Resolution 03-047 Provides Appointment to Joint City/County Housing Authority CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 03-047 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE. COUNTY, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT, MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND OPERATIONAL RULES FOR THE SPOKANE HOUSING AUTHORITY; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO . JOINT CITY/COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Spokane County,Washington BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, of Spokane County, Washington: WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley, Washington ("CITY"), is a noncharter code city duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the Constitution and the laws of the State of Washington; and WHEREAS, the Council of the CITY ("COUNCIL") recognizes the public interest in sustaining affordable housing for the residents of the city and the surrounding community; and WHEREAS, by Resolution dated May 13, 2003, COUNCIL recognized the need for low-income housing; and WHEREAS, the Spokane Housing Authority!("AUTHORITY") has provided services within the city limits of the city of Spokane Valley; and WHEREAS, recognition of such geographical service area was recognized by Resolution of both the City of Spokane and Spokane County deferring appointment to CITY, one member of the Board of Commissioners of the AUTHORITY ("BOARD") who works or resides within the city of Spokane Valley; and WHEREAS, every housing authority in the State of Washington is authorized to do any and all things necessary or desirable to secure the financial aid or cooperation of the federal government in the undertaking, construction, maintenance or operation of any housing project by such authority pursuant to RCW 35.82.800; and WHEREAS, AUTHORITY has in the past and will in the future, secure the financial aid and cooperation of the federal government and is solely responsible for all debts and operating expenses incurred in the operation of AUTHORI'T'Y. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY FOUND DETERMINED AND ORDERED as follows: Section I: FINDING OF NECESSITY Upon review of the information before it and after consideration of material provided to it, COUNCIL makes the following determinations: Resolution 03-047 Page I of 6 (a) The affordability of adequate housing for a number of residents within the boundaries of the city of Spokane Valley is an increasing problem; (b) AUTHORITY has entered into a number of agreements with other municipalities within Spokane County to assist. with this problem and has had success providing more housing opportunities for low income individuals, but the problem of adequate housing for low income residents of this community still remains; Section 2: AUTHORITY (a) Name of Authority. The name of the Authority shall be and remain "Spokane Housing Authority." (b) Seal of the Authority. The seal of the Authority shall be in the form of a circle and shall bear the name of the Authority and the year of its organization as a joint city/county housing authority. (c) Office of Authority. The office of the Authority shall be at such place in the County of Spokane, Washington, as the Authority may from time to time designate by Resolution. The official office of the Authority is presently located at 55 W. Mission, Spokane, Washington. Section 3: APPOINTMENT AND TENURE OF COMMISSION A board of five (5) Commissioners (BOARD) composed of the following shall govern AU`i'HORITY: (a) Membership of the BOARD. One (I) individual who is directly assisted by AUTHORITY,jointly appointed by the Mayor of the City of Spokane, the Mayor of the City of Spokane Valley, and the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners; Two (2) individuals who work or reside within the city limits of the city of Spokane appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council of the City of Spokane; One (1) individual who works or resides in unincorporated Spokane County, Washington, appointed by the Board of Commissioners of Spokane County, Washington; One (I) individual who works or resides within the city limits of the city of Spokane Valley, appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by COUNCIL of CiTY of Spokane Valley; (b) Existing BOARD. The term of each appointment shall be for five (5) years on a rotating basis in concurrence with provisions under RCW 35.82.040. With the establishment of the joint city/county housing authority, the following Commissioners and terms shall be certified as follows: Julia Rahrnaan—SHA-assisted Representative 3/15/2006 William Zeck—City of Spokane Representative 3/15/2004 Terri Symbol—County of Spokane Representative 3/15/2002 Resolution 03417 Page 2 of 6 Richard Brittain—City of Spokane Representative 3/15/2005 Janet Bastine—City of Spokane Valley Representative 3/15/2008 Any seat vacated prior to the expiration of the term shall be filled by the appropriate jurisdiction and shall be for the unexpired term of that Commissioner's seat. (c) Removal of Commissioner. For inefficiency or neglect of duty or misconduct in office, a Commissioner may be removed by the Mayor (if a City appointee); the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners (if a County appointee); and the Mayor of Spokane and Chair jointly as SHA-assisted representative appointee. A Commissioner may be removed only after having been given a copy of the charges at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing thereon and after having an opportunity to be heard in person or by Council. In the event of the removal of any Commissioner, a record of the proceedings, together with the charges and findings thereon, shall be filed in the Office of the Secretary. Section 4: OFFICERS (a) Officers. The officers of AUTHORITY shall be a Chair, a Vice-Chair and a Secretary who shall be the Executive Director. (b) Chair. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the BOARD. Except as otherwise authorized by Resolution of the BOARD, the Chair shall sign all contacts, deed, and other instruments made by AUTHORITY. At each meeting, the Chair shall submit such recommendations and information as the Chair considers proper concerning the business, affairs and policies of AUTHORITY. (c) Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the absence or incapacity of the Chair. In case of the resignation or death of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall perform the duties as are imposed on the Chair until such times as BOARD shall elect a new Chair. (d) Secretary. The Secretary shall be the Executive Director of AUTHORITY and as such, shall have general supervision over the administration of its business and affairs, subject to the direction of AUTHORITY. The Executive Director shall be charged with the management of the housing projects of AUTHORITY. The Secretary shall keep the records of BOARD, shall act as secretary of the meetings of BOARD and record all votes, and shall keep a record of the proceedings of BOARD in a journal of proceedings to be kept for such purposes, and shall perform all duties incident to the office. The Secretary shall keep in safe custody, the seal of AU'T'HORITY and shall have the power to affix such seal to all contracts and instruments authorized to be executed by AUTHORITY. The Secretary shall have the care and custody of all funds of AUTHORITY, and shall deposit the same in the name of AUTHORITY in such bank or banks as AUTHORITY may select. The Secretary shall sign all orders and checks for the payment of money and shall pay out and disburse such moneys under the direction of AUTHORITY. Except as otherwise authorized by Resolution of BOARD, all such orders and checks shall be countersigned by the Chair. The Secretary shall keep regular books of accounts showing receipts and expenditures and shall render to BOARD, at each regular meeting (or more often if requested), an account of all AUTHORITY transactions and the financial condition of AUTHORITY. The Secretary shall give such bond for the faithful performance of these duties as BOARD may determine. Resolution 03.047 ['age 3 of 6 The compensation of the Secretary shall be determined by BOARD, provided that a temporary appointee selected from among the Commissioners of AUTHORITY shall serve without compensation (other than the payment of necessary expenses). (e) Other Duties. The officers of AUTHORITY shall perform such other duties and functions as may from time to time be required by BOARD or the by-laws or rules and regulations of AUTHORITY. (t) Election of Appointment. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall be elected at the annual meeting of AUTHORITY from among the Commissioners of AUTHORITY, and shall hold office for one(i)year or until their successors are elected and qualified. The Secretary shall be appointed by AUTHORITY. Any person appointed to fill the office of Secretary, or any vacancy therein, shall have such term as AUTHORITY Fixed, but no Commissioner of AUTHORITY shall be eligible for this office except as a temporary appointee. (g) Vacancies. Should the office of Chair or vice-Chair become vacant, AUTHORITY shall elect a successor from its membership at the next regular meeting, and such election shall be for the unexpired term of said office. When the office of the Secretary becomes vacant, AUTHORITY shall appoint a successor as aforesaid. Section 5: MEETINGS (a) Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of AUTHORITY shall be held on the third Monday of October at 3:30 p.m. at the regular meeting place of AUTHORITY. (b) Regular Meetings. Regular meetings shall be held without notice at such time and place as may from time to time be determined and given public, legal notice. (c) Special Meetings. The Chair of the BOARD may, when deemed expedient, and shall; upon the written request of two (2) Commissioners of AUTHORITY, call a special meeting of the BOARD for the purpose of transacting any business designated in the call. The call for a special meeting may be delivered to each Commissioner of AUTHORITY to either the home or business address at least two (2) days prior to the date of the special meeting. At such special meeting, no business shall be considered other than as designated in the call, but if all of the Commissioners of AUTHORITY are present at a special meeting, any and all business may be transacted at such special meeting. (d) Quorum. The powers of AUTHORITY shall be vested in the Commissioners thereof in office from time