on lands not meeting natural resource designation criteria if environmental protection and compatibility with adjacent land uses is assured. NR.1.8 Mineral Resource Lands of long-term commercial significance should be designated pursuant to the following criteria: a) In Spokane County, the ^- commercially important minerals are sand, gravel, rock or y Mineral resource land clay. designations should be made <�t` t kf� P 1:' watt �y where these minerals are known to exist. The Spokane County Mineral Resource Map should be used as a tool to help identify additional sites to help meet future demand. b) Mineral resource land designations should be located in areas with compatible land uses, such as mining, industry, agriculture, forestry, vacant or large-lot residential (less than 1 dwelling unit per 5 acres). Mitigation of Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NR-4 Natural Resource Lands adverse impacts from mining on adjacent property shall be a prime designation criterion. c) Mineral resource land designations should be 20 acres or more in size. d) Mineral land designations should have a minimum deposit size of approximately 500,000 cubic yards for sand, gravel and rock, and approximately 200,000 cubic yards for blend sand. e) Mineral resource land designations shall not occur on lands with wetlands, riparian areas, geological hazard or threatened or endangered species unless impacts can be adequately mitigated. f) Mineral resource land designations shall have adequate access for trucks. Access shall not be through a residential neighborhood. Amending NRL Designations NR.1.9 Designation criteria and mapped boundaries for natural resource lands shall only be revised through a comprehensive plan amendment. Changes in designations will be based on one or more of the following criteria: a) A change in circumstances pertaining to the Comprehensive Plan or public policy. b) A change in circumstances beyond the control of the landowner pertaining to the subject property. c) An error in designation. d) New information on natural resource land or critical area status. e) Use of innovative land use management techniques. f) Land subdivisions within natural resource lands that are created subsequent to the adoption of this Comprehensive Plan shall not be considered as a basis for amending NRL designations. Governmental Services in Natural Resource Lands Governmental services in natural resource areas should include only those services necessary to support the production of food and fiber and the extraction of minerals. If higher levels of service are provided, residential uses will be encouraged to locate in resource areas. Experience has shown that proliferation of residential uses in resource areas will inevitably lead to the demise of the resource activities. .. (*� 4Yer. \.„\ The government services that are appropriate in resource land areas include volunteer fire departments, minimal police protection — ` and rural roads designed for transporting commodities and ; , equipment. Goal NR.2 Provide a level of governmental service consistent with long-term preservation and protection of natural resource lands. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NR-5 Natural Resource Lands Policies NR.2.1 Designated agricultural and forest lands shall have low residential densities which can be sustained by minimal infrastructure improvements such as septic systems, individual wells and rural roads without degrading the environment or creating the necessity for urban levels of service. NR.2.2 Services in resource land areas will be limited. On-site septic systems, private wells or small, self-contained water systems, volunteer fire departments and minimal police protection will support residences at appropriate densities. NR.2.3 Capital improvement plans should take into consideration maintenance of public roads adequately to accommodate the transportation needs of forest and agriculture commodities. Land Use in Natural Resource Lands To protect natural resource lands, it is important to foster the development of land uses that support and complement resource activities. Generally, the various resource activities, agriculture, forestry and mining, do not conflict with one another. Industrial and commercial uses that are related to resource activities may be supportive of continued resource land use and should be encouraged. Non-resource-related uses, especially residential uses, often conflict with resource production or extraction. Rural residents tr- often object to the noise, dust, smell and chemicals used in :`� ,1,r�, ..r.' resource areas. The impacts to residential development can be mitigated to some degree by buffering or maintaining low -• residential density. - - ' i 14‘r Uses that support resource activities include but are not limited to food processing, equipment repair, grain elevators, resource -� -, !! storage areas, aircraft landing fields for crop dusting, lumber mills, r �N .; chemical and supply distribution. Goal NR.3: Land uses shall be consistent with the conservation of designated resource lands and shall not interfere with resource land management practices. Policies NR.3.1 Viable agricultural, forestry and mining activities shall be protected from conflicts through the use of zoning requirements, plat requirements, grandfather rights and similar methods. NR.3.2 Specialized agricultural uses such as feedlots, fur farms, poultry ranches and similar uses shall be provided for and protected from incompatible land use encroachment. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NR-6 Natural Resource Lands NR.3.3 Areas for agricultural endeavors such as small berry, fruit, vegetable and other specialty crops will be encouraged on lands which are relatively close to urban areas. Roadside sales of agricultural products produced on-site should be permitted. NR.3.4 Uses permitted on or near resource lands must be compatible and not interfere with the economic benefit provided by that natural resource. NR.3.5 The primary land use activities on natural resource lands are commercial forest management, agriculture and mineral extraction and those uses that maintain, enhance or have insignificant impact on the long-term management of designated natural resource lands. NR.3.6 Land use activities within or adjacent to natural resource land should be sited and designed to minimize conflicts with resource-related activities. NR.3.7 Specific development and performance standards for access, lot size and configuration, fire protection, water supply and dwelling unit location should be adopted for development within or adjacent to natural resource lands. These standards will provide for buffer areas adjacent to designated natural resource lands that minimize conflict with commercial natural resource activities. NR.3.8 Develop comprehensive fire protection regulations consistent with recognized practice and integrate them into Forestry zoning and other land use regulations as applicable; such regulations should include incentives to encourage development designed to mitigate wildfires. Residential Development on Natural Resource Lands Policies NR.3.9 Residential use on natural resource lands shall be discouraged unless the residential use is related to resource land management or production. NR.3.10 Mineral lands are designated only for parcels with proven mineral reserves. Only residences connected with the mineral extraction activity should exist on mineral lands. NR.3.11 Rural residential development adjacent to agricultural and forest production districts should be designed to minimize conflict with resource uses. NR.3.12 Nonconforming lots, which were legally created, may still be developed provided adequate provisions for sewage disposal and other services can be met without the extension of urban governmental services outside the UGA. Alternatives to developing undeveloped or partially developed plats that are not consistent with resource use should be encouraged. NR.3.13 Home professions, home industries and accessory uses should be allowed within designated resource lands provided they do not adversely affect the rural character or conflict with resource-based economic uses. � 1 Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NR-7 Natural Resource Lands NR.3.14 Development regulations for home professions, home industries and accessory uses shall protect adjacent properties from negative impacts and shall be consistent with maintaining natural resource activities. NR.3.15 Residential clustering shall not be permitted on designated natural resource lands. Residential Density - Agricultural Lands NR.3.16 The maximum residential density within designated agricultural lands will be 1 unit per 40 acres on designated large tract agricultural lands and 1 unit per 10 acres on designated small tract agricultural lands. Residential Density- Forest Lands NR.3.17 The maximum residential density within designated forest lands will be 1 unit per 20 acres for forest lands. Commercial and Industrial Use On Natural Resource Lands NR.3.18 Non-resource-related industrial developments such as major industrial developments, airports and storage yards shall not be allowed on designated resource lands. NR.3.19 Industries related to and dependent upon natural resources of agriculture, forestry and mining shall be allowed on designated resource lands. NR.3.20 Retail sales facilities and activities shall not be allowed on natural resource lands except as accessory to the sale of commodities produced on-site, sale of sand and gravel associated with on-site mining activity and home business or industries which do not conflict with natural resource activities. Commercial Development for Small Tract Agriculture Spokane County recognizes the importance of small tract agriculture to the local economy and as a defining feature of the local character and identity. Small-scale farming is commercially viable, especially when located near the urban area because of direct marketing opportunities which allow small-scale producers to compete with large-scale producers. The following policies are intended to form a framework for recognition of small-scale farming's special needs for protective and flexible regulations to continue the tradition of small tract agriculture in Spokane County. NR.3.21 Seasonal retail sales facilities and activities shall be allowed in small tract agricultural areas as accessory uses directly related to the sale of farm commodities produced on the site. NR.3.22 Encourage local production and consumption of food and farm products through public markets and festivals located on small tract agricultural lands, provided such activities do not conflict with agricultural practices and provided that adequate provisions are made for traffic control, off-street parking, sanitation, noise control and dust control. NR.3.23 Allow direct farm-to-market agricultural distribution including on-farm sale of agricultural products. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NR-8 Natural Resource Lands l4:411,1 If kLtilie C`1111-11) n1 i 1 Natural Resource Lands , II I.{ 1 _ r I= l�rrrx'I'r�>I Agra eltr� ,`•' I Iriwt I 111 I.'IrA-16110 ukkt r--, 'IMI 'Small Tray Aon-rodslme ,_1 ! -- A I heLAUT• 1 V I I ,, lvArclitI�rl t r il1L f �-F a •6lr1m • Imittrlati. Ie r I -I Aimert117 I And `l - - -- 1 IN Ic Ect� IrirnnYLti9.4nr� _ i , II I Ii'NIrtl it thm!B lrr ` - A -, I l rk I - - Ian i A - ,+•Jh "' •1 1 111211411YI'L',1,,1a9•11.ii I'h'ly Ni lrl I lt-n wri - .�17u1fIaAl? - !1 ^-j II n"IIwlnrll+III All 1({'�i1Y+r`f luny - 1/11.)V.'II IIt'Ilhr."(I.1[11144tUArlh IIUiFL: I r 1.°'7.1 41 rt II,.ii I i.'la i,lr 1.11611,'.161- �` f !rA11n11 lnn,n?I rule! -:I,' } I T I o 1 1 . t 1 1 4 _� , ) A _ 1 .40 illir . &- Mt-wittily'Palk L- v 1 - - -I FII 4r .14.1.IMII111 - 4. r-'1 - a 14 r ' ' 4 1611.1116il11m9!, 4."?3,■luk.111.... -- I, = I E�I Ifa'4_. . A ',Cm-4 r Aii-w v FIL1 r° 1. i Fri► - p' L�A 1 _err . s I 1 d �. Farchilrl i'.E'_i_ 7771 TTT ,I ,, , r`-J 1 iif A A 1 I r A! d� ■■I r- ;`'A 2:. A A'' I A - !1"i i _ - 111145-Ati ♦'*'I'mum — 61 .ICI i' 1_.._,_ °f` OIL' 1141 I C . . 1 —1 Minlmdi , May 1 i .- 2r1!L At NIP T - , (1) r /./ 6 p. ,. A- F • . —.+ ■ CP d Y IN • +. ` + ' . I' , I An. 11 .4111!]611YI Relllk;i I I AP II I e >,...00- A i r Iglmn. Az # i ILtirls rili ng-4M i'nlrrIly - - - ti'11111 rnan[I'11ru's ___I AdlifIL lh,i rru y�uhilxC C C 11►r 4}x f, Unwary 11L1Ire71r cI(i'�nnolyl i a prrnn�ll 11111r1Yr9tl'g lrX.1 )u r in Om diITrrtlrg glrtlljl y Alf w lure.i Ii111:hIrr milk.lhrt I'14H,r.-.n I,'Ar*MMM IA,'4'hT I xllynlHfil7 i;7 en EMaKtrhri�ril1nr.nm7tlx. i t Il1crcittt917rwllnaiMre. • ' Ll�'17✓ti{�ri1171 +411dr`77 11L�A9ii sIW;111n I fir..vihin iii lin Spokane County Comprehensive Plan 1 1 \ i Natural Resource Lands Map Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NR-9 Natural Resource Lands Conservation and Protection of Natural Resource Lands A variety of techniques are available to conserve and protect the long-term viability of natural resource lands. Spokane County requires that applicants for development permits be notified if they are planning to develop near natural resource areas so that they are aware of potential impacts. When appropriate, notification shall be placed on land titles so that potential buyers are alerted to the existence of natural resource activities nearby. f ter� `lr-; -, Property tax policies to encourage continued resource activities are in place. Agriculture, timber and forest tax , , classifications are available to reduce tax burden on 1. f productive lands. Spokane County should continue to '� 7 �`` �' ;` :. discourage special assessments in natural resource areas that ' do not benefit resource management. Innovative approaches to natural resource land conservation r' should be explored including options for transfer of development rights and conservation easements. Goal NR.4 Use best management practices and other innovative techniques in a sustainable and environmentally sensitive manner to protect natural resources from incompatible activities. Policies NR.4.1 Notification should be placed on all county land use permits or approvals on or within 1,000 feet of designated natural resource lands, that the adjacent land is in resource use and subject to a variety of activities that may not be compatible with residential development. The notice should state that forest or agricultural activities performed in accordance with local, state and federal laws are not subject to legal action as public nuisances. NR.4.2 Agricultural, forest and mining operations shall be allowed on natural resource lands when carried on in compliance with applicable regulations, even though they may impact nearby residences. NR.4.3 Natural resource lands shall be managed, conserved and protected while used for natural resource production and restored to a natural state or developed in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan once resource use has stopped. Tax Policies and Incentive Programs NR.4.4 Owners of agricultural, timber and other natural resource lands should be encouraged to participate in the current use taxing program. NR.4.5 The establishment or expansion of special purpose taxing districts and local improvement districts and the imposition of fees and charges on land within the forest Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NR-10 Natural Resource Lands and agriculture land designations is discouraged unless those land uses create the need for additional public services. NR.4.6 Designated resource land taxes should be based on current use for property committed to resource use rather than highest use. Innovative Techniques NR.4.7 Work with other jurisdictions to develop and implement regionally consistent incentive- based programs such as Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) to promote good stewardship and protect natural resource lands. NR.4.8 Support the use of conservation easements, conservation futures and other methods to conserve and protect working landscapes, open space and environmentally sensitive areas. Forest Land Policies NR.4.9 Encourage the continuation of commercial forest management by: a) Supporting land trades that will result in consolidated forest ownership. b) Working with forest managers to identify and develop other incentives for continued forestry. NR.4.10 The impact to the local economy and local revenue programs should be considered prior to the conversion of commercial forest land to other uses. - Mineral Land Policies NR.4.11 Recognize that mineral resources are site-specific and not subject to relocation. NR.4.12 Mining shall be allowed on rural lands as well as lands designated as mineral and other natural resource lands if environmental protection and compatibility with adjacent land uses is assured. NR.4.13 Encourage local regulations to control environmental impacts of mining operations. NR.4.14 Approval of proposed mining operations will include conditions that: a) The extraction proposal meets all applicable zoning requirements; b) The proposed extraction operation is buffered from existing or potential developments within the vicinity of the proposed operation; c) A permit, which includes a reclamation plan and performance bond, is obtained through the Washington State Department of Natural Resources; d) Provide for protection of groundwater and surface water, including wetlands, during and after operation; e) Mining shall not be allowed to penetrate the elevation 10 feet above the highest known elevation of an aquifer; f) The monitoring and clean-up of contaminants should be ongoing; g) A permit, when applicable, from DOE for coverage under the Sand and Gravel General Permit. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NR-11 Natural Resource Lands Spokane County Comprehensive Plan r.1 • • • i.._._. [ _ C O co O 0. C R It BOOM Sy t A AY !r�►eo 1,6 `� 1 ii()111 f49 it Ai 64 , , -,00.... -_,,,,,Alliitioiplie177 W I, -1.1-1P'--':1'''..." •. rii .:, Valley Intersection Chapter 5 Transportation 3 y • 13 0 P. CD O 3 all Cha • ter 5 - Trans • ortation Purpose People and places are connected to one another by the transportation system. The transportation system consists of facilities that accommodate many modes of transport, including cars, trucks, buses, bicycles, trains, airplanes and pedestrian. The primary focus of the transportation element is meeting Spokane County's future transportation needs for roads, trails/pathways, walkways and transit, including light rail. Spokane County's population and employment will increase -. significantly over the next 20 years. This anticipated growth will result in additional demand on the transportation system. .. Transportation strategies must be developed to maintain `+ acceptable levels of service for the transportation system as this Ofr- L 1� growth occurs. The transportation element serves as Spokane „ County's action plan to provide the transportation strategies necessary to accommodate future growth. The transportation ` t element combines technical and financial analysis for the ;4,4' County's transportation system through a methodology that ` meets requirements of the Growth Management Act. The Transportation Element identifies existing transportation system characteristics, establishes level of service ratings, identifies existing and future deficiencies based on the established levels of service, develops improvement projects and strategies to mitigate deficiencies and analyzes projected revenues to ensure that necessary improvements can � \, be constructed as needed. Design of the Transportation System Urban Local Access The primary purpose of residential streets is to provide access to adjacent residential property. These streets may be privately owned and maintained, but most are public streets. Street design can have a significant impact on community character. Contemporary residential design often features a street designed with cul-de-sacs and minimal connections to the surrounding street network. "Gated communities" have also become popular. An alternative street design is the traditional or grid, design. This traditional design, which is common in most older neighborhoods, features streets that are connected forming relatively small blocks. The major advantage of the contemporary design is that through traffic is minimized and it is assumed that security is enhanced. Disadvantages of the contemporary design include more difficult access for emergency and service vehicles and increased traffic congestion on arterial streets. The contemporary design discourages pedestrian and transit use since generally one must travel a greater distance to get from point A to point B than with a traditional connected street pattern. The traditional street design tends to disperse traffic more evenly since alternative routes are provided through many connections. The traditional street design facilitates pedestrian and transit use of the street. With the increased activity on the street, security may be enhanced. � 1 Spokane County Comprehensive Plan T-1 Transportation Rural Local Access Roads • The purpose of rural local access roads is to provide access to rural properties. They are designed for low speeds and may be paved or gravel. Some rural local access roads may be private roads. The main advantage of private roads is that the public is not burdened with ,• maintenance costs for repairs and snow plowing. The primary _a., ��' f ..q disadvantage of private roads may be difficulties with emergency - • access associated with inventorying, signage, maintenance and design. ,SI Most of these difficulties can be overcome with adequate construction EX standards, provision for maintenance agreements and coordination with service providers. Urban Arterial Streets Urban arterial street designs are generally based on capacity or the volume of traffic they are intended to carry. The highest-capacity arterials are limited access arterials. • '` 1 They are generally constructed with four or more lanes and their y purpose is to move traffic through an area rather than to provide access cart:' • „ to adjacent property. The location of limited access arterials must be carefully considered. They tend to form a barrier to pedestrian as well -':. as auto traffic. It has been well documented that construction of limited access arterials through residential areas often leads to the deterioration of adjoining neighborhoods. Most urban arterials are multipurpose facilities providing access to adjacent properties as well as accommodating through traffic and are designed to carry moderate to heavy volumes of vehicular traffic. The multipurpose urban arterials should be designed to provide for various modes of transportation, including pedestrians, bicycles, transit, trucks and cars. Rural Arterial Roads q� `" €` Rural arterial roads are moderately fast facilities designed to provide ' ;`tr1 for through traffic, to collect traffic from the local area and to route traffic to urban areas and other major traffic generators. Several new • t°t rural arterials and improvements to existing rural arterials are proposed in the Arterial Road Plan. The intent of these rural arterials is to provide additional and improved routes for pass-through truck and commuter traffic that is currently clogging urban arterials. yt to. A., - Several issues associated with rural arterials have been identified that ° ^ • should be addressed by the Comprehensive Plan policies. These major issues are listed below. Preventing sprawl - Land use policies must prohibit anything other than low-density residential development and prohibit most commercial and industrial development in rural areas. The land use policies should be backed up by transportation policies that limit, manage and control access along the routes. The rural arterials must be specifically defined as to their intended use and characteristics. Finally, policies must be in place that make it clear that rural arterials are not to be used as a rationale for extending sewer and water or expanding urban growth boundaries. Maintaining rural lifestyle - To reduce impacts to the rural areas, roadways should be designed that are sensitive to the aesthetic and environmental qualities of the countryside through which they pass. This may include a special section design featuring native landscaping, bike paths and Spokane County Comprehensive Plan T-2 Transportation routing to minimize negative impacts. f Protecting natural areas -Wildlife habitat and corridors, open space, conservation areas and farmlands are important to the quality of life in Spokane, as expressed by participants in the Blueprints 2000 planning process. The conservation futures program to purchase habitat and open space, the Dishman Hills Natural Area and Riverside State Park are significant public investments worthy of protection. Rural routes must be carefully selected to avoid impacts to these valuable resources. When transportation improvements are designed, it is important to address the needs of the general public, individual property owners and neighborhoods. Most transportation improvements should be designed as multiple-use facilities that provide for pedestrians, bicycles, transit and automobile use. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan T-3 Transportation Arterial Road Plan Map Spokane County Comprehensive Plan T-4 Transportation 1 -- -, pew rhei1k c tin( _ Arterial Road Plan • - ., . ! 1 . f • - , - r44•�r w w LEGEND....., LEGEND „ itlu<I�'rrtw „ r I1It Principal Animal „ V r'•,.• I Irhsr'hIL II,Ark-i l „ I„ "I' 71- I n.r• I'it i l.'srl1 bal,'Ii,11479111 1 _IF Fy RUTLIII Illgir IL'++11CCK'r I'I'I' _w _ w , I�' '' iiIrm1 Ltbrua 114L.irr ■ I I " I s `' Ihn{II9d±r1 I Irhun IhTn iprl -1 ■ e rti• PrIT cMIIrhnwin'rr l'• . asr. - w tes 'L ISre....1 'then I1k1--ur -. • • , '' Iy1Ir-Lt1iuId M.priL-,01110.44. = 4, `e 1 • w P ,# _. r I _ • . - ,1—:Ix' 4wth�sl kW�l k9t■Ak lllla-trR ;J ,r- L� ~I 1.,-......-- .,t ° I • r I - I Irk t rerwrIs krt. 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I Y. r • A • Iiii241[.x1111" nlla imp wus r�sxxhliRl"1s311....lb.,nilrl$nix f'lrulryv RIS I am-l(F l i iitxp an icral ' '�'Hi1TF:If1 4�i minty -j it plannixapn.-.1 I>trehI1hr(r errl1I Ituzlri}'rdWlxxrcrI►-1cIfKnlr Il ITitHum( imn 1irY a44l+1 resit.laibility I:x[ft1T1.If,•rlil■.IIt1t ara.t IlraLfITrr""New it lk+xreryl21il_'1 r FI t1ClitCIt i l,ich ,oh.rdaly Llria mrar,tr,a1 1 ii rdmygusr Spokane County Division of Planning -- •■■■■■■-ii ---__ --- 1 Prilli 4.111'N'ill'I .1111111.. Pedestrian - Bicycle Plan \ „......./4.irmis T.111iIEND / Incrap-nini Alin IV Sp Niuldit roll I I. [rid 111-11 ___.. Il•mil Pl-m. /I iipirvred 1 ink,,i Si1014 Arra Irollibiklmi I mil C\ 171T P-MIN I mr,1 Nilrilhi Sffl I r 7 1 In"rig at li-mll 0-s' I Mimi tinvoitli Anna 1111131M-• Prarrmall -rrjri---- 2 i I Rod til lint! I. +4. _IL, _, i'l Ildwvap.• ,A'' 1 ' • I , i.- 7---' 1 IlLithrmr.. r-c' X 1:114tirtx. 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L ' 1 A:PLia5 "!E ■ -.....,,Ls. ( i ' Allah I I . iiiry, / \ J I. , n ii WI-0mm Ornery Whiliiw Cimilly --1;In' 1 11 odill4IL Thai in strL,rchl1shr41 by liir.SN'll Aile CI IWIL le 1 llilannI9 nfilivirmig at A imurru) 111.11111114 II v.! 'Tut io Iiir 41111nOrlrig lilinilry I IOU Imre tltrotmenit.Mc Tiwition critirmi oc.c.cri frNr.tolItlibilfi V Irrir error%lit irailankriln,.*rr.1 thrielute.dorm am ild wan-AMIN i•kitch rxiiiiriliDo rltk mama] , 1. , - -, .. _ '=- ._, .- Viamhington E M 111W1110MM Spokane Ct)univ ConThrellerisive Plan --- _ Pedestrian-Bicycle Map Spokane County Comprehensive Plan T-5 Transportation Transportation Goals and Policies The transportation goals and policies are intended to provide a variety of regional transportation choices to serve current and future residents of Spokane County. They encourage multi-modal and pedestrian-friendly facilities that support, encourage and are coordinated with a variety of land uses. The transportation goals also emphasize the movement people and goods effectively and safely while maintaining or improving air quality and mitigating impacts to the natural and built environment. Intergovernmental Coordination The Growth management Act requires that all elements of a comprehensive plan be consistent with each other. It is also important that comprehensive plans, and especially transportation plans, be coordinated between neighboring governmental jurisdictions. The following goals and policies are intended to address these important planning principles. Goal T.1 Develop transportation plans that complement, support and are consistent with land use and transportation plans from other jurisdictions and agencies. Policies T.1.1 Coordinate planning and operational aspects of the regional transportation system with cities within Spokane County, adjacent jurisdictions, Washington State Department of Transportation, Spokane Transit Authority, Spokane Regional Transportation Council and any other affected agencies. T.1.2 The regional transportation plan shall be consistent with the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan. T.1.3 Development of regional transportation plans shall be coordinated and consistent with adopted comprehensive land use plans. Consistency and Concurrency The Growth Management Act requires transportation facilities to be concurrent with development. This means that transportation facilities must be in place and in use within 6-years of the impact of development. The Transportation Improvement Program or TIP identifies specific projects that are needed to mitigate impacts to the transportation system due to existing system deficiencies and expected future growth. Goal T.2 Provide transportation system improvements concurrent with new development and consistent with adopted land use and transportation plans. Policies T.2.1 Maintain an inventory of transportation facilities and services to support management of the transportation system and to monitor system performance. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan T-6 Transportation T.2.2 Transportation improvements needed to serve new development shall be in place at the time new development impacts occur. If this is not feasible, then a financial commitment, consistent with the capital facilities plan, shall be made to complete the improvement within six years. T.2.3 Transportation improvements shall be consistent with land use plans, capital funding and other planning elements. T.2.4 Implement concurrency review and management that evaluates impacts from new development and identifies funding sources for improvements. Evaluate the transportation system annually and compare to prior years. T.2.5 Coordinate planning with appropriate jurisdictions and utility companies for utility corridors that may affect the transportation system. T.2.6 Use a 10- and 20-year horizon when preparing transportation forecasts to provide information on the location, timing and capacity needs of future growth. T.2.7 The transportation system shall support the Land Use Element of the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan as growth occurs. T.2.8 Major shortfalls between transportation revenues and improvement costs should be addressed during the annual review of the 6-year transportation improvement program. Resolution of revenue shortfalls could include reassessment of land use, growth targets, level of service standards and revenue availability. Alternative Modes of Travel The Countywide Planning Policies require the regional transportation plan to include alternative modes of transportation to the automobile including public transportation, pedestrian facilities, bikeways, air and rail facilities. However, for most of the Twentieth Century, and especially since World War II, transportation improvements have emphasized automobile mobility. Until recently, alternative modes such as transit, bicycling and walking have not been stressed. It is expected that the automobile will continue to be the dominant mode of transportation in the foreseeable future, both in the number of trips and the distance traveled. However, alternative modes of transportation can play an important and beneficial role in the transportation system. Encouraging alternative modes can lessen congestion, reduce air pollution, reduce consumption of natural resources and reduce maintenance costs. To encourage the use of alternative transportation modes, facilities must be provided that are convenient, safe and economical. Goal T.3a Provide a range of transportation choices within the Spokane Region. Policy T.3a.1 The transportation system shall provide a range of transportation modes. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan T-7 Transportation Public Transportation Goal T.3b Provide a safe, efficient and cost-effective public transportation system. Policies T.3b.1 Coordinate with other governments and communities to create a regional network of safe, efficient and cost-effective public transportation services and facilities. T.3b.2 Develop transit services and facilities that support land use ( ; t ;l • plans and integrate regional and local transportation ' i,7-•;. needs. ,�;��''"►'� ����-1�: C � rte. T.3b.3 Support development of secure, conveniently located r; ',555555 park-and-ride lots. T.3b.4 Encourage the use of bus, ride-sharing and high-capacity transit services to make major segments of the transportation system more efficient. T.3b.5 Provide intermodal connections to enhance the efficiency and convenience of public transportation. Goals T.3c Preserve existing right-of-way and designate new right-of-way which supports high- capacity transportation corridors. T.3d Encourage land uses that will support a high-capacity transportation system. Policies T.3d.1 Support high-capacity transit facilities and services that are consistent with the actions and plans of Spokane Transit Authority, Spokane Regional Transportation Council and other jurisdictions. T.3d.2 Provide for mixed-use activity centers that support a high-capacity transportation corridor. Non-motorized Travel - Bicycle and Pedestrian Goal T.3e Promote pedestrian and bicycle transportation countywide and increase safety, mobility and convenience for non-motorized modes of travel. Policies T.3e.1 The transportation network should provide safe and convenient bicycle and walking access between housing, recreation, shopping, schools, community facilities and mass transit access points. Obstructions and conflicts with pedestrian and bicycle movement should be minimized. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan T-8 Transportation S �N T.3e.2 Bicycle facilities should be designed where practical ,�, } along arterials. Public bicycle/pedestrian facilities, where r� 4,;,. "z' approved by the County, should be clearly marked. PP Y Y. Y d�_� T.3e.3 Inventory existing pedestrian and bicycle facilities and {� �;� !!';. maintain a pedestrian/bicycle plan coordinated through ' the Spokane Regional Transportation Council and „,. - - implemented through the County 6-year transportation t ' improvement program. Note: there is an existing regional pedestrian/bikeway plan, developed by SRTC. T.3e.4 Promote hard surface walkway systems, including but not limited to, concrete, asphalt and brick as an alternative to sidewalks that are separate from roads if they fit in with the characteristics of the neighborhood and private maintenance is assured. T.3e.5 Convenient bicycle parking and designated areas where bicycles can be secured shall be required at major destinations and at transportation centers. • T.3e.6 Encourage preservation of abandoned rail rights-of-way for development of bike, pedestrian, equestrian routes or other non-motorized forms of transportation. T.3e.7 Allow hard-surfaced pathways, including but not limited to, concrete, asphalt and brick to substitute for sidewalks in commercial or industrial areas when pathways provide more direct and/or safer routes for pedestrians. T.3e.8 Develop street, pedestrian path and bike path standards that contribute to a system of fully connected routes. Rail Goal T.3f Support and encourage the continued viability of the passenger and freight rail system in the region. Policies T.3f.1 Participate with other jurisdictions to facilitate I • safe and efficient rail systems. . 717 T.3f.2 Cooperate with railroads to develop traffic safety . and noise reduction solutions. T.3f.3 Land use types and densities shall be established along rail corridors that support and �" r are compatible with freight and passenger rail ttr; t `` =t= transportation. T.3f.4 Encourage banking of rail right-of-way. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan T-9 Transportation T.3f.5 Encourage the continuation of rail service that supports the viability of the local economy. T.3f.6 Encourage consolidation of operating rail lines and corridors to facilitate safety, improve operating effectiveness and reduce impact on adjacent lands. Air Transportation Goal T.3g Protect airports in Spokane County from encroachment by incompatible land uses. Policies T.3g.1 Prohibit uses in airport areas which attract birds, create visual hazards, discharge particulate matter into the air which could alter atmospheric conditions, emit transmissions which would interfere with aviation communications and instrument landing systems, otherwise obstruct or conflict with airport operations or aircraft traffic patterns or result in potential hazard for off-airport land use. T.3g.2 Commercial and industrial uses that benefit from and do not conflict with aircraft operations should be encouraged. T.3g.3 Decisions on zone reclassifications and land use development shall consider noise �► a , hazards of aircraft operations and accident ; potentials. ` ° .. ,;: -3 • r T.3g.4 Coordinate airport development on a regional basis. T.3g.5 Discourage new residential development near airports where significant noise impacts and safety hazards exist or are likely in the future. T.3g.6 Encourage noise abatement procedures per FAA regulations at airports in Spokane County. Goal T.3h Maintain close-in airport facilities, which are easily accessible to the cities they serve and complement the economic health of Spokane County. Policies T.3h.1 Assure that the airports can maintain or expand their levels of operations to meet existing and future aviation demands consistent with airport master plans. T.3h.2 Provide for adequate services and facilities in scale with the needs of individual airport operations. T.3h.3 Ensure that airport planning is coordinated and consistent with the goals and policies of the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan T-10 Transportation T.3h.4 Encourage multi-modal access to airports. Goal T.3i Recognize major airports and military facilities as key elements of a strong economic base for Spokane County. Policies T.3i.1 Protect public and private investment in facilities for which there may be no feasible future replacement. T.3i.2 Land use decisions on land in airport areas shall consider regional and national needs as well as localized concerns. Transportation System Design Urban Road Functional Classifications Principal Arterials: The principal arterial is a two (or more)-lane, moderately fast facility designed to permit relatively unimpeded traffic flow between major traffic generators such as the central business district, major shopping centers, major employment districts, etc. They are generally in the highest- volume corridors and serve the longest trip desires. These arterials are the framework road system for the urbanized portion of the County and should be located on community and neighborhood boundaries. Frequently, the principal arterial system carries important intra-urban and intercity bus routes. Principal arterials should not bisect homogeneous areas such as residential neighborhoods, shopping centers, parks, etc. Access to principal arterials should be managed. Minor Arterials: Minor arterials interconnect and augment the principal arterial system. They are two (or more)-lane facilities, yet provide less mobility than principal arterials, with greater access to adjacent property frontage. Minor arterials may carry local bus routes and provide intra-community continuity, but should be located on community and neighborhood boundaries. They should not bisect residential neighborhoods. Collector Arterials: Collector arterials provide both land access and traffic circulation within residential neighborhoods, commercial and industrial areas. They primarily serve individual neighborhoods, distributing traffic from such generators as elementary schools and neighborhood stores to minor and principal arterials. Collector arterials are relatively low-speed, two-lane facilities that often provide for on-street parking. Local Access Roads: Local access roads provide access to adjacent property and generally do not support through traffic. They are located in the urban and rural areas. The alignment and traffic control measures on local access roads should encourage a slow, safe speed. Special Sections: The County Engineer may allow special arterial sections incorporating certain design elements (planting strips, median treatments, etc.) that enhance the roadway's geographic location, scenic vistas and/or recreational opportunities. The design should not degrade the functionality or safety of the roadway. Where a special section is desired and includes landscaping, a care and maintenance plan will also be required. