Resolution 03-037 Adopting Six Year Transportation Improvement Program • RESOLUTION NO.03-037 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. WHEREAS, to provide for the proper and necessary development of the street system within the City of Spokane Valley, the City shall, as required by State law, develop and adopt annually a Six Year Transportation Improvement Program ("TIP") with such program acting as a guide for the coordinated development of the City's transportation system; WHEREAS, the TIP of the City shall specifically set forth those projects and programs of both City and regional significance that benefit the transportation system and promote public safety and efficient vehicle movements; WHEREAS, the TIP shall be consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan and be adopted following one or more public.hearings before the City Council; WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on June 10, 2003 for the purpose of inviting and receiving public comment on the proposed TiP; and . WHEREAS, pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act, the adoption of the Six Year Street Plan is a nonproject action which has received proper and timely environmental review by the City. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: The City Council hereby adopts the attached TIP for the City of Spokane Valley for the purpose of guiding the design, development and construction of local and regional transportation improvements for the years 2004 through 2009. The City Clerk is directed to file the Six Year Transportation improvement Program with the Washington State Secretary of Transportation not later than June 30. The TIP shall be reviewed at least annually for the purpose of determining the work to be accomplished under the program and the City transportation requirements. Adopted this 10`x'day of June, 2003. City of Spokane Valley Michael DeVleming,Malor A* . Christine Bainbridge,City Clerk Approved as to form: .- .-/t...., rte P it City • ■ork ey, Stanley Schwartz S:IebainbridgelResolutions2003\Resolution 03-037 Six Year Trans Improve Program.DOC Page I of I 1 DETERMINATION OF. NONSIGNIFICANCE - "DNS" WAC 197-11-970 and Section CITY OF SPOKANE.VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCE DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The 2004 — 2009 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and 2004 Annual Construction Program identifies road projects required to accommodate current and future public transportation needs in incorporated City of Spokane Valley. The TIP is a guide for the planning and implementation of road construction work. The Annual Construction Program is a listing of those projects proposed for construction during 2004. Both programs contain capital improvement projects on existing facilities. Both programs are consistent with the Spokane County Comprehensive Plan and Regional Transportation Plan, both adopted by the City of Spokane Valley. The TIP is updated annually for adoption by the City of Spokane Valley City Council.. REARING DATE AND TIME: June/O, 2003 at 6:00 P.M. APPLICANT: City of Spokane Valley LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: The 2004 — 2009 Transportation Improvement Program and 2004 Annual Construction Program contains projects for the transportation system within the incorporated boundaries of the City of Spokane Valley. LEAD AGENCY: City of Spokane Valley DETERMINATION: The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for at least 14 days from the date issued (below). Comments regarding this DNS must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m.,JuAkr 6, 2003, if they are intended to alter the DNS. All comments should be sent to the contact person listed below. a RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: By: Richard E. Warren, Interim Director of Public Works City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Ave.,,Sipte 1 e 6 Spokane Valley, W 9•206'" .9 .' '2 900 DATE ISSUED: /ttl y?Q, 2003 SIGNAT[jR r COMMENT"S REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS ARE WELCOME AT THE HEARING. APPEAL OF THiS DETERMliNATION, after it becomes final, may be made to the City of Spokane Valley at the address noted above. The appeal deadline is fourteen (14) calendar days after issuance of this determination. This appeal must be written and the appellant should be prepared to make specific factual objections. • CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCE (WAC 197-11-985) Section Environmental Checklist Purpose of Checklist: The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) chapter 43.21C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an ELS is required. Instructions for Applicants: This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. .I.f you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or"does not apply." Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems,the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal,even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. Use of checklist for nonproject proposals: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals,even though questions may be answered"Woes not apply." IN ADDITION,complete the SUPPL.EMENTAL.SHEET FOR NONIPROJECT ACt•IONS(Part D). For nonproject actions, the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as"proposal," "proposer,"and "affected geographic area," respectively. A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: 2004 - 2009 Transportation Improvement Program, 2004 Annual Construction Program 2. Name of applicant: City of Spokane Valley, Washington 3. Address and phone number of applicant or contact person: Attn: Richard B. Warren, P.S. , Interim Director of Public Works, City of Spokane Valley, 11707 B. Sprague Ave. , Suite 106, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206, (509) 921-1000 4. Date checklist prepared: illy 24,9 , 2003 PAGk2OF14 CiTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCE (WAC 197-11-985) Scction 5. Agency requesting checklist City of Spokane Valley, Washington 6. Proposed timing or schedule(including phasing, if applicable): Projects for 2004 through 2009 7. a. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. Yes. The 2004-2009 Transportation Plan is the initial implementation of all the project environmental processes and more specific data will be provided on a project-by-project basis. b. Do you own or have options on land nearby or adjacent to this proposal? If yes, explain. Yes. Most projects lie within and adjacent to city owned right-of-way. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to his proposal. Several projects will have Environmental Assessments or Environmental Impact Statements prepared during project development. Existing environmental documents are on file with the Spokane County Public Works Department, Division of Engineering and Roads at 1026 W. Broadway Avenue in Spokane, Washington. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes,explain. No W. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. a) City of Spokane Valley City Council b) Interagency agreements where applicable 11. Give brief,complete description of your proposal,including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. The 2004 - 2009 Transportation Plan is a planning document used to schedule projects for maintaining and expanding the City's transportation infrastructure. This document schedules projects for a six-year period and is updated annually and provides the necessary documentation to submit applications to obtain grant funds and expend dollars on transportation related projects. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information to a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township and range,if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit application related to this checklist. The proposal consists of many projects within the boundaries of the City of Spokane Valley, including some projects which are to be coordinated with the Spokane County and the Washington State Department of Transportation. PAGE.3 OF 14 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCE (WAC 197-11-985) Section 13. Does the proposed action lie within the Aquifer Sensitive Area (ASA)? The General Sewer Service Area? The Priority Sewer Service Area? Spokane County? (See:Spokane County's ASA Overlay Zone Atlas for boundaries.) The proposal includes projects that are within one or more of the listed areas. 14. The following questions supplement Part A. a. Critical Aquifer Recharge Area (CARA)/ Aquifer Sensitive Area (ASA) (1) Describe any systems, other than those designed for the disposal of sanitary waste, installed for the purpose of discharging fluids below the ground surface (includes systems such as those for the disposal of stormwater or drainage from floor drains). Describe the type of system, the amount of material to be disposed of through the system and the types of material likely to be disposed of (including materials which may enter the system inadvertently through spills or as a result of firefighting activities). Disposal of new stormwater runoff (drainage) will be accomplished through the use of "208" swales and drywells and oil/water separators where allowed by the regulating authority. Some road improvements may utilize existing drywells. The use of existing drywells will be reviewed on a project-by-project basis. (2) Will any chemicals (especially organic solvents or petroleum fuels) be stored in aboveground or underground storage tanks? If so, what types and quantities of material will be stored? Non-project, does not apply (3) What protective measures will be taken to insure that leaks or spills of any chemicals stored or used on site will not be allowed to percolate to groundwater. This includes measures to keep chemicals out of disposal systems. Project specifications will follow local guidelines to insure that protective measures are taken. (4) Will any chemicals be stored, handled or used on the site in a location where a spill or leak will drain to surface or groundwater or to a stormwater disposal system discharging to surface or groundwater? Project specifications will follow local guidelines to insure protective measures are taken. b. Stormwater (1) What are the depths on the site to groundwater and to bedrock(if known)? Non-project, does not apply (2) Will stormwater be discharged into the ground? If so, describe any potential impacts? Non-project, does not apply 7'0 BF COMPLETED BY APPLICANT B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS Evaluation for Agency Use 1. Earth Only PAGE4OF 14 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCE (WAG 197-11-985) Section a. General description of the site(circle one): fiat, rolling, hilly,steep slopes, mountains, other: The geographic area includes all of the listed types of terrain. b. What is the steepest slope on the site(approximate percent slope)? Non-project, does not apply c. What general types of soils are found on the site(for example,clay,sand, gravel,peat,muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils,specify them and note any prime farmland. Non-project, does not apply d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. Non-project, does 3 �' p ro J ec oes not apply y )✓valuation for Agency Use e, Describe the purpose, type,and approximate quantities of any fillin g or grading Only proposed. Indicate source of fill: Non-project, does not apply f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing,construction,or use? If so,generally describe. Non-project, does not apply g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example,asphalt or buildings)? Non-project, does not apply h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion or other impacts to the earth, if any: Non-project, does not apply 2. Air a. What type of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e.,dust, automobile,odors,industrial,wood smoke)during construction and when the project is completed?If any,generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. Non-project, does not apply b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. Non-project, does not apply c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air,if any: Non-project, does not apply 3. Water a. SURFACE: (1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams,saltwater, lakes, ponds,wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. Several surface water bodies are located within the City of Spokane Valley. The projects listed in the 2004 - 2009 Tansportation Improvement Program may be PAGE 5 0 14 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL. ORDINANCE Evaluation for (WAC 197-11-985) Section Agency Use Only within the immediate vicinity of one or more of these surface water bodies. (2) Will the project require any work over,in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes,please describe and attach available plans. Yes. Some projects are adjacent to and may cross the surface water bodies within the City of Spokane Valley. (3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from the surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. Non-project, does not apply (4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description,purpose,and approximate quantities if known. Potential diversions may occur during bridge construction projects. Generally, diversions will be temporary for the placement of bridge footings and piers. (5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so,note location on the site plan. Certain areas of the City of Spokane Valley have been designated as 100-year flood plains. (6) Does the proposal involve any discharge of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge.No discharges are anticipated. b. GROUND: (1) Will groundwater be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to groundwater? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. Non-project, does not apply Evaluation for (2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic Agency Use tanks or other sanitary waste treatment facility. Describe the general size of Only the system, the number of houses to be served (if applicable) or the number of persons the system(s)are expected to serve. Non-project, does not apply c. WATER RUNOFF(INCLUDING STORMWATER): (1) Describe the source of runoff (including stormwater) and method of collection and disposal if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. Within the Aquifer Sensitive Area surface water runoff will be handled in accordance with the 208 disposal procedures, where feasible. See 14.a(1)above. PAGE 6 OE 14 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCE (WAC 197-I 1-955) Section Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. Project specifications will follow local guidelines to insure protective measures are taken. d. PROPOSED MEASURES to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any. Within the Aquifer Sensitive Area, surface water runoff will be handled in accordance with the 208 disposal procedures, where feasible. 4. Plants a. Check or circle type of vegetation found on the site: Deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen,other. Evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other. Shrubs Grass Pasture Crop or grain %Vet soil plants,cattail, buttercup, bullrush,skunk cabbage, other. Water plants:water!illy,eelgrass, rnilfoil, other. Other types of vegetation. This proposal includes projects that may contain one or more of the above listed types of vegetation. Evaluation for b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Agency Use Non-project, does not apply Only c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. Non-project, however, lists will be requested on a project- by-project basis. d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants,or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: Non-project, does not apply 5. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site are known to be on or near the site: birds: hawk, heron,eagle,songbirds,other: mammals: deer, bear,elk,beaver, other: fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring,shellfish,other. other: This proposal includes projects where one or .more of the above listed animals may be on or near the project location. PAGE7OEI4 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCE (1\'AC 197-11-955) Section b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. Non-project, however, lists will be requested on a project-by-project basis. e. Is the site part of a migration route? If so,explain. This proposal includes projects throughout the City of Spokane Valley where migration routes may exist. Specific routes will be addressed on a project-by-project basis. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife,if any: Non-project, does not apply 6. Energy and natural resources a. What kinds or energy(electric,natural gas, wood stove,solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing,etc. Electricity may be used on some projects one the infrastructure is complete to provide street lighting and traffic signal operation. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. In general, the individual transportation projects should not affect the potential use of solar energy. Evaluation for c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this Agency Use proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy Only impacts, if any: Recycling of existing asphalt, which may be removed during some projects, is utilized where possible. Some projects encourage the use of alternative transportation by the inclusion of bike lanes, sidewalks, and trails for bikes/walkers and transit related projects are included. 7. Environmental health a. the there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. Non-project, does not apply (1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. Non-project, does not apply (2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards,if any: Some projects encourage the use of alternative transportation by the inclusion of bike lanes, sidewalks, PAGE8OF 14 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCE (WAC 197-11-985) Section trails for bikes/walkers and transit related projects are included. b. NOISE: (1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic,equipment,operation,other)? Non-project, does not apply (2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Most projects will pave existing roads, which will reduce dust particulates and others will improve congestion, which will reduce carbon monoxide (CO) emissions. (3) Proposed measure to reduce or control noise impacts,if any: Follow local noise ordinances. Evaluation for 8. Land and shoreline use Agency Use Only a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Non-project, does not apply b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so,describe. Non-project, does not apply c. Describe any structures on the site. Non-project, does not apply d. Will any structures be demolished? If so,which? Non-project, does not apply e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? Non-project, does not apply f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Current comprehensive plan designations vary throughout the project locations. g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? Non-project, does not apply h. Has any part of the site been classified as a critical area? If so,specify. Any effects to environmentally sensitive areas will be addressed in the individual project environmental documents. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? PAGE 9 OF 14 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCE (WAC 197-11-985) Section Non-project, does not apply j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? Non-project, does not apply k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: Non-project, does not apply Evaluation for I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and Agency Use projected land uses and plans, if any: Only Non-project, does not apply 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle or low-income housing. The proposed projects do not include increasing housing. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high-, middle-or low-income housing. Non-project, does not apply c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: Non-project, does not apply 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s)proposed? Non-project, does not apply b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? Non-project, does not apply c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: Non-project, does not apply 11. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Non-project, does not apply Evaluation for b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere Agency Use with views? Non-project, does not apply Only c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? Off-site sources of light usually do not affect transportation projects. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: PAGE 10 OF 14 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL ORlliNANCE (WAC 197-11-985) Section Non-project, does not apply 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity?Non-project, does not apply b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. Non-project, does not apply c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: Non-project, does not apply 13. Historic and cultural preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. Any affects to historical or culturally sensitive areas will be addressed in the individual project environmental documents. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic archaeological, scientific or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. Non-project, does not apply c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: Project impacts will be avoided or mitigated where possible during project design. Evaluation for '14. Transportation Agency Use Only a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. All projects in the 2004 - 2009 Transportation Improvement Program are related to public roadways and are part of the local transportation infrastructure. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? Yes. The Spokane Transit Authority maintains a number of routes on several of the roads contained in the proposal. c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? The proposal contains improvements to roadways where parking may or may not be allowed along the roadway. The amount of parking created or deleted is project specific. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). All proposed projects in the PAGE 11 or 14 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCE (WAC 197-I1-985) Section 2004 - 2009 Transportation Improvement program are related to the improvement and/or development of new and existing roads and bridges. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail or air transportation? If so, generally describe. Some of the projects will occur in the immediate vicinity of water, in particular the bridge projects. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known,indicate when peak would occur. Does not apply. (Note:to assist in review and if known indicate vehicle trips during PM peak, AM Peak and Weekday(24 hours).) g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportstion impacts, if any: Non-project, does not apply. 