12-101.00 CH2M Hill: Sullivan West Bridge ReplacementVftd*001, aft VI/ im 7rlt Supplemental Agreement p p g Organization and Address CH2M HILL, INC. Number 4 717 West Sprague Avenue, Suite 800 Spokane, WA 99201 -3911 Original Agreement Number Sullivan Road W Bridge Replacement #0155 Phone: (509) 747 -2000 Project Number Execution Date Completion Date 1 BRM 4103 007 11/8/2011 12/31/2013 Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE $ 1,567,262.00 Description of Work Professional engineering services for Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement project. This Supplemental Agreement expands the previous scope of services to include final design (PS &E), additional environmental documentation and permitting, right -of -way acquisition services, stakeholder coordination and public outreach, and bidding phase services. A preliminary design study for a below -deck walkway is also included. The Local Agency of City of Spokane Valley, Washington desires to supplement the agreement entered into with CH2M HILL, INC. and executed on 11/8/2011 and identified as Agreement No. 0155 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: The Scope of Wnrk is amended to inchiriP the setyiceq described in Fxbibit A -1 attached hereto Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days for The. December 31 7013 deadline for completion is unchanged completion of the work to read: g Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. By: Rnuer W Flint Consultant Signature DOT Form 140 -063 EF Revised 9/2005 By: Mike Jackson I Authority Signature -1/7 el � Date co 1�_s 10( EXHIBIT A -1 Scope of Work for Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement - Final Design and Bidding Services City of Spokane Valley, Washington FHWA Project No. BRM 4103(007) July 2012 1.0 Introduction The purpose of this scope of work is to establish the specific scope of CH2M HILL's professional engineering services and compensation for the Final Design and Bid Period phase of the Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement project. The City of Spokane Valley (Spokane Valley) may make or approve changes within the general scope of this agreement. If such changes affect CH2M HILL's cost of, or time required for, performance of the services, an equitable adjustment will be made through an amendment to this agreement. Prior to performing the work, CH2M HILL will notify Spokane Valley in writing of the occurrence of a change and an estimate of the cost impact. Spokane Valley will review, and if approved, will provide written approval of the change. A ten percent contingency fund has been established for minor changes to the Scope of Work. Use of the contingency fund requires written authorization from Spokane Valley, prior to performing the work. Spokane Valley reserves the right to expand the scope of CH2M HILL's work on this project to include project communications services, construction inspection and construction management engineering services. These additional services are not included in this Scope of Work but may be added to the Agreement at a later date by written amendment. 2.0 Purpose The purpose of this scope of work is to perform detailed design and provide contract document preparation, right -of -way plans, property descriptions and acquisition services, continuation of environmental documentation and permitting services, and bidding services to enable construction of the Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement Project. The ultimate purpose of the project is to replace the existing 2 -lane bridge structure with a wider 4 -lane bridge structure, which also includes a pedestrian and bicycle pathway. SPK/SLILLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 1 OF 32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 3.0 Scope of Work CH2M HILL will perform the final design and bidding services and provide project documentation in accordance with: • City of Spokane Valley Street Standards • Washington Department of Transportation Local Agency Guidelines Manual • Washington Department of Transportation Bridge Design Manual • AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications for Highway Bridges, Fifth Edition • Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual This scope of work includes the following main tasks: Task 1: Surveying and Mapping Task 2: Project Management Task 3: Client Coordination and Consultation Services Task 4: Stakeholder Coordination and Public Outreach Task 5: Environmental Documentation and Permitting Task 6: Geotechnical Services Task 7: River Hydraulics Task 8: Final Roadway, Storm Drainage and Utilities Design Task 9: Final Bridge and Structures Design Task 10: Property Restoration Task 11: Right -of -Way Plans and Descriptions Task 12: Right -of -Way Acquisition Task 13: Bid Period Assistance (Optional Services) Task 14: Miscellaneous Optional Services CH2M HILL will provide the following specific services: Task 1: Surveying and Mapping No scope change. Task 2: Project Management Provide project management services. A total time of seventeen months (August 2012 through December 2013) is assumed to be the duration for this work. Project management services include: Staff and subconsultant management Control budget and schedule Monthly progress reports and invoices (The progress report/invoice will identify the work performed for that period, major decisions, schedule, and budget status. Deliverables: Progress reports and invoices. Task 3: Client Coordination and Consultation Services Provide coordination and correspondence with Spokane Valley management and staff to support project progress and communications, including: • Bi- weekly project coordination meetings (to be held alternately at the City Hall and CH2M HILL) SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A-1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 2OF32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 Regular telephone and electronic mail correspondence Overall project guidance, decision - making assistance and /or recommendations Action items review Deliverables: Meeting agendas and notes, running action items listing. Task 4: Stakeholder Coordination and Public Outreach 4.1 Key Stakeholder Coordination Coordinate with Spokane Valley to conduct meetings with key project stakeholders which may include impacted businesses, property owners, public officials, or partner agencies. Spokane Valley will coordinate meeting times and locations. It is assumed that up to four meetings will be required. CH2M HILL will prepare exhibits, agendas, and meeting notes. A representative from CH2M HILL will attend the meetings. Deliverables: Exhibits, meeting agendas and notes. 4.2 Public Information Meetings All public involvement and community outreach activities will be coordinated with Spokane Valley. CH2M HILL will prepare for and coordinate one public information meeting. The public meeting will be "Open House" style to provide project information and answer questions. Two representatives from CH2M HILL will attend the meeting and be available to answer questions. CH2M HILL will be responsible for preparing project fact sheets and displays. It is anticipated that design drawings and an aerial photograph of the project area will be used at the public meetings. Coordinate with Spokane Valley to conduct the following public meeting: Public Open House - 60% Design: Purpose of this meeting is to communicate intermediate design elements, such as bridge replacement aesthetics, Centennial Trail and Sullivan Park impacts /mitigation, and access and traffic control during construction, prior to finalizing the design. Spokane Valley will prepare and distribute any public notices, mailings, or other notification media, coordinate meeting times, locations and secure facilities. Deliverables: Public meeting displays and handouts, meeting agendas and notes. Task 5: Environmental Documentation and Permitting CH2M HILL will conduct the environmental evaluation and documentation required under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and will assist Spokane Valley to obtain the associated environmental permitting for this project as follows: 5.1 Environmental Classification Summary Supplemental Agreement No. 3 authorized CH2M HILL to perform specific elements of the Local Agency Environmental Classification Summary (ECS) that were identified to be on the project critical path schedule. The following additional ECS tasks are incorporated into SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 3OF32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 CH2M HILL's scope of work to complete the ECS evaluation and documentation for compliance with NEPA requirements: Deliverables: Draft and Final ECS 5. 1.1 Section 106 /Cultural Resources Assessment No scope change. Services for this sub -task are performed under Supplement No. 3, Expanded Preliminary Design. 5.1.2 Section 4(f) Evaluation No scope change. Services for this sub -task are performed under Supplement No. 3, Expanded Preliminary Design. 5.1.3 Biological Evaluation No scope change. Services for this sub -task are performed under Supplement No. 3, Expanded Preliminary Design. 5.1.4 Noise Analysis and Report No scope change. Services for this sub -task are performed under Supplement No. 3, Expanded Preliminary Design. 5.1.5 Hazardous Materials No scope change. Services for this sub -task are performed under Supplement No. 3, Expanded Preliminary Design. 5.1.6 Sole Source Aquifer Checklist CH2M HILL will prepare the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Environmental Checklist for a sole source aquifer, and submit to EPA for project approval. Spokane Valley will provide a copy of the EPA Environmental Checklist and approval letter for the associated stormwater disposal site. Deliverables: • EPA Environmental Checklist • EPA Environmental Checklist and response letter for both the stormwater disposal site and the bridge project will be attached to the ECS 5.1.7 Environmental Justice It is assumed that an Environmental Justice Report will not be necessary because the bridge will remain open during construction. However, demographic data research will be conducted, with a search for minority and low- income populations in the adjacent property tracts. Data search will include looking at 2010 census, and the proximity of minority or low- income residences and business ownership of adjacent properties. Deliverables: • Demographic data for the ECS 5.2 Prepare SEPA Environmental Checklist CH2M HILL will prepare a draft and final SEPA Environmental Checklist. Information gathered from the ECS will be incorporated and /or referenced as attached documents to the SEPA Environmental Checklist. A draft SEPA Environmental Checklist will be submitted to Spokane Valley for review and revised as appropriate. