Resolution 12-004 Accepting SMP Goals and Policies CJTX O�+ SPQKAN�VALL�Y SPOI�+iNE CO�UNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 1.2-004 A RESOLUTIDN OF THE CITY OF SPQI�AN� VALL�Y, SPOY�ANE COUNTY, WASHINGTOlV, ACC�PTING TH� D�tAFT GOALS AND P�L�CI�S TQR TH� �HOR�LINE MASTER PROGRAM, �ilVD OTHGR MATT�RS RCLAT7NG TH�R,�TO. V4'IIEREAS,the City initiated a Slioreliue Management Pi•ogram Update}�rocess in 2009; ai�d WHEREAS, o�� October 27, 2009, tl�e Cit�r Council revietived a pudlic pac�icipation plan for the S17oreline Managemeirt Prageam Update; a��d WiIEREAS, the N�ublic �ac•tici��atian plan specifies that a Slioreline Acivisoiy Group be establislied to assist staff�vittr develoE�meclt of tlte Goals artd Policies; and WI�REAS, the Slioreline Mana�einent Prograin Update �rocess specifies th�t indiviclual components of Shai•eline Management Progra►ri �Jpdate «�ill be revie�ved sep�rately and accepted by Cotincil resolutio��, recognizing that as eacli eompone��t is coi�ipleted, it�vill be i�seci as a base upofi�vt�icl� to de�elop the �•emainciez•ofttle Sl�o��eline Ma�lagement Prograin; atid 'V�I�.REAS, the first caifil�onent of the Sliorelicle Mastez• Program U�date, tl�e Slioreliiie I����e�ftoiy a�ici Chai�acterization Repar•t, tiv�s acceptec�by Resolution #10-14; a��d Wf IEREAS, tl�e second co�nponent af tlte Sho�•eiine Mastel� Pragi�acn Update is the Goals and Policies; and WHEREAS, on Novembec• S, 2Q09, ttie first Shoreline Mastei� Program Update opati ltotise �vas conc�iicted�vhere the Shoreliu�Management Pi�ogi•am�Jpdake �rocess tivas explaitled to i�itei•estecl pai�kies; and WHEREAS, the Slforeline Advisoiy Gi•oup met eight times bet�vee�� Jaeivai�y� 20, 2011 a�id Ju��e 23, 2011 for tlie purpose of�ssisting staff�,vith the developrnent of tiae c�raft Goals and Policies doe�unent; and WHEREAS, on IVlarch 22, 2012 the Plat�nia�g Cotnn�ission conducted a st�idy session wfiei•e ti�e Sliflreliiie Advisoiy Group Draft Goals and Policies lvere pi•eseirted an�l disciisseel; and WIIEREAS, on Marcll 28, 2012, tlte Shoi•eline Advisoiy Group Draft Gaals and Policies tivet�e s�iit to the Technical Revie�v Group and issueci for pliblic revie�v; and WH�REAS, o�j Ap��il 5, 2012, an open l�ouse was co�iducted tivlrere the Draft Goals ac�d Policies i��ere diselassed�vith interestecl parties; anci WHEREAS, o» April 12, 2012, t1�e Pla�7ctitig Commission coi�ducteci a properly noticed public hearing on tl�e Siioi•eline Advisoiy Group Draft Go�ls and Policies; and WHEREAS, Tlie Pla��niiig Coilimission coi�sidered �ut�lic testimony ancl �vritten comments aiid i�evised the dociiment to address noted issues and concerns; artd Resalution 12-OQ4 Acceptit�g SMP Goals&Policies Page 1 of 2 V�I-IEREAS, oji Ju1�e 28, 2012, the Planning Co�nmission un�nimousIy j°ecom�nen�ed tliat the Draft Goals adzcl Policies, as re�ised by tlie Planniirg Com���ission, be for�iially acee��teci; aiid WHEREAS, this Rasolution IIIFOI'ITIc�I��' accepts the proposed Dr�ft Goa�s a�ici Policies recom►��ee�c�ed by tlie Planving Com►�iissian, �Vlt�l 111111d1' 1'�VIS1011S, and it is ��iticipated tl�at additio��al revisioi�s�nay occtu�prior to formal adoption; �nd WHEREAS, khe City Council Draft Shoreline Goals arici Policies are ank�cipated to }�e formally adopted by Ordinance at a later ciate as a part of the compiete Shorali�ie Mastec Program. NOW THEREFORE, be it i•esol��ec# by tlfe City CaEincil of tlfe City of Spokane Valley, Spokaiie Caunty, Washington, as fol�o�vs; Tlie City Cou�icil Di•aft Shoreline Goals and Policies, attaclfeci as Exl�ibit A,at°e l�ei•eby acce,�ted. Approved tl�is 14'�day of August, 2012. ATTEST�') CITY OF S flKANE VALL Y � � / -� ��f r� � -�� � � ! :r� � Christi►ie Bainb�•idga, City Clerk `� Tfiamas.E. To�vey,Mayor' ;} 1� Ap�i•oved �s ta fc�rm: . / _, ,✓ �' _ � . :�,�. Office of he City Attoriiey Resoll�kion 12-OQ�3 Acceptitlg SMP Goals&Policies Page 2 of 2 � • � o CITY COEJNCIL DRA�T General Goals and Policies Goal SMP L• Lnha�ice tlie City's sltorelisies b3� establisl�iug ancl implerne�iting goals, poIicies,auci regulatious tivl�icl� �i•omote a niixtw•e of reasonable aftr� appi•opriate slio��el'r�ie uses that improve tl�e City's chae�acter,faster�ts 3iistot�ic and cultut'al ide�itify,aud covset�ve envit'OIII[le11��1� 1•esoi�rces. Policies $MP 1.1 Coo�•c�i�iated Plauni�f� Coordinate slia�•eline planuing berivee�t tha City of Spokane Valley, age�icies �vith jurisdietio►f, adjoining juf•isdictians, tli� State of W�shin�ton, and the State of Idaho i�fto �vhicla ti�e river '�asin eatends, and cosisider the platis af non-goveE��uiient orga��izations (NGO's) andlor special iirterest gro��ps. SMP 1.2 Coi�sisteiicy�vitl� Qtlier Pla��s n�ic� P�•ogi�ams E��sure tl�at the City of Spoka��e Valley SEioreline Maste►�Pragra�n is consist�nt«itfi the Washingkott Sfate Shoi•elit�e Management Act and Gron�th Managemeiit Act, ancf to the extent practicaI the basic co�fcepts, goals, policies of t}te follo�ving c�oc��mejits: La�id use plan of tEie City of Spokane Valley Compreltensive Pla�� deveiopcnent regulations, ttie City of S�okane Valley C��itical Areas Ordin�n�es, and the Shoreliue Master Progi•ams of adjacent jurisdictions. SMP I.3 No I�1et Loss of�colagical Functions Ensu��e tl�at all shoreline tases atici development are regulated in � manncr that assures �fo net loss of shoreline ecological fiu�ctions SMP 1.4 Pu�lic Intei�est anc�Propes�ty Rights Balance tlfe interests of tlie comrnu�fity in attaiuiri� the goals af the Shore�ine Master Program, in a �Ytannei° consistei7t �vikli all relevant coi�stitutiotial and ofliei• lega� limitations on the z•eg��latio�l of private �roperty. SMP 1.5 Sl�oreline Designatecl �nviro�l�ueuts Designate shol�eliue elivironinejtts for tkie City of S��okane Valley slioreli�ies thlt are consistent �vith tlie Comp�•elieiisive Plan laiid t�ses, siioreline iifanageinent practices, and slao�•eii�ie itlVeI1�01'y �vithi�i each designated area. SMP 1.6 Use prefereuces for all Sl�orelines Give p��eference ta those s�ioreIi�le acti�ities �vhich fulfill lorig j�ange Con-�preliensive Plan goals and tha Sl�oz•elicie Managenaec�t Act policy priorities, as listecl �nd disctissed bela«T: It is tlte policy of tha City to provicfe for tlie ina�iagement of its shoi°elii�es by plan��i��g for aitd fostering all t�easotiat�Ie alid a��pi•a�riate uses. Policies are desig�ied fo ensure the develo���Yent of the City's shoreliites iii a iY�anner �v�iich �vill promota atid enliance tlie p��blic