15. Public services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. All transportation projects will require maintenance by the public agency. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any: The proposed transportation improvement program will help reduce impacts through congestion relief and safety improvements. Evaluation for 16. Utilities Agency Use a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity,natural gas,water,refuse Only service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other: All of the above utilities are generally located within the City of Spokane Valley. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. Coordination with all utilities takes place during the adoption of the six-year program and during design of individual projects to minimize the disruption of traffic and to maximize the cost savings. C. SIGNATURE PAGE 12 OF 14 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCE (WAC 197-11-985) Section I, the undersigned,swear under penalty of perjury that the above responses are made truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. I also understand that,should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part, the agency must withdraw any determination of Nonsignificance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist. Date: , 2003 Signature: Please Print or Type: Proponent: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Address: 11707 E. SPRAGUE AVE., SUITE 106 SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99206 Phone: 509-921-1000 Person completing form(if different from proponent): Address: Phone: FOR STAFF USE ONLY Staff members) reviewing checklist: Based on this staff review of the environmental checklist and other pertinent information,the staff concludes that: A. there are no probable significant adverse impacts and recommends a Determination of Nonsignificance. B, probable significant adverse environmental impacts do exist for the current proposal and recommends a Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance with conditions. C. there are probable significant adverse environmental impacts and recommends a Determination of Significance. PAGE 13 of 14 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCE (\VAC 197-11-985) Section PAGE: 14 oP 14 (WAG 197-1 1-960)Section 11.10.230(1) 0. SUPPLEMENTAL.SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (Do not use this sheet for project actions) Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful to read then in conjunction with the list of elements of the environment. When answering these questions,be aware of the extent the proposal,or the types of activities likely to result from the proposal, would affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented.Respond briefly and in general terms. 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water;emissions to air;production,storage or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise? Particulate and exhaust emission will occur during construction of the individual projects. The extent of these emissions will vary greatly between different types of projects. Many of these projects will improve the quality of waters discharged and decrease the emissions of pollutants, once they are completed. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: Normal construction controls such as watering will be used to control particulate emissions. Reduced traffic congestion from completed projects will decrease vehicle emissions. 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants,animals, fish or marine life? No significant effects are expected. Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants,animals, fish or marine life arc: Each project will address these issues as they may arise with the appropriate agency and all necessary permits will be obtained prior to construction. 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? Construction activities will use petroleum fuels. Once construction is completed energy may be required for street lighting and signal problems. Many projects actually help decrease congestion and reduce fuel consumption. Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: Efficient design of new lighting and signal facilities along with the use and incorporation of alternative modes of transportation as emphasized in the Federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act. 4. How would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated(or eligible or under study) for governmental protection,such as parks, wilderness, wild and scenic rivers,threatened or endangered species habitat,historic or cultural sites, wetlands, flood plains or prime farmlands? No significant effect on environmentally sensitive areas is expected. The issue will be addressed at the individual project environmental reviews, as required. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCE (WAC 197-I 1-985) Section Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: This issue will be addressed at the individual project environmental reviews, as required by any applicable laws and regulations. 5. How would the proposal be likely to affect land and shoreline use, including whether it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans? There is no direct effect on shoreline or land use. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts are: Projects will be designed to comply with shoreline and land use plans. Standard procedures for land use and zoning changes shall be required. The 2004 - 2009 Transportation Improvement Program is approved by the City of Spokane Valley City Council. The program is compatible with the adopted Comprehensive Plan. 6. How would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? No impact is expected. Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand(s) are: None 7. Identify, if possible,whether the proposal may conflict with local,state or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. No conflicts with environmental protection laws are expected. C. SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, swear under penalty of perjury that the above responses are made truthfully and to the best of my knowledge. I also understand that, should there be any willful misrepresentation or willful lack of full disclosure on my part, the agency may withdraw any Determination ofNonsignificance that it might issue in reliance upon this checklist. Date: ,2003 Signature: Please Print or 7,pe: Proponent: City of Spokane Valley Address: 11707 E. Sprague Ave. , Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: (509) 921-1000 Person completing form(if different from proponent): Address: Phone: - PAGE20F3 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL ORDINANCE (WAC 197-11-985) Section FOR STAFF USE ONLY Staff member(s)reviewing checklist: Based on this staff review of the environmental checklist and other pertinent information, the staff concludes that: A._ there are no probable significant adverse impacts and recommends a Determination of Nonsignificance. B._ probable significant adverse impacts do exist for the current proposal and recommends a Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance with conditions. C._ there are probable significant adverse environmental impacts and recommends a Determination of Significance. PAGE 30r3 This DNS was mailed to: -/-1. WA State Department of Ecology(Olympia) 2. Spokane County Division of Engineering,Transportation Engineering; Scott Engelhard 3. Spokane County Division of Engineering; Development Services; John Hohman 4. Spokane County Division of Utilities;Jim Red S. Spokane County Stormwater Utility; Brenda Sims 6. Spokane County Engineer; Ross Kelley k7. Spokane Regional Health District; Steve Holderby 8:= Spokane-Goumty-Division-of=Building-and-Code-1 nforcement,Je_ff Forr}; Washington State Department of Transportation; Mark Rohwer X10. Spokane County Fire Protection District No. 11. Water Districts Spokane a �sValley City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2004 Annual Construction Program GLOSSARY AND ABBREVIATIONS Functional Classification: Bridge Program Special 14 STP-Surface Transportation Program. Individual funds Rural: Transit Capital Project 21 are designated by the letters in parenthesis that follow 7 Major Collector Transit Operational Project 22 the initials°STP°: 8 Minor Collector Transit Planning 23 (U) Urban improvements 9 Access Transit training/Admin 24 (R) Rural improvements Urban: (C) Competitive funding 14 Principal Non-Capital Improve. 