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan T-11 Transportation Design of Urban Roads The design of streets can have a tremendous impact on the character of a community. Over the past 50 years, the emphasis in street design has been on increasing capacity for the automobile. The citizens of Spokane County have expressed a desire to consider the needs of all the potential street users when transportation facilities are designed. Designs should accommodate `' •� _ • pedestrians, bicycles and transit as well as the automobile. The public has also identified a need to improve the "..';,"� wM appearance of transportation facilities by landscaping and "" f r" • controls on signs and other means. An emphasis has been placed on encouraging streets designed to form a network j� Y ? `� Qy with multiple routes to any given point. Connected street i 's-;t': ' ` <<. design allows dispersal of traffic and provides easier access for emergency and service vehicles. Perhaps most important, street design must support adjacent land uses. These and other design issues are addressed in the following goals and policies. Goal T.4a Ensure that urban roadway systems are designed to preserve and be consistent with community character. Policies T.4a.1 Utilize best available engineering practices to ensure a safe and efficient roadway system. T.4a.2 Optimize the capacity of existing roads to minimize the need for new or expanded roads through the use of improved signage, signalization, road maintenance and other means. T.4a.3 To the greatest extent possible, provide coordinated and integrated traffic control systems. T.4a.4 Discourage private roads as a principal means of access to developments. Allow private roads within developments as a principal means of circulation, provided adequate measures are in place to assure safe travel, emergency access and permanent private maintenance. T.4a.5 Transportation facility design standards shall support the creation and preservation of communities and neighborhoods while simultaneously providing for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods. T.4a.6 Develop an arterial road plan that emphasizes planned corridors for high-capacity roadways to keep high-speed traffic out of residential neighborhoods. T.4a.7 Design of new transportation facilities or facility improvements should incorporate adequate consideration of the cultural, historical and aesthetic issues associated with a proposed transportation improvement. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan T-12 Transportation T.4a.8 Encourage curbside landscaping consistent with safety requirements. Identify those t _ species of landscaping that are most appropriate for curbside planting. T.4a.9 Adequate access to and circulation within all developments shall be maintained for emergency service and public transportation vehicles. T.4a.10 Consolidate access to commercial and industrial properties by encouraging the development of commercial and industrial centers rather than strip development to minimize traffic congestion on urban arterials. T.4a.11 Encourage street designs, which reduce the number of access points on principal arterials and highways by combining driveways for adjacent properties and use of frontage roads. T.4a.12 Encourage new developments, including multifamily projects, to be arranged in a pattern of connecting streets and blocks to allow people to get around easily by foot, bicycle, bus or car. Cul-de-sacs or other closed street systems may be appropriate under certain circumstances including, but not limited to, topography and other physical limitations that make connecting systems impractical. For Example Connected as Compared to Closed Development Pattern Transit Commercial Core Stnn Office (ommnmin) Core Transit Commercial r Stop F/i- Offi ce 1 Office acyr o This Not This Clear, formalized and inter-connected street systems make destinations visible, provide the shortest and most direct path to destinations and result in security through community rather than by isolation. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan 1-13 Transportation T.4a.13 Encourage local access streets which are curvilinear, narrow or use other street designs consistent with safety requirements to discourage through traffic in neighborhoods where such design fits into the surrounding street systems and aids in implementing specific land use designs. T.4a.14 Allow paved alleys that are privately owned and maintained. T.4a.15 Develop roadway standards that reduce the opportunity and impact of spills of contaminants from reaching surface and groundwater. T.4a.16 Reduce right-of-way width dedications to the minimum necessary to provide for transportation needs. a) Use border easements to accommodate drainage and pedestrian facilities. b) Building set back requirements should be established from centerline of right-of-way and should be minimized to reduce impact on use of private property while maintaining public safety and aesthetic values. URBAN Minimize right-of-way width, border easement accommodates drainage facilities and sidewalks Border Easement Border Easement Road Right of Way • IU IyR V.�v w v V V v. .,.�- ,.y•:r•.-w..«.««.n. `----^ n»_ �» '�+C'YC^VC��1�►Q•-�.r.i _ I I l Landscape Landscape Side walks and and Drainage Drainage Facilities Facilities Rural Road Functional Classifications Major Collectors: Rural major collector roads serve larger towns not already served by higher-class roadways. This road classification may also serve to connect one portion of the urban area to another portion of the urban area. They are moderately fast facilities that are two or four lanes wide. Rural major collector roads are wider and carry more traffic than the rural minor collectors. Minor Collectors: Rural minor collector roads are moderately fast facilities that are two lanes wide and provide a link between the major collector arterials and rural local access roads. They typically provide service to remaining smaller communities and link locally important traffic generators with their rural hinterland. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan T-14 Transportation Local Access Roads: Local access roads provide access to adjacent property and generally do not -/' support through traffic. They are located in the urban and rural areas. The alignment and traffic control measures on local access roads should encourage a slow, safe speed. Special Sections: The County Engineer may allow special arterial sections incorporating certain design elements (planting strips, median treatments, etc.) that enhance the roadway's geographic location, scenic vistas and/or recreational opportunities. The design should not degrade the functionality or safety of the roadway. Where a special section is desired and includes landscaping, a care and maintenance plan will also be required. Design of Rural Roads Goal T.5a Provide a safe and efficient system of rural roads. T.5b To the maximum extent possible, Spokane County shall provide all-weather roads to serve the rural environment. T.5c Provide major rural arterials that connect urban areas (urban connectors) while maintaining rural character and protecting the environment. Rural Collectors Policies T.5.1 Develop and maintain safe and efficient transportation connections between urban population centers. T.5.2 Prohibit new commercial use along rural collectors and state highways, which are located outside the Urban Growth Area boundary except in designated rural activity centers and limited development areas. ''44.• - T.5.3 Ensure the preservation of rural character and r r :Vim•;': • discourage urban sprawl by managing access to q::: major rural collectors, which are located in rural areas. T.5.4 Ensure that proposed rural collectors avoid significant ' ' r. i a t natural areas or historic resources where possible and t�, `. i1; . mitigate impacts where avoidance is not possible. T.5.5 Ensure that the transportation system in the rural i� '`�;' areas and resource lands are consistent with their rural/resource character. Improvements should emphasize operations, safety and maintenance. °y . '\..-/ Spokane County Comprehensive Plan T-15 Transportation Safety The citizens of Spokane County place considerable importance on the safety of the transportation system. Traffic collisions are not only traumatic on a personal level, but are also costly for society. These costs are felt in the form of medical expenses, lost productivity and property losses. When new road or improvements to existing roads are planned, safety considerations should be a primary design consideration. Goal T.6 Provide a safe and efficient transportation system, which responds to the needs of the community, with special consideration for the elderly, special-needs and low-income individuals. Policies T.6.1 Adopt standards and techniques to slow vehicle traffic and reduce the volume of traffic in residential neighborhoods. T.6.2 Advocate safe and effective traffic control or grade separation at railroad grade crossings. Mobility Efficient movement of people and goods is very important to the citizens of Spokane County because it enhances the economic vitality and quality of life. The existing transportation system represents a considerable investment. To protect this investment, the capacity and condition of the system must be maintained. Travel on the transportation system increases every year. To maintain mobility, the transportation system must not only be maintained but improved. Road improvements will increase capacity but improved facilities for all forms of transportation must be considered to efficiently utilize scarce resources to maintain mobility. Goals T.7 Provide efficient and cost effective movement of people, goods and freight to maintain industrial, commercial and manufacturing capability. Level of Service Level of service (LOS) sets a quantitative standard for the operating characteristics of the transportation system. The Growth Management Act requires level of service standards for all arterials and transit routes and also requires that the standards be coordinated regionally. The level of service standards may be thought of as goals that the community wishes to maintain for the operation of the transportation system. Level of service for the regional transportation is based on corridor travel time. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan T-16 Transportation The Countywide Planning Policies require that level of service standards be adopted that are in accordance with the regional minimum level of service standards set by the Growth Management Steering Committee of Elected Officials. Spokane County is required to use its adopted level of service to evaluate long-term planning, development review and financing of improvements. Nr.r ;!::tYThe Steering Committee approved the use of corridor travel time ;ry for use in establishing a minimum level of service for the regional - transportation system. The Spokane Regional Transportation �: Council is determining annual average corridor travel time for the established congestion management system corridors. Spokane County Division of Engineering uses average time delay at intersections and expresses it as a range A through F. Level of Service A indicates little or no delay and level of service F indicates excessive delay. Average delays are typically measured during the AM and PM peak hours. The Steering Committee also addressed level of service standards for public transit and street cleaning. Level of service for transit is to be adopted by the Spokane Transit Authority Board of Directors and Spokane County is required to have policies consistent with the adopted level of service within the Public Transit Benefit Area. For street cleaning, Spokane County is required to have a street-cleaning plan within the non-attainment area for air quality. The plan must be coordinated with the Air Pollution Control Authority. Goal , T.8a Establish and maintain level of service standards for roads. Policies T.8a.1 Transportation system improvements shall be consistent with adopted levels of service. T.8a.2 The following shall serve as Spokane County's level of service standard: Spokane County's level of service shall be based on the operational analysis at county arterial intersections and county arterial/state highway intersections conforming to the "Spokane County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction" as amended. T.8a.3 The Spokane County Steering Committee of Elected Officials has accepted "corridor travel time" to be used to establish the minimum level of service for the regional transportation system. Spokane County shall participate in the development, evaluation, refinement as necessary and adoption of the "corridor travel time" standard for regional minimum level of service. Goal T.8b Support level of service standards for transit established in conjunction with the Spokane Transit Authority Board of Directors. Policies T.8b.1 Ensure that the transportation system improvements are made consistent with adopted transit levels of service. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan T-17 Transportation T.8b.2 Spokane County's level of service standard for transit shall be consistent with level of _ service adopted in conjunction with the Spokane Transit Authority Board of Directors. Goals T.8c Incorporate standards for pedestrian and bicycle facilities into county road standards. T.8d Clean streets as needed to meet air quality standards for particulate matter (PM). Policies T.8d.1 Update as necessary and use a street cleaning plan coordinated with the Spokane County Air Pollution Control Authority, consistent with the regional minimum level of service, to meet mandated particulate matter (PM) standards. Public Participation When transportation improvements are proposed, it is important to address the needs and desires of the general public, property owners and neighborhoods affected by the project. Spokane County must work with local residents and property owners prior to the design phase to assure that all needs are considered. A citizen-based process can result in the most acceptable facilities to enhanced access and mobility for vehicles and non-motorized transportation modes. Goal .: .>k T.9 Incorporate community participation in the transportation �:- ►' I t~^ planning process and actively involve businesses and neighborhoods in transportation choices. Policy • T.9.1 Encourage and facilitate meaningful public involvement throughout plan development and implementation, including at the project level. Transportation Finance The Growth Management Act requires that the Transportation Improvement Program be financially feasible. Sources of revenue must be identified that are available to implement the 6-year Transportation Improvement Plan and maintain the adopted level of service. The revenue sources available to fund transportation improvements are listed in the current Spokane County Transportation Improvement Plan. Goal T.10 Fund transportation improvements to meet existing and future needs based on level of service standards. Policies T.10.1 Provide for a long-range financial strategy to implement the 6-year transportation improvement program of the Capital Facilities Element. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan T-18 Transportation T.10.2 Funding to protect and maintain existing transportation infrastructure shall receive priority over other costs or transportation improvement programs. T.10.3 Develop methods for funding improvements in transportation subareas that provide a fair and equitable distribution of the transportation improvement costs. T.10.4 Enhance funding methods by establishing or implementing bonds, impact fees, road improvement districts and other funding sources. T.10.5 Impact mitigation fees and user-based fees shall be considered as a source for funding for all transportation improvements required because of new development. T.10.6 Transportation impact fees shall be based on cumulative impacts from proposed land uses within a traffic basin, with a proportionate share allocated, based on a reasonable relationship between trips generated by any proposed land use and improvements required. T.10.7 Transportation funding directed to projects in areas where annexation or incorporation is expected should require interlocal agreements with the affected cities to provide for joint funding of improvements and/or sharing of revenues. Demand Management Strategies Most solutions to traffic congestion involve increasing the system capacity. However, in some cases, reducing demand can relieve capacity shortfalls. Since capacity shortfalls generally occur only during \ the peak morning and evening-commute hours, management strategies that focus on reducing trips during the peak periods are particularly effective. Strategies already in place include car/van pooling programs, variable work hours, telecommuting, incentives for transit use, bicycling and walking. If utilization of these and other transportation demand management strategies can be expanded, transportation system demand can be reduced. Effective demand management measures can reduce the need for transportation improvements and can have the added benefit of reducing air pollution. Goal T.11 Reduce the use of single occupant vehicles and increase the use of alternate forms of transportation through transportation demand management strategies. Policies T.11.1 Promote programs aimed at reducing peak period traffic congestion. T.11.2 Endorse programs that support alternatives to single occupancy vehicles. T.11.3 Support the use of telecommunications technologies for telecommuting, tele-shopping and video conferencing as alternatives to vehicle travel. T.11.4 Encourage working at home to minimize commuter traffic. T.11.5 Promote and facilitate ridesharing opportunities in cooperation with state and other transit agencies. T.11.6 Encourage employers to offer commute trip reduction programs for employees. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan T-19 Transportation Environment The transportation system can have major negative effects on the environment. Air, water, and noise pollution are often associated with transportation systems. Air pollution can best be addressed by minimizing traffic congestion. There are many ways to reduce traffic congestion other than expanding roads. Transit use, transportation demand strategies and alternative transportation modes can reduce air pollution. Stormwater runoff from paved surfaces can be a major contributor tip .=z,t to water pollution. Treatment of stormwater in grassed percolation areas and other means can substantially reduce water pollution. A24f,t== .; Noise from traffic can have adverse impacts on adjacent land uses. ? ,F,' - ':� Noise attenuation in the form of berms, landscaping or other noise if: barriers may be necessary to mitigate impacts V l���c 4 am. Goals T.12a Develop transportation systems that avoid 1(? environmental impacts where possible and mitigate ) impacts where avoidance is not possible. y'° .} • '' T.12b Create transportation systems that work toward a .._ ` " t i sustainable community. • "'` Policies T.12.1 Design transportation improvements to minimize air, water and noise pollution. T.12.2 Ensure that new transportation systems avoid or mitigate significant impacts to natural areas or historic resources. T.12.3 Transportation facilities shall not be developed in areas where they will have a significant negative effect on the environment. T.12.4 Protect and preserve environmentally sensitive areas to the greatest extent practical when developing new transportation facilities. T.12.5 Develop transportation facility design standards, which are sensitive to community, cultural, aesthetic, historical and environmental needs. T.12.6 The transportation system in Spokane County shall conform to the federal and state Clean Air Acts. T.12.7 The transport of contaminants shall be minimized through residential areas and centers by restrictive routing and scheduling where practical. T.12.8 Enforce federal and state regulations for transportation of contaminants. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan T-20 Transportation U • ..• .. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan x ip c 0 = 0:1 L a) c ._ . cn = c.o :3....) ---._ . .....,.. — - C...) t PIT . ; ...1 . 1 _ .........4 (,..)_ - • xi iti ------- . 6.) ;.:. . .c.... .„...._ _ . . . 'lii. , •"•■44. iii44 .41d . __. ..11 —. ..............'''...:,:\,==. . . - . . . , •' .ti- r i i ; ' '1 lii ‘0-Eg.' 31! .. . c.., i , •. . 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During the decade of the 80's, Spokane's economy experienced a downturn due to high interest rates and a recession in the resource-based industries, especially mining and forestry. The result was a depressed housing market that created some of the most affordable housing in the country. The early 90's were a period of high employment growth in Spokane, which caused housing shortages. Home values and rents increased at annual rates of 15 percent and greater. Housing affordability suddenly became a serious problem. Since the mid-to late 90's, housing prices in Spokane have moderated and affordability has increased to the point that the housing supply in Spokane County is among the most affordable in the state. An exception to affordable and available housing supply is r,.. _ ffound, however, in low-income and special-needs populations. . o 4 aF Housing for these populations continue to be in short supply 44 P ��r ..4` : and many individuals and families may be forced to live in • , ��.�' ..,. .substandard housing located in areas where safety is a �' -,• concern or where necessary support services are not �—'- accessible. .. r, Also important is the current status of housing for homeless persons. While the extent of homelessness is difficult and frustrating to determine, it is clearly a problem in our community. Vision Through work group meetings and other public participation programs, the following vision statement for housing was developed: Spokane County is a community that provides the opportunity for a variety of housing types and development patterns for all incomes and lifestyles while preserving the environment and the character of existing neighborhoods. Housing Goals and Policies The goals and policies of the Housing Chapter are intended to serve as a framework for long-term planning and daily decision-making on housing-related projects and programs. The Chapter promotes housing policies that will lead to affordable, safe housing options for all county residents. Regional Coordination Because of housing mobility, housing markets are not limited to jurisdictional boundaries. Therefore, it is important that housing programs and policies be coordinated at a regional level. The following policies provide guidance to ensure coordinated housing programs. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan H-1 Housing Goal H.1 Coordinate housing policies and programs with other jurisdictions, agencies and neighborhoods. Policies H.1.1 Encourage regional coordination among jurisdictions, agencies, neighborhoods and housing providers to ensure housing is available for all economic segments of the community. H.1.2 Support new and innovative financing programs to provide affordable housing and increase home ownership levels. H.1.3 Provide opportunities for early and continuous participation of citizens and neighborhood groups in land use and community development planning processes. H.1.4 Establish subarea planning programs that balance the concerns of neighborhoods with the need for providing affordable housing. H.1.5 Encourage the creation and continued operation and effectiveness of neighborhood associations through neighborhood and subarea planning programs. H.1.6 Promote partnerships between public and private nonprofit organizations to increase housing and home ownership opportunities. H.1.7 Ensure, through the use of interlocal agreements, that residential development regulations and standards are consistent for all jurisdictions within Urban Growth Areas. Housing Regulations Through its zoning and building regulations, the County can encourage affordable housing. Careful crafting of regulations can help prevent confusing, inconsistent and overly burdensome processes that create uncertainty and increase project costs. Zoning regulations also are often exclusionary to low- income and special-needs populations by prohibiting multiple-family, accessory units and manufactured housing. This section addresses the availability of affordable housing by providing policies to ease regulatory barriers and increase flexibility. Regulatory measures are also considered elsewhere in the plan. The Urban Land Use and Economic Development Chapters contain goals and policies relevant to the provision of affordable housing. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan H-2 Housing Goal H.2 Reduce regulatory barriers and allow greater flexibility in the housing development process. Policies H.2.1 Periodically assess the effects of policies and regulations on the affordability of housing costs and examine the need to reduce regulatory barriers. �! y r-.7,1 �r;i � - 51.414'4 H.2.2 When developing housing regulations, ,• "=''`'��_ consider the balance between housing --- ` affordability and environmental quality, design quality, and maintenance of neighborhood character. H.2.3 Develop consistent, precise, fair and enforceable regulations that maintain environmental quality and public health and safety standards, while minimizing housing development costs. H.2.4 Develop standards and incentives that facilitate restoration and relocation of existing structures, and rehabilitation of substandard housing, H.2.5 Provide incentives for safe and decent housing that is in close proximity to jobs, transportation and daily activities. H.2.6 Provide for exemptions to or reductions of impact fees and/or permit fees to encourage the development of low-income housing (See Facilities and Service Element, Impact Fees). H.2.7 Ensure regulations do not create impediments to fair housing choice. Affordable Housing Affordable housing applies to a wide range of housing types at varying costs that can meet the needs of a diverse community. The marketplace is generally capable of meeting the housing demands of the upper- and middle-income segment of the population. Therefore, the primary focus of this element is on mechanisms to increase the availability of affordable housing for lower-income and special-needs households. Such mechanisms may include regulatory reform, mixed-use developments, incentives for increased housing densities and support for programs that rehabilitate and preserve existing housing. In order to establish policy and identify and prioritize issues, it is important to agree upon what we mean by"affordable housing." The following is the uniformly accepted definition. Affordable Housing is adequate, appropriate shelter costing no more (including basic utilities) than 30 percent of the household's gross monthly income. Implied in this definition are the following concepts: • It applies to the broad range of economic segments in the community. • Available housing is 'safe and adequate," meeting minimum habitation standards. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan H-3 Housing • Individuals and families have a choice of reasonable housing options, including type and location. The demand for affordable housing calls for county 4 ,: ' , housing policies that support choice and flexibility in ate, F '0 -;;; .- ` "r.'1 � V;, ,; �� 2`,�•�,' � ; � + -,� . c _Y,,, housing types, density and location. This in turn will allow ` 4F '-'it'.,,,. *'' - ,`i the real estate and development communities to be r � responsive to the changing needs of the housing e t P.',', ' "y .4}, . - continuum. The County's special-needs policies should .-si ,i .. . , +� h encourage financial and regulatory flexibility that allow _ ,u,,, creative housing options (e.g., accessory-unit � `{`' , construction, single-room occupancy, clustering, .3'.,,;,., -` -``- »' manufactured housing) and siting of institutions. Furthermore, county policies must support codes, ordinances and site plans that encourage development of special-needs housing and public/private investment in these projects. Goal H.3a Develop a variety of housing options for all economic groups. H.3b Ensure that all present and future residents of Spokane County have the opportunity to obtain adequate housing. Policies H.3.1 Encourage creative housing design and appropriate open spaces in areas of high-density housing. H.3.2 Ensure that the design of infill development preserves the character of the neighborhood. H.3.3 Encourage creative design practices that allow for residential uses in business zones. H.3.4 Encourage the development of residential accessory dwelling units, such as granny flats, garage apartments or elderly cottage housing units. H.3.5 Encourage owner-built housing, adaptive reuse, rehabilitation, conversion, and other inventive techniques for increasing housing inventories. H.3.6 Allow manufactured, modular and mobile homes in areas where they are consistent with the majority of the ,. Y :` . N ,¢._l_ 1\v- neighborhood character. E s. 1.,z-. � ;t1 _; H.3.7 Allow development of residential buildings that have +. 4 k�� <r ,. ..._ shared facilities, such as single-room occupancy : ,�'` , rr facilities, co-housing facilities and boarding homes. ' Ensure compatibility of residential uses through development standards. H.3.8 Report annually on the progress made in the development and preservation of affordable housing and initiate corrections to the Comprehensive Plan when necessary. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan H-4 Housing Low-income Housing Housing affordability is a serious problem among low-income households. Low-income individuals and families often make too much money to qualify for housing assistance programs, but do not earn enough money to afford decent housing. This section provides policies to address the needs of low-income households. Goal H.4 Provide the opportunity for extremely low- through moderate-income households (as defined by HUD) to obtain affordable housing. Policies H.4.1 Promote an increased supply of lower-cost housing types such as apartments, small-lot cottages, manufactured housing and townhouses. H.4.2 Encourage a broad range of ownership and rental housing opportunities for extremely low through moderate-income households. H.4.3 Provide incentives for developments that provide rent-restricted, below-market-rate rentals or ownership housing opportunities. H.4.4 Provide incentives for the construction or rehabilitation of low-income housing. H.4.5 Support the efforts of low-income housing advocacy organizations and assist in the timely processing of applications for low-income housing. H.4.6 Encourage the preservation and improvement of existing manufactured and mobile home rental parks. Special-needs Housing This section provides policy guidance for special-needs housing for persons with physical and mental disabilities. The Supreme Court and Fair Housing laws talk about people with physical and mental disabilities as a protected class of people. Those included under disabilities are individuals with: severe mental illness, developmentally disabled, alcohol and drug addiction, physically disabled, frail elderly and persons with HIV/Aids. A shortage of available, decent and affordable living units makes it difficult for these persons and their families to maintain an acceptable living standard. Providing for people with special needs does not necessarily mean more social services or infrastructure. It means accommodating affordable special needs housing in land use plans and regulations and offering incentives to provide affordable, accessible housing. Goal H.5a Encourage housing that meets the requirements of special-needs populations in Spokane County. H.5b Promote fair and equal access to housing in Spokane County for all persons with special needs. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan H-5 Housing Policies -\ H.5.1 Decisions on locating special-needs housing should be based on the facilities, impacts on infrastructure and services, and not be based on the circumstances of the occupants. H.5.2 Ensure that codes and ordinances allow for a continuum of housing and care opportunities for special-needs populations, such as emergency housing, transitional housing, congregate housing, independent living, assisted living, family-based living, intergenerational housing or institutions. H.5.3 Encourage the de-institutionalization of housing for the special-needs populations by improving opportunity for small-scale group homes. H.5.4 Provide incentives for the development of special-needs housing. H.5.5 Adopt a process, consistent with the Countywide Planning Policies, for the siting of those special needs housing projects defined as essential public facilities. The process shall be coordinated and consistent within all Spokane jurisdictions. H.5.6 Ensure the development of housing units for individuals with disabilities, consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Fairness in Housing The intent of fairness in housing is to encourage freedom of choice in the sale or rental of dwellings. Fair-housing rights are established through both state and federal laws. The private and public sector housing agencies are very familiar with these principles as they apply to buyer/seller or landlord/tenant relationships. Discrimination based on race, color, age, sex, religion, national origin, familial status and disability is prohibited. Additionally, "special-needs populations" are guaranteed fairness in housing. Goal H.6 Ensure fair and equal access to housing in Spokane County for all persons. Police H.6.1 Ensure fair-housing provisions that are consistent with the Federal Fair Housing Act. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan H-6 Housing Spokane County Comprehensive Plan d - A H �i - -I1 r 1 'I = N L.. /9:A.-.1.-2Y''*--7---- V<=• ° C (',.: . RS :"" _ .. �. � "....:1'8 :- i CU t � 4.. / Q �� Ate- - 1� . ti i• . l ' cp ,7 ,�- , �, 'EL 71 Water `:1 / - .i Tower in ' ? , Ft -• - \` Spokane ��� ' L - y 4. County :AA/ r f_: Chapter 7 Capital Facilities and Utilities Cha •ter 7 — Ca • ital Facilities and Utilities Introduction County residents rely on facilities and services that help to define their quality of life and maintain their health and well-being. They expect their tax dollars to be used efficiently and want measurable and obvious returns on their contributions. They want their quality of life to be maintained and improved through the services and facilities that their government provides. Public facilities and services are often taken for granted. Yet, without coordination and conscientious planning for future growth, facilities and services may be interrupted or inadequate. One fundamental tenant of the Growth Management Act (GMA) is for local governments to ensure that both existing and future development are adequately served by public facilities and services. Existing facilities and services must be able to support new development or provisions for improvements must be made where deficiencies exist. If the level of service of an existing road decreases to an unacceptable standard due to the impacts of a development, then the road must be improved to a standard that is acceptable. The concept is simple. The planning process is not. A host of county, state and federal agencies, as well as private service providers, are important players in the process. --rte •1 Capital Facilities and Utilities are two of the six elements that the Growth Management Act requires to be included = C _.-- in Spokane County's Comprehensive Plan. These ! 1 services and facilities are provided by both public and ;— private entities and are the integral elements that link the °`- entire Plan together. 