iriterest. These policies tivil[ px•otect agaiust aciverse effects to the public health, the la�id, its vegetation and a�t►atic 1►fe and �vildlife, and tlte ti�atars of the Spokaue River, Shelly Lake and tkie Sulli��an Road ancl Park Road Gr�ve� �its anci their ac�uatic 1ife. Sl'VIP 1.'7 Use prefez�eiices foe Shorelines of Stafe-tivic�e Sigui�cance The State Legislah�re has declared that the iiikerest and t�e�iefit of all of t�ie people shall be paraino��nt in �he ttianagement of shoa•elu�es of state-wide sige�i�carjce, aiid ttferefore prefecence s1�a11 be givei� to uses iv tlie follo�viiig orciez�of�i•eferance�vl�iclt: 1. Recoguize aud pz•otect stafewide iiltej�est over lncal i��terest 2, Prese��ve tl�e z�atdu�al char�cter af tlie slioreli�ie City of Spakane Valley I Draft Goals and Poficies � � • � � CITY CQUNCIL DRAFT 3. Allow uses that ��es�rlt in lo�ag-#e��a�a ove►�s��or�t-te�•in be�ie�its 4. Pi•otect tl�e resoi�t�ces a�id ecology ofsho��eii��es 5. Yuce•ease public access to publicIy o►vi�ed a�•eas o�'sl�o��eli�aes 6, Iucrease reci°eatiol�al o�}��ortw�ities fo�•the p�ibIic oiy ttze s4ioreli�ies, SMP 1,$Pt�iority Uses au�7 Sl�orelYne Alterations Uses sl�all be preferred wtiicll are consiste�it tivith co�itrol of��oflEitio�i a�3d �reventio�i of damage to t�ie natural enviro�unent, or are un�que to or dependent lipoii t�se of die state's si�oreline. Alkerations of the ��at�ii•al conclitiorl of tlie sltoi•elines of tlie state, id�those li�i�ited ilisk��ices �vhe11 autho��ized, shall be give�t pr�iority for si�igle-farr�ily reside►ices anci tlfeir appurte��aiit struc#ures, slioreline recreational t�ses atid other ir���z•over�xe�lts facilitating �ubtic access, industria[ and commercial develoJ»�fents �v13icFro are particula��ly dependerit on their locatian on oi-iise of tlte shoi•elines, atid other developtnent. Histo�•ical, Cultu�•al, Scienti�c & Educational Elemen� Goal SNTP 2: Goal: Protect tl�e li�storic, �ult�ir�l, scientific or eclucational sites ivitliin the shoreliue f�rat i•eflect out• comn�ua�ity's ua�ique l�e��itage a��cl ci•eate or cont��it�i�te to o�u� collectir�e sense of�lac�. Polic'res SMP 2.1 Sites ancl Sti�i�ctw�es Idei�tify, pi•eselve, aud manage sl�oreliiie sites a�id str�ictiu•es liavitig �iistoi•ical, culturaf, scientific or eciucational vali�e, and develop r�g�►latioi�s that avoid, minimize, or �nitigate any aclverse im�aets to these�•esources. SMP 2.2 Sites ancl Builc�ing Acquisition Public acc�uisition t�ll'011gll gifts, bequests, ge�rtts, or c3onations of buildings or sites havirig cultu�•al, scientific, edl�cakioii�i, or histo�•ical valt�e s��ould be etico�ri•aged, SMP 2.3 Coaperation and Cozisultation Ensiire constai�t coop�ration atid coifsultatEOn �vith affected agencies anc3 tribes for �rojects that could potentially iuipact cult��ral and historical reso«rces, SMP 2.4 Invento�•y of Sites Work wit�i tribal, state, federal aiicE laeai gaveriu7�ents as appropriate to inaintai�f a�i inventory af all luio�vn signi�icarit local liistoric, culhn•al, a1�c1 archaeological sites in oUseiva�ice of ap�3�icable state �nd federal laws prokecti�ig suefi irifoi•ltiatioii fi•oiii ptiblic ciisclosure. SMP 2,5 Site Ynspection aud E��aluation EI7SU1'0 e�l'��'ariC� C011t111l1O115 51�0 1I15�]�Cti411, consultxtion or evaluatio�i by R �1'O��S51011c7� c�l`CI1c��0I0�lSt 111 eparcCinakian tivith affected tribes for �11 I�ermits issi�ed in at�eas dociEine3ited to co��ta�n a��cl�aeological I'�SOUt'C�S. U#iMi�lE'.S �Z�itl.e�t Ga�l SMP 3: MiiIIIYAIII illl[� �]I�ovic�e acleq�Y�te utility se��vices �vitl�iu tl�e sl►o��elii►e envirovme�it `vliile pres���ving ar►d enl�anciug tl�e uatiu•aj envit�o�unent auci ecolag,y of tl�e shoreline. City of Spokane Valley � Draft Goals and Policies � � - � c�rv cou�vci� o�aFr rflti�ies SMP 3.1 Locatioz� �,ocate jferv public facilities ancE titilities, incfudi�ig, but j�ot limited ta, lltl�lti�' �)1'OC�l1Ct1Q17, processi�fg, d'ast��ibutiol�, a�id trans�t�issio�i facilities outside of the shoreliiie jut•isdictio��ivhe�ievei•feasi6Ie. SMP 3.�Place Undergi�ound Require nerv �itilities ai�cl facilities thaf mtrst be located �vitlii�i the shoreNiife to be b��ilt undergro��nd, if feasible, aud utilize lodv impact, lativ profile desi�;n a�id construction methads to the maxinnim extent possible. Undergrouiidi�lg shall not be required if it resulks in a net loss of sl�orelia�e ecolagical �i���etians. SMP 3.3 Existing�gt�ts-of-�vay Rec�taire iie�v iEtilities and facilities to 6e loc�tecl iii existil�g r•igl�ts-of-�vay�vlienever possible. SMP`3.4 Maiufe�iance and O��eration Design When existi��g utilities, facilities and rights of�,vays are locatecl �vithiu shoreline jurisdiction a►id t�ecJuire maiut�iia3tce or othe.r impravements, the innintenance/improveinent shoulci be designed aifd impleme�rted to t��itiimize additio�ial impacts o�� the shoi•eline ei�viroi�tnelit a�id encoEiraged ta correct past im��acts caused by the utilit��. Vegetation Management Plans slioutcl be recognized as mainteitaiice acti��itias. SMP 3.5 P��efe��eyice to�x'rsting Tacilifies Rncl Utilities Gi�e pi•efei•ence to establist�ed t�tility corridors a9id i•igl�fs-of�vay foi• upgr�des, inainte»ance and reconste���ction of existing utilities and facilities, u�iless a locatian �Vlt�l less potential to impact tl�e sharalin�environ�fient is available, SMP 3.6 Storm�vatei•Facilities Storrmvater utifities �vill be designed and locakeci as to miniruize e�ivirotiiiiental im��acks �vithiri tlle s�ioreliue jurisdictian, If�ocated�vitlfin th�sfioreline jurisdictioi�tl�ey shall itse best niaifagenietit�ractices {e,g, biofiltrat�on ���east�res) aiid iandscaping witti native �egetatEOn, All storm��ater facilities mt�st proteet�vatez�q��aiity, �x�aN7age z�unoff anc� acidress e�•osio�� eoaatrol anci sedii�ientatian, Circulation �lement Goal SMP 4: Pi�ovide a safe, convenierit, and multi��ioc�al circulation systeiti �vliic�i will miuinaize negative impacts tn tlie slioi�eliue en�iro�fine�it Policies SMP 4.1 Traus��ortation Access Ens�ire tliat a systeit� of ar�teri�ls, scenic c3rives, patlnva}�s, ptiblic trausit i•outes, ae�d bike�vays adjace�it to ��id �vithin the shoreline areas ��rovide appropriate access ko tEie Spokaiie River iu a way tli�t meets the tieec3s and ciesires of tl�e coinmtrnity as reflected in the Con�pr'eliensive Plaii, «hile also assuriit� iio iiet loss of ecological function of the sltorelines, SMP 4.2 Location of Ne`v�treefs or�treet Expa��sians Locate iie�� streets o�� street exparisions