to time. Three (3) Commissioners shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting its business and exercising its powers and for all other purposes, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time until a quorum is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance, action may be taken by AUTHORITY upon vote of the majority of the Commissioners present. (e) Order of Business. At the regular meeting of AUTHORITY, the following shall be the order of business: I. Convening of Meeting 2. Action on proposed Resolutions and Motions Resolution 03 4)47 Page 4 of 6 3. Consent Calendar Approval of minutes of previous meeting Review of month-end Financial Reports Department reports Resident Group reports News & Notes 4. New Business 5. Unfinished Business 6. Adjournment All Resolutions shall be in writing and shall be copied in a journal of the proceedings of BOARD. (f) Manner of Voting. The voting on all questions coming before AUTHORITY shall be by voice vote, and the Ayes and Noes shall be entered upon the minutes of such meeting, except on the election of officers which may be by ballot. (g) Sub-Committees, Sub-committees may be established by the Chair as a standing or ad- hoc committee. Sub-committees shall consist of two (2) Commissioners. At the request of the sub- committe, AUTHORITY personnel may be assigned by the Secretary. Section 6: AUTHORITY FOR OPERATION (a) Statutory. AUTHORITY shall have the legal authority and the complete obligations as set forth in the laws and Constitution of the State of Washington. Nothing set forth herein is intended in any way to limit this authority or AUTHORITY'S ability to operate. (b) Assumption of Responsibilities. AUTHORITY assumes all of the contractual and financial liabilities for the Spokane Housing Authority. (c) Professional Services. BOARD of AUTHORITY shall have the authority, from time to time, to appoint the necessary professionals to assist it, including but not limited to legal counsel, underwriting and financial services and other professional assistance deemed necessary. (d) Bylaws.. BOARD may adopt, and from time to time amend, bylaws and other rules of operation. (e) Financial Responsibility. AUTHORITY shall be responsible for its own financial and other obligations. Absent specific action by COUNCIL, CITY shall have no financial or other responsibility for the operation of AUTHORITY. Section 7: GENERAL,AUTHORIZATION The Mayor, Chief Administrative Officer and the City Attorney, as agents and representatives of CITY are hereby authorized and directed to do everything necessary to accomplish the acts set forth in this Resolution. Res+.duiiun 03-047 Page 5 of 6 Section 8: RATIFICATION OF PAST ACTS All acts as heretofore taken by CITY officers, staff, attorneys and agents consistent with the terms and purposes of this Resolution are hereby ratified, confirmed and approved. Section 9: SEVERABILITY If any one or more of the covenants or agreements provided in this Resolution to be performed on the part of CITY shall be declared by any court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, then such covenant or covenants, agreement or agreements, shall be null and void and shall be deemed separable from the remaining covenants and agreements of this Resolution and shall in no way affect the validity of the other provisions of this Resolution. Section 10: REPEALER All Resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed, and shall have no further force or affect. Section 1 I: EFFECTIVE DATE This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. ADOPTED this 231d day of September, 2003. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Michael DeVlemin, layor • , 1.../_ivt. ..-- \ tristine Bainbridge, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: �`r. - _/_ 4 ,:tat ey Sch IF Interim ity Attorney Resolution 03-047 Page 6 of 6 RESOLUTION NO. 1 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE: That the Housing Authority of the City of Spokane be and it hereby is established pursuant to the Housing Authorities Law, as amended, of Washington, and is now authorized to transact business and exercise its powers in its area of operation as defined in said law. After discussion of the resolution, Commissioner Sullivan moved that said resolution be adopted as introduced and read. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Tsutakawa. The question being put upon the final adoption of said resolution, the roll was called with the following result: Ayes: Harry H. Batty, Ronald Springer, Emy Lou Sullivan, Edward M. Tsutakawa, and E. J. McWilliams • Noes: None The Chairman declared such motion carried and the resolution finally adopted. • Minutes of the meeting of the Housing Authority of the City of Spokane held on the 26th day of May, 1972. • "-h\tili Spokane CI Housing A Authority 55 W.Mission, Suite 104 Spokane,Washington 99201-2398 • DY-Lows OF THE HOOSING.Al1TH0RITY • OF THE • CITY OP SPOKANE • ARTICLE I THE AUTHORITY • • Suction 1. Name of Authority. The name of the Authority shall be 'Housing Authority of the City of Sookane". • Section 2. Seal of Authority. The seal of the Authority shall be in the form of a circle and shall bear the name.of the Authority • and tho year of its organization. Section 3. Office of Authority. The office of the Authority • shell be at such place in the City of Spokane, Washington, as the Authority may from time to time designate by resolution. • ARTICLE II • .OFFICERS . Section i. Officers. The officers of the Authority shall be • a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman and a Secretary who shall be Executive a- Director. Section 2. Chairman. The Chairman shall preside at all meet- ings of the Authority.