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 4288591D 4OF32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 Deliverables: • A draft and final SEPA Environmental Checklist 5.3 Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA) 5.3.1 Prepare JARPA After the NEPA /SEPA evaluations are completed, CH2M HILL will prepare the Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA) for the Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement project. (The geotechnical JARPA for the bridge was prepared in a previous scope of work). The JARPA will be submitted to regulatory agencies by Spokane Valley as follows: Environmental Permits Permit or Approval Agencies Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) Washington State Department of Fish & Wildlife (WDFW) Shorelines Permit City of Spokane Valley Floodplain Development Permit and Critical Areas Ordinance Compliance City of Spokane Valley Section 401 Water Quality Certification Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) Section 404 Permit United States Corps of Engineers (USACE) Authorization of Entry and Easement Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) The JARPA will include the following discussion: • Project history • Project schedule • Construction methods and demolition activities that will prevent debris from falling into the river (Construction Methodology Plan) • Summary of fills and excavations • Ordinary high -water mark (OHWM) • Shoreline — activities within 200 -foot shoreline boundary • Wetlands As part of the JARPA submittal, the following drawings will be prepared: Vicinity map Plan view of bridge Elevation and cross - section views of bridge Furthermore, the Critical Areas Ordinance will be reviewed, research will be conducted and information summarized for the sole source aquifer, geological hazardous areas, habitat management, and wetlands. A draft JARPA will be submitted to Spokane Valley for review and revised as appropriate. A final JARPA will be submitted by Spokane Valley to the appropriate regulatory agencies. Deliverables: • Draft and final JARPA, including three figures /drawings and Construction Methodology Plan SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 5OF32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 5.3.2 Coordinate JARPA Permit Process CH2M HILL will coordinate with the JARPA agencies in respect to permit requirements and provide information to the agencies as needed so that permits can be issued in a timely manner as follows: Shoreline Permitting: CH2M HILL will coordinate with Spokane Valley and track the shoreline permitting process. It is assumed that no public meeting will be required and that the shorelines permit can be issued administratively by the Planning Department. Floodplain Development Permit: A Hydraulic Report will be developed under a different task (Task 7 - River Hydraulics). This report will provide documentation needed to obtain a Floodplain Development Permit from Spokane Valley. The report will address any potential for a rise in river elevation by more than a tenth of a foot during a 100 -year flood event. Deliverables: Prepare and submit a letter to Spokane Valley with the Hydraulic Report attached (report will be attached to the ECS) • Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) Permit and Section 7 Approval: CH2M HILL will coordinate with the WDFW and track HPA permitting process, including coordination between USFWS and WDFW, the biological evaluation and assessment, and the compensatory mitigation plan. • Water Quality Certification (Section 401) Permit: CH2M HILL will coordinate with Ecology and track Section 401 permitting process, including coordination between USACE and Ecology. • Section 404 Permit: CH2M HILL will coordinate with USACE and track Section 404 permitting process (including wetlands). • DNR Authorization of Entry and Easement: CH2M HILL will coordinate with DNR and track authorization of entry and easement approvals. As required by DNR, CH2M HILL will prepare descriptions of the three guiding principles, an operations plan and a DNR application form, which will all be submitted to DNR to obtain the authorization of entry. An as -built survey of the bridge will be submitted near project completion and additional requirements will be coordinated with the Spokane Valley to obtain the DNR easement. Deliverables: Prepare draft and final DNR application forms for right of entry and for easement, the "Three Guiding Principles" and an operations plan. Assumptions 1. Public involvement with any other stakeholder groups, agencies, organizations or businesses is assumed to be limited to participation in the formal public meetings mandated as part of the permitting process. It is assumed that no public meeting will be required for shorelines permitting, and that the shorelines permit can be issued administratively by the Planning Department. 2. The Local Agency ECS will result in a Documented Categorical Exclusion (DCE) for NEPA and a Determination of Non - significance (DNS) for SEPA. Therefore, there will be SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 4288591D 6OF32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 no need for a NEPA Environmental Assessment (EA) or for either a NEPA or SEPA Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). 3. Spokane Valley will provide mapping, transportation data and other information that might be required to complete the ECS and supporting discipline reports, SEPA Environmental Checklist and JARPA. 4. WSDOT will lead consultations with the tribes and other state and federal governmental agencies. If the tribes become involved during the cultural resources field survey or require reimbursement for services, reimbursement of tribal services are not included in this scope of work and will be paid directly by Spokane Valley. 5. Application of Critical Areas Ordinance will be brief. This will include discussions on the aquifer, geological hazardous areas, habitat management, and wetlands. There will not be any need for any special survey, study, analysis, or reports for any of these critical areas. 6. Hydraulic modeling and analysis will be performed under Task 7 — River Hydraulics, which will provide documentation required for a Floodplain Development Permit (addresses potential for rise in river elevation by more than a tenth of a foot during a 100 -year flood event). 7. The Section 4(f) evaluation will not need to address Section 6(f) properties. 8. A de minimis determination for Section 4(f) can be reached and agreed upon by State and Spokane Valley Parks managers for the project. 9. A de minimis determination can be achieved without additional meetings or document preparation, which would be outside of this scope of work. 10. CH2M HILL is not required to prepare documents or attend meetings with Washington State Parks Lands Council to discuss Section 4(f) or right -of -way issues. 11. Compensatory mitigation will be acceptable by fish and wildlife regulatory agencies and no "mitigation site projects" will be assigned to this project or implemented as part of this project. All mitigation fees will be paid by Spokane Valley and is not included in this scope of work. 12. The protection requirements for fish are assumed to be similar to what was required for bull trout at Spokane County's Appleway (State Line) Bridge Replacement project and what was required for red -band trout at the Barker Road Bridge Replacement project. The project scope and budget currently do not include any special evaluations or analyses for fish protection, such as a site - specific noise analysis. 13. Wetlands documentation (inventory, delineation and wetlands mitigation) will be provided by Spokane Valley through a separate agreement with Anderson Environmental. Spokane Valley will coordinate with Anderson Environmental to obtain agency approvals of those documents, which will be attached to the ECS. 14. There are no Bald Eagle nests in the project vicinity. 15. Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) will conduct the hot spot analysis for the Indiana Avenue and Sullivan Road intersection, and prepare the necessary documentation that will be attached to the ECS. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 7OF32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 16. There is no need to perform a visual impact analysis based on a meeting held with WSDOT on March 12, 2012. 17. There is no need to do a Phase I or Phase II Environmental Site Assessment. 18. Because minority and low- income residences are not anticipated to be found in the project area, a review of the local school- assisted lunch program is not necessary for the environmental justice demographic research. 19. An asbestos survey will be conducted by WSDOT and report findings referenced in the ECS. It is assumed that associated fees would be paid directly by Spokane Valley. 20. The DNR public meeting associated with the DNR right of entry authorization can be conducted prior to issuance of aquatic resource environmental permits from other agencies so that when these bridge permits are issued, the DNR right of entry authorization can be issued immediately by the agency. 21. The Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement Project will not result in any impacts that are adverse to environmental justice populations and this environmental review will not require a special environmental justice study or evaluation. 22. The schedule assumes Spokane Valley will provide 1 -week reviews for all deliverables. 23. The schedule assumes that WSDOT and FHWA will provide 3 to 4 week reviews for all deliverables. 24. Other permits needed for the bridge replacement project including building, clearing and grading, and public right -of -way are assumed to be the responsibility of Spokane Valley. An NPDES General Permit for Construction is assumed to be the responsibility of the bridge contractor. Task 6: Geotechnical Services 6.1 Geotechnical Assistance with Plan and Specification Preparation This subtask includes preparation of earthwork- related specifications, assistance with the drilled shaft specification, review of the drainage and civil details and retaining wall drawings, and miscellaneous geotechnical support during PS &E preparation. Deliverables: Plan and specification reviews and redlines. Task 7: River Hydraulics CH2M HILL will perform the following hydraulic evaluations to support final design for the Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement project. 