outside of the s�ioreline jurisdictioti, ui�less ito otl�er optio��s are availaUle or feasible. In all cases, streets sliould t�e on the land�vard side of developm�nt. SMP 4,� COI1S0�14��tIQ11 0�COl�x�idaa•s Eticourage the consalidatior� af t�•az�s��oa�tatior� ancl utilit}d coz•ridars crassii�g t�ae sl�areline environ�nerit in ocder to minimize the n��cnber flf crassings, �ud enco�ir�ge the collocation of utilities oci t�eidges oj• in transa�o��tation rights af wa}t �vheiievar possibla by coi�siderii�g the needs ds�rii�g the desigi� of bridge and col�l•idor upgrades. City af Spokane Valley � Draft Goals and Policies � • � � CITY COUNCIL DRAFT SMP 4.4 Ti�ansportation I'acilities Plaii, locate, and desig►i proposed transpartatior� f�cilities �i���ei•e ��oukes �vill have the 9east ��ossible adverse effect on slfareline ecological functions, �vill not result in a net loss of shareline ecolo�ical �L1I1Cf10I1Si or advei•sely impact existi«g o�•�lanned�vatei•de�e�idei�t tises. 5MP 4.5 Stornt`vatei•Treatmeut All develo�me�it �vithiii the shoreliEie ju�•isdictiori area sltall pz•ovide stoz•cttwater tz•eatrnecit fo�•al] z�e�v acid redev�;loped pollution generating impetvioi�s sui•faces. SMP 4,5 Farkiug�'acilities for Public Access Pai•ki�ig facilikies for pt�blic access to the s�forelir�e and rvater sl�oulcf be kept as fa�• fi�oiii tha slforelines as feasible SMP 4.7 P���l�ing Tacilities �iot a Px�an�aa•�:Use. Paj�king facilities slfould only be allo�ved as tiecessaty to support permitted shoi�eline uses, and �iot as a pri�naiy use, aiid must be located outside of tl�e shoreline ju�•isdiction area if otlier options a1°e available and feasit�le. SMP 4.8 Impacts of Parlung Facilities Minii�iize the enviror�meiital a��d vistaal i�npacts of parkiiig fac3lities�tir�iere allo�ved. SMP 4.9 Retai2i Ui�i�sec� Pi�blic Riglits-of-way for Visual aud Pliysical Access Retain iu�lisec3 p�iblic l�ights-of-�vay tvit�iin tlte s�ioreliu� area to provide vistiaf aud �aliysical access to tl�e shoreline ur�less: • The street vacation enables the Ciry to acq��ire tl�e �rope��ty for beach or �vater access �urposes, boat 2�ioorage or lau�ichi�ig sites, }�ai•k, ��ublic �rie�v, recreatiori, or edt�catiotial purposes, or ot�te�° public uses ar the City cfeclares that th� sti•eet oi• alley is ��ot presetitl�� beicig useci ai�d is not suitable fo�•tlte above�urpases; oi• • The stceet vacatioii enables the City to impleia�ent a plan, ttiat pravi�ies coinparable or impi•ovec� public access to the sa���e s}�oz•eli��e area to�vliich t�ie sti•eets or alle�s sol�gilt to be vacated,had the properties idtcluded i��d�e plan fiot beeii�lacated, SM�' 4,10 I�nprove Noa�-Motox�ized Access to Slioreline I�71p�•ove iioii-motot•ized access ta the slioreliue by develo�itig, «�liere appro�ari�ate, �atliways, teaiis �nd bike�vays alotig a��d adjacent to tkie slioi•eline. Comiecti�riky berivee�i nan-tnotarized �ccess poit�ts is e�icouraged. 5MP 4.11 Recoguitio�► of Centennial Trail Recog�lize #he impo�•tat�ce ai�d ��tiEq��eness of tiie Spokaiie Rivar Centannial Ti•ail to tEYe Cit�� of Spokaiie Valley, tlie regiori, and tife state. Fukt�re trail cievelopment on private pro��e1•ty iiiclucling tcail extensions, ne�v access poinks, �vhetlfer �ublic or pa�ivate, shall be desig��ed to �fave the least adv�rse im�act. Fut�►re trail devela}��t�e�it on pi�blic �n�o�}erty shall u�eet tlfe same objective, bi�t stiot�ld alsa inco�porate enlia�icement and c•estoa�akio�7 measui�es rvhei°e appropi•iate. SMP 4.12 New RAiI Liues Allo�v��e�v l�ai� lii�es a�id tlie �xpansion of existing rail coi•i•ido��s �vitl�iii the slioi•ei�i��e j�u•istlictio» only fo�� the ��ur}�ose of connecting to eaistiiig rail lines or ��iglfts-of-��vay. Colistruct »e�v rail lines �viti�iv an existing rail co�•ridoi•��lier•e}�ossible. City of Spokane Valley � Draft Go�ls and Policies � y • � � CITY COUNCIL DRAFT SMP 4.13 Rail Li�ies affectiug Public Access Construct, �vfiere feasible, �Il tie�v rail lines so that they clo nflt compi•omise the public's ability to access die slioi'eline safely, Economic Development �lement Ga�l SMP 5; �nco�u•age a��cl support�vatet�cie��e�tc�eut,tivater oi�ieiit�cl, �nd�vater i•elated econoittic activities wiftiin tlte shorelauds of Flie City of S��olcane Valley t�iat rvill be ai� asset to tlie ecoiiomy of the area ar►d tlfat�vill pi•otect a�i[1 maintaiu t�ie ecolagical functions of flte sl�oreline envi�•a�iineiit. Policies �MP 5.1 Location of EconDtnic Develo��ment Gi�e pi•efe�•ence to ecoriomic development ti�ithiv the shoreline jurisdictioii that is pai�ticulai•ly tiepeiident on tlieir loc�tiot� on or use of the shoreline. Encourage ne�v devalopmei�t to locate i�l a►�eas that liave intensive pripr use and can be upgrac�ed or recievela�ed. Eiicouc�age i�e�v economic cievelapment to cluster into ai'eas of ti�e shoreliiie�vhose c«i'i•ent i�se is compatible. SMP 5,2 Desig�� of�coaio�f�ic Develop►nei►t Develo�me��t should be cf�sigtied to mii�ijYiize ttie impacts to tl�e sl�oreli�ie �esthetic tl�ratigli ai�chitectural, la�iciscape, a��d otlier desig�i fe�tFEres. Encourage design that seeks to restore c�ama�ed or com�romisetl sitoreline ttirougli incee�tives. SNII' S,3 Priorities for�conomic Developmeut Give prefe��e�ice fo �vate►• oa�ientecl ecoN7o►�iic clevelopn�ent, �vi�ile limiti�ig the �ocation of non-water ot•iented elente3�ts of tl�e develop►nent otitside of sho��elii�e jurisdiction. SMP 5.4 Provisians for Ptiysical a��c�Visual AvaiIalailiiy#o Watea� Wlten pub�ic acce�s is requi�•ed unciar this SMP, historic areas, o�erlook �oints, striictures, aud points of public access ta the��aaterfroiit sliauld be inco��poratecl in ecanomic development site-plannitig. SMP 5.5�ncourage Regional Tourisin Strengthe�t region�l taEU�isin by ex��aciding and developing neighborhood and regional linkages and intp��ove�lieiits tl�at use fite s�iorelit3e ai•eas. SMP 5.6 Consiste�►cy witl� Com�relieiisive Plan and Devela��t�e�it RegiflRtio��s Pi•oposeci eco�tomic de�elop��ie►it ii7 flie stlorelij�e sho�ild be cansistent �vitti tfie City of S�okane Valley Co�ti�rel�ensive I'lan �nd c�evelopmenk regt2la�ioEis. Upland uses an adjacent la�tds oittside of i��»tiedEate SMA jurisclictiori (i�� acco�•dance tiaikh RCW 90.5$,340) should prokect tlie pl�efe��i�eci shol�eliiie eeses frait� bei�ig im��acted by incom�atible uses. SMP 5.7 Provisians foi�Slioz•eline Pe�otectiati Rec�utre that develo��menf pf•o��ida adequate J�ravisions far the p�•otectior� af�vater qualiry, ez•osiait