Ordinance 03-037 Adopts Jan-Mar 2003 Budget ORDINANCE NO. 37 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2003 THROUGH MARCH 31, 2003; APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS AND ESTABLISBING POSITIONS AND SALARY SCHEDULE. WHEREAS, RCW 35.02.132 requires the City Council to adopt an"Interim Budget" for the period of operation prior to incorporation; AND WHEREAS, an "Interim Budget" was submitted to the City Council and the Interim City Clerk on February 7, 2003; AND WHEREAS, the City Council scheduled a public hearing on the proposed interim start-up budget on February 11, 2003; NOW THEREFORE the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Funds Appropriated. The "Interim Budget" for the period January 1, 2003 through March 31, 2003, is appropriated by fund as follows: BUDGET BUDGET FUND EXPENDITURE REVENUE General Fund $1,201,834 Street Fund 140,870 County/City Loan Fund 1,050,000 Tax Anticipation Note Fund 292304 TOTAL BUDGET $1,342,704 $1,342,704 • Section 2. Positions and Salary Schedule. The various positions and salaries for the Interim City Manager, Interim Department Directors, and Interim clerical personnel are attached to this ordinance as Appendix"A". Section 3. Transmittal. A complete copy of the "Interim Budget" as adopted, together with a copy of this adopting ordinance, shall be transmitted by the Interim City Clerk to the Division of Municipal Corporations of the Office of the State Auditor and to the Association of Washington Cities. Section 4. Severability. Should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or its application to any person or circumstance be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid for any reason, or should any portion of this ordinance be preempted by state or federal law or regulation, such decision or preemption Ordinance No.37,Int.Budget,Jan I-Mar 31,2003 shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 5. Effective Date and Publication. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this // day of February, 2003. Mayor, Michael DeVlemin ATTEST: interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved as to form: I to '' City ' MIT y, Staple • . Schwartz Date of Publication: APAir..c.J.. 2 71 2ewo3 Effective Date: A�,�, 3/, aas3 Ordinance No.37,int.Budget,Jan 1-star 31;2003 2 iii ' •- ----- �•.-r • _ M r (midi Z � 3 7C U ' + AH Z 2 7:$ d O \rh II CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 2003 INTERIM BUDGET n JANUARY 1 ST TQ MARCH 31ST • R.W.NOACK•Interim Finance Director(Dated February 3`d,2003) City of Spokane Valley Interim Budget January 1 — March 31 , 2003 Transmittal Letter 1 Budget Highlights 2 - 3 Organizational Chart and List of Officials 4 - 5 Budget Ordinance . . . 6 - 7 Revenue & Expenditure Summaries 8 — 12 General Fund City Council 13 City Manager 15 Finance 17 Legal 19 Administrative Services 21 Community Development 23 ) Parks & Recreation 25 General Government 27 Street Fund 29 Tax Anticipation Note Fund 31 County/City Loan Fund 33 Interim Employees Salary Schedule 35 The City of Spokane Valley 11707 F. Sprague, Suite 106 - Spokane Valley, WA 99206 January 1,2003 • TO: The Citizens of Spokane Valley and City Council Members SUBJECT: 2003 Interim Budget- January 1st thru March 3151 2(103 BUDGET OVERVIEW INTERIM BUDGET: The City Council of a newly incorporated city must adopt an interim budget for the interval tiuneframe as required by RCW 35.02.132. This interval period is defined as that period from the date the newly elected officials receive their oath of office to the selected date of incorporation. For the City of Spokane Valley this is November 20, 2002 to March 31, 2003. This document contains the City of Spokane Valley's interim budget for January 1, 2003 to March 31, 2003. BUDGET PROCESS: if the interim period extends into a new calendar year, it must adopt a second interim budget; the first would extend from the beginning of the interim period through December 31 and the second would extend from January 1 to the official incorporation date, March 31, 2003. The only statutory guidance with respect to creation of the interim budget or budgets is as follows: "These interim budgets shall be adopted in consultation with the state auditor." Id. There are no state auditor guidelines for • development of the interim budget therefore the City Council should contact the state auditor's office soon after taking office in order to develop an interim budget in a timely matter.' ADOPTON OF THE INTERIM BUDGET: The City Council may make any adjustments and/or changes to the proposed interim budget as deemed necessary. The Council would then adopt the final interim budget by ordinance to become effective upon passage. Revision of the adopted interim budget can only be accomplished by the ordinance process. • The New City Guide, Municipal Research R.Services Center of Washington, February 2002, Report No. 54, pp 34. 