Resolution 03-017 Support for Multi-Modal Limited Access, N/S Transportation Corridor CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 03-017 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON EXPRESSiNG SUPPORT FOR ONGOING ACTIVITIES IN CONNECTION WITH A MULTI-MODAL, LIMITED ACCESS, NORTH-SOUTH TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR WHEREAS, the concept of a north-south freeway was formulated in 1946, in recognition of the need to provide for increasing vehicular travel in north Spokane County; and, WIIEREAS, various studies, plans and programs have been subjected to public hearings and have been the subject of comment from the general public, interested groups and units of local government on a more-or-less continuous basis ever since; and, WHEREAS, an exhaustive, five-year environmental impact statement has recently been completed which has identified the preferred corridor option for a limited- access, high-speed transportation route; and, WHEREAS the EIS has been approved by the State Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration; and, WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation has determined that a new limited access facility can be constructed in useable links during the next 20 years, or sooner if adequate funding is appropriated; and, WHEREAS, the continuation of this process is critical if this region wishes to provide for the safe and efficient movement of its citizens, along with the freight and goods that they produce and consume; and, WHEREAS, it is now time to move forward with the design and right-of-way acquisition to bring this project to reality; and, WHEREAS, the costs of the project will increase if it is delayed any further; and, WHEREAS, the residents of this community, civic leaders, government officials, and lawmakers must join together to support this project and work diligently to ensure its continued funding and ultimate completion; Rcso.No.03-017,support north-south freeway 1 NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, that the Spokane Valley City Council supports the continuing development of this limited access facility. Adopted this l< day of February, 2003. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY 1 L_ Mayor Michael DeVleming ATTEST: E-47L Interim City Clerk, Rut Muller Approved as to Form: I •m City tt a, Stanley . Schwartz Rcso.No.03-017,support north-south freeway 2