coutrol, landscaping, aestl�etic cl�at•acteristics, stor�i����ater systems, fis�i a�7d ���ilctlife habit�t, vie«�s, ai�cha�ological sitas, and rioriiial public iise of tlie�vater. SMP 5,8 �canoi��ic Assets Pi•o�nqte khe Cei�te�inial Ti•ail and S�okaife Rivei•as a commuriity economic �sset, City of Spokane Valley k Draft Goals and Polici�s � � • � � CITY COUNCIL DRAFT SMP 5.9 Pi•o�note Reci•eatioiral Uses Pi•o���ote �•ec�•eatioaa�] t�ses of tl�e slioreli►tes to conti•ik�tite to tl�e economic attr�cti�etiess of the city. Seek op}�oi-tunit�es to pai•tner �vitli public anci private property owiters to i�icrease ��ublic reci•eatiocial oppo��tunities iii tlie shoreline. SMP 5.10 Water-En,�oyment Ar�as Projnote the iclenti�cak�oii and establisli�tie�it af «atei•-eiijoy�neiit a�•eas, suclti as parks, vie�v poi�tts, beaches and pathtivays as attractions. I SMP 5.1� B11SllteSS a[1(� II1fIlIS�1'3'OjlOt'af10115 Encourage shoi•eline i�iclusti•ies anel bt�suiesses to maii�tain a �vell kept appearacice anci to operate in a m�►mer t�iat r,vill not cause negative aestl�etic impacts to the comnulnity. ,SMP 5.12 Rec�eveloi�ment EIlCOIll'c�ge and �ro��icie ineejftir�es for recievelop���ent o�' e�isti��g sites that iiicludes points of publie access, ai•eas designec�for��ublic enjoyment, c�tlC� IITl�JI'OVe fISIl�ilC��V1I{Ilife�1�3�11t3�, SMP 5.13 Bl�iIding Qrieutation New piiblic shoreline uses and eie�elopments shoulci be plaimed anci dasig�fed ta attract tlfe pub[ic to tl�e �vaterfi•ont; rie�v pi•ivate stioreline iises aaid cievelo�ment slfotild be �lalined and designed to attract tlie }�uhlic to ti�e�vatei�fi-o3�t �vitli e�ceptions as allo�ved by WAC 173-26-221(4}(d). SMF S.I4 Design Teatus•e Incenti�ves Iticeiitives sliorild be created to encosiraga developars to iiicorporate desigi� featuras into the �vakerside of tl�e buildilig. SM� 5.15 Miuiug Tnc�ustiy 5iapport the existmg aggi•egake mi��itig i�idushy as a significant compo�Ze�Yt af tlte area econoiily. Conservation Goal SMP G: P��esex•ve fox• tlze futue�e t�►ose a�atural resources, iucluding tlie unique, fragile and sceiiic c�i�alities of the shoi��lirie,�vliic�i canuot l�e re��laced.Assi�re ��a net loss of ecological fuiictioiis of tlie shoreline. Policies: SMP 6.1 Pi�ofect Vegefative Bs�ffei�s �nd Setbaclrs Prot�ot existing vegetatioia ancl shoreline ecological fiiiictio�i by design�tiug buffers anc� setbacks titat �re su��pot-�ed by tlze 2010 Sf-�oreliiie Inventoiy aiid allo�v foi• the use of irinovative techniques anc� strategies whila assuring no net Ioss of ecalogical fiinctions. SMP G.2 Acq�iisitio�i of Uniq��e Sliof•elii►e Areas Acqt�i�•e aiid a��aiz�t�ic�, tlirougti co�3sea�vation futures, cloa�atioi�s, grants, geiie�•a1 fiinds, or othei• sou�•cas, shoreline areas co�ftai�iing na#ural eleme�its espeeially �i�orthy of preseivatioii ar especially attractive ta khe puk�lic, sucl�as beaches, forest covers, trees, �vi[dlife po��lElatio�is, vist�ts�nd otl�er sceuic features. SMP 6.3 Baselines for Fwictions and V�liies Utilize 2010 shorefiue inve�itoiy to est�blish baselines for the funct�ons and v�lues of sl�flreline. Property owi�ers may l�rovide additional i�tformatioi� to supplement the it�ventoiy iu ��reparatio�i af a clevelo��menk proposal, City�f Spakane Valley � Draft Goals and Policies . + • � � CITY COUNCIL DRAFT SMP 6.4 Pj•ese�ve�cological Connectivity Assure no net loss of ecological viability and coi�nectivity tl�rougEi use of l�abitat islands and corridors �vithin th� shoreline area. SMP 6,5 L�ce�itives foe•Rete�itioif of Critical Aj•eas a��cl Open Space Retaiti existitig opeji space and en�iroivnentally sensiti��e areas o�i pi•ivate propei�ty ttit•o�igli tlie use of incentives. SMP 6,5 Mitigatiol� of Negative L�f�acts Deve�opment sliall avoid a�icl if avoiclance 3S llpt �}OSSi�le� mitigate negative i�npacts to stee�� banks, Sllt'f�CO �IlC� gl'OlIIIC� �Vatel' C�llc�Il�, ecological fiz��ctions, fisli and �vildlife l�abitat, vegetative covei•, aiici erosiori of the so31. SMP G,7 Cuit�ulative I��ipacts Regulakions slfall assu�•e tlfat tlie commonly occurring a��d foreseeaUle cu�nulative impacts of developmei�t do iiot cause a siet loss of ecological fiuictio�is of tFie shoi-eline. Restoratiora Goal SMP 7: Restore habit�t arrd tlie nati�ral systeatis to impro�e slaoreline ecalogical f��nctio�is, SMP 7.1 Restoratio�i Plan Develop a Restoratiori Fla�l tlaat �vil1 ide�ftify degrae3ed areas and ���ovide a fi•a�ile�vork for restoi•atio�i efforts to im�i-o��e the e�istir►g ecologicaf fimction and provide a mechanisiii for mitigatian of tinavaidabla anc!u�fforeseeable fi►kn�•e dev�lop�ne�it. SMP 7.2 City Ste�vaedstii�� Ensure ti�at tEie City of Spokaue Valley assumes a primaiy stetvardshi�� roie tltrough restoi•ation effoi�ts o�ti city-o�yned and cot�ti�olled land. Mat�age tl�e Cit��'s programs, seivices, and operatiotial infi�asf��uct�u•e in a ii�anner t�iat assu�•es na net loss of ecological or sl�oreliue fiuictions. SMP 7.3 T«cenfives for Resforation and �nhancement P�•ojects Provide incentives for projects that inclu�le restoration auci enhaiicement compone�ats by imple3nenting taals �vhicti may inclu�ie but ara �iot limited to: modifying tji0 sl�oreline setback area that �vould ap�iy to the i•estorecl ae•eas or allolvi�ig a greater range of uses or flexible developi�ient stanclards{e.g., setbacks) ati pi•ope��ties pro�,�ic3i�ig restoration and o1-ei��ancement that may i•esult iii a net gain of ecolagic�l futietiot�. SMP 7,4 Gravel Pit Resto�•afion Pians Assist tlie Gt•avel Pits in tile clevelop�»etit a�iel implementation of i•eskoz�ation p1a��s for ��its xliat ai•e consiste�rt«�ith the Shoreline Master Progratn aitc�the I�epa►fittent of Nat�u�a] Resourc�s. SMP 7.5 Coope�•ative Resta��atioN� P�•ogx•aa��s EctcoiErage cao��ei°ative restor•ation pi�ograti�s bet�ti�een loca�, state, ai�c1 federal public age��cies,tribes, I10[l- p��ofit organizatio�is, and lando�vners. C�•itic�l Ar•eas E�ement Goal SMP 8: Assw�e no net loss of ecolo�ic�l fiuictioris and ecos,ystem-�vide p��ocesses �vitl�in rvetiazic�s, critical aquifer recl�a��ge areas, fish aticl rvilcllife h�bitat conse��vatiou at�eas, geologically City of Spokane Valley � Draft Goals and Pr�licies � � • � � CITY CQUNCIL D�RAFT l�azarcious ay�eas anci frequently flooded �reas. Ass�ire �io net lass of ecological f�rifctioiz �vitl�iii tlaese ca•itical aa�eas. Policies SMP $.1 Corisister�c,y�vit)� C�•itica! Areas Goals auci Policies To fi�e exte�ft p�•acticable and cozlsisteaat tvith RCW 36,�OA.4$O 011S111'e x�l� CCl[1C31 c�t'ec� �TO&IS c�il� j7011C10S for tlie Shoreli��e Master Plan are consistent with tlie critical areas goals atici palicies corrtai�lec3 ia� �lae Cotnprelfen�ive Plan. SMP 8.2 Na net loss of ecological furickion E��sur•e Y•egulatory protectio�i ��ieastires develo�3ed fai• tlie shoreli3�e a��ea ass��re zio n�t lass of slioreli�te ecological fu�tckioiis itecessaty ta suskain s11oi•elitie nattiral resotirces 35 defined by W�sliiilgtoii State Depa��triielit of Eeology guicieliites acio�ted�ursua�it to RCW 90.58.060 SMP 8,3 Presez�ve atul �»otect cy�itical areas dQfined as Wetlancls tl���oi�gl� pirotective measw•es. Rate �vetlands based on the quality� of tlie �vek[and aud tlie ecological fimction tliey sezve. Devela�a protective meast�res #�ilored to tl7e �vetlanc� qt�ality and fiinction and that co»sicfer the cfiaracteristics and setting of the buffer aud the impacts on adjace�it land use. SMP 8.