Resolution 02-001 Expressing Appreciation to Incorporation & Transition Committees CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 02-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO THE SPOKANE VALLEY INCORPORATION AND TRANSITION COMMITTEES. WHEREAS, a Notice of a proposed incorporation was filed with the Spokane County Commissioners on August 24, 2000 by Ed Mertens as a proponent for the incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley; WHEREAS, the Boundary Review Board following the incorporation study, public testimony and investigation adopted findings and conclusions which related to the proposed incorporation on December 13, 2001; WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley encompasses approximately 38.5 square miles with an estimated population of 80,693 people located in Spokane County, Washington; WHEREAS, the voters of Spokane County on May 21, 2002 voted in favor of Proposition No. 1 which provided for the incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley; WHEREAS, subsequent to the incorporation vote, numerous individuals devoted their time and effort through various committees in order to study and make reports to the citizens and the City Council on Municipal services including, but not limited to, finance and administration, public safety, public works and infrastructure, community and economic development, streets and transportation and other matters relating to the formation of the new City; WHEREAS, the time and effort of the incorporation and transition committee members has resulted in reports and studies which will be beneficial in guiding the future services and development of the City; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley through its City Council desires to express sincere appreciation for the work and effort of the individuals and committees. NOW, THEREFORE, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington as follows: 1. Appreciation, The Mayor and City Council express their appreciation to both the Incorporation and Transition Committees recognizing that their time and effort will result in the successful development and incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley. To memorialize this appreciation the Mayor will issue Certificates of Appreciation from the City of Spokane Valley to the A\Resolution 02-01.dac 1 • members of the above committees. 2. Reports. The City Council accepts the reports of the Transition Committees and, as necessary, will at future meetings of the City Council seek presentations and additional information from the Transition Committees. 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage by the Spokane Valley City Council. Adopted this .,-- day of ,j 4/ erT 2002. City of Spokane Valley ta.7Mayor Attest: Interim City Clerk Approved as to Form: te, m City tto 'ey A:1Resoluiion 02-01.doc 2