Ordinance 03-041 Adopts Uniform Fire Code CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 41 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE AS THE FiRE REGULATIONS OF THE CITY. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley will incorporate on March 31, 2003; and WHEREAS, to promote the health, safety and welfare of the occupants or users of buildings and structures within the State of Washington, the City is required to adopt uniform codes that establish minimum performance standards for construction that contain recognized standards of engineering; WHEREAS, the State of Washington through RCW 19.27.031 has declared that there shall be in effect in all counties and cities the Uniform Fire Code and Uniform Fire Code Standards published by the International Fire Code Institute provided that the City is authorized to amend the code, as it applies within the jurisdiction of the City, so long as minimum performance standards relating to fire and life safety are not reduced; and WHEREAS, the City desires to adopt the Uniform Fire Code as amended by this ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Authority to Adopt Uniform Fire Code. Pursuant to RCW 35A.11.020, 35A.12.140 and RCW 19.27.031, the City adopts the 1997 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code, including Appendix IT-F, Protected Above Ground Tanks for Motor Vehicle Fuel Dispensing Stations Outside Buildings, and Appendix 11-i Storage of Flammable and Combustible Liquids in Tanks Located Within Below-Grade Vaults, published by the International Fire Code Institute and the Uniform Fire Code Standards and Appendix I-A, I-C, II-A, H-B, ll-C, 11-E, 11-G, Ill-A, III-B, 1I1-D, IV-13, V-A, V1-A, VT-B, VI-E., and VII-B as published by the Western Fire Chiefs Association as further adopted, modified and amended through WAC Chapters 51-44 and 51-45 and this ordinance. Section 2. Uniform Fire Code - Section 105.3 amended - Application for Permit. Section 105.3 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended as follows: 105.3 Application for Permit. Applications for permits shall be made to the City of Spokane Valley in such form and detail as required by the Building Department. Applications for permits shall be accompanied by such plans as required by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. All applications for fire department permits received by the City shall be forwarded to the Bureau of Fire Prevention for consideration of approval. Page 1 C:1Documems and Settingslrmullcr\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKI IlOrdinance No.FCI_doc 105.3.1 Permit Fees. Fees for Fire Code Permits, plan check, or any other fire service shall be established through City Council Resolution. 105.3.2 Fire Code Permit Term. Fire Code Permits are either temporary, pertaining to an activity or process that will last a specific period of time, usually less than 30 days, or annual. All annual permits will expire one year from the date of issuance. • 105.8 Permit may be required. A permit, if required, shall be obtained from the Building Department, with approval of the Bureau of Fire Prevention, prior to engaging in the following activities, operations, practices, or functions: Section 3. Uniform Fire Code - Section 901.4.2 amended - Fire Apparatus Access Roads. Section 901.4.2 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended as follows: 901.4.2 Fire apparatus access roads. When required by the Fire Marshal, approved signs or other notices shall be provided and maintained for fire apparatus roads to identify such roads and prohibit the obstruction thereof as follows: 1. All designated lire lanes shall be clearly marked by the property owner in the following manner: Vertical curbs shall be painted six (6") inches in height and shall be painted red on the top and side, extending the length of the designated fire lane with four inch (4") white block lettering stenciled on the face "NO PARKING - FIRE LANE". The stenciling shall be spaced every fifty feet (50'). Rolled curbs or surfaces without curbs shall have a six inch (6") wide stripe painted that extends the length of the designated fire lane with four inch (4") white block lettering stenciled on the stripe "NO PARKNG - FIRE LANE. The stenciling shall be spaced every fifty feet (50'). 2. Signs may be substituted for curb painting when approved in writing by the Fire Marshal. 