�Pj•ese��ve aud �rotect critical areas c�efiued as Wetlancls tl�rougli mitigatao�� �xaeas�i��es. Base wetlaiid rnitigation on the �vetland ratilig aitd rec��iire initigation senuenci3�g. �nly �Ilotiv eQmpei�satoiy mitigation afte►' mitig�kion sequencing has beeit a�plied and a�Taida��ce Ifas been deemed infeasible. �MP 8.S Protect people a�id propez°ty from ��islc associated �rvith c►�itical :�reas defined as Gealagically Haz�2•cious Areas. Limit develo}�mei�t tl�at ti�ould cause foreseeable risk fi�ofn geological conditions to people or properry. Do not allo�v cievelapme�it that �vill rec�uire structural shoreline sta'bilization exeept iti tl�e litniteci e�ses tivliez•e it is t�ecessaay to p�•oteck aif allowed use and ��o alter•native locatio�i is available. Allo�v struct�u•al sltoreline stabilizatiou to protect e�isting sti•uctures o�i�y �vl�en relocation o�� ��econstructioii is i��feasibEe. Do iiot allo��� structural stiai�eline stabilization that will result in a net loss of ecological fiuiction, SMP 8.6 Prese►ve a�icl protect critical areas defiuecl as Fis�i and Wildlife Havitat Conservation areas Develo� measu►�es that asslire no net loss of ecological fiuictions of river, lake aud straam cor��idors associatecl �vith �sli ancl �vilcilife habitat. Ii�tegrake tl�e p►•otection of fis�� anc� �vildlife liabitat tivitfi flood �iazat�d i�eductqon ai�d othel� fisli acid �yi[dlife ��ia��ageme�it provisions. Develop �neasures t13at alithorize anci facilitate l�abitat 3•estoration projects. SMP 8.7 Preser��e�r►d 1}t•otect c�•itical a�•eas defiuetl as Critieal Aqnif�r Recharge Areas. Protect the hycirologic counections laeh��ee�i �vater bodies, «ater eoucses, and �ssociated wetlands. Integrate tlie protectia�� of critical aquifer recl�arge areas �vith jt�risdictia��al and noti-jtz�•i�dictiotial ac�uife�• p►•otection �neastires s�icl� as Watershed Manageme»t P�ans, Well�iead P�•otection Plans, Departmei�t af Natiiral Resources�'orest Practices, and others as appropriata. SMP $.8 Pi•otect peoPle aud pi•operty ft�ant i°isl�associatet� �vifli Gritic�l areas tle�ned as Fa•eqtiei�tIy Tloocled Ae•eas Limit developmei�t that �votilc� cause foi•eseeable i•isk to �eople and �i•operty from fi•equent floodii�g. �ns��re fi�ec�uently floode�i ao�eas are fiilly acidressed in the goals and polieie.s c�f tlie Flood Hazarci Reduction elemenk of this pla�7, City of Spokane Valley � Draft Goals an� Palicies � • � i CITY COLINCIL DRAFT Flood Hazarci Reduction Elernent Goal SNIP 9: Prevent a�ici rec[i�ce flood darnage i�� slao�•eli�ie areas to pi•otect ecological fiinctio��s, sl�oreliue haf�itat, lives,aud pul�lic and private ��ro��erty. Policies SMP 9.1 Development�vitliin the 5horeline Proliibit development �vithii� die shoreIi��es that �vo�Eld intensify flood hazards or i�es��it in c�im�ilative siguificatit adverse affects ta othar pi•opei�ties, as regulated by CI7a�ter 21.3�, Floodpl�in Regtilatioiis, of tl�e S��ok�lie Vallay Muliicipal Cocie. SMP 9.2 Coorc�ufatioii an�ong�geiscies Coorc�uiate flood hazard t�eduction planuitig among tlte applicable�gex�cies. SMP 9.3 5trucftit'al Flood Hazard Rec�uctioit Allow xletiv struckuw•a1 fiood hazarcl redtiction�neasuces ojfly: • Wftere scie�itific a�ic3 engi��eeri��g analysis has c�emonstratad it to be necessary, and�vhen non- structural met�iocls are itffeasible a��d �nikigatior� is accom�alished; anci • Land�vard of associated ��etla»ds a��d buffei• areas eacept �vlfere �io alternative exists, as documented i�� an engineering�naiysis, and • When consistent �vith curi•e��t best ma�fagemerst practiees, iisiiig �fatural iiative mate►-ials �vl�eiieve�°feasible. I�Tote: A�l example of a structural flood h�zard red�iction ji�easure is a struchire placed by humans tivithin a st��ea�tl or river rv�tei•tvard of the ordinary hig13 rnark such as, but not liuuted to a diversion oi° modificatiojf af�vater flo�rr to cantrol flooding. SMP 9.4 Reytioval of Gyavel Allo« removal of gravel for flood cantrol only if biolo�ical and geomor�hologica9 study dezx�onstrakes #hat e�:traction j�as a long-terni 6enefit to flood ��azard reductia�t, daes not result i�i a ��et loss of ecological fi�netions, and is part of a comprehensive flood manageinent sol��tion. This does not a�ply to the �erc��ittecl g�•a��el �7�i�7ie�g o�erations u��dei•�ti�ay at t��e tEtne of SMP adoptio» and approval.. SMP 9.5 Natuj•al Vegetative Buffers Maiiitaiu, I�rotect, a�id restore iiatui•al vegetative buffers that ai•e witl7i�7 the f�ooclplai�l of the Spokaiie River ti�at fiiiic#iori to�•educe fload l�azards. SPvIP 9.6 A�ternate Tlooc� Co�strol Pvleas�u�es Wlien evaluati��g alternate flood cont��o� measures consider tfre removal or i•elocatioif of sti•uehu�es i�f flaadplain areas. Public Access Element Goal SMP 10: Prov'rde cliverse, e�easonable, ancl acleqt�ate pi�blie access to f�ie sliorelines of tl�e state eo�isiste�►t �vitli ttie riahu•al sj�oreli�ie cl�a��aeter, private p��ope��ty �•igltits, pululic a�iglits �uider tlie PuUlic Tri�st Doctriue,and ��ubIic saf�ty wI�il� assiu�ing no net loss of ecological finiction. SMP 10.1 Public Iyiterest�nd Private P��operty Promote anci enhance the public iuterest with regard to righks to access �vaters held in pt�bfic trlast by the state, evl�ile pi•otecting p�'ivate prapej•��i•ights and pu�lic safety, City of S}�ofcane Valley � Draft Goals and Policies ' � • � i CITY C�UNCIL DRAFT SNII' 10.2 Shoreline Developtneiit by Pubiic���tities Require �ubiic ef�tities, includiifg loe�l govei•�iments, skate age��cies and �ublic utility clisteicts, to