1 • • BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS The 2003 interim budget defines the level of services for the period from January 1 through March 31, 2003 based upon the incorporation feasibility study, as well as policy direction we have received from the Council. Our goal with the interim budget document is to present the information in a user-friendly format, one that can explain the different funds and cost centers. The majority of the money required to operate the City in this initial stage comes from borrowing since we will not begin to receive revenues of any critical mass until the last day of June. The City of Spokane Valley received a$1,000,000 loan from Spokane County and a $50,000 loan from the City of Liberty Lake. Also, the City Council has authorized borrowing up to $1,000,000 from a line of credit with Farmers & Merchants Bank. - Many of the services we will provide upon incorporation will be through contracts with Spokane County. These contracts, many of which will expire in December-2004, are non-exclusive so that we may analyze our needs more closely and perhaps explore other vendor sources that could provide services. Land use and building permit services will be done by.the City after incorporation. The 2003 interim budget includes necessary city staff and consultants to accept and review permits. Code enforcement is an issue that is being negotiated with Spokane County. Funds are included in the Community Development department to begin a community-generated comprehensive plan process. ASSUMPTiON'S: The Spokane Valley incorporation study, dated July 10, 2001 and updated in December 2001, was prepared by a local incorporation study team for the Boundary Review Board of Spokane County, includes the following assumptions. • The City population is 80,693. • City assessed value is $3,952,562,092, as forecasted in the feasibility study. • All expenditures were developed with the assistance of the Spokane Valley Incorporation Study dated December 2001. • The enclosed budget document reflects the expenditure by category within each department on a monthly basis with a total through March 31st, or that period prior to incorporation. • The interim budget includes a proposed organizational chart and summary expenditure totals for fund and cost centers. • The individual cost centers have salaries and wages expense estimates based upon contract employees. • The road tax levy receipts will be available beginning May, this revenue must be deposited and recorded in the Street Fund and may be loaned to the General Fund. • Retail sales tax revenues will not be received until the end of June 2003. 2; � • • • Retail sales tax revenues will not be received until the end of June 2003. • State-shared revenue based on our assumed population of 80,693 will be received at the end of June 2003. • A line of credit for$1,000,000 from Farmers and Merchants bank is available. • During February and March budget estimates for revenues and expenditures will be prepared for presentation to the Council. • This Interim Budget is a working document and should be reviewed and revised, if necessary, prior.to adoption. SUMMARY • The Finance Department will•begin the development of the City of Spokane Valley budget for the balance of the year 2003 immediately after the adoption of the interini budget. This budget will include projected revenues and expenditures for the period April 1 through December 31, 2003 for all services to be provided by the new city. We thank the Citizens of Spokane VValley who have enthusiastically supported the incorporation through volunteering their time, talents, and their treasures. Thanks also to those individuals who loaned or donated supplies and furniture. We can build upon the sold foundation . that numerous volunteers helped establish. Our task is to ensure we operate the City in a responsible, businesslike manner that the citizens can support in future years. We also have the responsibility to be good neighbors within the region and pursue excellence in intergovernmental relations, recognizing that our citizens deserve our dedicated representation for them on issues of regional importance. We thank the City Council for their understanding and guidance as we move through the requirements for incorporation. We appreciate both the amount of time you have devoted to studying the issues that face this new city and your decisiveness in determining the course of action that will best serve the community. We thank the Council Members who have served on the Finance- Committee for their assistance and support in developing this interim budget. Thanks also to the interim staff whose assistance is greatly appreciated in developing the City of Spokane Valley Interim Budget. Res'' • u Submitted, • IL/Robert \ . Noack Interim Finance Director Finance Director • 3 Attachment A Ordinance City of Spokane Valley Interim Staffing Organization Chart . Citizens City Council ' , ., t:: r5� Interim City . Manager Doputy City Lee Walton Stan hs' I r • Stan111cNutt ;; •• Parks/Recreation Building Official [Planning Finance Director City Clerk Director I Public Contract Bill Hulsinpiller Bob Ely I Director Y Jim Harris Il Bob Pv'oack Ruth Mutter •�, Dick Warren I I I j •Bob Jean(PIT) Id Parks a Roc. I Sr.8uilp'ng Lon Range I `I Coordinator Inspector 0 g PW Specialist Aocovntanting I Office I Contracts Planning Mgr I Shorty doss t 7jh _I Dennis Scott�m ! htnnagor —; Assistant t j Coordinator/Mr I_,_Feb,_ _ Greg hlcComtlCk r Dan Canis Feb 10th • Specialist cts Permit Don Morrison —I• Current Pg nning P I Aechnicant I Assistant• —f Technician Manager Superintendent Techmctan Assistant I 1 _ Feb 17th Kim Lyonnais Mac McDonald ' Jan 6th Mary liaslingon Eng noerfng Office • 1— Jan 27th_ J 1 Jan 27-1 Tachnfcian Assistant I • • th 1 ! Karin Bosworth _ —Planner 1 Office _ Jan 20th _I Assistant rs II — _ _ _ _ Susan Laon \ 1 Planning 1 