7.1 Data Collection and Site Visit CH2M HILL will conduct a review of all available information gathered by Spokane Valley personnel from the data files prior to conducting any other work. This information should include bridge drawings, aerial photos, topography maps, and data from maintenance files. Review will also include previous hydraulic studies in the vicinity of the project site, as well as FEMA mapping and Flood Insurance Studies (FIS) for the project area. CH2M HILL will conduct a site inspection/ investigation. Observations will be recorded for the following: SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A-1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 8OF32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 • Lateral channel stability- note any signs of stream migration that could affect stability for piers, bents or abutments, consistent with an FHWA HEC -20 Level 1 analysis. • Degradation (headcutting) or aggradation (deposits) in the channel. Document conditions with color photographs. • Manning's "n" value for the main channel and overbank areas. Document with color photographs. • Determine size of existing riprap at abutments and piers; note any riprap failure. • Determine bed material size by visual inspection, for use in scour prediction equations. • Note evidence of scour. • Pier alignment (skewed or normal to flow). • Hydraulic controls from channel constrictions, dams, etc. • Apparent or observed high -water marks. • Evidence of debris. • Contact Spokane County or Spokane Valley maintenance personnel for site history. 7.2 Hydraulics and Scour Analyses CH2M HILL will use publicly - available USGS gauging information and the current FIS to develop the 2 -year through 500 -year flows for the hydraulic model. CH2M HILL will develop hydraulic models, using the Hydrologic Engineering Center — River Analysis System (HEC -RAS) computer model and the previously - collected survey data for existing and proposed bridges. This work will include: • Model the existing bridges. Calibrate basic model inputs by comparing results to the flood elevations shown in the current FIS. • Model the "natural conditions" with no bridge or roadway. • Model the proposed west bridge with existing east bridge. • Calculate backwater against "natural conditions" for the existing and proposed bridges for floods stated above. • If water overtops the roadway /bridge before the 500 -year flood peak, the overtopping flood and frequency must be determined. • Coordinate with the roadway designer, bridge designer, and the foundation designer and refine hydraulic model if warranted. CH2M HILL will perform calculations for maximum expected depth of scour for 100- and 500 -year conditions consistent with FHWA HEC -18 methodology, based on results of hydraulic model, data collected from the site visit, and subsurface geotechnical information gathered during the preliminary design phase of the project. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 9OF32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 CH2M HILL will perform tractive force analysis consistent with FHWA HEC -23 methodology to determine the stability of the proposed abutment fill. If needed, based on soil and hydraulic conditions and proposed foundation type, determine necessary riprap revetment sizing to maintain abutment fill in place. If revetment is needed, qualitatively investigate alternative stabilization methods in hydraulic report document. 7.3 Hydraulics Report and No-Rise Certification CH2M HILL will prepare Draft and Final reports in accordance with WSDOT guidelines. CH2M HILL will provide support and documentation necessary to obtain local floodplain permits. Respond to comments received relative to the hydraulic design during the permit process. This scope of work assumes that a FEMA - format "no- rise" certification for construction within a regulatory floodway and accompanying documentation is not applicable. CH2M HILL will attend and participate in up to three (3) project team meetings; meetings will be coordinated and facilitated under other tasks. 7.4 Hydraulics Quality Assurance /Quality Control CH2M HILL will perform a complete Quality Assurance /Quality Control (QA /QC) check of the work product /report. Either a check of the calculations or an independent analysis will be performed as deemed necessary. Checks will be made of all computer program input and the accurate use of the results. Upon completion of the QA /QC check, the original designer will incorporate revisions with confirmation. Deliverables: Preliminary and Final Hydraulics Report and recommendations for foundation depths and revetment sizing. Task 8: Final Roadway, Storm Drainage, and Utilities Design This task involves: • Final design and construction documents for temporary and permanent roadway connections and transitions at the bridge ends. • Final design and construction documents for stormwater management facilities. • Final design and construction documents for permanent non - motorized facilities. • Final design and construction of ancillary project requirements such as temporary traffic control, traffic signal modifications, temporary erosion and sedimentation control, and non - bridge demolition. • Coordination of utilities to be relocated during construction and /or installed on the new bridge. 8.1 Task Management and Coordination Program, coordinate, and supervise the project civil and transportation design team. Attend up to twelve (12) client meetings to provide input and coordination with other work elements. Attend up to two (2) project review meetings to resolve review comments with Spokane Valley, WSDOT, or other stakeholders. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 10 OF 32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 8.2 Construction Phasing and Temporary Traffic Control Plans Construction phasing will be designed and plans will be prepared for each major phase of construction to clearly depict the construction work areas, work zone security, and contractor access routes. Detailed temporary traffic control plans will be designed to integrate with the major construction phases and provide temporary traffic signage, markings, and details for non - motorized and motorized traffic through the project work zone. It is anticipated that temporary traffic signal modifications will be required. Design of temporary signal modifications is included in Task 8.6. It is anticipated that temporary traffic revisions that impact the WSDOT Limited Access will require formal coordination with WSDOT Eastern Region traffic personnel. A formal plan submittal, including an initial coordination meeting and a plan review meeting are included in this scope of work. Deliverables: See Drawing List. Submittals will be made at 60 %, 90% and 100% levels of completion. 8.3 Site Preparation Plans Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control plans will be developed to mitigate potential impacts during construction in accordance with the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual. Site preparation plans and design will depict non - bridge related demolition and miscellaneous site preparation details. Deliverables: See Drawing List. Submittals will be made at 60 %, 90% and 100% levels of completion. 8.4 Roadway Plans Plan and profile sheets will be prepared. These plans will include horizontal and vertical alignment information and plan views of paving limits; limits of curb, gutter, and sidewalk; bicycle paths; locations of driveways; cut /fill limits; retaining wall limits; stormwater conveyance facilities; bridge approach guardrails and other elements of roadway construction. Plan sheets will show structure notes. Specific constraints related to right -of -way, the environment, and constructability will be identified and alignments adjusted to avoid or minimize the effects of those constraints. Encroachments and impacts to property beyond the existing right -of -way caused by roadway widening, slope grading, and /or utility relocations will be defined. Roadway sections will be prepared for Sullivan Road. Roadway section thicknesses previously developed for the Indiana /Sullivan Intersection project will be used for the approach roadways, and no additional pavement design will be required. Prepare detail sheets identifying miscellaneous details not covered by standard plans, including temporary traffic control plans and details, roadway- specific demolition plans and details, and a vicinity plan showing proposed construction detour routes and signing. Signing and marking plans will be prepared. These plans will delineate the locations of all pavement markings including lane lines, crosswalks, turn arrows, and stop bars. These SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 11 OF 32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 plans also will show the locations and sizes of required signing indicating the type and location of individual signs. Signing and striping will be designed in accordance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and standards adopted by Spokane Valley. Deliverables: See Drawing List. Submittals will be made at 60 11o, 90% and 100% levels of completion. 8.5 Drainage and Utility Plans Drainage and utility plan sheets depicting proposed storm drain system and proposed utility locations will be prepared. Assumptions 1. Spokane Valley is developing stormwater conveyance and treatment/ infiltration facilities to eliminate direct discharges to the Spokane River from the two existing (southbound and northbound) Sullivan Road bridges. 2. These new Spokane Valley - designed stormwater facilities, including modifications to the existing Sullivan Road bridge structures, will be constructed in spring 2013. 