Alaska - Change for the Better (Panhandling)Anchorage Real Change Program 1. Called Chris Schutte, Chair of the Anchorage Downtown Partnership (ADP). He helped develop the program. 1- 907 - 279 -5650 2. The program was initially funded by a municipal grant. However it now is funded by ADP. The program was front loaded, requiring effort to get it started, but minimal effort to keep it going. 3. The program consists of (a) a web site and (b) written materials — posters and the like. 4. All was done by volunteers, including the written materials 5. They have a web site, changeforthebetteralaska.org 6. Catholic social service provides a card listing social services available, along with a wooden token good for a meal and clothing 7. Panhandling is not against the law in Anchorage. 8. The passed a law prohibiting offering money from a car to panhandlers 9. They are initiating four parking meters to receive funds for social agencies 10. He pointed out how a person who gives $1 to a social service agency has a multiplying effect, for the social service agency is, through grants, able to provide much more than $1 in service. - -Bill Gothmann, 7 -28 -08 Change for the Better - Alaska Change For The Better Change for the Better is a compassionate alternative program to address panhandling in Anchorage. The primary focus of.Change for the Better is public awareness to deter panhandling in favor of supporting human service providers. It is the central belief of Change for the Better that instead of giving change to panhandlers, individuals can better serve the homeless population by giving to services that provide food, clothing, shelter and other living necessities to those in need. Why Is This Program Being Launched? An increasing number of citizens and businesses have voiced concerns to Muni officials and Anchorage Downtown Partnership, Ltd. over the growing population of panhandlers and the impact they are having on the quality of life of citizens, residents, and visitors. Page 1 of 2 Using examples from other cities, ADP created the Change for the Better public awareness program in 2004 to combine compassion for the individual on the streets and alternatives for the panhandler to meet their needs for food, clothing and shelter with the hope that through the knowledge of these resources panhandling won't be necessary. Change for the Better is one component of a successful long -term solution to the problem. Spare change can't help a panhandler - real change occurs when we put panhandlers in touch with social service providers who can attack the root of the problem. It's About More Than Just Homelessness Panhandling is more than just a homeless issue - it is a health & safety issue for both the public and the panhandlers themselves. Change for the Better is based on a premise that spare change doesn't make meaningful impacts on the lives of homeless individuals. Those changes come from the social service agencies throughout Anchorage. Change for the Better seeks to educate the public of the many resources already available to homeless and panhandling individuals. Social service agencies in Anchorage provide an array of fundamental basics of food, clothing and shelter - and are well- supported by businesses and the public. No one needs to panhandle in order to feed themselves. Spare change is only a short-term solution and does not create long -term results. Change for, the Better also seeks to provide an alternative to the accepted behavior of panhandlers and those who give money to panhandlers. The program encourages the public to contribute directly to social service providers instead of giving spare change to panhandlers who may use the money to buy alcohol, drugs or cigarettes. People who give money to panhandlers cannot be sure where the money will go - but donors who give money to social service agencies know exactly where their funds are going and what their money is doing to help the http: / /changeforthebetteralaska .org/index.html 7/28/2008 Change for the Better - Alaska r G Page I of 2 Why Is This Program Needed? Panhandlers are growing in numbers for many reasons, not the least of which is the ease with which they can get money here in Anchorage. We are a generous city filled with generous individuals. That's why public education about the Change for the Better program is so important. We must educate residents, visitors, and businesses on how donations are more effective than handouts by providing specific information about what services are offered by the various social services in town. One of the biggest hurdles to successful implementation of the Change for the Better program is convincing people that the instant gratification of giving a dollar or two to a panhandler would be better spent at the charities that operate various social service programs across the city. It is important to stress that individuals SHOULD NOT feel bad about NOT giving money directly to panhandlers. Will This Program Be Effective? According to the Center for Problem- Oriented Policing, most researchers and practitioners seem to agree that the enforcement of laws prohibiting panhandling is only one part of controlling the problem. Public education to discourage people from giving money to panhandlers and adequate social services are the essential components of an effective and comprehensive response. Providing adequate social services and substance abuse treatment to reduce panhandlers' need to panhandle has the potential to be a highly effective tool in reducing overall panhandling. And directing the generous nature of Anchorage residents to those social service agencies which can best serve the needs of panhandlers will help ensure an effective and thorough long -term solution to the problem. The Program Will Work If We All Work Together. This is a city-wide issue that will require a city-wide response. Working toegther, we can ensure that Change for the Better works. We invite you to become a part of the solution along with the many other supporters and partners of Change for the Better: . Anchorage businesses . the Downtown Community Council . the City of Anchorage . the Mayor's Office . The SAFECity program . the Anchorage Police Department http:// changeforthebetteralaska .org/why.htrnl 7/28/2008 Change for the Better - Alaska • the Anchorage Responsible Beverage Retailers Association • the Anchorage Downtown Partnership, Ltd. • and many others! H u="'ru -fop JjULA A program crf Anchorage Downtown Parinersh p, Ltd. T re TUX ��S Yte:i3FEs ,�senue; StsaFe i cd �nEharurt�, s4K 445C3i no; ;707) Vq b5.5A I Pal 1401) 711 -Sans Page 2 of 2 http:// changeforthebetteralaska .org /why.html 7/28/2008 Change for the Better - Alaska Page 1 of 1 1 PARTNERS Who Else Is Involved In The Program? ST, FRANCIS Htf1J'SE Here are some of the agencies participating in the "Change for the Better" program. BEAN'S CAFE HIJiECAitb Click on the links to the