'Technician j, •— FeblOfh_ _� Prrothman Page 1 • • . n Q CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY City Council Members Michael DeVleming, Mayor Richard Munson Position #3 Position #5 • Diana Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Mike Flanigan Position #1 Position #6 Steve Taylor Dick Denenny Position #2- Position #7 Gary Schimmels Position #4 Staff Lee Walton, Interim City Manager Stan McNutt, Interim Deputy City Manager Stanley Schwartz, Interim City Attorney Bob Ely, Interim Chief Building Inspector • Robert W. Noack, Interim Finance Director Ruth Muller, Interim City Clerk Dick Warren, Interim Public Works Director Bill Hutsinpiller, Interim Parks and Recreation Director Jim Harris, Interim Planning Director 5 • ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2003 THROUGH MARCH 31, 2003; APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS AND ESTABLISHING POSITIONS AND SALARY SCHEDULE. WHEREAS, RCW 35.02.132 requires the City Council to adopt an "Interim Budget" for the period of operation prior to incorporation; AND WHEREAS, an "Interim Budget" was submitted to the City Council and the Interim City Clerk on February 7, 2003; AND WHEREAS, the City Council scheduled a public hearing on the proposed interim start-up budget on February 11, 2003; NOW THEREFORE the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Funds Appropriated. The "Interim Budget" for the period January 1, 2003 through March 31, 2003, is appropriated by fund as follows: BUDGET BUDGET FUND EXPENDITURE REVENUE General Fund $1,201,834 Street Fund 140,870 County/City Loan Fund 1,050,000 Tax Anticipation Note Fund 292,704 • • TOTAL BUDGET $1,342,704 $1,342,704 Section 2. Positions and Salary Schedule. The various positions and salaries for the Interim City Manager, Interim Department Directors, and Interim clerical personnel are attached to this ordinance as Appendix "A". Section 3. Transmittal. A complete copy of the "Interim Budget" as adopted, together with a copy of this adopting ordinance, shall be transmitted by the Interim City Clerk to the Division of Municipal Corporations of the Office of the State Auditor and to the Association of Washington Cities. Section 4. Severability. Should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or its application to any person or circumstance be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid for any reason, or should any portion of this ordinance be preempted by state or federal law or regulation, such decision or preemption Ordinance No,,int,Budget,Jan 1-M .'„2003 6 shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance or its application to other persons or circumstances. Section S. Effective Date and Publication. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on the official date of incorporation provided publication of this ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this day of February, 2003. Mayor, Michael DeVleming ATTEST: Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved as to form: Interim City Attorney, Stanley M. Schwartz Date of Publication: Effective Date: 0 Ordinance No.,Int.Budeet,Jan I-Mar 31.2003 7 • City of Spokane Valley 2003 Interim Budget Revenue-Expenditure Summary January-March 2003 2002 2003 Budget Department Description Actual January February hAarch Total 001 GENERAL FUND Revenues Beginning Fund Balance $ - $ . 182,223 $ - $ - $ 182,223 Transfer from Tax Anticipation Note Fund - - 230,000 229,611 459,611 Transfer from County City Loan Fund 335,000 250,000 190,000 120,000 560,000 Total General Fund $ 335,000 $ 432,223 S 420,000 S 349,611 5 1,201,834 Expenditures City Council S - $ 45,240 $ 14,420 $ 7,920 $ 67,580 City Manager 55,145 51,230 49,860 49,860 150,950 Finance 14,450 24,103 33,283 92,084 149,470 • Legal 8,802 10,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 Administrative Services 35,750 67,004 66,200 66,660 199,864 Community Development 12,590 52,980 96,880 85,320 235,180 • Parks 8 Recreation 4,340 20,710 41,970 21,970 84,650 General Government 21,700 100,063 98,013 86,064 284,140 Total General Fund Expenditures 152,777 $ 371,330 $ 410,626 $ 419,878 1,201,834 . Ending Fund Balance $ 182,223 $ - 101 STREET FUND Revenues Beginning Fund Balance $ - $ 1,292 $ - $ - $ 1,292 Transfer from County City Loan Fund 15,000 50,000 60,000 30,000 140,000 $ 15,000 $ 51,292 $ 60,000 $ ' 30,000 $ 141,292 Expenditures Street Dept&Public Works' 13,708 S 38,210 $ 60,830 $ 41,830 140,870 Ending Fund Balance S 1,292 $ 422 201 TAX ANTICIPATION NOTE FUND Revenues Line of Credit Proceeds $ - $ - $ 230,000 $ 229,611 $ 459,611 Expenditures Transfer to General Fund - $ - $ 230,000 $ 229,611 459,611 Ending Fund Balance $ -. $ - 202 COUNTY/CITY LOAN FUND Revenues Intergovernmental Loans $ 350,000 S 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 200,000 $ 700,000 Expenditures Transfer to General Fund 335,000 250,000 190,000 120,000 560,000 Transfer to Street Fund 15,000 50,000 60,000 30,000 140,000 350,000 $ 300,000 S 250,000 $ 150,000 700,000 Ending Fund Balance S - S - i- '' Details of each department is presented on the following pages: City Council 13,City Manager 15,Finance 17,Legal 19,Admin Services 21, Community Development 23,Parks and Recreation 25,General Goveemment 27,Street Fund 29,Tax Anticipation Note 31,County/City Loan 33. • 8 City of Spokane Valley 2003 Interim Budget Revenue Summary January• March 2003 2002 2003 Budget • Department Description Actual January February March Total 001 GENERAL FUND Beginning Fund Balance $ - $ 182,223 $ - $ - $ 182,223 i City of Spokane Valley 2003 Interim Budget Expenditure Summary January-March 2003 2002 . 