include public access as pac-t of each de�elopi�ieiit pi•ojecf ui�less such access is inca�iipatible d�ia to i•easotis of safety, secu��ity or im}�act ta tis� shoraline ei��irotiment. SMP ].a.3 Shot�eliue Development Re�uii•e ttie dedicatian and im�rovemetit of a�ublic aceess in deve9op�ne�its for �vatei•-atijoyttient, �vatet�- related a�ld noi� �vatei•-depende�it uses and for the subdivisioti of lattd itfto ma�•e than four parcels, �vit�i e�ceptio�7s as allowed by��AC 173-26-221{4}(d){iii). SMP 10.4 Pul�lic Access Mairiteiiaiice and Improvements WIl2Il irriproving and ITlc�lll�a191111g existing public access points, �itittintize adc�itio��al im�aets oti the shorelii�e environ�7ieiit ar�ci, so lo�lg as it is consiste�ft«ritl� coiistitutioi�al protectio��s, correct past adverse envi�•onmental iuipacts caused 6y the p�iblie access. SMP 10.5 Access Plan Develop a formal Public Acce.ss Plan for �n iiifegratecl slioreline az•ea p��blic access syste�n that icleiati�es s�ecific pablic ��ee�ls �nd apportuiYities to p�'ovide ��ubiic �ccess tiiat i��cludes visual anc� physical �ccess. Tfie plan shoulci id�ntify access oppoi�tutfities and cii•ct��ation for petlestrians (i�ichidiitg disabled peesons), bicycles, at�d v��licles l�et��reen shoreline access points. SMP 10.6 Design of`Access Measin•es Requil�e tl�at �x�blic access i�ieasures have a design ap�aropriate to the site, adjacetit propez•ty, a�icl general nati�re of the proposeci developme��t, tivhile protecting ancl �roviciing vie«,rs. �'ublic access faeilities sliotild be desigried«�it�i pt•ovisions for persons witl�disabi[ities, tivhere app��op��iate, SMP 10.7 Motor Velzicle Access Where access to the�vatef�'s ecige �iy tnotor vehicles is necessaty, narkii�g areas should be kept as far from the stioreli��es as �ossible. Pa�°king faciiities sl�all i�nple�iieiit a desigu �ppropriake foi• �l�e sl�oi•eline eiiviro�uiie�tt, SMP 10.8 Access Design and Spacing Access design ancl spacing of access points should be based o�t tl�e biopl�ysical capabilities of the s�larelir�e feaktn•es a►fd s�io��ld prokect fi•agile shoreliiie environme�it, SMP 109 I�r�pacts ou Views Minimize the i�izpacts to etistiiig views tivl�ere the vie�v is taken fi�o�n the �vater ar slsoi•eline, �uvlic pro�ert��oi•substaiitial iium6ers ofr�esidences. Water-de�ec�dent slioi•eline uses and physieal public access shall i�ave �riol�ity ovei• mai►rtaitiing a vi�,v ���ien a conf7ict behveen them is irreconcilable p�•ovit3ed t17at tlfe�v�ter dependent use is co��sistent�vith�ieight rastrictioiis iti RCW�0.58,320. SMP IO,IO Pei•ai�ittecl Uses Regulate tlie c�esigif, constructioil, ancl operation of permitked uses in tiie sEioreli��es of the state to rninin�ize, <«sofai•as practical, i�iterfereiiee�vitl�tlie public°s use of tEie tvat�r. ,SMP 10.11 I��cea�tives Iiicentives s�sclf �s density or bulk a�jd dimecisional bo»uses sliould be cansielered if developtnent }�ropasals inclt�de additia��al �i�blic access beyand that rec�uired by t�iis SPvIP. City of Spokane Va41ey � Draft Goals and Pvlicies � � • � � CITY COUIVCI[, DRAFT SMP IO.IZ �VOIl-MOtOI•ized Access Pcefez•ence s1�a11 be given to the deErelonine�it, or improve3�ient, of access for non-motorized i•ecreatia►ial activities. RecreatiozY Elem��tt Goal SMP 11: Increflse and Prese��ve recre�tional nppo��ku�iities o�a tlae sl�oa�eli�ies of tt►e City of S�o[�ane Valley policies SMP 11,1 P�•ese►�e Sliareli�ies fo�'Pl1I?ITC R@CI•eatin�ial Use �ncourage apprQpriake puk�lic age�icies to �i•eserve shoreliiies foi• public use and to declicate or t►•ansf�e�� apprapriate shoreliiie la►�d for recreational uses. SMP 11.2 �nco�u•age Passive and Ac#ive Recreation Both passive a��d active recreakion sl�ould ba eiicoltraged for approp�•iate s�lorelines. SMP 1I.3 Recreatio��ai A�•eas P��atect Slior•eliue Ecological F'unctions Recr•eatioiial ai°eas slioulci be ]ocated, ciesigned, develo}�ed, i7t�naged ancf �naint�i�ied in a �y»nner that protects stioreline ecological f«nctic�ns and processes. SMP 11.4 Liukages to Rec�'e�fion Ai•eas HiEci�ig paths, bicycle patlis, easements and scei�ic c�i�ives slfot�lc� link sl�oreline pa►•�:s, recreatioii areas a��d public aecess poiilts. SMP �1.5 Public Access Priority Public use anc�access to the tivate3•sl�ouMd Ue a pr�orit�� in i•e�reational developineilt. SMP 11,6 Recreatio�ial Oppor•tuiyities for All Ei�st�re tltat reci•eatioi�al planiYing takes iiito accau�ft tl�e differeiices in use groups, �ltysical ca��abilities, and interests a�nong the paiblic in order t� provid� opportuiiities for safe and coa�vet�ient enjay�nent of tlie sl�orelines. SMP 11.I AC�B[�ll�t8 Sll�)�)Ol•t Facili#ies Ci•eate adequate support facilities of t�ses sucl� as parking areas, maintenatice btiildings, at1c� �•est roo��ts to meet slioreline recreational de�iiaitds, SiVLP' 11.8 Non-Motarized Reci�eatiaii P�•efe�•ei�ce slaall be givea�to noi�-matoi•ized�•ecreatiorial activities. Shoreline Use Elemetit Goal SMP 12: Co�iside�•tl�e use and clevelopme�it of s�iflrelifies aud adjacent la�id nreas foz•l�ousi�fg, business, ind��stry,tr�ns�ortakiou, recreatiou, eclucation, public buildings ar�d g�•ouncls, t�tilities and ott�er categories of publie a��d pz•ivate la��cl uses iu relakiau to tl�e uat�u•al en�iron�i�eut �nc� assw•ing fio net loss of ecolagical function. City of Spokane Valley � Draft Gaals and Policie5 , . , � ciTV couNCi� daa�r ro����es Geueral Use Polfcies SMP 12.1 Shoreline Use Prio��ities Giee preference to �vatei�-depe�ide��t atid sii�gle fa�nily reside�itial �js�s ttiat are co��sisteEtt tivith pc•eservation of sl�oreline ecological functions a�id processes. Seconda►y preferance sliould be giveri to tii�atei•-t•elated and �vatei•-enjoynient uses. Non-�vate��-orie�ited uses should be alloived ouly �.vl�en stibstar�tial pub]ic be��efit is providecl �vitli t•especk ta ttie goals of tlte SMA for �ublic access and ecological reskoration. SMP 12.2 Protect Shoreline�cological rw�ctiais Assu��e »o net loss af ecological functiotis t��rough ti�e use of specific stanciards fot• setbacks, buffea•s, de��sity, atrd sl�oi•eline stabilizatgo�a. �MP i2.3 Piiblic Access in Develo��ment Ensure tl�at shoreli�fe development iucl��des��isual ai�ci pliysical put�lic access to tlie sl�orelines,�vl�ile avoiding, 1111111friIZ111�, or rtiitigati�ig i�egati��a itnpacts to the sl�oreli�fe i�acluc�ii�g vie�vs. SMP 12.4 Preserviug Tislf ancl WiZdlife Habifat Encoui•age iie�v clevelopme��t to co�ftri6ute to the creation oi•pi•eseivatioti of o}�eii