3. Signs shall be not less than eighteen inches (18") in height by twelve inches (12") in width, with block lettering of not less than three inches (3") high brush stroke, reading: "NO PARKING - FIRE LANE'. Such signs shall be reflective in nature, with red lettering on a white background, and spaced at intervals of not less than fifty feet (50') apart. The top of such signs shall not be less than four feet (4'), nor more than six feet (6') from the ground. Signs may he placed on buildings when approved in writing by the Fire Marshal. When posts are required, they shall be constructed of either two inch (2") or greater galvanized steel, or four inch by four inch (4" x 4") or greater pressure treated wood. 4. The Fire Marshal may approve deviations from any of the specifications when approved in writing by the Fire Marshal. 5. Existing signs may be allowed to remain until the Fire Marshal determines that a need for replacement exists based on the legibility or other deterioration of the Page 2 C:IDocuments and Settings\rntullcr\Local SettingAATemporary Internet Files I\Ordinance No.FCL.doc 0 existing signs. Such replacement shall occur within 30 days of receiving written notification of the deficiency. 6. Fire lanes shall be established and maintained to clearly identify the designated area as a fire lane, at the sole expense of the property owner. The property owner shall have completed the required establishment or maintenance of fire lanes within 30 days of receiving written notification that such is necessary. 7. At the entrance to the property where fire lanes have been designated, signs shall be posted in a clearly conspicuous location, and shall clearly state that vehicles parked in fire lanes may be impounded, and the name, telephone number, and address of the towing firm where the vehicle may be redeemed. 8. The owner, manager, or person in charge of any property upon which any designed fire lane has been established shall be responsible to prevent the parking of vehicles in such fire lanes by informing the appropriate towing company of the violation. If the lane is blocked by any other obstructions, the owner, managed or person in charge of the property shall attempt to remove the obstruction, and if unable, shall inform the fire department that the obstruction exists. 9. All criminal violations of the Uniform Fire Code and obstruction of a fire apparatus road may be enforced by any regular or reserve police officer of the Police Department. 10. All residential, commercial, or industrial developments shall be constructed with their access points containing locking gates in a manner which includes the installation of an emergency vehicle pre-emption system to open all such gates and allow for immediate entry of emergency vehicles into the development. Such system shall be a priority control system that employs data-encoded infrared communication to identity the emergency response vehicle. The type of system to be installed must be compatible with the traffic signal priority control system used in the City of Spokane Valley. The design and final installation must be approved by the City of Spokane Valley. Further, such system must be maintained in proper working order by the owners of the development or a homeowners or business owners association. 11. The Fire Chief, Fire Marshal and such other commissioned personnel of the Fire Department as designated by the Fire Chief and approved by the City Manager, shall have the authority to issue infractions for violations of the Uniform Fire Code on forms provided by the Chief of Police for such purposes. Section 4. Uniform Fire Code - Section 901.4.4 amended - Premises Identification. Section 901.4.4 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended as follows: 901.4.4 Premises Identification. Approved numbers or addresses shall be provided for all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the Page 3 C:II?ocumeuts and Settingslrmullcr\Local Settins\Temporary Internet Filcs\OLK I I\Ordinance No.FCI.doc. 0 0 street or road fronting the property. All numbers and/or letters shall be no less than four (4) inches with a contrasting color background. The Building Official or the Fire Marshal may require larger numbers where large complexes and/or buildings are present, or where otherwise necessary to assure visibility. Section 5. Uniform Fire Code - Section 902.2.1.1 added - Fire Apparatus Access Roads. Section 902.2.1.1 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding the following: 902.2.1.1 Sprinklers Required. Fire sprinklers are required in all buildings that are served by a primary access road that is in excess of 15 per cent grade for more that 200 feet. Section 6. Uniform Fire Code - Section 902.2.2.6—Grade. 