—Except as otherwise authorized by resolution of the Authority, the Chairman shall sign all contracts, deeds and other instruments made by the Authority. At each meeting the Chairman shall submit such recommendations and information as he may consider proper concerning the,husiness, affairs and policies of the Authority. • Section 3. Vice-Chairman. The Vice-Chairman shall perform the duties of the Chairman in the absence or incapacity of the Chairman: and in case of the resignation or death of the-Chairman, the Vice- Chairman shall perform such duties as are imposed on the Chairman until such time as the Authority shall elect a new Chairman. • Section 4. Secretary. The Secretary shall be the Executive Director of the Authority and as such, shall have general super- • vision over the administration of its business and affairs, subject to the direction of the•Authority. He shall bR charged with the management of the housing projects of the Authority. The Secretary shall keen the records of the Authority, shall - act as secretary of the meetings of the Authority end record all votoo, and shall keep e record of the proceedings of the Authority in a journal of proceedings to be kept for such purpose, and shall perform all duties incident to his office. He shall keep in safe custody the seal of the Authority and shall have power to affix such neat to all contracts and instruments authorized to he executed by the Authority. • • No shell have the care and custody of all funds of the Authority. and shall deposit the same in the name of the Authority in such bank or banks as the Authority may select. He-shall sign all orders and checks for the payment of money and shall pay out and disburoo such moneys under the direction of the Authority.. Except as otherwise authorized by renolution of the Authority, all such orders and chocks shall bo countersigned by the Chairman. He shall keep regular books of accounts showing receipts and expenditures and shall render • • • D • • • to the Authority, at each regular meeting (or oftener when requested). . • an account of his transactions and also of the financial condition of •the Authority. He shall give such bond for the faithful performance of his duties as the Authority may determine. The compensation of the Secretary shall be determined by the • Authority, provided that a temporary appointee selected from among . the Commissioners of the Authority shall serve without compensation . (other than tho payment of necessary expenses). Section 5. Additional Duties. The officers of the Authority shall perform such other duties and functions as may from time to time be required by the Authority or the by-laws or rules and regu- lations of the Authority. • Section 6. Election or Appointment. The Chairman and Vice- ' Chairman shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Authority from • among the Commissioners of the Authority, and shall hold office for one year or until their successors ore elected and qualified. except that the first Chairman who is designated by the Mayor, shall hold • office as Chairman until the expiration of his term as Commissioner. The Secretary than be appointed by the Authority. Any person appointed to fill the office of Secretary, or any vacancy therein, shall have such term as the Authority fixes, hut no Commissioner of the Authority shall be eligible to this office.except as a temporary appointee. - , Section 7. Vacancies. Should the offices of Chairman or Vice- Chairman become vacant,t?to Authority shall- elect a successor from its•mombership at the next regular meeting, and such.election shall of • be for the unexpired term of said office. When the ;offi oessor Secretary becomes vacant, the Authority shall appoint a as aforesaid. Section 8. Additional personnel. The Authority may from. time to time employ such personnel as it deems necessary to exercise its powers, duties and functions as prescribed by the• Housing Authorities Law of Washington and all other laws of the State of Washington applicable thereto. The selection and compensation of such personnel (including tho Secretary) shall be determined by the Authority auhiect to the laws of the State of Washington. • ARTICLE III . • MEETINGS • Section 1, Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Authority shall be held on the 38th day of September at 7.30 o'clock p.m. at the regular meeting place of the Authority. In the event such date ' shall fall on a Saturday, Sunday or a legal holiday, the annual meet- ing shall be held on the next succeeding business day- Section 2. Regular Meeting. Regular meetings shell be held with- out notice at such time and place as may from time to time be determied by resolution of the-Authority. In the event a day of regular meeting ,• shall be a•legal holiday, said meeting shall be held on the next . . succeeding