3. The City will provide construction documents and as -built drawings to CH2M HILL for incorporation into the project design. Spokane Valley is developing conveyance and stormwater treatment/ infiltration facilities that are assumed to be in -place at the time of the Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement project construction. Collection and conveyance design for this project will be coordinated with these facilities. Impacts to existing stormwater conveyance and treatment facilities south of the Sullivan Road West Bridge may require modifications. Plans and details will be developed to restore operational characteristics of these facilities. Separate detail sheets will show non - standard drainage construction details as well as drainage profiles. Drainage design will be performed in accordance with the Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual. Utility design includes: • Permanent power, natural gas, and communications infrastructure to be constructed by Spokane Valley's bridge replacement contractor in accordance with utility franchise agreements. • Permanent stormwater collection, conveyance, and treatment/ infiltration facilities. Existing utilities and storm drainage facilities and project - related utility work to be performed by others will be depicted on the same set of plan sheets. CH2M HILL will coordinate the design of Sullivan Road West Bridge with utility purveyors with known existing or planned facilities within the project limits, including: • Avista Utilities (Natural Gas, Power) • CenturyLink, AT &T, Comcast, Zayo (Communications) • Consolidated Irrigation District No. 19 (Water) • Spokane County (Sanitary Sewer) SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 12 OF 32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 • Spokane Valley (Stormwater) CH2M HILL will provide utility purveyors with preliminary plans to ensure that existing facilities are accurately represented. Utilities that may require relocation, and planned utilities will be coordinated with the bridge replacement design. Deliverables: See Drawing List. Submittals will be made at 60 %, 90% and 100% levels of completion. 8.6 Traffic Signal Plans Traffic signal revisions will be required at the Sullivan Road intersection with Indiana Avenue. Assumptions Signal Pole Relocation at NW Corner — Due to the widened southbound bridge and lane reconfigurations, it is anticipated that the signal pole located in the northwest corner of the intersection will need to be relocated to the west. It is our understanding that Spokane Valley anticipated this relocation during pole installation, and has located conduit risers and runs to minimize impacts and effort. 2. Temporary signal modifications will be required to accommodate lane shifts associated with construction phasing and temporary traffic control configurations to be determined in Task 8.2. It is assumed modifications to the signal heads, and signal phasing alterations will be required. 3. No other traffic signal work is anticipated. 4. CH2M HILL will coordinate with WSDOT and Spokane Valley on traffic signal modifications. 5. Spokane Valley will provide CH2M HILL with as -built drawings of the existing traffic signal system. CH2M HILL will prepare the signal plans and details in accordance with WSDOT guidelines, showing proposed locations for new or relocated signals, luminaires, electrical hardware, and wiring diagrams. Conduits and pull boxes for signal interconnection with other intersections will be included in the project design. Deliverables: See Drawing List. Submittals will be made at 60 1/o, 90% and 100% levels of completion. 8.7 Non - Motorized Facilities Plans Plans and details will be prepared to facilitate temporary and permanent modifications and improvements to non - motorized facilities. Assumptions The Centennial Trail will remain open at all times except for short -term term closures, which may be needed to safely construct and remove trail protection features and during placement of the new bridge girders. Such short-term closures will be approved in advance by Spokane Valley. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 13 OF 32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 2. A temporary cantilevered street -level walkway with protective barrier and railing will be provided along the east side of the existing Sullivan Road East (northbound) bridge to accommodate non - motorized traffic crossing the Spokane River during the project construction phase. 3. A temporary ADA- compliant connection will be made between the Centennial Trail and the existing street -level sidewalk adjacent to Sullivan Road to temporarily replace the existing connection south of the trail on the west side of Sullivan Road, which is anticipated to be disturbed during construction. 4. A permanent street -level walkway, in the range of 6 -feet to 10 -feet wide, will be provided along the west side of Sullivan Road from the Indiana intersection to a connection with an existing sidewalk north of the Spokane River. The street -level walkway design width will be determined at a later date in conjunction with Spokane Valley's consideration and decision regarding a permanent below -deck walkway. 5. Design of a permanent below -deck walkway is not currently part of this Agreement, but may be added to the project by supplemental agreement at a later date. CH2M HILL will prepare plans and details for temporary and permanent walkway, sidewalk, and trail improvements. Deliverables: See Drawing List. Submittals will be made at 60 11o, 90% and 100% levels of completion. 8.8 Specifications CH2M HILL will prepare specifications using the 2012 edition of the WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction and WSDOT Special Provisions. Standard plans will be identified and assembled for inclusion in the contract documents. Modifications to the standards will be made with amendments and special provisions. It is assumed that construction surveying will be included in the contractor's contracted responsibilities. Deliverables: 60% Specifications (Technical provisions and GSP's only), 90% and 100% Specifications (Complete contract provisions, including bid documentation) 8.9 Summary of Quantities and Opinion of Cost Develop detailed quantities for the roadway elements and incorporate into the project bid documents. Develop a detailed cost opinion for the roadway elements of the project at the 60%,90%, and 100% levels of completion. Deliverables: 60 01o, 90% and 100% Construction Cost Estimate 8.10 QA/QC Review Perform Quality Assurance /Quality Control (QA /QC) reviews for the Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement milestone submittals at 60%,90% and 100 %. Perform a plans check, and review specifications, quantities, bid schedule, and cost estimates. Document review comments and acceptable resolution in the project file. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 14 OF 32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. JULY 2012 Drawing List Anticipated drawings required to detail the general, roadway, and drainage elements of the project are shown below. General G -1 Title Sheet G -2 General Notes and Abbreviations G -3 Summary of Quantities (1 of 2) G -4 Summary of Quantities (2 of 2) Phasing and Temporary Traffic Control P -1 Construction Phasing Plans (1 of 3) P -2 Construction Phasing Plans (2 of 3) P -3 Construction Phasing Plans (3 of 3) TC -1 Construction Traffic Control Plans (1 of 3) TC -2 Construction Traffic Control Plans (2 of 3) TC -3 Construction Traffic Control Plans (3 of 3) TC -4 Construction Traffic Control Details TC -5 Construction Traffic Control Details Site Preparation SP -1 Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan and Details (1 of 2) SP -2 Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan and Details (2 of 2) SP -3 Site Preparation and Demolition Plans and Details (1 of 2) SP -4 Site Preparation and Demolition Plans and Details (2 of 2) SP -5 Site Preparation Details Drainage and Utilities D -1 Drainage and Utilities Plan and Profile (1 of 3) D -2 Drainage and Utilities Plan and Profile (2 of 3) D -3 Drainage and Utilities Plan and Profile (3 of 3) D -4 Drainage Swale Modification Plan D -5 Drainage Details D -6 Utilities Details Roadway R -1 Typical Roadway Sections and Details R -2 Roadway Plan and Profile (1 of 3) R -3 Roadway Plan and Profile (2 of 3) R -4 Roadway Plan and Profile (3 of 3) R -5 Roadway and Bridge Approach Details (1 of 2) R -6 Roadway Bridge Approach Details (2 of 2) R -7 Concrete Panel Layout Plan (1 of 2) R -8 Concrete Panel Layout Plan (2 of 2) R -9 Concrete Panel Layout Details (1 of 2) R -10 Concrete Panel Layout Details (2 of 2) R -11 Channelization and Signing Plan and Details (1 of 2) SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 15 0F32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 R -12 Channelization and Signing Plan and Details (2 of 2) Traffic Signal TF -1 Traffic Signal Modifications Plan TF -2 Traffic Signal Modification Details TF -3 Traffic Signal Modification Details Non - Motorized Facilities TR -1 Trail Protection Plan, Elevation, and Typical Section TR -2 Trail Protection Details (1 of 2) TR -3 Trail Protection Details (2 of 2) TR -4 Trail Access Improvements Plan (1 of 3) TR -5 Trail Access Improvements Plan (2 of 3) TR -6 Trail Access Improvements Plan (3 of 3) TR -7 Trail Access Improvements Details TR -8 Trail Access Improvements Details Deliverables: 60% (not all details will be provided), 90% and 100% (all details will be provided) plans. Task 9: Final Bridge and Structures Design This task involves final design and contract documentation preparation for replacement of the existing Sullivan Road West Bridge over the Spokane River. Final design will be based on the recommendations in the Preliminary Bridge Design Technical Memorandum, dated March 29, 2012. The following assumptions are made regarding the bridge and structure elements: 1. The existing southbound Sullivan Road West Bridge will be demolished and replaced with a new bridge. 2. The new Sullivan Road West Bridge will be a straight, 4 -span prestressed concrete girder bridge with 4 travel lanes and a pedestrian pathway. The bridge will be approximately 440 feet long, matching the length and skew of the existing Sullivan Road East Bridge. The bridge is anticipated to be supported by multi- column bents founded on drilled shafts. The location of interior piers will match that of the existing Sullivan Road East Bridge. 3. The construction phasing approach to replace the bridge will be based on Construction Phasing Alternative 4, in which the existing northbound Sullivan Road East Bridge will be used to carry three lanes of traffic during construction. 