space andlor fish at�d �vildlife habitat along tlie slioreliiies throu�ti tl�e iise of tools suclf as co��se�vation fittures, consei•vations easements, trans�erabfe development rights, and plan�ied u�iit developtn�itts. SMP 12.5 N011COIlfOl�irling Use a►ic�Develop�iieiit LegaIl}� establislied uses and cie�elopments tliat «rere erected �nci maititained in la«�fUl Cfllll'Il�lflll �}l'101't0 the effe�tive date of tliis Master Pi•ogt•am, shall 6e allo�ved to COritlIlllO as legal nonconfoi•ming uses provicled that futt�re develo�rnei�t ot• red�velapment does not inerease flie degi•ee of nonGOnformity �vith #l�is program. Expansion, or replaceme�it of pre-existing reside�itial sti•uctures acid kheir appurten�nt str�ictu��es, s1�a11 �ie allowed if it is co�tsistent�vikh ttie uiaster �i•agram, includiiag i•eqliire���e��ts for ��o net loss of sho�•eline ecologica] fimctio�7s. SMP 12.5 Mitigation �eqitencing A�oid and redtice siguific�tit ecological ii�zpacts fro��f slioreline uses anci modi�icatioti activiti�s tluoi�gii mitigatio�i sec���eneiE�g. Resideutial Use SMP 12.7 Siibdividecl Lots Req►�ir�e �7e�v subdivided lots to be desig�ied, coE�f�giired, anci developed to; • PE�eve�tt tl�e r�et loss of ecolog�cal fii��ctio�is at fiill build-auk; • Prevvent flie�ieecl for ne�v sltoreline stabiliz�tiaEi or flaod haza��d reduckion measures ; and � Be consistent��vitli tlie a�plicable envirarime�it c�csignations and sta»dards. SMP 12.8 Ovea�-Wate►�Resideiiees Proliibit��e�v ove�•-�vater resic�erYCes a�id floatirtg I�o�nes Cornmercial Use SMF 12.9 Priorities for Cammercial Use Give prefereiice to commei�cial ases iat tlie follotiyin�order: • First priority is givei�to �vater-ciependent comme3•cial uses, • Seco»d priority is giveii to�vater-relatecj and �vater-enjoyment cammercial t�ses. City of Spol�ane Valley � Draft Goals and Palicies I ;+1�� � � • � � CITY COUiVCiI DRAFT SMP 12.10 l�o�i-Ws�ter Orieutec� Cai�i�iie3�cial Uses Prohibit ��e�v non-tivater arie�lted com�tlercial uses unless t��ey are part of a ittixed-tisa ��roject, khe s�se }�f�ovidas a signi�icant ��ublie benefit, suci� as public access ai�d ecological z�estoratioii, or if tiie site is p�tysically separated fi•o�r�the siioi•eline by another properry. SMP 12.11 Non-Watei•Deperrcle�it CornmeY•cial Uses Prallibit noi�-�vatar depencient commercial itses over the�vater SMP 12.12 Mitigatio�f of Sl�oreli�te Im��acts P�iblic access and ecalogical i•estoration collecti�rely sl�ould be e4nside�•ed as potential mitigation of im�acts to shoreline resource.s aiid valu�s for all rvater-i�elaked or «rate�•-dependetit comnierc�al development u��less suc�i iifiprovemeiits ace ciemo��strated to be icife�sible or i�iappy�o�riate. Ivtlusti•ial Uses SMP 12.I3 Pa�io��ities foai Lzc���strial Use Give p��ioa•iry to ir�dustrial uses in tl�e follo�ving order: • Fii•st pt•iority is giveci to�vater-de}�endent i��dustrial uses � Second priority is given to�vatar-rclated i�iduskrial uses SMP 12,14 No�i-Watei�Q��ier►tecl Industrial IIses Allo�v ne�v naa�-�vater or�entecl inc[ustrial i2ses only if the use ineluc[es a «ater dependent use or• na�ligability is se�erely lin�ited at t�ie site, and pravides fo�� public access and/or ecological restoration, or the at�ea is �hysically separateci froEn khe shoreliiie by a�7othe��public z�ight of�vay, SMP 12.15 Iuclustrial Use in I�i�paii�ed S�ioreliue Ai•eas Encourage industrial usas and i•edevelopmeiik to locate lvlie►•e enviroi�rnentaI cleanup and restoratioi� is ►leecled and can be acco��iplisl7ed, SMP 12.16 Watea•Dependent a�id Wate�•Relatecl Ir�cl��sh�ia! Uses Water ciepaiidant atici �vat�r relafed 111f�115t1'lal LlS�S Wltillil SIlOYe�llle�11P1SC�ICt10Il Sa1011lC� �e �li'p�ll}?1CeC� in areas tkiat are si►sceptible to erosion and flnoding and�vhere there �re iinp�acts to ecological fiinctions. SMP 12.I7Cou#rol FQ1liFtiou a�zcl Dam;�ge Desig��ate aiici maintain a���ropriate ai�eas for protectiitig an�l restori�ig shoreline ecological fiincti�ns aitd p�•ocesses to co�rtrol pallutioi� and preveait cia»iage to the s��oa•eli«e e��viroE�uient and/ar pi�blic liealth, SMP 12.1.8 Uses Cor�sistea�t�vift� Co�iap��ekxez�sive P�aa� Ex�s�u•e slioreliiie lises ai•e consiske��t «�if�z the Spokane Valley Comprekier�sive Pla�i and satisfy tiie economie, soci�l, a��d}�ltysical needs of t��e city. Sha��eline Moclifications SMP 12-19 Sl�oreline MQdific�tiovs Allo4v sti•ucttu•al shareline modificatioiis only�vl�ere they are: • Demfli�sti�ated ko t�e iiecessaty to siipport or protect an allo�veci �ritna�y st►�ucture oi•a legall}� eaisting sl�orelin�lise that is iii dar�ge�•of loss oR•sut�sta�ttial ciainage; a�icE • Necessa��y for recoTifiguratio�� of the sl�oreli��e for�»itigatioti or enhancement plupose.s. �SMP 12-20 Modification Lnp�acts a�icl Lirnrtatioiis Re�iuce tkie aejverse effects of allo�ved slioi�eline modificatiaiis and, as �-�-�uc�i as ��ossible, limit allo�ved sliot•elii�e niodificatia►fs i�i m�i7ibei• a��d extent �uiless tkiey a�'e �fecess�iy to suppai•t oi• p►•otect a�� alEo�ved City af Snokane Valley � Draft Goals and Policies � + CITY COUNCIL DRAFT prim�iy structure or a legally existing shoreli�ie use that is i�� da�ige�' of loss or s��bstantial dattjage oi• at•e ��eeessary:fQC•�•econ�guratioi� o#'tiie sl�oi•eline for mitigation ar ei�hance�neni pu���oses. SMP 12-21 A��propriate Modifications Allo�v only s�iot�eline modifieations tEiat are a��ropriate to the shoreline eriviromnent designations anct environtnenfal conditions for tivliich they�re proposed. SMP 12-22 Moclifications ancl P�To Net Loss of�cological Functiaus Assure that shorelirie i7todifications individually aild c��muIatively do riot��esult in a ��et loss af ecalogical functions by: • Giving preference to t�iose types of shorelina inocfificafions t}iat I�ave tl�e least impact on ecolagical fi�nctio�f; a�id s Requi�•ing initigatio�� af identifieci iiYSpacts resulti�tg fi•otn shoreliite rttodi�catiotts. SMP �2-23 Slroa•eliue Modifcatiox�s Regi�latio�is Base shoreline tiiocli�eation regulatians oti scieciti�c a��ci techi�ical i�iforii�ation of i•eacl� co�iditions for tiie Spolca�ie River and Shelley Lake. SMP I2-24 Restoration of In�p�irec] Ecc�Iogical Functions Plais for the restoration of impaired ecological fi��tctiot�s �vhere feasil�Ee and a�propriate, ivhile accominoc3ating perinitted uses. SMP 12-25 Measures to Protect�cological Firnctions I�acoi•porate all fe�sible measui•es to ��rotect ecologieal slforeli�fe functioiis and ecosyst�m-�vide processes as