31 (E) Enhancement improvement 16 Minor Non Motor Vehicle 32 (S) Safety improvements ' 17 Collector 19 Access CO: Box is checked if the project lies within the Carbon State assistance: TPP,AIP, and PSMP are Program Item Number: A number assigned for Monoxide non-attainment area administered by the Transportation Improvement Board. tracking purposes RAP and CAPP are administered by the County Road Administration Board Fund Status: TPP-Transportation Partnership Program Work Method: S- Project is subject to funding selection AIP-Arterial Improvement Program C- Indicates work is to be done by contract P- Project is listed for planning purposes only PSMP: Pedestrian Safety Mobility Program D- Indicates work to be done by City forces. RAP- Rural Arterial Program N- Indicates a non-capital project. CAPP-County Arterial Preservation Program Util Code: Other State-Other state funds Utilities that would be impacted by the project: Environmental: C Cable TV S-Significant Impacts under SEPA anticipated G Gas I-Insignificant Environmental Impact anticipated 0 Other P Power Local funding: LID Bonds are sold to finance the S Sewer construction of local roads. This funding is administered Work Types: T Telephone by Spokane County. Private funds are paid by private New construction 01 W Water companies or individuals for various reasons, usually for Relocation 02 commercial reasons. Reconstruction 03 LID Bonds- Road Improvement District funding from Major Widening 04 Funding Sources: private property owners. nor Widening 05 Federal assistance: These funds are authorized under Private- Funds from other private sources. Mi h 06 the Transportation Equity Act for the 21 Century(TEA- , . th , 21)and are administered by the Federal Highway New Bridge Const 08 Administration through the Washington State Bridge Replacement 09 Department of Transportation and the Metropolitan Bridge Rehabilitation 10 Planning Organization (SRTC). Minor Bridge Rehab. 11 BR-Bridge replacement projects Safety/Traffic OperITSM 12 CMAQ-Congestion Management and Air Quality Other Fed-Other federal funds. Environmentally Related 13 SUMMARY 2004 ANNUAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM The CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM is responsible for the improvement of the City Street System. ANNUAL and SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS are prepared and updated each year. Priority programming is used to select projects for improvement. Funds for the 2004 ANNUAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM come from the following sources: Source Amount(1000's) City $910 Federal $2,233 • State $2,257 Note: For each CITY dollar spent, a total of $5.99 Other $55 of CONSTRUCTION will be accomplished. Total Construction $5,455 2004 Major Construction Project Summary Project From To Primary Source Amount 1 16th Avenue-Project 2 Dishman Mica Rd SR 27 STP(U) $1,932,000 2 Park Road-Project#2 8th Avenue 2nd Avunue AIP $782,000 3 Evergreen Road 16th Avenue 2nd Avenue AIP $831,000 4 Pines/Mansfield Wilbur Road Pines Road TPP $675,000 Pines& Indiana West bound on ramp to 190 5 Barker Rd Reconstruct-Boone to Spokane Riv Boone Spokane River Bridge AIP $502,000 6 Barker Road Bridge @ Spokane River #5503 BR $702,000 SUMMARY 2005 ANNUAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM The CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM is responsible for the improvement of the City Street System. ANNUAL and SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS are prepared and updated each year. Priority programming is used to select projects for improvement. Funds for the 2005 ANNUAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM come from the following sources: • Source Amount(1000's) City $1,206 Federal $4,534 State $4,204 Note: For each CITY dollar spent,a total of $8.76 Other $623 of CONSTRUCTION will be accomplished. Total Construction $10,567 2005 Major Construction Project Summary Project From To Primary Source Amount 1 Bridging the Valley-Park Road!BNSF Grade Se Indiana Avenue Montgomery Ave. Other State $2,450,000 2 Pines/Mansfield Wilbur Road Pines Road TPP 52,459,000 Pines&Indiana West bound on ramp to 190 3 Park Road Broadway Av Indiana Av AIP $365,000 4 Barker Rd Reconstruct-Boone to Spokane Riv Boone Spokane River Bridge AIP $993,000 5 Appleway Road Tschirley Road Hodges Road STP(U) $438,000 6 Barker Road Bridge @ Spokane River #5503 BR $3,649,000 • SUMMARY 2006 ANNUAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM The CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM is responsible for the improvement of the City Street System. ANNUAL and SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS are prepared and updated each year. Priority programming is used to select projects for improvement. Funds for the 2006 ANNUAL.STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM come from the following sources: - Source Amount(1000's) City $2,033 Federal $7,842 State $6,266 Note: For each CITY dollar spent, a total of $8.11 Other $352 of CONSTRUCTION will be accomplished. Total Construction $16,493 2006 Major Construction Project Summary Project From To Primary Source Amount 1 Bridging the Valley- Park Road/ BNSF Grade Se Indiana Avenue Montgomery Ave. Other State $7,046,000 2 Barker Rd Reconstruct-Boone to Spokane Riv Boone Spokane River Bridge AIP $1,059,000 3 Appleway Road Tschirley Road Hodges Road STP(U) $1,876,000 4 Barker Road- Spokane River to SR 290 Spokane River SR 290 STP(U) $418,000 5 Evergreen Road 32nd Avenue 16th Avenue AIP $500,000 6 Park Road Broadway Av Indiana Av AIP $890,000 7 32nd Avenue SR 27 Best Road STP(U) $592,000 8 Sullivan Road West Bridge @ Spokane River #4511-S BR $435,000 9 Barker Road Bridge @ Spokane River #5503 BR $3,649,000 SUMMARY 2007 ANNUAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM The CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM is responsible for the improvement of the City Street System. ANNUAL and SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION . PROGRAMS are prepared and updated each year. Priority programming is used to select projects for improvement. Funds for the 2007 ANNUAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM come from the following sources: Source Amount(1000's) City $2,341 , Federal $8,704 State $5,108 Note: For each CITY dollar spent, a total of $7.01 Other $265 of CONSTRUCTION will be accomplished. Total Construction $16,418 2007 Major Construction Project Summary Project From To Primary Source Amount 1 Appleway Road Tschirley Road Hodges Road STP(U) $2,813,000 2 Barker Road-Spokane River to SR 290 Spokane River SR 290 STP(U) $562,000 3 Evergreen Road 32nd Avenue 16th Avenue AIP $1,120,000 4 Park Road Broadway Av Indiana Av AIP $1,460,000 5 Bridging the Valley-Park Road/BNSF Grade Se Indiana Avenue Montgomery Ave. Other State $5,296,000 6 Barker Road-8th to Broadway Avenue 8th Avenue Broadway Avenue STP(U) $517,000 .7 32nd Avenue SR 27 Best Road STP(U) $667,000 8 Sullivan Road West Bridge @ Spokane River #4511-S BR $3,783,000 • SUMMARY. 