12-116.00 Spokane Rock Products: 2012 Street PreservationCHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. 12-017 . DEPARTMENT OF PUB1-IG.VVUKK,5 _... _ li ROJECT: 2012 Streat l*reservatlon Project - Phase 1 CONTRACT DATE: 6/29/2(}92 P CONTRACTOR S 6kihe: R6.ck Products Inc . „ CHANGE ORDER NO: 6 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO: 0160 - - , 'DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES This Change Order pays for fogsealing the existing west shoulder and center turrniane on Dlshman -Mica Road between University Rd and 16th Avenue. The washing, brooming and traffic control will be paid for under WSDOT Force Acoount procedures. The work shall be furnished and applied in accordance with the attached COS GSP 5- 04.3(103), Ploymer Modified Asphalt Rejuvenating Seal (Fog Seal) speclflcatlons. Item Descrlptlon Quantl Unit Price Total Sch C -46 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL (FORCE ACCOUNT) EST 1 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 Sch C - 47 BROOM AND WASHING (FORCE ACCOUNT) EST 1 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 Sch C - 46 FOG SEAL SY 11,429 $1.30 $14&57,70 Total Amount.of this Change Order( inch Tax): $21,857.70 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION _. Original Date 8/24/2012 Prior to this Change Order: 8/27/2012 Including this Change Order: 8/28/2012 0,1`19104t iwg bog 25 Workin pays._Addad'bylhis CO :. 2., ..,. Working Rays jncL.ucijng this w., __30 .. THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT .: » : „, „ „ :..:.:::...:..::: $. 630;799:53 ..;..:,� TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 700,35T73 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER r _., , ,;.Y�. 21, 21857 7l) TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER. - 722;215 43 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: The contractor hereby accepts this adjustment under the terms of the original contract for all work perfomed. RECOMMENDED BY: APPROVED BY: APPROVED BY: ATTACHMENTS: co 4 Exhibit and Specification DATE: 0 DATE: v - 20 / 7 DATE: DATE:.... /. ORIGINALS T0: Contractor, City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office, PW Project I=lls COPIES TO: PW Pto ect File P Publ P'WQ1 is o' n cia`n"e1CO (2(2x120 i1 cm -- I I I The a of vacuum sweepers or Similar is recommended. The Co ctor is notified that in the t the use of compressed air, open brooming, and street sweepers has failed to ply with the Spokane County Air Pollution Re ations. (August x, P-mb CAS GSP) Add the. following aft the last sentence HMA approaches shall be specified on the Plans, Spf same as the adjacent pave Specifications or by the En ►nominal depth of 3- inches unless otherwise or by the Engineer. Class of HMA shall be the course, unless otherwise specified within these (August x, aoxo CO GSP) Replace the fo paragraph with the followi During pa ' g or grinding operations, tempor maintain throughout the project. The Contractor sh marki prior to opening to -traffic, The temporar; ma' ained in serviceable condition by the Contractor in ed. The layout required for the temporary p,, ontractor's responsibility. Temporary pavement mark- Section 8 -23. pavement markings shall be apply the temporary pavement r a vement markings shall be r ' permanent markings are me. marking shall be the nas shal a in accordance with .L7�,lll; ClJ.p .lVlill YYlll 'LLV YY4uVa►!v..+vaw.r .. ,.. .. - ;..: _ . 'i . 10 �*ol . er -`iVio fled ' "`"haI .Re~ ven tin Se 1; �� Se COS GSP) The Contractor shall furnish and place polymer modified asphalt rejuvenating seal on the roadway surface where shown on the plans: Polymer modified asphalt rejuvenating seal materials shall be PASS QB or. an approved, equal and meet the requirements of Section 9- 02.101. The Contractor shall submit the Manufactures Certification that the emulsion; polymer, and recycling agent meet the required specifications to the Engineer a "minimum of ten days prior to use of the product. Equiu�ment: The bituminous distributor is to be designed and equipped as to distribute the seal coat uniformly at even heat on variable widths of surface at readily determined and controlled rates from 6.08 to 0.12 gallons per square yard and with an allowable variation from any specified rate not exceeding 5 percent. Distributor equipment shall include full - circulation spray bars, splash guards, tachometer, pressure gauges, ,volume - measuring devices, a thermometer for reading the temperature of tank contents, and a hose attachment suitable for applying polymer modified asphalt rejuvenating seal manually to area or patches inaccessible to the distributor. Weather Limitations: The polymer modified asphalt rejuvenating seal shall be applied only when the existing surface has been dry for a period of twenty four (24) hours prior to application and the ambient temperature is above 5o degrees Fahrenheit and rising. The polymer modified asphalt rejuvenating seal shall NOT be placed if rain is in the forecast for a period of twenty four (24) hours after the application, is complete, or if the overnight ambient temperature is expected to be below thirty five (35) degrees Fahrenheit, or if the surface of the road is greater than one hundred fifty (15o) degrees Fahrenheit during the application and the estimated two (2) hour curing period unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. To conform to these requirements the Contractor shall uses all, means available, such as weather forecasts and surface temperature monitoring. , Time Limitations: The polymer modified asphalt rejuvenating seal shall be applied to the surface of the road between 