2008, 05-28 Panhandling Committee AgendaSuggested Agenda Spokane Valley Panhandling Committee, May 28, 2008 Spokane Valley City Hall, Opportunity Room I. Introductions a. Committee Members: Bill Gothmann Rose Dempsey Ian Robertson Joe Shutz Maggie Crabtree Cathy Neet Connie Nelson o a 1;LP rca r� b. Todd Babcock, Spokane (- 0/d ,,u I c. Deputy City Attorney Cary Driskell 3 M 2 rL a d. Mayor Rich Munson II. Purpose of Committee a. Mayor's Charge i. Investigate matters related to panhandling and advise Council on those findings ii. Identify other programs throughout the Country that address this issue iii. Research what other cities are doing iv. Explore the potential of cooperation in applying programs v. Determine what programs to implement in order to advise the general public of choices to assist panhandlers b. Charity Campaigns are not part of our charge III. Presentation by Mr. Driskell concerning the law a. Questions IV. What are the components of the problem? a. Who are the panhandlers? b. What are their needs? i. Are their agencies to fill these needs? ii. Are they and the community aware of these resources? c. What are other communities doing? V. Where to go from here VI. Next Meeting 2 t =Njo,( -6 Lel Pomtles,-s