4 et - r The growth scenarios envisioned in the land use elements will not become a reality unless it can be shown through the Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) that there will be adequate facilities and services in place to support future development. It must also be shown that those improvements can be afforded, with funding sources identified. Some of the most important goals of the Growth Management Act are realized through the Capital Facilities and Utilities element of the Comprehensive Plan. Background Capital Facilities are characterized by their long, useful life and require significant expenditures to construct. They include facilities such as roads, water and sewer systems, parks, jails and solid waste. Capital Facilities are provided by both public and private entities. Services such as police and fire protection are also included within the Capital Facilities element. Capital facilities appear in other elements of the Comprehensive Plan. For example, transportation facilities such as roads and transit appear in the Transportation element and the Land Use elements. Parks and other recreational facilities are addressed in the Parks and Open Spaces Element. Perhaps the most important component of the Capital Facilities Element is the Capital Facilities Plan. Capital Facilities Plan The Capital Facilities Plan is a 6-year plan for capital improvements that support Spokane County's current and future population and economy. One of the principal criteria for identifying needed capital Spokane County Comprehensive Plan CF-1 Capital Facilities and Utilities improvements is standards for levels of service (LOS). The CFP contains LOS standards for public facilities and services and requires that new development be served by adequate facilities. The CFP also contains broad goals and specific policies that guide and implement the provision for adequate public facilities, services and concurrency requirements. The purpose of the Capital Facilities Plan is to prepare sound fiscal policies to provide adequate public facilities consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and concurrent with, or prior to, the impacts of development. The CFP will allow Spokane County to achieve and maintain adopted standards for levels of service and to exceed the adopted standards when possible. Capital Facilities Plans are required in the Comprehensive Plan in order to accomplish the following. a) Provide capital facilities for land development that is envisioned or authorized by the Land Use element of the Comprehensive Plan. b) Maintain the quality of life for existing and future development by establishing and maintaining standards for the level of service of capital facilities. c) Coordinate and provide consistency among the many plans for capital improvements, including: I. Other elements of the Comprehensive Plan; II. Master plans and other studies of the local government; III. Plans for capital facilities of state and/or regional significance; IV. Plans of other adjacent local governments and V. Plans of special purpose districts. d) Ensure the timely provision of adequate and concurrent facilities as required in the GMA. e) Document all capital projects and their financing. The CFP is the element that links the entire Comprehensive Plan together. Through it, levels of service standards are established. The levels of service then become the basis for providing capital facilities concurrent with growth, thereby determining the quality of life in the community. The requirement to fully finance the CFP (or revise the land use plan) provides a reality check on the vision set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. The capacity of capital facilities that are provided in the CFP affects the size and configuration of the Urban Growth Area. Planning for major capital facilities and their costs enables Spokane County to: a) Demonstrate the need for facilities and the need for revenues to pay for them. b) Estimate future operation/maintenance costs of new facilities that will impact the annual budget. c) Take advantage of sources of revenue (i.e., grants, impact fees, real estate excise taxes) that require a CFP in order to qualify for the revenue. d) Get better ratings on bond issues when the County borrows money for capital facilities (thus reducing interest rates and the cost of borrowing money). The Capital Facilities Plan is a separate document that is adopted as a part of the Comprehensive Plan. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan CF-2 Capital Facilities and Utilities , Service Agreements A number of public facilities and services are provided on a ,. regional basis in Spokane County through interlocal service agreements. For example, the County's sewage is treated at the Regional Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility. Utilizing r- { regional service delivery is often more efficient and cost effective ' for the County and its residents. Spokane County, its cities and need to continually explore opportunities for regional , \ facilities and services. In particular, background research is ti ti needed to document the experience of other jurisdictions, analyze the extent to which such experience is relevant to Spokane ,, P County and develop alternative approaches to provide facilities ; and services on a regional basis. ;: Another important issue is that Spokane County must work .y4 , o diligently with individual cities to establish interlocal agreements for service provisions within the Joint Planning Areas. The ,, �1— agreements are necessary to establish guidelines for public facility , ' °�_., design standards, transfer of facilities upon annexation and consistency in service delivery. Focused Public Investment Focused public investment targets capital improvement expenditures in public investment areas to produce fully served land for development. Focused public investment maximizes the use of limited public funds by coordinating government expenditures and focusing development, first in some areas, then in others. The targeted public investment is an incentive for development to occur where the public's capital investment is focused. In order for public investment to be focused to produce fully served land, the County and other service providers will need to resolve the following issues. (1)What criteria should be used to prioritize public investments? (2) How should areas be selected for targeted investment? Siting of Essential Public Facilities Local governments are required by GMA to include a process for identifying and siting essential public facilities that are difficult to locate, such as jails, education facilities, land fills and sewage treatment plants. Jurisdictions in Spokane County addressed this requirement through the Countywide Planning Policies, which provided the initial framework for the siting of essential public facilities. In 1995 the Essential Public Facilities Technical Committee was appointed by the Steering Committee of Elected Officials to develop a model for the siting of Essential Public Facilities, consistent with the Countywide Planning Policies and the GMA. On May 3, 1996 the Steering Committee of Elected Officials approved the Growth Management Essential Public Facilities Technical Committee Report (Appendix D), which includes a Model Siting Process, an Interjurisdictional Consistency Review Process and an inventory of existing essential facilities. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan CF-3 Capital Facilities and Utilities Levels of Service (LOS) Levels of service standards are usually quantifiable measures of the amount of public facilities or services that are provided to the community. Levels of service may also measure the quality of some ` - public facilities. Typically, measures of levels of service are expressed as ratios of facility or service capacity to demand (i.e., actual or potential users). For example, the level of service for parks may be expressed as acres of parks for every 1,000 people. Levels of service standards are measures of the quality of life of Spokane County. The standards should be based on the community's vision of its future and its values. Once Spokane County's Comprehensive Plan is adopted, the levels of service identified in the Plan will guide future capital facility and service decisions. Therefore, the Board of Commissioners makes the final determination to adopt levels of service that represent the community's vision. The Board's decision should be influenced by recommendations of the (1) Planning Commission (2) providers of public services (3) Steering Committee of Elected Officials, and (4) the public, through the County's citizen participation projects. Adopted Regional Minimum Level of Service (LOS) In 1996, the Steering Committee of Elected Officials adopted Interim Levels of Service standards for the region, in accordance with the Countywide Planning Policies (CWPPs). Each jurisdiction within the county may adopt a higher level of service if it is determined that the local needs and desires warrant an increased level of service. The following services have been assigned a minimum regional level of service. Fire Protection Solid Waste Processing Public Transit Domestic Water Street Cleaning Sanitary Sewer Stormwater Transportation The original Countywide Planning Policies included police protection as a service that required a regional LOS. The CWPPs were amended to delete the requirement for a regional LOS for police protection. It was determined that each jurisdiction shall specify in its comprehensive plan the level of police protection that addresses the safety of its citizens. The CWPPs also require jurisdictions to establish LOS standards for schools, libraries and parks. Concurrency One of the requirements of the GMA is for public facilities and services to be provided concurrent with development. Concurrency means that adequate public facilities will be in place to support new development when the impacts of that development take place or within a specified time thereafter (WAC 365-195-070[3]). For transportation facilities, the specified time is 6 years from the time of development. The impacts of development are usually equated with occupancy and use of the development (RCW 36.70A.020). Concurrency requires that facilities have sufficient capacity to serve development without decreasing levels of service below minimum standards adopted in the CFP. The GMA requires concurrency only for transportation facilities. However, the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) recommends concurrency for water and sewer systems (see WAC 365-195-070[3]). GMA also requires all other public facilities to be "adequate" (see RCW 19.27.097, 36.70A.020, 36.70A.030 and 58.17.110). Concurrency management procedures should be developed to ensure that sufficient public facility capacity is available for each proposed development. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan CF-4 Capital Facilities and Utilities Utilities Utilities is one of six elements required by the GMA to be included in Spokane County's Comprehensive Plan. Utility plans often include water and sewer facilities. For the purposes of this policy document, utilities are identified as electric, telecommunications and natural gas facilities. Water and sewer facilities are considered capital facilities and are not duplicated within the Utilities definition. In December 1995, a Regional Utility Corridor Plan (RUCP) was developed to fulfill the requirements of the Countywide Planning Policies. This plan includes an inventory and analysis of existing and proposed electric, gas, telephone/fiber optic, water and sewer "corridors". Through the inventory and mapping of existing and proposed utility corridors, it was determined that opportunities to share corridors may be limited. A Utility Corridor map within the RUCP identifies electric, gas and telephone/fiber optic corridors from various utility providers. The RUCP provides policies and action statements that are used to guide the goals and policies of this plan. Capital Facilities and Utilities — Goals and Polices The Capital Facilities Element unites all the elements of this Comprehensive Plan. The function of the Capital Facilities Element is to establish a viable planning link between inventory, level of service and financing for future public facilities. The goals state the general Growth Management intentions of the County while the policies are guidelines for decisions on how goals will be achieved. Please see Chapter 5 for policies related to transportation facilities and Chapter 9 for parks and recreation policies. General Goal CF.1 Establish appropriate Level of Service standards for public facilities and services Policies CF.1.1 Facilities and services should meet the minimum required Level of Service standards as adopted by the Steering Committee of Elected Officials. Full descriptions of Level of Service may be found in the Capital Facilities Plan. The following Levels of Service have been adopted: Spokane County Comprehensive Plan CF-5 Capital Facilities and Utilities Facility 11 Level of Service Standard* Domestic 800 gallons per residential equivalent per day. Water Sanitary Public sewer required where densities exceed 2 equivalent residential units per Sewer acre. LOS for operational analysis shall be as contained in the Spokane County Transportation Standards for Road and Sewer Construction. Maintain travel corridor time as established by Spokane Regional Transportation Council. New development shall not increase runoff volume off-site. Prevent flooding of property during a 25-year storm. Stormwater Prevent damage to buildings from a 100-year storm. Stormwater discharge to any surface or ground waters will be allowed unless the discharge will degrade water quality below standards. Law 1.01 officers per 1000/population. Enforcement 3.04 jail beds per 1000/population. Parks 1.4 community park acres per 1000/population. Libraries .41 square feet per capita . Solid Waste Solid waste processing will meet Federal and State regulations. Street Implement adopted plan as identified in Transportation Element. Cleaning Public Transit As adopted by Spokane Transit Authority Board of Directors. Fire and Urban areas served by Fire District with at least a Class 6 Insurance Rating. Emergency Fire Flow and hydrant placement per Uniform Fire Code. Services Urban areas must be within 5 road miles of station with "Class A" pumper. Urban areas shall be served by a basic life support (BLS) agency. Public Schools To be determined by individual school district CFP. *See Appendix C for the Spokane County Steering Committee of Elected Officials Interim Regional Minimum Level of Service Standards Goal CF.2 Implement a Capital Facilities Plan that ensures that public facilities and services meet the established Levels of Service. Policies CF.2.1 Determine the quantity of capital improvements that are needed to eliminate existing deficiencies and to maintain the Level of Service standards for public facilities and services provided by Spokane County. CF.2.2 Establish priorities among capital improvements projects through annual amendments to the Capital Facilities Element and the County's Six-Year Capital Improvements and Transportation Improvement Plans. CF.2.3 Ensure that the estimated cost of all capital improvements does not exceed the estimate of available revenues. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan CF-6 Capital Facilities and Utilities CF.2.4 Monitor the implementation of the Capital Improvement Program and development to ensure that the Land Use, Transportation and Capital Facilities Elements are coordinated and consistent and that established Level of Service standards for public facilities and services are achieved. CF.2.5 Finance capital improvements and manage debt consistent with the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan. CF.2.6 Provide public facilities and services or accept their provision by other entities only if Spokane County or the other entity is able to pay for subsequent operation and maintenance costs. Goal CF.3 Ensure that public facilities and services support proposed development at established Levels of Service. ,ii. •f s Policies • CF.3.1 Development shall be approved only after it is � _ ,f ,• determined that public facilities and services will have the capacity to serve the development .1t ' 41 " �� without decreasing levels of service below adopted standards. - .r: l! V •.� 'i. CF.3.2 Assess the Comprehensive Plan and, as appropriate, reduce Level of Service standards, increase funding for new or improved facilities or reassess the Land Use element if the adopted Level of Service standards are not achieved. CF.3.3 Designate phases for development within designated Urban Growth Areas as follows: Phase 1: Includes existing urbanized areas for which the 6-year Capital Facilities Plan provides urban services and facilities. Phase 2: Areas for which urban services and facilities are planned for years 7-20 of the 20-year planning period. Urban services and facilities will be provided by the developer concurrent with development or by public providers by implementing all or a portion of the capital facilities plan. CF.3.4 Provide public facility capacity, if available, for vested development approvals and vested preliminary plats, which were issued prior to the adoption of this Comprehensive Plan for a period of five years plus one (one year) extension. CF.3.5 Spokane County will implement a Concurrency Management System to ensure that adequate public facilities and services needed to support development are available concurrent with the impacts of such development. The following facilities must meet adopted level of service standards and be consistent with the Concurrency Management System: Fire protection, police protection, parks and recreation, libraries, public sewer, public water, solid waste disposal and recycling, transportation and schools. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan CF-7 Capital Facilities and Utilities Goal CF.4 Ensure that capital improvements are made in conformance with the goals and policies of the other elements of the Comprehensive Plan. Policies CF.4.1 Locate all County owned public facilities in conformance with the adopted land use map and the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. CF.4.2 Integrate capital improvements with land use planning decisions. Goal CF.5 Establish and/or assess interlocal agreements with municipalities and other entities to coordinate efficient provision of public facilities consistent with the Capital Facilities Element. Policies CF.5.1 Establish interlocal/joint planning agreements with municipalities and other providers of public facilities to coordinate planning for, and development of, Urban Growth Areas. CF5.2 Assess existing interlocal agreements with municipalities and other providers of public facilities to coordinate planning for, and development of, Urban Growth Areas. Domestic Water Systems Goal CF.6 Coordinate private and public water system planning to promote efficient service, protect the natural resources and ensure the orderly physical development of Spokane County consistent with adopted plans and policies. Policies CF.6.1 The Spokane County Coordinated Water System Plan (CWSP)/Water General Plan is a part of the Comprehensive Plan. CF.6.2 Ensure water system plans are consistent with anticipated population growth, the Comprehensive Plan, and future subarea plans. CF.6.3 Prohibit the extension of water service to new development that will decrease the level of service of the existing water system below the adopted minimum level of service standards. CF.6.4 Ensure water system planning is regional in design, utilizing efficiencies of scale and geographic continuity. CF.6.5 Ensure water systems for urban and rural developments include adequate supply and distribution systems for domestic use and fire protection per local, state and federal plans, policies and regulations. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan CF-8 Capital Facilities and Utilities CF.6.6 The provision of water service and construction of water service lines or other water system facilities shall be allowed outside the Urban Growth Area boundaries (UGAs). �_. Any such extensions shall not be an inducement to growth. CF.6.7 Encourage public and private water purveyors to implement measurable water conservation practices. CF.6.8 Encourage the continued cooperation, coordination and consolidation of water purveyors to achieve greater efficiency in the delivery of water services. Sanitary Sewer Systems Goal CF.7 Coordinate private and public sanitary sewer planning to promote efficient service, protect natural resources and ensure the orderly physical development of Spokane County consistent with adopted plans and policies. Policies CF.7.1 The Spokane County Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (CWMP) is a part of the Comprehensive Plan. CF.7.2 Prohibit the extension of any sewer system that will degrade the existing system below the adopted level of �2 service. CF.7.3 Planning for County sewer systems should be done on a regional basis, utilizing efficiencies of scale and geographic continuity. CF.7.4 Sewer planning should be consistent with anticipated `}}', ;;•f I population growth and developed in coordination withs �='= comprehensive plan land use policies. CF.7.5 Existing and future sewage disposal systems shall meet or exceed all applicable local, state and federal regulations. CF.7.6 The location and capacity of existing and planned sewer facilities shall be important factors when determining the intensity and/or density of land use designations and in the subarea planning process. CF.7.7 Determine whether new proposed development inside the UGA can be accommodated within the planned capacity of the sewer conveyance and treatment system before approval. CF.7.8 Work towards implementation of a coordinated, regional wastewater service organization to provide sewer services to all urban areas of the County inside the Urban Growth Area. CF.7.9 Public sewer service shall not be provided outside the Urban Growth Area boundary, l- 1 except as follows: Spokane County Comprehensive Plan CF-9 Capital Facilities and Utilities a) In response to an immediate threat to public health or safety; b) When necessary for the protection of aquifers designated pursuant to RCW 36.70A.170; c) Vested development that is required to be served with sanitary sewer as a condition of development approval; The design of sewers extending service according to the exceptions permitted in this section shall not be considered an inducement to types or levels of growth that are not appropriate in the rural area. Stormwater Coal CF.8 Provide stormwater facilities and related management programs that protect surface and groundwater quality and habitat, prevent chronic flooding from stormwater, maintain natural stream hydrology and protect aquatic resources. Policies CF.8.1 New development within the UGA shall require stormwater management systems. CF.8.2 Best management practices should be utilized to treat stormwater runoff prior to injection of runoff into the ground. CF.8.3 New development shall be designed to protect natural • ;t.; drainage functions including flood plains, drainageways, sink areas and other natural and existing drainage facilities. CF.8.4 New development shall be designed to prevent on-site and off-site damage from stormwater runoff that result from site development or from the new land use activity. CF.8.5 New development shall consider, where feasible, the multiple uses of facilities, such as the integration of stormwater facilities with recreation/open space areas. CF.8.6 Conduct stormwater management planning by drainage basin, treating basins as complete drainage systems, to assure that the most economical and beneficial stormwater controls are provided. CF.8.7 Encourage use of alternatives to impervious surfaces through rewards and credits. CF.8.8 Implement a coordinated, regional stormwater service organization to provide stormwater services to all urban areas of the County inside the Urban Growth Area boundary. CF.8.9 Watershed protection areas should be adopted for watersheds where steep slopes, high groundwater, shallow soils, poorly draining soils and other special physical conditions make on-site disposal of stormwater difficult. In these watershed protection areas, special stormwater management studies and techniques may be required. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan CF-1 0 Capital Facilities and Utilities �? Schools Goal CF.9 Coordinate with individual school districts to ensure that school sites and facilities meet the educational needs of Spokane County residents. Policies CF.9.1 Encourage school districts serving predominantly rural area populations to locate schools within designated Rural Activity Center. CF.9.2 Discourage locating new schools facilities outside of UGAs unless the school is located within a designated Rural Activity Center. CF.9.3 Encourage school districts to allow for shared access of facilities for recreational or other public purposes. CF.9.4 Assist school districts in developing Capital Facilities Plans that are consistent with the Growth Management Act and the County's Comprehensive Plan. CF.9.5 Develop land use designation and policies that protect and allow for the establishment of new schools in urban areas. a CF.9.6 Encourage the expansion of school facility capacity to _#,.% proceed at a comparable rate with that of private ` ` ?.' '�':. ; residential development and demographic trends. z fir. CF.9.7 Consider the adequacy of school facilities when /47-}-„ reviewing new residential development. Libraries Goal CF.10 Provide library services efficiently and cost effectively to Spokane County residents. Policies CF.10.1 Encourage inter jurisdictional cooperation, sharing of equipment and facilities. CF.10.2 Spokane County's Library Capital Improvement Plan is a part of the Comprehensive Plan. CF.10.3 Ensure that the expansion of library capacity proceeds at a comparable rate with that of private residential development and demographic trends. CF.10.4 Ensure that land use regulations allow siting of library facilities in locations convenient to residential areas. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan CF-1 1 Capital Facilities and Utilities Police Protection Goal CF.11 Provide police protection efficiently and cost effectively to residents of Spokane County Policies CF.11.1 Encourage interjurisdictional cooperation among law enforcement and corrections agencies to further develop, where practical, shared service and facility use. CF.11.2 Develop community benchmarks and program . . performance measures to evaluate police protection effectiveness. Such performance measures might include response time to calls, crime solution rates or - sttERIFF'!"`' other methods to determine actual effectiveness. �� CF.11.3 Require development of comprehensive emergency management plans consistent with the elements of the Comprehensive Plan. Fire Protection Goal CF.12 Provide fire and emergency medical services efficiently and cost effectively to residents of Spokane County. Policies _ 1 CF.12.1 Limit growth to areas served by a fire protection district or =. '� `�- within the corporate limits of a city providing its own fire -= } �.� 1"1 • BSEi department.- CF.12.2 Include provision for road access adequate for residents, fire department or district ingress / egress and water supply for fire protection in commercial and residential developments. CF.12.3 Provide defensible space between structure and adjacent fuels and require that fire rated roofing materials be used on buildings in forested areas. CF.12.4 Encourage continued interjurisdictional cooperation among fire districts including the sharing of equipment and facilities. CF.12.5 Encourage development of community benchmarks and program performance measures to monitor outcomes from public safety efforts. CF.12.6 Identify and implement comprehensive emergency management plans consistent with the elements of the Comprehensive Plan. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan CF-1 2 Capital Facilities and Utilities Solid Waste Disposal • Goal CF.14 Provide solid waste disposal service to reduce public � �r. a < nuisance, health hazard and pollution to Spokane County's t -:- environment. py f .�� Viz:i Policies CF.14.1 The Spokane County Solid Waste Management Plan is a ', v.. part of the Comprehensive Plan. CF.14.2 Encourage recycling to conserve resources and energy. Siting Essential Public Facilities Goal CF.15 Facilitate the siting of public and private essential public facilities when the unincorporated area is the appropriate location. Policies CF.15.1 Consider the process for Siting Essential Public Facilities of a Countywide or Statewide nature contained in the Growth Management Essential Public Facilities Technical Committee Report. Utilities (electric, natural gas, telecommunications and cable) Goal CF.16 Provide utilities that are consistent and available to support land use policies. Policies CF.16.1 Coordinate with utility providers to ensure that sizing, locating and phasing of utility systems are consistent with the Comprehensive Plans and meets anticipated population needs in a timely manner. CF.16.2 New development shall be consistent with established utility plans and procedures. CF.16.3 Promote conservation measures to reduce the need for additional utility distribution facilities/services in the future. CF.16.4 Ensure that utility facilities are designed to minimize adverse aesthetic impacts on surrounding land uses. Natural Gas Policies CF.16.5 Encourage availability and efficient use of natural gas. CF.16.6 Encourage coordination with utility providers in the provision of natural gas. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan CF-13 Capital Facilities and Utilities Telecommunication Policies CF.16.7 Encourage coordination with utility providers in the provision of telecommunication services. CF.16.8 Promote long-term planning for telecommunications systems. CF.16.9 Require the placement of cellular communication facilities in a manner that minimizes adverse impacts on adjacent land uses and utilizes existing structures where feasible. CF.16.10 Encourage telecommunication services as a means to mitigate the transportation impact of development and growth. Electricity Policies CF.16.11 Encourage coordination with utility providers in the provision of electrical services. CF.16.12 Protect existing utility corridors to permit maintenance access and future expansion. CF.16.13 Provide for efficient, cost effective and reliable utility service by ensuring land is available for the location of utility lines, including their location within transportation corridors and by creating guidelines and permit processes that are conducive to utility operations. Utility Corridors Policies CF.16.14 Coordinate dimensional guidelines for regional corridors with effected utility providers and jurisdictions. CF.16.15 Promote the co-location of new utility transmission distribution and communication facilities when doing so is consistent with the utility industry practices, DOT requirements ` - - and national electrical and other codes. (Examples of facilities that may be shared are trenches, rights-of-way, towers, poles and antennas.) CF.16.16 Provide timely notice to affected private utilities of all major utility projects, including the maintenance and repair of existing roads, in order to promote the joint planning and coordination of public and private utility activities. CF.16.17 Where consistent with multiple uses, promote joint use of utility corridors with recreational and green space applications. (An example is the co-location of AT&T's fiber link and Spokane's Centennial Trail.) CF.16.18 Adopt the Regional Utility Corridor Plan through the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. Development Impact Fees Impact fees are fees a local jurisdiction charges new development to at least partially fund off-site public facilities and services made necessary by the new development. The Growth Management Act authorizes local jurisdictions to establish fees to finance certain types of improvements. There is flexibility to tailor the fees, within limits, to meet local needs. The fees are generally levied based on the level-of-service standards established by a jurisdiction. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan CF-14 Capital Facilities and Utilities Goal - CF.17 Growth and development activity should pay a proportionate share of the cost of planned facilities needed to serve the growth and development activity. Policies CF.17.1 Consistent with the Capital Facilities Plan, growth related impact fees may be imposed for public streets and roads; public parks, open space and recreation facilities; schools; and fire protection facilities. CF.17.2 Growth related impact fees: a) Shall only be imposed for system improvements that are reasonably related to the new development; b) Shall not exceed a proportionate share of the costs of system improvements that are reasonably related to the new development; and, c) Shall be used for system improvements that will reasonably benefit the new development. CF.17. 3 New housing units meeting the standard federal and state definition of"low-income housing" shall be exempted from development impact fees. CF. 17.4 New housing units serving populations with special needs, such as persons with severe disabilities, should be eligible for a reduction or exemption to development impact fees. i Spokane County Comprehensive Plan CF-1 5 Capital Facilities and Utilities • Spokane County Comprehensive Plan l ` ''�w , , c Mme' a.) I `ir•r�� O +` ? li1 1 y , c }, sail 1.,,, , . t, , I 8 M m c� �' w rM s O✓ v` �'. ' ,I. vim` _� •_, , .. ...,r**r.• *1'. 1 rte . .• :IA,._ —10:.-7-7,,."...'71_ New Building in the Valley Chapter 8 Economic Development . Cha •ter 8 — Economic Develo • ment The economy plays a central role in maintaining the vitality and quality of life within a community. A healthy economy creates good paying jobs, providing economic opportunities to all citizens. The economy also supports the tax base, providing for schools, police, fire protection, parks and many other community facilities and services. The importance of economic development is recognized in state legislation by the inclusion of economic development as one of the 13 goals intended to guide local comprehensive plans. From a regional perspective, Spokane County and all the cities and towns within the county have included economic development chapters in their comprehensive plans. . The purpose of the Economic Development Chapter is to _ _ present goals and policies that support and encourage a v strong, vibrant economy. The Chapter focuses on business startup, business retention, expansion and recruitment; r' A. = ''b regional issues; environment; customer service/regulation; t }' � -'' ,` 'i: ',��•a� • income; education and training; and tourism. While this 7 � Chapter focuses on these specific topics, it is important to -, 4? recognize that the entire Comprehensive Plan can be considered as an economic development tool. • The primary advocate of economic development in Spokane County is the Spokane area Economic Development Council (EDC). The EDC is a private/public nonprofit organization that is supported by a broad-based membership of businesses and organizations and by the City and County of Spokane. Over the years the EDC has been instrumental in attracting and retaining quality businesses in Spokane County. In addition to recruitment efforts, the EDC has been involved in studies of the regional Spokane economy, most notably the Pace Report, which analyzed strengths and weaknesses and made recommendations for recruitment strategies. Recent economic plans generated by community and business groups include the Focus 21 and the New Century Plan. Focus 21, A Regional Economic Growth Strategy for the 21'' Century, is an economic development plan designed to create 10,000 new, higher-paying jobs for the Spokane and the Inland Northwest region. Focus 21 evolved from the successful Momentum program that existed between 1987 and 1997. The New Century Plan, initiated in 1996, is a community-based plan that has developed strategies and benchmarks for economic development and quality-of-life issues. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan ED-1 Economic Development Sustainable Regional Economic Development This section provides goals and policies that support cooperation and coordination at a regional level to ensure sustainable economic development. There are a number of established organizations in the region that are engaged in economic development activities. It is in the best interests of Spokane County to support and collaborate with these regional organizations. By focusing on common goals and allocating resources accordingly, government and private organizations can work together regionally to maximize successful business start-up, retention, expansion and recruitment efforts. Goal ED.1 Spokane County will cooperate regionally to: I �� a) Promote a sustainable, strong, diverse and healthy economy; "' -• b) Promote the retention and expansion of �� existing businesses; - ° is c) Foster the startup and development of new I I V businesses; . d) Encourage the relocation of environmentally responsible businesses to the Spokane region; e) Promote income levels that are higher than the national average; f) Ensure the sustainable economic use of timber and agricultural resources and the safe and effective economic use of mineral resources as well as recycled resources. Policies ED.1.1 Provide for a diverse marketplace that recognizes and encourages a range of cultural, social and economic opportunities. ED.1.2 Improve the effectiveness of capital improvement programming by encouraging greater communication and coordination between local governments and the private sector. ED.1.3 Work with other jurisdictions, community organizations and business organizations to establish specific evaluation methods that will annually measure the community's overall quality of life and economic viability. The following issues, among others, should be considered when developing indicators to establish evaluation goals: a. Quality of life issues such as crime rate, schools, health care, affordable housing, employment opportunities and cultural amenities; b. Economic development issues such as wages; per capita personal and median household income; percentage of population below poverty level; business formation, expansion and retention; economic base and education; Spokane County Comprehensive Plan ED-2 Economic Development Goal ED.2 Capitalize on the community's positive characteristics and improve and enhance areas that may be lacking. Policies ED.2.1 Support the greater utilization of downtown Spokane as a central hub for expanded residential, retail, business and cultural activity. ED.2.2 Encourage developments that contribute to community improvements (i.e., contributions to culture, recreation, tourism, public improvements, environmental improvements, business incubator system facilities, open space and other community projects). Tools and Strategies Business retention, expansion and recruitment efforts work hand-in-hand in maintaining a successful economy. Business retention and expansion programs address the issues that might affect decisions by established businesses and industries to remain or expand. Such issues might include availability of public services and facilities, permitting procedures, property taxes and y R r labor-training programs. Recruitment programs largely focus on attracting �` i�,, industrial users as a major economic development strategy. Retaining, _:v,-:. t : '6 expanding and attracting industrial businesses is important because they � ') generally provide higher-paying jobs, which creates an economic multiplier rgs } i` effect throughout the region. ;' ` /-. Goal ED.3 Create a healthy and sustainable regional economy by the retention, expansion and recruitment of businesses. .r Lam:= Policies ED.3.1 Encourage economic development, through a variety of mechanisms, to foster economic development. ED.3.2 Support regional organizations for business retention, expansion and recruitment efforts. ED.3.3 Support public and private programs and activities that act to diversify the economy. ED.3.4 Consider the establishment of a port authority/port district. ED.3.5 Encourage job recruitment efforts towards those sectors that: a) Are compatible with the environmental and quality-of-life standards of the region; b) Provide higher wages than the national average; c) Help diversify the economy; and d) Capitalize on the strengths of the region (e.g., low energy costs). ED.3.6 Support and provide, where appropriate, economic development techniques to provide a business climate conducive to new and start-up businesses. ED.3.7 Encourage creation and retention of home-based businesses that are consistent with neighborhood character. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan ED-3 Economic Development ED.3.8 Support efforts to develop a formal process involving government, civic organizations and businesses to " ..��m s J'� � , . study and develop strategies for business retention, >" le expansion and recruitment. 5t t'-s o_ al 9i1914 �u L II ED.3.9 Encourage development of contingency plans for the i = =� possible loss of any of the employers in the County that have a significant economic impact on the county as a whole. ED.3.10 Recognize and sustain the vital economic benefit that Spokane County receives from federal and state funding of all active duty, reserve and National Guard components of the Armed Forces. ED.3.11 Protect the integrity and continued viability of military installations located within Spokane County by discouraging incompatible land uses. Environment In recent years there has been a greater recognition that economic development should not come at the expense of environmental quality, which itself is recognized as an important component of the community. A balanced approach to environmental sustainability advocates a balance between the utilization of area resources and economic growth. Economic growth should not exceed the ability of the natural or built environment to sustain growth over the long term. Goal ED.4 Recognize the importance of environmental quality and 1.111"1'a• ;77 acknowledge that protection of the environment will •"` �' "'` % y 7 h rs. contribute to economic vitality. Policies �� _ `� �` ��'�_° • „ t.. .S,i{, ED.4.1 Recognize that environmental quality and economic development are complementary objectives. 0 ED.4.2 Encourage recruitment of low-impact, environmentally friendly businesses. ED.4.3 Encourage programs that promote sustainable business practices (e.g., recycling, pollution control, solar energy, Commute Trip Reduction). Regulation A regulatory environment that offers flexibility, consistency, predictability and clear direction enhances economic development opportunities. Goal ED.5a Provide consistent, fair and timely regulations that are flexible, responsive and effective. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan ED-4 Economic Development ED.5b Promote public/private partnerships that encourage innovation and creativity in the economic expansion of our region. Policies ED.5.1 Spokane County will support development of Master Environmental Impact Statement(s) for targeted area(s) to ensure timeliness in the processing of applications and to create a competitive advantage in the attraction of new businesses. ED.5.2 Create and encourage partnerships between government, the educational community, civic organizations and businesses to deal with economic issues at all levels. ED.5.3 Actively promote Spokane County's economic development goals and policies at the state and federal level to encourage legislation that supports economic development and to provide funding for economic development programs. For example, legislative changes can be pursued through direct lobbying of legislatures or through the combined efforts of the Washington Association of Counties. ED.5.4 Encourage state legislation that would allow a tax increment financing option to local governments. ED.5.5 Each individual citizen will be afforded the highest possible quality of customer service and attention to aid in facilitation of Spokane County's Economic Development. ED.5.6 Review development regulations continuously to ensure clarity, consistency, predictability and direction. Provide opportunities for citizens to initiate amendments to inconsistent, outdated, inappropriate or unnecessary or confusing regulations. - J Amendments shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. ED.5.7 Ensure timely processing of applications by requiring that mandatory timelines, consistent with state legislation, are adhered to for permitting processes. Income One of the primary reasons to pursue economic development is to increase the standard of living for the citizens of Spokane County. Employment opportunities in Spokane County diversified considerably from 1979 to 1999. However, at the time of Plan preparation, Spokane County's average annual wage continues to be below the national average. One of the primary goals of this economic development element is to create more living-wage jobs. This issue has been identified as a top priority by the citizenry. A strategic approach in the pursuit of new jobs is to recruit, retain and expand the types of industries that provide quality, good-paying jobs. Goal ED. 6 Encourage the creation of jobs that provide annual incomes for all persons in the County to be above the Washington State average and above the national average annual income. Policies ED.6.1 Encourage a regional effort to recruit and retain basic export industries that bring new money into the community and pay nationally competitive wages. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan ED-5 Economic Development ED.6.2 Encourage the creation of'living-wage"jobs that include health and retirement benefits. • ED.6.3 Encourage the retention, expansion and recruitment of ° •,I new businesses that hire local residents. ED.6.4 Recognize the special needs of low-income persons and address their needs by encouraging commitment ,,' , : of resources for, or where appropriate, planning and budgeting for, human services, community development, housing, economic development and public infrastructure to address inequalities. ED.6.5 Cooperate with other community agencies and organizations in the development of a specific plan to address disparity in income and employment opportunities. The plan should include measurable economic opportunities for low-income persons. ED.6.6 Encourage the Spokane County Community Development Department, in conjunction with other organizations, to develop an economic development strategy that is consistent with the County's Economic Development Element and the Spokane County Housing & Community Development Plan. Qualified Labor Force Qualified labor is essential to retain and recruit business. The basic cornerstone in the development of a qualified labor force is the educational community. Located within Spokane County is a diverse group of higher-education facilities, including community colleges, universities, and private technical and business schools. These schools, as well as the K-through-12 public and private schools, should be encouraged to constantly evaluate their programs to be responsive to the changing job market. Partnerships between business and the educational community should be nurtured to further this process. Business should be encouraged to partner with labor unions and other organizations to develop specialized training programs to meet the needs of employers. Goal -- ED.7 Promote a qualified labor force that is globally competitive and responds to the changing needs of the workplace. : • Policies ED.7.1 Encourage educational institutions to locate in Spokane l 1. County, especially those that provide technical training to `'" a -. support businesses targeted for recruitment and retention. ED.7.2 Spokane County should support and encourage K-through- • 12 education to include skills-based training and creative r ' partnerships with business. :,� �-;� ED.7.3 Encourage community colleges and technical schools to develop customized training programs for new and start-up businesses. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan ED-6 Economic Development ED.7.4 Encourage the development of the region's colleges and universities into a world-class higher-education consortium that prepares students for the highly technical jobs of the information age, improves communication skills and delivers comprehensive education (post-secondary through the doctorate level). ED.7.5 Encourage and support public/private partnerships, such as SIRTI, in training and education. ED.7.6 Encourage employers to provide and support continuing education for their employees. ED.7.7 Encourage cooperation between businesses, unions and other organizations in developing job training and educational opportunities. ED.7.8 Encourage an interactive relationship between schools and businesses through apprenticeship, mentoring and other programs. ED.7.9 Encourage creation of a 'Quality Forum' inviting business, community groups, students, educational groups and other stakeholders to discuss ways to increase educational awareness of the workforce and work ethics. Tourism The cultural, recreational and scenic opportunities in the Spokane region make tourism an excellent provider of employment. Within easy driving distance of Spokane, visitors can enjoy lakes, scenic mountains and desert wildflowers. In addition to these natural amenities, Spokane is also the cultural and entertainment hub of the Inland Northwest. This section provides goals and policies to promote — and expand tourism as an economic development tool. Goal Ir r - ED.8 Encourage the growth of tourism as a sustainable provider of jobs and markets in the region and work _ '.-f "" together with community groups and businesses to a y. make the region a world-class tourist destination. `4f �,r `4- . „ A t \ ' Policies ED.8.1 Support and promote the natural, historic and cultural features of the Spokane region as part of our economy and quality of life. ED.8.2 Promote outdoor recreation opportunities including, but not limited to,_biking, hiking, kayaking, backpacking, fishing, boating, horseback-riding and touring. ED.8.3 Promote regional and national attractions such as a farmer's market, state basketball tournaments, children's museum, Spokane Interstate Fair, concerts, Hoopfest and Bloomsday. ED.8.4 Plan and support the physical infrastructure needed for new tourist attractions and tourist activities. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan ED-7 Economic Development Infill and Redevelopment Infill and redevelopment programs provide an economic development tool to revitalize under-utilized areas. Infill development is the process of developing or redeveloping vacant or under used parcels of land within existing urban areas that are already provided with services. Infill development policies help utilize existing utilities and services before considering costly service extensions. The policies relating to infill and redevelopment provide special incentives to encourage infill development in areas that are already provided with services. Goal ED.9 Facilitate infill and redevelopment through the use of incentives and special development strategies. Policies ED.9.1 Identify and designate specific areas for infill and redevelopment. ED.9.2 Provide incentives to ensure development and re-use of infill and redevelopment areas. ED.9.3 Within designated infill areas, allow techniques such as a focused public investment program, reduced parking standards and administrative exceptions (minor variances) to dimensional standards to address the difficulties of development on small and/or nonconforming lots. ED.9.4 Encourage clean-up and utilization of sites such as those with toxic contaminants, pursuant to the Department of Ecology Standards, to allow current or future owners to utilize the site for productive commercial and industrial uses. Adequate Infrastructure and Land Supply Each potential business has its own unique set of location requirements. To attract new employers and to allow existing business to expand a diverse inventory of industrial and commercial land must be maintained. Sites must be available in a range of sizes and locations with appropriate zoning and compatible surrounding land uses. Infrastructure availability is one of the most critical factors to encourage economic development. Sewer, water, transportation facilities and communications facilities must be available or easily obtained. For attracting industrial uses, an adequate supply of usable industrial land unencumbered by conflicting land uses and/or environmental constraints, is important. Goal ED.10 Ensure an adequate amount of usable industrial s. ,,� ;, ;r; and commercially available land in which new ' ,! vh., ;/C,-,+sd businesses may locate. Ensure adequate transportation and utility availability in order for new businesses to locate in the area. , Policies ED.10.1 Encourage the development of business/industrial areas that can supply readily available sites for new businesses or industries. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan ED-8 Economic Development ED.10.2 Maintain an inventory of usable industrial and commercial land that is sufficient to meet projected demand and encourage marketability of the region. ED.10.3 Ensure that potential industrial and commercial land has the characteristics necessary to support commerce and industry. ED.10.4 Designate adequate usable land to meet future needs for industry and commerce. ED.10.5 Provide adequate transportation and utilities to support future industrial and commercial needs through capital improvements. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan ED-9 Economic Development Spokane County Comprehensive Plan � � n ti P ) b•� • ` y i.4.� � � n ■ i r �� � v 1 Lr i r (41�, , .v v V Vii, .Y -u 'a 1/f,`.�v� '4.:...• �� � � � ��V .�� ,4.l v ,• �?.r , ''-�' . j` t ■ �S ,�' in \; 1'.-",`1.,;' ),�) ?� ,) .r l,, 3- 'f I v �� ' 'v Q 1 C i ➢ u s i 1 7k, i . n v � 7i. 4. P �. r 1��� �i� `` a a 1 \ )♦ � � � � �.• . 0r, , ,i7ir ,,. L co ,,, \ ,,, , ,t v � �K f y �..„,,..14e ..t 1. VlA •� V, b } S 3, r.k.c . t � i ` G� •T�-' ...k) .. '` -:?/4.r t ,- . Q Vc• • St •7ri"v Fa►+. ' .. 4. - s t .^4-.4X4. CO• Baseball Feld in Spokane County N w Chapter 9 0) fa Parks and Open Space ° a a) 7 • Chapter 9— Parks and Open Space The development of Spokane County's park system began shortly after passage of the 1949 enabling legislation (Park and Recreation Services Act, RCW 36.68), which permitted counties to establish parks and conduct programs for public recreation. A group of citizens organized to help formulate a direction with support from the Board of County Commissioners. A citizens' park board was created and a statement of purpose and action was developed. A broad variety of resources were tapped for support and assistance, from the National Recreation and Parks Association to local civic and school groups. The Department of Parks and Recreation (Parks Department) was officially established as a county Department with a salaried director in the spring of 1951. Balfour Park became the County's first park, under the sponsorship y id` ,.:•7. � ����s,�-, ` Opportunity Recreational Council. Originally donated to the ` ' ofthe0 �-�•Valley Fire District for fire station purposes, it then was given to the �, '' ,}� • Y P p 9 � County in 1951. An official dedication took place in 1953 after initial 0 r °, w improvements were made. By 1965 funding at the federal level � ti 171. increased through the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund. The Fund was intended to help local governments in purchasing kit natural resource areas for recreational use and offered a 50-percent match for parkland acquisition and development. In Washington State, under a comprehensive parks program administered by a new state agency, the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, additional funding of 25 percent was made available to local governments. Through the program, Spokane County purchased its first waterfront property, Fish Lake. In 1978, a steady decline in Spokane County's available general fund dollars began reducing the annual Parks Department budget allocations. Compelled to reduce staff and operating expenses, the Parks Department cut both programs and parks. By 1984, the fully maintained parks numbered only 13. Two swimming pools were closed and only those programs that were largely self-supporting remained. A handful of parks were maintained with assistance from community groups. Others were sold or returned to their owners. Facilities in non-maintained parks were left to deteriorate. In 1987 a $2.2 million bond issue was passed to improve county parks. Following this, the Spokane Board of County Commissioners passed a resolution creating a nine-member Parks Advisory Committee. In passing the resolution, the Commissioners recognized the positive role that citizens play in support of county parks and open space programs. The resolution established an ongoing means of linking park policy with the broader interests of county residents. The members are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners for three-year terms. With its unique range of outdoor recreational opportunities, Spokane County has much to offer outdoor enthusiasts. The four distinct seasons and holdings of public lands have made this area an increasingly popular place in which to recreate. Fishing and hunting, skiing, equestrian activities, snowmobiling, hiking and biking are some of the more popular types of outings. However, with funds limited, Spokane County's ability to establish and maintain parks and open spaces has traditionally taken a back seat to more pressing needs. Homes, businesses and roads are replacing large sections of open space. This growth brings a very real need for more park and recreation services. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan P0-1 Parks and Open Space Dual Purpose of Parks and Open Space Chapter ` The Parks and Open Space Element serves two related purposes. The first purpose is to determine the type and level of park and recreational services that are desired by the residents of Spokane County. This chapter provides information and direction to decision makers on park issues and identifies future park and recreation needs so that available resources may be efficiently allocated to meet those needs. The second purpose of this chapter is to identify and protect a system of open space corridors for Spokane County. The distinction between parks and open space corridors is an important one. Open space, in this instance, includes land that may or may not be publicly owned. Open space corridors are valued for wildlife habitat, trails, recreation and connection of critical areas. Open space corridors serve multiple purposes, including greenbelt buffers between developments and may be used for agriculture and forestry. General Goals Spokane County citizens value the long-term benefits of parks and recreation. It is important to retain the connection with the outdoors and the wildlife it hosts as well as provide for passive and active recreation activities for the citizens. This will be done by acquiring, maintaining and/or preserving a network of parks that provide diverse recreational opportunities for all residents. Goal P0.1 Provide a variety of parks and recreation facilities and services to benefit the broadest range of age, social, economic and special group interests and abilities. Policies P0.1.1 Adopt by reference and maintain a detailed Spokane County Parks and Recreation Plan. The plan should be updated at least every 5 years or sooner if conditions alter the effectiveness of the existing plan and shall: a) Identify existing parks; b) Identify future parks needs; c) Identify potential park locations; d) Identify and prioritize strategies to meet level of service standards identified in the Comprehensive Plan; e) Identify funding sources necessary to meet the level of service standard and maintain park facilities and recreation services; and f) Ascertain economic feasibility of all new parks. P0.1.2 Development of new parks and recreation facilities shall be consistent with the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan and the Spokane County Parks Plan. P0.1.3 Park and recreation facilities should be developed, renovated and maintained to serve the widest possible cross-section of citizen needs and interests, including handicap accessibility. P0.1.4 Locate parks to provide for a variety of outdoor activities and to preserve and protect important habitat areas, corridors and linkages, natural amenities (e.g., wetlands and Spokane County Comprehensive Plan P0-2 Parks and Open Space shorelines), unique landscape features (e.g., cliffs and bluffs) or other outstanding natural features. P0.1.5 Allocate parks and recreation facilities throughout the county in a manner that provides an equitable distribution based on population density considering geographic limitations. P0.1.6 Respond to the diversity of public needs by offering a range of recreational experiences from passive to active, from unstructured activity to organized recreation. P0.1.7 Involve the public and other agencies with expertise, in the decision-making process regarding parks, recreation facilities and programs. P0.1.8 Target waterfront areas (lakes, streams and rivers) to provide public access within the carrying-capacity limits of the water resources and adjacent natural systems. Acquisition and Development Goal P0.2 Acquire and develop parks and recreation facilities to meet the needs of the public within available resources. Policies P0.2.1 Coordinate and cooperate with both public and private sector interests to further park and recreation opportunities. P0.2.2 Park planning and land acquisition efforts should be coordinated across jurisdictional boundaries and consider existing and planned infrastructure, population served, environmental constraints, and available resources. P0.2.3 Work with nonprofit and for-profit recreation providers to enhance the quality and quantity of available recreation facilities at the lowest possible expense to the taxpayer. P0.2.4 Make acquisition and development of waterfront property for parks a high priority. P0.2.5 Acquire and develop regional parks in rural areas as opportunities occur. P0.2.6 Acquire parkland for community parks in urban reserve areas. Level of Service for Community Parks The Spokane County Division of Long Range Planning projects an increase of 68,114 people in the unincorporated areas, for a total of 265,158 people by the year 2020. The County must establish a minimum level of service standard desired by the citizens and plan to maintain this standard as the population grows. A standard measurement of park level of service has been developed to provide a means of measuring and evaluating park facilities that is consistent and objective. The level of service is based on developed acres of community parkland per 1,000 population. It is recognized that school facilities provide recreation opportunities for the citizens of Spokane County. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan P0-3 Parks and Open Space Goal PO.3a Obtain a level of service for community parks of 1.4 acres per 1000 population inside the urban growth area by the year 2020. Policies P0.3.1 Coordinate level of service standards for parks based on local and regional needs in cooperation with other local governments in Spokane County. P0.3.2 Offer neighborhoods and communities within the unincorporated county the ability to increase park and recreation opportunities through the formation of self-taxing park service areas. Neighborhoods may include this option within their individual neighborhood plans. P0.3.3 New development shall mitigate a portion of its direct impacts on the availability of parks, open spaces and recreation facilities. Methods may include, but are not limited to, dedication of land, donated labor, equipment and materials and/or an agreement with Spokane County to provide for the payment of a fee. P0.3.4 County recreation facilities (e.g., water parks, golf courses, sports complexes, ice arenas) should be designed and operated to recover costs when practical, or possible, through user fees. P0.3.5 Encourage innovative strategies and incentives (e.g., adopt-a-park, adopt-a-trail, adopt- a-space) to enhance existing programs for park maintenance, safety and accessibility. • Park Maintenance and Design It is important that the County maintain existing parks and ; �?v open space to ensure safety, security and cleanliness. r !° �� Well-designed parks will contribute to the aesthetic qualities ''.�x > �l ' of the County as well as the welfare, safety and security of �� ; y '{ its citizens. ^ ' � • ss prtir � Goal � � f P0.4 Continue to provide a parks system that is well - - "=41 P. maintained and effectively managed to meet ! '! L , both current and future needs. ? X00. t -_ • . <<� Orr Policies P0.4.1 Maintenance of existing park and recreation facilities shall take precedence over acquisition of new facilities. P0.4.2 Design standards for parks should ensure safety, security, cleanliness, accessibility and ease of maintenance. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan P0-4 Parks and Open Space P0.4.3 Best management practices should be utilized in the design of county parks and recreation facilities. P0.4.4 Parks should be designed and located to provide ease of access for pedestrians, handicapped �!t persons, bicycles, autos and public transit. P0.4.5 To the greatest extent possible, retain the natural '" Y yam. features of proposed parks and recreation areas. If - appropriate, designs should incorporate the use of native vegetation. -- Open Space Goals and Policies The farms, forests, parks and natural areas of Spokane County provide abundant open space for recreation, wildlife habitat and the production of food and other commodities. Spokane County open space is also valued simply for its scenic beauty. Open space contributes directly and indirectly to the economic value of property nearby and to the economic value of the community by enhancing its attractiveness to existing and prospective residents. Over time, this abundant open space is slowly being displaced by development to satisfy the needs of a growing community. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a policy framework to preserve the open space areas that function as a system of corridors so that opportunities for recreation, trails, wildlife habitat and connection of critical areas are _ maintained. Vision and Overall Goal The following vision and overall goal for Parks and Open Space was developed through the citizen participation process. Vision To preserve and create viable natural habitat and trail corridors integrated with and whenever possible, connected to, a well-distributed system of neighborhood, community and regional parks designed to enhance the quality of life by providing recreational opportunity, preserving open space and protecting important elements of Spokane's great natural heritage for future generations. Overall Goal To enhance the quality of life for the residents of Spokane County by providing the highest quality and quantity of parks and open spaces. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan P0-5 Parks and Open Space Open Space Corridors Map Spokane County Comprehensive Plan P0-6 Parks and Open Space 4 -----,- — , 4.--- 1. Prm.1(*MCC Omni) Open Space Cornitiors I_Ritg,41) " 1 1 , 1 5111Fill . px 1 o * . 4, • .,,' 1 • Ir .4.. 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I-4.4fraill 1..'Ilir, V.li il miff'If/'11[1111 -I — Wttiornm County - . 1This map 4r/m4 041,11141rE.1 h,iii.it*',lin. leant f'cunt,'Ps-inn nf Riming an a irrtle1111 rizinirti mai r),,e look. rrormiri raanifay llf mums tincumenO a,the Ihrioion minkil in m{nips witilily f4-1.14114ta VI ortm444k/14.aid Ihrrecnt.Mere art ow wortaart I!i which octurupany du,11,,rcriall 4 Stria 1.1313(T1' "&o,ashtneli,n - Spokane County Coniprehensive Plan -- _ Goals P0.5a Preserve and protect existing and designated open space areas and corridors throughout Spokane County. These open spaces shall include lands useful for recreation, wildlife habitat, trails and connection of critical areas. PO.5b Establish natural areas to maintain a physical and functional system of open space corridors which protect environmental resources, provide circulation linkages and ensure adequate separation and buffers between various land uses. • Policies Open Space Planning Program P0.5.1 Spokane County will promote interlocal agreements with other jurisdictions in the County to designate a regional system of open space lands within and between Urban Growth Areas, based on community needs, values and population increases through establishment of a regional open space planning committee. P0.5.2 Monitor change in open space quantity and quality to evaluate the cumulative impacts on the existing system of open space over time and take the necessary steps to ensure open space is protected. P0.5.3 Encourage public awareness and utilization of the current-use or preferential tax assessment (RCW 84.34) for open space lands. Provide educational material to the public to encourage participation in the open space program. P0.5.4 Support land trusts and other private efforts to acquire property and/or secure easements or development J,Y4N rights for open space, wildlife habitat and recreation. F�;�t � U'�;, P0.5.5 Develop and continue additional revenue sources for t �r� .1•_-„� ;_ ,, the funding of open space. Funding sources may 41 t rte ; `' include, but are not limited to, bond issues, additional 'A' -_ :, levies, conservation futures program, land dedication ;YQ • and the use of impact fees. ; 4 c:,tK-1447146 P0.5.6 Where appropriate, conserve existing public lands in a natural state through careful planning and cooperative agreements between government agencies and public and private groups. P0.5.7 Through subarea planning, open space corridors shall be established as appropriate to serve as greenbelt buffers, trails, wildlife habitat and recreation areas between and among developments. Open Space Designation P0.5.8 Identify and designate open space areas and corridors throughout Spokane County. These open spaces shall include lands useful for recreation, wildlife habitat, trails and connection of critical areas. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan P0-7 Parks and Open Space P0.5.9 The open space designations must be based on community needs and values over time, as population increases. P0.5.10 The designation of the open space category shall be based on the following criteria. a) Wildlife Corridors and Landscape Linkages as defined by the University of Washington (and refined by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife) study, Wildlife Corridors and Landscape Linkages, An Approach to Biodiversity Planning for Spokane County, Washington b) Lands classified as Forestry Zone c) Wetlands and riparian areas and their associated buffers d) County, state and federal parks, conservation lands, natural areas and wildlife refuges e) Lands permanently protected as open space through conservation easements f) Active and proposed trail systems Open Space Acquisitions and Dedications P0.5.11 Public Open Space designations should be accompanied with funding, planning and acquisition techniques as shown below, that ensure the land will be available for use as open space. a) Conservation Futures Tax b) Conservation Easements c) Land Trust d) Transfer of Development Rights e) Public Acquisition of property - f) Private acquisition g) Donation h) Planned Development/Clustering and bonus densities i) Dedication j) Impact Fees P0.5.12 Within the Spokane County Parks and Recreation Plan, establish a public process for prioritizing future park and open space land acquisitions. The acquisition policy should be flexible enough to permit the capture of an unanticipated opportunity. P0.5.13 Solicit involvement by the general public, agencies and individuals with expertise in open space land acquisition decisions through the Spokane County Parks Advisory Committee and through the comprehensive planning process. P0.5.14 The provision of public access to the county's lakes, rivers and major streams shall be a high priority, provided adequate safeguards are in place to protect drainage ways and sensitive T :.R 9 P P 9 Y ,',•? , riparian areas. ,�k �'µ -6 P0.5.15 Encourage the preservation of open space by nonprofit ,; organizations and private individuals. Mechanisms available to .s-4. these groups include: 7` a) Dedication �;�` 4., . 4r � ` b) Conservation easements Spokane County Comprehensive Plan P0-8 Parks and Open Space c) Land trust d) Transfer of development rights e) Planned unit development/clustering and bonus densities. f) Donation P0.5.16 Encourage the retention of all publicly owned open space areas. Open Space-Implementation Regulations P0.5.17 Respect private property rights and allow for continued agriculture, ranching and forestry while preserving open space corridors through regulatory means. P0.5.18 Implement the open space designation (which includes wildlife habitat) through zoning, other regulatory techniques, and incentives, to provide an open space system and to preserve and protect environmentally sensitive areas. Zoning and other regulatory techniques might include residential clustering, low residential density requirements, and the result of establishing_critical area buffers and wildlife management plans. Incentives might include property tax incentives, transfer of development rights, bonus densities and other land-use tools. P0.5.19 Promote the inclusion of functional open space within planned unit developments for residential, commercial and industrial development. Goal P0.6 Encourage the multiple uses of open spaces and wildlife corridors. Policies P0.6.1 Ensure that recreational uses are consistent with - the protection and preservation of environmentally sensitive open spaces and �� �°� wildlife corridors. P0.6.2 Review development proposals to evaluate opportunities for multiple use of proposed open space. Its - P0.6.3 Encourage multiple use of open space for passive recreation, wildlife habitat, natural resource uses and rural residential development consistent with maintaining other open space uses. Trails Goals and Policies Spokane County's trail system is widely used throughout the county. It is a source of recreation for pedestrians, bicyclists and other non-motorized vehicle users. The trail system is an ongoing process of linkages that began in 1989 and continues to this day. It is a goal of the County to have a trail system that will link population centers, community facilities, work places, neighborhoods, schools, recreation areas, open space and cultural/historical areas. The following policies contribute to the vision of recreational route corridors providing bicycle/walking facilities to link residents of various geographical areas. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan P0-9 Parks and Open Space Goal P0.7 Create a countywide system of multipurpose non-motorized trails that meet present and projected needs. Policies P0.7.1 Provide trails for pedestrians (including handicapped - „� ,• ,,�rr � .r ,.r " and wheelchair users), bicyclists, equestrians, skiers w r•g-rl;� ,�,;;;�j I � � and other non-motorized vehicle users. �"" ° .�� - ;'•`?t',; .`' 'r�,' f �' :y�Nt r j 1r� gh't yt-ff P0.7.2 As part of the County's adopted park plan, prepare �k-; ''c, � and maintain a recreational trails plan. The trails t 4 2 �}• plan should link population centers, community } facilities, workplaces, neighborhoods, schools, 'r�, recreation areas, open space and cultural/historical areas. Coordinate with other agencies to ensure a comprehensive approach to trail planning. y. Y P0.7.3 Separate recreational trails from motorized vehicle traffic where feasible. P0.7.4 Inventory and examine existing rights-of-way (including abandoned rail and utility easements) for possible use as multipurpose non-motorized trails. • Spokane County Comprehensive Plan P0-10 Parks and Open Space • Spokane County Comprehensive Plan . . , . . -, • 4 7 v;:' , *:-',1F4. ':',*-i yls,.„, ..,•• - '''' . _ • ,,, .,,,, •,_...q.,_...-"'Y ‘ .., • " ,,:c.es1 S."" ,4 , 4,"".•,-. _< ., A ••,- ' •. -.A 0 ,ccr-A.• , • S-'4,4' ' "S,2■`,-;' , '' '-, . , -, - ' Nr..--,,--\ -''. '- - ' --, ''' , ‘-‘ /7411111111111111111111K . • • ,:.;.ae : 0;+-.- - .-,..,_.. ,, _,,, ,A,, , A ..,., c, );.. - - ...,. ,.,:- - '.' ',;- r;,.., t.• :.-%,--',"''4""". .' '`,,,v` / '''''V'',=:V..- ''e-'''\`• '•'\',-'''-.`•v " '' '-;; .,'--•;' 4.... ''• _ 4.-. ;: -Al ''-`-% 'k i',-.-. ,, •-'c.,-',- --"' ''..,:-.-":',':!..1 i.-`3 1..;-1,': :',;•-k.- .'--,'- ,--3',Fil: ;•• ' - . . • :-.`,..e.-i • E..,-, - - ;VI:!'.."■;•../.-.::-7.••=`;', . ......- 're,- -"'" , ,.: -'^ , . t,"',.-,,,,7 '.'„''•" *' , .,.. 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The diversity of Spokane County's natural environment is illustrated by ecosystems that range from sub-alpine forests to semi-desert scablands. This diversity supports a broad spectrum of wildlife, from the moose of Mt. Spokane to the Western Painted Turtles of Granite Lake. Numerous lakes, rivers and wetland areas provide linkages and corridors for wildlife. Spokane County's natural environment also includes the Spokane-Rathdrum aquifer, which is one of the most productive aquifers in the United States. • 2J . - Spokane County has attracted desirable businesses in recent years ^'�� -` because of the natural environment that contributes to a high quality of life. Protecting and enhancing this unique natural environment is • .a; = the purpose of this Chapter. By ensuring the availability of clean air • and water and preserving critical areas and natural features, we will h continue to make Spokane County an inviting community. Through lrt F „ :rn workgroup meetings and other public participation efforts the following uidin principles were developed. `� " �- • Critical areas, including wetlands, fish and wildlife habitat, ;A4 aquifer recharge areas, geologically hazardous areas and 4' �. s.; i - flood hazard areas, shall be preserved, protected, managed .. and restored so that the functions and values of these areas A{ '"`� are maintained. o• • Shoreline areas shall be protected from land uses that degrade water quality and wildlife habitat. "'�- "'=� " wt yr"; 's • Surface and groundwater should maintain adequate quantity and shall maintain adequate quality, with land uses designed to ensure continued protection. • Air quality shall be maintained at levels that protect human health, prevent injury to plants and animals and preserve clear visibility. Critical Areas Counties are required to protect critical area through the adoption of policies and regulations. Critical areas include these areas and natural places: (a) wetlands; (b) areas with a critical recharging effect on aquifers used for domestic purposes; (c) fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas; (d) frequently flooded areas; (e) geologically hazardous areas. Spokane County recognizes the importance of protecting the functions of critical areas. Preservation of these areas helps to maintain the high quality of life that is enjoyed by the residents of Spokane County. These natural systems play valuable roles in stormwater disposal, flood prevention, water quality preservation, as well as providing recreational opportunities. Protection of critical areas makes economic sense, since the alternative is expensive engineered systems for protection from floods and geological hazards and for purification of drinking water. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-1 Natural Environment The Critical Areas Goals and Policies, along with the Critical Areas Ordinance, apply in all unincorporated areas of Spokane County and establish allowable uses in critical areas and provide development standards to mitigate impacts of development. The administration and enforcement of the Critical Areas ,, w ,r1 �. 