Resolution 03-050 Modifying & Superseding Posting of Council Agendas and Notices • CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 03-050 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, MODIFYING AND SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION NO. 02-05 REGARDING POSTING OF COUNCIL AGENDAS AND PUBLIC NOTICES WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley City Council passed Resolution 02-05 which, in part, provided for posting of City of Spokane Valley Council agendas and public notices; and WHEREAS, to establish a more effective and efficient policy regarding City of Spokane Valley Council agendas and public notices, Section 3 of Resolution No. 02-05 should be modified. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, that Section 3 of Spokane Valley Resolution 02-05 is modified as set forth below with all remaining sections of Resolution 02-05 remaining in full force and effect. The following practice shall become effective immediately upon approval of this resolution: City staff shall provide notice to the public of the City Council Agenda, Public Hearings and other public meetings of the City Council by: a. Posting a copy of the agenda at Spokane Valley City Hall; b. Posting or delivering a copy of the agenda at such other places as City Council may direct; and c. Transmitting a copy of the agenda to the City's official newspaper and to such other media as requested. Agenda transmittals shall include, but not be limited to placement in the United States Mail postage prepaid, fax,c-mail, or inclusion on the City of Spokane Valley's webpage. Adopted this day of October, 2003. City of Spokane Valley Ldkoft Mayor Michael DeVlemin AAA i2erfe4%.**4 City Clerk,Christine Bainbridge Resolution 03-050