business day. • • • • • • • • Section 3. Special Meetings. The Chairman of the Authority may, when he deems it expedient, and shall, upon the written request of two Commissioners of the Authority, call au special meeting of the Authority for the purpose of transacting any business designated in the call. The call for a special meeting may be delivered to each Commissioner of the Authority or may be mailed to the business or home addreso•of each Commissioner of the Authority at leaot two • days prior to the data of such special-meeting. At such special meeting no business shall be considered other than as designated in the call, but if all of the Commissioners of the Authority are prep- ent at a special meeting, any and.all business may be transacted at such special meeting. • Section 4. Quorum. The powers of the Authority shall be vested • in the Commissioner, thereof in office from time to time. Three Commissioners shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting • its business and exercising its powers and for all other purposes, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time until•a quorum • is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance, action may be taken by the Authority upon a vote of a majority of the Commissioners • present. • Section 5. Order of Business. At the regular meeting of the •Authority the following shall be the order of huaineea: • • 1. Roll call • 2. Reading and approval of the minutes of the • previous meeting. . 3. Bills and comanunicationo. • 4. Report of the Secretary. • S. Reportn of Committees. • 6. Unfinished business. • • • • 7. New business. • • • I P 8. Adjournment. • All resolutions shall he in writing and shall be copied in a journal of the proceedings of the Authority. Section 6. manner of Voting. The voting on all questions coming before the Authority shall be by roll call, and the ayes and noes shall be entered upon the minutes of such meeting, except on the election of officers which may be by ballot. • • ARTICLE IV . . AMENDMENTS • Amendments to By-laws. The by-laws of the Authority shall be amended only with the approval of at least throe of the Commissioners of the Authority at a regular or a special meeting. • • • • • • • • • • • D • • • After discussion of the resolution, Commissioner Batty moved that said resolution be finally adopted an introduced and read. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Springer. • The question • being put upon tho final adoption of said resolution, the roll was called with the following result: Ayes: Harry H. Batty, Ronald Springer, Emy Lou Sullivan, .Edward N. Tautakawa, E. •J. McWilliams Noes: None • • The Chairman declared such motion carried and the resolution finally adopted. • A corporate seal, in the' form of a circle and bearing the name of the Authority and the year of its organization, was then sub- mitted to the meeting. The following resolution was than introduced ' by Commissioner McWilliams, read in full by the Secretary pro tam, and considered by the Authority: . • • RESOLUTION NO. 3 ' • BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY . OF SPOKANE: • • That the seal submitted to this meeting is hereby adopted as the seal of this Authority and the Secretary . is hereby authorized and directed to imprint said seal on . the margin of the minutes opposite this resolution. After discussion of the resolution, Commissioner Sullivan moved that said resolution be finally adopted as introduced and read. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Batty. The question being put upon the final adoption of said resolution, the roll was called with the following result: Ayes: Harry H. Batty, Ronald Springer, Emy Lou.Sullivan, Edward M. Tsutakawa, E. J. McWilliams Noes: None • Tho Chairman declnrod such motion carried and the resolution finally adopted. The following resolution was then introduced by Commissioner McWilliams, read in full by the Secretary pro tem, and considered • by the Authority: • . RESOLUTION NO. 4 , RESOLUTION DESIGNATING OFFICE • OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE • CITY OF SPOKANE • WHEREAS, Section 3 of Article I of the by-laws of the Housing • Authority of the City of Spokane provides that the office of the Authority shall be at such place in the City of Spokane, Washington. as may be designated by resolution: now, therefore,. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ROUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE: That until otherwise provided by resolution, the office of the Housing Authority of the City of Spokane shall be at the City Hall in the City of Spokane, Washington. • • • • Li • • After discussion of the resolution, Commissioner Springer . moved that said resolution be finally adopted as introduced and read. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sullivan. Tho question being put upon the final adoption of said resolution, the roll wee called with the following result: - Ayes: Harry H. Batty, Ronald Springer, Emy Lou Sullivan. - Edward M. Teutakawa, E. 