Resolution 03-026 Providing Support for "Bridging the Valley" • RESOLUTION NO 03-026 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON A RESOLUTION OF Ti-lE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PROVIDING SUPPORT FOR THE "BRIDGING OF THE VALLEY." WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley contains a number of at grade railroad crossings which frequently reduces the efficient movement of pedestrians and vehicles throughout the City; WHEREAS, while the City recognizes the importance of rail service to and through the City of Spokane Valley, the City desires to reduce and eliminate, to the extent feasible, the conflicts between pedestrians, vehicles and trains; WHEREAS, a concept called "Bridging the Valley" has been developed that calls for constructing eleven (11) grade separations to eliminate conflicts between pedestrians, vehicles and trains, as well as, relocate the current Union Pacific Railroad Main Line to the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Corridor; \VI-IEREAS, the above identified relocation and construction will accomplish the following: 1. Create a safer regional transportation system by eliminating numerous at grade rail crossings; 2. Significantly reduce traffic congestion and associated delay which will improve the efficiency of the City and regional transportation network; 3. Improve air quality within the City as well as Spokane County by reducing pedestrian, vehicle and train conflicts; 4. Relocate rail traffic in a safer and more efficient operating environment; and 5. Increase the access and mobility of people, freight and goods throughout the corridor which will result in economic benefit to all persons and businesses within the area. WHEREAS, the above project has considerable support in Washington State and Idaho State including the jurisdictions of Spokane County, City of Spokane, City of Coeur d'Alene, Rathtrom and Athol, Idaho plus State agencies such as Washington State Department of Transportation and the Idaho Transportation Department. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington as follows: 1. The City Council, on behalf of the City, expresses its support for the "Bridging of the Valley" as generally described above for the purpose of reducing and Page 1 S:IRssolutions\Resolution03-026,IIritlge valley support.doc eliminating the conflicts between the movement of pedestrians, vehicles and trains. The City Council believes it is in the best interest of the City to construct grade separations in order to elevate the movement of trains through the construction of bridges and other overpasses and thereby eliminate and reduce the conflicts between pedestrians, vehicles and trains. 2. The City Council further believes that the concept of "Bridging the Valley" is in the best interests of the citizens and businesses located within the City and request that this concept be advanced before local jurisdictions, the States of Washington and Idaho and the federal government in order to obtain support and funding to provide for the matters and objectives outlined above. Adopted thisa_aday of April, 2003. City of Spokane Valley � 1 ..111 Z►L �. Mayor Michael DeVleming • ATTEST: (riezezelazti Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved as to Form: I teri, City A a 7, Stanley Z 1. Schwartz Page 2 S;1 Resolutions\Resolution03-026,fridge Valley suppon.dor