8:0o a.m. and 12:00 noon. If the Contractor is unable to complete the application of the polymer modified asphalt rejuvenating seal by 12:oo noon, the sealing operation shall stop and continued at 8:0o a.m. the next day, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. Preparation of Surface: Pavement surfaces shall be cleaned of all debris, weeds, oil, and grease spots, flushing with water and scraping may be required. Immediately prior to the application of the polymer modified asphalt rejuvenating seal the surface shall be swept with vacuum assisted power brooms supplemented with hand brooms, as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall protect catch basins and inlets. The polymer modified asphalt rejuvenating seal will not be permitted to enter the storm system. The Contractor shall immediately remove all polymer modified asphalt rejuvenating seal which has entered catch basins and inlets at no cost to the Contracting Agency. 5-14 The Contractor shall preserve all surfaces not intended for application of the product. Concrete curb, concrete curb and gutter, striping, stop bars, cross walks, traffic markings, manhole covers, catch basin grates, monument covers, and all other utility covers shall be shielded from the application of the polymer modified asphalt rejuvenating seal with weighted down building paper or plastic sheeting during application. The Contractor is responsible for removal of the polymer modified asphalt rejuvenating seal that has been applied to any unintended surfaces at no additional cost to the Contracting Agency. The Contractor shall remove and dispose of the shielding immediately after the product has cured. The Contractor shall prevent vehicle and pedestrian tracking in accordance with Section { 1- 07.23. Auuhcation: The ym of er modified ,asphalt rejuvenating seal shall be diluted at a rate of one part P water to one part polymer modified asphalt rejuvenating seal concentrate. The product C shall be applied at a rate of o.o8 to o.i2 gallon per square yard. The Contractor shall apply a test strip in the presence of the Engineer to determine the actual application rate. A representative of the approved product shall be onsite to insure quality control and aid the Engineer in determining the proper application rate. Immediately following the preparation of the surface, the seal coating shall be applied by means of a bituminous distributor at a temperature above one hundred (loo) degrees Fahrenheit but not to exceed one hundred fifty (15o) degrees Fahrenheit.'. The polymer modified asphalt rejuvenating seal shall be applied so that uniform distribution is obtained on the surfaces to be treated. Unless the distributor is equipped to obtain satisfactory results at the junction of previous and subsequent applications, building paper shall be spread on the surface for a sufficient distance back from the ends of each application so that flow through the sprays may be started and stopped on the paper and the sprays will be operating at the proper pressure on the surface to be treated. Immediately" after the product has cured, the building paper shall -be removed and destroyed. Spob missed by the-distributor shall be properly treated immediately. The Contractor shall apply blotter sand to the surface of the road as directed by the Engineer. Aggregate for blotter sand shall be free of wood, bark, or other deleterious materials and shall meet the requirements of Section 9- 03.4(100). The proposed blotter sand material shall be approved by the Engineer and available on site before the Contractor commences with application of the polymer modified asphalt rejuvenating seal. Copies of waybills and delivery tickets shall be submitted during the progress of the work. Before the final statement is allowed the Contractor shall file with the Engineer certified waybills and delivery tickets for the materials used in the construction of the seal coat. The Contractor shall not remove seal coating material from the tank car or storage tank until the initial outage and temperature measurements have been taken, 5 -15 nor shall the Contractor release the car or storage tank until the final outage has been taken. The Contractor shall not open streets to vehicle and pedestrian traffic until the Engineer has determined the polymer modified asphalt rejuvenating seal has cured. ocz.A. Measurement (May b, 2009 COS GSP) Replace the first sentence of the first paragraph with the following: HMA Cl. 3./8" PG 64 -28, HMA for Cl. 1/2" PG 64 -28 and Commercial HMA will be measured per square yard, ton or square yard -inch in accordance with Section 1 -09.2, with no deduction being made for-the weight of asphalt binder, blending sand, mineral filler or other components of the HMA mixture. Costs for asphalt tack coat and blending sand shall be included in the unit contract price per square yard, ton or square yard -inch of the HMA. If the Contractor elects to remove and replace HMA as allowed by Section 5- 04.3(11), the material removed will not be measured. Delete the second paragraph. Replace the third paragraph with the following: "Crack Sealing" will be measured per linear foot. Replace the fifth paragraph with the following: "Pavement Repair Excavation Incl. Haul" will be measured per square yard of surface marked prior to excavation. Crushed surfacing required for pavement patching will be measured and paid in accordance with Section 4 -04. Supplement this Section with the following: .1 "Fog Seal" will be measured by the square yard of fog seal used in the accepted work. 5 -04.S Payment (January 9, 2012 COS GSP) Replace this Subsection in its entirety with the following: 5 -16