shoreliue moc�ifieatioiis occ�►r, Pie��s anci Docl�s SMP 12-26 Doek Restrictions Allo�v j�e�v docks only for•public�vatee•-depe�tde�it uses, single-family residaiices,aE�ci public access on the Spokane River ai�d Shelley Lake. SMP 12-2'7 Doclt Location Docks sljall be allawed oi�ly in locations �,vliei•e they «ill not pose a p�iblic safety ha�ard or aciversely int�act shoreline ecological fi�uctioiis or process and limitee� as follo�vs; • Spokane Rive�• - ocily in ��ese►•voir areas, �vl�ez•e flolv conditions least resemble t�ie uatural fi•ee- flowing river; a SI�el18y Lake; oi• • Seveeely eealogically i�npacted shoreline at•eas«ith adequate pi�blic access SMP 12-28 DocIc Size Resteict ti�e size of rie�v docks to tlie mi�iimu�zi �iecessa�•y to serve a proposed�vater-depencleiit i�se. SMP 12-29 Demoztstrate Need Pertiiit�ta�v docks ojiiy when s��ecific need is demanstratec3, except for single-fa�nily reside��ces. SMP I2-30�xpausiau aud MuIti�le Use Encotu�age multi��le iese and e�patisioll of e�istiug docks ovei• tfie additioli �nc3/o1� proliferation of rie�v single dock faciiities. City of Spokane Valley � braft Goals and Policies � � • � � CITY COUNCIL DRAFT � SMP 12-31 Jaiut Use ancl Coz�i�nimity Docics Eaicourage �•esideratial developr��ent of a��oa•e tEian nvo d�vellings to provide coinn�tmity docks, i�atlie�• tiiai� individual docks. SMP 12-32 Desigi� and Co��sti�uctian Desigii aiid construct alI �iei•s aixt docks to avoid, mi�ii�tiize, and ttiitigate in�pacts to ecolQgical pracesses and f��nctions. Sho��eline Till SMP 12-33 Design anci Locatio�t Slforeline fills slzall be desiguad, locatec3, aiid consti•ucted #o ��rotect slioi•eline ecological fi�nction and ecosystain-wide proc�sses, iticl��ding elfani�el inigratioii, ���ilc�life �iabitak, tivatec• qi�a�ity, �vater currejits, sucface�tiratei•drainage, a►ici flo�aci lfazard protection measures. SMP 12�34 Li�nifations on Fill �`ill tivater�vard of ttie Ordi��aiy High '�'Vater Mark shall i�eqnire a conc�itional �ise psrn�it atici shall o�11y Ue allotivecl unde�•li�niteci circui�istances. SMP 12-35 I�il1 Propasal Pla�� Requil�e a �Iai� tl�at addresses species remo��al, rep�anting, irrigation, erosioi�, and sedin�entatia�i cont�•ol aiici otkier metkiods of��iparian corrido��protecti�n tivith atl fill propos�ls. Strea�ubank Protection SMP 12-36 Streambank peotection Measui•es Tlie teri�� "sti•eamb�nic" siiall apply to all sl�orelitie batiks lVl��lli] Spokane Valley. Prohibit tie�v strean�bacik protection measures, exeept rvhe�r necessity is dacume�ited tl7raugh a geoteclmical aualysis of the site anci shoreline characteristies. Wlie�z necessity is demolistl�ateci aifd caj�t�itions reqtiire, only allo« streambank proteckion for eaistin� primaiy struchires, �vater-clependej�t developznenk, �ie�v development,and ecological restaration ar toxic elean-up re�uediatioti projects. SMP 12-37 Desigii aucl Location of Ne�v Develop�i�eut Desigi� atid locate ize�v develop�nent and lots created t�iro�igii si�bdivision, pai�ticularly tliose located on steep slopes aiicf bluffs, ta prevent the need for future streambank �roteetion measu�•es cturing the life of the striicture. SMP I2-38 Pt�blic Access I�fcorporate ecalogical �•estoratioji attd }�ublic aecess as part of pi�blicly f��nded streambank protectioa� projects. SMP-f2-39 Integrated A����i•oacli to Stz•eamUanlc Proteetio�i Rec�uire an i�itegr�ted approach to streambank pi•oteckio��. Select and design streambank pz�ntection iu�asu��es usin� �li inte�rated approach requirin� an �nalysis of tlia reason for fl�e e��osion; �'ish and tivildlife habitat cliaracteristics, needs atid potential; and the ci�rrent and fukure risks associated �vith erosioi� a�id bank protection to property, infi�astriicture, fish and�vildlife habitat anti �ublic safety. SNIl' 12-40 Dredging Site and desig►i ne«�develop�r�e�it to avoid tf�e ��eed for•rie�v or�t�ai�itenance dredgi�ig, City of Spokane Valley � Draft Goals and Policies i � • � � CITY C�UNCfL DRAFT SMP 12-41 Dreclging Restt•ictians Proiiibit dredging exce�t �vheii ��ecessazy foz• projects tk�ak �•esto�•e ecological fuaactiozls a�fd to rnaintain e�isti��g struchu�es. Dredging is a�lo�ved as park of the �ermit�ecl aggregate mining operations in the g�•avel pits, SMP 12-42 Dredgix�g Materials Pro�iibit tlie use or clisposal of dredging materials �vithiu tlfe shoreiicie except for projects titak benef'it sliore�i�te resotu•ces and except foz°perR��itteci aggregate mini��g opes�akio�7s in the gra�el �its, SMP 12-43 Li-Sti°ea�ti �triictiires Sita in-stream structtires to pi•otect ancE preserve ecosyste3l�-�vide processes, ecofogical functions, a�ic3 cultuE�al i•eso��a•ces, inclucling but itot limited to fi�h and fisti passaga, �vildlife arid tivater reso�irces, sl�oreline critical ai-eas,hydro-geological pi•ocesses, and�2atui°al sceiiic vistas. SMF 12-44�n-Sh�eant Stz'L1Ctlll�e Loc�tiou Cotisider tlte full range of �ublic interests, �vaterslied fimctions and processes, �nci e3��ironme�ital concerns tvhe�i plat-�ning anc� 3ocaking in-st�•earn stt•uctures, �vith spec�al e�npl�asis o�� pi•otecting anc# restori�fg priority liabitats and species, SMP 12-45 Boat Tzaanps ancl other Boatu�g Faciliries Locate a��ci design boaf ram�s auci otlter boating facilities to meet liealth, safety, and�velfare rec�uirements and to �7�irii»iize �dverse affects upan geo-liydralilic �i•ocesses, fi•agile shoi•eline featui•es, nat�iral �vetlanc3s, anci aquatie and wildlife lfabitats. ,SMP 12-45 DeveloEnne�it of Boat Ra�n�s aud otlaea•Boating I+acalities Asstare iia�iet loss of eco�ogical fu�ictions as a result af bo�t rai�fp ar ofiter boating facility development. SMP I2-�7 Aestl�etic Im�aacts of Baat Rainps and ot��er Boating�+aciIities Avoid or mitigate impac#s ko s��orelir�e aesthetics as a result baat ��a�i�� or other boating facility developme�it. SMP-12-45 Habitat asid Nat�ix�al Systems Enl�a�zcemerit P��ojeets At�vocate a�id foster habitat and ��atural system eni�ancemej�t projects �vliicl� t•astore the iiatural cliaracter and fimction of the shoreline ��rovided tlzey are eonsistent��ith tlte Restor�tian Plaii. Gravel Pits SMP12-49 Gravel Pit Operatioils Existing gravel pit operations niay coii�iiiue to operake and expand consistef�t �vit}� ape��atioc�al pe��mits. Active gr•av�l pits are ��ot regulated as s�iarelines of ttie state until reclaiiiafioiti is com}�lete aiid DNR tei•miciates the Sui°face Mine Recla��iatiozi Pei•a�it, City of Spokane Vall�y � Draft Goals and Policies �