2008 ANNUAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM The CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM is responsible for the improvement of the City Street System. ANNUAL and SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS are prepared and updated each year. Priority programming is used to select projects for improvement. Funds for the 2008 ANNUAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM come from the following sources: Source Amount(1000's) . City $1,655 Federal $7,584 State $1,887 Note: For each CITY dollar spent, a total of $6.72 Other $0 of CONSTRUCTION will be accomplished. Total Construction $11,126 2008 Major Construction Project Summary Project Frorn To Primary Source Amount 1 Evergreen Road 32nd Avenue 16th Avenue AIP $880,000 2 Barker Road-8th to Broadway Avenue 8th Avenue Broadway Avenue STP(U) $1,050,000 3 Barker Road-Spokane River to SR 290 Spokane River SR 290 STP(U) $2,858,000 4 Valley Couplet-Project 3 Evergreen Road Sullivan Road STP(U) $274,000 5 Flora Road Sprague Av Mission Av STP(U) $800,000 6 Valley Couplet-Project 2 University Rd Evergreen Rd TPP $822,000 University Rd Evergreen Rd 7 Bowdish Road 32nd Avenue 8th Avenue AIP $659,000 8 Sullivan Road West Bridge @ Spokane River #4511-S BR $3,783,000 • SUMMARY 2009 ANNUAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM The CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM is responsible for the improvement of the City Street System. ANNUAL and SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS are prepared and updated each year. Priority programming is used to select projects for improvement. Funds for the 2009 ANNUAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM come from the following sources: Source Amount(1000's) . City $1,079 ' Federal $4,618 . State $1,318 Note: For each CITY dollar spent, a total of $6.50 Other $0 of CONSTRUCTION will be accomplished. Total Construction $7,015 2009 Major Construction Project Summary Project From To Primary Source Amount 1 Valley Couplet-Project 4 Sullivan Road Appleway Road STP(U) $404,000 2 Valley Couplet-Project 2 University Rd Evergreen Rd TPP $822,000 University Rd Evergreen Rd 3 Valley Couplet-Project 3 Evergreen Road Sullivan Road STP(U) $1,095,000 4 Flora Road Sprague Av Mission Av STP(U) $1,500.000 5 Bowdish Road 32nd Avenue 8th Avenue AIP $1,048,000 6 Barker Road-8th to Broadway Avenue 8th Avenue Broadway Avenue STP(U) $2,003,000 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: Adoption Date: Env.Assess.Date Resolution No. Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2004 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len(mi) Type 0 Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total • Urban Construction 1 16th Avenue-Project 2 2875 I 03 0 S 14 16th Ave Dishman Mica Rd SR 27 06122 1.60 C City 260 0 0 260 260 C STP(U) 1,672 0 0 1,672 1,672 Reconstruct as a three-lane arterial with curbs and sidewalks with accomodations for 0 0 1,932 1,932 bicycles. Construction _ 2 Park Road-Project#2 2951 I 04 Q S TCGPWS 16 Park Road 8th Avenue 2nd Avunue 03714 0.38 C City 156 0 0 156 156 C AIP 626 0 0 626 626 Reconstruct and widen existing roadway to a 3-lane section with a 4'bike lane. Curbs, 0 0 782 782 gutters and a 6 foot sidewalk will also be a part of the project from 8th Ave.to Appleway Construction 3 Evergreen Road 2903 I 03 2 S -- — 14 Evergreen Road 16th Avenue 2nd Avenue 01170 0.90 C City 166 0 0 166 166 C AIP 665 0 0 665 665 Reconstruct and widen to three lanes to 8th Avenue,five lanes from 8th Ave.to 2nd Ave. 0 0 831 831 Construction 4 Pines/Mansfield I 03 Q P 09 Mansfield Ave Wilbur Road Pines Road 02964 0.00 14 Pines Rd Pines&Indiana West bound on ramp 0.00 C City 55 30 25 0 55 C TPP 565 189 376 0 565 C Other 55 51 4 0 55 This project will reconfigure the WB ramps of 1-90 at SR27. It will also widen and 270 405 0 675 reconstruct Mansfield Ave.from Wilbur Rd.to SR27 to a 3-lane roadway with curb,gutter Prelim. Engineering,Right-of-Way Printed: 6/6/2003 1 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: Adoption Date: Env.Assess.Date Resolution No. Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2004 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Pro'# Len ml Type J ) yA O Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total 5 Barker Rd Reconstruct-Boone to Spokane River I 03 Q P 14 Barker Road Boone Spokane River Bridg 00230 0.69 C City 101 41 60 0 101 C AIP 401 161 240 0 401 Reconstruct to a four-lane curbed arterial with center turn lane. 202 300 0 502 P relim.Engineering,Right-of-Way . 6 Burns Road Sower Paveback I 03 0 S 19 Burns Rd End Pvmt/Stai1 Gravel Mission Avenue 00378 0.04 C City 31 11 0 20 31 Pave existing gravel road after sewer construction to 20'wide. 11 0 20 31 _ Prelim.Engineering,Construction Urban Construction Projects Total: 1,672 2,257 55 769 483 705 3,565 4,753 Printed: 6/6/2003 2 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: Adoption Date: Env.Assess.Date Resolution No. Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2004 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work c Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj'# Len(mi) Type( � YD 0 Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total Bridge Construction 7 Barker Road Bridge I 09 0 P T 14 Barker Road @ Spokane River #5503 0.10 C City 141 132 9 0 141 C BR 561 525 36 0 561 Replace bridge over the Spokane River. 657 45 0 702 Prelim.Engineering,Right-of-Way Bridge _ Bridge Construction Projects Total: 561 141 657 45 0 702 Total Program for 2004 2,233 2,257 55 910 1,140 750 3,565 5,455 Printed: 6/6/2003 3 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: Adoption Date: Env.Assess.Date Resolution No. Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2005 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name ' Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road Proj# Len(mi) Type 1 yP O Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R W. Const Total Urban Construction 1 Bridging the Valley-Park Road!BNSF Grade Sep I 03 5 S 14 Park Road Indiana Avenue Montgomery Ave. 03714 0.20 C City 115 49 66 0 115 C TPP 661 283 378 0 661 C STP(U) 661 283 378 0 661 C Other Fed 62 27 35 0 62 C Other Sta 828 355 473 0 828 C Other 123 53 70 0 123 Reconstruct Park Road to separate the grades of Park Road and the BNSF railroad 1,050 1,400 0 2,450 tracks. _ _ Prelim,Engineering,Right-of-Way 2 Plnes/Mansfield I 03 L.6 P 09 Mansfield Ave Wilbur Road Pines Road 02964 0.00 . 14 Pines Rd Pines&Indiana West bound on ramp 0.00 C TPP 1,629 0 0 1,629 1,629 C STP(U) 330 0 0 330 330 C Other Sta 0 0 0 0 0 C ' Other 500 0 0 500 500 This project will reconfigure the WB ramps of 1-90 at SR27. It will also widen and 0 0 2,459 2,459 reconstruct Mansfield Ave.from Wilbur Rd.to SR27 to a 3-lane roadway with curb,gutter Construction 3 Park Road .. - --- — ----- •- —— ,�� I -- 03 �. P�_--- --- -- . _ . _ __. 14 Park Rd Broadway Av Indiana Av 03714 0.75 C City 73 28 45 0 73 C AIP 292 112 180 0 292 Reconstruct and widen to five lanes 140 225 0 365 Printed: 6/6/2003 4 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: Adoption Date: Env.Assess.Date Resolution No. Department of Public Works . 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2005 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len(mi) Type Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. RW. Const Total yP O Stat Meth Fund Source ' 4 Barker Rd Reconstruct-Boone to Spokane River I 03 0 P 14 Barker Road Boone Spokane River Brldg 00230 0.69 C City 199 0 128 71 199 C AIP 794 0 512 282 794 Reconstruct to a four-lane curbed arterial with center turn lane. 0 640 353 993 Right-of-Way.Construction 5 Appleway Road S 03 51 P CPT . 