2008, 12-07 Quotes Concerning PanhandlingSome Quotes Concerning Panhandling Bill Gothmann 12 -7 -08 "[T]he average Phoenix panhandler works the streets only until he or she has enough money to purchase a bottle of beer or fortified wine, a vial of crack, or, rarely, a meal at a fast food restaurant. ... The percentage [of homeless who panhandle] ranges from a high of 34.4% in Washington, D.C. to 6.8% in Denver. For how many homeless people did panhandling represent most or all of their income? 2.2 %." (Stark, "From Lemons to Lemonade: An Ethnographic Sketch of Late Twentieth - Century Panhandling", 1992). In a study of Toronto panhandlers, they reported a median monthly income equivalent to US $1904200. (Robit Bose and Stephen Hwang) "Most of the money they get goes to alcohol and drugs." (Mike McManus, an outreach worker for the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless. ) Earnings are rarely saved. They are spent on short-term purchases, generally alcohol or drugs, occasionally food. (The Straight Dope) "According to research done in the city of Denver, 90 percent of the money given to panhandlers is used to further enable that panhandler's lifestyle of drug or alcohol addiction." (The Rabble Rouser) "... $4.6 million is a lot of money [Amount annually given to panhandlers in Denver]. ... Sadly, we know that in most cases, the money is used in ways that perpetuate the problem." (Mary Buckley, Denver's Department of Economic Development). [Are people helping when they give to panhandlers ?] My view is they're hurting, and many people in the homeless advocacy communities believe they're hurting rather than helping. (Dallas Chief of Police David Kunkle) "I don't recall a single time where Jesus helped someone who was drunk," he said. "He helped people who couldn't help themselves. He helped the lame, helped the blind, helped feed those who couldn't feed themselves." (Rev. Dallas Lenear, executive pastor of New Hope Baptist Church) "Don't ever give money to panhandlers under any circumstances. The bulk of the people are going to use it for drugs or alcohol," (Don Tack, founder and executive director of Servants Center, an organization that reaches out to those who are homeless and mentally ill. ) "Most (panhandlers) have lived here a long time and actually have homes. This is just their chosen profession." (Coos Bay Police Capt. Rodger Craddock). "Coos Bay Police Department found that people who ask for money outside the Wal -Mart on Newmark Avenue can make $300 in one day." (Coos Bay, "The World," Alexander Rich) "Even beggars in the direst straits would be better off getting their needs met at a shelter rather than through individual donations on the street." (Andy Bales, President, Union Rescue Mission, downtown Los Angeles). "Please do not give money to panhandlers." (Escondido Police Department) "Drug addicts come from out of state to panhandle in Times Square. The tourists think they're doing good, but they're just making it easier for them to get high, and that makes our job tougher. io vlr� tto� p an ers may be the only beneficiaries from the transaction. They get to go home warmed by the glow of their generosity. The crackhead left behind is not their problem." (James McNamara, Times Square Consortium for the Homeless)