2 Ordinance (CAO) will be an ongoing issue facing Spokane 2y"' p wn�'�j :�° 'r'• County. Better information is needed to refine critical area 4 1% $ designations and management recommendations. Effective .1.r,& .':+ ye; aQ.,; protection requires an interdisciplinary approach to the evolution tiote- -.;Y^ `� •�' .c;1,. s — tki; of best available science. Involvement by scientists from the �' , " ' ':;S' p Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, Department of it " „ o- .�; ,1i Ecology, area universities and others will continue to be essential ' :. !c 1' O `f to the advancement of critical area protection. _ R, i '�: � >> Overall Critical Areas Goals Several issues that are common to all critical areas have been identified. These issues are addressed in this section. The underlying approach to critical-area stewardship involves private conservation organizations, businesses, individual landowners and the general public, as well as government. The following goals should be used together with the specific goal sections of each critical area. Goals NE.1 Spokane County will encourage management of critical areas in such a way that includes education, rehabilitation, preservation, protection, enhancement, mitigation and incentives for protection. NE.2 Land use regulations and land use decisions in Spokane County shall protect critical areas. Regulatory mechanisms such as limitations on land use or buffering requirements or programs such as transfer of development rights and acquisition of development rights should be used to retain critical areas whenever possible. NE.3 Spokane County will review and update its Critical Areas goals, policies and regulations every five years. NE.4 Ongoing public participation is a vital element of critical area regulations and management programs. The County will actively seek individuals or local groups to assist in identifying and protecting critical areas. NE.5 Spokane County will determine the carrying capacity(the level of population and activity that the natural resource base can healthfully support) and will use that information in its land use decisions regarding critical areas. In some cases, critical areas are fragile and public access should be controlled. NE.6 Regulations developed by Spokane County will not result in or constitute a taking of private property and shall be evaluated as provided for in RCW 36.70A.370. NE.7 Regulations to protect the natural environment shall contain variance provisions and the criteria for granting variances and recognize nonconforming rights for existing land uses and activities. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-2 Natural Environment • NE.8 Encourage cooperative and coordinated protection programs for critical areas between Spokane County and the cities within the County. \ j NE.10 Cumulative effects of land use activities on critical areas shall be considered in land use decisions. NE.11 Consider the multiple uses of open space and wildlife corridors for other uses, as recommended by qualified wildlife managers, such as utility corridors when conflicts do not exist or can be mitigated. NE.12 Best available science will be used in the designation and protection of critical areas. Policy NE.12.1 It will be the responsibility of the Division of Planning to coordinate the identification of Best Available Science and to provide a recommendation to decision-makers for use in designating and protecting critical areas and shorelines, pursuant to RCW 36.70A.172, WAC 365-195-900, RCW 90.58.100(1) and WAC 173-26-020. Wetlands Wetlands are areas inundated or saturated by surface water or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs and similar areas. Wetlands do not include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from non-wetland sites, including, but not limited to, irrigation and drainage ditches, grass-lined swales, canals, detention and retention facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, farm ponds and landscape amenities. However, wetlands may include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from non-wetland areas to mitigate conversion of wetlands, if permitted by the County or a city. In the past, wetlands were considered nuisances to be filled in and covered up. Experience has revealed the many beneficial functions provided by wetlands, including providing wildlife habitat, storage and disposal of stormwater, groundwater recharge and removal of contaminants. The primary purpose of the wetland goals and policies is to preserve these important natural functions. Goals • NE.13 Ensure "no net loss" of wetland functions, value and quantity as a result of land use activities and establish a long-term goal of measurable gain of wetlands function and value. Policies ^ -7W' NE.13.1 Create new and use existing incentives to control ,., "W wetlands access and use. h` ,� t1 h`",4 NE.13.2 Maintain a countywide wetlands inventory and monitor i, F N ' �' g;- �achievement of the no net loss"goal. rye^a � `'s{ tt"� '` � = • NE.13.3 Strive to attain a measurable gain of wetlands function and value. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-3 Natural Environment NE.13.4 When new development impacts wetlands, mitigation of impacts may include enhancement or rehabilitation of previously degraded wetlands and creation of new wetlands. NE.13.5 Expansion of nonconforming uses in wetlands and their buffer areas should be allowed only if significant impacts are mitigated. Goal NE.14 Establish wetland management programs that include identification of wetlands and a classification system. Policies NE.14.1 Establish appropriate wetlands classification, which should include buffer areas to maintain wetlands natural functions and beneficial values. NE.14.2 Land use decisions and land use activities should be consistent with existing wetland regulations. New regulations should provide clarification as to appropriate and inappropriate land use activities within a wetland and its buffer area. NE.14.3 New regulations developed should recognize the potential impact to wetlands that are located within planned urban areas. NE.14.4 Wetland alteration from development or other activities should not cause adverse impacts to the wetland or its buffer area; however, where no reasonable alternative is feasible, wetland degradation shall be mitigated. NE.14.5 The greatest wetland protection shall be provided to wetlands of the greatest functions and values. NE.14.6 Proposals for wetland restoration, creation or enhancement shall include consultation with the appropriate agencies to ensure adequate design and consistency with other applicable regulations. NE.14.7 Wetland regulations and policies should consider individual property owner's rights and community values. If wetland regulations prohibit all economically viable or beneficial uses of property and variance or reasonable use exceptions are not applicable, there will be liability to the property owner for just compensation unless it can be demonstrated that the proposed uses are prohibited by laws of nuisance or other preexisting limitations on the use of property. NE.14.8 Land use regulations/decisions should consider density transfers, transfer of development rights, bonus density, natural wetland preserves, wetland banking or other mechanisms to retain wetlands whenever possible. NE.14.9 Encourage public and private groups to consider protection and/or acquisition of wetlands and their buffer areas. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-4 Natural Environment _— _ - PrrL4-1 Om-111c('iturvt!,. -----I-:,,,,1•44 1 Wetlands i 1, • ...., ....,. 1 Dr.ii,N1) : --------\77411--' ' I, tiol - A , , iii. %MANI 4 e --- , L, 4.-..^ . ,,44k0=.' !I ,, -Mg i if iti 1 Wrffis •4,.,ks aii.t_ ri , ., Li, e rikocrwileil Irr-R * 11 4.--. _iww-r-1 ,-,,,..._, .- , .m.,..r, W1.1i Stirmiti I .,1' -1 ,__a ' 0, 1 J •4'44• k Irhiin f nryre.rt• t A ._1;-I 1' , -..:... Aran fullnefitt's o'''. r i .110k 0 iliov,:tv . '1 r 1 _,.1 1 rg • r_mama' .:.. C.- - ii. _LOII SpilItitrid.- , z: 0' giev '5k4.78 - r "If.' 4141, '...,--- -"" ..'r At, .,,,, tr ...• 4.. ,r,-,.. , •tra-hatt.r,. -L, IIII • no- ■i I. i."-- '314111'' ' n" n 1 . "I i 1 rdb,1 ,1 I I ei ri i Ili I ■ r , , .^. :re-. r " ii1I- '4--:.: k -1 VNI _ I\ I i I' w ii-••• 4 „. lilt : ' III _ — I .4, ,, , . .., _ , ,.., „.....0 ''...i ,drA j , . I I 11,r-IY-4/ . , , -,. Ow Nile Mlle Filii. 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Whnewe t'oeurty Yr letem in.Hiles: a• I'M+1.1 1 a i l SI(M 4IIIIIII4SMI ll y Mr 4'I 4 in niei13 I hl limn...I ritinitmE MI:1 yeiwriil 1;11 pl mho!.hoof.Due to du tiotontio,oilliry 01 SIfi skinrill•nIN.llw 1)11 Rh in calm it jworyl IrtpirrrAbibli.Pin-erfro 4.1 fathom,.11. :1.1 iliticti we.'Imre tor no.truirann.,-, svlid6 iderrimitiNt Hilt mimed ..!.;11XNeekCeillet 101.LNIII regh in - - Spokane County Comprehensive Plan 1 1 Wetlands Map Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-5 Natural Environment • `I Goal NE.15 Protect and enhance wetlands so that they are able to perform their natural functions and maintain their beneficial values. Policies NE.15.1 Maintain the natural ability of wetlands to store and gradually release drainage and stormwater. NE.15.2 Discourage development and/or land use activities which will adversely impact wetlands' ability to store and discharge drainage and/or floodwater storage. NE.15.3 Retain, restore and/or enhance native and/or appropriate vegetation to slow velocity of stormwater runoff and improve surface and groundwater quality. NE.15.4 Protect wetlands from erosion and siltation. NE.15.5 Restore and enhance native and/or appropriate vegetative types in wetlands and their buffer areas. NE.15.6 Protect water quality and quantity within wetlands by preventing overuse of surface and groundwater beyond recharge capacities. NE.15.7 New development and/or land use activities shall provide adequate buffer areas of permanent native and/or appropriate vegetation adjacent to wetlands. These buffer areas shall be established based on the natural function and beneficial values of the wetland as determined by established criteria. NE.15.8 Existing surface water and groundwater quality and quantity should be protected where new development or land use activities would impact a wetland or its buffer area. NE.15.9 New developments and/or land use activities should be designed to preclude the need for flood control structures or designs that alter wetlands and their shoreline K ��� ��a� �,,� characteristics. NE.15.10 New developments and/or land use activities should design circulation systems roads, trails and other such a• ?_ - facilities to protect wetlands from erosion and reduce the amount of soil, silt and pollutants entering wetland areas. NE.15.11 Avoid new development and/or land use activities that would significantly impact native and/or appropriate vegetation, cause substantial erosion or sedimentation or adversely affect aquatic life or the biophysical capabilities within a wetland habitat. NE.15.12 Wetlands shall be protected and should be improved for use as fish and wildlife habitat by providing buffers and protection of adjacent riparian environments. NE.15.13 Recognize and provide protection for wetlands that provide wildlife habitat for priority species and species of local significance, as defined under the Fish and Wildlife Habitat _ Conservation Area goals and policies. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-6 Natural Environment • NE.15.14 Encourage the preservation of wetlands associated with wildlife habitat corridors. NE.15.15 Existing vegetation providing wildlife habitat in habitat corridors should be maintained or improved to offset habitat loss by human activities/development. Goal NE.16 For agricultural and forestry activities within a wetland or its buffer area, encourage the use of best management practices and adherence to federal and state laws. Policies NE.16.1 Support and develop agricultural and forestry management strategies to protect water quality through education and selective controls. Aquifer Recharge Areas and Groundwater Underground aquifers are the sources of nearly all the drinking water for Spokane County. The purpose of the following goals and policies is to ensure the long-term quality of groundwater as a source of drinking water in Spokane County. The Spokane Rathdrum Aquifer supplies most of the drinking water used in the urban area and is designated as a sole source aquifer by the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. However, most of the county is underlain by aquifers that are used for drinking water. Although most of the aquifers are of good quality, contaminants deposited in aquifer recharge areas pose risks to the water quality of the aquifers. To ensure quality groundwater, Spokane County is required to designate and protect critical aquifer recharge areas. A critical aquifer recharge area is an area with a critical recharging effect on aquifers used for potable water. The goals and policies of this section provide guidance to protect our aquifers and critical aquifer recharge areas. Goal : "t A' �. NE.17a Prevent degradation of groundwater quality in Spokane �*2; `° ,� i 171 I County and improve water quality of aquifers that do not ii:k 54x-4-1 meet state standards. �f NE.17b Protect groundwater quality from development impacts. 1 Policies 3.. J .wr- - ' NE.17.1 Draft clear and manageable measures for the purpose of .�` ?`hr ;.b protecting critical aquifer recharge areas. ‘sY.4_. NE.17.2 Utilize regulations developed for the Spokane Rathdrum . = " • Aquifer for other highly susceptible critical aquifer s... -.r__ .: • recharge areas, as appropriate. NE.17.3 Re-evaluate aquifer protection measures at least every five years and amend as necessary. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-7 Natural Environment NE.17.4 Evaluate proposed land use changes for both positive and negative impacts on groundwater quality, especially in moderate and highly susceptible critical aquifer recharge areas. NE.17.5 Require development that would have a significant negative impact on the quality of an aquifer to provide measurable and attainable mitigation for the impact. NE.17.6 Coordinate aquifer protection with Wellhead Protection programs by identifying wellhead protection areas, designated by a public water supplier, as highly susceptible critical aquifer recharge areas. NE.17.7 Require wastewater management systems appropriate for the industry when critical materials are used by an industry. NE.17.8 Require appropriate stormwater runoff and spill control provisions for those who use and/or store critical materials within critical aquifer recharge areas. NE.17.9 Support and develop wellhead protection measures with water purveyors countywide. Coordinate with agencies across the Idaho state line to protect source waters and designated wellhead protection areas. NE.17.10 Prohibit new industries that will store, handle or use critical materials from locating within a wellhead protection area designated by a public water supplier. NE.17.11 New industries that will store, handle, or use critical materials should be encouraged to locate outside of highly susceptible critical aquifer recharge areas. NE.17.12 New residential subdivisions within critical aquifer recharge areas must not exceed an overall density of one (1) dwelling unit per five (5) acres when located outside the Urban Growth Area (UGA). NE.17.13 Solid waste disposal sites (landfills) shall be prohibited within critical aquifer recharge areas of medium and high susceptibility; except that inert and/or demolition solid waste disposal sites may be allowed within critical aquifer recharge areas of medium susceptibility, provided adequate safeguards are in place to protect surface and groundwater. NE.17.14 Pits for the mining of gravel over an aquifer may be allowed if the groundwater is not exposed and measures are in place to prevent inappropriate land uses near the pit. NE.17.15 In situations of documented contamination of public water supplies in violation of Washington State water quality standards, development, which would either contribute to or be impacted by the pollution shall be prohibited until such time as all necessary utilities, facilities and services can be provided in compliance with applicable standards. NE.17.16 Encourage development activities that do not use critical materials in highly susceptible critical aquifer recharge areas. NE.17.17 Sewer service, stormwater runoff and spill-control provisions shall be provided when critical materials are used, handled or stored by industries or other land uses when they are located within critical aquifer recharge areas. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-8 Natural Environment NE.17.18 Best management practices should be utilized to treat stormwater runoff prior to injection into the ground. NE.17.19 Encourage the application of permeable and semi-permeable surfaces to parking areas and other innovative storm water control alternatives to facilitate storm water treatment and disposal. Goal NE.18 Secure adequate water quantity for the residents of Spokane County. Policies NE.18.1 Manage surface- and ground-waters throughout the county to stay within recharge capabilities. NE.18.2 Define the limits of all aquifers in Spokane County, t, ; °'; ' together with their primary source of recharge, as soon ; N,t .a f '. ,�,; ' as possible. :14 �,�Vr- NE.18.3 Identify and map those aquifers, if any, from which =r rte. Ew ' annual withdrawals exceed annual water recharge and " S implement density control limitations, water importation /7.7A r or other means to prevent further depletion of the water %% f� -�t It resource. NE.18.4 Promote water conservation through education, incentives and regulations, in cooperation with water purveyors and the public. NE.18.5 It is recognized that aquifers in Spokane County used for drinking water may have all or part of their recharge areas located outside of the county. Accordingly, Spokane County should coordinate and collaborate with surrounding jurisdictions to protect groundwater. NE.18.6 Recognize the Spokane Rathdrum Aquifer as a finite resource. NE.18.7 Discourage new water wells or increases in the extraction of water from existing wells in aquifers where water withdrawals exceed aquifer recharge, especially in the Little Spokane River Basin and the West Plains area. The provision of public water service to these areas from sources outside the area shall be encouraged. NE.18.8 In future updates of the Coordinated Water Supply Plan, work with water purveyors to standardize future water use projections based on population projections. NE.18.9 Support efforts to limit water use, allowed under the state domestic exemption rule, to providing supplies for single-family residences. NE.18.10 Water-conserving landscaping and other conservation practices should be encouraged. Incentives should be used to reduce water consumption. NE.18.11 Special consideration should be given to proposed developments or activities that recycle or find use for wastewater. • Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-9 Natural Environment Goal NE.19 Provide public information programs for land users to demonstrate how to protect critical aquifer recharge areas from degradation. Policies NE.19.1 Provide the public with information on practices that threaten water quantity and quality. NE.19.2 Encourage all land users to employ best management practices appropriate to their land use to discourage excessive water use and to protect public health and safety. NE.19.3 Provide convenient public access to county groundwater modeling documents and regulations to protect critical aquifer recharge areas. NE.19.4 Make the public aware of the long-term expense and public health consequences of failure to protect critical aquifer recharge areas from degradation. NE.19.5 Encourage area schools, colleges and universities to include education about groundwater pollution prevention. NE.19.6 Encourage area civic groups to become involved with groundwater protection. NE.19.7 Create a Spokane County Internet website that will provide continuing education and information to citizens regarding groundwater quality. NE.19.8 When feasible, create incentives to reduce the use of hazardous chemicals by households and businesses. NE.19.9 Organize a region-wide aquifer protection committee, including nearby counties and cities in Washington and Idaho. NE.19.10 The Spokane County Water Quality Management Program should compile, print,and distribute a pamphlet for small-acreage owners describing methods of protecting groundwater and other best management practices. Goal NE.20 Consistently enforce regulations, effectively monitor compliance and provide incentives to protect critical aquifer recharge areas. Policies NE.20.1 In moderate and highly susceptible critical aquifer recharge areas, no variances, deviations or exceptions to the groundwater protection regulations shall be allowed except with alternative mitigation measures that provides protection of groundwater equal to or better than the stated regulations. NE.20.2 Include clear and manageable compliance requirements to protect groundwater in the construction and occupancy permit system. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-10 Natural Environment • NE.20.3 Commit adequate resources to permit monitoring and enforcement, including qualified staff with necessary support. NE.20.4 Conduct a review of regulations at least every five (5) years to make sure they reflect: (1) changing conditions in the environment; (2) growing scientific knowledge of the quantity and quality of the existing groundwater resource; and (3) best management practices for that resource. NE.20.5 Develop a system of incentives that will lead to the greatest protection of the groundwater resource. NE.20.6 Encourage voluntary land exchange for the purpose of aquifer protection so that critical aquifer recharge areas that are highly susceptible to contamination have the protection of public ownership. NE.20.7 Enable transfer of development rights from critical aquifer recharge areas to other suitable sites if mitigation at the original site is not possible. NE.20.8 Spokane County shall aggressively identify causes of water quality problems and propose and implement solutions where feasible. NE.20.9 Designate and maintain one office for coordinating groundwater quality issues in Spokane County. NE.20.10 Create a source of information on best management practices for groundwater protection. 0 Goal NE.21 Regularly update critical aquifer recharge area protection measures so they are effective, enforceable and equitable. Policies NE.21.1 Update the aquifer susceptibilityanalysis when sufficient new information is available to justify an update. NE.21.2 Conduct additional studies to better define the extent of contamination, physical extent, water capacity, background water quality and the rate of flow of water in Spokane County aquifers. NE.21.3 Reconsider and revise the list of critical materials every five years. NE.21.4 Regularly revise aquifer protection measures to reflect additional best available information. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-11 Natural Environment Contamination Susceptibility of Aquifers Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-12 Natural Environment Contamination SuNkrvpiibility of Aquifers LEGLNI) Modirmte MI 1 ligh 4141, ANA Pcmilre) Aki i Wirmlivi I Iii qmuLiri loaf orpcthrd lrbtre I Ijhwi antirnivic m!, ! 0 • I d r I "-424-11,JSI, I Mite Reliiike „I V !minus iNtinty At [hi,.mill.%N.I;ruuhiiIDJ Fry olie Np4.1,,r211:I 1111.11.,I II 1.41.11..1 1 biuuniru L ti ILeun plaitteltig lint! Due hi likw.differtrri !ft• Niqprix oirvitrprnr.,ally F%rigion wurpl rrwroraiihilny 1uurmP s arniowil giti lkirrr pu,wiirninne. avo,rnparry thiA mairrral 3print Van, t)ranc Spokane County I ltililies Water Managentont l'rogram 1611,11113.311 Vikislirngh hit Spokane County Comprehensive Plan i Surface Water Quantity and Quality Water quality and quantity influences the domestic, economic, recreational and natural environments of Spokane County. Historically, clean water has been taken for granted. As growth and development have increased, so have problems associated with maintaining water quality and quantity. Industry, commercial business, agriculture and residences all contribute to reduced water quality and quantity. From this perspective, a comprehensive approach must be taken to ensure future water quality and quantity. Spokane County has a large number of surface water bodies that - • "`-;, provide a variety of economic, recreational and aesthetic benefits and y -d..+ Z use. Almost all the perennial streams within the County are listed within the State's "303d" inventory as having impaired water quality. Probably the most important water body listed as having impaired surface water is the Spokane River. The use of the Spokane River as a receiving water for sewage effluent discharges and storm runoff makes it an important resource for waste assimilation. This function must, however, be balanced with the river's economic, recreation, wildlife habitat and aesthetic values. There is evidence that pumping from the Spokane Rathdrum Aquifer reduces the flow in the river. The flows in the Little Spokane River are also negatively affected by withdrawals from the Little Spokane Aquifer. While lakes within the county exhibit better water quality than streams, several lakes have shown or are showing signs of lower water quality. Lake restoration programs are in effect for three lakes (Medical, Liberty and Newman), as well as the Long Lake Reservoir. Stormwater The increased impervious area resulting from development changes the amount and the quality of runoff water. If left unmanaged, discharges of stormwater can cause flooding and water quality degradation, especially in already impaired water bodies Increased impervious areas may also adversely impact groundwater recharge. The major stormwater problem areas are located in Glenrose/Central Park, Eaglewood, Five Mile Prairie, West Plains and the Saltese area (including the Ridgemont, Momingside and Bella Vista areas). These areas are underlain by geology that does not readily absorb water, therefore, they tend to experience acute stormwater problems just after a heavy rain or rapid snowmelt. Precipitation falls and either runs off, pools in low spots and soaks into the ground or accumulates on the surface either as wetlands, ponds or lakes. Some of the runoff flows on the surface and some flows under the surface. Flooded basements and other property damage is often the result. Long-term solutions to stormwater problems will require creative problem-solving on a case-by-case basis. In drainage basins where development has already occurred, much of the natural stormwater system may be altered so that it no longer functions effectively. In areas where wetlands have been filled and natural drainageways altered, substantial investment in stormwater collection and disposal systems will be required. In newly developing areas where stormwater disposal has not yet become a problem. it is important to preserve the natural system of wetlands and drainageways to prevent problems from occurring as a result of future development. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-13 Natural Environment 1 , This does not mean maintaining all individuals of all species at all times. but it does mean cooperative and coordinated land use planning is critically important among counties and cities in a region. Fish and wildlife are part of our heritage. Fishing, hunting and simply watching wildlife are valued recreational activities that contribute to the local economy and quality of life. Preservation of the fish and wildlife habitat is the key to the continued existence of these species in the future. The following goals and policies articulate the high value that residents of Spokane County place on conservation of the local fish and wildlife. Goals NE.23 Identify fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas and their ecosystems. Recognize the multiple values of fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas and educate people as to these values. NE.24 Protect, maintain and improve critical fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas and habitats of local importance through a variety of methods including public ownership of the most critical areas and incentives for privately owned land. Policies NE.24 1 Guide development by environmental concerns, including natural limitations of habitat Incentives and mitigation measures may be used to guide development. NE.24,2 Land use regulations and decisions shall consider density transfers, bonus density, nature area preservation or other innovative mechanisms to retain Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas whenever possible. NE.24.3 Development proposals and their design shall consider the retention and maintenance of critical fish and wildlife habitat areas and shall provide buffers to protect corridors and water habitats. NE.24.4 Spokane County will seek individuals and/or groups to assist in identifying and protecting species and habitats of local importance. Goals NE.25 Spokane County shall strive to minimize fragmentation of habitat by 1) protecting important fish and wildlife areas and open space; and by 2) interconnecting corridors to form a continuous network of fish and wildlife habitat and ecosystems. NE.26 Spokane County shall strive to ensure that priority fish and wildlife species as identified by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and species of local importance do not become imperiled due to land use changes, habitat alteration and other human activities. Policies NE.26.1 Recognize that the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) manages fish and wildlife resources and that Spokane County should coordinate with WDFW in land use planning and management of fish and wildlife resources. NE.26.2 Spokane County shall strive to implement measures that contribute to the recovery and/or management of priority species. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-16 Natural Environment NE.26.3 Encourage restoration of lost and damaged habitats. NE.26.4 Activities allowed within designated Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas should not compromise the areas' habitat quality or function. Compatible uses may include rangeland, forest production, open space and passive recreation. Tree Conservation Much of the landscape of Spokane County is dominated by evergreen forest. The aesthetic appeal of the area is closely linked to the native vegetation, especially the trees. The conifers that cover the hills and mountains are important to the economy of the area as a renewable natural resource for paper and building materials. However, the aesthetic and wildlife habitat value of the trees also contributes to the economy of the area to a significant extent. Although the forestry industry has declined in importance in recent years in ' Spokane County. the aesthetic value and wildlife associated with the forested landscape continues to be a force that draws �� ' : people and jobs to this area. For the area to maximize its '`' • .. economic development potential, it is essential that Spokane County conserve its identity as an area of scenic natural beauty. To this end, conservation of the trees that are native to this area must be considered as part of the development process. '. • Goal NE.27 Preserve the unique natural beauty of Spokane County by conservation of the native trees through public education, conservation incentives and special consideration in the development process. Policies NE_27.1 Encourage public awareness of the increased property values associated with tree conservation. NE.27.2 Encourage programs that provide assistance to the public in caring for and nurturing trees. NE.27.3 Encourage tree-planting programs that emphasize native species and encourage species diversity. NE.27.4 Adopt tree conservation development regulations that discourage removal of mature trees, require appropriate tree replanting when removal is necessary to accommodate development and provide incentives to conserve trees. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-17 Natural Environment Fish and Wildlife Habitat Map Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-18 Natural Environment 1.,,,,i I I! III,, t 21r:1t Fish Wiicilile Critical Areas ' I.l:i il:l'11.� Mink'I 1111 LL•1: IIMI r'11114&k1lY1niR1 'n 1 lotion 11iiki 13frn Siu'v MI i Ylil i irl.u•III IxnIN Whit 1 nil'Deer k I nitaigertil NperPea = I rem NM 11 11111±+ :+ Yl.,,rrr,.,I �eS r1 MINN:1141111114 I* r'�1 ,r P Pk 1TAINili1 1 twa—mirir- 1-= 11 Mihn umi1rusrar1?11 Am • J -I i--' _I 1 P lufimainutli xrre+ y ,-- I htnml[alna'rM 1-,s -,� 11-Truf r►H:TI tipm� iTae lto rums 31, ——�- h —: W11Ya!Fowl i'1lr'mirky P1iliiiiil+ T-s 1 11 Welland I 31,011544 -' Ile [ 1r11lwIrI11 1 IgIVENILiff q i . 1 • ' tun 2:31 1 11411113° - I 1e1 rillvii , . ti 1 CD! I 1 1 „ r ..J ! >lld r 0.3..II .i-. iiiiL I�-ti�4rW Nkrlrr frail, +.41, " f—- 1.rCJ� , i■F f ■ Y ge. -.-I I.:w d i 44 f h r, {_ —` t.1 v, v "-{ � --rte _ d+ 11,_ _ '11.11Iw11611 !' r — • 1..._-..-'- - + 11e1•Yrr#Ilul}. 1 `'"c.,„it :,W.+R I-.� - .,°�`-- 51'x* 1 * '� 1 , -1 r4 -- I.4 I 45,111.%WI. I-Ir°Ii1Li .,..-1.."4.. 9. - — ,1.y 1 ' - �l I 1.,n5 MI4 ,! t hk I 1 I r .--I. I -r I-. -.J I- !-pm 4 rr 1 1 x�I, �, ii141 roLjOliw4kk '4 ilmr l l k.. •1 7,I,a,,., A P X10' 1 %wo .1.1 . rY)M '�i� Y I 1 -y 1=1 < x �1 e Ili 1 , Y,f . 1 1111 = "- _p � .1 ifi±Refuge• � his' dal F 117 ri- i /pope" .11 , - 1, L V4ulti rA+ e ,. �. 1 i[ILu ,r' , 3_ , 1 ..1 11.: ,-..0,- v1. 1 I I Sprain Var., - s I Whirnllan4°110.80. WhiFii inC'1Ilttll4 e 'lhis map wk.roilti lied{„1};1}wip 0L.4".ILi!aimT'0vfdre11i17m111ngaip p'1-11 1 1'11;HII1I1111 11.11 I hou ri1 the iwrr_Ml1T"11CID1eht of%ima dut-nunmaik..the I)1175MH .1!-11.1 J.I 11.11e pousrhiliry ft IF anq-..H IliniS 111+1.4 Mil thatILIV.I11113"NOV no WmTI I11p 9. whail•111,1414111111411%.ihi�rnalrttil S ;.;11111CIn Ill ft,x,m6CrAzon Spokane County Comprehensive Plan Frequently Flooded Areas Frequently flooded areas are lands in the floodplain subject to a 1-percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year. These areas include, but are not limited to, streams, rivers, lakes, sink areas, major natural drainageways and wetlands. Frequently flooded areas are natural physical features of a watershed that play an important role in stormwater storage and disposal. The purpose of these goals is to maintain the natural function of these frequently flooded areas in order to protect private and public property and reduce the need to construct flood control facilities as well as protect the environment. Goal NE.28 Recognize the multiple values of frequently flooded areas and educate people as to those values. Policy NE.28.1 Recognize that frequently flooded areas are a natural physical feature of a watershed. The function of a frequently flooded area is to convey and store runoff during periods of heavy rainfall and snowmelt when overtopping of the normal river, stream or drainage channel occurs and adjacent low-lying areas are flooded. Goal NE.29 Identify frequently flooded areas and drainage ways, sink areas, runoff areas, floodways and meander belts that contribute to frequently flooded areas. Policy s4 t��;•t! 1. 11i � � ��, NE.29.1 Standard hydrologic and hydraulic study methods a=�� : �, Y . shall be used to identify frequently flooded areas. �� ?'i;€ �id. 1 ,x , ,Goal NE.30 Protect and improve the natural dynamics of frequently flooded areas. . , _� .7 : ,: J •F-4�"C p Policies ,-� ... NE.30.1 Frequently flooded areas, marshes, floodplains and floodways should be used as rangeland, forest, wildlife habitat, open space, recreation and other appropriate uses. NE.30.2 Minimize impacts of new development on existing floodplains and frequently flooded areas though design that accommodates flood events without property damage. NE.30.3 Maintain, protect or restore natural drainage systems to protect water and environmental quality. NE.30.4 The natural drainage network should be preserved and utilized for flood control and to maintain environmental quality. NE.30.5 New developments and land use activities should be designed to: 1. Protect the drainage functions of flood plains, natural drainageways, sink areas and other existing drainage facilities. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-19 Natural Environment 2. Preserve and incorporate natural features such as streams, ponds, significant drainageways and wetlands in a manner that maintains their natural functions. 3. Consider the site's topography as it relates to frequently flooded areas in the design and placement of physical improvements such as roads and structures. 4. Retain natural vegetation strips adjacent to the high water mark of a perennial or intermittent stream or other frequently flooded areas. 5. Retain trees and native vegetation that contribute to controlling erosion on slopes adjacent to frequently flooded areas. Goal NE.31 Manage frequently flooded areas to enhance environmental quality and to minimize the risks to life and property. Policies NE.31.1 Minimize impacts from flooding problems such as erosion, property damage, potential property devaluation and impaired ground and surface water quality. NE.31.2 Use bioengineering techniques, where possible, rather than hard engineering structures to stabilize the floodway if risk to life or property is threatened. NE.31.3 Guide development away from identified 100 -- year floodplains (one percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year) and county designated flood areas. NE.31.4 Permit and encourage land uses compatible with the preservation of natural vegetation within frequently flooded areas. NE.31.5 The Hangman (Latah) Creek Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan is adopted by reference as a part of the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan. NE.31.6 Development should not occur on lands identified as being within a 100-year floodplain (1-percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year) or as having a history of flooding, unless the developer provides mitigation measures acceptable to the appropriate regulatory agency. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-20 Natural Environment 1 - , Fund rimIle I',and► 1:It flll Hazard 1 I.[A i[_NI} w / ,p 1 P f'j - 1 ' '4 111'11I1.x.I,jiromEk { 1 y! I y4 I'rIs94 F Mrrrr lh - I +1".in. •-" I •mug' Vol IlgnrrrrtAry 1 ao 1 r _t FFrrlra°u, f–I -- a 1 -.l r. r r 14" I:IdIrrTI.Hi. I4 K E, l SPnlaaele 1 �� f° ;Irv.5$1741 F. � � --•4 �I � �, fit, 15 .e 11 f: I [- S 1 •r f 1141 ,1. e _ - - '^_*— - _ r e ,.q Ni rr%Irk-INN d' t ,1'.iyxr fr +4. 4,11 I 1--__._i I !I a,a,,.I 1 • -I 14,a,h it -" 1 ■ n rt� --T - : 1 y yr =h �it1 lI p[l3fl;.r J T47L7 ' " � } i r "j14411.i 41 ^-".,� " + ! ! — {11' Is 1 _,,-- 1 -----,„.„....... .i.r..7..../eiti r wyL} Fie'10111 a e ' -i L rt I"L1[fL'�11.111 i\..J' li t d "1X' - r r ,; I t 1 1 ■ " irl 1 �, 1 f -w -ice - JA e'I I. �--Ter n•" y l ri' ii• 1a,tohnll r I c ri�i [ ,. 1' r____ r Doe 11.74 \'IYLri Peak Hey 522i Ida -:�" ' ' 'i nil I x11.4 P I ,kV w r" ..,-- ....( IA' I f 1 --° , _ ,, , t 1.14 fl{J f y" f ,r. I 4 V 4 1r1� S Llc .0 7111- til j I�1$lltl ,40$r i Iik Ftcftigr 4 el fe, ' 1 �L ' :itiJ lei } II ,. .. 7 00." R,di� tahth 0)- It.. II r' 4 W i'ilintln I`trYrilry V411ortinn L'1-Klnly _3, • Ili'Illaip wpt.Initilrlimi the 5ertane l`.l 111 I iu Noll nl I'lonnrnK in,p,-trgsI I lid N211111114 t1',11F I IIC I. II*Hiller irtp(praFi!