Resolution 03-025 Approving Part-Time Temporary Employee Salary Grades CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO.03-025 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON,APPROVING SALARY GRADES FOR PART-TIME TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES,THE SENIOR CENTER SPECIALIST,AND DEPUTY ATTORNEY WHEREAS,the City Council has adopted an annual budget for 2003 which enumerated and authorized City positions, salary grades and pay rates for full-time employees for FY 2003;and WHEREAS,a full-time Senior Center Specialist position was established in the adopted budget and needs to be included in the approved salary plan;and WHEREAS, a full-time Deputy City Attorney position was established in the adopted budget and needs to be included in the approved salary plan;and WHEREAS,the City Council desires to establish salary grades for anticipated part-time temporary positions to be hired during FY 2003; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley,Spokane County, Washington,as follows: Section 1. Salary Grades Adopted for Specific Positions. The following pay grades are hereby adopted,which grades correspond to the accompanying salary schedule included and approved in the adopted FY 2003 Annual Budget: Position Pay Grade Deputy City Attorney 16($4,112-$5,3 14 per month) Senior Center Specialist 13 ($2,998-S3,874 per month) Part-Time Recreation Assistant 5($7.45-$9.62 per hour) Part-Time Clerical Assistant 5($7.45 -S9.62 per hour) Section 2. Effective Date_ This Resolution shall be in full force and effective following adoption. Adopted this day of April,2003. City of Sp ck ane 'alley. Mayor Michael DeVle mg ATTEST:_____,, , A Interim City Clerk, Ruth Muller Approved as to Form: l ter' City A 4„/.._ Stanley M, chwartz