Key Committee Recommendations (Panhandling)Key Committee Recommendations for Dealing With Panhandling In Spokane Valley Ordinances Present laws make it illegal to aggressively panhandle. Unfortunately, when such a case occurs, police are called and the victim usually does not press charges, and police are forced to release the offender. Present laws also prohibit interference with traffic. However, the offender usually ignores the ticket. Property owners also can prohibit panhandling on their own property. Police have arrested panhandlers claiming to be veterans when they were not. Committee Recommendations: The Committee recommends Council consider adding the following ordinances: 1. Prohibit panhandling within 100 feet of an ATM, a bus stop, a traffic signal, or a freeway entrance. 2. Prohibit panhandling on medians. 3. Prohibit motorists and passengers from giving while in a traffic lane. 4. Prohibit being drunk in public. There is an RCW, but we need an ordinance, also. Social Services There are presently many social services available in Spokane Valley: Spokane Valley. Partners, Meals on Wheels, 2 Hands, and others. Committee Recommendations The Committee recommends there be a card and wooden nickel program. The card would be given to those in need to indicate where services are available. The wooden nickel would entitle the person with needs to a free meal and free clothing at a clothing bank. This would also put the person in contact with social services to meet their needs. Public Education A public education program is needed to inform the public about where they could give gifts that will make a real difference. This could use such media as posters, web site, radio, and newspapers. Cities such as Tacoma, Denver, Portland, Seattle, and others have panhandler prevention programs. We shouldn't try to reinvent the wheel. Anchorage has initiatives that consist of some ordinance changes, a web site, posters that businesses place in their windows, and a wooden nickel program. It was initially funded by a small municipal grant. Donated medial expertise created the posters and the web site. It continues to be run at a relatively low cost. Spokane Valley's program could consider such media as radio, TV, newspapers, and others. It would, however, require participation by a broad segment of our community. Committee Recommendations The Committee recommends we form a Panhandling Action Network (PAN) consisting of businesses, service clubs, service providers, faith community, and a media director. It would not be directed by the City, and would be funded by businesses and the City. They would plan and execute the public education Panhandling Committee October, 2008 Panhandling Recommendations Panhandling in Spokane Valley Richard Munson, Mayor Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Ian Robertson, Planning Comm. Chair A New Charity �b Charity Rules: 80% Goes to Drugs and Alcohol Spokane Valley Panhandling Committee • Maggie Crabtree • Cathy Neet • Connie Nelson" • Joe Schutz • Ian Robertson • Rose Dempsey • Bill Gothmann • Todd Babcock, City of Spokane (;C9 0c) 0e-,I ) 6 a �j November--2Q08 Prepared by Bill Gothmann, City of Spokane Valley 1 Panhandling Recommendations Meetings • Met 7 times UN • Heard from — Police — Legal (two times) — Social service — SV Partners — What Spokane is doing Panhandling The Problem Possible Solutions eb i+ a gr.r'P�i wJ, 0 5 The Typical Panhandler • Is unemployed C • Unmarried f • Has substance abuse _ problem . • Is NOT homeless �r } • 80 0/o/20% rule 6 November 2008 Prepared by Bill Gothmann, City of Spokane Valley 2 Panhandling Recommendations Panhandlers • Some have mental problems • Many have criminal records • Most choose to panhandle because it makes good sense' . • Flop Areas: Example: Charlie ■ White male ■ Convicted felon with long record - Four outstanding warrants — A felony —Two misdemeanors — Felony Dept. of Corrections escape warrant