2008, 07-15 Panhandling Committee Meeting NotesPage 1 of 2 Bill Gothmann From: Bill Gothmann Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 12:07 PM To: Dave Mercier; Mike Jackson; City Council; 'Cathy Neet; Connie Nelson (programs @svpart.org); Ian Robertson (pastorian @aol.com); Joe Shutz (djoemarys @aol.com); Maggie Crabtree (maggie @crabbytrees.com); Odin Langford (oaangford @libertylakewa.gov); Rose Dempsey; tbabcock @spokanecity.org Cc: Carolbelle Branch; Cary Driskell; Rick Van Leuven Subject: Notes from Panhandling Committee Good Morning: Below are notes from today's panhandling committee. I spoke to Mike Jackson about obtaining some advice from Cary (item 2) and about Carolbelle giving Bill some brief advice on how an education campaign can be conducted (item 3d). I assume such a campaign would be done by other than the City. Note next meeting time, July 29, 9:30AM. Bill Notes from Panhandling Committee 7 -15 -08 The Panhandling Committee has come up with the following findings: a. Police need more legal tools b. There are people with legitimate needs c. Social Resources are available, but are not unlimited d. We need a public education program on inefficient and efficient giving e. We need to build a coalition of public and private partners f. We need to settle legal issues before we devise the education piece 2. We wish to have legal give us advice on the following recommended changes to our ordinances. We should note that we have included possible changes with the idea that, after legal has commented, we will evaluate each change. a. Require a license /permit to solicit b. Curtail/prohibit cleaning windshields and then asking for donations c. Prohibit a driver from giving funds while driving d. Prohibit fraudulent solicitations e. Time and place restrictions i. Within 50 feet of an ATM, bus stop, or traffic signal ii. On business property where permission has not been granted iii. On medians or islands iv. On freeway exits or entrances (distance from freeway ?) v. Along major arterials at intersections that have traffic lights vi. At four way stops vii. At nighttime (dusk to dawn ?) f. Criminalization of pubic intoxication and open containers (change to misdemeanor) g. Redefine aggressive panhandling to include stepping into streets or onto a median 7/28/2008 Page 2 of 2 3. For next meeting (July 29, 9:30AM) a. Report from legal b. Talk to City Manager about the process of ordinance going from committee to adoption (Bill) c. Contact Liberty Lake and Spokane so this is a multi jurisdictional effort(Bill) d. Seek Carolbelle's advice on what the pieces of a campaign should be (Bill) e. Call Anchorage about their education campaign — how it was done and how it was financed (Bill) 7/28/2008 .�� s�t�� I � � �� O I ,�� �� C � �1�� � _ �� . .�� s�t��