2003 Budget Department Description Actual FTEs January February March Total 001 GENERAL FUND . City Council $ - 7 $ 45,240 $ 14,420 $ 7,920 S 67,580 City Manager 55,145 1 51,230 49,860 49,860 150,950 Finance 14,450 3 24,103 33,283 92,084 149,470 Legal 8,802 1 10,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 Administrative Services 35,750 8 67,004 66,200 66,660 199,864 Community Development 12,590 9 52,980 96,880 85,320 235,180 Parks&Recreation 4,340 2 20,710 ' 41,970 21,970 84,650 General Government 21,700 1 100,063 98,013 . 86,064 284,140 Total General Fund Expenditures 152,777 32 $ 371,330 S 410,626 $ 419,878 1,201,834 Ending Fund Balance $ 182,223 $ • - 101 STREET FUND Street Dept&Public Works' $ 13,708 4 $ 38,210 $ 60,830 $ 41,830 $ 140,870 Ending Fund Balance $ 1,292 S 422 201 TAX ANTICIPATION NOTE FUND Transfer to General Fund $ - $ - $ 230,000 $ 229,611 S 459,611 - Ending Fund Balance $ - S - 202 COUNTY/CITY LOAN FUND • Transfer to General Fund $ 335,000 $ 250,000 $ 190,000 $ 120,000 $ 560,000 Transfer to Street Fund 15,000 50,000 60,000 30,000 140,000 350,000 $ 300,000 $ 250,000 $ 150,000 700,000 Ending Fund Balance $ - S - Details of each department is presented on the following pages: City Council 13,City Manager 15,Finance 17,Legal 19,Admin Services 21, Community Development 23,Parks and Recreation 25,General Goveernment 27,Street Fund 29,Tax Anticipation Note 31,CountylCity Loan 33. ' ..1 0 0 ( ) . • . City of Spokane Valley 2003 Interim Budget Expenditure Summary January - March 2003 Salaries & Other Capital Department Wages Supplies Services Expenditures Total 001 GENERAL FUND City Council $ 13,520 $ 1,260 $ 52,800 $ - $ 67,580 �� City Manager 57,970 180 92,800 - 150,950 Finance 83,580 540 4,150 61,200 149,470 Legal Services Contract 30,000 - - - 30,000 Administrative Services 182,724 1,260 - 15,880 - 199,864 Community Development 202,440 1,740 11,400 19,600 235,180 Parks & Recreation 61,740 360 2,550 20,000 84,650 General Government 6,000 5,290 160,150 112,700 . 284,140 Total General Fund $ 637,974 $ 10,630 $ 339,730 $ 213,500 $ 1,201,834 Other Funds • 101 Street Fund Street Dept&Public Works' 113,660 660 3,550 23,000 140,870 �,,; Total Street Fund. $ 113,660 $ 660 $ 3,550 $ 23,000 $ 140,870 TOTAL $ 751,634 $ • 11,290 $ 343,280 $ 236,500 $ 1,342,704 Details of each department is presented on the following pages: City Council 13, City Manager 15, Finance 17, Legal 19, Admin Services 21, Community Development 23, Parks and Recreation 25, General Goveemment 27, Street Fund 29. 11 Budget FUND: ALL All Funds City of Spokane Valley 2003 Expenditure Assumptions Interim Budget • DESCRIPTION PERSONNEL: The amount of interim staff for the City of Spokane Valley in 2003 is reflected in the employee data section of the 2003 budget. In addition, the organizational chart outlines the reporting and responsibility matrix. Personnel costs for interim period are based on the hourly rates paid for each employee per the Prothman Company Contract. The department directors are estimated to work 55 hours a week. All other employees are estimated to work 40 to 45 hours per weel SUPPLIES: Office supplies are necessary for employees to perform and accomplish their job responsibilities and duties. A new city will incur additional costs for supplies during the start-up period. Once employees have acquired the start-up supplies, a cost of$60 per month for each employee is budgeted. OTHER SERVICES &CHARGES: The budget estimates for other services and charges include services costs and overhead cost for employees. Other services may be provided by a governmental agency or by a private business organization. The items include professional services, communication, travel, advertising, rentals and leases, insurance, utility service, repairs and maintenance, and other miscellaneous services. CAPTIAL OUTLAY: Costs budgeted are assets such as computers,vehicles, land, and.building. The interim year budget includes office equipment, telephone system, sound system,some tenant improvements, computers,office lease, and large computer software purchases. • 1, • . Budget FUND: 001 General Fund City of Spokane Valley 2003 DEPARTMENT: 11 City Council Interim Budget DESCRIPTION City Council $ 67,580 Cost of providing effective elected representation of the citizenry in the governing body. The City Council meets regularly to consider land use applications,approve expenditures and funds and set public policy with the primary criteria being the health,safety and general welfare of the community. SALARIES AND WAGES • 13,520 Note: Compensation for Council Members is from November 20th through March 31. PERSONNEL STATUS REPORT NO START DATES Mayor 1.0 Nov City Council • ' • 6.0 Nov Total FTEs 7.0 SUPPLIES 1,260 - OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 52,800 This category includes meeting expenses,miscellaneous supplies,a$3,500 capital expenditure for website design, election costs of$36,000 and$500 for a contest to design the new city logo. • 13 City of Spokane Valley • Interim Budget January thru March 2003 Expenditures Department FTEs Salary January February March Total Description (4.4 weeks) (4 wee)s) (4 weeks) CITY COUNCIL Personnel: Councitmembers 6.0 $400fmo $ 6,390 $ 2,400 $ 2,400 $ 11,190 Mayor 1.0 $5001mo 1,330 500 500 $ 2,330 Total Salaries 7.0 $ 7,720 $ 2,900 $ 2,900 $ 13,520 Supplies: General Supplies $ 420 $ 420 $ 420 $ 1,260 Other Services&Charges: Website Development 1,000 1,000 1,500 3,500 Council Retreat 2,500 2,500 Community Meetings 1,000 1,000. 