902.2.2.6 Grade. The gradient for the fire apparatus access road shall not exceed the maximum approved. Any building served by a fire apparatus access road in excess of 15 per cent grade for 200 feet or more must have automatic fire sprinklers installed. Section 7. Uniform Fire Code - Section 1001.5.3.1 - Problematic Systems and Systems Out of Service. Section 1001.5.3.1 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding the following: 1001.5.3.1 Problematic Systems and Systems Out of Service. Repeated system malfunction false alarms in any given six month period shall be subject to fines as outlined in the City of Spokane Valley fee Resolution. During the malfunction and such owner or occupant shall provide an approved means of notification to the Fire Department for emergency purposes. If a Fire Watch person is designated, their duty is to patrol the premises and keep watch for emergencies. Section 8. Uniform Fire Code - Section 1003.1.1 - Installation Requirements. Section 1003.1.1 Uniform Fire Code is amended by the adding of the following: 1003.1.1 General. A sign shall be installed next to the fire alarm bell designating "Call the Fire Department if the Bell is Ringing" with letters of least four inches on a red background. All fire sprinkler systems shall be monitored by a certified company with a system that will notify the local 911 telephone system and be approved by the Fire Marshal Section 9. Uniform Fire Code - Section 1003.2.2 - Automatic Sprinklers Required. • Section 1003.2.2 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended as follows: Section 1003.2.2 All Occupancies except Group U Occupancies. Except for Group U Occupancies, an automatic sprinkler system shall be installed: 5. Throughout all buildings three or more stories in height except Group R, Page 4 C:1Documents and Settingslrmuller\Local SettingATemporary Internet Files\OLK I IlOrdinance No.FCI.doc Division 3. For the purpose of this section a floor shall be any level of a building that is occupied for any reason. 6. Throughout all buildings, including R, Division 3, where the total floor area, including basements, exceeds 8,000 square feet. For the purposes of this section, portions of buildings separated by one or more area separation walls will not be considered a separate building. Existing buildings shall comply with this section when an addition is made to the building and the total floor area, including the basements, or the existing building and the addition combined exceeds 8,000 square feet. If an R, Division 3, occupancy addition contributes to the building exceeding 8,000 square feet, then only the addition will be required to have a sprinkler system. Section 10. Section 1003.2.9 Group R, Division 1 Occupancies. Section 1003.2.9 of the Group R, Division 1 Occupancies of the Uniform Fire Code is amended as follows: Section 1003.2.9 Group R, Division 1 Occupancies. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout every condominium, apartment house, hotel or motel three stories in height or containing 10 or more dwelling units or guest rooms and every congregate residence two or more stories in height or having an occupant load of 10 or more. For the purpose of this section any floor that is occupied for any reason is considered a story and portions of buildings separated by one or more separation walls will not be considered a separate building. Residential or quick response standard sprinklers shall be used in the dwelling and guest room portions of the building. Section 11. Section 1007 Fire Alarm Systems - General. Section 1007.2.1.3 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding the following: Section 1007.2.1.3 Monitored automatic fire alarm systems are required in: A. Buildings of all occupancies except R3 and U shall be equipped with an approved monitored automatic fire alarm system at the time of construction or when remodeling is in excess of fifty,percent (50%) of the accessed value or when the uses change to a more hazardous use, as determined by the Fire Chief Exception: An alarm need not be installed in multiple residence dwellings, hotels or motels constructed all on one floor when individual dwelling or guest units are separated by at least one hour fire resistant separations and each unit has a direct exit to a yard or public way, nor in retail or commercial occupancies with a floor area less than three thousand (3,000) square feet. Provided, that any building which has installed an approved sprinkler system wherein the sprinkler system and control valve have been equipped to automatically transmit an alarm by approved means to the Fire Department, will not be required to comply with the requirement for installation of an approved and maintained fire protection system under this section. B. 1. All occupancies to which this chapter applies exceeding 3,000 square Page 5 C:.Documents and ScttingslrmullerlLocal Se.ttineslTemporary Internet FiIcs101..Ki IlOrdinanceNo.FCI.doc (17): feet gross floor area, except Group R, Division 3 and U occupancies, shall be required to provide an approved monitored automatic fire detection system, and occupancies protected through an approved monitored sprinkler system may utilize a fire detection system without heat detectors. 