4. The existing Sullivan Road East Bridge (northbound bridge) will be left in place and modified as follows: a) A temporary cantilevered walkway will be added to the east side of the bridge during construction. b) The existing median traffic barrier and pedestrian railing for the bridge will be removed to accommodate three lanes of traffic during construction. A temporary barrier will be placed between the vehicle lanes and the temporary cantilevered SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 16 0F32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 walkway at the edge of the bridge deck. Railing will be provided along the east edge of the temporary cantilevered walkway. c) After construction of the new southbound bridge, the temporary barrier and cantilevered walkway and railing will be removed; a new cast -in -place concrete median barrier will be constructed; and the existing pedestrian railing will be reattached to the bridge deck. d) The existing stormwater collection system on the existing bridge will be modified by a separate construction contract designed by Spokane Valley. This construction work is anticipated to occur in spring 2013. Three of the five bridge drains will be plugged at the south end of the bridge. The remaining two drains will be modified to collect stormwater and convey it to a new swale northeast of the existing bridge. e) A temporary stormwater collection system will be required during construction when the existing concrete median barrier is removed. It is assumed that this temporary system will consist of scuppers along the base of the temporary precast barrier and a temporary gutter system along the outside edge of the bridge deck to collect runoff and convey it to the north end of the bridge, where temporary connection will be made to the Spokane Valley - designed pipe system to the new swale. (The temporary cantilevered walkway described in Task 8.7 will be a few inches above the bridge deck to accommodate the temporary gutter system.) 5. The following retaining walls will be required: a) At the south and north ends of the bridge, circular walls at the outlooks, approximately 50- to 60 -feet long. The walls are assumed to be cast -in -place concrete walls with spread footings. b) At the north end of the bridge, a wall along the edge of roadway, approximately 100 -feet long by 6- to 8 -feet maximum height. The wall is assumed to be either cast -in -place concrete with spread footings or a structural earth wall. c) At the north end of the bridge, a wall along the trail, approximately 250 -feet long by 14- to 16 -feet maximum height. The wall is assumed to be either cast -in -place concrete with spread footings or a structural earth wall. d) It is assumed that the walls will have architectural relief to enhance the appearance. e) At the existing northbound bridge, short walls will be required at the ends of the pedestrian walkway on each bank of the river for connection to a new trail. It is assumed that these walls will be cast -in -place concrete with spread footings up to 40 -feet long by 4- to 6 -feet maximum height. 6. All calculations, analyses, design, plans, specifications, and other project work will be prepared in English units. 7. All drawings will be prepared in AutoCAD format in accordance with Spokane Valley drafting standards. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 17 OF 32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 8. Bridge design will be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the WSDOT Bridge Design Manual (BDM) and AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications for Highway Bridges. 9. The WSDOT / APWA 2012 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, and Amendments (English version) will be used for specifying the work. WSDOT General Special Provisions and project- specific Special Provisions will be included as necessary. 10. Coordination with utility companies will be provided under other tasks. The bridge designers will be provided with a list itemizing the arrangement, sizes, types, locations, mounting requirements, and other utility requirements for present and future utilities to be supported by the bridge. 9.1 Task Management and Coordination Program, coordinate, and supervise the project structural design team. Attend up to six (6) client meetings by teleconference to provide structural input and coordination with other work elements such as utilities, illumination, aesthetic and architectural bridge features, and construction sequencing. Attend up to two (2) project review meetings to resolve review comments with Spokane Valley, WSDOT, or other stakeholders. Prepare meeting notes as necessary to document decisions made. 9.2 Structural Design Calculations Prepare analysis and design calculations for the bridge replacement and retaining walls in accordance with the project design criteria. 9.3 Structure Plans Prepare design drawings of superstructure, substructure, abutment, and foundation components for bidding and construction of the bridge and retaining walls. Prepare drawings for demolition of the existing Sullivan Road West Bridge. Drawings anticipated for this project are included in the attached Drawing List. 9.4 Specifications Prepare General Special Provisions and project - specific Special Provisions for the structural elements to supplement the WSDOT /APWA Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction (2012 edition) and incorporate into the project bid documents. 9.5 Quantities and Cost Opinion Develop detailed quantities for the bridge and retaining walls and incorporate into the project bid documents. Develop a detailed cost opinion for the structural elements of the project at the 60%,90%, and 100% levels of completion. An independent contractor -based construction cost estimate will be developed and updated with each submittal to validate the cost opinion. 9.6 Preliminary Construction Schedule Develop preliminary construction schedules for use in developing construction phasing, construction cost opinions, and anticipated project duration. Developed detailed SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 18 OF 32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 preliminary construction schedules and update at the 60 %, 90 %, and 100% levels of completion. 9.7 QA/QC Review Perform Quality Assurance /Quality Control (QA /QC) reviews for the bridge and retaining wall design, to include the following: • Review project design criteria, geotechnical recommendations, and hydraulics recommendations to assure conformity with the project requirements. • Perform a structural design check, plans check, and constructability review as described below. • Review specifications, quantities, bid schedule, and cost estimates at the 90% level of completion. • Review the bridge load rating calculations and report. • Document review comments and acceptable resolution in the project file. The levels of checking are defined as follows: Structural Design Check. Verify the adequacy of the main structural elements, including section sizes, reinforcing steel, maximum stresses, and overall structural stability of the design. Verification can consist of independent calculations or a thorough review of the designer's calculations. Main structural elements include deck, girders, cross beams, columns, walls, drilled shafts, and abutments. Plans Check. Perform a review of the plans to confirm that sufficient detail has been provided and that the plans accurately reflect the results of the design calculations. Controlling geometry, elevations, dimensions are checked. • Constructibility Review. Perform a review of the plans to confirm that the structure is constructible and the details and notes are consistent and clear. Process and incorporate Spokane Valley and WSDOT review comments pertaining to the 60% and 90% submittals. Prepare written review comment responses and resolve comments with Spokane Valley and WSDOT staff. Incorporate resolved comments into the final design documents. 9.8 Bridge Load Rating Perform LRFR load rating calculations for the new Sullivan Road West Bridge in accordance with WSDOT Bridge Design Manual (BDM) procedures and the AASHTO Guide Specification for Strength Evaluation of Existing Steel and Concrete Bridges. Perform NBI load rating calculations in accordance with the AASHTO Manual for Condition Evaluation of Bridges, latest edition. Prepare and submit a Bridge Load Rating Report containing the load rating calculations and a summary the load rating results. 9.9 Design Study of Pedestrian /Bicycle Walkway Beneath Sullivan Road West Bridge Perform an additional design study of a proposed pedestrian /bicycle walkway that will be located under the new southbound Sullivan Road West Bridge. A previous study was performed assuming the walkway will be located under the east side of the existing northbound Sullivan Road East Bridge. This additional study is to consider constructing a SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 19 OF 32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 temporary walkway on the northbound bridge during construction and providing the permanent walkway under the new southbound bridge, which would be designed and constructed integral with the new bridge. The walkway will be supported from the new bridge either between piers and symmetrical with the bridge for better integration with the bridge or along the west edge of the bridge (downstream of piers) for better lighting and security under the bridge. The deck -level walkway width on the new bridge will be reduced from 10 -feet to 6 -feet and the associated cost saving will be considered in comparative cost estimates. The temporary and permanent below -deck walkways will be a minimum of 5.5 and 10 feet wide, respectively. The study will consist of the following tasks: Evaluate up to five (5) alternatives for the walkway, including a walkway with deck and girders supported by the intermediate piers and separate abutments at each end located beneath and symmetrical to the bridge; a walkway with deck and girders supported by the intermediate piers and separate abutments at each end located beneath along the west edge of bridge; a walkway hung symmetrically to the bridge from the precast girders; a walkway suspended symmetrically to the bridge from cables anchored to the bridge piers; a walkway suspended along the west edge of bridge from cables anchored to the bridge piers; and up to one (1) additional alternative to be determined during the study. • Identify the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative from a structural, constructability, and maintenance perspective. • Develop comparative -level costs of each alternative. • Develop a structure layout of the preferred alternative to a preliminary level of design. Deliverables: • Technical memorandum that documents the evaluation of walkway alternatives. It is assumed that the memorandum will be up to four (4) pages long and will include preliminary drawings of the walkway (including plan, elevation, and typical section). Assumptions The scope and fee developed for the bridge and structures work element is based on the following assumptions: • All calculations, analyses, design, plans, specifications, and other project work will be prepared in English units. • All drawings will be prepared in AutoCAD format in accordance with Spokane Valley drafting standards. • Bridge design will be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the WSDOT Bridge Design Manual (BDM) and AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications for Highway Bridges. • The WSDOT / APWA 2012 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, and Amendments (English version) will be used for specifying the work. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 20 OF 32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 WSDOT General Special Provisions and project- specific Special Provisions will be included as necessary. • This scope of work does not include final structures design of the pedestrian /bicycle walkway located under the Sullivan Road West Bridge. Final design of the walkway will be covered in a future amendment. Deliverables: • 60% PS&E Submittal: — 60% structures plans (1 -11x17 hardcopy and electronic PDF file) — 60% special provisions (electronic Word file) — 60% opinion of cost (electronic Excel file) • 90% PS&E Submittal (draft Final): — 90% structures plans (1 -11x17 hardcopy and electronic PDF file) — 90% special provisions (electronic Word file) — 90% opinion of cost (electronic Excel file) • 100% PS&E Submittal (Ad Copy): — Final, stamped structures plans (1 -11x17 hardcopy and electronic PDF file) — Final special provisions (electronic Word file) — Final opinion of cost (electronic Excel file) — Final, stamped design calculations (1 hardcopy and electronic PDF file) • Bridge Load Rating Report (1 hardcopy and electronic PDF file) Drawing List Anticipated drawings required for the bridge and structure elements of the project are shown below. Bridge Drawings - New Sullivan Road West Bridge B -1. Layout (Plan and Elevation) B -2. General Notes & Geometric Data B -3. Construction Staging/ Sequencing B -4. Foundation Layout B -5. Pier 1 and 5 Shaft Details B -6. Pier 1 Plan and Elevation B -7. Pier 5 Plan and Elevation B -8. Pier land 5 Sections and Details B -9. Pier 1 and 5 Curtain Wall Sections and Details B -10. Pier 2, 3, and 4 Shaft Details B -11. Pier 2, 3, and 4 Column Details B -12, Pier 2 Plan, Elevation, and Sections B -13. Pier 3 Plan, Elevation, and Sections B -14. Pier 4 Plan, Elevation, and Sections B -15. Pier Sections and Details B -16. Framing Plan SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 21 OF 32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 B -17. Typical Cross Section B -18. Bearing Details B -19. Precast Girder Details (1 of 3) B -20. Precast Girder Details (2 of 3) B -21. Precast Girder Details (3 of 3) B -22. Intermediate Diaphragm Details B -23. Pier Diaphragm Details B -24. End Diaphragm Details B -25. Deck Slab Reinforcing Plan B -26. Deck Slab Sections and Details B -27. Utility Support Details B -28. Approach Slab Details (1 of 2) B -29. Approach Slab Details (2 of 2) B -30. Traffic Barrier Details (1 of 3) B -31. Traffic Barrier Details (2 of 3) B -32. Traffic Barrier Details (3 of 3) B -33. Median Barrier Details B -34. Pedestrian Railing Details (1 of 2) B -35. Pedestrian Railing Details (2 of 2) B -36. Bridge Railing Type BP (1 of 2) B -37. Bridge Railing Type BP (2 of 2) B -38. Miscellaneous Details Bridge Drawings - Existing Sullivan Road East Bridge B -1. Layout (Plan and Elevation) B -2. Barrier and Pedestrian Railing Removal Details B -3. Traffic Barrier Details (1 of 2) B -4. Traffic Barrier Details (2 of 2) B -5. Cantilevered Walkway Details (1 of 2) B -6. Cantilevered Walkway Details (2 of 2) B -7. Pedestrian Railing Details B -8. Utility Supports B -9. Temporary Bridge Drain Details (1 of 2) B -10. Temporary Bridge Drain Details (2 of 2) Retaining Wall Drawings RW -1 South Outlook Wall Plan, Elevation, and Typical Section RW -2 North Outlook Wall Plan, Elevation, and Typical Section RW -3 North Roadway Wall Plan, Elevation, and Typical Section RW -4 North Trail Wall Plan, Elevation, and Typical Section RW -5 South Trail Wall at East Bridge, Plan, Elevation, and Sections RW -6 North Trail Wall at East Bridge, Plan, Elevation, and Sections RW -7 Wall Sections and Details RW -8 Wall Sections and Details SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 22 OF 32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 Task 10: Property Restoration This task involves final design and contract document preparation for landscape restoration. This scope of work does not include final design of additional park improvements (other than those described in Task 10.1 and pathway connections to any eventual below -deck walkway. Final design of aesthetic elements will be covered in a future amendment. CH2M HILL will provide: • Final design of restoration and enhancements for Sullivan Park. • Final design of Sullivan Road Trailhead Improvements for the Centennial Trail. • Restoration plans for private parcels anticipated to be impacted during construction of the project. 10.1 Sullivan Park Improvements Plans and details will be prepared to mitigate temporary and permanent impacts to Sullivan Park. These plans include: • Expansion of park open space (to include a new picnic shelter, picnic tables, grass, and landscape plantings). The size of the expansion area will be comparable to the existing park space temporarily allocated for construction activities. • Landscape along new roadway retaining walls. Deliverables: See Drawing List. Submittals will be made at 60 %, 90% and 100% levels of completion. 10.2 Sullivan Road Trailhead Improvements Plans and details will be prepared to restore access to the Centennial Trail from Sullivan Road. These plans include: • Replacement of the existing stairway and connection to existing multi-use path. • Landscape restoration of trailhead area. Deliverables: See Drawing List. Submittals will be made at 60 11o, 90% and 100% levels of completion. 10.3 Property Restoration Plans Plans and details will be prepared to restore properties impacted by the project, including, State Parks and private parcels. Unless specific mitigation is determined and accepted, these plans will focus on restoring disturbed elements to pre - project conditions. Deliverables: See Drawing List. Submittals will be made at 60 %, 90% and 100% levels of completion. Drawing List Anticipated drawings required to detail the property restoration and improvements elements of the project are shown below. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 23 OF 32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 Property Restoration Sheets PR -1 Sullivan Park Restoration Plan PR -2 Sullivan Park Restoration Details (1 of 2) PR -3 Sullivan Park Restoration Details (2 of 2) PR -4 Sullivan Road Trailhead Restoration Plan PR -5 Sullivan Road Trailhead Restoration Details (1 of 2) PR -6 Sullivan Road Trailhead Restoration Details (2 of 2) PR -7 Property Restoration Plans PR -8 Property Restoration Details 10.4 Specifications Prepare specifications using the 2012 edition of the WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction and WSDOT Special Provisions. Standard plans will be identified and assembled for inclusion in the contract documents. Modifications to the standards will be made with amendments and special provisions. Deliverables: 60% Specifications (Technical provisions and GSP's only), 90% and 100% Specifications (Complete contract provisions, including bid documentation) 10.5 Quantities and Cost Opinion Develop detailed quantities and a detailed cost opinion for the architectural, trailhead, landscaping, and river bank restoration elements of the project at the 60 %, 90 %, and 100% levels of completion. Deliverables: 60 %, 90% and 100% Construction Cost Estimate 10.6 QA/QC Review Perform Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA /QC) reviews for the Landscape Restoration design, to include the following: • Review project design criteria to assure conformity with the project requirements. • Perform a design check, plans check, and constructability review. • Review specifications, quantities, bid schedule, and cost estimates at the 90% level of completion. • Review the irrigation calculations. • Document review comments and acceptable resolution in the project file. Process and incorporate Spokane Valley and WSDOT review comments pertaining to the 60% and 90% submittals. Prepare written review comment responses and resolve comments with Spokane Valley and WSDOT staff. Incorporate resolved comments into the final design documents. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 24 OF 32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 Task 11: Right -of -Way Plans and Descriptions 11.1 Right -of -Way Plans and Descriptions Based on initial bridge replacement concepts, right -of -way will be required from Washington State Parks and Recreation on the north and south banks of the Spokane River, and private parcel(s) on the northwest corner of Sullivan Road and Indiana Avenue. Right -of -way plans will be prepared, identifying the extent of required takes, to include permanent takes, permanent easements, and temporary construction easements. These plans will identify the location of the proposed improvements and how the parcels will be affected by the improvements. Horizontal control and right -of -way plans will be developed, showing the roadway centerline, survey control points, curve data, tangent bearings and distances, proposed right -of -way and existing right -of -way. Legal descriptions of the proposed property takes and easements will be prepared. A right -of -way survey will be conducted to include: 1. Establish boundaries for Washington State Parks and Recreation Parcels a) Prepare legal descriptions for takes and easements b) Provide lath and hubs to delineate new right -of -way 2. Establish boundaries for impacted private parcels a) Provide preliminary boundary staking b) Prepare legal descriptions c) Provide lath and hubs to delineate new right -of -way 3. Prepare and file a record of survey for all new boundaries It is assumed that the Washington State Parks and Recreation properties on the north and south banks, as well as one commercial parcel will be included. This also assumes that the right -of -way acquisitions will be partial takes, with no structures to be impacted. Property and right -of -way monuments will be reasonably searched for and field located in the survey tasks. The existing right -of -way and subdivision property lines will be shown on the plans, based on available monuments, plats, and record of surveys. CH2M HILL'S subconsultant will request from the County Assessor's office the ownership of the parcels surrounding the project limits. Deliverables: Right -of -way plans, legal descriptions and exhibits, right -of -way staking and monumentation. Task 12: Right -of -Way Acquisition This section describes the Scope of Real Estate Services to be provided to support the Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement Project. CH2M HILL's authorized subconsultant will provide the real estate services for up to eight (8) parcels on this project. CH2M HILL's subconsultant will provide the right -of -way acquisition services using procedures specified herein and in accordance with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Right -of -Way Manual and Local Agency Guidelines. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 25 OF 32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 Assumptions: 1. CH2M HILL's subconsultant will field mark existing and proposed right -of -way boundaries as required. 2. Spokane Valley will be directly responsible for all City, County, or State fees related to the project. 3. CH2M HILL's subconsultant will provide the right -of -way plans prepared for the project. 4. Spokane Valley will provide updated title reports for all involved parcels. 5. CH2M HILL will provide legal descriptions (and exhibits, if desired) for each parcel acquisition and /or easement and /or temporary permit or easement, as accomplished in Task 12. 6. Appraisals will consist of: a. Up to four (4) Before and After, two (2) with potential damages. b. Up to five (5) WSDOT Res. 208 Form Reports. c. Up to four (4) review appraisals will be necessary. 7. No relocations are necessary on this project. 8. No property management services are necessary on this project. 12.1 Title Spokane Valley will obtain and furnish updated title reports for each property prior to beginning the appraisal work. Title reports should include encumbrances on the titles; issue a settlement memorandum which shall include but not be limited to, payment of taxes due, the securing of full or partial releases, subordination and /or re- conveyance from lien holders of record; work with other local, state, or federal agencies to secure interagency agreements for easement releases, subordinations or other compatible agreements. Deliverables: City -furnished title reports, including encumbrances. 12.2 Appraisals CH2M HILL's subconsultant will provide appraisal assistance and coordination with the subconsultant Appraiser who will provide the following: The appraiser will determine Fair Market Value for all property rights affected prior to acquisition. For acquisitions under $25,000, the appraiser will complete an Administrative Offer Summary (AOS) for each parcel. The Appraiser will include in the submittal to Spokane Valley all necessary information used to form the fair Market Value in each AOS. For parcels over $25,000 or those determined to be too complicated for an AOS, an appropriate appraisal will be provided subject to the requirements of the Appraisal Institute and the Uniform Standards of Professional Practice of the Appraisal Foundation. The Appraiser will prepare and mail to each property owner a 'Notice of Decision to Appraise" letter and schedule meetings with the appraiser. Initially for all parcels, the Appraiser will contact the owner or the owner's agent of the subject property and offer the opportunity for that person to accompany the appraiser in an inspection of the property. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 26 OF 32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 The Appraiser will determine the highest and best use, which is the foundation on which fair market value is established. It is the Appraiser's responsibility to identify and support the use of a specific value through research and analysis of market data. The opinion of value includes an adequately described property, as of a specific date, and supported by the presentation and analysis of relevant market information. Generally, a range of value is developed and analyzed within the report. The analysis will result in a conclusion which is reported as a single indication of value. Deliverables: Administrative Offer Summaries (AOS) or Appraisal Reports for each parcel. 12.3 Appraisal Reviews CH2M HILL's subconsultant will provide review appraisal assistance and coordination with the subconsultant Reviewer who will provide the following: The appraisal review process is that part of the appraisal process that ensures that both the property owner and the taxpayer are treated fairly by having properly prepared appraisal reports with credible valuation estimates. The Review Appraiser establishes the offer of just compensation. The Review Appraiser is an advocate only for the appropriate implementation of the Uniform Act, state eminent domain law and regulations, and criteria outlined by WSDOT. Documentation standards for appraisal and appraisal review will be commensurate with the complexity of the appraisal problem. The Review Appraiser will prepare an appropriate written explanation supporting the review appraiser's estimate of just compensation. The Review Appraiser will sign the certification which verifies that the statements within have been read and all are true and correct. A new certification will be submitted for any changes in the report, and the date of the report must correspond with the date of the changes. It is the Review Appraiser's approved estimate of compensation that is the amount that must be offered to the landowner. Deliverables: Appraisal review documentation for each parcel, estimate of compensation for each parcel. 12.4 Acquisition Services 12.4.1 Meeting Preparation CH2M HILL's subconsultant negotiator will provide a booklet describing the right -of -way process to CH2M HILL or Spokane Valley for delivery with each first offer letter entitled City of Spokane Valley's Acquisition/ Relocation Handbook. The handbook format may be a modified version of the WSDOT booklet, "Transportation Property Needs and You ". The negotiator will thoroughly review the appraisal data for each parcel. CH2M HILL's subconsultant shall propose price determinations subject to the approval and revision by Spokane Valley and after approval or revision, prepare First Offer Letters. Deliverables: Right -of -Way process booklet, Price Determinations. 12.4.2 Document Preparation CH2M HILL will prepare the Spokane Valley forms based on the LAG forms provided by WSDOT and created under separate agreement. CH2M HILL will prepare and provide SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 27 OF 32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 conveyance documents specific to the Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement for the property rights to be acquired on the project including, but not limited to: First Offer Letters with Summaries, Rights of Entry, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification Documents (W -9 Taxpayer Identification Forms), Real Property Vouchers, Real Estate Tax Affidavits, Right -of -Way Dedication Deeds, Right -of -Way Easements, Temporary Construction Permits, and Road Construction Agreements. CH2M HILL's subconsultant will also prepare the Right -of -Way Diaries for documentation of individual parcel contacts and activities. CH2M HILL will provide the prepared legal descriptions (per Task 11) for the right -of -way to be acquired via fee and /or easement. Legal Descriptions will be provided in digital and hard copy form. Deliverables: Conveyance documentation for each parcel, Right -of -Way Diaries for each parcel. 12.4.3 Negotiations Acquisition negotiations for the project will be commenced within 10 days of receipt of written authority to initiate contact and the price determinations are approved by Spokane Valley. First Offer Letters for all property owners will be submitted to Spokane Valley for review and once approved by Spokane Valley, offer letters sent out. CH2M HILL's subconsultant will contact property owners, advise them of the process, prepare and assemble negotiation packages, and schedule appointments. The Summary Statements and written offers will be prepared and presented to the owners, along with the City of Spokane Valley's Acquisition/ Relocation Handbook, at personal meetings. If an appointment has not been previously scheduled, within five days of the mailing of the offer letter, CH2M HILL's subconsultant will attempt to contact each property owner for an appointment to begin negotiations. Absentee owners will be contacted and negotiations conducted by telephone. If CH2M HILL's subconsultant is unable to contact the owner within the first ten days of the mailing date of the offer letter, CH2M HILL's subconsultant will notify Spokane Valley of those owners with whom contact could not be made and request direction on how to proceed. CH2M HILL's subconsultant will assure that negotiations will be performed only to the limit of authority delineated by the title reports, project maps, determination of fair market value, and manual of procedures, acquisition schedule, or written instructions issued by Spokane Valley. CH2M HILL's subconsultant will utilize an Internet -based tracking system to maintain a complete record of progress on each parcel. Spokane Valley and CH2M HILL will have access to this system to monitor activities and to make entries. Up to three meetings are assumed to be required to arrive at substantive discussions relative to value. CH2M HILL's subconsultant will submit to Spokane Valley for approval any recommendations involving a value higher than the determination of just compensation. An escrow account will be opened for each negotiated settlement. The negotiator will work SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 28 OF 32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 with the escrow agent as needed, and close the escrow account after title is transferred. The escrow fee and title insurance charge will be payable by Spokane Valley separate from this Agreement. CH2M HILL'S subconsultant will provide an itemized invoice for all moneys to be paid to owner together with appropriate documentation for all reimbursable expenses as well as all expenses incurred incident to transfer of title. If within a reasonable time, not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days from the initiation of negotiations with the owner, it appears that an agreement relative to payment and consistent with Spokane Valley's acquisition schedule cannot be reached, CH2M HILL's subconsultant will make a recommendation to Spokane Valley relative to the initiation of condemnation proceedings. Unresolved offers will be submitted to Spokane Valley for court action. Deliverables: Written documentation diary of negotiation process for each parcel, internet- based tracking. 