2,000 Meeting Expense 1,000 1,000 2,000 Postage 100 100 100 300 • Logo Contest 500 500 Travel/Mileage 5,000 1,000 6,000 Election Costs 36,000 36,000 52,800 Total Other • $' 37,520 $ 11,520 S 5,020 S 54,060 • Total City Council $ 45,240 $ 14,420 $ 7,920 $ 67,580 • • • Budget FUND: 001 General Fund City of Spokane Valley 2003 DEPARTMENT: 13 City Manager Interim Budget DESCRIPTION City Manager $ 150,950 The City Manager is the chief executive officer of the City government and is directly responsible to the City Council for planning,organizing and directing the activities of all city operations. The City Manager ensures all laws and ordinances governing the City are enforced,recommends to the City-Council such measures or actions which appear necessary and desirable,prepares and submits to the City Council the City budget;and performs other activities required by law or designated by the City Council. The City Manager is also responsible for human resources,contract management,and information services. 0 SALARIES AND WAGES 57,970 The estimate for salaries&wages is based on the costs included in the existing contracts for staff. PERSONNEL STATUS REPORT NO, START DATES Interim City Manager 1.0 December • SUPPLIES 180 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 92,800 The major items in this category are for travel and mileage,meeting expense,consulting services,as well as a $88,500 recruitment cost for a city manager and department directors. • 15 City of Spokane Valley • Interim Budget January-March 2003 • Expenditures • Department FTEs Salary January February March Total Description 14.2 weeks) (4 weeks) (E weeks} CITY MANAGER Interim City Manager 1.0 $85hr $ 20,570 $ 18,700 $ 18,700 $ 57,970 Total Salaries 1.0 S 20,570 .S 18,700 $ 18,700 $ 57,970 Supplies: General Supplies($60/personlmonth) S 60 S 60 S 60 $ 180 Other Services&Charges: Housing Interim Team 600 600 600 1,800 Travel&Mileage 500 1,000 1,000 2,500 Recruitment Costs 29,500 29,500 29,500 88,500 92,800 Total Other $ 30,660 $ 31,160 S 31,160 $ 92,980 Total City Manager $ 51,230 $ 49,860 $ 49,860 $ 150,950 • `� J 0 Budget FUND: 001 General Fund City of Spokane Valley .. 2003 DEPARTMENT: 14 Finance Interim Budget DESCRIPTION Finance $ 149,470 The Finance Department provides financial management services for all City funds. Programs include accounting and reporting,payroll,accounts payable,purchasing,budgeting and financial planning,treasury and investment systems. The Department is also responsible to generate and analyze data related to the City's operations. The department prepares monthly,quarterly,and annual financial reports and budget to ensure compliance with state laws. SALARIES AND WAGES 83,560 'ERSONNEL STATUS REPORT NO START DATES Interim Finance Director 1.0 November Interim Accounting Manager 1.0 January Interim Accounting Clerk 1_0 February Total FTEs 3.0 SUPPLIES 540 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 4,150 Included in this budget category is miscellaneous office and computer supplies,printing and payroll charges. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES A$60,000 purchase for accounting and budgeting software has been budgeted and 61,200 printer hardware equipment in the amount of 51,200 is budgeted. • • 17 City of Spokane Valley • Interim Budget January-March 2003 Expenditures Department FTEs Salary January February March Total Description (4.4 weeks) (4 weeks) (4 weeks) FINANCE Interim Finance Director 1.0 -$70lhr $ 16,940 $ 15,400 $ 15,400 S 47,740 Interim Accounting Manager 1.0 $56/hr 4,480 8,960 8,960 22,400 Interim Accounting Clerk 1.0 $28/hr 1,120 6,160 6,160 13,440 Total Salaries 3.0 - $ 22,540 $ 30,520 $ 30,520 $ 83,580 SUPPLIES: General Supplies $ 180 $ 180 $ 180 $ 540 ($601person/month) OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES: Housing Interim Team 600 600 600 1,800 Travel Interim Team 250 250 250 750 Payroll Charges 333 333 334 1,000 Postage 200 200 200 600 4,150 CAPITAL OUTLAY: Accounting System Software 60,000 60,000 Printer 1,200 1,200 61,200 Total Other S 1,563 $ 2,763 $ 61,564 $ 65,890 Total $ 24,103 $ 33,283 $ 92,084 $ 149,470 t � , , �v • • • • • 0 Budget ruiJD: 001 • General Fund • City of Spokane Valley 2003 DEPARTMENT: 015 Legal Interim Budget DESCRIPTION • Legal $ 30,000 This includes contract services for the following: . • Interim City Attorney 30,000 Legal services for the interim period are being contracted for from Witherspoon,Kelley,Davenport&Toole. Stanley Schwartz is the lead attorney. • • • • 19 City of Spokane Valley • Interim Budget January- March 2003 Expenditures Department FTEs Salary January February March Total Description (4.2 weeks) (4 weeks) (4 weeks) Legal Interim City Attorney 1.0 $140hr $ 10,000 $ 10,000 S 10,000 S 30,000 Total Salaries 1.0 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 30,000 • Total Legal $ 10,000 $ 10,000 S 10,000 S 30,000 C.) Budget FUND: 001 General Fund City of Spokane Valley 2003 DEPARTMENT: 18 Administrative Services Interim Budget DESCRIPTION Administrative Services • $ 199,864 The Administrative Services Department is composed.of three divisions,the Deputy City Manager.Division,the City Clerk Division,and the Human Resources Division. The Deputy City Manager supervises the Administrative • Services Division. He assists the City Manager in organizing and directing the other operations of the city and he assumes the duties of the City Manager in his abscense. The City Cleric Division is responsible for maintaining the official records of the city. The Clerk supervises the office staff and coordinates City Council meetings. The Human Resources Division is responsible for personnel matters to include recruitment,benefit programs, and training. SALARIES AND WAGES . . 