14 Appleway Road Tschirley Road Hodges Road 00031 1.26 C City 60 26 34 0 60 C STP(U) 378 162 216 0 378 Reconstruct to a frve-lane urban arterial 188 250 0 438 Preliminary Engineering 6 32nd Avenue I 03 gi P CGPTW 14 32nd Avenue SR 27 Best Road 05971 0.48 C City 29 9 20 0 29 C STP(U) 184 57 127 0 184 Reconstruct and widen to three lanes with curbs and sidewalks. 66 147 0 213 Prelim.Engineering,Right-of-Way Urban Construction Projects Total: 1,615 4,204 623 476 1,444 2,662 2,812 6,918 Printed: 6!612003 5 . City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: Adoption Date: Env.Assess.Date Resolution No. Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2005 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work c Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len(mi) Type O Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total Bridge Construction 7 Barker Road Bridge I 09 D P T 14 Barker Road Q Spokane River #5503 0.10 C City 730 0 0 730 730 C BR 2,919 0 0 2,919 2,919 Replace bridge over the Spokane River. 0 0 3,649 3,649 Construction Bridge Construction Projects Total: _ 2,919 730 0 0 3,649 3,649 Total Program for 2005 4,534 4,204 623 1,206 1,444 2.662 6,461 10,567 Printed: 6/6/2003 6 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: Adoption Date: Env.Assess.Date Resolution No. Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2006 Annual Construction Program. . Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len(mi) Type 0 Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total Urban Construction 1 Bridging the Valley-Park Road/BNSF Grade Sep I 03 0 S 14 Park Road Indiana Avenue Montgomery Ave. 03714 0.20 C City 331 16 66 249 331 C TPP 1,903 95 378 1,430 1,903 C STP(U) 1,903 95 378 1,430 1,903 C Other Fed 176 9 35 132 176 C Other Sta 2,381 118 473 1,790 2,381 C Other 352 17 70 265 352 Reconstruct Park Road to separate the grades of Park Road and the BNSF railroad 350 1,400 5,296 7,046 tracks. P relim.Engineering,Right-of-Way,Construction 2 Barker Rd Reconstruct-Boone to Spokane River I 03 Q P 14 Barker Road Boone Spokane River Bridg 00230 0.69 C City 212 0 0 212 212 C AIP 847 0 0 847 847 Reconstruct to a four-lane curbed arterial with center turn lane. 0 0 1,059 1,059 Construction 3 Appleway Road S 03 2 P CPT ' 14 Appleway Road Tschirtey Road Hodges Road 00031 1.26 C City 254 26 101 127 254 C STP(U) 1,622 162 649 811 1,622 Reconstruct to a five-lane urban arterial 188 750 938 1,876 Right-of-way Printed: 6/6/2003 7 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: Adoption Date: Env.Assess.Date Resolution No. Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2006 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name • Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road Proj# Len(mi) Type O Slat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P,E. R.W. Const Total 4 Barker Road-Spokane River to SR 290 I 03 ❑ P 14 Barker Road Spokane River SR 290 00230 1.51 C City 56 31 25 0 56 C STP(U) 362 199 163 0 362 Reconstruct to a three-lane curbed arterial 230 188 0 418 Prelim.Engineering,Right-of-Way 5 Evergreen Road I 03 2 P 14 Evergreen Rd 32nd Avenue 16th Avenue 01170 1.00 C City 100 40 60 0 100 C AIP 400 160 240 0 400 Reconstruct and widen to three lanes 200 300 0 500 Preliminary Engineering _ 6 Flora Rd/SR290 Minor Intersection Improvements I 12 ❑ P 16 Flora Rd SR290 • SR290 01345 0.00 C City 2 1 0 1 2 C Other Sta 11 1 0 10 11 Construct raised curb channelization on SR290 to eliminate NBL&SBL movements 2 0 11 13 Prelim.Engineering,Construction 7 -- - Park Road --- - -�. .. ----- -• --•- --•--- I 03 R-P - - -- - - -�-- _. 14 Park Rd Broadway Av Indiana Av 03714 0,75 C City 178 0 105 73 178 C AIP 712 0 420 292 712 Reconstruct and widen to five lanes 0 525 365 890 • • Printed: 6/612003 8 . City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: Adoption Date: Env.Assess.Date Resolution No. Department of Public Works - 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2006 Annual Construction Program Doltars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City s. Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len(mi) Type O Stat Meth Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Coast Total Fund Source 8 Barker/SR290 Minor Intersection Improvement I 12 D P 14 Barker Rd SR290 SR290 00230 0.00 C City 3 1 0 2 3 C Other Sta 12 2 0 10 12 Construct raised curb channelization to eliminate WBL movement and provide NBL 3 0 12 15 acceleration lane on SR290 Prelim. Engineering,Construction 9 32nd Avenue I 03 © P CGPTW 14 32nd Avenue SR 27 Best Road 05971 0.48 C City 80 0 20 60 80 C STP(U) 512 0 127 385 512 Reconstruct and widen to three lanes with curbs and sidewalks. 0 147 445 592 Right-of-Way,Construction Urban Construction Projects Total: 4,575 6,266 352 1,216 973 3,310 8,126 12,409 Printed: 616/2003 g City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: Adoption Date: Env.Assess.Date Resolution No. Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation. Improvement Program 2006 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len(mi) Type Co Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total Bridge Construction 10 Sullivan Road West Bridge I 03 in P 14 Sullivan Road @ Spokane River #4511-S 04597 0.22 C City 87 80 7 0 87 C BR 348 320 28 0 348 Reconstruct and widen west bridge 400 35 0 435 Prelim.Engineering,Right-of-Way _ 11 Barker Road Bridge I 09 ❑ P T �� 14 Barker Road @ Spokane River #5503 0.10 C City 730 0 0 730 730 C BR 2,919 0 0 2,919 2,919 Replace bridge over the Spokane River. 0 0 3.649 3,649 Construction Bridge Construction Projects Total: 3,267 817 400 35 3,649 4,084 Total Program for 2006 7,842 6,266 352 2,033 1,373 3,345 11,775 16,493 Printed: 61612003 10 • City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: Adoption Date: Env.Assess.Date Resolution No. Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2007 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name . Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# P # Len(mi) T roj 1 Type O Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total • Urban Construction 1 Appleway Road S 03 ,r I P CPT 14 Appleway Road Tschirley Road Hodges Road 00031 1.26 C City 380 0 0 380 380 C STP(U) 2,433 0 0 2,433 2,433 Reconstruct to a five-lane urban arterial 0 0 2,813 2,813 Construction 2 Barker Road-Spokane River to SR 290 I 03 0 P 14 Barker Road Spokane River SR 290 00230 • 1.51 C City 76 0 76 0 76 C STP(U) 486 0 486 0 486 Reconstruct to a three-lane curbed arterial 0 562 0 562 •Right-of-Way 3 Evergreen Road I 03 © P 14 Evergreen Rd 32nd Avenue 16th Avenue 01170 1.00 C City 220 0 0 220 220 C City 180 0 180 0 180 • C AIP 720 0 720 0 720 Reconstruct and widen to three lanes 0 900 220 1,120 Construction 4 Park Road I 03 U P 14 Park Rd Broadway Av Indiana Av 03714 0.75 i C City 292 0 0 292 292 C AIP 1,168 0 0 1,168 1,168 Reconstruct and widen to five lanes 0 0 1,460 1,460 Printed: 6!6/2003 11 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: Adoption Date: Env.Assess.Date Resolution No. Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2007 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Pro)# Len(mi) Type 0 Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total 5 Bridging the Valley-Park Road/BNSF Grade Sep I 03 I S 14 Park Road Indiana Avenue Montgomery Ave. 03714 0.20 C City 249 0 0 249 249 C TPP 1,430 0 0 1,430 1,430 C Other Fed 132 0 0 132 132 C STP(U) 1,430 0 0 1,430 1,430 C Other Sta 1.790 0 0 1,790 1,790 C Other 265 0 0 265 265 Reconstruct Park Road to separate the grades of Park Road and the BNSF railroad 0 0 5,296 5,296 tracks. ___ Construction 6 Barker Road-8th to Broadway Avenue I 02 Z P CGPT 16 Barker Road 8th Avenue Broadway Avenue 00230 1.03 C City 70 23 47 0 70 C STP(U) 447 144 303 0 447 Reconstruct to a three-lane urban arterial from 8th to Appleway. Reconstruct to a four- 167 350 0 517 lane arterial with center turn lane from Appleway to Broadway Ave. Prelim.Engineering,Right-of-Way 7 Flora Road I 03 ✓I P 14 Flora Rd Sprague Av Mission Av 01344 1.00 • C City 27 27 0 0 27 C STP(U) 173 173 0 0 173 Reconstruct to a three-lane arterial. 