12.4.4 Temporary Construction Permits/Easements CH2M HILL'S subconsultant will prepare and attempt to secure signatures on Temporary Construction Permits (TCP's) for up to five (5) parcels. Temporary Construction Easements will be identified for those parcels wherein work is outside of the existing right of way but not considered for the mutual benefit of the landowner. If TCP's are required for parcels outside this scope of work or those not yet identified, they will be negotiated as extra work. Said permits will be completed in a format provided by Spokane Valley. It is assumed no compensation will be paid for said Temporary Construction Permits as they are for the mutual benefit of the landowners and Spokane Valley. Compensation will be paid by Spokane Valley to said landowners for use within these temporary easement areas. Deliverables: Temporary Construction Permits /Easements 12.4.5 Closing, Conveyance, and Certification CH2M HILL's subconsultant will work with a local title company to coordinate closing on the right -of -way acquisitions. When Spokane Valley receives acceptable documents from CH2M HILL'S subconsultant, they will be signed by Spokane Valley and forwarded to the title /escrow company for processing, recording, and closing. CH2M HILL's subconsultant will coordinate the following: a. Provide instructions to the property owners, title company, and escrow company; b. Make recommendations to Spokane Valley and /or the City Council as needed; C. Monitor schedule of closing dates; d. Make recommendations to Spokane Valley regarding the schedule for closing; Deliver pertinent documents to the escrow and title company with escrow agreement; Obtain required document signatures from all appropriate parties to the transaction; g. Ensure escrow /title company records documents properly and distributes funds promptly; h. Ensure that the original copies are transmitted to Spokane Valley; SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 4288591D 29 OF 32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 i. Obtain original title policy on acquired right of way from the title company. Spokane Valley will pay all direct expenses associated with limited liability guarantees, title reports, title insurance, escrow fees, other closing costs, and payments to property owners. Deliverables: Closing instructions. Task 13: Bid Period Assistance 13.1 Contract Documents Preparation Following Spokane Valley and WSDOT approval of bid documents, CH2M HILL will provide electronic (.pdf) contract documents to online plan centers and will print and distribute up to 20 sets of contract documents for local plan centers. 13.2 Advertisement for Bids CH2M HILL will assist Spokane Valley with language to be used in the advertisement for bids (Spokane Valley will finalize and place the advertisement). 13.3 Response to Bidder Questions and Issue Addenda CH2M HILL will answer bidder's questions and issue up to two contract addenda if needed. CH2M HILL will not be required to attend the bid opening (Spokane Valley will conduct bid opening). 13.4 Bid Tabulation, Evaluation, and Contract Award Recommendation CH2M HILL will prepare bid tabulation, evaluate low bidder's qualifications, and make a recommendation for contract award to Spokane Valley staff and the City Council. Deliverables: 50 sets of contract documents, addenda, bid tabulation, and award recommendation. Task 14: Miscellaneous Optional Services 14.1 Public Information Meeting All public involvement and community outreach activities will be coordinated with Spokane Valley. CH2M HILL will prepare for and coordinate one public information meeting. The public meeting will be "Open House" style to provide project information and answer questions. Two representatives from CH2M HILL will attend the meeting and be available to answer questions. CH2M HILL will be responsible for preparing project fact sheets and displays. It is anticipated that design drawings and an aerial photograph of the project area will be used at the public meetings. Coordinate with Spokane Valley to conduct the following public meeting: Public Open House #2 - Pre - Construction: Purpose of this meeting is to review upcoming construction phase elements, such as traffic staging and public access, and solicit input, prior to kicking off the construction phase of work. Spokane Valley will prepare and distribute any public notices, mailings, or other notification media, coordinate meeting times, locations and secure facilities. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A-1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 30 OF 32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 Deliverables: Public meeting displays and handouts, meeting agendas and notes. 14.2 Bridge Visual Simulations Visual simulations of the Sullivan Road West Bridge project will be prepared for the purpose of communicating preferred aesthetic and public art treatments and completed project. Preferred treatments and key project visual elements will be determined in other tasks in this scope of work. Photos will be taken from ground level and low- altitude aerial perspectives. Two (2) to three (3) viewpoints will be selected showing the existing bridge, and a simulation of each viewpoint showing the proposed bridge will be provided. Deliverable: Bridge visual simulation graphics (electronic format). 14.3 Sullivan Park Water Supply Main Plan sheets depicting proposed water supply main from the existing water main on the north side of Indiana Avenue at the Sullivan Road Intersection to Sullivan Park will be prepared. It is assumed that the water supply will be provided only for Sullivan Park irrigation and restroom service needs. Facilities and sizing for fire protection are not included. CH2M HILL will coordinate the design of Sullivan Road West Bridge and Sullivan Park water supply main with Consolidated Irrigation District No. 19. Deliverables: See Drawing List. Submittals will be made at 60 11o, 90% and 100% levels of completion. Drawing List Anticipated drawings required to detail the water supply main elements of the project are shown below. Water Supply WS-1 Water Supply Plan and Profile (1 of 2) WS-2 Water Supply Plan and Profile (2 of 2) WS -3 Water Supply Details 14.4 Roadway Illumination The existing Sullivan Road bridges include roadway illumination at the bridge ends only. Roadway lighting level requirements will be analyzed for the new 4 -lane bridge structure and approaches, and luminaires will be designed to meet the identified requirements. Recommendations will be based on Spokane Valley - provided lighting level requirements and specifications and details for luminaire heads (style and wattage), standards, and poles (including mounting height, arm length). It is assumed that an existing service cabinet is available for power supply, and that a new service cabinet is not required. No pedestrian- level lighting for the multi -use pathway or trail access routes is provided as part of this scope. Deliverables: See Drawing List. Submittals will be made at 60 %, 90% and 100% levels of completion. Drawing List Anticipated drawings required to detail the roadway illumination elements of the project are shown below. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW.DOCX 428859.FD 31 OF 32 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, JULY 2012 Roadway Illumination RL -1 Roadway Lighting Plan (1 of 2) RL -2 Roadway Lighting Plan (2 of 2) RL -3 Roadway Lighting Details RL -4 Roadway Lighting Details 14.5 Sullivan Park and Centennial Trailhead Irrigation Irrigation plans and details will be prepared for the expanded Sullivan Park open space. Specifications, quantities, and cost opinion will be prepared for these elements and incorporated in to the overall documentation at the 60 %, 90% and 100% levels of completion. Deliverables: See Drawing List. Submittals will be made at 60 %, 90% and 100% levels of completion. Drawing List Anticipated drawings required to detail the property restoration and improvements elements of the project are shown below. Property Restoration Sheets PR -9 Sullivan Park Irrigation Plan PR -10 Sullivan Road Trailhead Irrigation Plan PR -11 Irrigation Details 14.6 Improved Access to Spokane River Plans and details will be prepared to improve access to the Spokane River from Sullivan Park. It is assumed that the area for the bridge construction contractor's work trestle access route in Sullivan Park may be utilized and restored for this purpose. Deliverables: See Drawing List. Submittals will be made at 60 01o, 90% and 100% levels of completion. Drawing List Anticipated drawings required to detail the property restoration and improvements elements of the project are shown below. Property Restoration Sheets PR -12 River Access Plan PR -13 River Access Details 4.0 Project Delivery Schedule CH2M HILL will complete the work outlined in this Scope of Work within seventeen months of receiving a Notice to Proceed from Spokane Valley. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT FINAL DESIGN EXHIBIT A-1 SOW. DOCX 428859.FD 32 OF 32 DOCUMENTS EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE The two pages page entitled "Exhibit E -1 / Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement — Final Design & Bid Support" contain confidential cost and rate data and are withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 23 USC 112(2)(F). Prenotification; confidentiality of data. A recipient of funds requesting or using the cost and rate data shall notify any affected firm before such request or use. Such data shall be confidential and shall not be accessible or provided, in whole or in part, to another firm or to any government agency which is not part of the group of agencies sharing cost data under this paragraph, except by written permission of the audited firm. If prohibited by law, such cost and rate data shall not be disclosed under any circumstances. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review pursuant to RCW 42.56.550.