2. A monitored fire detection system shall meet the following requirements: a. The system shall be supervised and UL approved; b. The system shall have dual lines; c. The system shall have a data test signal or be line supervised; and d. Tape recorders shall not be utilized. Section 12. Section 1102.3.1 Open Burning — General. Section 1102.3.1 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended as follows: Section 1102.3.1 General. Opening burning shall not be conducted at any time in compliance with a permanent ban on open burning established by the Spokane County Pollution Control Authority in Spokane. Exception: Barbecue and other cooking fires in accordance with Section 1102.4 and Section 1102.5. Section 13. Section 7701.7.2 - amended - Limits established by law. Section 7701.7.2 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended as follows: Section 7701.7.2 Limits as Established by Law. The storage of explosive materials is prohibited within the limits of the City, except in zoning classifications I-1, 1-2, 1-3, MZ, EA and GA provided the written consent of the Fire Marshal is obtained identifying the quantity of explosive material, type of magazine for storage and type of building in which the explosives are stored. Section 14. Section 7801.3.1.1 - amended—Manufacturinp,. Section 7801.3.1.1 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended as follows: Section 7801.3.1.1 Manufacturing. The manufacturing of fireworks is prohibited within the limits of the City. Section 15. Section 7802.3 - amended — Prohibited. Section 7802.3 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended as follows: Section 7802.3 Prohibited. The storage, use, sales and handling of fireworks is prohibited. EXCEPTIONS: 1. The use of fireworks for display is allowed as set forth in Section 7802.4. Page 6 C:U)ocuments and Settings\nnullcr\Local Settings\Temporary lntemct Filcs\OLK 11\Ordinance No.FCI.doc Section 16. Section 7902.2.2.1 and Section 7904. amended - Locations where Above Ground Tanks are Prohibited. Section 7902.2.2.1 and Section 7904. of the Uniform Fire Code are amended as follows: Section 7902.2.2.1 Locations where Above Ground Tanks are Prohibited. The storage of Class 1 and Class 11 flammable liquids in above ground tanks in excess of 100 gallons is prohibited within the limits of the City. In particular, installations this capacity limit may be altered at the discretion of the Fire Chief, in writing, after consideration of special features such as topographical conditions, nature of occupancy and proximity to buildings, capacity of proposed tanks, degree of private fire protection to be provided, and facilities of the Fire Department. Section 7904. Locations where Above Ground Tanks are Prohibited. The storage of Class I and Class I1 flammable liquids in above ground tanks in excess of 100 gallons is prohibited within the limits of the City. In particular installations this capacity limit may be altered at the discretion of the Fire Chief, in writing, after consideration of special features such as topographical conditions, nature of occupancy and proximity to buildings, capacity of proposed tanks, degree of private fire protection t be provided, and facilities of the Fire Department. Section 17. Section 8204.2 - amended - Maximum Capacity within Established Limits. Section 8204.2 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended as follows: Section 8204.2 Maximum Capacity within Established Limits. The aggregate capacity of any one installation shall not exceed 2,000 gallons water capacity, except that in particular installations this capacity limit may be altered at the discretion of the Fire Chief after consideration of special features such as topographical conditions, nature of the occupancy and proximity to buildings, capacity of proposed tanks, degree of private fire protection to be provided, and facilities of the Fire Department. Section 18. Severability. if any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 19. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this c0..5- day of Febru 2003. X.\\ . Mayor, Michael DeVleniing Page 7 C:\Docunents and Scttings\rmuller\Local SettingsVremporary Internet Files\OLK 11\Ordinance No.PC I.doc 0 \�J ATT + ifh Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller - Approved As To Form: L -eri City A o ney- Stanley . Schwartz Date of Publication: Al Ars.41 28, 2.683 Effective Date: Page 8 C_1Documcnts and ScttingslrmulleALocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKI l\Ordinance No.PCI.doc