200 0 0 200 8 32nd Avenue I 03 U P CGPTW 14 32nd Avenue SR 27 Best Road 05971 0.48 C City 90 0 0 90 90 C STP(U) 577 0 0 577 577 Reconstruct and widen to three lanes with curbs and sidewalks. 0 0 667 667 Construction • Printed: 6/6/2003 12 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: Adoption Date: Env.Assess.Date Resolution No. Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2007 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Pro'# Len(mi Type 1 yq Co Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total Urban Construction Projects Total: 5,678 5,108 265 1,584 367 1,812 10,456 12,635 Bridge Construction 9 Sullivan Road West Bridge I 03 gi P 14 Sullivan Road @ Spokane River #4511-S 04597 0.22 C City 757 0 0 757 757 C BR 3,026 0 0 3,026 3,026 Reconstruct and widen west bridge 0 0 3,783 3,783 Construction • Bridge Construction Projects Total: 3,026 757 0 0 3,783 3,783 Total Program for 2007 8,704 5,108 265 2,341 367 1,812 14,239 16,418 Printed: 6!6/2003 13 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: Adoption Date: Env.Assess. Date Resolution No. Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program • 2008 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City r Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# I-en(mi) Type O Stat Meth Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Coast Total Fund Source Urban Construction 1 Evergreen Road I 03 151 P 14 Evergreen Rd 32nd Avenue 16th Avenue 01170 1.00 C AIP 880 0 0 880 880 Reconstruct and widen to three lanes 0 0 880 860 2 Barker Road-8th to Broadway Avenue I 02 Q P CGPT 16 Barker Road 8th Avenue Broadway Avenue 00230 1.03 C City 142 0 142 0 142 C STP(U) 908 0 908 0 908 Reconstruct to a three-lane urban arterial from 8th to Appleway. Reconstruct to a four- 0 1,050 0 1,050 lane arterial with center turn lane from Appleway to Broadway Ave. Right-of-Way 3 Barker Road-Spokane River to SR 290 I 03 ❑ P 14 Barker Road Spokane River SR 290 00230 1.51 C City 386 0 0 386 386 C STP(U) 2,472 0 0 2,472 2,472 Reconstruct to a three-lane curbed arterial 0 0 2,858 2,858 Construction 4 Valley Couplet-Project 3 2797 S 01 Q S CGPTW 14 Valley Couplet Evergreen Road Sullivan Road 08000 1.02 C City 80 30 50 0 80 C STP(U) 194 194 0 0 194 T. Construct multi-lane facility with curbs and sidewalks. Remove islands on Sprague 224 50 0 274 Avenue and restripe. Right-of-Way Printed: 645/2003 14 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: Adoption Date: Env.Assess.Date Resolution No. Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2008 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Pro # Len(mi) Type j ) yP O Slat Puleth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total 5 Flora Road I 03 121 P 14 Flora Rd Sprague Av Mission Av 01344 1.00 C City 108 0 108 0 108 C STP(U) 692 0 692 0 692 Reconstruct to a three-lane arterial. 0 800 0 800 6 Valley Couplet-Project 2 2883 S 01 0 S 14 Sprague Ave University Rd Evergreen Rd 04538 2.02 14 2nd Avenue University Rd Evergreen Rd 00001 2.02 C City 50 12 38 0 50 C TPP 480 120 360 0 480 C STP(U) 292 69 223 0 292 Construct multi-lane facility with curbs and sidewalks. Remove islands on Sprague 201 621 0 822 Avenue and restripe. Prelim.Engineering,Right-of-Way _ 7 �� Bowdish Road - __ `- - - I 03 0 P CGPTW -�v 14 Bowdish Road 32nd Avenue 8th Avenue 00297 1.52 C City 132 32 100 0 132 C AIP 527 127 400 0 527 Reconstruct and widen roadway to three lanes. 159 500 0 659 Preliminary Engineering_ _ Urban Construction Projects Total: 4,558 1,887 898 584 3,021 3,738 7,343 l Printed: 61612003 15 City of Spokane Valley .Hearing Date: Adoption Date: Env.Assess.Date Resolution No. Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2008 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands . Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work c Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Road Pro Item Class Status From To Len Type J# Len(mi) yP 0 Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R,W, Const Total Bridge Construction 8 Sullivan Road West Bridge I 03 5 P 14 Sullivan Road @ Spokane River #4511-S 04597 0.22 C City 757 0 0 757 757 C BR 3,026 0 0 3,026 3,026 Reconstruct and widen west bridge 0 0 3,783 3,783 Bridge Construction Projects Total: • 3,026 757 0 0 3,783 3,783 Total Program for 2008 7,584 1,887 1,655 584 3,021 7,521 11,126 I Printed: 6/6/2003 16 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: Adoption Date: Env.Assess,Date Resolution No. Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2009 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item -' Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len(mi) Type O Stat Meth Fund Source Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total Urban Construction 1 Valley Couplet-Project 4 S 01 2 P CGPTW 14 Valley Couplet Sullivan Road Appleway Road 08000 1.19 . C City 54 37 17 0 54 C STP(U) 350 242 108 0 350 Construct four lanes with curbs and sidewalks. Remove islands on Sprague Avenue and 279 125 0 404 restripe. Preliminary Engineering 2 Valley Couplet-Project 2 �� 2883 S 01 Q S 14 Sprague Ave University Rd Evergreen Rd 04538 2.02 14 2nd Avenue University Rd Evergreen Rd 00001 2.02 C City 50 12 38 0 50 C TPP 480 120 360 0 480 C STP(U) 292 69 223 0 292 Construct multi-tane facility with curbs and sidewalks. Remove islands on Sprague 201 621 0 822 Avenue and restripe, Prelim.Engineering,Right-of-Way 3 Sullivan Road I 03 2 P 14 Sullivan Road Euclid Avenue Wellesley Avenue 04597 1.00 C City 93 93 0 0 93 Reconstruct to a seven-lane urban arterial.Widen bridges at Spokane River,UPRR, 93 0 0 93 BNRR, and SR 290 Prelim. Engineering 4 Valley Couplet-Project 3 2797 S 01 2. S CGPTW 14 Valley Couplet Evergreen Road Sullivan Road 08000 1.02 C City 148 0 61 87 148 C STP(U) 947 0 390 557 947 Construct multi-lane facility with curbs and sidewalks. Remove islands on Sprague 0 451 644 1,095 Avenue and restripe. Complete construction Printed: 616/2003 17 City of Spokane Valley Hearing Date: Adoption Date: Env.Assess.Date Resolution No. Department of Public Works 2004 - 2009 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2009 Annual Construction Program Dollars in thousands Project Name Road Names Program Func Work Scope Envir Work C Fund Work Utilities Fed State Other City Item Class Status From To Road# Proj# Len(mi) Type O Stat Meth Funds Funds Funds Funds P.E. R.W. Const Total Fund Source 5 Flora Road I 03 &I P 14 Flora Rd Sprague Av Mission Av 01344 1.00 C City 203 0 0 203 203 C STP(U) 1,297 0 0 1,297 1,297 Reconstruct to a three-lane arterial. 0 0 1,500 1,500 6 Euclid Rd/Flora Rd I 03 D P 17 Euclid Av Flora Road Barker Road 01166 0.97 16 Flora Rd Euclid Road Euclid Road 01345 0.14 C City 50 50 0 0 50 Reconstruct to provide a two lane, shouldered arterial 50 0 0 50 Prelim. Engineering 7 Bowdish Road I 03 0 P CGPTW 14 Bowdish Road 32nd Avenue 8th Avenue 00297 1.52 C City 210 0 100 110 210 C AIP 838 0 400 438 838 Reconstruct and widen roadway to three lanes. 0 500 548 1,048 Right-of-Way • 8 Barker Road-8th to Broadway Avonuo I 02 2 P CGPT 16 Barker Road 8th Avenue Broadway Avenue 00230 1.03 _ C City 271 0 0 271 271 C STP(U) 1,732 0 0 1,732 1,732 l Reconstruct to a three-lane urban arterial from 8th to Appleway. Reconstruct to a four- 0 0 2,003 2,003 lane arterial with center turn lane from Appleway to Broadway Ave. Construction ■ Printed: 6/6/2003 18