2005, 06-29 Survey on Panhandling in Denver IIIITALE & ASSOCIATES presents A SURVEY ON PANHANDLER GIVING AMONG ADULT RESIDENTS IN DENVER June 29-30, 2005 to Downtown Denver Business Improvement District ITALE & ASSOCIATES 5 Key Findings • 72% of Denver adults see panhandling as a serious problem . • Panhandling is seen as a problem not just on the 16th Street Mall , but rather all across the city • 42% of Denver adults have given money to panhandlers in the last year. • Those who give to panhandlers average $24.58 per year, which equates to a total of $4.5 million dollars per year . • A majority would be Tess likely to give to panhandlers if they were better educated about the problem and better alternatives. Denver Panhandler Survey -- June 29-30, 2005 /1\1=-600 adults ITALE & ASSOCIATES As you think about panhandling in Denver, is there a specific location or area of Denver where you most often notice people panhandling or holding a sign asking for help? 1 6th Ave. ;, f,- 13% Speer Blvd. .: 22% Major `'intersections 18% Downtown Everywhere/A 27% nywhere y 20% Denver Panhandler Survey--June 29-30, 2005 /N=600 adults Q2 ITALE & ASSOCIATES Still thinking about panhandling in Denver. . . how serious of a problem do you believe panhandling is in this city? Denver Panhandler Survey -- June 29-30, 2005 /N=600 adults Q3 r ITALE & ASSOCIATES Thinking back over the past year, can you recall whether you have ever given money to someone on the sidewalks or street corners of Denver asking for money, either by panhandling or holding a sign asking for help? Denver Panhandler Survey -- June 29-30, 2005 /N=600 adults Q4 ITALE & ASSOCIATES How often would you say you give money to someone on the street ? Denver Panhandler Survey -- June 29-30, 2005 /N=600 adults Q5 ITALE & ASSOCIATES On average, when you decide to give money to a panhandler, how much money would you say that you give them each time? Average Each Refuse Average Time: $1 .84 y Yearl : $24.58 Denver Panhandler Survey -- June 29-30, 2005 /N=600 adults Q6 1111ITALE & ASSOCIATES Which of the following best describes your reasoning for giving to panhandlers. . . . Denver Panhandler Survey -- June 29-30, 2005 /N=600 adults Q7 ITALE & ASSOCIATES Which of the following best describes your typical panhandler giving behavior . . ..I usually give. . . . When have extra change 21% Denver Panhandler Survey -- June 29-30, 2005 /N=600 adults Q8 1111ITALE & ASSOCIATES Please tell me whether knowing this information would make you more likely or less likely to give money to panhandlers. Denver has 10-year plan,but need help keeping$offstreets People who give further enable panhandler lifestyle Moneyspent on cig.,alcohol,drugs All panhanlders have access to free hot meals 3x/7/365 C hies like Philadelphia have reduced panhandling ► ► ► ► T ► r ( ( ( ( ( ( K ( ( ( 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ® More Likely n Unsure I I No Difference Less Likely Denver Panhandler Survey -- June 29-30, 2005 /N=600 adults Q9-13 1111ITALE & ASSOCIATES How often would you say you go to Downtown Denver near the 16th Street Mall? Unsure Monthly/ quarterly 35% Denver Panhandler Survey-- June 29-30, 2005 /N=600 adults Q 16 Methodological Notes: ITALE & ASSOCIATES • Vitale & Associates is pleased to present the Downtown Denver Business Improvement District with the findings from a survey of adult attitudes in the city of Denver regarding panhandler giving. • These findings were drawn from telephone interviews conducted with N=600 adult residents throughout the city. Responses to this survey were gathered June 29-30, 2005 and the confidence level associated with a survey of this type is 95% with a ± 4.0% margin of error. • Subsets of this data carry a larger margin of error. For example, the subset of those adults who have given money to panhandlers in the last year represents n=251 respondents, among whom the findings yield a 6.2% margin of error. Also, these 600 completed interviews did not include any person that said that they had not ". . . noticed [in the past year] any people on the sidewalks or street corners of Denver asking for money, either by panhandling or holding a sign asking for help?" Those who said "no" and were therefore screened out of this survey represented less than one tenth of one percent (0. 1 %) of those called. Denver Panhandler Survey -- June 29-30, 2005 /N=600 adults ITALE & ASSOCIATES Firm Background • Launched in October of 2003, Vitale & Associates is a full service, strategic research firm based in Denver, Colorado. • The firm's principal, Todd Vitale, has over 15 years of experience in the field of public affairs research. • Vitale's past client work includes dozens of winning candidate and issue based campaigns. He has served clients at every level of government (from City Council to U .S. President), and has also done extensive work on ballot initiatives & referendums, real estate development, city planning, corporate strategic communications and advocacy. • Vitale's research includes more than one hundred thousand interviews in Colorado alone, including work for Governor Bill Owens and most recently, as a pollster to the successful FasTracks mass transit campaign. • Vitale can be reached at 303-813-9020 or todd @vitaleassociates.com Denver Panhandler Survey -- June 29-30, 2005 /N=600 adults