Resolution 03-032 Adopting Pay Plan CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 03-032 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A PAY PLAN FOR TIME CITY. WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 44, which, in part, provided for the adoption of a pay plan and outlined the mechanism by which the City Manager would appoint employees to positions within the adopted pay plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted an annual budget for 2003 which enumerated and authorized City positions, salary grades and minimum/maximum pay rates for full-time City employees for FY 2003; and WHEREAS, the Council desires to adopt a pay plan to for all classified positions of.the City; and WHEREAS, the grades of the attached pay plan correspond to the accompanying grade and salary schedule included as Exhibit"A" in the adopted FY 2003 Annual Budget; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1.. Pay Plan Adopted. The 2003 City of Spokane Valley Pay Plan, attached hereto as Attachment "A", is adopted by this reference as if fully set forth herein. Section 2. Progression Within the Pay Range. Upon satisfactory performance, the City Manager may annually grant an employee a one (1)step pay increase. When an employee has reached the open range of the respective pay grade, a variable pay increase of zero to six percent (0%-6%)may be granted by the City Manager based upon successful completion of an approved performance plan. A similar increase, based upon subsequent performance plans and reviews, may he granted annually thereafter until the employee has reached the maximum pay rate for the position. Section 3. Administrative Policies and Procedures. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to develop, adopt and implement administrative policies and procedures to implement the adopted pay plan of the City. Section 4 Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effective upon adoption. S:1ResolutionslRcsolution 03.032-PayPlan.DOC Adopted this day of May, 2003. City of Spokane V ley Q-AJA Mayor Michael DeVlemit g ATTEST: ■ Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved as to Form: I ter City r ey, Statil . Schwartz S:IResolutions\Resolution 03-032-PayPlan.DOC Exhibit "A" Resolution No. 03-032 City of Spokane Valley 2003 Pay Plan GRADE BASIS Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 0%-6%YEAR BASED ON PERFORMANCE MAXIMUM 1 Monthly 768 799 831 864 985 Annual 9216 9588 9972 10368 11820 Hourly 4.43 4.61 4.79 4.98 5.68 • 2 Monthly 948 986 1025 1066 1216 ' Annual 11376 11832 12300 12792 14592 Hourly 5.47 5.69 5.91 6.15 7.02 3 Monthly 1054 1096 1140 1186 1351 Annual 12648 13152 13680 14232 16212 Hourly 6.08 6.32 • 6.58 6.84 7.79 4 Monthly 1171 1218 1267 1318 1501 Annual 14052 14616 15204 15816 18012 Hourly 6.76 7.03 7.31 7.60 8.66 5 Monthly 1301 1353 1407 1463 1668 Annual 15612 16236 16884 17556 20016 Hourly .7.51 7.81 8.12 8.44 9.62 6 Monthly 1445 1503 1563 1626 1853 Annual 17340 18036 18756 19512 22236 Hourly 8.34 8.67 9,02 9.38 10.69 7 . Monthly 1606 1670 1737 1806 2059 Annual 19272 20040 20844 21672 24708 Hourly 9.27 9.63 10.02 10.42 11.88 8 Monthly 1785 1856 1930 2007 2288 ., Annual 21420 22272 23160 24084 27456 Hourly 10.30 10.71 11.13 11.58 13.20 9 Monthly 1983 2062 2144 2230 2542 Annual 23796 24744 25728 26760 • 30504 Hourly 11.44 11.90 12.37 12.87 14.67 411012003 1 Exhibit "A" Resolution No. 03-032 . City of Spokane Valley 2003 Pay Plan GRADE BASIS Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 0%-6%YEAR BASED ON PERFORMANCE MAXIMUM 10 Monthly 2203 2291 2382 2478 2824 Annual 26436 27492 28584 29736 33888 Hourly 12.71 13.22 13.74 14.30 16.29 11 Monthly 2448 2546 2648 2753 3138 Annual 29376 30552 31776 33036 37656 Hourly 14.12 14.69 15.28 15.88 18.10 12 Monthly 2720 2829 2942 3059 3487 Annual 32640 33948 35304 36708 41844 Hourly 15.69 16.32 16.97 17.65 20.12 13 Monthly 3022 3143 3269 3400 3874 Annual 36264 37716 39228 40800 46488 Hourly 17.43 18.13 18.86 19.62 22.35 14 Monthly 3358 3492 3632 3777 4305 Annual 40296 41904 43584 45324 51660 Hourly 19.37 20.15 20.95 21.79 24.84 15 Monthly 3731 3880 4035 4196 4783 Annual 44772 46560 48420 50352 57396 Hourly 21.53 22.38 23.28 24.21 27.59 16 • Monthly 4145 4311 4483 4662 5314 Annual 49740 51732 53796 55944 63768 Hourly 23.91 24.87 25.86 26.90 30.66 17 Monthly 4606 4790 4982 5181 5905 Annual 55272 57480 59784 62172 70860 Hourly 26.57 27.63 28.74 29.89 34.07 18 Monthly 5118 5322 5535 5757 6561 Annual 61416 63864 66420 69084 78732 4/10/2003 2 Exhibit "A" Resolution No. 03-032 City of Spokane Valley 2003 Pay Plan GRADE BASIS Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 0%-6%YEAR BASED ON PERFORMANCE MAXIMUM Hourly 29.53 30.70 31.93 33.21 37.85 19 Monthly 5686 5913 6150 6396 7290 Annual 68232 70956 73800 76752 87480 Hourly 32.80 34.11 35.48 36.90 42.06 20 Monthly 6318 6571 6834 7107 8100 Annual 75816 78852 82008 85284 97200 Hourly 36.45 37.91 39.43 41.00 46.73 21 Monthly 7020 7301 7593 7897 9000 Annual 84240 87612 91116 94764 108000 Hourly 40.50 42.12 43.81 45.56 51.92 22 Monthly 7800 8112 8436 8774 10000 Annual 93600 97344 101232 105288 120000 Hourly 45.00 46.80 48.67 50.62 57.69 23 Monthly 8666 9012 9373 9748 1110 Annual 103992 108144 112476 116976 13320 Hourly 50.00 51.99 54.08 56.24 6.40 4/10/2003 3