12-110.00 Shamrock Paving: Evergreen Reconstructionp®i�,ke ,0;oo0Va1W- nrOADT"r-MT nF PH R! it- WnRKR CHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO; 12 - 009 PROJECT: Evergreen Rd Reconstruction Project CONTRACT DATE: 5/1812012 CONTRACTOR: Shamrock Paving, Inc CHANGE ORDER NO: 82 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO: 0160 BID NO.: 12 -009 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES This Change Order grants additional contract time for various waterline Issues detailed in the attached 8110112 Shamrock Paving, Inc. letter and the attached 8/8142 Varela and Associates letter, but no additional remuneralon. Shamrock Paving, Inc. agrees, by signing this document, that it is due no additional monetary compensation associated with the time granted by this Change Order. Item No Description Unit Quantity Unit Price 'Iota CO B2 -4 Miscellaneous Waterline Delays LS 1 $0.00 $0.00 8.7% Tax .00 Total Amount of this Change Order(Incl, Tax): $0.00 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Original Date: 8/23/2012 Prior to this Change Order: 8123/2012 Including this Change Order: 8131/2012 Original Working Days: 45 Working pays Added by this CO: ( 6— Working Days including this CO: 61 THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 1,503,303.67 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT $ 5,055.29 TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER - . ............... ......... _ .� 1,8Q8,368.98 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 0.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 1, 508,358.95 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE., L /_ // DATE: The contractor hereby accepts this adjustment under the terms of the original contract for ail work perfomed. RECOMMENDED BY: 1111*6- APPROVED BY: APPROVE=D BY: ATTACHMENTS: DATE: U -(Q ' l z-- DATE: 13 1 a- DATE f' Dlstrlkudon: ORIGINALS TO: Contractor, City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Offica, PW Project File COPIES TO• PIN Project File P;Pubflc work*1NrohaFn91c0 (e12sr2007) ljQI�-1(0 I i SHAMROCK PAVING INC. 'QUALITY PAVES OUR FUTURE" N. 110 HAYFORD ROAD P.O. BOX 19263. SPOKANE, WA 99219 -9263 (509.) 244 -2800 FAX (509) 244 -2949 August 10, 2012 City of Spokane Valley 11707 East Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Attn: Craig Aldworth, R.E Contractors Reg # SHAMRPC099LM Dear Craig, i am writing to request additional days be added to our contract. Attached you will find a copy of a letter from Varela.and Associates, Inc.; outlining the delays we incurred on this project. We agree with their assessment of the unfore'seen.delays and ask that we be granted the additional six days.as suggested by Varela and Associates.. . In addition we are asking for the following extensions: • .0.5 working days due to the elevation change for the curb and gutter at 24th and Evergreen Rd • 0.5 working days to install the additional.ADA ramps at 23rd and Evergreen.. Sincerely, . Shamrock Paving, inc. Scott Willms General Manager attachment: Varela letter '� VARELA & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERING AND M.A.NAGEMENT www.varela- engrxom va @varela- engrzom August 8", 2012 City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 ATTN; Craig iAldworth, P.B. RE; Contract Days -- Evergreen Rd. Reconstruction Project Dear Craig, We have reviewed our records of the Schedule B improvements Murphy Brothers has completed to date to determine if granting additional Contract Days is warranted. Following ate the items we feel resulted in an unforeseen delay to the contractor, as well as our recommendation for additional time; The chlorine residual tests Vera provided the contractor (per :their standards) indicated a small chlorine residual alter several days of flushing. After continuing to flush for additional time, the contractor contacted Anatek Labs and had them conduct a .chlorine residual test which.showed no residual. We estimate the erroneous chlorine residual tests resulted in. about 1.5 additional days of flushing that likely were not needed, 1..5 stays of flushing likely impacted the .contractor 2 full working days.. We recommend 2 days be added to the contract time. a Several instances of mismarked utilities have been encountered that have caused intermittent delay. We estimate this impacted the contractor 0.5 worldng days. We recommend 0.5 days be added to the contract time. o The Contractor is required to schedule water main. outages with Vera who has a notification process and completes the actual shut down. During soiree of the scheduled outages (6/27, 6/29, and 7/3) the connections were made but progress could not continue until the next scheduled outage. We estimate this resulted in 13 days of delay. We recomiriend 1.5 days be added to the contract time. Vertical thrust blocks were not installed on the elbows prior to the existing tie -ins at 4 locations; this left the connection relying solely on john restraint. After these connection were made and backfilled we decided we would prefer to have thrust blocks installed and directed the Contractor to re- excavate and install thrust blocks at those 4 locations. We estimate this delayed the contractor 1 day. We recommend 1 day be added to the contract time. 601 -A West Mallon Avenue I Spokane, WA 99201 I P 509.3284066 1 F 509.328.1388 Craig Aldworth, P.E. August e, 2012 RE. Contract Days — Evergreen Rd. Reconstruction Project .Page 2 of 2 e At Vera's and Spokane Valley's request the Contractor is taking additional measures to coordinate with landowners and ensure preservation of landscaping/vegetation, etc., (including landscaping in existing ROW) during installation of water main service replacements. We estimate this delayed the contractor I day. We. recommend I day be added to the contract time. Please contact me if you have any questions, or if you would like to discuss further, Sincerely, VARELA & ASSOCIATES, INC. Daniel D. Cowger, P.E. Civil En&eer Cc: Scott Willms, Proj ect Manager, Shamrock Paving, Inc. 601 -A West Mallon Avenue j Spokane, WA 99201 1 P 509.328.6066 1 F 509.328.1388