Resolution 03-034 Granting Temporary Easement to WA DOT CiTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY • Spokane County,Washington Resolution No. 03-034 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON GRANTING A TEMPORARY EASEMENT TO THE WASI.1INGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WI-EEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley is the record owner of the following described lands. All City streets abutting the SR 90, Argonne Rd. 1/C Vicinity to Pines Rd. iIC Vicinity project, including but not limited to Locust Street, Farr Road, Sunderland Road, Woodruff Road, Felts Road, Balfour Street, Raymond Road, and Bowdish Street situate in Spokane County, State of Washington; and WHEREAS, in the improvement of SR 90, Argonne Rd. 1/C Vicinity to Pines Rd. I/C Vicinity, by the State of Washington, Department of Transportation, it is necessary and advisable for the State of Washington to acquire a temporary easement over a portion of said lands for highway improvement purposes as described in Attachment"1" Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, after due consideration by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, it appears to said Council that it will be in the best interests of both the City of Spokane Valley and the State of Washington that the City grant a Temporary Easement on said lands to the State of Washington for benefits derived between the parties herein, and other valuable consideration. NOW, TIIEREFOR.E be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley as follows: Section 1. Temporary Easement Granted. In accordance with RCW 47.12.040 the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute and deliver said Temporary Easement to the State of Washington, Department of Transportation. Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage by the Spokane Valley City Council. ADOPTED this o ' day of May, 2003. Resolution No.03-034 1 5/19/2003 ATTEST: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ___CL236 1 Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Mayor Michael DeV ming Approved as to Form: Ciorney .'o y M. Sc vartz Resolution No.03-034 5119/2003