left to learn more about these important partners in the "Change for the Better" program. COVENANT DOUSE And to learn more about the "Change for the Better" program, call Anchorage aril tAY Downtown Partnership at 279 -5650. http : / /changeforthebetteralaska.org /partners /index.html 7/28/2008 Change for the Better - Alaska >> Program Components UlTiril-TiTTIUM PESTERS WESSITE. �V r Page 1 of 1 Change For The Better Program Components The key element of Change for the Better is public education. A public education campaign was launched in May 2004 and a second was launched in June 2005. The public education campaign is the primary focus of Change for the Better and will increase understanding of this issue. It is the hope of Anchorage Downtown Partnership, Ltd. that this program will have two effects: . Increased understanding of the social service agencies available to Anchorage's homeless population. . Encouragement to give money to the charities that provide these social services instead of to the panhandler directly. Components In 2004, Anchorage Downtown Partnership, Ltd. produced a series of informative posters about the Change for the Better program, all of which have been updated this year. Design work for the posters was donated by Rival Design Studio of Anchorage. In addition, ADP produced pocket cards in 2004 that are scheduled to be revised and updated later this year. These pocket cards will be available in businesses and other public areas and will describe the options available for those in need, and will give the public alternatives to act if they are approached by a panhandler. New to the Change for the Better program this year is this website -- designed to provide interested individuals with information about the program and related topics. Design work for the website was donated by Rival Design Studio of Anchorage. Hosting was donated by Rising Host web hosting service of Rockville, Maryland. http : / /changeforthebetteralaska.org /components /index.html 7/28/2008 Change for the Better - Alaska Page 2 of 2 problem. Be Part Of The Solution This campaign is not the solution; it is just the beginning of a community wide effort to manage and possibly address the larger issues behind panhandling. Panhandling is a complex social issue. Many of the root causes behind panhandling, such as poverty, drug and alcohol addiction and mental illness, are not easily solved. Despite this fact, the community can play an important role in managing the situation and at the same time ensure that all of our citizens have their needs met for food, clothing and shelter. Donating to a local organization rather than to an individual not only benefits individuals in need, but the entire community as well. Donating to social service providers is one way that we can all help to make a change. http: // changeforthebetteralaska .org /index.html 7/28/2008 Change for the Better - Alaska Why is this program being launched? It's about more than just ho.ma lessaaess. Page 1 of 1 Change For The Better Overview Change for the Better is an educational and compassionate alternative program to address panhandling in Anchorage. What h the goo of this ta:mtroign? . The primary focus of Change for the Better is a public awareness campaign to deter panhandling in favor of supporting human service Be part of the solutian. providers. Instead of giving change to panhandlers who may use the money to feed an addiction, individuals can better serve the homeless population by giving to local service providers who provide food, clothing, shelter and other living necessities to those in need. Through its emphasis on giving money to service providers, Change for the Better is one part of the long -term solution to the problem. Spare change can't help a panhandler - real change occurs when we put panhandlers in touch with social service providers who can attack the root of the problem. Click on the links on the left to learn more. http : / /changeforthebetteralaska.org /overview /index.htinl 7/28/2008 Change for the Better - Alaska >> Ways you can help How Can You Help? Page 1 of 2 It is the central belief of the Change for the Better program that generosity better serves panhandlers when directed towards the agencies that assist these individuals. Real change - not spare change - is the best way to help out panhandlers. Below is a list of some of the agencies providing real change in people's lives. These partners in the Change for the Better program work to make a real difference in people's lives, and all provide opportunities to help by volunteering or contributing. ST. FRANCIS HOUSE St. Francis House - a program of Catholic Social Services - strives to meet the daily emergency needs of food, clothing, medical prescriptions, and rent and utility assistance of those who are unable to provide for themselves and their loved ones. To make a donation of food, household furnishings or clothing, call 276- 5590 or contact them via email. To make financial donations, call 277 -2554 or click here make a secure online donation. I BEAN'S CAFE Bean's Cafe exists to provide the most basic of human needs without discrimination or cost to anyone requesting assistance. Individuals interested in helping Bean's can volunteer, participate in special events, make financial contributions, and make food and material donations. For more information, contact Brian Anderson at 274 -9595 or via email. HOMEWARD BOUND Homeward Bound provides the homeless chronic alcoholic with the tools needed to travel the journey home. At Homeward Bound, residents and staff work together to rebuild the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. Only with this foundation, can residents rejoin the world confident and empowered. To learn more about the program, click here. COVENANT HOUSE Covenant House Alaska has been serving homeless and runaway youth in Alaska for over fourteen years. Individuals may donate clothing, hygiene products, recreation items, safety items, and man others listed on their Agency Wish List. http:// changeforthebetteralaska .org/help.htrnl 7/28/2008 Change for the Better - Alaska >> Ways you can help Page. 2 of 2 Individuals may also make financial donations by printing this form and mailing the donation to the address on the form. For more information, please contact Alison Kear — Director of Development — at 339 -4407 or via email. UNITED WAY United Way is not a social service provider, but they are a leader and partner in making Anchorage a stronger, healthier more compassionate community by bringing donors and volunteers together with community leaders, agencies and other experts to address the most pressing issues in our community. Click here to learn more about volunteer opportunities, or click here to learn about donation opportunities. Or feel free to call Adele Alderman at 263 -3801 with questions. http: // changeforthebetteralaska .org /help.hbnl 7/28/2008