Charlie • Life long alcoholic • Lives at Red Lion Inn in Spokane — Sometimes lives with his wife in South Hill neighborhood • Has a solicitors license, "Cardboard Expressions" • Takes STA to Spokane Valley November 2008 Prepared by Bill Gothmann, City of Spokane Valley 3 Panhandling Recommendations Charlie • Averages $60 -80 per 2 hours in SV • "All the pretty women in their 30's and 40's give me 20 dollar bills" • Wal -Mart and Valley Mall are most lucrative spots Sullivan Area Problems • Sharing corners and violence • Daily Police Service calls — Strip mall at Walmart — Chevron near Mirabeau Hotel — Valley Mall —Toys R Us — Ross Three Parts of Solution • Tools for Law Enforcement • Links to Social Services • Community Education W M IN November 2008 Prepared by Bill Gothmann, City of Spokane Valley 4 Panhandling Recommendations I. Law Enforcement Tools Now in place ■ Prohibit aggressive panhandling — Coerce or frighten into submission or obedience �1 Aggressive Panhandling ■ It is a problem — Case 1: Panhandler sits in car seat — Case 2: Panhandler obstructs movement ■ No Arrest without pressing Charges Also Presently in Place • Prohibit obstruction of vehicle traffic • Property owners can prohibit panhandling • False claim to be a veteran prosecuted • Problem with ticketing November 2008 Prepared by Bill Gothmann, City of Spokane Valley 5 Panhandling Recommendations Law Enforcement Tools Committee Recommendations • Prohibit motorists and passengers from giving while in a traffic lane • Drunken behavior in public Law Enforcement Tools Place Restrictions • Within 100 feet of ATM, bus stop traffic signal, or freeway entrance • On medians San Francisco W, II. Available Services • Spokane Valley Partners • Meals on Wheels ■ 2 Hands —organization for requesting assistance ■ Veterans Representative ■ Others m November 2008 Prepared by Bill Gothmann, City of Spokane Valley 6 Panhandling Recommendations New Social Service Link ■ Card and wooden nickel — Good for food — Good for clothing — Makes connection — Selling problem? 19 III. Public Education • Web Site t • Posters • Radio • Newspapers 14 ?!, ffl-q a._ 20 Cities with Programs • Tacoma ` Yea vetldnt • Denver -Y �^••- ■ Portland oft W*W painha�dter :: • Seattle , • Others "° 1 "'' "' .WA."40 • Don't reinvent the wheel M November 2008 Prepared by Bill Gothmann, City of Spokane Valley 7 Panhandling Recommendations Anchorage Program ■ Some ordinance changes • Only Web Site and Posters • Wooden nickel program • Initial municipal funds • Donated media expertise • Very low cost operation ».. 22 Web Site Posters November 2008 Prepared by Bill Gothmann, City of Spokane Valley 8 WANT TO HELP A PANHANDLER? 13ON"t GIVE MONEY FFIOM YOUR CAR. ANMAGI DWWWN ONT FEED AN MICTION WE 507 26 15 6 IN SETT ECR � A- YOUR $1 CAN CHANGE HIS LIFE IF IT GOES TO THE RIGHT PLACES ANGWAGE DoymmN —E E,1 'Ell Ell . ..•.•. -1— slill, WE T, DOMMN Panhandling Recommendations generosity is killing me. Give spare ;e to agencies instead of panhandlers. say NO to pant say yes to charities that help the ga Panhandling is not the solution Please give to a local charity I November 2008 Prepared by Bill Gothmann, City of Spokane Valley 10 Panhandling Recommendations Other Media for SV • Radio'` • Television • Newspapers • Other media forms EE How to Get Started ■ Form a Panhandling Action Network (PAN) — Business — Service Clubs — Service Providers —Faith Based Community — Media director • Fund by SV and businesses • Not directed by City 32 Advice for My Generous Friends [Those who give to panhandlers] may be the only beneficiaries from the transaction. They get to go home warmed by the glow of their generosity. The crackhead left behind is not '� , their problem. James McNamara _ Times Square CAnSOrtium 444CCC 33 November 2008 Prepared by Bill Gothmann, City of Spokane Valley 11 Panhandling Recommendations Questions? November 2008 Prepared by Bill Gothmann, City of Spokane Valley 12