Resolution 02-001(I) Selecting Interim Bank for Banking Services RESOLUTION NO. 02-1(I) CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SELECTING FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK TO PROVIDE LIMITED INTERIM BANKING SERVICES. • WHEREAS, the voters of Spokane County on May 21, 2002 voted in favor of Proposition 1 which provided for the incorporation of the City of Spokane Valley; WHEREAS, the newly elected Council Members in order plan and prepare for the incorporation of the new City of Spokane Valley must hire staff, obtain equipment and arrange for financing during the interim period including selecting a interim bank to provide limited financial services related to the formation of the new City; WHEREAS, the City of Liberty Lake has offered a $50,000.00 loan at little or no interest to be used during the interim period; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes that Farmers &. Merchants Bank is best suited to provide interim services until the City issues a request for proposals for complete and comprehensive financial/banking services. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington as follows: The City Council selects Farmers & Merchants Bank as the financial institution to provide interim banking services to the City including the establishment of a checking account and related limited financial services. Staff is directed to contact the bank and obtain a contract for interim services to be considered by the City Council. The City Council desires to authorize the following individuals to sign checks on behalf of the City of Spokane Valley: (1) Mike Flanigan, City Council Member; (2) Dick Denenny, City Council Member; and (3) Lee Walton, Interim City Manager. Approved this day of Naff Leh 2002. CiTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COUNCIL MEMBERS • G:1C1City of Spokane Va11ey1Resolutions\Resolution 02-1(i)_dor 1 4 / By ci, V . L 6-6-, By: /� Diana Wilhite Richar unison Council Position No. 1 Council Position No. 5 By: (J{�r tL By: /� ? , L Steve Taylor Mike Plan' an ! v Council Position No. 2 Council Position No. 6 By: ,`U ` B Mike De eming Dick Denenny Council Positi o. 3 Council Position No. 7 By: 4/7 Gary Schimmels Council Position No. 4 Ci:1C\City of Spokane Vallcy\Resolutionss\Resoludon 02-I(i).doc 2