'J. McWilliams Noes: None The Chairman declared the motion carried and the resolution • finally adopted. . • The following resolution was then introduced by Commissioner McWilliams, read in full by the Secretary pro tem, and considered by the Authority: . RESOLUTION NO. 5 • WHEREAS, Article III of the by-laws of the Housing Authority • of the City of Spokane establishes meetings of the Authority; now,. therefore, • BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OP THE CITY OP SPOKANE. That until otherwise provided for by Resolution, Notice • of Meetings as required by the Open Public Meetings Act of • 1972, shall he given by timely delivery of advance notice to • the Press Room, City Hall, City of Spokane, Washington. After discussion of the resolution, Commissioner Batty moved that said resolution be finally adopted as introduced and read. • The motion was eoconded by Commissioner Tsutakaws. The question being put upon the final adoption of said resolution, the roll was . called with the following result: • • Ayes: Harry H. Batty, Ronald Springer, Emy Lou Sullivan, - Edward M. Tsutakawa, E. J, McWilliams D Noes: None • The Chairmen declared the motion carried and the resolution finally adopted. The following resolution was then introduced by Commissioner McWilliams, read in full•by the Secretary pro tee, and considered by the Authority: RESOLUTION NO. 6 • RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE TIME AND PLACE OP REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE • CITY OF SPOKANE • WHEREAS, Section 2 of Article III of the by-laws of the Housing Authority of the City of Spokane provides that regular meetings may be held without notice at such time and place as may be determined by resolution of the Authority: now, therefore, • BE IT RESOLVED BY THE,HOUSING AUTHORITY OP THE CITY OF SPOKANE: • That until otherwise provided by resolution, the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Spokane shall hold regular meetings at 2:30 o'clock. p.m., on the • second Tuesday of each lsonth at the Board Room of Fidelity Mutual Savings Bank. • • • • • After discussion of the resolution, Commissioner Tsutakawa moved that said resolution be finally adopted as introduced and read. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Batty. The question being put upon the final adoption.of said resolution, the roll was celled with the following result: Ayes: Berry H. Batty, Ronald Springer, Emy Lou Sullivan, Edward M. Teutakawa, B. J. McWilliams . Noes: None The Chairman thereupon declared the motion carried and said resolution finally adopted. • The Chairman announced that it was in order to elect the officers of. the Authority to serve until the next annual meeting and until their euccessore were chosen and qualified in their ' stead. Cnanmisnionsr Batty was placed in nomination for the office of. Vice-Chairman. There appearing to be no other nominations, the Chairman announced that a vote would be in order. A vote was taken with the following result: Total votes cast - 4. • • Votes cast for Commissioner Batty - 4. Commissioner Batty having received a majority of the votes cast, the Chairman declared that the said Commissioner had been duly elected to the office of vice-Chairman of the Authority. It being determined that the office of Secretary should not he .permanently filled for the present. it was decided to select one of the Commissioners of the Authority to serve as. Secretary in a tem- porary capacity, without compensation other than for necessary expenses. • Thereupon, it was moved by Commissioner Batty that Commissioner Springer be appointed to the office of Secretary, to serve in a temporary capacity, without compensation other than for necessary expenses, until a permanent appointment, had been made. The motion ' was seconded by Commissioner Sullivan and thereupon the Chairman put the question on the adoption of the motion. A vote was taken with the following result: Ayes: Harry,H. Batty, tuy Lou'S'lliven,•Edwerd M. Tsutakawa, • B. J. Mcwilliams . Noes: None 'The motion having received the affirmative vote of a majority - of the Commissioners, the Chairman declared the same duly adopted and Commissioner Springer appointed to the office of Temporary . Secretary of the Authority. • Chairman McWilliams advised the members of the Authority that several people from the Housing and Urban Development office of Seattle had offered to attend a meeting, when a date has been estab- lished, to assist the Housing Authority of Spokane in clotting started. It was the consensus that an invitation be extended for the June 13 meeting. • Members of the Authority discussed methods for funding the • Authority, and the legal assistance required. • • 1 • • • Chairman Mewilliams suggested that the City Plan Commission . would provide the information needed for the Housing Authority . files and for the Cormissionere to study. Commissioner Sullivan offered to contact the City Plan Department. . To estahiiah the area in which the nnnalnq Authnr4.ty of Spokane can operate, Chairmen MCMlllinma anrygnst°'I that the Secretary secure a map of Spokane County. . , After discussion of area" of need, it was decided to secure census information including the number of housing units approved • and in the process of being built from the City Plan Commission, to develop information on which to Kane a decision whether the Authority should lease existing property or construct new dwell- ings. ' The meeting was adjourned. .-Le--t.) ..K11.0---4.......— ' • D