%of ti wlnlr 1 arcurrernl.,Lire 1111.1401 ru n n'r La-r'.rg roti'L aui Iii. Irr mom I,r nmi.wk,n1-:ar.l illereliltr_thew IIii n11 1AArming,. . I whl.:15 mut ii i iy}&In JOWL-41A 'X'TN*iA'LY71 W IFh1niaron Spokane County Conlprehensive Plan { i II Flood Hazard Map Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-21 Natural Environment Geologically Hazardous Areas Geologically hazardous areas are areas that because of their susceptibility to erosion, sliding, earthquake or other geological events are not suited to siting commercial, residential or industrial development consistent with public health or safety concerns. The purpose of these goals and policies is to ensure that areas subject to geological hazard are identified so that hazard mitigation is incorporated into designs. The public safety must be protected by prohibition of development in geologically hazardous areas unless hazard mitigation is assured. Goal NE.32 Development should be discouraged in geologically hazardous areas unless it can be demonstrated that a hazard area can be developed consistent with public health and safety. Development permits may be conditioned to mitigate certain hazards. Policies NE.32.1 Any new subdivision or short subdivision that is determined to be in a geologically hazardous area where significant risk has been identified shall have specific language placed on the face of the plat (dedication) and title stating that the hazard is present. NE.32.2 Residential, commercial and industrial development in geologically hazardous areas should minimize disruption of existing topography and vegetation; and shall hY incorporate opportunities for phased clearing and grading. . _ _ rt. .,. NE.32.3 Construction should minimize risk to the natural environment and/or structures. Construction shall not increase the risk to the site and/or potentially affected adjacent properties. NE.32.4 Clearing and grading activities in geologically hazardous areas shall consider limitations based upon seasonal weather conditions. NE.32.5 Within geologically hazardous.areas, site alteration, grading and filling shall be the minimum necessary to accomplish approved designs/plans. NE.32.6 Proposals should describe the hazards present, such as erosion, landslides, etc., and provide mitigation measures acceptable to the appropriate regulatory agency. NE.32.7 Construction and development on geologically hazardous areas should have negligible effects on the quality and quantity of potentially affected surface and groundwater. Mitigation measures acceptable to the appropriate regulatory agency should be provided. NE.32.8 Development in geologically hazardous areas should not be allowed without appropriate mitigation. NE.32.9 Development proposals within geologically hazardous areas should submit an erosion control plan prior to receiving approval. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-22 Natural Environment • NE.32.10 Land use regulations and decisions should consider density transfers, bonus density, nature belt preservation or other innovative mechanisms to retain geologically hazardous areas whenever possible and to facilitate implementation of the goals and policies for geologically hazardous areas. Goal NE.33 Geologically hazardous areas may be used as open space for recreation, rangeland, forest, wildlife habitat and other uses as appropriate. Policies NE.33.1 Geologically hazardous areas demonstrated to be highly sensitive to modification by development activities shall be preserved in a natural condition for uses other than development. NE.33.2 These highly sensitive areas should be inventoried and reviewed for consideration of the most appropriate non-development related use. Shorelines Shorelines are among the most valuable and fragile of environments. The purpose of these goals and policies is to manage the use of the shorelines so that their protection, preservation and restoration are assured. The intent is to foster reasonable and appropriate use of the shorelines but also to protect the natural character of the shorelines, preserve the ecology and resources, increase public access to publicly owned shorelines and to increase recreational opportunities for the public. ,inr ,°. 4 i,, Bodies of water with a mean annual flow of greater than 20 cubic ,'{ ,,,K:' -�, ,.- feet per second (in the case of flowing water) and an area greater '> than 20 acres (in the case of standing water) are considered L"�~ ° ' r`` , Shorelines of the State and are subject to the Shoreline ^-,,1 : 2' " - --L Management Act (SMA). The SMA area of jurisdiction is the body ��3�`.'k'�` 1ie� '' Y� of water together with an adjacent strip of land generally 200 feet L �: c--;'''r _f t� -"•!,-- wide, measured landward from the ordinary high watermark. In compliance with the SMA, Spokane County adopted a Shoreline Management Program in 1975. The Shoreline Management Program established goals, policies and regulations to protect shoreline areas. Developments after 1975 have been conditioned to comply with the Shoreline Master Program. RCW 36.70A.480 requires that the Shoreline Master Program goals and policies be considered as part of the Comprehensive Plan. However, ongoing changes in state law concerning the development of local shoreline programs make an update to the 1975 SMA Program untimely. A major update to the Shoreline Management Program shall occur following adoption of the revisions to state requirements for local shoreline management programs. Goal NE.34 Protect shorelines in Spokane County designated under the state Shoreline Management Act with the Spokane County Shoreline Master Program until it is replaced or amended under pending state law and administrative regulations. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-23 Natural Environment Policies NE.34.1 The Spokane County Shoreline Program shall be updated once legislative changes are enacted to ensure consistency between the Shoreline Management Program and the Critical Areas Program. NE.34.2 The 1975 Spokane County Shoreline Program, as adopted and amended, are included by reference as part of this plan. NE.34.3 The Spokane County Shoreline Program shall be reviewed and updated periodically as required by law. • Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-24 Natural Environment _ _ I Vend 11 X111,•i'l iunpr Cieolog L Hazards & Constraints ,, .�, 11 11.fl) _.... r°-P,A- *-- �` ' F In.rihk°C•ib. • 1°i'E Fr_;fow ! F' . ' ! .Vilrr%irrm 1[1111114 u1' _ I I 1JllidEhkI0.-°tM ' I L- II �+ 4 ��Flxiusar4 ,`re r 1jtL"j'I•001l�ti { J 'C t I ,: .,,.�'` - - -- — .-i - ill rot F '�`,. _ ° - - - .4 2 r rP i j B [ e+, 'E17, 4 ` Si!- Iii } 0. _ I _7. 4 i . 4 f 1 _ ' . 1 r `} , * �ai— X101; , - , - ,?. ,,,, ilig 4 _.. , ._ E °, „tom, N.0kr. �_ P. �TM 111• -t 1- 'G 4 t' 4 II ...4,1 :-.1„iej-k.-.44..4.21._ I::t;": 1 1 iigii ...----,1C , f. . . _ •l'.111"4' r t � it?j.?1/4‘i 1 �7 1�4 C_ �v _ F Fes;-.`, "... . ' * 1 i d i 1 A — I °�lrivnLS1 lieltitS r~ --_ .1.i EYrbIL L,r.Y t I —I.-'i; a t^-• °I .-, '.- ' ,x_,-'� �, _ ��ilrc�lilli A_ I## f �I._ .,I .:5441,4_,..,rP }' r �V 74 •I p ___-f r l�F yam- 75 ' t o - • Fl•i 1r,R 51:IIFIFI.Uy ' _ IL I .:' - - k r 1 '111 WO Nrk 1, 1)14, -4 r--f Jli t l P _ `i a I ♦fpmIrn& f 4 , ., �,_ r a411Q 1t irk,tt ,71,1.,-�t r' flit- 6 Ili. J ' f - %. . I.- 4 . 2-- -,":. _ ,f . _ s. I 6.• '-'i . .01._ 1 5,111r 1, .FA ier T -''.. / . .. _ ` !uF F I Fair' 4 .. _ _ -a .. Tt .44.f I am. i i '. '• r' ■ 0111#1111" Ili - f fillii;:. • • ::-1 '' A 1 - ---/- ...A.)(1 .....,, .. , _ . ----,......._f_., i ,,ri . -, =-••iatr_____,_..... 44 ,_ hitrMitiCIHInly Whl1Tru11Ci1W1Ii _ 110 4 h;.Lv II:L•r.nillN.lk I 14re= iri31+,ILL111t''Ail WIi 4 I4 AIM Ill IISN Illy 1Frhr1A-fi1•11P 1111911iral '11■r�tkarir(-VInTri1Ylr'mrn1,Ff1.aun nyltlr[u_il AA FOR/1111111r,(lilt!' I LPw II)Ihn it-weft qIOIF1uy of`I irErce 111}CI getrt1tN.Ow 1 X1Ymh M1 4:i11HM a:c144 ielq,t+urihillly file em ire!It 1417111011.11111.and rherr.7lAe.41te1_Mr eh.r+dre;reit-i Ie'I trki.iu! -1rigtwrp 1!Ij 1iskerl'ii 1 I rr Williting11111 '.. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan - - Geological Hazard Map Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-25 Natural Environment • Air Quality Several conditions contribute to air pollution in Spokane County. Human activities, including automobile use, wood stove use, industrial and agricultural operations, generate airborne substances that can affect air quality. In addition, Spokane has been affected substantially by windblown dust from the entire central portion of the State. The Spokane Valley is also a natural basin in which air pollution is concentrated by an occasional temperature inversion (a situation in which lighter warm air overlies heavier cool air). A variety of air pollution control strategies have been employed in Spokane County. The strategies include auto emission inspections, restrictions on open burning, wood stove certification and restriction on wood stove use when pollution levels are high, oxygenated fuels for cars, road paving, use of chemical deicers as an alternative to road sanding and others. These measures combined with cleaner-burning cars have significantly improved air quality. However, traffic volumes continue to increase which could lead to degradation of air quality in the future. Air quality is intricately related to land use and transportation. The challenge presented to the region is to balance land use, transportation and air quality in such a way that the community can continue to grow and prosper without compromising quality of life. Goals NE.35a Maintain air quality in Spokane County that protects human health, prevents injury to plant and animal life and preserves clear visibility. NE.35b Promote the physical, economic and social development of Spokane County that is consistent with a good air quality and visibility. NE.35c Comply with federal and state air quality standards. Policies NE.35.1 Establish a variety of transportation systems as alternatives to the single occupancy vehicle such as dispersed employment opportunities, flexible working hours, telework, light rail, monorail, other transit, car pooling, bicycling and walking paths. NE.35.2 Establish multiple high-density travel corridors while preserving the unity of established neighborhoods. NE.35.3 Encourage the development and expansion of high-density urban centers that facilitate alternative transportation modes to reduce traffic congestion. NE.35.4 Support regional efforts to improve air quality. NE.35.5 Promote public education to increase the level of responsibility for air quality. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan NE-26 Natural Environment Ill . ‘. • x• Spokane County Comprehensive Plan 0 o 0 c c c -, n 2, [ • _,,,,,-- .•-......r......yr.=i,--0,---ncz.,-..,-r.,,.1=7--"--,, -,___„,„„,,,,,.„.._,_:,,,I,, . .. ,,-i'l.,--,,'s • i. .---.-..--_---!-'.•.-,_.7_-•7.._,-,-■.-.,_._-,--,.-,.!--'-!'-'!--.-!-`'_7--''.".-,.---.-.----.-.-.,-.r--.--■."-..-I-.--ar'....t..--:,-_%"_!'.-.-...-1%7-.-,7_-..-:--'-7-.1-.f,.._C.1..-1"-._,,--,,!-_-1'-.-"--,---'-.-.'-.--^'.----.-.V--"--,'---7-''..--,7-.'.s-.-,.7.-.--•.--.2,s....n-,C-,....s,.-,.-.,.7'., ,,..-'.-..-F...'i.•,-,',o1.!..-.,-,..1.w..,c.',,,"s r',-,_'v-.-r,,-'r'''-,,=-'-'+,-4,-,--.-y0----L--7-..r:..'."„:-,--,I,•.= 4'-.-„!.;Z---'--7-.•-7,E,7-'.',,,r , ',: ..,.. t_: ' , C.(■~•=0 U0 0=3■r..)•. .„._ t ., . . 1, .. i, , . : .- ,...--__.:. , ......__ __ ;_,L --- ', • .- cs• .--2),- — --' .--- . 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Cultural resources such as historic buildings, monuments of historic events and archaeological sites are irgre statements of Spokane County's identity. People especially value our authentic, homegrown cultural resources that set us apart from other =M r counties. This element of the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan sets forth policies '` and a course of action for the preservation and treatment of these historic and ?,._•:_b archaeological resources. The Plan reflects local attitudes toward historic Y�' ' preservation, establishes preservation as public policy and puts these values into writing. rte ' Purpose of Plan for Cultural Resources The purpose of this plan is to protect and preserve our Cultural Resources, both identified and potential, by establishing public policy that ensures: • Management decisions about cultural resources are based on solid information obtained through credible research programs; • County planners, Preservation Office staff, developers, property owners and citizens have ready access to the information they need to make informed decisions about actions that could affect Spokane County's cultural heritage; • All available information on cultural resources is fully integrated into planning tools for local and tribal decisions about land use. Decisions concerning land use will include active participation by the wide variety of people whose heritage and traditions are at stake; • Both financial and technical assistance is available to individual organizations, communities and tribes. Technical and financial assistance programs are administered by the Washington State Historic Preservation Office and the Spokane City/County Historic Preservation Office; • Cultural resources owned by Spokane County are in good condition; and • County support for cultural and historic preservation programs becomes increasingly stable and reliable as evidenced by achievement of the goals and policies contained in this chapter. Definition of Cultural Resources A large part of Spokane County's special identity and civic pride is derived from its heritage. From the Native Americans who first established trading centers to the continuing waves of newcomers from around the world, all have left their mark. Cultural Resources are those buildings, structures, sites or associations left behind by a group of people and are generally over 50 years old. Cultural Resources consist of three types of properties. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan CR-1 Cultural Resources Historic Properties Cultural Resources include historic structures and landscapes engineered and built by man. a) Historic buildings - houses, barns, commercial buildings, churches, schools. b) Historic structures - bridges, dams, stone fences. c) Historic districts - a grouping of buildings with related historic character. d) Historic objects - statues, monuments, sculpture. e) Landscapes—gardens, parks, urban and rural. Traditional Cultural Properties and Archaeological Sites Cultural Resources include properties that were held in spiritual or ceremonial honor or by a cultural group or tribe. Cultural Resources include properties, which may no longer show evidence of man- made structures, but retain an historical association with an event or period. Archaeology sites, battlefields, campsites, cemeteries, burial sites, rock tj v ' ':1, carvings, pictographs, trails, village sites, fishing sites, trading sites, Yi7e v 4' r`w • religious and ceremonial sites. kt Note: The specific location of these sites is often very sensitive in nature. Gathering information concerning these properties should be undertaken with careful consideration and `Q= ^` involvement of the cultural group involved. Identification and Protection of Resources The purpose of this goal is to ensure the identification and protection of important cultural resources (historic and archaeological sites, buildings, structures and traditional cultural properties). Spokane County recognizes that these cultural resources are finite, irreplaceable and nonrenewable resources. There are inventories of archaeological and historic sites. Not only do the lists need to be checked to confirm that evidence of the site/building remains, but also a better means to identify and preserve evidence of significant archaeological and historic sites is needed. Goal CR.1 Identify, maintain, update and protect archeological and historic sites and structures to guide decision-making in resource planning, environmental review and resource management. Policies CR.1.1 Identify and evaluate archaeological and historic sites to determine which should be preserved. Identification and evaluation is a constant, ongoing process. CR.1.2 Identify those lands which are most likely to contain unrecorded archeological or historic sites. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan CR-2 Cultural Resources • CR.1.3 Nominate cultural resources to the local, state and national Historic Registers. The Cultural Resources Inventory should be used as a reference in the identification of significant structures and places eligible for nomination. CR.1.4 Maintain the Spokane County Register of Historic Places to provide a means to recognize and preserve cultural resources of local significance. The Cultural Resources Inventory should be used as a reference in the identification of significant structures and places eligible for nomination. CR.1.5 Review of land use actions should be sensitive and give consideration to protection of cultural resources. Stewardship The purpose of this goal is to provide guidance for the treatment of cultural resources owned by Spokane County. Spokane County is a major owner and manager of cultural resources, some of which are identified and some of which are not. Many of these resources are public buildings or elements of the public infrastructure, such as bridges, roads or park landscapes. Goal . >yi • CR.2 Provide stewardship of Count owned cultural resources. Policies �• CR.2.1 Maintain County-owned cultural resources in an .,;,- — � appropriate manner by following the Secretary of the ,. Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation, in consultation with « 4 <" CJ. the City/County Historic Preservation Office. �r�`' f CR.2.2 Identify, on a regular basis, County-owned properties that ter° Rr ` may be historically significant. Listing in the Spokane t r Register of Historic Places should be considered for . county properties when appropriate. • . ...: -. CR.2.3 When economically feasible, the County should give preference to historic structures when they wish to purchase, rent or lease property that serves a particular County purpose. • ) Spokane County Comprehensive Plan CR-3 Cultural Resources Incentives to Encourage Historic Preservation The accomplishment of historic preservation comes through the use of effective tools. This goal describes policies that relate to planning for preservation and provides incentives and administrative procedures that encourage preservation. Goal CR.3 Devise and implement strategies and incentives that encourage historic preservation. Policies CR 3.1 Spokane County should continue to fund the joint City/County Historic Preservation Office to provide a county program to direct historic preservation activities. CR 3.2 Continue to utilize the City/County Landmarks Commission as the authority and advisor to the County Planning Commission, County Commissioners and other county agencies in matters of historic preservation. CR.3.3 Expand the variety of incentives available to property owners � �.4�1u`Y .-------�; to encourage historic preservation. Although many cultural =.g,6_ . ,=1747.7, .°^ . resources are in private ownership, public agencies can offer incentives for their preservation and maintenance. CR.3.4 Develop methods to link cultural resource preservation with 'J local economic development strategies, such as rehabilitation of commercial buildings, neighborhood revitalization and tourism. CR.3.5 Coordinate preservation of existing affordable housing with city and county historic preservation programs and incentives; promote preservation and restoration of significant historic features in the rehabilitation of historic buildings and sites for housing. Promotion of Cultural Resources • Public understanding and support of the diversity of Spokane County's heritage is essential to cultural resources management. This goal requires education about the importance of historic preservation and a wide variety of involvement in preservation issues. Goal CR.4 Promote the appreciation of Spokane's diverse heritage, as expressed by its cultural resources. Policies CR.4.1 Provide a program of public education concerning the need ;. to preserve cultural resources and keep the public informed 117 C77,lit of actions to carry out preservation plans. .= -• ';'a • EAP CR.4.2 Promote a wide variety of community involvement in preservation issues by linking the public with preservation " 'pYJ Spokane County Comprehensive Plan CR-4 Cultural Resources groups and resources. CR.4.3 Establish and maintain government-to-government relations with Native American tribes for the preservation of archaeological sites and traditional cultural properties. CR.4.4 Spokane County shall pursue its cultural resource goals through collaboration with residents, property owners, cultural organizations, public agencies, tribes, schools districts, library districts and others. CR.4.5 Develop and promote a program which encourages property owners to donate cultural resources to agencies or organizations that will preserve them in perpetuity. Appendix The following appendices are available at the City of Spokane/Spokane County Historic Preservation Office. a) Assessment of Current Historic Preservation Policy b) Existing Data on Historic Preservation c) Public and Private Historic Preservation Organizations d) History of Spokane County e) Maps of Spokane County Cultural Resources f) National, State and Local Registers of Historic Places g) Incentives for Historic Preservation Spokane County Comprehensive Plan CR-5 Cultural Resources • Spokane County Comprehensive Plan -, Ti " .z�- ,,. ,�,_ .rte ,e- r —a +- �. . �C r,s - �' .�c rF c � {{ � 4=' r.,-,--...../1 ' L 'i'' ,< ., am-a. +.i '"Sn a,0.•_)„,..V.% rte`' . ""4 ty a• P=i""' 2 A `� Vl cp CO s , iy ��; �4 , "'..r R alT- 1 X1,'0� 7 "-- s;b-x a r-. "i d 3~ f 4. `�T. ,r s .. rte, r, y r r�,.r �.,- °h.: ., .-i l2l !-; t � 1 elt _ A} !+ /,'"""4-' 4. _\ �. ' ��. f., X1.7 1- ev=^ //f r - 4 ;l 'a� Yr.S y i • p s t. JGt r,1 .-/ 1 �e`j, ptir /' Vs + � t ac 1 RSv `""' `'-. _ f i�. 'w-` l i, ,i/1j ' C i:.r ? . a � • No""Spokane county Chapter 12 • Subarea Planning Chapter 12 — Subarea Planning The Spokane County Comprehensive Plan is a generalized document that meets the mandates of the Growth Management Act and Countywide Planning Policies. The generalized plan should include a process to allow development of smaller scale or detailed plans. This Chapter provides the framework for conducting subarea or detailed planning. In identifying areas for urban growth and rural development, the Comprehensive Plan establishes patterns for future land use, transportation and other infrastructure needs that will require more detailed planning on a geographic basis. These subarea plans include plans for neighborhoods, mixed-use centers and joint planning areas. The adoption and incorporation of subarea plans into the Comprehensive Plan adds greater detail, guidance and predictability to the Plan. Subarea planning will provide residents a greater opportunity to be _ involved in a planning process that is more identifiable and ce'. '' . � F predictable. Neighborhoods and centers will be defined and plans F�, { 1 will be tailored to address the issues of the community. Subarea �` " ;:^� planning will afford local residents and the development ;} q .w community a more defined understanding of the potential changes that may affect their neighborhoods. The purpose of this element i ; is to provide guidance for conducting subarea planning. Subarea planning may be appropriate for urban and rural neighborhoods, mixed used centers and areas, and joint planning areas. 1 Background In 1986 the Board of County Commissioners amended the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan to include a Neighborhood/Community Planning Program. This program established a detailed methodology to guide the subarea planning process. Two neighborhood plans, West Terrace and Pasadena Park, have been adopted in accordance with the goals, policies and procedures of the Neighborhood/Community Planning Program. The two existing neighborhood plans will remain in effect and continue as county policy until they are reviewed and revised to be consistent with the GMA Comprehensive Plan. In the case of conflict or inconsistency between the policies of the existing neighborhood plans and the GMA Comprehensive Plan, the Comprehensive Plan will govern. The following provides a brief description of each Plan. West Terrace In 1988 the Board of County Commissioners designated the West Terrace Neighborhood as the first neighborhood study area and directed the Planning Department to begin the planning process. West Terrace is approximately 10 miles west of downtown Spokane and lies adjacent to Interstate 90 (1-90). The entrance to the community is the Medical Lake interchange. Except for the Fairways Golf Course and surrounding subdivisions, the community is largely undeveloped. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan S-1 Subarea Planning The intent of the West Terrace Neighborhood plan is to guide development with regard to aesthetics, land use compatibility and a functional infrastructure. The plan allows for medium and high-density residential uses, as well as heavy and light industrial uses. A significant amount of land at the 1-90 interchange entering the community is designated for regional shopping. On September 11, 1990 the Board of Commissioners officially adopted the West Terrace Neighborhood/Community Plan. Pasadena Park Pasadena Park was the second neighborhood designated for study by the Board of County Commissioners, with the planning process beginning in February of 1991. The Pasadena Park neighborhood is approximately two square miles in size and is bounded by the Spokane River to the south. The neighborhood is bisected by two main arterials, Argonne Road (north to south) and Upriver Drive (east to west). The focus of the neighborhood plan is to maintain the character of the neighborhood as a predominantly residential community, with commercial uses' being limited to "cottage industries" or home occupations. On May 11, 1994 the Board officially adopted the Pasadena Park Neighborhood/Community Plan. Identifying Subareas The term subarea is used to describe geographical divisions or areas of the county. The following section describes different subareas where detailed planning may be appropriate. Neighborhoods Neighborhoods are identified in a variety of ways and can be found in both urban and rural settings. Urban neighborhoods are generally small residential areas with distinctive characteristics. Some urban neighborhoods are defined by elementary school attendance boundaries. Others may be formed by physical barriers, such as a highway or major arterial, a river, railroad tracks or a change in topography. ` .. Rural neighborhoods typically encompass much larger geographic areas when compared to traditional urban neighborhoods. Rural areas often have unique issues that provide a common ground for social interaction. Due to these unique issues, identifying subarea boundaries for rural areas can prove to be very difficult and will require significant involvement from residents and neighborhood groups. The subarea planning process will provide the opportunity for interested people to identify their own neighborhood boundaries. It is certain that some neighborhoods will cross-jurisdictional boundaries. In these instances, all residents will be afforded the opportunity to participate in the planning process. City residents will have an equal voice in planning for neighborhoods that cross into the unincorporated county. It is also ;,�,;. ,_ _,.. ,Y ��., � certain that some residents may feel they belong to more than u _ 4- ,res•� -ii:! �, ; n one neighborhood. Establishing boundaries for neighborhoods ;, ;� _j4, is a necessity to understand and apply Comprehensive Plan ,;2444:-74.,i14,04-:, La designations as well as implementing regulations. ,;3 ,, ar > � A Neighborhood Map has been developed by Spokane County, _�;', _ which depicts organized neighborhood in Spokane County. The �, gr �,; = -;,,,,,,t map is being used by planning staff to notify neighborhood " . '��', �Y,. ?, organizations of development projects that may affect their neighborhoods. Neighborhood groups and citizens are encouraged to make suggestions for improving the map. The map will be used as one tool for delineating areas for neighborhood planning in the future. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan S-2 Subarea Planning Mixed Use Areas Throughout this Comprehensive Plan, mixed-use areas are presented as an alternative to meet the objectives of reducing urban sprawl, protecting critical areas and resource lands and preserving open space. The concept is to focus growth in a more compact form than traditional development patterns. A component of this compact development is to identify self-contained activity centers in both urban and rural settings that will allow mixed commercial, business and residential uses. Mixed-use development provides certain benefits to the community, including reduced automobile trips, by allowing people to live closer to where they work or to provide shopping opportunities closer to home. Allowing mixed uses is contemplated in both urban and rural settings within identified activity centers. Policies related to the design of mixed-use areas are detailed in Chapter 4, Urban Land Use. The following are descriptions of the various mixed-use areas. Neighborhood and Community Centers Mixed uses will be allowed within identified neighborhood and community centers. Ideally, urban neighborhoods will have identified centers containing a civic green or park, a transit stop, neighborhood businesses and services, a day care center and perhaps a church or school. Neighborhood centers will be identified and defined through neighborhood planning efforts. A community district is generally composed of two or more neighborhoods joined by common commercial or special service areas and are sometimes defined by attendance area of the junior high or high school. Ideally, community districts will have identified community centers containing locally serving commercial, civic and recreational uses. These centers provide a focal point and contribute to community identity. Community centers will be further identified and defined through the subarea planning program. Urban Activity Centers (UACs) Urban Activity Centers are designated, self-contained residential and commercial neighborhoods located in the urban areas of unincorporated Spokane County. They provide opportunities for redevelopment of underutilized commercial areas and increase the viability of high-speed transit. Residential densities in UACs must be high enough to encourage walking, support efficient transit service and provide adequate markets for neighborhood stores. Rural Activity Centers (RACs) Rural Activity Centers are easily distinguishable, compact, unincorporated centers, supported with limited commercial and community services. RACs are intended to provide local services for surrounding rural areas and are often formed on crossroads, typically around a focal point such as a store or post office. Other typical uses found within RACs may include residential development, churches, schools, restaurants, gas stations and small shops. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan S-3 Subarea Planning Joint Planning Areas Joint Planning Areas (JPAs) may be identified by the Board of County Commissioners as areas where - a coordinated planning process between cities, towns and the County may be conducted. JPAs are located adjacent .� to cities or towns within the adopted UGA and are w ` X.11 t, 4;, Yt , designated in accordance with Countywide Planning jt ; Policies. © a The purpose of designating Joint Planning Areas is to s:.f, ' ensure coordination between Spokane County, - � �;1�, communities and jurisdictions for which the JPA was ' ,''.. ,t designated to identify and reconcile potential conflicts. The JPA designation indicates areas that may be appropriate for \ future expansion of the corporate limits of a city or town. _ However, the designation makes annexation neither mandatory nor automatic. Subarea Planning Procedure The purpose of this section is to provide a general framework for conducting the subarea planning program. It is important to establish a standardized process in order to provide consistency between the various subarea plans. A standardized process will be easier to administer during the normal evolution of change in county government. However, the process will encourage unique community visions to be represented in the individual plans. The goal of the process is to give everyone the opportunity to participate in shaping the future of his or her neighborhood. Program Authorization Subarea planning requests may come from neighborhoods with County/City jurisdiction, the Planning Commission, the Spokane County Division of Planning, other County agencies, municipalities, regional planning entities, special purpose districts, or the Board of County Commissioners. Subarea planning requests shall be in the form of a letter directed to the Board of County Commissioners. Restrictions on budget and staff may limit the number of subarea planning programs that can be reviewed and developed in any budget year. Because of the potential for limited resources for subarea planning projects, it is imperative to prioritize the subareas to ensure the maximum benefit to neighborhoods and the County in general. The Board will prioritize subareas based upon specific criteria to determine the order in which subareas will be studied. The criteria are included within the policies of this element. The Division of Planning will maintain the prioritized list of subareas. Planning Methodology Upon authorization from the Board of County Commissioners, the Division of Planning and the Planning Commission will adhere to the following general subarea planning methodology. 1. The Division of Planning will coordinate the subarea planning project with the Planning Commission. The Commission will appoint one or more members to participate in the subarea planning meetings. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan S-4 Subarea Planning 2. The County will attempt to identify all stakeholders, including existing neighborhood groups and leaders, neighborhood residents, property owners, business owners, and other interested parties. 3. A citizen participation program will be developed consistent with the adopted Spokane County Growth Management Act (GMA) Public Participation Program Guidelines [BCC Resolution 98-0144 or as amended]. The public hearing and plan adoption process shall be consistent with the requirements of RCW 36.70. 4. The subarea plan and process shall meet all State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) requirements. 5. A subarea inventory will be prepared. The inventory will include existing land uses, housing, capital facilities plans, natural resource lands, parks and open spaces, natural environmental features, zoning, circulation patterns, utilities, community facilities and services, urban design features, general physical conditions, history, demography, social analysis, economic base and other appropriate data. A preliminary subarea boundary will be mapped for public review. 6. All subarea residents, businesses and interested parties will be notified of the planning effort. An informational meeting will take place, with opportunity for public interaction and comment. 7. A Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) will be formed. The CAC should be a representative cross-section of the community and will not be limited in size. 8. An analysis and assessment of the land-use inventory will be conducted by the CAC to determine the needs of the subarea. The needs assessment will identify issues around which the remainder of the planning work will revolve. 9. The CAC should strive to achieve consensus on the priority of the identified planning issues. 10. A preliminary subarea plan will be developed. The plan will state goals and describe policies, strategies, and specific actions, developed through the citizen participation program, to affect the prioritized issues. The preliminary plan should include alternative goals and policies. The plan will be made available for public review and comment. 11. Planning staff will analyze the preliminary plan and its alternatives to ensure consistency with Spokane County's Generalized Comprehensive Plan, the Growth Management Act, and SEPA. 12. Formal public meetings will be conducted to gather comments on the draft plan alternatives. The Citizens Advisory Committee will make recommendations for a final document. Minority opinions within the Committee may be included in the final recommendation. 13. Planning staff will incorporate final recommendations into the plan. The final plan will not only include the Committee recommendation but also may include minority opinions and a staff analysis and recommendation. The final plan will be made available for public review. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan S-5 Subarea Planning 14. The Citizen Advisory Committee will then, present the final plan document to the Planning Commission. Upon review of the final plan, the Commission will hold a hearing and accept public comment on the plan. The Commission will: a) Forward the plan to Board of County Commissioners with recommendation for approval b) Send the plan back to Citizen Advisory Committee to incorporate recommended changes or c) Develop a recommendation of its own to forward, along with the Committee recommendation, to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration. 15. Subarea plans approved by the Board of County Commissioners will be adopted by formal resolution as an amendment to the Generalized Comprehensive Plan. Plan Implementation Implementation is the key to making the goals and polices of the subarea plan a reality. The combination of regulations, incentives and other implementation techniques will determine the success of a land use plan. Implementation tools and techniques ""r`..r�ryhrrII. l� f shall be consistent between subareas, but will allow unique _: community visions to be implemented as desired. The .,� `. . . process should allow for implementation measures to be '4`-:�; •developed and presented to the Planning Commission and .a",� f '441 ! Board of Commissioners for simultaneous adoption with the ". Y y 4 subarea plan. The Division of Planning will develop land --_ a rZAPILa. use regulations and other implementation techniques that t . will address the goals and policies of the subarea plan. r Public comment will be sought for all proposed regulatory :'��� ^~� " changes. Implementation measures must be consistent , with existing plans and ordinances and with the Generalized Comprehensive Plan. (Refer to Appendix A and B for a full discussion of plan implementation and monitoring.) Subarea Planning Purpose Subarea plans are the more detailed and specific plans of the Spokane County and City of Spokane Comprehensive Plans. These plans preserve and enhance the character of these vital communities. Preamble In recognition of subarea planning as a critical tool to implement the Spokane County comprehensive plan, the following six goals will drive the process: SP.1 Provide all residents and stakeholders the opportunity to participate in shaping the future of their subareas and neighborhoods through collaborative planning relationships with Spokane County and City governments and all other regional entities. SP.2 Define a clear role for subarea plans in decision-making. SP.3 Develop subarea plans which reflect the knowledge of the people of each subarea about local conditions, history, neighborhood character, needs and values. SP.4 Implement a strong, effective subarea planning system. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan S-6 Subarea Planning SP.5 Complete the adoption of subarea specific plans within five years of the initiation by the subarea's planning group. SP.6 Develop and maintain joint plans for those unincorporated Urban Growth Areas (UGAs) adjacent to cities or towns and identified as a Joint Planning Area (JPA), which promote consistency and certainty about how the area will be planned and developed in the future. Goals and Policies Goal SP.1 Provide all residents and stakeholders the opportunity to participate in shaping the future of their subareas through collaborative planning relationships with Spokane County and City governments and all other regional entities. Policies SP.1.1 Establish a program that emphasizes the County's commitment to subarea planning. SP.1.2 Maintain consistency between subarea plans and the County Comprehensive Plan. In the event of an inconsistency between the comprehensive plans and a proposed subarea plan, options may include: (a) Amendments to the subarea plan (b) Amendments to the comprehensive plan SP.1.3 Encourage the involvement of design professionals, government service providers, business people and community residents in subarea planning to help facilitate creative designs for commercial districts and neighborhood, community and urban activity centers. Goal SP.2 Identify a clear role for subarea and neighborhood plans in decision-making. Policies SP.2.1 Subarea plans should describe how County comprehensive plan goals would be achieved. SP.2.2 Throughout Spokane County, implementation regulations shall be consistent with respect to subareas and mixed-use areas. SP.2.3 Subarea plans shall ensure predictability and consistency in the development regulations that implement the plans. SP.2.4 Plans for subareas and mixed-use areas should establish consistency of land use designations and the concurrency for development with the size, type, and timing of capital facility improvements for urban governmental services. SP.2.5 Plans for subareas and mixed-use areas will further define the type, location and mix of land uses, the intensity and density of development, and the level of service for facilities and services planned for the area. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan S-7 Subarea Planning SP.2.6 Subarea plans shall consider the timing of fiscal, legal and administrative priorities for the subarea and the county when recommending capital improvements expenditures in their individual area. SP.2.7 Development should be consistent with adopted subarea and mixed-use area plans. Goal SP.3 Develop subarea plans which reflect the knowledge of the people of each neighborhood about local conditions, history, and neighborhood character. Policies SP.3.1 A subarea plan may also make subarea-specific policy recommendations on other issues of interest to the subarea. SP.3.2 The subarea and mixed-use area planning process shall allow for unique subarea characteristics to be addressed through goals and policies that enhance compatibility between subareas and maintain consistency between subarea plans, mixed-use area plans and the County Comprehensive Plan. Goal SP.4 Implement an effective subarea planning system. Policies SP.4.1 Either a subarea or the County may initiate the subarea planning process. SP.4.2 Provisions should be included in the County annual budget for subarea planning. Subareas may contribute additional funding and resources for their subarea planning process. SP.4.3 Provide guidelines for subarea planning processes, content and technical analysis to promote consistency of subarea plans. SP.4.4 Subarea boundaries may not be changed without a public participation process. Subareas may choose to plan together. SP.4.5 Each subarea plan must include a section for the following topics: land use, transportation, housing, capital facilities and utilities, parks and open space, population and land capacity, economic development, natural environment, cultural resources, and implementation. Additionally, rural subareas shall consider rural land use and natural resource lands. A subarea plan may conclude that the County comprehensive plan adequately expresses the vision and goals of the subarea for any of these topics. If that occurs, a statement reflecting this conclusion will satisfy this requirement. SP.4.6 Each subarea plan containing an urban activity center, rural activity center, central business district, district center, commercial center, neighborhood center, employment center and industrial center must: 1. Amend or confirm the boundaries of the designated area. 2. Establish, amend or confirm boundaries of the center or district contained within the subarea planning boundaries. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan S-8 Subarea Planning 3. Establish growth targets for the designated center or district that either confirms or modifies the growth planning estimates or growth targets in the comprehensive plan. 4. Amend or confirm transportation, capital facility and utility inventories and analysis for the designated area provided by the appropriate governmental body (i.e., city, county, contract utility purveyor). 5. A subarea plan containing another use that generates substantial activity must confirm or propose a change to the comprehensive plan designation. SP.4.7 The subarea boundaries and the growth estimates established in a comprehensive plan serve as starting points for plans in designated areas. If a subarea chooses not to propose changes to subarea boundaries or the growth estimates in a comprehensive plan they will be made final. Subarea boundaries and growth estimates not covered by a subarea plan will be made final as part of the comprehensive plan amendments process. SP.4.8 Planning staff will work with subarea organizations to incorporate the subarea planning that results in adoption of their specific subarea plans into the comprehensive plan. Subareas that chose to plan without County input will have no guarantee of review, adoption or action by the County. SP.4.9 The subarea planning group may assess, annually, subarea planning needs and make recommendations during the county budget process. SP.4.10 Subarea and mixed-use area planning processes shall be consistent with each other and may be undertaken in either the rural or urban areas of the County. SP.4.11 Establish priorities to be considered in allocating subarea planning resources including: 1. Where the greatest degree of change is expected. 2. Where a new subarea is planned. 3. Interest among the residents and businesses in an area to participate in a subarea plan. 4. Evidence of declining investment, deteriorating housing conditions, high vacancy rates in residential and/or commercial developments, high unemployment rate, high percentage of low-income residents, need for community facilities or neighborhood improvements, opportunities for redevelopment or business district revitalization pursuant to applicable land use policies. SP.4.12 Encourage continuing use of innovative planning concepts and techniques for subarea planning. SP.4.13 Establish a collaborative process for creating subarea plans that includes: 1. Full and fair participation from all interested parties, such as local stakeholders, community organizations, institutions, utilities, special taxing districts, and local government agencies. 2. Consistency with Spokane County Public Participation Guidelines, Countywide Planning Policies, and other applicable laws. 3. Identifying roles for citizens and county. 4. A basis for group working processes that encourages sharing, understanding, and views on issues. 5. Providing opportunities for strong partnerships among residents, businesses, and institutions. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan S-9 Subarea Planning SP.4.14 Define the roles of the general public, community organizations, county and city neighborhood councils, homeowner associations, business organizations, institutions, the planning commission, and other County/City organizations. SP.4.15 Provide a single document (or kit) that clearly explains the subarea planning purpose, scope, and process. This document will provide all guidance, guidelines, examples, tools, templates, forms, references, etc. required for stakeholders to initiate and complete their portion of the subarea process. SP.4.16 Specify information/data that, at a minimum, the county will provide for the subarea planning process. SP.4.17 Specify any county fees or other costs required for the county to process subarea plans. SP.4.18 Collaborative planning shall be used in developing subarea- or neighborhood-specific plans in the County, the City and the Joint Planning Areas (JPAs). Goal SP.5 Complete the adoption of subarea specific plans within five years from the initiation by the subarea's planning group. Policies SP.5.1 Evaluate the progress of subarea plans. Goal SP.6 Develop and maintain joint plans for those unincorporated Urban Growth Areas (UGAs) adjacent to cities or towns and identified as a Joint Planning Area (JPA), which promote consistency and certainty about how the area will be planned and developed in the future. Policies SP.6.1 The planning process for Joint Planning Areas shall be established through interlocal agreements between Spokane County, the city or town and affected special purpose districts and will include additional requirements. 1. Interlocal agreements between jurisdictions will be required to implement joint planning area plans after specific land uses and responsibility for specific transfer of services are identified within the plans. 2. For those subareas that have cross jurisdictional boundaries, interlocal agreements are required for plan implementation. SP.6.2 Participation in the joint planning process shall be sought from residents of the city or town, residents and landowners in the JPA and other interested individuals and groups. SP.6.3 Plans for JPAs should be adopted as part of Spokane County's Comprehensive Plan when they are finalized. (RCW 36.70A.130 allows the Comprehensive Plan to be amended upon the initial adoption of a subarea plan.) In addition, the joint plans shall be Spokane County Comprehensive Plan S-10 Subarea Planning adopted by the legislative authority of the respective city or town and should be adopted by the governing body of affected special purpose districts. SP.6.4 Development proposals and other County land use decisions must comply with adopted JPA plans if and when the Board of County Commissioners adopts them. Until JPA plans are approved, development shall be in accordance with Spokane County development regulations. SP.6.5 The joint plans for the JPAs may address, but are not limited to: 1. Establishing the type, density and design of planned land uses 2. Identifying the responsibilities for provision of urban governmental services and establishing appropriate levels of service 3. Identifying the need, cost and timing for capital facilities 4. Distribution of costs for infrastructure improvements within the JPA 5. Arranging for sharing costs of facilities or services as appropriate 6. Providing reciprocal notification of development proposals and opportunities to propose mitigation for adverse impacts on County, city or town and service provider facilities 7. Determining design standards for County roads, parks, buildings and other urban standards through interlocal agreements between the County and city or town 8. Transferring local parks, recreation facilities, open space sites and similar facilities 9. Establishing that the JPA area is principally for urban uses 10. Providing environmental protection for designated critical areas 11. Identifying the major capital facility and service deficiencies within the JPA and establishing a schedule for resolving them 12. Establishing a dispute resolution process 13. Identifying potential annexation areas within the JPA 14. Transfer of government and services. SP.6.6 Spokane County, the affected city or town, special purpose districts and Spokane County citizens shall collaboratively establish level of service standards and costs for providing services. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan S-11 Subarea Planning G) 0 0 0 m 'c , F Glossary An additional dwelling unit, including separate kitchen, sleeping and sanitation Accessory facilities, attached or detached from the primary residential unit. May Dwelling alternatively be referred to as a "granny flat," "mother-in-law apartment," Unit "accessory cottage," "accessory apartment" or"garage apartment." The development of a new use for an older building or for a building originally designed for a special or specific purpose. It is particularly useful as a Adaptive Reuse technique for preserving older buildings of historic or architectural significance. It also applies to the conversion of other special use structures such as gas stations, train stations, school buildings, hospitals, warehouses or factories that are no longer needed for their original purpose. Adequate Public Facilities which have the capacity to serve new and/or existing development Facilities without decreasing levels of service below locally established defined minimums. See concurrency. Housing is considered affordable if the cost of the home is 30 percent of 80 percent of median household income in Spokane County. Affordable rental housing is adequate, appropriate shelter costing no more (including basic Affordable utilities) than 30 percent of the household's gross monthly income. Implied in Housing this definition are the following concepts: 1. It applies to the broad range of economic segments in the community. 2. Available housing is `safe and adequate," meeting minimum habitation standards. 3. Individuals and families have a choice of reasonable housing options, including type and location. Facilities, infrastructure and services that are in place, or for which a financial Available Public commitment or other funding mechanism is in place, to provide the facilities or Facilities services within a specified time. In the case of transportation, the specified time is 6 years from the time of approved development. See concurrency. RCW 36.70A.172 requires best available science to be included in developing Best Available policies and regulations to protect the functions and values of critical areas. Science Best available science shall mean conformance to RCW 90.58.100(1) and 36.70A.172 and WAC 365-195-900 through WAC 365-195-925. State of the art technology as applied to a specific problem. (Best Best Management management practices are often required as part of major land development Practice projects. The best management practice presents physical, institutional, or strategic approaches to solving problems.) Allowing density of development to exceed what would normally be allowed in Bonus Density an underlying area or zone, provided that certain criteria or conditions are met. Examples of such conditions might include clustering of residences, use of community wells, and development of affordable housing. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan G-1 Glossary The areas on curbed roads, between the right-of-way line and the back of Border Easement sidewalk dedicated as an easement. Those public lands, improvements, and equipment necessary to provide public services and allow for the delivery of utility services. They include, but Capital Facility are not limited to, streets, roads, highways, sidewalks, street and road lighting systems, traffic signals, domestic water systems, storm and sanitary sewer systems, parks, fire and police facilities, recreational facilities, and schools. Capital Facility A section of the comprehensive plan that outlines capital facilities planning Program: and timing. A traffic-calming technique that is created when drivers are forced to deviate Chicane around fixed objects in a roadway that is otherwise straight. The road is narrowed, through the use of curb extensions or staggered parking, from one side, then the other. Chicanes break up the typically long sightlines along the street and thus combine physical and psychological techniques to reduce speeds. A document issued by Spokane County which serves as formal notice that a Certificate of division of land is exempt from compliance with certain state and local land Exemption development laws and regulations as identified in the exemption provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance. Cluster A group of the same or similar elements (housing in this context) occurring close together. A development design technique that concentrates buildings on a part of the Clustering site to allow the remaining land to be used for open space, recreation, agriculture, forestry, preservation of environmentally sensitive areas or reserved for future development. . •` A cluster subdivision is a form of development that permits a reduction in Cluster minimum lot size, provided there is no increase in the number of lots Subdivision permitted under a conventional subdivision or increase in the overall density of development and the remaining land is devoted to open space, active recreation, preservation of environmentally sensitive areas or agriculture. Co-housing is a type of collaborative housing that attempts to improve the sense of community. It is characterized by private dwellings with their own kitchen, living/dining room, etc., but also extensive common facilities. The common building may include a large dining room, kitchen, lounges, meeting Co-Housing rooms, recreation facilities, library, workshops and/or childcare. Usually, co- housing communities are designed and managed by the residents and are intentional neighborhoods: the people are consciously committed to living as a community; the physical design itself encourages that and facilitates social contact. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan G-2 Glossary The process of identifying relationships between public and private land Collaborative development or service projects and/or activities and assuring the maximum Planning possible coordination of any related actions; all participants work together in a joint effort to formulate a program to guide and regulate the physical development of a region. Commercial Land that is occupied or utilized by an activity carried out for pecuniary gain or Land Use loss, generally involving retail goods and services. This land use category is not occupied or utilized for industrial uses. Community Community Centers contain commercial, civic, higher-density residences and Centers recreational uses. These centers provide a focal point and contribute to community district identity. Community A community district is generally composed of two or more neighborhoods District joined by common commercial or special service areas and is sometimes defined by the attendance area of a junior high or high school. The Plan Text and future Land Use Map of Spokane County, Washington and Comprehensive additional elements as adopted or later amended by the Board of County Plan Commissioners pursuant to Chapter 36.70 RCW that serves as a guide to the orderly growth and development of Spokane County. Community Commercial activity that is intended to provide goods and services for a Commercial Community District. A concurrency management system establishes a process to manage new development based on impacts on levels of service (LOS) and the concurrency of needed improvements or actions. The Growth Management Act (GMA) requires jurisdictions to adopt and enforce ordinances which r� Concurrency prohibit development approval if the development causes the LOS on a facility Management to decline below the standards adopted in the Comprehensive Plan, unless Ordinance improvements or strategies to accommodate the impacts of development are (system) made "concurrent" with the development. Concurrent with development means that improvements or strategies are in place at the time of development or, in the case of transportation improvements, that financial commitment is intact to complete the improvements or strategies within 6 years. Concurrency means that adequate public facilities are available when the Concurrency service demands of development occur. This definition includes the two concepts of adequate public facilities and of available public facilities, as defined above. Substances present in sufficient quantity that accidental or intentional release would result in the impairment of one or more beneficial uses of aquifer water. Current beneficial uses of aquifer water include, but are not limited to, Critical Materials domestic and industrial water supply, agricultural irrigation, stock watering and fish raising. A critical materials list has been established, as part of the Spokane County Zoning Code, that includes the names of specific chemicals and classes of chemicals that, based on current criteria and standards, are known to affect beneficial use of water. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan G-3 Glossary The transfer of property by the owner to another party. Such transfer is conveyed by written instrument and is completed with an acceptance. The Dedication dedication is often for a specific use. Typically, dedication may include land for roads and open space is a requirement of subdivision or site plan approval. Density Zoning Density zoning is the averaging of residential density over an entire parcel without restriction to lot sizes. The numerical value obtained by dividing the total number of dwelling units in a development by the gross area of the tract of land (in acres) within a Density, Gross development. This would include all non-residential land uses and streets in the development, as well as rights-of-way of dedicated streets; the result being the number of dwelling units per gross acre of land. The numerical value obtained by dividing the total number of dwelling units in a development by the area of the actual tract of land (in acres) upon which the dwelling units are proposed to be located and including common open space Density, Net and associated recreational facilities within the area; the result being the number of dwelling units per net residential acre of land. Net density calculations exclude rights-of-way of publicly dedicated streets, unbuildable areas, and critical areas. Detached A one-family dwelling that is not physically attached to any other dwelling by Single-family any means. Single-family housing units are individual structures, including Housing conventional houses and manufactured homes. Elderly Cottage A small, removable modular cottage on a concrete foundation or slab in the Housing rear or side yard of a dwelling. It provides a housing arrangement that offers Opportunity the elderly an opportunity to maintain independence and privacy while living in (ECHO) Unit close •roximity to caregivers. Environmentally See the Spokane County Critical Areas Ordinance. Sensitive Areas Includes those facilities such as airports, colleges, universities, correctional Essential Public facilities, solid waste stations, sewage treatment facilities, major highways or Facility freeways, and inpatient facilities, including substance abuse treatment facilities, mental health facilities, and group homes. Flexible Setback The ability to modify or adapt yard, building envelope or structure-to-lot line Requirements separation standards for the purpose of protecting unique site characteristics (for example, existing trees, watercourses, historic features and environmentally sensitive areas). Floor Area Ratio The total gross floor area of all buildings or structures on a lot divided by the (FAR) total lot area. (FAR = total gross building floor area _ total lot area). Geologically See the Spokane County Critical Areas Ordinance. Hazardous Areas Spokane County Comprehensive Plan G-4 Glossary An open area that may be cultivated or maintained in a natural state Greenbelt surrounding development or used as a buffer between land uses or to mark the edge of an urban or developed area. Also referred to as an open space corridor. Industrial activity that primarily processes raw materials into products or by- products and which may have a negative impact on adjacent land uses by Heavy Industry producing noise, vibration and/or odors. These industries are generally less attractive aesthetically and are less compatible with other land uses than light industry. An occupation, profession or craft, excluding an adult bookstore or adult entertainment establishment, in association with a primary residence, which is Home Industry of such intensity or broad scope of operation that public hearing review, as a Conditional Use Permit, is necessary. Therefore, by character and definition, home industry is different from home profession or genera!commercial, industrial and business uses. A profession or craft, excluding an adult bookstore or adult entertainment establishment, carried on within a residence by the occupants, which activity is clearly incidental to the use of said residence as a dwelling and does not Home Profession change the residential character of the dwelling or neighborhood and is conducted in such a manner as to not give any outward appearance of a business in the ordinary meaning of the term. (See the Spokane County Zoning Code for criteria to define a home profession.) Industrial Land Land that is occupied or utilized by an activity of an industrial nature. Use The development of new housing or other buildings on scattered vacant or Infill undeveloped sites in a built-up area. Indicator A standard chosen that reflects the measurable performance toward reaching the goals and objectives in the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan. Areas designated as Urban Growth Areas assigned to a city or town for future Joint Planning urban development but located in the unincorporated county where a Areas (JPAs) coordinated planning process between the cities, towns and the County will be conducted. Levels of service standards are quantifiable measures of the operation or Level of Service quantity of public facilities or services that are provided to the community. (LOS) Levels of service may also measure the quality of some public facilities. Typically, measures of levels of service are expressed as ratios of facility or service capacity to demand (e.g., acres of parkland per 1,000 population). Industry that does not produce environmental impacts such as excessive Light Industrial noise, odor or vibration that may affect adjacent properties. Generally, light industry is considered to be more compatible with other land uses than heavy industry. A design technique permitting one or more lots in a subdivision (generally Lot Averaging used in Planned Unit Developments) to be undersized, providing the same number of lots in the same subdivision are oversized by an equal or greater area. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan G-5 Glossary Housing that is economically feasible for families whose income level is categorized as low within the standards promulgated by the U. S. Department =' of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD Income Group Standards: • Extremely low income- below 30 percent of median income. Low-income • Very low income— between 31 percent and 50 percent of median Housing income. • Low income - between 51 percent and 80 percent of median income. • Moderate income— between 81 percent and 95 percent of median income. • Middle income—between 96 percent and 120 percent of median income. Minimum Density The least number of residential dwelling units per acre that is allowed within a land use category. It is a regulatory tool for assuring that urban land and urban services are efficiently utilized. Mixed-income Residential development provides affordable housing opportunities for a Development broad range of income groups. Mixed-Use (also: mixed-use infill development; As opposed to segregated land use, a pattern of building use where a variety mixed- of complementary land uses occupy buildings in close proximity to each other, use developments; including generally residential, retail sales and services, offices, recreation, mixed-use centers; schools, churches and government. Mixed-use areas enhance opportunities mixed-use urban to live, work and meet daily needs with less dependence on auto villages; mixed- transportation. use neighborhood centers; mixed-use community centers) A neighborhood generally ranges in size from one-half to one square mile, with populations ranging from approximately 3,500 to 8,000 people. Neighborhood Neighborhoods often contain a civic green or park, a transit stop, neighborhood businesses and services, a day care center and perhaps a church or school. They are often defined by elementary school attendance area boundaries. Neighborhood Neighborhood Centers are commercial areas with defined boundaries Centers providing convenient goods and services to a neighborhood. Neighborhood Commercial activity intended to provide convenience goods and services to a Commercial neighborhood. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan G-6 Glossary An area of land set aside, dedicated, designated or reserved for public or private use or enjoyment. Open Space designation is based on the following criteria: • Wildlife Corridors and Landscape Linkages as defined by the University of Washington study, Wildlife Corridors and Landscape Open Space Linkages, An Approach to Biodiversity Planning for Spokane County. • Lands classified as Forestry Zone. • Wetlands and riparian areas and their associated buffers. • County, state and federal parks, conservation lands, natural areas and wildlife refuges. • Lands permanently protected as open space through conservation easements. • Active and proposed trail systems. Open Space Multiple Open Space used for passive recreation, wildlife habitat, natural resource Use uses and rural residential development consistent with maintaining other open space uses. Park A tract of land that often includes lawns, trees, equipment, playfields and courts for active orpassive recreation. A community park serves more than one neighborhood and users will frequently drive or bicycle to it. Residents within a two-and-one-half mile Park, Community radius will use these parks. The minimum desirable size is 10 acres. Swimming pools, picnic shelters, tennis courts, soccer and baseball fields, trails, restrooms and parking lots are typical. A park (generally between 3 and 10 acres) that is intended to meet close-in Park, Neighborhood recreation and open space needs within walking distance for the people living within a residential neighborhood. Neighborhood parks are generally located within a city's boundaries. Generally within one hour's driving time, will serve large geographic areas Park, Regional which may encompass several communities or towns. Generally with at least 100 acres, they are typically areas with outstanding natural features or qualities associated with such features. Picnicking, boating, fishing, swimming, camping and trail uses are customary. Performance An activity that shows the progress toward specific results targeted by the Perfo Measurement goals and policies in the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan. Performance measurement provides an examination of the County's performance in relation to the goals stated in the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan. A set of criteria or limits relating to certain characteristics that a particular use Performance or process may not exceed. The standards usually cover noise, vibration, Standards glare, heat, air or water contaminants and traffic. It is a more precise way of defining land use compatibility. The performance-standard approach to land use is based on the ability to quantify activities and to measure them to see whether they meet the standards. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan G-7 Glossary Active: Leisure-time activities, often of an organized nature and often Recreation performed with others, requiring equipment and specially designed sites or fields. May involve large concentrations of people. Passive: Activities of a relatively low intensity, such as walking, hiking, nature watching or photography. Areas used for passive recreation are often undeveloped and in a natural state. Regional Business Business that is intended to serve retail and service needs of a geographic area that may encompass several communities or towns. Regional Land use carried out for pecuniary gain or loss intended to serve a Commercial geographic area that may encompass several communities or towns. Land Use Right-of-way Land, generally a strip, over which facilities such as highways, trails, railroads and utility transmission lines are built. Rural Activity Small unincorporated rural communities and centers that provide small-scale Centers residential areas and convenience goods and services to the surrounding (RACs) rural areas. RACs are designated by identifiable boundaries and limited by size and scale. Shared (See definition of co-housing.) Community Resources Single-room A type of housing that is commonly one room, often with cooking facilities and Occupancy (SRO) with private or shared bathroom facilities. Examples of SRO units are found in residence hotels and apartment buildings. SROs may have the potential to meet some of the need for lower-cost housing without the use of subsidies. Special-needs Housing that accommodates special-needs populations. Housing Special-needs Individuals who, by reason of age, physical, mental or other characteristics, Populations require nontraditional living arrangements and in some instances are not able to operate a motorized vehicle. It may include, but not be limited to, the elderly, persons with disabilities, persons with alcohol or other drug addictions, people who are HIV positive or are diagnosed with AIDS and related diseases. [HUD] Stakeholders Persons or groups of persons who have any kind of an interest in or reason to desire to influence an action. Commercial or retail uses, usually one-story high and one-store deep, that front on a major street. Typically characterized by street frontage parking lots serving individual or strips of stores. Strip commercial differs from central Strip Commercial business districts and shopping centers in at least two of the following: Development There are no provisions for pedestrian access between individual uses. Uses are only one-store deep. Buildings are arranged linearly rather than clustered. There is no design integration among individual uses. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan G-8 Glossary i" 1 A designated geographical area of the county such as a neighborhood or Subarea larger area with common economic, social, physical or natural characteristics that has a distinct boundary defined by service area, road, topographic features, water courses or other political boundary or physical feature. A plan for land use, transportation and other issues as identified by participants in the planning process to guide the development and/or Subarea Plan preservation of the subarea. A subarea plan may be more detailed and address issues not addressed in the comprehensive plan but should be consistent with the comprehensive plan per RCW 36.70A.080. For a community to be truly sustainable, it must adopt a three-pronged approach that considers economic, environmental and cultural resources. Communities must consider these needs not only in the short term, but also in the long term. Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. A sustainable community is one that: • recognizes that growth occurs within some limits and is ultimately limited by the carrying capacity of the environment; • values cultural diversity; • has respect for other life forms and supports biodiversity; Sustainable • has shared values among the members of the community; Community • employs ecological decision-making (e.g., integration of environmental criteria into government, business and personal decision-making processes); N; • makes decisions and plans in a balanced, open and flexible manner that includes perspectives from the social, health, economic and environmental sectors of the community; • makes best use of local efforts and resources; • uses renewable and reliable sources of energy; • minimizes harm to the natural environment; • fosters activities which use materials in continuous cycles. And, as a result, a sustainable community: • does not compromise the sustainability of other communities; • does not compromise the sustainability of future generations by its activities. Sustainable Economic development that is supported by the built environment and natural Economic resources without degrading the natural environment and exhausting natural Development resources. Sustainable economic development meets the needs of the present while not compromising the ability of the future to meet its own needs. Template A guide in making or doing something accurately and consistently. Transfer of The transfer of the right to develop or build on land in one area (sending Development district) to land in another area (receiving district) where such transfer is Rights (TDR) permitted. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan G-9 Glossary j. . Developed land parcels that have a large portion of the area in nonbuilding Underutilized uses such as surface parking or storage yards or that have a high percentage (Commercial) of the structure(s) vacant or that have a low floor area ratio (FAR) or that have Areas buildings which are abandoned, dilapidated or otherwise seriously impaired by physical deficiencies. Urban activity centers are planned residential and commercial areas. Generally the boundaries of an urban activity center will be sized with a one- quarter-mile radius so that the entire center is walkable. Convenient bus Urban Activity and/or light rail service and pedestrian/bicycle paths are important Center transportation features of urban activity centers. Residential types found in urban activity centers include single-family homes on small lots, duplexes, apartments and condominiums. Housing densities are generally higher than the community average. Offices, recreation and cultural facilities, shopping and services are all found in urban activity centers. Urban Governmental As defined in RCW 36.70A.030(19) Services An area that makes intensive use of land for the location of buildings, structures, and impermeable surfaces to such a degree as to be incompatible with the primary use of land for the production of food, other agricultural Urban Growth products, or fiber, or the extraction of mineral resources, rural uses, rural development, and/or natural resource land. As defined in RCW 36.70A.030(17). "Urban growth areas" - Each county that is required or chooses to plan under Urban Growth RCW 36.70A.040 designates an urban growth area or areas within which Areas urban growth shall be encouraged and outside of which growth can occur only if it is not urban in nature. As defined in RCW 36.70A.030(18). Urban Reserve A Rural Land Use category that designates land outside the Urban Growth Area (URA) Area to be preserved for future growth within a 40-year planning horizon. Utility A service provided to the public, such as electricity, water, and sewer deemed necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare. Viewshed/ An area visible from a road, highway, waterway, railway, trail or public space Viewscape that provides vistas over water, across expanses of land (such as farmlands, Corridor woodlands or wetlands) or of mountainous areas. Views may be from (also: scenic mountain tops or ridges, as well. Scenic corridors can also view the built corridor) environment, such as a famous urban skyline. Vistas A unique view to or from a particular point. The view may be that of great natural beauty, farmlands, mountains, settlements, villages or spectacular urban scenes. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan G-10 Glossary APPENDICES • • • 1E1E1E11 Appendix A — Plan Implementation Introduction The Spokane County Comprehensive Plan provides goals for achieving a future that is perceived as being better than the future that would happen without planning—and a set of policies that will move the County toward that future. Developing a meaningful implementation, monitoring and evaluation program is essential if the goals and policies of the plan are to be realized over the 20-year planning period. Implementation of the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan will require specific regulations and more detailed neighborhood and subarea planning to shape the strategy of the Plan into reality. Coordination and cooperation among various jurisdictions, service providers and agencies is essential for the successful implementation of the plan. In addition to Spokane County, these entities include all of the neighboring counties, the 11 cities and towns within the county borders, various service providers (water, sewer, schools and fire protection) and various state and federal agencies. The purpose of this element is to discuss how implementation of the goals and policies embodied in the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan will proceed successfully. It will discuss Growth Management Act (GMA) requirements, major issues involved in implementation, interjurisdictional coordination, implementation techniques and strategies. Plan evaluation through a Performance Measurement Program will be discussed in the second half of this element, Performance Measurement (15B). Growth Management Act Requirements "The county and each city that is located within the county shall adopt a Comprehensive Plan and development regulations that are consistent with and implement the Comprehensive Plan" (RCW 36.70A.040[4][d]). "Each county that is required or chooses to plan under RCW 36.70A.040, and each city within such county, shall adopt development regulations...to assure the conservation of agricultural, forest, and mineral resource lands" (RCW 36.70A.060[1]). "Regulations must be consistent with Comprehensive Plans developed pursuant to the act and they must implement those Comprehensive Plans" (WAC 365-195-800). Major Issues Coordination and Cooperation Among Jurisdictions, Service Providers and Agencies Implementation of the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan will require specific coordination efforts to assure consistency between and among neighboring entities' plans to manage growth. "The Comprehensive Plan of each county or city that is adopted...shall be coordinated with, and consistent with, the Comprehensive Plans adopted pursuant to RCW 36.70A.040 of other counties or cities with which the county or city has, in part, common borders or related regional issues" (RCW 36.70A.100). In addition, "state agencies shall comply with the local Comprehensive Plans and development regulations and amendments thereto adopted pursuant to this chapter" (RCW.36.70A.103). It is important that numerous jurisdictions and agencies be involved with the County in the implementation ( ) of the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan. These various jurisdictions include the following. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan A-1 Appendix A Counties: Whitman, Stevens, Pend Oreille, Lincoln, Adams and Kootenai (Idaho). Cities and Towns: City of Spokane, Deer Park, Airway Heights, Medical Lake, Cheney, Spangle, Waverly, Latah, Fairfield, Rockford, Millwood and Fairchild Air Force Base. The County will work with many of these jurisdictions to develop land use plans and interlocal agreements for managing development in the joint planning areas. For others, coordination of plans will be necessary to ensure that plans for transportation facilities and land use are compatible between jurisdictions. Urban Growth Areas (UGAs) Each city in Spokane County has adopted its GMA Comprehensive Plan. These plans provide a greater level of detail for their particular urban growth areas than that found in the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan. The County will monitor growth to know when expansion of the urban growth area is needed and work closely with each jurisdiction to ensure that urban growth area boundaries and service issues and standards are addressed. Critical Areas/Resource Lands Spokane County has increased the consistency of its own regulations dealing with critical areas by combining the requirements for wetlands, fish and wildlife habitat and geo-hazard areas into a single Critical Areas Ordinance. The natural resource land designation should be reviewed for consistency with adopted protection regulations. Additional mineral land sites may be evaluated for designation. Shoreline Master Programs The 1995 amendments to RCW 90.58 require a shoreline element in Comprehensive Plans adopted under GMA. Shoreline management regulations must be adopted that are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and other regulations, such as critical areas and open space. Stormwater Management Plans Stormwater management requires the cooperation of all jurisdictions within a stormwater management area, since water is not influenced by municipal boundaries. The state requirements for management of stormwater quality in the Spokane urban area will require significant capital investment. Innovative planning at a more detailed level is necessary to solve storm drainage problems in areas currently experiencing drainage problems. To meet this challenge, cooperation is needed among the affected jurisdictions. Open Space Corridors Each city and county shall identify open space corridors within and between urban growth areas (RCW 36.70A.160). Open space corridors must include lands useful for recreation, wildlife habitat, trails and connection of critical areas. Natural features that favor open space corridors may not end at the city limits or other jurisdictional boundary. For an open space corridor to fulfill its intended functions (e.g., aesthetics, recreation, wildlife migration, definition of urban form, etc.), coordinated planning is needed. Additional regulations may be necessary to protect open space; these regulations may take the form of a residential cluster ordinance, large-lot zoning, bonus density provisions or critical-area regulations. Essential Public Facilities Some public facilities are essential to the community, but difficult to site (e.g.,jails, landfills, sewage treatment plants, etc.). Proposals for these facilities typically generate a "not-in-my-back-yard" (NIMBY) response from neighboring residents. These facilities cannot be excluded in a Comprehensive Plan under the Growth Management Act. Some adjustments to the Zoning Code may be necessary to ensure siting for these facilities. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan A-2 Appendix A Transportation Plan j The Spokane County 1999-2004 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) provides a six-year plan and identifies specific projects, their cost and a source of funding. This plan is updated each year, consistent with the adopted goals, policies and plan maps, to respond to emerging needs. Joint Planning/Interlocal Agreements The GMA requires the establishment of Urban Growth Areas (RCW 36.70A.110). The Growth Management Act further establishes that the County and the cities within its boundaries must reach agreement on the location of an urban growth area within which the city is located (RCW 36.70A.110[2]). Spokane County and each jurisdiction must plan jointly in the establishment of Urban Growth Areas and for future activity within those areas. Policies for joint county and city planning within urban growth areas are required (RCW 36.70A.210[3][f]). Some examples of how interlocal agreements might be used are annexations, development regulations and road and construction standards. The County will be responsible to ensure joint planning within Urban Growth Areas. Neighborhood/Subarea Planning The Comprehensive Plan is general in nature. More detailed planning will be needed to implement some of the Comprehensive Plan goals and policies. This level of detail will be accomplished through subarea/neighborhood planning. Implementation - Strategies, Tools and Techniques Implementation is the key to effective land use planning. A statement of goals and policies is an important first step in planning. In the final analysis, however, it is a community's combination of regulations, incentives and other implementation techniques that will make a land use plan a success or a failure. While zoning is the workhorse of land use regulation, it is not a panacea. In some cases, a combination of regulation, incentives, acquisition and public improvements may be necessary to address a particular problem effectively. Developing the right combination requires creativity, sensitivity, experimentation and an understanding of all the facets of the problem. An awareness of the experiences of other communities and a recognition of the limitations of many individual regulatory tools is also necessary. Implementation can be the most creative aspect of land use planning. Several types of measures can be employed to implement the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning regulates the use of land. In other words, zoning specifies what can and cannot be done to develop or use land within the community. The Capital Facilities Plan is an implementation tool that directs public decisions about how to spend dollars. All land uses and land development require supporting facilities and services. The community's decisions about the level of public investment which will be spent in what locations at what time for such facilities has a significant effect on when, where and the cost of development. Through impact fees and other measures, communities can require developers to finance a proportionate share of the facilities to support each development. Policies may also call for the development of more specific plans and programs to carry out actions. These specific plans and programs, when developed, should then direct specific implementation approaches. The following is an outline of 15 implementation strategies that may be used by the County to facilitate accomplishing the goals and policies within the Comprehensive Plan. The implementation strategies are followed by some of the implementation tools and techniques Spokane County may employ to bring the vision portrayed in the Comprehensive Plan to reality. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan A-3 Appendix A Implementation Strategies 1. Revise zoning designations and official zoning maps throughout Spokane County to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Generalized Land Use Map, goals and policies. 2. Develop new, or modify existing, subdivision and zoning standards. 3. Develop urban design and standards, consistent with the County's Comprehensive Plan, to address compatibility of new development, preserve neighborhood character and create pedestrian-oriented and transit-supportive development. 4. Ensure preservation and protection of the County's natural resource lands consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 5. Develop interlocal agreements with the cities in Spokane County to facilitate and accomplish joint planning and consistent development regulations within the designated Joint Planning Areas. 6. Develop a transportation improvement plan (TIP) that is consistent with and complements land use and transportation planning policies. 7. Ensure that adopted zoning regulations are consistent with housing policies of the Comprehensive Plan, with adequate provision for affordable and special-needs housing. 8. Develop a comprehensive Capital Facilities and Utilities Plan which is updated on a yearly basis. 9. Promote economic development through the implementation of programs and policies as outlined in the Economic Development section of the Comprehensive Plan. 10. Protect existing rural and urban open spaces and promote the establishment of new interconnected open spaces, consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan, primarily through planned unit developments, cluster development and other zoning regulations. Continue open space acquisition through the Conservation Futures Program. 11. Protect the natural environment through the adoption and enforcement of programs and regulations concerning critical areas, shorelines, ground- and surface water quality and quantity and air quality. 12. Develop a subarea/neighborhood planning program consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 13. Develop a comprehensive Performance Measurement program to evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of the Comprehensive Plan. 14. Provide an annual review and report on the effectiveness of the Comprehensive Plan. Provide for yearly amendments to the Comprehensive Plan as necessary to realize Comprehensive Plan goals. 15. Adopt interim regulations as necessary during the time the Zoning Code is being updated. Implementation Tools Zoning: Strategies 1, 2 & 3, revise zoning designations to be consistent with the Land Use Map and the policies of Spokane County and develop new, or modify existing, regulations. Defined simply, zoning is the classification of land according to use. Zoning is the most familiar and widely used technique for land use control. Some of the generally accepted rationales behind zoning include preservation of property values or community character and the promotion of the public's general welfare. Zoning standards such as lot size, lot coverage, building heights and setback requirements and off-street parking control the density of development. Density usually refers to the number of dwelling units per acre of land. Minimum lot size expressed in square feet is the most common means of expressing density. Density designations are often included in a zoning classification. For example, UR-7 may indicate a residential designation with a maximum density of 7 units per acre. Large-lot or low-density zoning refers to large lot sizes such as 10 or 20 acres. Open Spokane County Comprehensive Plan A-4 Appendix A space zoning is another form of this technique, which uses large minimum lot sizes to preserve land for agriculture, forestry or recreation. The Spokane County Subdivision Ordinance is designed to encourage sound land use planning. These regulations provide for the expeditious review and decision on requests for divisions of land. They also ensure that the requests conform to the adopted zoning standards and adopted plans and policies of Spokane County. The Spokane County land use regulations will be updated at the same time as the Comprehensive Plan. Consistency with the goals and policies in the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan in the development of the regulations is an important implementation technique. Transportation Plan: Strategy 6, annual update of the six-year Transportation Improvement Program1Develop a Concurrency Ordinance. According to RCW 36.70A.110(6)(c)(ii), a multiyear financing plan based on the needs identified in the Comprehensive Plan must be prepared. This will then serve as the basis for a six-year street, road or transit program required by RCW 36.81.121. The Transportation Element is part of the Comprehensive Plan, consistent with the land use element. The Transportation Element encourages efficient multimodal and intermodal transportation systems that are based on regional priorities and coordinated with the various cities' plans and the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan. The GMA establishes that each city and county shall enact development regulations that are consistent with and implement their Comprehensive Plan. A new component of the development regulations will be a concurrency ordinance (RCW 36.70A.110[6][e]) that requires that adequate public facilities, including transportation facilities, will be in place to serve new development. This ordinance will require proposed projects to determine what their impact will be on adopted level of service standards. The analysis will show whether acceptable levels of service are maintained on the transportation system as a result of the traffic added by the proposed development. If the development will cause the transportation level of service to degrade below adopted standards, then the development cannot go forward unless service levels are mitigated. The concurrency ordinance and the Transportation Improvement Program will be major components of the implementation toolbox for the Transportation Element of the Plan. Capital Facilities Plan: Strategy 8, update Capital Facilities Plan on a yearly basis. Capital Facilities is one of six elements that the Growth Management Act requires to be in a Comprehensive Plan. GMA requires a Capital Facilities Plan consisting of: a) an inventory of existing capital facilities, b) future needs for capital facilities, c) proposed locations and capacities of capital facilities, and d) a six-year plan that clearly identifies sources of funding for capital facilities. Through the Capital Facilities Element, level of service standards and a financing program are established. The Capital Facilities Plan then becomes the basis for providing capital facilities concurrent with growth. The Capital Facilities Plan is intended to: a) provide capital facilities for land development that is envisioned or authorized by the land use element of the Comprehensive Plan; b) affect the quality of life envisioned in the community's Comprehensive Plan by establishing and maintaining standards for the level of service; c) coordinate and provide consistency among the many plans for capital improvements, including: Spokane County Comprehensive Plan A-5 Appendix A I. other elements of the Comprehensive Plan such as the transportation and utilities elements; II. master plans and other studies of the local government; III. plans for capital facilities of state and/or regional significance; IV. plans of other adjacent local governments; V. plans of special districts; and VI. Parks and Recreation Plans. The Shoreline Master Program: Strategy 11, protect the natural environment through the adoption and enforcement of programs and regulations concerning critical areas, shorelines, ground- and surface water quality and quantity and air quality. The Shoreline Master Program is considered an element of the Comprehensive Plan. The Washington State Department of Ecology is currently developing guidelines to ensure shoreline program consistency with GMA requirements. The shorelines goals, policies and regulations should be reviewed for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, and specifically the Critical Areas Program. Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas: Strategy 11 (see Shoreline Master Program). Review adopted policies and regulations for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and Shoreline Program, including Wildlife Corridors and Landscape Linkages in Fish and Wildlife mapping designations. Natural Resource Lands: Strategy 11 (see Shoreline Master Program). The agriculture, forest and mineral lands designations will be reviewed and updated as necessary. The `, Natural Resource Land regulations will be reviewed for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan policies, especially those for Rural and Open Space. Subarea Planning: Strategy 12, develop a subarea planning program consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan Itself is considered a generalized policy plan which will be adequate to meet the mandates of the Growth Management Act. In order to realize many of the goals in the Plan, more detailed planning will be necessary following adoption of the Plan. In identifying areas for urban growth and rural development, the Comprehensive Plan will establish patterns for future land use, transportation and other infrastructure needs, which then will require more detailed planning on a geographic basis. The Generalized Plan will include a process to identify areas for the development of detailed neighborhood/subarea plans. The adoption and incorporation of subarea plans into the Plan adds detailed design to the Plan that will be necessary to realize goals for mixed-use and pedestrian/transit-oriented development. In rural Spokane County, subarea plans may be prepared to identify and plan for local rural needs, including rural activity centers. Implementation Techniques Urban Design: Strategy 3, develop urban design standards. Creating a community-based design review process and developing an urban design handbook will aid in providing quality commercial development, housing and neighborhoods through design review and examples. The adoption of urban design standards will promote consistent neighborhood character Spokane County Comprehensive Plan A-6 Appendix A and aesthetics and promote a pedestrian-friendly environment. Some concepts, which may be • addressed, include the following: 1. An ordinance and/or zoning regulations to foster traditional neighborhood design 2. Standards for siting and design of multifamily residential uses 3. Requirements for underground placement of power and telecommunication lines 4. Adoption of commercial sign and billboard standards 5. Development of performance standards that allow flexibility and innovative design 6. Adoption of provisions that promote public art Historic Preservation: Strategy 3, develop urban design standards to preserve neighborhood character and historic resources. The Spokane Register of Historic Places is the local government's official list of those properties that have contributed to the community's history. The Register was established by ordinance in both the City and County of Spokane in late 1981 and early 1982. These ordinances deem the Historic Landmarks Commission responsible for the stewardship of historic and architecturally significant properties. There are benefits for properties placed on the Register. These include tax advantages that can reduce the amount of property tax an owner pays and potentially higher sales values for designated properties. A variety of special incentives are available to owners of historic properties in Spokane County. A brief description of each follows. Investment Tax Credit (ITC) (Federal Legislation) A federal income tax credit may be granted to commercial properties that are listed on the National Register of Historic Places and on which "substantial rehabilitation" is performed. Pre- certification and completion of review and approval by the state Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and the National Park Service is required. Rehabilitation must comply with federal standards for preservation of historic properties. Special Valuation Tax Incentive (State/Local Legislation) A reduction on the portion of an owner's property tax tied to"improvements" on his tax parcel (structures) and on which "substantial rehabilitation" is performed is also available. Eligible properties are determined by a designated local review body (Landmarks Commission) and must be listed on the Spokane Register of Historic Places. Rehabilitation must comply with federal standards for preservation of historic properties. The tax abatement lasts for 10 years. Facade/Conservation Easement (Federal/State/Local Legislation) In exchange for the donation of an easement, consisting of either a portion of land or a building facade, an owner may: a) claim a one-time federal income tax deduction and b) realize a permanent property tax reduction based on the value of the donated property. The easement must be granted to a qualified entity, and in exchange, the owner must agree to maintain the donated property. Conditional Use Permit (Local Legislation) A permit allowing a nonconforming use may be granted to a historic property by the Hearing Examiner. The property and use may be declared eligible by the local historic review body (Landmarks Commission). Spokane County Comprehensive Plan A-7 Appendix A Building Code Relief (Local Policy). Relief from building code requirements may be granted to historic properties by local code enforcement officers. The local historic review body (Landmarks Commission) may recommend historic property eligibility and code deviation. Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) and Cluster Development: Strategies 10 and 11, protect existing natural environment and open spaces and promote the establishment of new interconnected open spaces, consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan, through implementation and enforcement of programs and regulations concerning critical areas, shorelines, water quality and quantity and air quality. If rural clustering is approved, the County will need to make provisions to facilitate such developments. Cluster development is a technique that allows for an adjustment in the location of dwelling units on a site so long as the number of dwelling units does not exceed the number of units otherwise permitted in the zoning district. This concept can be employed in various land use categories. In a cluster development, residences are grouped by means of a density transfer rather than spread evenly throughout a parcel as in conventional large-lot development. In a cluster development, dwelling units are grouped on certain portions of a site, while the rest of the site remains undeveloped. Lots are smaller than in conventional rural subdivisions and are normally located on the part of the site that is most suitable for development. A technique related to clustering is the Planned Unit Development. PUDs are similar in that they involve variations in controls related to density and design. They also may include an open space component. They are different from clusters, because they are more often used in urban development - and the open space is often improved for passive or active recreation. PUDs also may allow mixed uses and may be used for single-family or multifamily housing. Annual Review To make sure that the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan remains current, the Plan will be reviewed annually to assess whether the County is reaching the goals and objectives set forth in the Plan. The results of this performance monitoring program will be presented to the Planning Commission and will assist the County in evaluating the progress of the County in reaching the goals and objectives in the Comprehensive Plan. The second half of this element (15B) will deal with the performance monitoring program. i Spokane County Comprehensive Plan A-8 Appendix A Appendix B - Performance Measurement Introduction After implementation, it is important to monitor Spokane County's progress in achieving the adopted goals and policies. Evaluation will be accomplished by developing a Performance Measurement Program that will function to evaluate the progress of Spokane County in its implementation efforts and produce a yearly report to the County and State. By monitoring its progress, Spokane County can make adjustments to the Plan if necessary. By monitoring changes in chosen indicators, Spokane County will get a clear understanding of where it is and what it needs to do differently. The concept of monitoring progress towards the desired future is integral to the Comprehensive Plan process. A well- designed Performance Measurement Program can help the Planning Commission, County Commissioners and the public understand both progress and setbacks in achieving the Plan's principles. More importantly, the program can direct staff and decision makers towards revisions for more effective strategies. Eventually, a Performance Measurement Program will become the tool that will assess the progress being made by Spokane County towards the goals of the Comprehensive Plan. A Performance Measurement Program measures progress, but also engages community members in a dialogue about the future, identifies areas that need attention and provides an avenue to alter community outcomes. Growth Management Act Requirements Legislation contained in the State of Washington's Growth Management Act (GMA) requires the County to prepare and adopt the Comprehensive Plan and regularly report on the outcomes of the Plan. "Each county and city that adopts a plan...shall report to the department annually for a period of five years...and each five years thereafter, on the progress made by that county or city in implementing this chapter" (RCW 36.70A.180[2]). What Are Community Indicators? An indicator is a measurement that can be used as a reference or as a standard for comparison. The program should initially focus on key indicators and expand over time. The program should include appropriate indicators from each of the main Plan areas. Each indicator should have the following characteristics: • Use readily available data • Be measurable over time, e.g., annually • Provide meaningful information relating to the Plan's principle elements • Be sensitive to change • Be easily interpreted Additionally, each indicator should meet the following criteria. • It measures an outcome related to the Comprehensive Plan's vision and to one or more Comprehensive Plan goals or policies. • Reliable information about the indicator is already collected on a regular basis. • The relationship between the indicator and the Comprehensive Plan is easily understood. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan B-1 Appendix B • When all the indicators are evaluated together, progress towards the framework goals of the Comprehensive Plan is shown. Different governmental agencies monitor different kinds of data at different geographic levels and at different frequencies. Following are some common indicators that may be monitored by Spokane County. Concept Indicator So_ urce of Information Urban Growth 1. Residential building Spokane County Division of Building permits/units and Planning 2. Employment concentration Washington State Employment in urban areas, rural areas Security Department Status of 1. Overall residential density Spokane County Division of Building Sprawl change, urban area/rural and Planning area 2. Density of approved Spokane County Division of Building preliminary plats and Planning 3. Density of multifamily Spokane County Division of Building building permits and Planning 4. Utilization of previously Spokane County Division of Building platted and approved lots and Planning and subdivisions 5. Changes in infrastructure Spokane County Division of availability - where and how Engineering and Roads much Transportation 1. Average trip distance and Spokane Regional Transportation time to commute Council 2. Transit ridership per capita Spokane Transportation Authority 3. Travel time on congestion Spokane County Division of management system Engineering and Roads, Spokane corridors Regional Transportation Council 4. Total lane miles Spokane County Regional Transportation Council Economic 1. Median household income The Real Estate Report, U.S. Dept. of Development Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau 2. Percent population below The Real Estate Report, U.S. Census poverty Bureau 3. Employment change by Spokane County Economic industry Development Council 4. Unemployment rate Washington State Employment Security Department 5. Industry gain/loss in Spokane County Economic Spokane Development Council 6. Compare Spokane County U.S. Dept. of Commerce average wage to U.S. average wage 7. Retention of industry Economic Development Council, Chamber of Commerce Spokane County Comprehensive Plan B-2 Appendix B 8. Number of requests to Economic Development Council relocate - of requests, how many did relocate? 9. Annual assessment of Economic Development Council tourism activities - compare on yearly basis 10. Fluctuation of number of Spokane County Division of Building home-based business and Planning Housing 1. Home prices by county The Real Estate Report Affordability quadrant 2. Housing Affordability Index The Real Estate Report 3. Average rent by county The Real Estate Report quadrant 4. Rent/income Ratios The Real Estate Report 5. Amount of first-time home The Real Estate Report buyers 6. Availability of low-income Spokane Housing Authority housing units Regulatory 1. Plat applications Spokane County Division of Building Environment and Planning 2. Average time required for Spokane County Division of Building final action on rezoning and Planning applications 3. Average approval time- Spokane County Division of Building preliminary plats and Planning 4. Average approval time- Spokane County Division of Building building permits and Planning 5. Monitor Building and Solicit and track public comments Planning Division performance 6. Number of planning/zoning Spokane County Division of Building hearings held and Planning/ Hearing Examiner 7. Number of citizens testifying Spokane County Division of Building in planning process and Planning/ Hearing Examiner Natural 1. Natural resource and Washington State Department of Resource agriculture employment Employment Security Industries 2. Amount of timber harvested Department of Natural Resources 3. Status of mining resources Department of Natural Resources, Spokane County Division of Long Range Planning Open Space 1. Acres of neighborhood and Spokane County Division of Parks and and regional parks per person Recreation Recreation l 2. Pedestrian/bicycle path Spokane County Division of Parks and miles Recreation, Spokane County Engineer Spokane County Comprehensive Plan B-3 Appendix B and Washington State Parks 3. Park usage estimates Spokane County Division of Parks and Recreation Open Space 4. Acres of permanent natural Spokane County Division of Long and open space, e.g., wildlife Range Planning Geographical Recreation refuge, conservation futures Information System (GIS) (cont.) and conservation easements 5. Open space taxation acres Spokane County Division of Parks and Recreation 6. Usable equestrian trails Spokane County Division of Parks and Recreation Environment 1. Number of days in each air Spokane County Air Pollution Control quality index category Authority 2. Number of separate air Spokane County Air Pollution Control quality violations Authority 3. Nitrate levels in public water Whitworth Water District, Spokane supplies Water District 3, Washington Department of Health 4. Incidence of groundwater Public water purveyors supply contamination Land Supply 1. Vacant, underutilized and Spokane County Land Quantity and partially used land Population Capacity Report 2. Preliminary plat lots Spokane County Division of Long Range Planning GIS 3. Final plat lots, binding site Spokane County Division of Long plans and certificates of Range Planning GIS exemption 4. Monitor land availability in Spokane County Division of Long each land use category Range Planning 5. Monitor any and all rezones Spokane County Division of Building and Planning 6. Maintain a current map of Spokane County Division of Building submitted and approved and Planning land use applications 7. Number and type of building Spokane County Division of Building permits and Planning 8. Acreage of critical areas Spokane County Division of Long Range Planning 9. Acreage in RCW 84.34 - Spokane County Assessor's Office Current Use Taxation Program 10. Number of Comprehensive Spokane County Division of Long Plan amendments Range Planning 11. Ratio of buildable lands to Spokane County Division of Long critical areas Range Planning Spokane County Comprehensive Plan B-4 Appendix B Citizen 1. Number of appeals to Growth Eastern Washington Growth Participation/ Management Hearings Management Hearings Board Coordination Board 2. Maintain and publish any Spokane County Division of Long citizen input regarding the Range Planning Comprehensive Plan Public 1. Number of students per Superintendent of Public Instruction Facilities and square foot per district Services 2. Distance of residence from Spokane County GIS fire station 3. Police officers per 1,000 Spokane County Sheriff population 4. Average response time to Spokane County Fire District- Central fire alarm Dispatch 5. Number of libraries per Spokane County Division of Long 1,000 population Range Planning 6. Number of septic tanks Spokane County Division of Utilities replaced by sewer system Historic 1. Number of sites subtracted Spokane County Historic Preservation Preservation from and added to NRHP, Office WSRHP and SRHD 2. Number and value of building Spokane County Division of Building permits for remodeling/ and Planning rehabilitation per unit of residential inventory This list is partially taken from recommendations from the Economic Analysis of Interim Urban Growth Area Alternatives for Spokane County, Washington, November 1996. Through the citizen participation process, indicators may become more specific, be changed and/or new indicators added. The Performance Measurement Program will be designed to provide early warning if the policies are not having their intended effects. The system will provide sufficient information to enable policy-makers to determine whether different actions to implement the policies are needed or whether revisions to the policies are required. The results of the monitoring and evaluation program will be presented annually in a public report to the Planning Commission. The report should include proposed revisions to the Plan to promote its viability and the viability of the county planning process. This report, for maximum effectiveness, will be prepared in accordance with the County's annual budget cycle, so proposed work items can be included in budget requests. Performance measurement can be used to help the City of Spokane, Spokane County and the other jurisdictions establish priorities, take joint actions and direct resources to solve problems identified in the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan, as well as comply with RCW 36.70A.180, which states that each county must produce a yearly report and submit it to the Washington Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan B-5 Appendix B °Appendix C _- - -- -- - - -- -- - - Interim Regional Level of Service Standards, Steering Committee of Elected Officials, May 3, 1996. Available at: Spokane County Division of Planning 1026 W Broadway Avenue Spokane, WA 99260 (509) 477-7200 / Spokane County Comprehensive Plan C-1 Appendix C Appendix D Growth Management Essential Public Facilities Technical Committee Report, Steering Committee of Elected Officials, May 3, 1996. Available at: Spokane County Division of Planning 1026 W Broadway Avenue Spokane, WA 99260 (509) 477-7200 n Spokane County Comprehensive Plan D-1 Appendix D