182,724 PERSONNEL STATUS REPORT N0. START DATES Interim Deputy City Manager 1.0 November Interim Contracts Manager 1.0 December Interim City Clerk 1.0 December Interim Human Resources Mgr. - 1.0 January Interim Office Assistant II - 1.0 January Interim Administrative Assistant 1.0 November Interim Office Assistant I 22+0 January . . 8.0 SUPPLIES 1,260 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 15,880 Included in this budget category is miscellaneous office and computer supplies,printing and binding for special reports, advertising for legal notices, publication of ordinances and bulk mailing charges. • 21 • • City of Spokane Valley • Interim Budget • January-March 2003 ' Expenditures • Department FTEs Salary January February March Total Description (4-4 weeks} (4 weeks) (4 weeks) ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Interim Deputy City Manager • 1.0 $83/hr $ 20,086 S 18,260 $ 18260 $ 56,606 Interim Contracts Manager 1.0 $85/hr -2,040 2,040 4,080 Interim City Clerk 1.0 S56/hr 13,552 12,320 12,320 38,192 Interim Human Resources Mgr. 1.0 $63/hr 15,246 13,860 13,860 42,966 Interim Office Assistant II 1.0 $28/hr 2,800 4,760 4,760 12,320 Interim Administrative Assistant 1.0 $21fhr 3,360 3,360 3,360 10,080 Interim Office Assistant I 2.0 $21/hr 5,040 6,720 6,720 18,480 Total Salaries - 8.0 $ 62,124 $ 61,320 $ 59,280 $ 182,724 SUPPLIES: • General Supplies . • • . - $ 420 $ 420 $ 420 $ 1,260 - ($601person/month) OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES: - Housing Interim Team • 1,800 1,800 1,800 5,400• Travel Interim Team 750 750 750 2,250 Publications 710 710 210 1,630 Printing&Binding 500 500 500 1,500 Codification 3,000 3,000 Postage - 200 200 200 • 600 . Legal Notices 500 500 500 1,500 • • 15,880 Total Other $ 4,880 $ 4,880 $ 7,380 $ 17,140 Total $ 67,004 S 66,200 $ 66,660 $ 199,864 . , '� ,' Budget FUND: 001 General Fund City of Spokane Valley . 2003 DEPARTMENT: 058 Community Development - Interim Budget • DESCRIPTION Community Development $ 235,180 Community Development is responsible for the City's land use and planning,including growth management planning, mapping,building inspections,code enforcement,flood plain management administration,State Envioronmental Policy Act(SEPA) administrations and shoreline management permits. The Department also manages the building permit process. The Department's responsibilities will increase with the adoption of the City's Interim Comprehensive Plan and associated interim development regulations. SALARIES AND WAGES 202,440 The estimate for salaries&wages is based on the costs included in the existing contracts for staff. PERSONNEL STATUS REPORT NO. START DATES Interim Community Development Director 1.0 December Interim Long Range Planning Manager 1.0 January Interimlong Range Planner 1.0 January Interim Current Planning Manager 1.0 January Interim Planner 1.0 January Interim Planning Technician 1.0 February Interim Building Official 1.0 January Interim Senior Building Inspector 1.0 February Interim Permit Technician 1.0 February 9.0 SUPPLIES: 1,740 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGE=S - 11,400 This category includes advertising of meetings,meeting notices,dues and memberships. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: 19,600 Capital purchases include the provision for a vehicle($18,000)and a laminating machine($1,600)for maps. 23 City of Spokane Valley Interim Budget January- March 2003 Expenditures Department FTEs Salary January February March Total Description (4.4 weeks) (4 weeks) (4 weeks) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Interim Comm Devel Director 1.0 $70/hr $ 16,940 $ 15,400 S 15,900 S 47,740 Interim Long Range Planning Mgr 1.0 $561hr 6,720 8,960 8,960 24,640 Interim Long Range Planner 1.0 $421hr 1,680 6,720 6,720 15,120 Interim Current Planning Manager 1.0 656111r 4,480 8,960 8,960 22,400 Interim Planner 1.0 642/hr 3,360 6,720 6,720 16,800 Interim Planning Technician 1.0 $28fir 3,360 4,480 7,840 • Interim Building Official 1.0 $70/hr 16,940 15,400 15,400 47,740 Interim Senior Building Inspector . 1.0 $56/hr 4,480 8,960 13,440 Interim Permit Technician 1.0 $28/hr 2,240 4,4$0 6,720 Total Salaries 9.0 $ 50,120 S 72,240 S 80,080 S 202,440 SUPPLIES; General Supplies($60 per person/month $ 360 $ 540 $ 540 $ 1,440 Maps/Copying 300 300 1,740 OTHER SERVICES 8 CHARGES: Housing Interim Team 1,200 1,200 1,200 3,600 Travel Interim Team 500 500 500 1,500 Travel/Mileage 500 1,000 1,500 3,000 Publications 1,800 1,500 3,300 11,400 CAPITAL PURCHASES: Laminating Machine 1,600 1,600 Capital Purchases-Vehicle 18,000 18,000 19,600 Total Other $ 2,860 $ 24,640 $ 5,240 $ 32,740 Total $ 52,980 $ 96,880 $ 85,320 $ 235,180 24!. •mil , �� �_,� o . Budget FUND: 001 General Fund City of Spokane Valley 2003 DEPARTMENT: 076 Parks & Recreation Interim Budget DESCRIPTION Parks & Recreation $ 84,650 The Parks and Recreation Department interim team is coordinating the transfer of existing Spokane County Parks to the new city. The transfer will include 12 community parks,the Opportunity Township Hall,Valley Mission Pool and Valley Senior Center. The transfer would also include the Mirabeau Point recreation area and two additional pools. A recreation coordinator has been hired to begin planning for the summer recreation season. SALARIES AND WAGES 61,740 The estimate for salaries&wages is based on the costs included in the existing contracts for staff. PERSONNEL STATUS REPORT NO. START DATES . Interim Parks&Recreation Consultant 1.0 January Interim Recreation Coordinator 1_0 January 2.0 SUPPLIES 360 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 2,550 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES This category includes the capital purchase of vehicle for 520,000. 20,000 25 • • City of Spokane Valley • Interim Budget • January- March 2003 - Expenditures Department FTEs Salary January February March Total Description (4.4 weeks) (4 weeks) (4 weeks) Parks & Recreation • Interim Parks&Recreation Consultant 1.0 $701hr S 16,940 $ 15,400 $ 15,400 $ 47,740 Interim Recreation Coordinator 1.0 $351hr 2,800 5,600 5,600 14,000 Total Salaries 2.0 $ 19,740 $ 21,000 $ 21,000 $ 61,740 SUPPLIES: General Supplies $601personlmonth $ 120 $ 120 $ 120 $ 360 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES:- Housing Interim Team 600 600 600 1,800 Travel Interim Team 250 250 250 750 2,550 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: Capital Outlay-Pool Car 20,000 20,000 Total Other $ 970 $ • 20,970 $ 970 $ 22,910 Total Parks&Recreation - $ 20,710 $ 41,970 $ 21,970 $ 84,650 • . 21, - 0 Budget FUND: 001 General Fund City of Spokane Valley 2003 DEPARTMENT: 90 General Government Interim Budget DESCRIPTION General Government $ 284,140 The General Government Department comprises activities that encompass services to multiple departments. Included in this department are the costs of city hall and related utilities,management information services reproduction services and postal costs. Also included in this section is the cost of the interim team project manager,Craig Prothman and the projected costs for the incorporation cerimony. SALARIES AND WAGES 6,000 PERSONNEL STATUS REPORT NO. START DATES Interim Project Manager 1.0 November SUPPLIES 5,290 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 165,650 Included in this budget category is miscellaneous expenses relating to the interim consulting contract, copier expenses,telephone expenses,building lease costs, and telephone costs. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital purchases include furniture for city hall,office software,postal equipment,a sound system, 107,200 the telephone system hardware,and computer and printer hardware. 27 • City of Spokane Valley Interim Budget January-March 2003 Expenditures Department FTEs Salary January February March Total Desaiption (4,4.c%&) 44 meets) 14 w otsl General Government Interim Project Manager 1.0$125/hr S 2,000 $ 2,000 S 2,000 $ 6,000 Total Salarfes 1.0 S 2,000 5 2,000 S 2,000 $ 6400 SUPPLIES: Miscellaneous Office Supplies 5 263 $ 263 $ 264 S 790 Copy Paper 4,500 4,500 , 5,290 - OTHER SERVICES 8 CHARGES: Incorporation Ceremony 1,500 1,500 Travel Expenses 250 250 250 750 Facsimile and Delivery Expenses 200 200 200 600 Name tags/Letter Head 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 Printing of Docrxnentsfmaterials 200 200 200 600 Miscellaneous Costs 333 333 334 1,000 Mileage Reimbursement 667 667 666 2,000 Consut6ng Services 10,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 Meeting Expense 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 Insurance 60,000 50,000 Postage/Business Miermatian 3,000 4,000 4,000 11,000 Copier Maintenance Contact • 2,500 2,500 2,500 7,500 Telephone Charges 1,200 1,200 1,200 3,600 Cell Phone Charges 200 200 200 600 Building Lease 35,000 35,000 160,150 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: • Furniture 4,000 4,000 2,000 10,000 Special Software 5,00D 5,000 10,000 Postage Machine 5,400 5,400 Postage Scale 400 400 Recorder/Sound System - 10,000 10,000 Portable PA System 5,000 5,000 Telephone System 15,650 15,650 Telephone Trun1 Lines 1.250 500 1,250 3,000 Computers/Printers/Manitars 10,000 21,750 10,000 41,750 Miscellaneous Expenses 2,000 2,000 7,500 11,500 112,700 . . • Total Other $ 98,063 $ 96,013 S 84,064 S 276,140 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 100,063 S 98,013 S 86.064 5 264,140 fl fl . Budget'~r=uND: 101 Street Fund City of Spokane v'aiiey 2003 DEPARTMENT: 42 Interim Budget • DESCRIPTION Street Fund - Public Works $ 140,870 The Street Fund is used for the improvements to the City's street system.The interim team is responsible for the coordination of contracts for street maintenance with Spokane County. The engineering section will coordinate and supervise public works engineering projects. • SALARIES AND WAGES 113,660 PERSONNEL STATUS REPORT NO. START DATES Interim Public Works Director, 1.0 December Interim Public Works Supervisor 1.0 January Interim Public Works Specialist 1.0 January Interim Engineering Technician 1_0 February Total FTEs 4.0 SUPPLIES 660 • OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 3,550 Included in these charges are expenses for office supplies and travel milage. CAPITAL EXPENITURES 23,000 . Capital expenditures include funds for the purchase of a pool car,small tools,and a digital camera. • • 29 • City of Spokane Valley Interim Budget January- March 2003 Expenditures Department FTEs Salary January February March Total Description (4.4 weeks) (4 weeks) (4 weeks) STREET FUND Interim Public Works Director 1.0 $701hr $ 16,940 $ 15,400 $ 15,400 S 47,740 Interim Public Works Supervisor 1.0 $561hr 8,960 8,960 8,960 26,880 Interim Public Works Specialist 1.0 $581hr 9,280 9,280 9,280 27,840 Interim Engineering Technician 1.0 $281hr 5,600 5,600 11,200 Total Salaries 4.0 S 35,180 $ 39,240 $ 39,240 $ 113,660 SUPPLIES: General Supplies 060/person/month) $ 180 $ 240 $ 240 $ 660 OTHER SERVICES&CHARGES: Housing Interim Team 600 600 600 1,800 Travel Interim Team 250 250 250 750 TraveUMileage 500 500 1,000 3,550 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: Digital Camera 1,000 1,000 Capital Expenditures-vehicle 17,000 17,000 Capital Expenditures-small tools • 2,000 2,000 1,000 5,000 • 23,000 Total Other $ 3,030 $ 21,590 $ 2,590 $ 27,210 Total $ 38,210 $ 60,830 $ 41,830 $ 140,870 • Budget FUND: Tax Anticipation Note Fund City of Spokane Valley 2003 DEPARTMENT:201 Interim Budget DESCRIPTION Tax Anticipation Note Fund $ 459,611 On January 14,2003,the City Council passed Resolution 03-012 accepting the commitment of Farmers&Merchants Bank, Spokane Valley, Washington,to provide a revolving line of credit evidenced by a note payable from the taxes and other revenues to the City. The Ordinance authorized the issuance of the note in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed$1,000,000 at any time outstanding for the purpose of paying expenditures of the City's General Fund and other funds pending the receipt of taxes and other revenues. J 3 1 City of Spokane Valley Interim Budget January-March 2003 Expenditures Department January February March Total Description (4.4 tireek0 (4 weeks) (4 weeks) TAX ANTICIPATION NOTE FUND Transfer to General Fund $ - $ 230,000 $ 229,611 $. 459,611 • Total Tax Anticipation Note Fund $ - $ 230,000 $ 229,611 $ 459,611 • �--J Budget FUND: County/City Loan Fund City of Spokane Valley 2003 DEPARTMENT:202 Interim Budget DESCRIPTION County/City Loan Fund $ 700,000 On November 26,2002,the City Council passed Resolution 02-04 accepting the offer of the City of Liberty Lake to loan the City of Spokane Valley$50,000 at little or no interest. The loan is to be repaid on or before June 30,2003 following the the first road tax distribution. On December 10, 2002,the City Council passed Resolution 02-10 authorizing the Mayor to execute all documents necessary for the City of Spokane Valley to obtain a loan from Spokane County for$1,000,000 in installments of$300,000 upon execution of the loan documents,$250,000 on January 10,2003,$250,000 on February 10,2003,and$200,000 on March 10,2003. The loan is interest free and will be repaid by the City from Road District taxes collect by the county that would otherwise go to the City under RCW 35.02.040 after March 31. • 33 • City of Spokane Valley Interim Budget January- March 2003 Expenditures Department January February March Total Description (4.4 weeks) (4 weeks) (4 weeks) COUNTYICITY LOAN FUND Transfer to General Fund $ 250,000 $ 190,000 $ 120,000 $ 560,000 Transfer to Street Fund 50,000 60,000 30,000 140,000 $ 300,000 $ 250,000 $ 150,000 $ 700,000 a Total County/City Loan Fund $ 300,000 $ 250,000 $ 150,000 $ 700,000 , 34 / 0 0 0 • Attachment A, Budget Ord. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FEES Professional fees for providing management services to the City of Spokane Valley are listed below. Position Per Hour Position Per Mour General Government Community Development *Project Mana• er $ 125 *Interim Comm Devel Director $ 70 City Manager *Interim Long Range Planning Mgr $ 56 *Interim City Manager $ 85 Interim Long Range Planner $ 42 Finance Interim Current Planning Manager $ 56 *Interim Finance Director $ 70 Interim Planner $ 42 Interim Accounting Manager $ 56 Interim Planning Technician $ 28 Interim Accounting Clerk $ 28 Interim Building Official $ 70 Legal Interim Senior Building Inspector $ 56 Contract City Attorney $ 140 Interim Permit Technician $ 28 Administrative Services Parks & Recreation Interim Deputy City Manager $ 83 *Interim Parks & Recreation Consultant $ 70 *Interim City Clerk $ 56 Interim Recreation Coordinator $ 35 Interim Contract Consultant $ 85 Street Fund *Interim Human Resources Specialist $ 63 *Interim Public Works Director $ 70 Interim Administrative Asst. $ 21 *Interim•Public Works Supervisor $ 56 Interim Office Assistant I (2) $ 21 Interim Public Works Specialist $ 58 Interim Engineering Technician $ 28 � 1' All costs incurred during the project are the responsibility of the City. Expense items include but are not limited to: Facsimile and delivery expenses. Printing of documents and materials. Travel expenses and related costs for the Project Manager& Contracts Manager. Travel expenses for interim team members excluding interim team travel to and from home. The individuals whose name is preceded by an asterisk shall receive a monthly stipend for housing of $600 per month. The monthly stipend will be pro-rated per week. Other associated miscellaneous costs Mileage reimbursement of$.35 per mile. 35